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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3671



No. 2480 Session of 2008

           MAY 2, 2008

           MAY 2, 2008

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the Mid-Atlantic Area National Corridor Compact
     2     for the purpose of asserting jurisdiction over the location
     3     and construction of cross-borders electric energy
     4     transmission facilities and transmission corridors; and
     5     providing for the form of the compact and for its
     6     implementation and expiration.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9  Section 1.  Short title.
    10     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Mid-Atlantic
    11  Area National Corridor Compact Act.
    12  Section 2.  Execution of compact.
    13     The Governor of Pennsylvania, on behalf of this Commonwealth,
    14  is hereby authorized to and shall execute the Mid-Atlantic Area
    15  National Corridor Compact, hereinafter referred to as the
    16  "compact," with two or more of the party states. The General
    17  Assembly hereby signifies in advance its approval and
    18  ratification of the compact and such compact is hereby adopted

     1  and entered into with all states joining therein. The compact
     2  shall be in substantially the following form:
     3            Mid-Atlantic Area National Corridor Compact
     4                             Article I
     6                          AND DECLARATIONS
     7  Section 1.1.  Purpose of compact.
     8     The purpose of this compact is to promote regional
     9  cooperation in the location, approval and construction of cross-
    10  borders electric energy transmission facilities in the Mid-
    11  Atlantic region of the United States by the development of a
    12  regional transmission line siting council to facilitate the
    13  siting of cross-borders electric energy transmission facilities
    14  within the compact states and to perform the interstate electric
    15  energy transmission siting responsibilities of such states.
    16  Section 1.2.  Findings and declaration.
    17     The legislatures of the party states hereby find and declare
    18  as follows:
    19         (1)  The authority to review and approve applications to
    20     locate and construct electric energy transmission facilities
    21     is conveyed by state law or regulation to public utility
    22     commissions or similarly situated agencies of other states.
    23         (2)  In 2005, the Congress passed and the President
    24     signed the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (Public Law 109-58, 11
    25     Stat. 594).
    26         (3)  Title XII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 enacted
    27     the "Electricity Modernization Act of 2005" and directs the
    28     Secretary of the United States Department of Energy, in
    29     consultation with affected states, to conduct a study,
    30     triennially, of electric transmission congestion nationwide;
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     1     and, after considering alternatives and recommendations from
     2     interested parties, to issue a report based on the congestion
     3     study that may designate any geographic area experiencing
     4     electric transmission capacity constraints or congestion that
     5     adversely affects consumers as a "national interest electric
     6     transmission corridor."
     7         (4)  The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission shall have
     8     the authority to issue one or more permits for the
     9     construction or modification of electric transmission
    10     facilities in a national interest electric transmission
    11     corridor designated by the United States Secretary of Energy,
    12     if certain conditions or circumstances exist.
    13         (5)  A person holding a permit issued by the Federal
    14     Energy Regulatory Commission for the construction or
    15     modification of electric energy transmission facilities on
    16     public or private property situated within a national
    17     interest electric transmission corridor would have the
    18     authority to exercise federal eminent domain authority.
    19         (6)  Although the authority conveyed to the United States
    20     Department of Energy and the Federal Energy Regulatory
    21     Commission under the Energy Policy Act of 2005 may interfere
    22     with the traditional and statutory authority of public
    23     utility commissions, and similarly situated agencies of other
    24     states, to review and approve applications for the location
    25     and construction of cross-borders electric energy
    26     transmission lines and related facilities in this
    27     Commonwealth and such other states, the Congress gave its
    28     consent for three or more contiguous states to enter into an
    29     interstate compact for the purpose of establishing "regional
    30     transmission siting agencies" to (i) facilitate siting of
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     1     future electric transmission facilities within compact
     2     states; and (ii) carry out the electric energy transmission
     3     siting responsibilities of those states.
     4         (7)  A "regional transmission siting agency" established
     5     through a compact between three or more contiguous states
     6     would have the authority to review, certify and permit the
     7     siting of cross-borders electric energy transmission
     8     facilities, including such facilities proposed to be located
     9     and constructed in a national interest electric transmission
    10     corridor, and would provide a "one-stop" licensing process.
    11         (8)  This compact is entered to enable the party states
    12     as signatories to act together to achieve uniformity of
    13     regulations to govern the location and construction of cross-
    14     borders electric energy transmission facilities in the Mid-
    15     Atlantic region and, thereby, facilitate the location and
    16     construction of such facilities.
    17         (9)  The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of
    18     Pennsylvania declares and the Legislature of each party state
    19     affirms that the compact as herein provided is in the public
    20     interest, and that the development of a regional transmission
    21     siting council shall be deemed to be an exercise of the
    22     police power of the party states for the protection of public
    23     safety, health and welfare of the citizens thereof.
    24                             Article II
    25                            DEFINITIONS
    26  Section 2.1.  Definitions.
    27     For the purpose of this compact and of any supplemental or
    28  concurring legislation enacted pursuant hereto, the following
    29  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    30  section, except as may be otherwise required by the context:
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     1     "Affected Federal agency."  The United States Department of
     2  Energy, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and the United
     3  States Environmental Protection Agency and any other agency of
     4  the United States Government affected by section 1221 of the
     5  Energy Policy Act of 2005 (Public Law 109-58, 11 Stat. 594).
     6     "Associated facilities."  Facilities essential to the
     7  transport of electrical power over high-voltage transmission
     8  lines, including, but not limited to, insulators, towers,
     9  substations and terminals.
    10     "Compact."  The Mid-Atlantic Area National Corridor Compact
    11  established pursuant to this act.
    12     "Council."  The Mid-Atlantic Area States Council as
    13  established in this compact.
    14     "Cross-borders electric energy transmission facility."  A
    15  proposed interstate high-voltage transmission line and any
    16  associated facilities.
    17     "DOE."  The United States Department of Energy.
    18     "Eligible state."  Any state contiguous to a party state that
    19  elects to become a signatory to this compact.
    20     "FERC."  The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
    21     "Federal acts."  Any applicable requirement of:
    22         (1)  The National Forest Management Act of 1976 (Public
    23     Law 94-588, 16 U.S.C. § 472a et seq.).
    24         (2)  The Endangered Species Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-
    25     205, 16 U.S.C. § 1531 et seq.).
    26         (3)  The Federal Water Pollution Control Act (62 Stat.
    27     1155, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et seq.).
    28         (4)  The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
    29     (Public Law 91-190, 42 U.S.C. § 4321 et seq.).
    30         (5)  The Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976
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     1     (Public Law 94-579, 43 U.S.C. § 1701 et seq.).
     2     "High-voltage transmission line."  A conductor of electric
     3  energy and associated facilities designed for or capable of
     4  generating at nominal voltage of 100 kilovolts or more either
     5  immediately or without significant modification or which would
     6  be under the operational control of a regional transmission
     7  organization.
     8     "Indian tribe."  Any Indian or Alaska Native tribe, band,
     9  nation, pueblo, village or community that the Secretary of the
    10  United States Department of the Interior acknowledges to exist
    11  as an Indian tribe.
    12     "Interested party."  The term shall include the governmental
    13  bodies of any political subdivision of a party state, state
    14  agencies of a party state, Indian tribes domiciled within the
    15  party states and persons residing or owning property in each
    16  such party state through which a transmission corridor or
    17  electric energy transmission facility is proposed.
    18     "Mid-Atlantic Area National Corridor."  The District of
    19  Columbia and all or parts of the states of Delaware, Maryland,
    20  New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West
    21  Virginia designated as a national interest electric transmission
    22  corridor by the Secretary of the United States Department of
    23  Energy.
    24     "National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor" or
    25  "NIETC."  Any geographic area of the United States where
    26  transmission congestion or constraints adversely affect
    27  consumers as designated at the discretion of the Secretary of
    28  the United States Department of Energy.
    29     "Party state" or "compact state."  Any states situated within
    30  the mid-Atlantic area national corridor that are signatories of
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     1  this compact and any eligible state.
     2     "Political subdivision."  Any county, city, borough,
     3  incorporated town, township or any equivalent unit of local
     4  government of a party state.
     5     "Regional Transmission Organization" or "RTO."  An
     6  independent entity that controls, manages and operates regional
     7  electric transmission grids free of any discriminatory
     8  practices.
     9     "Secretary."  The Secretary of the United States Department
    10  of Energy.
    11     "Transmission corridor."  A geographic area proposed for the
    12  location, construction and operation of one or more cross-
    13  borders high-voltage transmission lines.
    14                            Article III
    16                       COMPACT ADMINISTRATORS
    17  Section 3.1.  Establishment of council.
    18         (1)  There is hereby established a council to be known as
    19     the Mid-Atlantic Area States Council, which shall be a body
    20     politic and corporate, with succession for the duration of
    21     this compact, as an agency and instrumentality of the
    22     governments of the party states that are signatories of this
    23     compact.
    24         (2)  The council shall consist of the chairman of each
    25     party state's public utility commission or public service
    26     commission, as the case may be, or the person holding an
    27     equivalent position who is engaged in the regulation of
    28     electric utilities in each party state, or a designee of the
    29     chairman or other person.
    30         (3)  The person serving as the Secretary of Environmental
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     1     Protection and the person serving as the Secretary of
     2     Conservation and Natural Resources or persons holding
     3     similarly situated positions in a party state or designees of
     4     such secretaries or other persons shall serve as members of
     5     the council. If no such persons in similarly situated
     6     positions exist in a party state, the Governor of that state
     7     shall appoint two individuals with expertise in energy policy
     8     as it relates to protection of the environment, conservation
     9     and natural resources and land use as that state's
    10     representatives on the council, provided, however, that a
    11     person so appointed shall not have any pecuniary interest in
    12     any corporation, electric utility or other person operating
    13     or interested in establishing an electric energy transmission
    14     facility in a party state or in any affiliate, intermediary,
    15     subsidiary or holding company of such corporation, electric
    16     utility or other person.
    17         (4)  The council shall elect annually from among its
    18     members a chairperson, a vice-chairperson and a treasurer
    19     whose offices shall rotate annually among the party states,
    20     with such powers and duties as the council shall in its
    21     bylaws prescribe. At no time shall any such office be held by
    22     council members from the same party states.
    23         (5)  A member of the council may designate a deputy or
    24     assistant to act in the place of such member, with full
    25     authority to attend meetings of the council and with power to
    26     discharge the duties and functions of such member either for
    27     the duration of membership of the appointing member or for
    28     any lesser time, unless otherwise provided by law of the
    29     party state of such member. A designee so appointed shall
    30     serve only at the direction and during the term of the
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     1     appointing member and shall be subject to removal at the
     2     pleasure of such appointing member.
     3         (6)  The council shall appoint an executive director who
     4     shall serve at the pleasure of the council and who shall have
     5     such powers and duties as the council shall in its bylaws
     6     impose. The executive director shall serve as secretary of
     7     the council and, together with the treasurer, shall be bonded
     8     in such amounts as the council may in its bylaws require. The
     9     executive director, on behalf of, as trustee for, and with
    10     approval of the council as its bylaws shall require, may
    11     borrow, accept or contract for the services of personnel from
    12     any party state, any other state government or any political
    13     subdivision or agency thereof, from any intergovernmental
    14     agency, or from any institution, person, firm or corporation,
    15     and may accept for any of the council's purposes and
    16     functions under this compact any and all donations, gifts and
    17     grants of money, equipment, supplies, materials and services
    18     from any party state, any other government or political
    19     subdivision or agency thereof, or intergovernmental agency,
    20     or from any institution, person, firm or corporation, and may
    21     receive and utilize the same.
    22         (7)  The council may, without regard to the civil service
    23     or other laws of any party state relative to public officers
    24     and employees, create and abolish offices, employment and
    25     positions as it deems necessary for the purposes of the
    26     council, affix and provide for the duties, conditions for
    27     employment, qualifications, appointment, removal, term,
    28     compensation and other rights and benefits of the council's
    29     officers and employees. The council shall appoint the
    30     principal officers of the council and allocate among them
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     1     administrative functions, powers and duties necessary to
     2     carry out its purposes under this compact.
     3         (8)  The council may maintain one or more offices for the
     4     transaction of its business and shall meet as often as it
     5     requires at such time and place as it shall determine. Each
     6     council member shall be reimbursed for travel expenses in
     7     accordance with the laws, regulations or policies of the
     8     council member's party state.
     9         (9)  The organizational meeting of the council shall be
    10     held within six months of the effective date of this compact.
    11  Section 3.2.  Council bylaws.
    12         (1)  The council shall adopt bylaws for the conduct of
    13     its business by a two-thirds vote and shall have the power by
    14     the same vote to amend and rescind its bylaws. The council
    15     shall publish its bylaws in convenient form with the
    16     Secretary of the Commonwealth or, in the case of other party
    17     states, with the appropriate agency or officer of each
    18     participating party state. The bylaws shall, among other
    19     things, provide for the powers and duties of the executive
    20     director of the council and for adequate notice to the
    21     council members and the general public of all meetings and
    22     hearings, and of the business to be transacted at such
    23     meetings and hearings of the council. Adequate notice of all
    24     meetings and hearings of the council shall be provided to the
    25     public and to other agencies and officers of party states in
    26     accordance with the laws and regulations of such states or in
    27     accordance with the requirements of this compact.
    28         (2)  The council shall have a seal.
    29  Section 3.3.  Voting.
    30         (1)  Each party state shall be entitled to one vote in
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     1     the conduct of the business of the council.
     2         (2)  All actions taken by the council, except for actions
     3     to designate a transmission corridor and approve the location
     4     and construction of a cross-borders electric energy
     5     transmission facility proposed to be sited in a national
     6     interest electric transmission corridor, shall be by majority
     7     vote of the members present.
     8         (3)  Any actions of the council to designate a
     9     transmission corridor or approve the location and
    10     construction of a cross-borders electric energy transmission
    11     facility proposed to be sited in a national interest electric
    12     transmission corridor shall require a unanimous vote of all
    13     members of the council in whose states the transmission
    14     corridor is proposed to be designated or a cross-borders
    15     electric energy transmission facility is proposed to be
    16     located and constructed.
    17         (4)  Except as provided in paragraph (3), no action of
    18     the council shall be binding unless taken at a meeting at
    19     which a majority of all party states are represented and
    20     unless a majority of the total number of votes are cast in
    21     favor thereof.
    22         (5)  In addition to the powers and duties elsewhere
    23     prescribed in this compact, the council shall have the power
    24     to make and enforce rules and regulations as it deems
    25     necessary to implement the provisions of this compact or to
    26     effectuate in any other respect the purposes of this compact.
    27  Section 3.4.  Compact administrators.
    28         (1)  The chairman of each party state's public utility
    29     commission or public service commission, as the case may be,
    30     or the person holding an equivalent position who is
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     1     responsible for regulating electric utilities in each such
     2     party state shall act as compact administrator for that
     3     state. The compact administrator shall consult with like
     4     officials of the party states, and shall foster cooperation
     5     between such states in the designation of transmission
     6     corridors and the location and construction of any cross-
     7     borders electric energy transmission facilities.
     8         (2)  The compact administrators and other members of the
     9     council shall organize to negotiate and establish a regional
    10     process to be adopted by the party states for the designation
    11     of a transmission corridor or approval, location and
    12     construction of cross-borders electric energy transmission
    13     facilities in accordance with the requirements of this
    14     compact.
    15         (3)  In negotiating the terms of the compact, the compact
    16     administrators shall assure that the compact incorporates
    17     procedures to ensure appropriate adjudicative proceedings,
    18     mitigate environmental impacts and ensure that the compact is
    19     in the public interest of the party states.
    20                             Article IV
    21                    POWERS AND DUTIES OF COUNCIL
    22  Section 4.1.  Powers and duties.
    23         (1)  The council shall, after notice and public hearings,
    24     develop, negotiate and promulgate rules and regulations
    25     establishing a regional process to govern the designation of
    26     a transmission corridor and approval, location and
    27     construction of cross-borders electric energy transmission
    28     facilities, including any such facility proposed to be
    29     located in a national interest electric transmission corridor
    30     as designated by the secretary pursuant to section 1221 of
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     1     the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
     2         (2)  To carry out its powers and duties under this
     3     compact, it shall be the further duty of the council to:
     4             (i)  Conduct and prepare, independently or in
     5         cooperation with academia, energy economists and other
     6         energy experts and analysts or other persons as
     7         determined by the council, studies, investigations,
     8         research and programs relating to all aspects of the site
     9         selection of cross-borders electric energy transmission
    10         facilities.
    11             (ii)  Adopt standards, rules and regulations to
    12         perform its functions and enforce the terms of this
    13         compact, including standards, rules and regulations to
    14         govern the location and construction of cross-borders
    15         electric energy transmission facilities.
    16             (iii)  Exercise any authority consistent with this
    17         compact authorized by Congress under Federal law.
    18             (iv)  Advise, consult and encourage voluntary
    19         cooperation from other agencies of the party states and
    20         political subdivisions thereof, industries, other states,
    21         the Federal Government, interested parties and other
    22         persons in furtherance of its duties under this compact.
    23             (v)  Submit to the Governor of each party state an
    24         annual report covering the activities of the council for
    25         the preceding calendar year. The report shall be
    26         submitted on or before December 31 of each year, shall
    27         include such standards, rules, regulations and bylaws as
    28         may have been adopted by the council, and shall be
    29         transmitted to the Senate and the House of
    30         Representatives or State Assembly, as the case may be, of
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     1         each party state. The council may issue such additional
     2         reports as it may deem necessary.
     3             (vi)  Conduct informational meetings and public
     4         hearings to disseminate information, receive comment or
     5         take testimony with respect to the designation of a
     6         transmission corridor or the location and construction of
     7         cross-borders electric energy transmission facilities.
     8             (vii)  Consider and present recommendations, policies
     9         and programs designed to facilitate the location and
    10         construction of cross-borders electric energy
    11         transmission facilities.
    12             (viii)  Recommend such changes in, or amendments or
    13         additions to, the laws, rules, regulations, policies or
    14         guidelines of the party states that, in the judgment of
    15         the council, may be appropriate.
    16             (ix)  Cooperate with the DOE and FERC or any
    17         successor agency thereto, any other officer or agency of
    18         the United States and the party states and any other
    19         governmental unit or agency or officer thereof, and with
    20         any other persons, entities or agencies, including
    21         regional transmission organizations and energy or power
    22         authorities, in matters related to the approval, location
    23         and construction of cross-borders electric energy
    24         transmission facilities.
    25             (x)  Advise and assist the Governor and the
    26         legislature of each party state with the development and
    27         implementation of policies and procedures relating to the
    28         designation of transmission corridors and the location
    29         and construction of cross-borders electric energy
    30         transmission facilities.
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     1             (xi)  Require and receive from any agency of a party
     2         state, or any political subdivision thereof, assistance
     3         and data.
     4             (xii)  Compile, publish and distribute, with or
     5         without fee, any reports, bulletins, newsletters or other
     6         documents as it may deem appropriate.
     7             (xiii)  Work with stakeholders, affected Federal,
     8         state and local agencies, regional transmission
     9         organizations, power or energy authorities and the public
    10         to study alternatives to cross-borders electric energy
    11         transmission facilities and transmission corridors.
    12             (xiv)  Designate a cross-borders electric energy
    13         transmission corridor or corridors on its own motion or
    14         by application of a person proposing to construct a
    15         cross-borders electric energy transmission facility. The
    16         council's designation of a transmission corridor shall
    17         serve to identify a feasible corridor where one or more
    18         future cross-borders high-voltage electric energy
    19         transmission line or lines may be located and constructed
    20         that are consistent with the needs of this Commonwealth
    21         and the party states.
    22             (xv)  Develop and adopt, in consultation with
    23         appropriate agencies of the party states, regional
    24         transmission organizations, energy or power authorities,
    25         electric distribution companies, transmission owners and
    26         consumers a strategic plan for the Mid-Atlantic region's
    27         electric transmission grid. The strategic plan shall
    28         identify and recommend activities needed to ensure
    29         reliability, relieve congestion and meet future growth in
    30         load and generation, including, but not limited to,
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     1         renewable resources, energy efficiency and other demand
     2         reduction measures. In developing the strategic plan, the
     3         council shall confer with state agencies and political
     4         subdivisions in the party states and Federal agencies to
     5         identify appropriate areas within their jurisdictions
     6         that may be suitable for a transmission corridor or
     7         electric energy transmission facility.
     8             (xvi)  Coordinate, to the extent feasible, efforts to
     9         identify long-term transmission needs of the party states
    10         with the land use plans of the party states, political
    11         subdivisions thereof and Federal agencies.
    12             (xvii)  Accept, review and approve or disapprove
    13         applications from persons proposing to locate and
    14         construct a cross-borders electric energy transmission
    15         facility. The application shall be in the form required
    16         by the council and shall be accompanied by any supportive
    17         data and other information, including, but not limited
    18         to, the following:
    19                 (A)  The name of the applicant, address of its
    20             principal place of business and state or states in
    21             which it is incorporated to do business.
    22                 (B)  A statement of need and general description
    23             of the proposed route. The general description shall
    24             not be a legal or metes and bounds description but
    25             shall include the proposed route of the cross-borders
    26             electric energy transmission facility, including the
    27             number of route miles, the right-of-way width and the
    28             location of such facility within each political
    29             subdivision traversed.
    30                 (C)  Supporting exhibits, such as maps, including
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     1             topographic maps; a system map depicting in
     2             sufficient detail the location and voltage of
     3             existing transmission facilities of the applicant and
     4             the location and voltage of the proposed electric
     5             energy transmission facilities, aerial photographs
     6             and other engineering materials as the council shall
     7             by regulation prescribe.
     8                 (D)  The names and addresses of known persons,
     9             Indian tribes, corporations, small businesses and
    10             other entities of record owning property within the
    11             proposed right-of-way, together with an indication of
    12             the rights-of-way acquired or the rights-of-way
    13             needed to be acquired by the applicant.
    14                 (E)  A statement of the safety considerations,
    15             including public health and safety, that will be
    16             incorporated into the design, construction and
    17             maintenance of the proposed electric energy
    18             transmission facility.
    19                 (F)  A description of any studies, including any
    20             third-party studies, that have been made or will be
    21             made concerning the projected environmental impact of
    22             the proposed cross-borders electric energy
    23             transmission facility and of the efforts that have
    24             been or will be made to minimize the impact of the
    25             proposed electric energy transmission facility on the
    26             environment, historic areas, preserved land,
    27             farmland, land subject to agricultural conservation
    28             easements and other conservation easements, scenic
    29             rivers and waterways, including, but not limited to,
    30             impacts, where applicable, on land use, soil and
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     1             sedimentation, plant and wildlife habitats, terrain,
     2             hydrology and landscape.
     3                 (G)  A description of the efforts of the
     4             applicant to locate and identify archaeological,
     5             geologic, historic, scenic and wilderness areas of
     6             significance within two miles of the proposed right-
     7             of-way and the location and identity of areas
     8             discovered by the applicant.
     9                 (H)  The location and identity of airports within
    10             two miles of the nearest limit of the right-of-way of
    11             the proposed electric energy transmission facility.
    12                 (I)  A general description of reasonable
    13             alternative routes, including a description of the
    14             transmission corridor planning, methodology, a
    15             comparison of the merits and detriments of each
    16             route, and a statement of the reasons for selecting
    17             the proposed route.
    18                 (J)  A list of local, state and Federal agencies
    19             that have requirements which must be satisfied in
    20             connection with the construction, maintenance and
    21             operation of the proposed cross-borders electric
    22             energy transmission facility, and a list of all
    23             required documents which have been or will be filed
    24             with a local, state or Federal agency in connection
    25             with the location, construction and operation of the
    26             proposed cross-borders electric energy transmission
    27             facility.
    28                 (K)  The estimated cost of construction of the
    29             proposed cross-borders electric energy transmission
    30             facility and the projected date of completion.
    20080H2480B3671                 - 18 -     

     1             (xviii)  Upon receipt of an application or upon its
     2         own motion for the designation of a transmission corridor
     3         or upon receipt of an application for the location and
     4         construction of a cross-borders electric energy
     5         transmission facility, arrange for the publication of a
     6         summary of the application in two newspapers of general
     7         circulation in each county where the proposed
     8         transmission corridor or cross-borders electric energy
     9         transmission facility is proposed to be located and
    10         constructed and notify all property owners within, or
    11         adjacent to, the proposed transmission corridor or cross-
    12         borders electric energy transmission facility. The
    13         council shall transmit a copy of the application for
    14         designation of a transmission corridor or for the
    15         location and construction of a cross-borders electric
    16         energy transmission facility to all political
    17         subdivisions, and state and Federal agencies having an
    18         interest in the proposed transmission corridor or cross-
    19         borders electric energy transmission facility.
    20             (xix)  Publish applications for designation of a
    21         transmission corridor or location and construction of a
    22         cross-borders electric energy transmission facility on
    23         its Internet website, and provide for public notification
    24         of the availability of the application on the council's
    25         Internet website through appropriate media outlets.
    26             (xx)  Notify appropriate agencies of party states,
    27         and political subdivisions thereof, Federal agencies and
    28         Indian tribes in whose jurisdiction the proposed
    29         transmission corridor or cross-borders electric energy
    30         transmission facility will be located regarding the
    20080H2480B3671                 - 19 -     

     1         application to designate a transmission corridor or
     2         locate and construct a cross-borders electric energy
     3         transmission facility. Such notice shall solicit
     4         information from, and the council shall confer with, all
     5         affected political subdivisions of party states, Indian
     6         tribes and affected state and Federal agencies regarding
     7         their land use plans, existing land uses and other
     8         factors in which they have expertise or interest with
     9         respect to the proposed transmission corridor or proposed
    10         cross-borders electric energy transmission facility. The
    11         council shall provide any affected political subdivision,
    12         state or Federal agency, Indian tribe and any property
    13         owner within or adjacent to the proposed transmission
    14         corridor or cross-borders electric energy transmission
    15         facility and other interested parties ample opportunity
    16         to participate in the council's review of a proposed
    17         transmission corridor or cross-borders electric energy
    18         transmission facility.
    19             (xxi)  Permit agencies of party states and affected
    20         political subdivisions thereof, Federal agencies,
    21         regional transmission organizations, Indian tribes and
    22         members of the public, including any property owner
    23         within or adjacent to the proposed transmission corridor
    24         or proposed cross-borders electric energy transmission
    25         facility, to provide comment on the need and suitability
    26         of the proposed transmission corridor or proposed cross-
    27         borders electric energy transmission facility with
    28         respect to environmental, public health and safety, land
    29         use, economic and transmission grid impacts or other
    30         factors on which they may have expertise or desire to
    20080H2480B3671                 - 20 -     

     1         comment.
     2             (xxii)  Adopt standards for the construction and
     3         operation of cross-borders high voltage transmission
     4         lines.
     5             (xxiii)  Prescribe the form and content of
     6         applications for the designation of transmission
     7         corridors and the location and construction of electric
     8         energy transmission facilities; conduct public hearings
     9         and take other actions to secure adequate evaluation of
    10         applications; and formally act to approve, disapprove or
    11         modify applications, including specifying conditions
    12         under which approval of a transmission corridor or cross-
    13         borders electric energy transmission facility will be
    14         permitted.
    15             (xxiv)  Issue permits for the location and
    16         construction of cross-borders electric energy
    17         transmission facilities.
    18             (xxv)  Present state concerns and interests to party
    19         states, other states, regional transmission
    20         organizations, and the Federal Government on any proposed
    21         transmission corridor which is designated as such by the
    22         DOE and the location and construction of any electric
    23         energy transmission facility which may affect the
    24         environment, health or safety of the citizens of the
    25         Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and other party states.
    26             (xxvi)  Establish, maintain and manage a data
    27         collection system for obtaining and storing information
    28         necessary to perform its functions under this compact.
    29             (xxvii)  Adopt rules and regulations, or take any
    30         action, it deems reasonable and necessary to:
    20080H2480B3671                 - 21 -     

     1                 (A)  ensure the free and open participation of
     2             the public and interested parties; and
     3                 (B)  protect the confidentiality of information
     4             it may receive in performing its function under this
     5             compact.
     6  Section 4.2.  Advisory committees.
     7     The council may establish such advisory, technical or
     8  regional committees as it may deem necessary to carry out its
     9  duties under this compact. The membership of such advisory
    10  committees shall include, but not be limited to, private
    11  citizens; representatives of Indian tribes; expert and lay
    12  personnel; representatives of industry, labor, commerce,
    13  agriculture, civic organizations, environmental organizations,
    14  health professions, voluntary health agencies and academia; and
    15  officials of local, state and Federal government. The council
    16  may cooperate with and use the assistance and services of any
    17  such committees and the organizations they represent in
    18  furthering any of its activities or carrying out its functions
    19  and duties under this compact.
    20  Section 4.3.  Rules and regulations.
    21         (1)  The council shall, after public notice and public
    22     hearing, promulgate, adopt and enforce such rules and
    23     regulations as may be necessary and appropriate for the
    24     implementation and enforcement of this compact. Such rules
    25     and regulations shall, among other things, provide for the
    26     following:
    27             (i)  Cooperation and consultation between the party
    28         states and affected Federal agencies of the United States
    29         Government.
    30             (ii)  Processes and procedures for developing a
    20080H2480B3671                 - 22 -     

     1         comprehensive inventory of all existing and planned
     2         electric energy generating and transmission facilities in
     3         each party state, including all electric energy
     4         generating and transmission facilities under
     5         construction. Notwithstanding any other provision of law
     6         or regulation, all providers of electric transmission and
     7         distribution services, regional transmission
     8         organizations and all power or energy authorities or
     9         successors to such providers, regional transmission
    10         organizations and power or energy authorities in each
    11         party state shall cooperate with the council in
    12         developing the inventory of existing and planned electric
    13         energy transmission facilities.
    14             (iii)  Processes and procedures to receive assistance
    15         and data from any agency of a party state or political
    16         subdivisions thereof.
    17             (iv)  Adoption of an annual budget.
    18             (v)  Standards for the review and approval of
    19         applications to locate and construct electric energy
    20         transmission facilities. Such standards may address, but
    21         need not be limited to, the following:
    22                 (A)  The financial ability and qualifications of
    23             the applicant.
    24                 (B)  The organizational, managerial and technical
    25             expertise of the applicant to construct and operate
    26             the proposed cross-borders electric energy
    27             transmission facility.
    28                 (C)  Areas designated for protection or
    29             conservation by a party state or an agency of the
    30             Federal Government, including, but not limited to,
    20080H2480B3671                 - 23 -     

     1             agricultural land, monuments, historic sites,
     2             wilderness areas, scenic rivers and waterways,
     3             wildlife refuges and similar areas.
     4                 (D)  Effect of the proposed cross-borders
     5             electric energy transmission facility, taking into
     6             account mitigation on fish and wildlife, including
     7             threatened and endangered fish, wildlife or plant
     8             species.
     9                 (E)  Impact of the proposed cross-borders
    10             electric energy transmission facility on historic,
    11             cultural or archaeological resources listed on or
    12             determined pursuant to historic preservation or land
    13             conservation laws of the party states or the Federal
    14             Government, to be eligible for listing on the
    15             National Register of Historic Places or any similar
    16             laws of the party states concerned with the
    17             protection, preservation and conservation of historic
    18             places in such party states.
    19                 (F)  Protection of public health and safety,
    20             including necessary safety devices and procedures.
    21                 (G)  Potential impact of the proposed cross-
    22             borders electric energy transmission facility on
    23             recreation, scenic and aesthetic values.
    24                 (H)  Soil protection.
    25                 (I)  The need for the proposed transmission
    26             corridor or proposed cross-borders electric energy
    27             transmission facility.
    28                 (J)  Impact of the proposed cross-borders
    29             electric energy transmission facility on the
    30             environment.
    20080H2480B3671                 - 24 -     

     1                 (K)  Any other conditions, requirements or
     2             standards the council may prescribe by rule or
     3             regulation.
     4             (vi)  The form and content of applications for
     5         designation of a transmission corridor or an electric
     6         energy transmission facility.
     7             (vii)  Confidentiality of data and information
     8         received by the council and maintained in its data
     9         collection system, including security measures to ensure
    10         that data or information it has designated as
    11         confidential or received with a confidential designation
    12         from a governmental agency, regional transmission
    13         organization or other person is protected against
    14         disclosure. The council may, by regulation, designate
    15         certain categories of data and information as
    16         confidential. Any confidential information pertinent to
    17         the functions of the council under this compact that is
    18         obtained by another state agency, regional transmission
    19         organization or other person shall be available to the
    20         council and shall be treated as confidential.
    21         Confidential information shall be aggregated or masked to
    22         the extent necessary to assure confidentiality if public
    23         disclosure of the specific information would result in
    24         unfair competitive disadvantage to the person supplying
    25         the information.
    26             (viii)  Procedures to govern cost-sharing between the
    27         party states.
    28  Section 4.4.  Duties of party states.
    29     It shall be the duty of the Public Utility Commission or
    30  similar situated agency of each party state to establish an
    20080H2480B3671                 - 25 -     

     1  electric energy transmission facility siting council and take
     2  such measures as shall be necessary and appropriate to
     3  promulgate and adopt the regional process for the location and
     4  construction of electric energy transmission facilities
     5  established by this compact. Each party state's electric energy
     6  transmission facility siting council is hereby designated as the
     7  state authority for the purpose of siting electric energy
     8  transmission facilities under the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and
     9  shall work with the council to carry out the intent and purpose
    10  of this compact. Each such council's authority regarding
    11  transmission facilities shall be limited to those transmission
    12  facilities that are subject to section 1221 of the Energy Policy
    13  Act of 2005 and this compact.
    14                             Article V
    16  Section 5.1.  Informational meetings.
    17         (1)  The council may conduct informational meetings in
    18     the counties where the transmission corridor is proposed to
    19     be designated or where an electric energy transmission
    20     facility is proposed to be located and constructed. Such
    21     informational meetings shall be convened as soon as
    22     practicable but not later than 60 days after a vote of the
    23     council to designate a transmission corridor and not later
    24     than 60 days after receipt of an application for the
    25     designation of a transmission corridor. The purpose of the
    26     informational hearings shall be to:
    27             (i)  Provide information about the proposed
    28         transmission corridor or electric energy transmission
    29         facility to ensure that the public and interested parties
    30         have a clear understanding of the proposal.
    20080H2480B3671                 - 26 -     

     1             (ii)  Receive initial comments about the proposed
     2         transmission corridor or electric energy transmission
     3         facility.
     4             (iii)  Explain the relationship of the proposed
     5         transmission corridor or electric energy transmission
     6         facility to any strategic plan for the Mid-Atlantic
     7         area's transmission grid.
     8             (iv)  Solicit suggestions and information on
     9         reasonable alternatives to the proposed transmission
    10         corridor or electric energy transmission facility.
    11         (2)  Informational meetings shall be convened in each
    12     party state, and the place or places of such meetings shall
    13     be as close as possible to the proposed route of the
    14     transmission corridor or electric energy transmission
    15     facility.
    16  Section 5.2.  Public hearings.
    17         (1)  Subsequent to the informational meetings, the
    18     council shall convene public hearings to determine whether
    19     the proposed location of the transmission corridor or
    20     electric energy transmission facility is consistent and in
    21     compliance with land use plans and zoning ordinances of
    22     affected political subdivisions and regional planning
    23     authorities. If it is determined that the proposed location
    24     conforms with existing land use plans or zoning ordinances in
    25     effect as of the date of the application, the affected
    26     political subdivision or regional planning authority shall
    27     not thereafter change or modify such land use plans or zoning
    28     ordinances so as to affect the proposed location.
    29         (2)  Additional public hearings shall be held as deemed
    30     necessary and appropriate by the council in the exercise of
    20080H2480B3671                 - 27 -     

     1     its functions under this compact, and to ensure participation
     2     by landowners and other individuals who may be impacted by
     3     the location and construction of an electric energy
     4     transmission facility.
     5  Section 5.3.  Public participation.
     6         (1)  All meetings and public hearings convened by the
     7     council shall be open to the public, except with respect to
     8     meetings concerned with personnel issues, with at least 30
     9     days' advance notice. The chairman may convene an emergency
    10     meeting with less advance notice.
    11         (2)  The council shall ensure public accessibility to all
    12     documents, exhibits or other materials related to the
    13     designation of a transmission corridor or the location and
    14     construction of an electric energy transmission facility.
    15         (3)  All meetings of the council shall be conducted in a
    16     manner that substantially conforms to the Administrative
    17     Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. Ch.5, Subch.II, and Ch.7).
    18         (4)  The council may, by two-thirds vote of the members
    19     present, hold an executive session closed to the public for
    20     the purpose of discussing legally privileged or proprietary
    21     information; to consider dismissal, disciplining of or
    22     hearing complaints or charges brought against an employee or
    23     other public official unless such person requests a public
    24     hearing; or to consult with its attorney regarding
    25     information or strategy in connection with specific
    26     litigation. The reason requiring an executive session shall
    27     be announced at least 14 days prior to the executive session,
    28     except that the chairman may convene an emergency executive
    29     session with less advance notice, provided that the reason
    30     for the emergency executive session is announced at the
    20080H2480B3671                 - 28 -     

     1     public meeting immediately subsequent to the executive
     2     session. All actions of the council taken in violation of the
     3     requirements of this section shall be null and void.
     4  Section 5.4.  Tribal participation.
     5         (1)  In addition to all other opportunities to comment
     6     and participate in proceedings of the council under this
     7     compact, the council shall consult with and ensure
     8     participation by federally recognized Indian tribes in its
     9     proceedings.
    10         (2)  All federally recognized Indian tribes within a
    11     party state shall receive reasonable notice informing the
    12     tribe that they may participate in the proceeding before the
    13     council. The notice and subsequent notices shall inform the
    14     tribe of any informational or public hearing to be convened
    15     by the council and of the tribe's right to submit written
    16     comments or otherwise participate in such meeting and
    17     hearings. The council shall consider the comments submitted
    18     by an Indian tribe before approving, approving with
    19     modification or disapproving any proposal subject to review,
    20     approval or disapproval by the council.
    21         (3)  The council shall consult with federally recognized
    22     Indian tribes for the establishment of a mutually agreed upon
    23     mechanism or process for the purpose of facilitating dialogue
    24     with and participation by such tribes in its proceedings. The
    25     council may include tribal participation on advisory
    26     committees authorized under this compact or such other
    27     mutually agreed to processes.
    28  Section 5.5.  Minutes.
    29     Detailed written minutes shall be kept of all meetings and
    30  hearings of the council. All decisions, files, records and data
    20080H2480B3671                 - 29 -     

     1  of the council, except for information privileged against
     2  introduction in judicial proceedings, including proprietory
     3  information, personnel records and minutes of a properly
     4  convened executive session, shall be open to public inspection
     5  subject to a procedure that substantially conforms to the
     6  Freedom of Information Act (Public Law 89-554, 5 U.S.C. § 552)
     7  and applicable Pennsylvania law or laws of other party states,
     8  and may be copied upon request and payment of a fee as
     9  established by regulation of the council and which shall be no
    10  higher than necessary to recover copying costs.
    11                             Article VI
    12                              FINANCES
    13  Section 6.1.  Annual budget.
    14         (1)  The council shall annually adopt and submit a budget
    15     of its estimated expenditures for administration and
    16     operation to the principal budget officer of each party state
    17     at such time and in such manner as may be required by the
    18     laws of the party states for presentation to the legislatures
    19     thereof. Each such budget shall contain specific
    20     recommendations of the amount or amounts to be appropriated
    21     by each party state. The council shall not pledge the credit
    22     of any party state. The council may meet any of its
    23     obligations in whole or in part with funds available to it
    24     under Article III of this compact, provided that the council
    25     take specific action to set aside such funds prior to the
    26     incurring of any obligations to be met in whole or in part by
    27     the use of such funds. Except where the council makes use of
    28     funds available to it under Article III hereof, the council
    29     shall not incur any obligations prior to the allocation of
    30     funds by the party states sufficient to meet such
    20080H2480B3671                 - 30 -     

     1     obligations.
     2         (2)  In calculating its annual budget, the council shall
     3     balance total expenses against the council's estimate of
     4     revenues from all sources, either previously appropriated by
     5     a party state or receivable from any person, political
     6     subdivision or governmental agency.
     7         (3)  The chairman of the council shall certify to the
     8     respective party states and may, if applicable, submit to
     9     persons in other governmental agencies statements of the
    10     amounts requested from them in accordance with any existing
    11     cost-sharing agreement established by the party states
    12     pursuant to this compact.
    13  Section 6.2.  Apportionment of cost.
    14     The amount required for the council's current budget shall be
    15  apportioned equally among the party states unless a different
    16  apportionment is agreed to by unanimous vote of the council.
    17  Section 6.4.  Accounts of council.
    18         (1)  The council shall keep accurate accounts of all
    19     receipts and disbursements. The receipts and disbursements of
    20     the council shall be subject to the audit and accounting
    21     procedures established by the council under its bylaws,
    22     except that all receipts and disbursements of funds handled
    23     by the council shall be audited annually by a qualified
    24     public accountant and the report of the audit shall be
    25     included in and become a part of the annual report of the
    26     council.
    27         (2)  The accounts of the council shall be open at any
    28     reasonable time for inspection by such agency, representative
    29     or representatives of the party states as may be duly
    30     constituted for that purpose and by others who may be
    20080H2480B3671                 - 31 -     

     1     authorized by the council.
     2                            Article VII
     3                            ENFORCEMENT
     4  Section 7.1.  Power to enforce.
     5         (1)  The council shall have the power to implement and
     6     enforce the provisions of this compact.
     7         (2)  Any person aggrieved by an action or decision of the
     8     council shall:
     9             (i)  Be entitled to an administrative hearing before
    10         the council.
    11             (ii)  Have the right to judicial review of a council
    12         decision or action in the United States District Court
    13         for the District of Columbia or in such district court
    14         that has jurisdiction in the state or states where the
    15         council maintain offices, provided that a petition for
    16         judicial review is filed within 90 days after all
    17         administrative remedies have been exhausted.
    18  Section 7.2.  Actions to compel compliance.
    19     The council may by majority vote initiate actions to compel
    20  compliance with this compact and the rules and regulations
    21  adopted and promulgated pursuant to this compact. The United
    22  States District Court for the District of Columbia or the United
    23  States District Court that has jurisdiction in the state or
    24  states where the council maintains offices shall have
    25  jurisdiction over any actions filed by the council.
    26  Section 7.3.  Liability.
    27     Liabilities of the council shall not be deemed liabilities of
    28  the party states. Members of the council shall not be personally
    29  liable for actions taken in their official capacity.
    30                            Article VIII
    20080H2480B3671                 - 32 -     

     2  Section 8.1.  Eligibility.
     3     Any or all of the states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey,
     4  New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and the
     5  District of Columbia shall be eligible to become a party state,
     6  and any state contiguous to a party state if affirmed by
     7  unanimous vote of the council shall be eligible to become a
     8  party to this compact.
     9  Section 8.2.  Entry into effect.
    10         (1)  This compact shall become operative and effective
    11     between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and such other party
    12     states when the following occur:
    13             (i)  The Governor executes the Mid-Atlantic Area
    14         National Corridor Compact on behalf of the Commonwealth
    15         of Pennsylvania and files a verified copy of this compact
    16         with the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
    17             (ii)  The compact is ratified through the enactment
    18         of concurring legislation by two or more of the party
    19         states.
    20             (iii)  The Congress of the United States confers its
    21         consent or approval to this compact.
    22         (2)  The Governor is hereby authorized and directed to
    23     take such action as may be necessary to complete the exchange
    24     of official documents between the Commonwealth of
    25     Pennsylvania and any other state ratifying this compact.
    26         (3)  The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall publish a
    27     notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin when the conditions set
    28     forth in paragraph (1) of this section are satisfied. The
    29     notice shall include the date on which the Mid-Atlantic Area
    30     National Corridor Compact became effective and operative
    20080H2480B3671                 - 33 -     

     1     between this Commonwealth and any other state in accordance
     2     with this act.
     3  Section 8.3.  Filing.
     4     This compact shall be signed and sealed in as many original
     5  copies as necessary by the respective Governors of the party
     6  states. One such copy shall be filed with the Secretary of State
     7  of each party state in accordance with the laws or regulations
     8  of each such state in which the filing is effectuated, and one
     9  copy shall be filed and retained in the archives of the council
    10  upon its organization. The signatures shall be affixed and
    11  attested in a form similar to the following:
    12         In witness whereof, and in evidence of the adoption and
    13         enactment into law of this compact by the legislatures of
    14         the party states and consent by the Congress of the
    15         United States, the respective Governors do hereby, in
    16         accordance with the authority conferred by law, sign this
    17         compact in six duplicate original copies, attested by the
    18         respective Secretaries of State of each party state, and
    19         have caused the seals of the respective party states to
    20         be hereunto affixed this         day of         (month),
    21            (year).
    22  Section 8.4.  Amendments to compact.
    23     This compact shall not be amended or modified except with the
    24  concurrence of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of
    25  Pennsylvania and the legislatures of the party states.
    26  Amendments shall not become effective until adopted in the same
    27  manner as the original compact.
    28  Section 8.5.  Withdrawal.
    29     Any party state may withdraw from this compact by enacting a
    30  statute repealing the same, but no such withdrawal shall become
    20080H2480B3671                 - 34 -     

     1  effective until one year after the Governor of the withdrawing
     2  party state forwards formal notice in writing to the Governor of
     3  each other party state informing said Governors of the action of
     4  the legislature in repealing the compact and declaring the
     5  intention to withdraw, provided, however, that the withdrawal of
     6  a party state shall not affect any liability already incurred by
     7  or chargeable to a party state prior to the time of such
     8  withdrawal.
     9                             Article XI
    10                   SEVERABILITY AND CONSTRUCTION
    11  Section 9.1.  Construction.
    12         (1)  Nothing in this compact shall be construed to:
    13             (i)  Limit, repeal or supersede any law, rule or
    14         regulation of any party state.
    15             (ii)  Displace existing laws or regulations of the
    16         party states that govern the location and construction of
    17         intrastate electric energy transmission facilities
    18         proposed to be located and constructed within the
    19         geographic borders of any such states.
    20             (iii)  Permit or require any person or other entity
    21         to avoid or refuse to comply with any law, rule,
    22         regulation, order or ordinance of a party state, or
    23         political subdivision thereof, now or hereafter made,
    24         enacted or in force.
    25             (iv)  Limit, diminish or otherwise impair
    26         jurisdiction exercised by the DOE or any successor
    27         agency, or any other Federal department, agency or
    28         officer pursuant to and in conformity with any valid and
    29         operative act of Congress.
    30             (v)  Alter the relations between and respective
    20080H2480B3671                 - 35 -     

     1         internal responsibilities of the government of a party
     2         state and its political subdivisions.
     3             (vi)  Abrogate or derogate the rights held by any
     4         federally recognized Indian tribe.
     5         (2)  This compact shall be construed liberally in order
     6     to achieve the purposes and intent enunciated herein. It is
     7     the intent of this compact to establish a basic structure by
     8     which the council may achieve such purposes through the
     9     development and adoption of uniform policies, rules and
    10     regulations and strategic plans to facilitate the designation
    11     of transmission corridors and the location and construction
    12     of cross-border electric energy transmission facilities.
    13  Section 9.2.  Severability.
    14     The provisions of this compact are severable. If any
    15  provision of this compact or its application to any person or
    16  circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect
    17  other provisions or applications of this compact which can be
    18  given effect without the invalid provision or applications.
    19     Section 3.  Policy of Commonwealth and effect on laws and
    20  regulations generally are as follows:
    21         (1)  It is hereby declared to be the policy of the
    22     Commonwealth to perform and carry out this compact and to
    23     accomplish the purposes thereof. All officers and agencies of
    24     this Commonwealth are hereby authorized and directed to do
    25     all things falling within their respective jurisdictions
    26     necessary or incidental to the carrying out of this compact
    27     in every particular. All officers, employees, departments,
    28     bureaus, boards, commissions, authorities and other such
    29     agencies of the Commonwealth are hereby authorized and
    30     directed at reasonable times and upon request of the council
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     1     to furnish the council with information and data possessed by
     2     them or any of them and to aid the council by loan of
     3     personnel or other means lying within their legal powers
     4     respectively.
     5         (2)  If any provision of this compact conflicts with any
     6     other provision, limitation or restriction which is now in
     7     effect under any other law of this Commonwealth or any rule,
     8     regulation, order or policy promulgated thereunder, this act
     9     shall govern and control any such other law or rule,
    10     regulation, order or policy promulgated thereunder shall be
    11     deemed superseded for the purposes of this act.
    12  Section 4.  Submission of council budgets.
    13     The budget of the estimated expenditures of the council shall
    14  be submitted to the Governor for such period and in such form as
    15  shall be requested by the Governor.
    16  Section 5.  Appropriation.
    17     The sum of $2,000,000, or as much thereof as may be
    18  necessary, is hereby specifically appropriated to the council as
    19  the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's pro rata share of the
    20  expenses of the council for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
    21  2008, to June 30, 2009, provided, however, that no such
    22  appropriation shall be allocated until the compact becomes
    23  operative and effective in accordance with section 8.2(1).
    24  Section 7.  Expiration.
    25     (a)  Publication of failure to consent.--If the Congress of
    26  the United States fails to confer its consent to and approval of
    27  this compact as authorized under this act by June 30, 2010, the
    28  Secretary of the Commonwealth shall publish a notice in the
    29  Pennsylvania Bulletin within 30 days of June 30, 2010, declaring
    30  such failure of the Congress to consent to the compact.
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     1     (b)  Effect of publication.--This act shall expire
     2  immediately upon publication of the notice under subsection (a).
     3     (c)  Effect of repeal.--If the President of the United States
     4  would sign a subsequent act of Congress providing for the repeal
     5  of section 1221 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, this act shall
     6  expire immediately upon the effective date of such act of
     7  Congress.
     8     (d)  Dissolution.--In the event that this act is terminated
     9  by the operation of subsection (b) or (c), the council shall be
    10  dissolved, its assets and liabilities transferred and its
    11  affairs suspended in accordance with the unanimous agreement of
    12  the party states or, failing unanimous agreement, in such manner
    13  that the assets and liabilities of the council shall be shared
    14  by the respective party states.
    15  Section 8.  Effective date.
    16     This act shall take effect immediately.

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