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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2009



No. 1580 Session of 2007



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), entitled "An
     2     act relating to tax reform and State taxation by codifying
     3     and enumerating certain subjects of taxation and imposing
     4     taxes thereon; providing procedures for the payment,
     5     collection, administration and enforcement thereof; providing
     6     for tax credits in certain cases; conferring powers and
     7     imposing duties upon the Department of Revenue, certain
     8     employers, fiduciaries, individuals, persons, corporations
     9     and other entities; prescribing crimes, offenses and
    10     penalties;" further providing, in sales and use tax, for
    11     imposition of tax, for computation of tax and for alternative
    12     imposition of tax and credits; providing, in sales and use
    13     tax, for the deposit of certain sales tax revenue; further
    14     providing, in personal income tax, for imposition of income
    15     tax; and providing, in personal income tax, for the deposit
    16     of the additional personal income tax revenue.

    17     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    18  hereby enacts as follows:
    19     Section 1.  Section 202 of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6,
    20  No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, amended September
    21  9, 1971 (P.L.437, No.105), October 4, 1978 (P.L.987, No.201),
    22  April 23, 1998 (P.L.239, No.45), May 24, 2000 (P.L.106, No.23)
    23  and June 29, 2002 (P.L.559, No.89), is amended to read:
    24     Section 202.  Imposition of Tax.--(a)  There is hereby

     1  imposed upon each separate sale at retail of tangible personal
     2  property or services, as defined herein, within this
     3  Commonwealth a tax [of six per cent] as prescribed under
     4  subsection (h) of the purchase price, which tax shall be
     5  collected by the vendor from the purchaser, and shall be paid
     6  over to the Commonwealth as herein provided.
     7     (b)  There is hereby imposed upon the use, on and after the
     8  effective date of this article, within this Commonwealth of
     9  tangible personal property purchased at retail on or after the
    10  effective date of this article, and on those services described
    11  herein purchased at retail on and after the effective date of
    12  this article, a tax [of six per cent] as prescribed under
    13  subsection (h) of the purchase price, which tax shall be paid to
    14  the Commonwealth by the person who makes such use as herein
    15  provided, except that such tax shall not be paid to the
    16  Commonwealth by such person where he has paid the tax imposed by
    17  subsection (a) of this section or has paid the tax imposed by
    18  this subsection (b) to the vendor with respect to such use. The
    19  tax [at the rate of six per cent] imposed by this subsection
    20  shall not be deemed applicable where the tax has been incurred
    21  under the provisions of the "Tax Act of 1963 for Education."
    22     (c)  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article,
    23  the tax with respect to telecommunications service within the
    24  meaning of [clause] subsection (m) of section 201 of this
    25  article shall, except for telegrams paid for in cash at
    26  telegraph offices, be computed [at the rate of six per cent] as
    27  prescribed under subsection (h) upon the total amount charged to
    28  customers for such services, irrespective of whether such charge
    29  is based upon a flat rate or upon a message unit charge, but in
    30  no event shall charges for telephone calls paid for by inserting
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     1  money into a telephone accepting direct deposits of money to
     2  operate be subject to this tax. A telecommunications service
     3  provider shall have no responsibility or liability to the
     4  Commonwealth for billing, collecting or remitting taxes that
     5  apply to services, products or other commerce sold over
     6  telecommunications lines by third-party vendors. To prevent
     7  actual multistate taxation of interstate telecommunications
     8  service, any taxpayer, upon proof that the taxpayer has paid a
     9  similar tax to another state on the same interstate
    10  telecommunications service, shall be allowed a credit against
    11  the tax imposed by this section on the same interstate
    12  telecommunications service to the extent of the amount of such
    13  tax properly due and paid to such other state.
    14     (d)  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article,
    15  the sale or use of food and beverages dispensed by means of coin
    16  operated vending machines shall be taxed [at the rate of six per
    17  cent] as prescribed under subsection (h) of the receipts
    18  collected from any such machine which dispenses food and
    19  beverages heretofore taxable.
    20     (e)  (1)  Notwithstanding any provisions of this article, the
    21  sale or use of prepaid telecommunications evidenced by the
    22  transfer of tangible personal property shall be subject to the
    23  tax imposed by subsections (a) and (b).
    24     (2)  The sale or use of prepaid telecommunications not
    25  evidenced by the transfer of tangible personal property shall be
    26  subject to the tax imposed by subsections (a) and (b) and shall
    27  be deemed to occur at the purchaser's billing address.
    28     (3)  Notwithstanding clause (2), the sale or use of prepaid
    29  telecommunications service not evidenced by the transfer of
    30  tangible personal property shall be taxed [at the rate of six
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     1  per cent] as prescribed under subsection (h) of the receipts
     2  collected on each sale if the service provider elects to collect
     3  the tax imposed by this article on receipts of each sale. The
     4  service provider shall notify the department of its election and
     5  shall collect the tax on receipts of each sale until the service
     6  provider notifies the department otherwise.
     7     (e.1)  (1)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this
     8  article, the sale or use of prepaid mobile telecommunications
     9  service evidenced by the transfer of tangible personal property
    10  shall be subject to the tax imposed by subsections (a) and (b).
    11     (2)  The sale or use of prepaid mobile telecommunications
    12  service not evidenced by the transfer of tangible personal
    13  property shall be subject to the tax imposed by subsections (a)
    14  and (b) and shall be deemed to occur at the purchaser's billing
    15  address or the location associated with the mobile telephone
    16  number or the point of sale, whichever is applicable.
    17     (3)  Notwithstanding clause (2), the sale or use of prepaid
    18  mobile telecommunications service not evidenced by the transfer
    19  of tangible personal property shall be taxed [at the rate of six
    20  per cent] as prescribed under subsection (h) of the receipts
    21  collected on each sale if the service provider elects to collect
    22  the tax imposed by this article on receipts of each sale. The
    23  service provider shall notify the department of its election and
    24  shall collect the tax on receipts of each sale until the service
    25  provider notifies the department otherwise.
    26     (f)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, tax
    27  with respect to sales of prebuilt housing shall be imposed on
    28  the prebuilt housing builder at the time of the prebuilt housing
    29  sale within this Commonwealth and shall be paid and reported by
    30  the prebuilt housing builder to the department in the time and
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     1  manner provided in this article: Provided, however, That a
     2  manufacturer of prebuilt housing may, at its option, precollect
     3  the tax from the prebuilt housing builder at the time of sale to
     4  the prebuilt housing builder. In any case where prebuilt housing
     5  is purchased and the tax is not paid by the prebuilt housing
     6  builder or precollected by the manufacturer, the prebuilt
     7  housing purchaser shall remit tax directly to the department if
     8  the prebuilt housing is used in this Commonwealth without regard
     9  to whether the prebuilt housing becomes a real estate structure.
    10     (g)  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article and
    11  in accordance with the Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act (4
    12  U.S.C. § 116), the sale or use of mobile telecommunications
    13  services which are deemed to be provided to a customer by a home
    14  service provider under section 117(a) and (b) of the Mobile
    15  Telecommunications Sourcing Act shall be subject to the tax [of
    16  six per cent] as prescribed under subsection (h) of the purchase
    17  price, which tax shall be collected by the home service provider
    18  from the customer, and shall be paid over to the Commonwealth as
    19  herein provided if the customer's place of primary use is
    20  located within this Commonwealth, regardless of where the mobile
    21  telecommunications services originate, terminate or pass
    22  through. For purposes of this subsection, words and phrases used
    23  in this subsection shall have the same meanings given to them in
    24  the Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act.
    25     (h)  The rate of tax to be imposed under this section shall
    26  be as follows:
    27     (1)  For taxable years ending December 31, 2007, six per
    28  cent.
    29     (2)  For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007, and
    30  ending before January 1, 2009, six and six tenths per cent.
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     1     (3)  For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2008, and
     2  ending before January 1, 2010, seven and twenty-six hundredths
     3  per cent.
     4     (4)  For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2009, and
     5  ending before January 1, 2011, seven and ninety-nine hundredths
     6  per cent.
     7     (5)  For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2010, and
     8  ending before January 1, 2012, eight and seventy-eight
     9  hundredths per cent.
    10     (6)  For taxable years beginning after January 1, 2012, nine
    11  and sixty-six hundredths per cent.
    12     Section 2.  Section 203 of the act is amended to read:
    13     Section 203.  Computation of Tax.--The department shall
    14  promulgate regulations to assist in computing the amount of tax
    15  imposed by section 202. [of this article shall be computed as
    16  follows:
    17     (a)  If the purchase price is ten cents (10¢) or less, no tax
    18  shall be collected.
    19     (b)  If the purchase price is eleven cents (11¢) or more but
    20  less than eighteen cents (18¢), one cent (1¢) shall be
    21  collected.
    22     (c)  If the purchase price is eighteen cents (18¢) or more
    23  but less than thirty-five cents (35¢), two cents (2¢) shall be
    24  collected.
    25     (d)  If the purchase price is thirty-five cents (35¢) or more
    26  but less than fifty-one cents (51¢), three cents (3¢) shall be
    27  collected.
    28     (e)  If the purchase price is fifty-one cents (51¢) or more
    29  but less than sixty-eight cents (68¢), four cents (4¢) shall be
    30  collected.
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     1     (f)  If the purchase price is sixty-eight cents (68¢) or more
     2  but less than eighty-five cents (85¢), five cents (5¢) shall be
     3  collected.
     4     (g)  If the purchase price is eighty-five cents (85¢) or more
     5  but less than one dollar and one cent ($1.01), six cents (6¢)
     6  shall be collected.
     7     (h)  If the purchase price is more than one dollar ($1.00),
     8  six per centum of each dollar of purchase price plus the above
     9  bracket charges upon any fractional part of a dollar in excess
    10  of even dollars shall be collected.]
    11     Section 3.  Section 205 of the act, amended June 9, 1978
    12  (P.L.463, No.62) and July 12, 2006 (P.L.1137, No.116), is
    13  amended to read:
    14     Section 205.  Alternate Imposition of Tax; Credits.--(a)  If
    15  any person actively and principally engaged in the business of
    16  selling new or used motor vehicles, trailers or semi-trailers,
    17  and registered with the department in the "dealer's class,"
    18  acquires a motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer for the
    19  purpose of resale, and prior to such resale, uses the motor
    20  vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer for a taxable use under this
    21  act, the person may pay a tax equal to [six per cent] the rate
    22  of tax prescribed under section 202(h) of the fair rental value
    23  of the motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer during such use.
    24  This section shall not apply to the use of a vehicle as a
    25  wrecker, parts truck, delivery truck or courtesy car.
    26     (b)  A commercial aircraft operator who acquires an aircraft
    27  for the purpose of resale, or lease, or is entitled to claim
    28  another valid exemption at the time of purchase, and subsequent
    29  to such purchase, periodically uses the same aircraft for a
    30  taxable use under this act, may elect to pay a tax equal to [six
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     1  per cent] the rate of tax prescribed under section 202(h) of the
     2  fair rental value of the aircraft during such use.
     3     Section 4.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     4     Section 281.3.  Transfers to Property Tax Reduction Fund.--
     5  Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, all revenues
     6  received by the department after December 31, 2008, from the
     7  increase in the rate of sales and use tax shall be transferred
     8  monthly to the Property Tax Reduction Fund.
     9     Section 5.  Section 302 of the act, amended December 23, 2003
    10  (P.L.250, No.46), is amended to read:
    11     Section 302.  Imposition of Tax.--(a)  Every resident
    12  individual, estate or trust shall be subject to, and shall pay
    13  for the privilege of receiving each of the classes of income
    14  hereinafter enumerated in section 303, a tax upon each dollar of
    15  income received by that resident during that resident's taxable
    16  year at the rate [of three and seven hundredths per cent] as
    17  prescribed under subsection (c).
    18     (b)  Every nonresident individual, estate or trust shall be
    19  subject to, and shall pay for the privilege of receiving each of
    20  the classes of income hereinafter enumerated in section 303 from
    21  sources within this Commonwealth, a tax upon each dollar of
    22  income received by that nonresident during that nonresident's
    23  taxable year at the rate [of three and seven hundredths per
    24  cent.] prescribed under subsection (c).
    25     (c)  The rate of tax to be imposed under this section shall
    26  be as follows:
    27     (1)  For taxable years ending December 31, 2007, three and
    28  seven hundredths per cent.
    29     (2)  For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007, and
    30  ending before January 1, 2009, three and thirty-eight hundredths
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     1  per cent.
     2     (3)  For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2008, and
     3  ending before January 1, 2010, three and seventy-one hundredths
     4  per cent.
     5     (4)  For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2009, and
     6  ending before January 2011, four and eight hundredths per cent.
     7     (5)  For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2010, and
     8  ending January 1, 2012, four and forty-nine hundredths per cent.
     9     (6)  For taxable years beginning after January 1, 2012, four
    10  and ninety four hundredths per cent.
    11     Section 6.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    12     Section 360.1.  Transfers to Property Tax Reduction Fund.--
    13  Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, all revenues
    14  received by the department after December 31, 2007, from the
    15  increase in the rate of personal income tax under section 302
    16  shall be transferred monthly to the Property Tax Reduction Fund.
    17     Section 7.  This act shall apply to tax years beginning after
    18  December 31, 2007.
    19     Section 8.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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