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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2964



No. 2097 Session of 2007



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 9, 2002 (P.L.1530, No.197),
     2     entitled "An act relating to the satisfaction of residential
     3     and other mortgages; providing for certain forms; and making
     4     repeals," further defining "payoff statement" and
     5     "residential mortgage"; and providing for residential
     6     mortgage payoff statements.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  The definitions of "payoff statement" and
    10  "residential mortgage" in section 2 of the act of December 9,
    11  2002 (P.L.1530, No.197), known as the Mortgage Satisfaction Act,
    12  are amended to read:
    13  Section 2.  Definitions.
    14     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    15  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    16  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    17     * * *
    18     "Payoff statement."  [A statement issued by a mortgagee or

     1  agent of the mortgagee of the amount of the unpaid balance of a
     2  loan secured by a mortgage, including principal, interest and
     3  other charges properly assessed under the loan documentation of
     4  the mortgage and interest on a per diem basis for the unpaid
     5  balance.] A written statement by the mortgagee which sets forth
     6  the amounts required as of the date of preparation to satisfy
     7  fully all obligations secured by the mortgage which is the
     8  subject of the payoff statement and shall include information
     9  reasonably necessary to calculate the payoff amount on a per
    10  diem basis for a period of time during which the amount of the
    11  per diem is currently ascertainable.
    12     * * *
    13     "Residential mortgage."  A mortgage creating a specific lien
    14  upon real estate within this Commonwealth containing four or
    15  fewer residential units, including residential condominium or
    16  cooperative units[.], which mortgage is not collateral for the
    17  exempted transaction as defined in the Truth in Lending Act
    18  (Public Law 90-321, 15 U.S.C. § 1601 et seq.).
    19     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    20  Section 2.1.  Residential mortgages; requirement of payoff
    21                 statements; effect.
    22     (a)  Limited to residential mortgages.--This section applies
    23  only to residential mortgages.
    24     (b)  Payoff statement required.--At any time that a mortgagor
    25  reasonably expects that his or her residential mortgage is going
    26  to be paid off, such mortgagor, the duly appointed agent or
    27  attorney for such mortgagor or the person designated to act as
    28  the settlement officer may request a payoff statement from the
    29  mortgagee.
    30         (1)  Such request shall be in writing, signed by the
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     1     mortgagor, agent, attorney or the designated settlement
     2     officer, and sent postage prepaid by first class mail to the
     3     mortgagee at the address last designated by the mortgagee for
     4     receiving such requests or, if no such address is given, to
     5     the mailing address given for payments. Such request shall
     6     include a statement that it is a request for a payoff
     7     statement under this act. In lieu of a mailed written
     8     request, the request may be sent and signed electronically if
     9     an electronic address is provided by the mortgagee for that
    10     purpose or by telephonic facsimile if a facsimile telephone
    11     number is provided by the mortgagee for that purpose.
    12         (2)  The mortgagee may, but shall not be required to,
    13     look into the authenticity of or validate any such request or
    14     look into the authority of the person executing the request
    15     provided that the document appears genuine on its face.
    16         (3)  The mortgagee shall have ten business days from the
    17     date of receipt of a request in compliance with this section
    18     to deliver the payoff statement to the person properly
    19     requesting the same. The mortgagee may impose a reasonable
    20     fee for the request. A fee not exceeding $10 shall be
    21     presumed reasonable. If so requested, the mortgagee may
    22     respond in a shorter time period and impose an additional
    23     charge for the service.
    24         (4)  The payoff statement shall be sent to the person
    25     requesting the same, or their designee, by prepaid first
    26     class mail unless another means has been agreed to.
    27         (5)  Failure of the mortgagee to deliver a payoff
    28     statement without just cause shall subject the mortgagee to a
    29     civil penalty as liquidated damages, payable to the mortgagor
    30     or other party suffering actual damages, of $100 for every
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     1     day such notice is late, which penalty shall not exceed
     2     $1,000.
     3         (6)  The mortgagee may not condition satisfaction of a
     4     residential mortgage other than on satisfaction of the
     5     indebtedness secured by that mortgage, including recording
     6     costs and, if applicable, termination of the mortgagee's
     7     obligation to make additional advances secured by the
     8     residential mortgage concerned.
     9     (c)  Right of title insurance company to payoff statement.--
    10  When a claim has been made under a residential title insurance
    11  policy insuring title to property subject to a residential
    12  mortgage, the issuing title insurance company may request a
    13  payoff statement from any such mortgagee in which case the
    14  provisions of subsection (b) shall apply to such request,
    15  provided, however, that the notice shall be signed by an
    16  employee of the requesting title insurance company and may be
    17  sent to the mortgagee at an address reasonably determined by the
    18  requesting title insurance company to be likely to reach an
    19  appropriate office of the mortgagee.
    20     (d)  Effect of payoff statement.--Any settlement officer or
    21  attorney providing closing and settlement services for a real
    22  estate transaction shall be entitled to reasonably rely on the
    23  amounts that are set forth in a payoff statement issued by the
    24  mortgagee in accordance with this act for the time frame set
    25  forth therein and shall not be liable to the mortgagee for any
    26  underpayment unless a written corrective amendment is received
    27  by such person prior to the closing of the transaction.
    28     (e)  Prohibited content of payoff statement.--Such a payoff
    29  statement must provide for a sum certain which shall not be
    30  subject to adjustment except by a written corrective amendment
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     1  which is received by the settlement officer before settlement.
     2     (f)  Obligation to satisfy; liability.--The mortgagee shall
     3  be obligated to satisfy the mortgage or release the property
     4  subject to such real estate transaction from the lien of the
     5  mortgage upon tender of the funds recited in the mortgage payoff
     6  statement, or timely amendment thereto and termination of the
     7  mortgagee's obligation to make additional advances secured by
     8  the residential mortgage concerned and thereafter shall not
     9  attempt to foreclose such mortgage or take any other action
    10  inconsistent with the position that the mortgage is paid in
    11  full. In the case of an attempted enforcement of such a paid
    12  mortgage, the mortgagee shall be liable to the persons or
    13  entities aggrieved for actual damages, including reasonable
    14  attorney fees and costs.
    15     (g)  Continuing liability of mortgagor.--Subsections (d) and
    16  (f) notwithstanding, in the event of an error in the mortgage
    17  payoff statement, irrespective of the cause of that error, and
    18  tender of less than the full balance due, the mortgagee shall
    19  retain any remedies, legal or equitable, to maintain an in
    20  personam action against the maker of the mortgage note for any
    21  sums still owing under the note other than to foreclose on the
    22  mortgage.
    23     Section 3.  Sections 3(b), 5, 6(a), (c) and (d) and 7(b) of
    24  the act are amended to read:
    25  Section 3.  Satisfactions, methods and indexing.
    26     * * *
    27     (b)  Indexing.--[The recording officer shall properly index
    28  all satisfaction pieces and settlement officer satisfactions
    29  against the name of the mortgagee or last assignee as each is
    30  indicated in the satisfaction piece or settlement officer
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     1  satisfaction, and the recording officer shall indicate the
     2  recording of each satisfaction piece and settlement officer
     3  satisfaction in the mortgage record.] The recording officer
     4  shall properly index all satisfaction pieces and settlement
     5  officer satisfactions against the name of the mortgagor and the
     6  name of the original mortgagee as each is indicated in the
     7  satisfaction piece or settlement officer satisfaction and the
     8  recording officer shall indicate the recording of each
     9  satisfaction piece and settlement officer satisfaction in the
    10  mortgage record.
    11     * * *
    12  Section 5.  Form of satisfaction piece.
    13     Mortgagees, whether individuals or legal entities other than
    14  individuals, shall satisfy mortgages by a satisfaction piece in
    15  substantially the following form:
    16                    SATISFACTION PIECE
    17         Made this            day of         ,
    18         Name of Mortgagor:
    19         Name of Mortgagee:
    20         [Name of Last Assignee:]
    21         Date of Mortgage:
    22         Original Mortgage Debt:
    23         Mortgage Recorded on                    ,
    24         in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of
    25         County, Pennsylvania,
    26         in Book    , Page     /instrument
    27         number    .
    28         Brief Description or Statement of Location of
    29         Mortgaged Premises:
    30         The undersigned hereby certifies that the debt secured by
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     1         the above-mentioned mortgage has been fully paid or
     2         otherwise discharged and that upon the recording hereof
     3         said mortgage shall be and is hereby fully and forever
     4         satisfied and discharged.
     5         The undersigned hereby authorizes and empowers the
     6         recorder of said county to enter this satisfaction piece
     7         and to cause said mortgage to be satisfied of record.
     8         Witness the due execution hereof with the intent to be
     9         legally bound. (signature(s) of individual mortgagee(s)
    10         or representative(s) of legal entity)
    11         (acknowledgment)
    12  Section 6.  Notice to satisfy; damages for failure to satisfy.
    13     (a)  Notice to satisfy.--[After the entire mortgage
    14  obligation as well as all required satisfaction and recording
    15  costs have been paid to the mortgagee, the mortgagor may send a
    16  notice to the mortgagee to present for recording a satisfaction
    17  piece to avoid damages.] After the entire mortgage obligation as
    18  well as all required satisfaction and recording costs have been
    19  paid to the mortgagee and, in the case of an open-end mortgage,
    20  the mortgagee's obligation to make further advances has
    21  terminated, the mortgagor or settlement officer may send a
    22  notice to the mortgagee to present for recording a satisfaction
    23  piece to avoid damages.
    24     * * *
    25     (c)  Form.--The notice to satisfy shall be in substantially
    26  the following form:
    28                       PIECE TO AVOID PENALTY
    29         Date of notice:
    30         To the mortgagee named below:
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     1         The party issuing this notice believes that the mortgagee
     2         of the mortgage described below has received full
     3         satisfaction and payment of all amounts secured by the
     4         mortgage, including any applicable satisfaction fee, and
     5         that, where applicable, the mortgagee has been instructed
     6         in writing, effective as of the date and time of receipt
     7         of the mortgage payoff figure, to close and decline any
     8         further advances on any open line of credit which was
     9         secured by the affected mortgage. The party issuing this
    10         notice hereby requests that the mortgagee issue and
    11         present for recording a satisfaction piece concerning the
    12         mortgage or provide a satisfactory reason why the
    13         mortgage should not be satisfied to the party issuing
    14         this notice. If you do not comply with this notice, you
    15         may be liable for penalties and costs in accordance with
    16         the act of December 9, 2002 (P.L.1530, No.197), known as
    17         the Mortgage Satisfaction Act, or the party issuing this
    18         notice may be able to satisfy the mortgage without your
    19         consent.
    20         Name of mortgagor:
    21         Name of mortgagee:
    22         [Name of last assignee:]
    23         Date of mortgage:
    24         Amount of mortgage:  $
    25         Recorded in           County, Pennsylvania, in Book    ,
    26         Page     /instrument number.
    27         Brief description of premises covered by mortgage:
    28         Mortgagee loan number (if known):
    29         Name of party presenting this notice:
    30         Address of party presenting this notice:
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     1         Telephone number of party presenting this notice:
     2     (d)  [Penalty for failure to satisfy.--
     3         (1)  If, within 60 days of the mortgagee's receipt of:
     4             (i)  payment of the entire mortgage obligation and
     5         all required satisfaction and recording costs; and
     6             (ii)  the first written request by the mortgagor for
     7         the satisfaction piece delivered and in substantially the
     8         form described in this section,
     9     the mortgagee fails to present for recording to the office
    10     where the mortgage was recorded a satisfaction piece as
    11     described in section 5 or the mortgage is not otherwise
    12     satisfied, the mortgagee shall forfeit and pay to the
    13     mortgagor a penalty in a sum not exceeding the original loan
    14     amount.
    15         (2)  In any successful action to recover penalties
    16     pursuant to this section, the mortgagee shall reimburse the
    17     mortgagor for costs of the action, including the mortgagor's
    18     reasonable attorney fees.
    19         (3)  Any action to enforce the provisions of this
    20     section, including any action to recover amounts due under
    21     this section, shall be brought and maintained in the
    22     individual names and shall be prosecuted by persons entitled
    23     to recover under the terms hereof and not in a representative
    24     capacity.
    25         (4)  An action under this section shall be the exclusive
    26     remedy for damages for failure of a mortgagee to issue and
    27     present for recording a satisfaction piece.
    28         (5)  The delivery of a second or subsequent written
    29     request by the mortgagor for a satisfaction piece shall not
    30     give rise to an additional cause of action under this
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     1     section.]
     2  Liability for failure to satisfy.--
     3         (1)  If, within 60 days of the mortgagee's receipt of:
     4             (i)  payment of the entire mortgage obligation and
     5         all required satisfaction and recording costs; and
     6             (ii)  the first written request by a mortgagor or
     7         settlement officer for the satisfaction piece delivered
     8         and in substantially the form described in this section,
     9         the mortgagee fails to present for recording to the
    10         office where the mortgage was recorded a satisfaction
    11         piece as described in section 5 or the mortgage is not
    12         otherwise satisfied of record, the mortgagee shall be
    13         liable to the mortgagor or settlement officer who
    14         presented the written request for a liquidated damages
    15         penalty of $25 for each day that the satisfaction piece
    16         has not been presented, up to a maximum of $500 for all
    17         claims under this subsection for failure to satisfy a
    18         particular mortgage.
    19         (2)  In any successful action by a mortgagor or
    20     settlement officer to recover penalties pursuant to this
    21     section, the mortgagee shall reimburse the mortgagor or
    22     settlement officer for costs of the action, including the
    23     mortgagor's or settlement officer's reasonable attorney fees.
    24         (3)  Any action to enforce the provisions of this
    25     section, including any action to recover amounts due under
    26     this section, shall be brought and maintained in the
    27     individual names and shall be prosecuted by persons entitled
    28     to recover under the terms hereof and not in a representative
    29     capacity.
    30         (4)  An action under this section shall be the exclusive
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     1     remedy for damages for failure of a mortgagee to issue and
     2     present for recording a satisfaction piece.
     3         (5)  The delivery of a second or subsequent written
     4     request for a satisfaction piece shall not give rise to an
     5     additional cause of action under this section.
     6  Section 7.  Residential mortgages; settlement officer
     7                 satisfaction.
     8     * * *
     9     (b)  Recording and form.--
    10         (1)  If, within 60 days of the mortgagee's receipt of the
    11     notice of intent to record satisfaction issued by a
    12     settlement officer in accordance with this section, a
    13     satisfaction piece has not been recorded in the office where
    14     the mortgage was recorded and the mortgagee has not delivered
    15     to the settlement officer a response which details reasons
    16     why the mortgage should not be satisfied, a settlement
    17     officer may present for recording a settlement officer
    18     satisfaction. The settlement officer shall also send the
    19     mortgagee a copy of the settlement officer satisfaction by
    20     the same method and procedure described in section 6.
    21         (2)  The settlement officer satisfaction shall be in
    22     substantially the following form and shall be executed by the
    23     settlement officer and acknowledged as provided by law:
    24                     SETTLEMENT OFFICER SATISFACTION
    25             Name of mortgagor               Date of mortgage
    26             Name of mortgagee               Principal amount
    27             [Name of last assignee]           Recorded on premises
    28             In                               ,
    29             County, Pennsylvania, in Book    ,
    30             Page    /as instrument    .
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     1             Brief description or Statement of Location of
     2             Mortgaged Premises.
     4             COUNTY OF                 :          ss:
     5             Before me, the subscriber, a notary public in
     6             and for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
     7             personally appeared       , who, being duly sworn
     8             according to law, deposes and says:
     9         (1)  The settlement officer is licensed by the Insurance
    10     Department as a Title Insurance Agent with license no.
    11     or is an employee of               , a Title Insurance
    12     Company authorized to do business in Pennsylvania or is an
    13     attorney licensed to practice law in this Commonwealth.
    14         (2)  The settlement officer business address is:
    15         (3)  The settlement officer has conducted or supervised a
    16     settlement in which the above-captioned mortgage was paid in
    17     full in accordance with the payoff statement provided by the
    18     mortgagee.
    19         (4)  The above settlement was held on         at in which
    20     the mortgagor           sold the property, refinanced the
    21     mortgage,             other               .
    22         (5)  The settlement officer has ascertained, if the
    23     mortgage secures an open-end line of credit account, that the
    24     mortgagee has been instructed in writing, effective no later
    25     than the date and time of the receipt of the mortgage payoff
    26     figure, to close and decline any further advances on the home
    27     equity or other open-end line of credit which was secured by
    28     the affected mortgage.
    29         (6)  The settlement officer has ascertained that the
    30     mortgagee has received payment of the loan secured by the
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     1     mortgage in accordance with the payoff statement, as
     2     evidenced by a bank check, certified check, escrow account
     3     check from the settlement officer or an attorney trust
     4     account check that has been negotiated by the mortgagee, or
     5     any documentary evidence of the receipt of payment by the
     6     mortgagee.
     7         (7)  A satisfaction piece has not been recorded
     8     concerning the mortgage, nor has the settlement officer
     9     received a satisfaction piece.
    10         (8)  The settlement officer has delivered to the
    11     mortgagee notice of intent to present for recording a
    12     settlement officer satisfaction using the format and
    13     procedures described in [the act of December 9, 2002
    14     (P.L.1530, No.197),known as the Mortgage Satisfaction Act]
    15     this act. Attached hereto is a copy of the written request
    16     notice of intent and a copy of the return receipt which
    17     indicates the written request and notice of intent were
    18     received by the mortgagee.
    19         (9)  The settlement officer has no actual knowledge of
    20     any objection by the mortgagee to the recording of a
    21     settlement officer satisfaction, nor has an objection been
    22     recorded in accordance with the act.
    23         (10)  Attached hereto is a copy of the canceled check,
    24     wire confirmation or other evidence of payment which paid the
    25     mortgage in full in accordance with the payoff statement.
    26             (signature of settlement officer)
    27             In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and
    28             official seal, this        day of       ,     .
    29             Notary Public.
    30     * * *
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     1     Section 4.  This act shall apply only to payoff statements
     2  requested after the effective date of this act.
     3     Section 5.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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