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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3249



No. 2243 Session of 2008

           FEBRUARY 14, 2008


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," further providing for work to be done
     6     under contract let on bids and exception, for approved
     7     reimbursable rental for leases hereafter approved and
     8     approved reimbursable sinking fund charges on indebtedness
     9     and for approved reimbursable annual rental for leases of
    10     buildings and facilities for school use.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  Section 751 of the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30,
    14  No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, amended July
    15  13, 1979 (P.L.94, No.41), is amended by adding a subsection to
    16  read:
    17     Section 751.  Work to be Done Under Contract Let on Bids;
    18  Exception.--* * *
    19     (b.1)  Subsequent to January 1, 2008, the Department of
    20  Education shall annually adjust the limit on work completed by

     1  district personnel in accordance with the United States
     2  Department of Commerce Construction Cost Index. The rate shall
     3  equal or be greater than twenty thousand dollars ($20,000).
     4     * * *
     5     Section 2.  Section 2574(e) of the act, amended July 13, 2005
     6  (P.L.226, No.46), is amended and subsections (b) and (c) are
     7  amended by adding paragraphs to read:
     8     Section 2574.  Approved Reimbursable Rental for Leases
     9  Hereafter Approved and Approved Reimbursable Sinking Fund
    10  Charges on Indebtedness.--* * *
    11     (b)  For new school buildings the approved building
    12  construction cost shall be the lesser of
    13     * * *
    14     (5)  Subsequent to January 1, 2008, the Department of
    15  Education shall annually adjust the approved building
    16  construction cost reimbursement rate for new school buildings in
    17  accordance with the United States Department of Commerce
    18  Construction Cost Index. The reimbursement rate shall equal or
    19  be greater than five thousand nine hundred dollars ($5,900) for
    20  elementary projects and seven thousand seven hundred dollars
    21  ($7,700) for secondary projects.
    22     * * *
    23     (c)  For additions or alterations to existing buildings
    24  approved building construction cost shall be the lesser of
    25     * * *
    26     (5)  Subsequent to January 1, 2008, the Department of
    27  Education shall annually adjust the approved building
    28  construction cost reimbursement rate for additions or
    29  alterations to existing buildings in accordance with the United
    30  States Department of Commerce Construction Cost Index. The
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     1  reimbursement rate shall equal or be greater than five thousand
     2  nine hundred dollars ($5,900) for elementary projects and seven
     3  thousand seven hundred dollars ($7,700) for secondary projects.
     4     * * *
     5     (e)  For area vocational-technical school and technical
     6  institute projects leased subsequent to July 1, 1964, by or for
     7  lease to a board of school directors authorized to operate such
     8  a school, the Department of Education shall calculate an
     9  approved reimbursable rental charge.
    10     For area vocational-technical school and technical institute
    11  projects constructed or purchased subsequent to July 1, 1964, by
    12  a board of school directors authorized to operate such a school,
    13  the Department of Education may calculate an approved
    14  reimbursable sinking fund charge.
    15     Approved reimbursable rental or sinking fund charge shall
    16  consist of that part of the annual rental or sinking fund
    17  attributable to:
    18     (1)  Cost of acquiring land and preparing it for use to the
    19  extent that such costs are deemed reasonable by the Department
    20  of Education and the interest on such cost of acquisition, cost
    21  of preparation and the cost of sewage treatment and the interest
    22  on such cost.
    23     (2)  Machinery, apparatus, furniture and equipment and all
    24  other necessary expenses and interest charges, but excluding
    25  architects' fees in excess of six percent of the construction
    26  cost.
    27     The approved building construction cost and the interest on
    28  such construction cost shall not exceed the product of the rated
    29  full-time pupil capacity, as determined by the Department of
    30  Education at the time the project is approved and two thousand
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     1  two hundred dollars ($2,200).
     2     The provisions of the foregoing paragraph shall apply to all
     3  school building projects for which the general construction
     4  contract is awarded prior to July 1, 1966, and for approved
     5  school building projects for which a lease was approved by the
     6  Department of Education prior to July 1, 1966. For school
     7  buildings for which the general construction contract is awarded
     8  subsequent to July 1, 1966, and for approved school building
     9  projects for which the general construction contract was awarded
    10  but for which a lease was not approved by the Department of
    11  Education prior to July 1, 1966, the approved building
    12  construction cost and the interest on such construction cost
    13  shall not exceed the product of the rated full-time pupil
    14  capacity, as determined by the Department of Education at the
    15  time the project is approved, and three thousand seven hundred
    16  dollars ($3700).
    17     For school buildings for which the general construction
    18  contract is awarded subsequent to July 1, 1984, and for approved
    19  school building projects for which the general construction
    20  contract was awarded but for which a lease or general obligation
    21  bond resolution was not approved by the Department of Education
    22  prior to July 1, 1984, the approved building construction cost
    23  and the interest on such construction cost shall not exceed the
    24  product of the rated full-time pupil capacity, as determined by
    25  the Department of Education at the time the project is approved,
    26  and six thousand three hundred dollars ($6,300).
    27     For school buildings for which the general construction
    28  contract is awarded subsequent to January 1, 2005, and for
    29  approved school building projects for which the general
    30  construction contract was awarded but for which a lease or
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     1  general obligation bond resolution was not approved by the
     2  Department of Education prior to January 1, 2005, the approved
     3  building construction cost shall not exceed the product of the
     4  rated full-time pupil capacity, as determined by the Department
     5  of Education at the time the project is approved, and seven
     6  thousand six hundred dollars ($7,600).
     7     Subsequent to January 1, 2008, the Department of Education
     8  shall annually adjust the approved building construction cost
     9  reimbursement rate for vocational-technical projects in
    10  accordance with the United States Department of Commerce
    11  Construction Cost Index. The reimbursement rate shall equal or
    12  be greater than nine thousand five hundred dollars ($9,500).
    13     The Department of Education shall not approve the expenditure
    14  of any funds borrowed or obtained by the sale of bonds by any
    15  authority, nonprofit corporation, profit corporation, company or
    16  individual for construction of area vocational-technical schools
    17  or technical institutes for bleachers, athletic field, lighting
    18  equipment or apparatus used to promote and conduct
    19  interscholastic athletics.
    20     * * *
    21     Section 3.  Section 2574.2 of the act, added December 6, 1972
    22  (P.L.1445, No.323), is amended to read:
    23     Section 2574.2.  Approved Reimbursable Annual Rental for
    24  Leases of Buildings and Facilities for School Use.--For extended
    25  leases of buildings and facilities for school use authorized
    26  under the provisions of section 703.1 which have been approved
    27  by the Secretary of Education, the Department of Education shall
    28  calculate an approved reimbursable annual rental charge.
    29     Approved reimbursable annual rental for such approved leases
    30  of building facilities constructed for school use shall be the
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     1  lesser of (i) the product of the annual rental payable under the
     2  provisions of the approved lease agreement times the ratio of
     3  the pupil scheduled area to the architectural area, or (ii) the
     4  product of the rated pupil capacity as determined by the
     5  Department of Education at the time of initial lease times one
     6  hundred sixty dollars ($160) for elementary schools, two hundred
     7  twenty dollars ($220) for secondary schools, or two hundred
     8  seventy dollars ($270) for area vocational-technical schools.
     9     Annual approved rental payable for approved leases of
    10  existing facilities altered for school use shall be the lesser
    11  of (i) the product of the annual rental payable under the
    12  provisions of the approved lease agreement times the ratio of
    13  the pupil scheduled area to the architectural area, or (ii) the
    14  product of the rated pupil capacity, as determined by the
    15  Department of Education at the time of initial lease, times one
    16  hundred twelve dollars ($112) for elementary, one hundred fifty-
    17  four dollars ($154) for secondary, or one hundred eighty-nine
    18  dollars ($189) for area vocational-technical schools.
    19     Subsequent to January 1, 2008, the Department of Education
    20  shall annually adjust the approved reimbursable annual rental
    21  for leases of buildings and facilities rate and the approved
    22  rental payable for approved leases of existing facilities
    23  altered for school use rate in accordance with the United States
    24  Department of Commerce Construction Cost Index. The
    25  reimbursement rates shall equal or be greater than six hundred
    26  forty dollars ($640) for elementary schools, eight hundred
    27  eighty dollars ($880) for secondary schools and one thousand
    28  eighty dollars ($1,080) for vocational schools.
    29     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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