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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1614



No. 1309 Session of 2007

           SIPTROTH AND YOUNGBLOOD, MAY 18, 2007


                                     AN ACT

     1  Regulating the sale of tableware; imposing duties and
     2     responsibilities upon the Department of Health; and imposing
     3     penalties.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Safe
     8  Tableware Act.
     9  Section 2.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    11  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Department."  The Department of Health of the Commonwealth.
    14     "Distributor."  A person who brings tableware into this
    15  Commonwealth from another state for the purpose of selling it in
    16  this Commonwealth.
    17     "Importer."  A person who brings tableware into this

     1  Commonwealth from another country for the purpose of selling it
     2  in this Commonwealth.
     3     "Manufacturer."  A person who makes tableware for the purpose
     4  of selling it in this Commonwealth.
     5     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Health of the Commonwealth.
     6     "Small business."  A manufacturer, importer or distributor
     7  whose gross annual revenue from the sale of tableware is $30,000
     8  or less.
     9     "Tableware."  A glazed ceramic, enamel metalware or pewter
    10  article, container or utensil that may be used in the
    11  preparation, serving or storage of food or drink.
    12  Section 3.  Prohibition.
    13     No person may manufacture, process, import, sell, deliver,
    14  hold for sale, supply or offer for sale in this Commonwealth
    15  tableware that releases any level of lead or cadmium in
    16  violation of the standards set by the department, which shall be
    17  at least as stringent as the standards adopted by the Food and
    18  Drug Administration.
    19  Section 4.  Marking of tableware required.
    20     (a)  General rule.--Except as provided in subsection (b),
    21  each piece of tableware sold or offered for sale in this
    22  Commonwealth shall be permanently and indelibly marked with the
    23  name of the manufacturer or importer responsible for the sale of
    24  the tableware.
    25     (b)  Exceptions.--
    26         (1)  Subsection (a) shall not apply to any tableware
    27     manufactured without using lead or cadmium as an
    28     intentionally added ingredient.
    29         (2)  Subsection (a) shall not apply to any tableware
    30     product that is of a peculiar structure or too small to
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     1     enable the name of the manufacturer or importer to be marked
     2     thereon pursuant to the provisions of this section, provided
     3     that the product is:
     4             (i)  permanently and indelibly marked with a
     5         registered trademark which has been filed with the
     6         department;
     7             (ii)  described and depicted in a certificate of
     8         registration which has been filed with the department; or
     9             (iii)  part of a tableware set, one or more pieces of
    10         which are marked pursuant to the provisions of subsection
    11         (a).
    12     (c)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term
    13  "permanently and indelibly marked" means fired or manufactured
    14  into glazed tableware.
    15  Section 5.  Administration.
    16     The department shall administer and enforce this act. Upon
    17  request, the department shall report to the General Assembly
    18  concerning the number and findings of inspections performed and
    19  samples taken to determine compliance with this act.
    20  Section 6.  Fee.
    21     (a)  Amount.--
    22         (1)  For fiscal years 2008-2009 and 2009-2010, the
    23     department shall levy a fee of $500 upon each manufacturer,
    24     importer and distributor of tableware to be used for the
    25     purposes of this act, except that the department shall levy a
    26     fee of $150 upon small businesses.
    27         (2)  No later than July 1, 2009, the department shall
    28     establish a schedule, applicable to future fiscal years,
    29     assessing an annual fee upon manufacturers, importers and
    30     distributors. The schedule shall be based on the anticipated
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     1     cost of implementing and enforcing this act. The department
     2     shall publish the schedule as a notice in the Pennsylvania
     3     Bulletin.
     4     (b)  Interest.--A penalty of 10% per month shall be added to
     5  fees which are not paid in a timely manner.
     6  Section 7.  Local health agencies.
     7     The department may enter into an agreement designating local
     8  health agencies of governmental subdivisions as the department's
     9  authorized agents for purposes of enforcing this act. When an
    10  agreement is executed pursuant to this section, the department
    11  shall make fee revenues available to the appropriate
    12  governmental subdivision for performing duties relating to
    13  enforcing this act.
    14  Section 8.  Powers of inspectors.
    15     (a)  General rule.--In order to enforce this act, an
    16  authorized agent of the department may, upon presenting
    17  credentials and at a reasonable time, do any of the following:
    18         (1)  Enter a factory, warehouse or establishment in which
    19     tableware is manufactured, held, distributed, used or sold.
    20         (2)  Enter a vehicle that is being used to transport or
    21     hold tableware.
    22         (3)  Enter a place where tableware may be held or sold in
    23     violation of this act.
    24         (4)  Inspect a factory, warehouse, establishment, vehicle
    25     or place in which tableware is manufactured, held,
    26     transported, distributed, used or sold, and any raw, finished
    27     or unfinished materials, equipment, containers and tableware
    28     therein. The inspection shall include a record, file, paper,
    29     process, control and facility that has a bearing on whether
    30     the tableware complies with this act.
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     1         (5)  Secure a sample or specimen of tableware or a
     2     release of lead or cadmium from tableware. If an agent
     3     obtains a sample prior to leaving the premises, the agent
     4     shall leave a receipt describing the sample obtained. The
     5     department shall secure only the quantity of tableware that
     6     is reasonably necessary to conduct the tests to determine the
     7     release of lead or cadmium as determined appropriate by the
     8     department.
     9         (6)  Have access to all records of carriers in commerce
    10     relating to movement in commerce of tableware or the holding
    11     for sale of tableware and the quantity, shipper and consignee
    12     thereof.
    13     (b)  Refusal to permit entry.--It is unlawful for a person to
    14  refuse to permit entry or inspection or the taking of samples or
    15  other evidence, including photographs, to refuse access to
    16  copying of records pursuant to this act or to conceal samples or
    17  evidence or withhold evidence concerning them.
    18  Section 9.  Publication.
    19     The department may publish or publicly distribute any
    20  information regarding tableware, including results of tests and
    21  investigations, after assuring the accuracy of those tests and
    22  investigations to the extent necessary for protection of public
    23  health and consumer safety or for the protection of the consumer
    24  from fraud.
    25  Section 10.  Sanctions.
    26     (a)  Civil penalty.--The department may impose a civil
    27  penalty, payable to the department, upon a person who violates
    28  this act or any regulation adopted pursuant to this act in the
    29  amount of not more than $5,000 per day. Each day that a
    30  violation continues shall be considered a separate violation.
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     1     (b)  Complaint.--If, after examination of a possible
     2  violation and the facts surrounding that possible violation, the
     3  department concludes that a violation has occurred, the
     4  department may issue a complaint alleging acts or failures to
     5  act that constitute the basis for the violation and the amount
     6  of the penalty. The complaint shall be served upon the person
     7  alleged to have committed the violation by personal service or
     8  by certified mail and shall inform the person so served of the
     9  right to a hearing.
    10     (c)  Hearing.--
    11         (1)  A person served with a complaint may, within 20 days
    12     after service of the complaint, request a hearing by filing
    13     with the department a notice of defense. A notice of defense
    14     is deemed to have been filed within the 20-day period if it
    15     is postmarked within the 20-day period.
    16         (2)  If a hearing is requested by the person, it shall be
    17     conducted within 90 days after the receipt by the department
    18     of the notice of defense. If no notice of defense is filed
    19     within 20 days after service of the complaint, the department
    20     shall issue an order setting the penalty as proposed in the
    21     complaint unless the department and the person have entered
    22     into a settlement agreement. In that case the department
    23     shall issue an order setting the penalty in the amount
    24     specified in the settlement agreement.
    25         (3)  When the person has not filed a notice of defense or
    26     where the department and the person have entered into a
    27     settlement agreement, the order shall not be subject to
    28     review by a court or agency.
    29     (d)  Conduct of hearing.--Except as otherwise provided in
    30  this section, a hearing required under this section shall be
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     1  conducted in accordance with the provisions of 2 Pa.C.S.
     2  (relating to administrative law and procedure).
     3     (e)  Order.--An order setting civil penalties under this
     4  section shall become effective and final upon issuance thereof,
     5  and payment shall be made within 30 days of issuance. A copy of
     6  the order shall be served by personal service or by certified
     7  mail upon the person served with the complaint.
     8     (f)  Appeal.--
     9         (1)  Within 30 days after service of a copy of a decision
    10     issued by the secretary after a hearing, the person served
    11     may appeal to the Commonwealth Court.
    12         (2)  A person who fails to file the petition within this
    13     30-day period may not challenge the reasonableness or
    14     validity of the decision or order of the secretary in a
    15     judicial proceeding brought to enforce the decision or order
    16     or for other remedies.
    17         (3)  In proceedings pursuant to this subsection, the
    18     court shall uphold the decision of the secretary if the
    19     decision is based upon substantial evidence in the whole
    20     record.
    21         (4)  The filing of an appeal shall not stay a corrective
    22     action required pursuant to this act or the accrual of
    23     penalties assessed pursuant to this section.
    24         (5)  This subsection shall not be construed to prohibit a
    25     court from granting appropriate relief within its
    26     jurisdiction.
    27     (g)  Remedies not exclusive.--The remedies under this section
    28  are in addition to and do not supersede or limit the
    29  availability of other civil or criminal remedies.
    30     (h)  Criminal penalty.--If a violation of this act is
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     1  committed after a previous imposition of a penalty under this
     2  section which has become final, if the violation was committed
     3  with intent to mislead or defraud or if the violation concerns
     4  tableware primarily used by children or marketed for children,
     5  the offender shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine
     6  of $10,000 or to imprisonment for not more than one year, or
     7  both.
     8  Section 11.  Regulations.
     9     The department shall promulgate such rules and regulations as
    10  may be required in order to administer this act.
    11  Section 12.  Effective date.
    12     This act shall take effect July 1, 2008, or immediately,
    13  whichever is later.

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