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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2457



No. 1427 Session of 2007

           RUBLEY AND KULA, SEPTEMBER 19, 2007

           SEPTEMBER 19, 2007

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of November 30, 2004 (P.L.1672, No.213),
     2     entitled, "An act providing for the sale of electric energy
     3     generated from renewable and environmentally beneficial
     4     sources, for the acquisition of electric energy generated
     5     from renewable and environmentally beneficial sources by
     6     electric distribution and supply companies and for the powers
     7     and duties of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission,"
     8     defining "Tier III alternative energy resource"; and further
     9     providing for alternative energy portfolio standards.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  Section 2 of the act of November 30, 2004
    13  (P.L.1672, No.213), known as the Alternative Energy Portfolio
    14  Standards Act, is amended by adding a definition to read:
    15  Section 2.  Definitions.
    16     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    17  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    18  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    19     * * *
    20     "Tier III alternative energy resource."  Energy use avoided

     1  through energy efficiency, conservation or any like reduction in
     2  the rate of energy used that is obtained by substituting
     3  technologically more advanced equipment to produce the same
     4  level of output using less electricity; adoption of technologies
     5  and processes that reduce heat or other energy losses; or
     6  reorganization of processes to make use of waste heat.
     7     * * *
     8     Section 2.  Section 3(a) and (b) of the act, amended July 17,
     9  2007 (P.L.114, No.35), are amended and the section is amended by
    10  adding a subsection to read:
    11  Section 3.  Alternative energy portfolio standards.
    12     (a)  General compliance and cost recovery.--
    13         (1)  From the effective date of this act through and
    14     including the [15th] 21st year after enactment of this act
    15     and each year thereafter, the electric energy sold by an
    16     electric distribution company or electric generation supplier
    17     to retail electric customers in this Commonwealth shall be
    18     comprised of electricity generated from alternative energy
    19     sources and in the percentage amounts as described under
    20     subsections (b) and (c).
    21         (2)  Electric distribution companies and electric
    22     generation suppliers shall satisfy both requirements set
    23     forth in subsections (b) and (c), provided, however, that an
    24     electric distribution company or an electric generation
    25     supplier shall be excused from its obligations under this
    26     section to the extent that the commission determines that
    27     force majeure exists.
    28         (3)  All costs for:
    29             (i)  the purchase of electricity generated from
    30         alternative energy sources, including the costs of the
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     1         regional transmission organization, in excess of the
     2         regional transmission organization real-time locational
     3         marginal pricing, or its successor, at the delivery point
     4         of the alternative energy source for the electrical
     5         production of the alternative energy sources; and
     6             (ii)  payments for alternative energy credits,
     7     in both cases that are voluntarily acquired by an electric
     8     distribution company during the cost recovery period on
     9     behalf of its customers shall be deferred as a regulatory
    10     asset by the electric distribution company and fully
    11     recovered, with a return on the unamortized balance, pursuant
    12     to an automatic energy adjustment clause under 66 Pa.C.S. §
    13     1307 (relating to sliding scale of rates; adjustments) as a
    14     cost of generation supply under 66 Pa.C.S. § 2807 (relating
    15     to duties of electric distribution companies) in the first
    16     year after the expiration of its cost-recovery period. After
    17     the cost-recovery period, any direct or indirect costs for
    18     the purchase by electric distribution of resources to comply
    19     with this section, including, but not limited to, the
    20     purchase of electricity generated from alternative energy
    21     sources, payments for alternative energy credits, cost of
    22     credits banked, payments to any third party administrators
    23     for performance under this act and costs levied by a regional
    24     transmission organization to ensure that alternative energy
    25     sources are reliable, shall be recovered on a full and
    26     current basis pursuant to an automatic energy adjustment
    27     clause under 66 Pa.C.S. § 1307 as a cost of generation supply
    28     under 66 Pa.C.S. § 2807.
    29     (b)  Tier I and solar photovoltaic shares.--
    30         (1)  Two years after the effective date of this act, at
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     1     least 1.5% of the electric energy sold by an electric
     2     distribution company or electric generation supplier to
     3     retail electric customers in this Commonwealth shall be
     4     generated from Tier I alternative energy sources. Except as
     5     provided in this section, the minimum percentage of electric
     6     energy required to be sold to retail electric customers from
     7     alternative energy sources shall increase to 2% three years
     8     after the effective date of this act. The minimum percentage
     9     of electric energy required to be sold to retail electric
    10     customers from alternative energy sources shall increase by
    11     at least 0.5% each year so that at least [8%] 6% of the
    12     electric energy sold by an electric distribution company or
    13     electric generation supplier to retail electric customers in
    14     that certificated territory in the [15th] 7th year after the
    15     effective date of this subsection is sold from Tier I
    16     alternative energy resources. The minimum percentage of
    17     electric energy required to be sold to retail electric
    18     customers from alternative energy sources shall increase by
    19     at least 1.357% each year beginning in the 8th year after the
    20     effective date of this act so that at least 25% of the
    21     electric energy sold by an electric distribution company or
    22     electric generation supplier to retail electric customers in
    23     that certified territory in the 21st year after the effective
    24     date of this act is sold from Tier I alternative energy
    25     sources. As enumerated in subsection (c.1), a specified
    26     portion of Tier III alternative energy resources may be
    27     substituted for Tier I energy resources beginning in years 12
    28     through 21.
    29         (2)  The total percentage of the electric energy sold by
    30     an electric distribution company or electric generation
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     1     supplier to retail electric customers in this Commonwealth
     2     that must be sold from solar photovoltaic technologies is:
     3             (i)  0.0013% for June 1, 2006, through May 31, 2007.
     4             (ii)  0.0030% for June 1, 2007, through May 31, 2008.
     5             (iii)  0.0063% for June 1, 2008, through May 31,
     6         2009.
     7             (iv)  0.0120% for June 1, 2009, through May 31, 2010.
     8             (v)  0.0203% for June 1, 2010, through May 31, 2011.
     9             (vi)  0.0325% for June 1, 2011, through May 31, 2012.
    10             (vii)  0.0510% for June 1, 2012, through May 31,
    11         2013.
    12             (viii)  0.0840% for June 1, 2013, through May 31,
    13         2014.
    14             (ix)  0.1440% for June 1, 2014, through May 31, 2015.
    15             (x)  0.2500% for June 1, 2015, through May 31, 2016.
    16             (xi)  0.2933% for June 1, 2016, through May 31, 2017.
    17             (xii)  0.3400% for June 1, 2017, through May 31,
    18         2018.
    19             (xiii)  0.3900% for June 1, 2018, through May 31,
    20         2019.
    21             (xiv)  0.4433% for June 1, 2019, through May 31,
    22         2020.
    23             (xv)  0.5000% for June 1, 2020, [and thereafter]
    24         through May 31, 2021.
    25             (xvi)  0.6500% for June 1, 2021, through May 31,
    26         2022.
    27             (xvii)  0.8000% for June 1, 2022, through May 31,
    28         2023.
    29             (xviii)  0.9500% for June 1, 2023, through May 31,
    30         2024.
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     1             (xix)  1.100% for June 1, 2024, through May 31, 2025.
     2             (xx)  1.2500% for June 1, 2025, through May 31, 2026.
     3             (xxi)  1.5000% for June 1, 2026, and thereafter.
     4         (3)  Upon commencement of the beginning of the 6th
     5     reporting year, the commission shall undertake a review of
     6     the compliance by electric distribution companies and
     7     electric generation suppliers with the requirements of this
     8     act. The review shall also include the status of alternative
     9     energy technologies within this Commonwealth and the capacity
    10     to add additional alternative energy resources. The
    11     commission shall use the results of this review to recommend
    12     to the General Assembly additional compliance goals beyond
    13     year [15] 21. The commission shall work with the department
    14     in evaluating the future alternative energy resource
    15     potential.
    16     * * *
    17     (c.1)  Tier III share.--
    18         (1)  Beginning in year 12, each electric distribution
    19     company or electrical generation supplier must acquire cost-
    20     effective energy efficiency savings equivalent to at least
    21     the following percentage of electrical energy sold. The
    22     following are the maximum percentages that may be substituted
    23     for the Tier I share:
    24             (i)  Year 12 - 0.5000%.
    25             (ii)  Year 13 - 1.000%.
    26             (iii)  Year 14 - 1.500%.
    27             (iv)  Year 15 - 2.000%.
    28             (v)  Year 16 - 2.500%.
    29             (vi)  Year 17 - 3.000%.
    30             (vii)  Year 18 - 3.500%.
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     1             (viii)  Year 19 - 4.000%.
     2             (ix)  Year 20 - 4.500%.
     3             (x)  Year 21 - 5.000%.
     4         (2)  The electric distribution company or electrical
     5     generation supplier shall achieve these shares through the
     6     implementation of direct market-based energy efficiency
     7     programs, market transformation programs offered directly to
     8     customers in their service territory or by entering into
     9     contracts with energy efficiency service providers to acquire
    10     cost-effective energy savings.
    11         (3)  All savings must be verified in accordance with this
    12     paragraph. Each project or program shall include an industry
    13     accepted measurement and verification protocol approved by
    14     the commission as part of the detailed energy efficiency plan
    15     that will be used to measure and verify energy and peak
    16     demand savings to ensure that the goals of this section are
    17     achieved. The following apply:
    18             (i)  The energy efficiency service provider is
    19         responsible for the measurement of energy and peak demand
    20         savings using the approved measurement and verification
    21         protocol and may utilize the services of an independent
    22         third party for such purposes.
    23             (ii)  Commission-approved deemed energy and peak
    24         demand savings may substitute for the energy efficiency
    25         service provider's measurement and verification where
    26         applicable.
    27             (iii)  Each customer shall sign a certification
    28         indicating that the measures contracted for were
    29         installed before final payment is made to the energy
    30         efficiency service provider.
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     1     * * *
     2     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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