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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1699



No. 1357 Session of 2007



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing for weight restriction relating
     3     to special registration plates and for use and display of
     4     illuminated signs.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Sections 1342(a), (c) and (d), 1346, 1348, 1350,
     8  1351, 1352, 1353, 1354(a), 1355, 1356, 1357, 1358, 1359(a) and
     9  1360 of Title 75 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are
    10  amended to read:
    11  § 1342.  Veteran plates and placard.
    12     (a)  Severely disabled veteran plate.--On the application of
    13  a veteran whose service-connected disability is certified at
    14  100% by the service unit of the armed forces in which the
    15  veteran served or by the United States Veterans' Administration
    16  or who has a service-connected disability of the type enumerated
    17  in section 1338 (relating to person with disability plate and
    18  placard), the department shall issue a special registration

     1  plate designating the vehicle as belonging to a severely
     2  disabled veteran. The registration plate shall have a white
     3  background, shall have blue numbers or letters as the department
     4  may determine, shall have the words, "disabled veteran," in at
     5  least ten-point bold type, inscribed in red at the bottom of the
     6  plate, and shall include the international symbol for access for
     7  persons with disabilities. Only one special registration plate
     8  shall be issued to a veteran under this section. It may be used
     9  only on a passenger car or truck with a registered gross weight
    10  of not more than [9,000] 10,000 pounds. In the case of a
    11  motorcycle, the department shall issue a decal containing the
    12  international symbol for access for persons with disabilities
    13  and the words "disabled veteran" for display on the registration
    14  plate.
    15     * * *
    16     (c)  Disabled veteran plates.--On the application of any
    17  veteran having a disability certified by the service unit of the
    18  armed forces in which the veteran served or by the United States
    19  Veterans' Administration as service-connected, the department
    20  shall issue a special registration plate designating the vehicle
    21  as belonging to a disabled veteran. The registration plate shall
    22  have a white background, shall have numbers or letters as the
    23  department may determine and shall have the words "disabled
    24  veteran" in at least ten-point bold type inscribed at the bottom
    25  of the plate. Only one special registration plate shall be
    26  issued to a veteran under this section. It may be used only on a
    27  passenger car or truck with a registered gross weight of not
    28  more than [9,000] 10,000 pounds.
    29     (d)  Prisoner of war plate.--On the application of an ex-
    30  prisoner of war whose imprisonment while in the service of the
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     1  armed forces of the United States is certified by the
     2  appropriate branch of the armed forces, the department shall
     3  issue a special registration plate designating the vehicle as
     4  belonging to an ex-prisoner of war. The registration plate shall
     5  contain the letters "POW" and such other numbers or letters as
     6  the department may determine and shall have the words "prisoner
     7  of war" in at least ten-point bold type inscribed at the bottom
     8  of the plate. Only one special registration plate shall be
     9  issued to an ex-prisoner of war under this subsection. The
    10  special registration plate may be used only on a passenger car
    11  or truck with a registered gross weight of not more than [9,000]
    12  10,000 pounds.
    13     * * *
    14  § 1346.  Special plates for recipients of Purple Heart.
    15     Upon application of any person who is a recipient of the
    16  Purple Heart, the department shall issue to such person a
    17  special registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed
    18  as belonging to a person who is a recipient of the Purple Heart.
    19  A severely disabled veteran, as described in section 1342(a)
    20  (relating to veteran plates and placard), who is qualified to
    21  receive a plate under this section may also elect to receive a
    22  placard under section 1342(b). The special registration plate
    23  may be used only on a passenger car or truck with a registered
    24  gross weight of not more than [9,000] 10,000 pounds.
    25  § 1348.  Special plates for Pearl Harbor survivors.
    26     Upon application of any person who is a survivor of Pearl
    27  Harbor, accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition
    28  to the annual registration fee and by such documentation as the
    29  department shall require, the department shall issue to such
    30  person a special registration plate designating the vehicle so
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     1  licensed as belonging to a person who is a survivor of Pearl
     2  Harbor. The special registration plate may be used only on a
     3  passenger car or truck with a registered gross weight of not
     4  more than [9,000] 10,000 pounds.
     5  § 1350.  Special plates for veterans of Korean War.
     6     Upon application of any person who is a veteran of the Korean
     7  War, accompanied by a fee of $20, which shall be in addition to
     8  the annual registration fee, and by such documentation as the
     9  department shall require, the department shall issue to the
    10  person a special registration plate designating the vehicle so
    11  licensed as belonging to a person who is a veteran of the Korean
    12  War. The special registration plate may be used only on a
    13  passenger car or truck with a registered gross weight of not
    14  more than [9,000] 10,000 pounds.
    15  § 1351.  Special plates for veterans of Persian Gulf War.
    16     Upon application of any person who is a veteran of the
    17  Persian Gulf War, accompanied by a fee of $20, which shall be in
    18  addition to the annual registration fee, and by such
    19  documentation as the department shall require, the department
    20  shall issue to the person a special registration plate
    21  designating the vehicle so licensed as belonging to a person who
    22  is a veteran of the Persian Gulf War. The special registration
    23  plate may be used only on a passenger car or truck with a
    24  registered gross weight of not more than [9,000] 10,000 pounds.
    25  § 1352.  Wild resource conservation plate.
    26     The department, in consultation with the Wild Resource
    27  Conservation Board, shall design a special wild resource
    28  conservation registration plate. Upon application of any person,
    29  accompanied by a fee of $35 which shall be in addition to the
    30  annual registration fee, the department shall issue the plate
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     1  for a passenger car, motor home, trailer or truck with a
     2  registered gross weight of not more than [9,000] 10,000 pounds.
     3  The Wild Resource Conservation Fund shall receive $15 of each
     4  additional fee for this plate.
     5  § 1353.  Preserve our heritage registration plate.
     6     The department, in consultation with the Pennsylvania
     7  Historical and Museum Commission, shall design a special
     8  preserve our heritage registration plate. Upon receipt of an
     9  application, accompanied by a fee of $35 which shall be in
    10  addition to the annual registration fee, the department shall
    11  issue the plate for a passenger car, motor home, trailer or
    12  truck with a registered gross weight of not more than [9,000]
    13  10,000 pounds. The Historical Preservation Fund shall receive
    14  $15 of each additional fee for this plate.
    15  § 1354.  Flagship Niagara commemorative registration plate.
    16     (a)  Plate.--The department, in consultation with the
    17  Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, shall design a
    18  Flagship Niagara commemorative registration plate. Upon
    19  application of any person, accompanied by a fee of $35 which
    20  shall be in addition to the annual registration fee, the
    21  department shall issue the plate for a passenger car, motor
    22  home, trailer or truck with a registered gross weight of not
    23  more than [9,000] 10,000 pounds.
    24     * * *
    25  § 1355.  Zoological plate.
    26     The department, in consultation with the Pennsylvania
    27  Zoological Council, shall design a special zoological
    28  registration plate. Upon application of any person, accompanied
    29  by a fee of $35 which shall be in addition to the annual
    30  registration fee, the department shall issue the plate for a
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     1  passenger car, motor home, trailer or truck with a registered
     2  gross weight of not more than [9,000] 10,000 pounds. The
     3  Zoological Enhancement Fund shall receive $15 of the fee paid by
     4  the applicant for the plate.
     5  § 1356.  Special plates for recipients of Expeditionary Forces
     6             Medal.
     7     Upon application of any person who is a recipient of the
     8  Expeditionary Forces Medal, accompanied by a fee of $20 which
     9  shall be in addition to the annual registration fee and by such
    10  documentation as the department shall require, the department
    11  shall issue to such person a special registration plate
    12  designating the vehicle so registered as belonging to a person
    13  who is a recipient of the Expeditionary Forces Medal. The
    14  special registration plate may be used only on a passenger car
    15  or truck with a registered gross weight of not more than [9,000]
    16  10,000 pounds.
    17  § 1357.  Special plates for World War II veterans.
    18     Upon application of any person who is a veteran of World War
    19  II, accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in addition to
    20  the annual registration fee and by such documentation as the
    21  department shall require, the department shall issue to such
    22  person a special registration plate carrying the symbol of a
    23  ruptured duck designating the vehicle so registered as belonging
    24  to a person who is a veteran of World War II. The special
    25  registration plate may be used only on a passenger car or truck
    26  with a registered gross weight of not more than [9,000] 10,000
    27  pounds.
    28  § 1358.  DARE plate.
    29     The department, in consultation with the Pennsylvania
    30  Commission on Crime and Delinquency, shall design a special drug
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     1  abuse resistance education (DARE) registration plate which
     2  utilizes the DARE logo or slogan in the design. Upon application
     3  of any person, accompanied by a fee of $35 which shall be in
     4  addition to the annual registration fee, the department shall
     5  issue the plate for a passenger car, motor home, trailer or
     6  truck with a registered gross weight of not more than [9,000]
     7  10,000 pounds. The Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program shall
     8  receive $15 of each additional fee for this plate.
     9  § 1359.  Special plates for steelworkers.
    10     (a)  General rule.--Upon application of any person who is a
    11  steelworker, accompanied by a fee of $20 which shall be in
    12  addition to the annual registration fee and by such
    13  documentation as the department shall require, the department
    14  shall issue to such person a special registration plate
    15  designating the vehicle so licensed as belonging to a person who
    16  is a steelworker. The special registration plate may be used
    17  only on a passenger car or a truck with a registered gross
    18  weight of not more than [9,000] 10,000 pounds. The plate shall
    19  bear the likeness of the official emblem of the American Iron
    20  and Steel Institute.
    21     * * *
    22  § 1360.  Special plates for veterans of Vietnam Conflict.
    23     Upon application of any person who is a veteran of the
    24  Vietnam Conflict as that term is defined for the awarding of the
    25  Vietnam Service Medal, accompanied by a fee of $20 in addition
    26  to the annual registration fee and by such documentation as the
    27  department shall require, the department shall issue to the
    28  person a special registration plate designating the vehicle so
    29  licensed as belonging to a person who is a veteran of the
    30  Vietnam Conflict. The special registration plate may be used
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     1  only on a passenger car or truck with a registered gross weight
     2  of not more than [9,000] 10,000 pounds.
     3     Section 2.  Section 4307 of Title 75 is amended by adding
     4  subsections to read:
     5  § 4307.  Use and display of illuminated signs.
     6     * * *
     7     (f)  Food delivery vehicle.--A food delivery vehicle may
     8  display an illuminated sign which shall be of a department-
     9  approved size and type designed not to interfere with or unduly
    10  distract the drivers of other vehicles on the highway. The
    11  department shall promulgate regulations setting forth the size,
    12  type and placement of signs approved for use under this
    13  subsection.
    14     (g)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term "food
    15  delivery vehicle" means a vehicle engaged in the transportation
    16  or conveyance of food products or items from their place of
    17  origin or production to a place of delivery, which vehicle may
    18  make intermittent stops that are customary in the routine
    19  conduct of the business for which the transportation occurs.
    20     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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