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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1180



No. 881 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 26 (Eminent Domain) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, providing for limitations on the use
     3     of eminent domain; and making a related repeal.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Title 26 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     7  Statutes is amended by adding a chapter to read:
     8                             CHAPTER 2
    10  Sec.
    11  201.  Short title of chapter.
    12  202.  Definitions.
    13  203.  Applicability.
    14  204.  Eminent domain for private business prohibited.
    15  205.  Eminent domain in redevelopment areas.
    16  § 201.  Short title of chapter.
    17     This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Property

     1  Rights Protection Act.
     2  § 202.  Definitions.
     3     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
     4  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     5  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     6     "Commonwealth agency."  As defined in 2 Pa.C.S. § 101
     7  (relating to definitions).
     8     "Condemnee."  A person that owns property subject to the
     9  exercise of the power of eminent domain by a condemnor.
    10     "Condemnor."  Any of the following which is authorized by law
    11  to exercise the power of eminent domain:
    12         (1)  The Commonwealth, a Commonwealth agency or an
    13     instrumentality or authority of the Commonwealth.
    14         (2)  A political subdivision, an agency of a political
    15     subdivision or an instrumentality or authority of a political
    16     subdivision.
    17         (3)  A public utility as defined in 66 Pa.C.S. § 102
    18     (relating to definitions).
    19         (4)  A private entity.
    20     "Eminent domain."  The power of the Commonwealth to take
    21  private property for public use in return for reasonable
    22  compensation.
    23     "Redevelopment area."  As defined in section 3(n) of the act
    24  of May 24, 1945 (P.L.991, No.385), known as the Urban
    25  Redevelopment Law.
    26  § 203.  Applicability.
    27     (a)  Authority.--Except as set forth in subsection (b), the
    28  limitations and protections set forth in this chapter apply to
    29  the exercise of eminent domain by a condemnor.
    30     (b)  Exception.--This chapter does not affect any of the
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     1  following:
     2         (1)  The jurisdiction or power of the Pennsylvania Public
     3     Utility Commission.
     4         (2)  Any statute providing for the assessment of benefits
     5     for public improvement on the properties benefited.
     6  § 204.  Eminent domain for private business prohibited.
     7     (a)  Prohibition.--Except as set forth in subsection (b), the
     8  exercise by any condemnor of the power of eminent domain to take
     9  private property in order to use it for private commercial
    10  enterprise is prohibited.
    11     (b)  Exception.--Subsection (a) does not apply if any of the
    12  following apply:
    13         (1)  The condemnee consents to the use of the property
    14     for private commercial enterprise.
    15         (2)  The property taken is transferred or leased to any
    16     of the following:
    17             (i)  A common carrier as defined in 66 Pa.C.S. § 102
    18         (relating to definitions).
    19             (ii)  A private entity that occupies an incidental
    20         area within a public project, such as a retail
    21         establishment on the ground floor of a public building.
    22         (3)  There is, on or associated with the property taken,
    23     a threat to public health or safety. This paragraph includes
    24     the following:
    25             (i)  Removal of a public nuisance.
    26             (ii)  Removal of a structure which is:
    27                 (A)  beyond repair; or
    28                 (B)  unfit for human habitation or use.
    29         (4)  The property taken is abandoned.
    30         (5)  The property taken meets the requirements of section
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     1     205 (relating to eminent domain in redevelopment areas).
     2  § 205.  Eminent domain in redevelopment areas.
     3     (a)  Scope.--This section applies notwithstanding the act of
     4  May 24, 1945 (P.L.991, No.385), known as the Urban Redevelopment
     5  Law.
     6     (b)  Single property.--For purposes of acquiring a single
     7  unit of property by eminent domain, a condemnor is authorized or
     8  permitted to declare an area, either within or outside of a
     9  redevelopment area, to be blighted only if the property is any
    10  of the following:
    11         (1)  A premises which, because of physical condition or
    12     use, is regarded as a public nuisance at common law or has
    13     been declared a public nuisance in accordance with the
    14     municipality housing, building, plumbing, fire or related
    15     codes.
    16         (2)  A premises which, because of physical condition, use
    17     or occupancy, is considered an attractive nuisance to
    18     children. This paragraph includes an abandoned:
    19             (i)  well;
    20             (ii)  shaft;
    21             (iii)  basement;
    22             (iv)  excavation; or
    23             (v)  unsafe fence or structure.
    24         (3)  A dwelling which, because it is dilapidated,
    25     unsanitary, unsafe, vermin-infested or lacking in the
    26     facilities and equipment required by statute or an applicable
    27     municipal code, has been designated by the agency responsible
    28     for enforcement of the statute or code as unfit for human
    29     habitation.
    30         (4)  A structure which is a fire hazard or is otherwise
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     1     dangerous to the safety of persons or property.
     2         (5)  A structure from which the utilities, plumbing,
     3     heating, sewerage or other facilities have been disconnected,
     4     destroyed, removed or rendered ineffective so that the
     5     property is unfit for its intended use.
     6         (6)  Any vacant or unimproved lot or parcel of ground in
     7     a predominantly built-up neighborhood which, by reason of
     8     neglect or lack of maintenance, has become a place for
     9     accumulation of trash and debris or a haven for rodents or
    10     other vermin.
    11         (7)  An unoccupied property which has been tax delinquent
    12     for a period of two years.
    13         (8)  A property which is vacant but not tax delinquent
    14     and which has not been rehabilitated within one year of the
    15     receipt of notice to rehabilitate from the appropriate
    16     enforcement agency.
    17         (9)  An abandoned property. A property shall be
    18     considered abandoned under this paragraph if it:
    19             (i)  is a vacant or unimproved lot or parcel of
    20         ground on which a municipal lien for the cost of
    21         demolition of a structure located on the property remains
    22         unpaid for a period of six months;
    23             (ii)  is a vacant property or vacant or unimproved
    24         lot or parcel of ground on which the total of municipal
    25         liens on the property for tax or other type of claim of
    26         the municipality is in excess of 150% of the fair market
    27         value of the property as established by the Board of
    28         Revisions of Taxes or other body with legal authority to
    29         determine the taxable value of the property; or
    30             (iii)  has been declared abandoned by the owner,
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     1         including an estate that is in possession of the
     2         property.
     3     (c)  Multiple properties.--For purposes of acquiring multiple
     4  units of property by eminent domain, a condemnor is authorized
     5  or permitted to declare an area, either within or outside of a
     6  redevelopment area, to be blighted only if a majority of the
     7  units of property:
     8         (1)  meet any of the requirements under subsection (b)(1)
     9     through (9); and
    10         (2)  represent a majority of the geographical area.
    11     (d)  Redesignation.--If a condemnor seeks to add or enlarge a
    12  blighted area, it must find that the area meets the requirements
    13  of subsection (b) or (c) at the time of the addition or
    14  enlargement.
    15     (e)  Expiration.--The declaration of a blighted area shall
    16  expire after ten years.
    17     Section 2.  Repeals are as follows:
    18         (1)  The General Assembly declares that the repeal under
    19     paragraph (2) is necessary to effectuate the addition of 26
    20     Pa.C.S. § 205.
    21         (2)  As much of section 2 of the act of May 24, 1945
    22     (P.L.991, No.385), known as the Urban Redevelopment Law, as
    23     relates to condemnation of blighted areas, is repealed.
    24         (3)  All other acts and parts of acts are repealed
    25     insofar as they are inconsistent with this act.
    26     Section 3.  This act shall apply to the exercise of the power
    27  of eminent domain on or after the effective date of this
    28  section.
    29     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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