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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1900



No. 1505 Session of 2007

           JUNE 13, 2007


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for whistleblower protection in privatization of
     2     public service contracts; and imposing penalties.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Public
     7  Services Privatization Whistleblower Protection Act.
     8  Section 2.  Declaration of policy.
     9     The General Assembly finds and declares that using private
    10  contractors to provide public services formerly provided by
    11  public employees does not always promote the public interest. To
    12  ensure that residents of this Commonwealth receive high-quality
    13  public services at low cost, with due regard for the taxpayers
    14  of this Commonwealth, the service recipients and the needs of
    15  public and private workers, the General Assembly finds it

     1  necessary to regulate privatization contracts and to protect
     2  those workers who report conditions and practices which impact
     3  on the efficiency and quality of public services provided by
     4  private contractors.
     5  Section 3.  Definitions.
     6     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     7  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     8  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     9     "Agency."  Includes an executive office, department,
    10  division, board, commission or other office or officer in the
    11  executive branch of the government.
    12     "Discrimination or retaliation."  Includes a threat,
    13  intimidation or any adverse change in an employee's wages,
    14  benefits or terms or conditions of employment. In the case of a
    15  person who is not an employee of the private contractor, the
    16  term includes any adverse action taken against the person or the
    17  person's employer, including the cancellation of or refusal to
    18  renew a contract with the person or the person's employer.
    19     "Employee of a private contractor."  Includes a worker
    20  directly employed by a private contractor as well as an employee
    21  of a subcontractor or an independent contractor that provides
    22  supplies or services to a private contractor. The term includes
    23  former employees of a private contractor or subcontractor and
    24  former independent contractors.
    25     "Person."  Includes an individual, institution, Federal,
    26  State or local governmental entity or any other public or
    27  private entity.
    28     "Private contractor."  Any entity which enters into a
    29  privatization contract.
    30     "Privatization contract."  An agreement or combination or
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     1  series of agreements by which a nongovernmental person or entity
     2  agrees with an agency to provide services, valued at $100,000 or
     3  more, which are substantially similar to and in lieu of services
     4  previously provided or that could have been provided in whole or
     5  in part, by regular employees of an agency.
     6     "Public record."  A public record as defined in section 1 of
     7  the act of June 21, 1957 (P.L.390, No.212), referred to as the
     8  Right-to-Know Law. The term includes any document relating to
     9  the privatization contract or performance under the contract,
    10  prepared, received or retained by a contractor or subcontractor
    11  whether the document be handwritten, typed, tape-recorded,
    12  printed, photocopied, photographed or recorded by any other
    13  method.
    14     "Services."  Includes, with respect to a private contractor,
    15  all aspects of the provision of services provided by a private
    16  contractor pursuant to a privatization contract or any services
    17  provided by a subcontractor of a private contractor.
    18     "Subcontractor."  A subcontractor of a private contractor for
    19  work under a privatization contract or an amendment to a
    20  privatization contract.
    21  Section 4.  Prohibition against discrimination or retaliation
    22                 for disclosure of information.
    23     (a)  General rule.--No person shall retaliate or discriminate
    24  in any manner against any public employee or employee of a
    25  private contractor because that employee, or any person acting
    26  on behalf of the employee, in good faith:
    27         (1)  Engaged in any disclosure of information relating to
    28     the services provided by a private contractor pursuant to a
    29     privatization contract.
    30         (2)  Advocated on behalf of service recipients with
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     1     respect to the care or services provided by the private
     2     contractor.
     3         (3)  Initiated, cooperated or otherwise participated in
     4     any investigation or proceeding of any governmental entity
     5     relating to the services provided pursuant to a privatization
     6     contract.
     7     (b)  Attempts.--No person shall retaliate or discriminate in
     8  any manner against any public employee or employee of a private
     9  contractor because the employee has attempted or has an
    10  intention to engage in an action described in subsection (a).
    11     (c)  Restrictions on reporting prohibited.--No person shall
    12  by contract, policy or procedure prohibit or restrict any
    13  employee of a private contractor from engaging in any action for
    14  which a protection against discrimination or retaliation is
    15  provided under subsection (a).
    16     (d)  Confidential information.--This section does not protect
    17  disclosures that would violate Federal or State law or diminish
    18  or impair the rights of any person to the continued protection
    19  of confidentiality of communications provided by Federal or
    20  State law.
    21     (e)  Good faith action.--With respect to the conduct
    22  described in subsection (a)(1), an employee of a private
    23  contractor shall be considered to be acting in good faith if the
    24  employee reasonably believes that:
    25         (1)  the information is true; and
    26         (2)  the information disclosed by the employee:
    27             (i)  evidences a violation of any law, rule or
    28         regulation or of a generally recognized professional or
    29         clinical standard; or
    30             (ii)  relates to the care, services or conditions
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     1         which potentially endanger one or more recipients of
     2         service or employees employed pursuant to a privatization
     3         contract.
     4     (f)  Confidentiality of complaints to government agencies.--
     5  The identity of an employee of a private contractor who
     6  complains in good faith to a government agency or department or
     7  any member or employee of the General Assembly about the quality
     8  of services provided by a private contractor shall remain
     9  confidential and shall not be disclosed by any person except
    10  upon the knowing written consent of the employee of the private
    11  contractor and except in the case in which there is imminent
    12  danger to health or public safety or an imminent violation of
    13  criminal law.
    14     (g)  Enforcement.--
    15         (1)  (i)  Any current or former public employee or
    16         employee of a private contractor who believes that the
    17         employee has been retaliated or discriminated against in
    18         violation of subsection (a), (b) or (c) may file a civil
    19         action in a court of competent jurisdiction against the
    20         person believed to have violated subsection (a), (b) or
    21         (c).
    22             (ii)  If the court determines that a violation of
    23         subsection (a), (b) or (c) has occurred, the court shall
    24         award damages which result from the unlawful act or acts,
    25         including compensatory damages, reinstatement,
    26         reimbursement of any wages, salary, employment benefits
    27         or other compensation denied or lost to the employee by
    28         reason of the violation, as well as punitive damages,
    29         attorney fees and costs, including expert witness fees.
    30         The court shall award interest on the amount of damages
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     1         awarded at the prevailing rate.
     2             (iii)  The court may issue temporary, preliminary and
     3         permanent injunctive relief restraining violations of
     4         this law, including the restraint of any withholding of
     5         the payment of wages, salary, employment benefits or
     6         other compensation, plus interest, found by the court to
     7         be due and the restraint of any other change in the terms
     8         and conditions of employment and may award other
     9         equitable relief as may be appropriate, including
    10         employment, reinstatement and promotion.
    11             (iv)  An action may be brought under this subsection
    12         not later than two years after the date of the last event
    13         constituting the alleged violation for which the action
    14         is brought.
    15         (2)  Any person who violated subsection (a), (b) or (c)
    16     shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $10,000 for
    17     each violation. In determining the amount of any penalty
    18     under this subsection, the appropriateness of the penalty to
    19     the size of the business of the person charged and the
    20     gravity of the violation shall be considered. The amount of
    21     any penalty under this subsection, when finally determined,
    22     may be:
    23             (i)  deducted from any sums owing by the Commonwealth
    24         to the person charged; or
    25             (ii)  ordered by the court, in an action brought for
    26         a violation of subsection (a), (b) or (c) brought by the
    27         employee or employees who suffered retaliation or
    28         discrimination.
    29     (h)  Burden of proof.--
    30         (1)  In any civil action brought under this act, the
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     1     complainant shall have the initial burden of making a prima
     2     facie showing that any behavior described in subsections (a)
     3     through (c) was a contributing factor in the adverse action
     4     or inaction alleged in the complaint. A prima facie case
     5     shall be established if the complainant can show that:
     6             (i)  the respondent knew of the complainant's
     7         protected activities at the time that the alleged
     8         unfavorable action or inaction was taken; and
     9             (ii)  the discriminatory action occurred within a
    10         period of time such that a reasonable person could
    11         conclude that an activity protected by subsection (a) or
    12         (b) was a contributing factor in the discriminatory
    13         treatment.
    14         (2)  Once the complainant establishes a prima facie case,
    15     the burden shifts to the respondent to demonstrate, by clear
    16     and convincing evidence, that it would have taken the same
    17     action or inaction in the absence of the behavior.
    18     (i)  Notice.--
    19         (1)  Each private contractor shall post and keep posted
    20     in conspicuous places on its premises where notices to
    21     employees and applicants for employment are customarily
    22     posted, a notice setting forth excerpts from or summaries of
    23     the pertinent provisions of this act and information
    24     pertaining to the filing of a charge under this section.
    25         (2)  Any employer that willfully violates this section
    26     may be assessed a civil penalty not to exceed $100 for each
    27     separate offense.
    28  Section 19.  Nonpreemption.
    29     Nothing in this act preempts any other law and nothing in
    30  this act shall be construed or interpreted to impair or diminish
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     1  in any way the authority of any locality, municipality or
     2  subdivision to enact and enforce any law which provides
     3  equivalent or greater protection for its employees.
     4  Section 20.  Applicability.
     5     This act shall apply to acts of retaliation or discrimination
     6  occurring on or after the first day of the first month that
     7  begins after the effective date of this act.
     8  Section 21.  Effective date.
     9     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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