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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2383



No. 1786 Session of 2007



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing the Department of General Services, with the
     2     approval of the Governor, to dedicate, grant and convey to
     3     the Strasburg, Lancaster County, Borough Authority, a water
     4     main and appurtenances to be constructed by the Department of
     5     General Services, together with easements for public water
     6     purposes, situate in Strasburg Township, Lancaster County,
     7     and to grant such further easements and licenses as may be
     8     necessary to provide the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania with
     9     access to public sewer service.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12  Section 1.  Water main and easements in Strasburg Township,
    13                 Lancaster County.
    14     (a)  Authorization.--The Department of General Services, with
    15  the approval of the Governor, is hereby authorized on behalf of
    16  the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to dedicate, grant and convey
    17  to the Strasburg, Lancaster County, Borough Authority, for $1, a
    18  water main and appurtenances to such water main to be
    19  constructed by the Department of General Services as part of
    20  Project No. DGS 980-6, together with such easements as may be
    21  necessary for purposes of the operation, maintenance, repair and

     1  replacement of such water main and appurtenances, over, through,
     2  and in certain property constituting, or adjacent to, the
     3  grounds of the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, as described in
     4  subsection (b).
     5     (b)  Description of easement.--Pursuant to to subsection (a)
     6     (1)  The Department of General Services is authorized to
     7     grant to the Strasburg, Lancaster County, Borough Authority a
     8     permanent easement, not to exceed 25 feet in width, over,
     9     through, and in the real property constituting the grounds of
    10     the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, consisting of the real
    11     property acquired by the General State Authority pursuant to
    12     deeds recorded at the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of
    13     Lancaster County at Record Book W, Volume 56, Page 212,
    14     Record Book O, Volume 60, Page 527, and Record Book D, Volume
    15     57, Page 123.
    16         (2)  The Department of General Services is further
    17     authorized to transfer, convey or assign to the Strasburg,
    18     Lancaster County, Borough Authority any easement acquired by
    19     the Department of General Services as part of Project No. DGS
    20     980-6 for purposes of the construction, operation,
    21     maintenance, repair, and replacement of the water main and
    22     appurtenances.
    23         (3)  All of the above described easements to be used for
    24     purposes of the operation, maintenance, repair, and
    25     replacement of the water main and appurtenances to be
    26     constructed by the Department of General Services as part of
    27     Project No. DGS 980-6.
    28     (c)  Execution of deed.--Any deed or other conveyance
    29  document executed pursuant to this section shall be executed by
    30  the Secretary of General Services in the name of the
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     1  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
     2     (d)  Covenant to repair.--Any deed conveying an easement
     3  over, through, and in the grounds of the Railroad Museum of
     4  Pennsylvania shall contain a covenant requiring the grantee to
     5  repair, to the satisfaction of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
     6  any damage to the easement area caused by the Grantee's
     7  operation, maintenance, repair or replacement of said water main
     8  and appurtenances.
     9     (e)  Easements or licenses for public sewer service.--The
    10  Department of General Services is further authorized to transfer
    11  and convey, with the approval of the Governor, any easements or
    12  licenses necessary to provide the Railroad Museum of
    13  Pennsylvania with access to public sewer service. Access to
    14  public sewer service may be provided by means of a connection to
    15  privately owned sewer facilities.
    16     (f)  Costs and fees.--Costs and fees incidental to the
    17  conveyances authorized by subsection (a) shall be borne by the
    18  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    19  Section 2.  Effective date.
    20     This act shall take effect immediately.

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