See other bills
under the
same topic
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 1105, 1241, 1302,        PRINTER'S NO. 2218
        1319, 1553, 2048, 2101, 2182, 2186, 2208



No. 862 Session of 2005


           OCTOBER 24, 2006

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Titles 4 (Amusements) and 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of
     2     the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for
     3     definitions and for the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board;
     4     providing for applicability of other statutes; further
     5     providing for powers and duties of board; providing for code
     6     of conduct; further providing for temporary regulations, for
     7     licensed entity application appeals from board, for license
     8     or permit application hearing process, for board minutes and
     9     records, for collection of fees and fines, for regulatory
    10     authority of board, for slot machine license fee, for number
    11     of slot machines, for reports of board, for license or permit
    12     prohibition, for Category 2 slot machine licenses, for
    13     Category 3 slot machine licenses, for order of initial
    14     license issuance, for slot machine license application and
    15     for slot machine license application business entity
    16     requirements; providing for licensing of principals and for
    17     licensing of key employees; further providing for slot
    18     machine license application financial fitness requirements
    19     and for supplier and manufacturer licenses; providing for
    20     manufacturer licenses; further providing for occupation
    21     permit application, for central control computer system, for
    22     license or permit issuance, for nontransferability of
    23     licenses and for gross terminal revenue deductions; providing
    24     for itemized budget reporting; further providing for
    25     establishment of State Gaming Fund and net slot machine
    26     revenue distribution, for distributions from Pennsylvania
    27     Race Horse Development Fund, for the Compulsive and Problem
    28     Gambling Program; providing for land use preemption and        <--
    29     conveyances within cities of the first class, and for clean

     1     indoor air; providing for public official financial interest,
     2     for political influence and for enforcement; providing for
     3     procedures and for conduct of public officials and employees;
     4     further providing for prohibited acts and penalties;
     5     providing for detention and for interception of oral
     6     communications; further providing for duty to provide and for
     7     submission of fingerprints and photographs; providing for
     8     repayments to State Gaming Fund; and further providing for
     9     corrupt organizations.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  The definitions of "affiliate" or "affiliated
    13  company," "applicant," "controlling interest" and INTEREST,"      <--
    14  "gross terminal revenue" AND "LICENSED FACILITY" in section 1103  <--
    15  of Title 4 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended
    16  and the section is amended by adding definitions to read:
    17  § 1103.  Definitions.
    18     The following words and phrases when used in this part shall
    19  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    20  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    21     "Affiliate[" or "affiliated company]," "affiliate of" or
    22  "person affiliated with." A person that directly or indirectly,
    23  through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by
    24  or is under common control with a specified person.
    25     "Applicant."  Any person[, officer, director or key
    26  employee], who on his own behalf or on behalf of another, is
    27  applying for permission to engage in any act or activity which
    28  is regulated under the provisions of this part. In cases in
    29  which the applicant is a [corporation, foundation, organization,
    30  business trust, estate, limited liability company, trust,
    31  partnership, limited partnership, association or any other form
    32  of legal business entity,] person other than an individual, the
    33  Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board shall determine the associated
    34  persons whose qualifications are necessary as a precondition to
    20050S0862B2218                  - 2 -     

     1  the licensing of the applicant.
     2     * * *
     3     "Associated area."  All parcels of land and improvements,      <--
     4  including a licensed racetrack and backside area, owned by the
     5  licensed gaming entity or its affiliate, intermediary,
     6  subsidiary or holding company which is contiguous with or
     7  adjoined directly by a pedestrian walkway, bridge or easement,
     8  to the land-based location of the licensed facility.
     9     * * *
    10     "Compensation."  Any thing of value, money or a financial
    11  benefit conferred on or received by a person in return for
    12  services rendered, or to be rendered, whether by that person or
    13  another.
    14     "Complimentary service."  Any lodging, service or item which
    15  is provided to an individual at no cost or at a reduced cost
    16  which is not generally available to the public under similar
    17  circumstances. Group rates, including convention and government
    18  rates, shall be deemed to be generally available to the public.
    19     "Conduct of gaming."  The licensed placement and operation of
    20  games of chance under this part and approved by the Pennsylvania
    21  Gaming Control Board at a licensed facility.
    22     "Controlling interest."  [A person shall be deemed to have
    23  the ability to control a publicly traded corporation, or to
    24  elect one or more of the members of its board of directors, if
    25  such holder owns or beneficially holds 5% or more of the
    26  securities of such publicly traded domestic or foreign
    27  corporation, partnership, limited liability company or any other
    28  form of legal entity, unless such presumption of control or
    29  ability to elect is rebutted by clear and convincing evidence. A
    30  person who is a holder of securities of a privately held
    20050S0862B2218                  - 3 -     

     1  domestic or foreign corporation, partnership, limited liability
     2  company or any other form of legal entity shall be deemed to
     3  possess a controlling interest unless such presumption of
     4  control is rebutted by clear and convincing evidence.] For a
     5  publicly traded domestic or foreign corporation, a controlling
     6  interest is an interest in a legal entity, applicant or licensee
     7  if a person's sole voting rights under State law or corporate
     8  articles or bylaws entitle the person to elect or appoint one or
     9  more of the members of the board of directors or other governing
    10  board or the ownership or beneficial holding of 5% or more of
    11  the securities of the publicly traded corporation, partnership,
    12  limited liability company or other form of publicly traded legal
    13  entity, unless this presumption of control or ability to elect
    14  is rebutted by clear and convincing evidence. For a privately
    15  held domestic or foreign corporation, partnership, limited
    16  liability company or other form of privately held legal entity,
    17  a controlling interest is the holding of any securities in the
    18  legal entity, unless this presumption of control is rebutted by
    19  clear and convincing evidence.
    20     * * *
    21     "Corporation."  Includes a publicly traded corporation.
    22     * * *
    23     "Gross terminal revenue."  The total of cash or cash
    24  equivalent wagers received by a slot machine minus the total of:
    25         (1)  Cash or cash equivalents paid out to patrons as a
    26     result of playing a slot machine which are paid to patrons
    27     either manually or paid out by the slot machine.
    28         (2)  Cash paid to purchase annuities to fund prizes
    29     payable to patrons over a period of time as a result of
    30     playing a slot machine.
    20050S0862B2218                  - 4 -     

     1         (3)  Any personal property distributed to a patron as the
     2     result of playing a slot machine. This does not include
     3     travel expenses, food, refreshments, lodging or services.
     4  The term does not include counterfeit money or tokens, coins or
     5  currency of other countries which are received in slot machines,
     6  except to the extent that they are readily convertible to United
     7  States currency, cash taken in fraudulent acts perpetrated
     8  against a slot machine licensee for which the licensee is not
     9  reimbursed or cash received as entry fees for contests or
    10  tournaments in which the patrons compete for prizes.
    11     "Holding company."  A person, other than an individual,
    12  which, directly or indirectly, owns, has the power or right to
    13  control or to vote any significant part of the outstanding
    14  voting securities of a corporation or other form of business
    15  organization. A holding company indirectly has, holds or owns
    16  any such power, right or security if it does so through an
    17  interest in a subsidiary or successive subsidiaries.
    18     * * *
    19     "Independent contractor."  A person who performs
    20  professional, scientific, technical, advisory or consulting
    21  services to the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board for a fee,
    22  honorarium or similar compensation pursuant to a contract.
    23     * * *
    24     "Intermediary."  A person, other than an individual, which:
    25         (1)  is a holding company with respect to a corporation
    26     or other form of business organization, which holds or
    27     applies for a license under this part; and
    28         (2)  is a subsidiary with respect to any holding company.
    29     * * *
    20050S0862B2218                  - 5 -     

     3     * * *
     4     "Member."  An individual appointed to and sworn in as a
     5  member of the board in accordance with section 1201(b) (relating
     6  to Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board established).
     7     * * *
     8     "Principal."  An officer; director; person who directly holds
     9  a beneficial interest in or ownership of the securities of an
    10  applicant or licensee; person who has a controlling interest in
    11  an applicant or licensee, or has the ability to elect a majority
    12  of the board of directors of a licensee or to otherwise control
    13  a licensee; lender or other licensed financial institution of an
    14  applicant or licensee, other than a bank or lending institution
    15  which makes a loan or holds a mortgage or other lien acquired in
    16  the ordinary course of business; underwriter of an applicant or
    17  licensee; or other person or employee of an applicant, slot
    18  machine licensee, manufacturer licensee or supplier licensee
    19  deemed to be a principal by the Pennsylvania Gaming Control
    20  Board.
    21     * * *
    22     "Publicly traded corporation."  A person other than an
    23  individual which:
    24         (1)  has a class or series of securities registered under
    25     the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (48 Stat. 881, 15 U.S.C.
    26     § 78a et seq.);
    27         (2)  is a registered management company under the
    28     Investment Company Act of 1940 (54 Stat. 789, 15 U.S.C. §
    29     80a-1 et seq.); or
    30         (3)  is subject to the reporting obligations imposed by
    20050S0862B2218                  - 6 -     

     1     section 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 by
     2     reason of having filed a registration statement which has
     3     become effective under the Securities Act of 1933 (48 Stat.
     4     74, 15 U.S.C. § 77a et seq.).
     5     * * *
     6     "Subsidiary."  A person other than an individual. The term
     7  includes:
     8         (1)  a corporation, any significant part of whose
     9     outstanding equity securities are owned, subject to a power
    10     or right of control, or held with power to vote, by a holding
    11     company or an intermediary company;
    12         (2)  a significant interest in a person, other than an
    13     individual, which is owned, subject to a power or right of
    14     control, or held with power to vote, by a holding company or
    15     an intermediary company; or
    16         (3)  a person deemed to be a subsidiary by the
    17     Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board.
    18     * * *
    19     "Underwriter."  As defined in the act of December 5, 1972
    20  (P.L.1280, No.284), known as the Pennsylvania Securities Act of
    21  1972.
    22     Section 2.  Section 1201 of Title 4 is amended to read:
    23  § 1201.  Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board established.
    24     (a)  Board established.--There is established an independent
    25  [administrative] board which shall be a body corporate and
    26  politic to be known as the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board[,
    27  which shall be implemented as set forth in this section].
    28     (b)  Membership.--The board shall consist of the following
    29  members[, who shall serve a set term and may not be removed
    30  except for good cause]:
    20050S0862B2218                  - 7 -     

     1         (1)  Three members appointed by the Governor.[, each
     2     being referred to as a "gubernatorial appointee."]
     3         (2)  One member appointed by each of the following
     4     [legislative caucus leaders, each being referred to as a
     5     "legislative appointee"]:
     6             (i)  The President pro tempore of the Senate.
     7             (ii)  The Minority Leader of the Senate.
     8             (iii)  The Speaker of the House of Representatives.
     9             (iv)  The Minority Leader of the House of
    10         Representatives.
    11     (b.1)  Removal.--A member of the board shall be removed from
    12  office by the appointing authority:
    13         (1)  for misconduct in office, willful neglect of duty or
    14     conduct evidencing unfitness for office or incompetence; or
    15         (2)  upon conviction of an offense graded as a felony, an
    16     infamous crime, an offense under this part or an equivalent
    17     offense under Federal law or the law of another jurisdiction.
    18     (c)  Initial appointments to board.--
    19         (1)  Gubernatorial [appointee members] appointees
    20     initially appointed under subsection (b)(1) shall serve an
    21     initial term of one, two and three years respectively as
    22     designated by the Governor at the time of appointment and
    23     until their successors are appointed and qualified.
    24         (2)  Legislative [appointee members] appointees initially
    25     appointed under subsection (b)(2) shall serve until the third
    26     Tuesday in January 2007 and until their successors are
    27     appointed and qualified.
    28         (3)  [Any] An appointment to fill a vacancy created by a
    29     member appointed in accordance with paragraph (1) or (2)
    30     shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term. [Members so
    20050S0862B2218                  - 8 -     

     1     appointed to fill the unexpired term of an initial appointee
     2     shall be subject to the provisions of subsection (d).]
     3     (d)  [Appointments after expiration of initial term or upon
     4  vacancy] Terms of office.--Upon the expiration of a term of a
     5  member appointed under [this subsection or upon the existence of
     6  a vacancy of a member appointed pursuant to subsection (c) or
     7  this] subsection (c), [the appointing authority shall appoint a
     8  member subject to the following:
     9         (1)  For a gubernatorial appointment under subsection
    10     (b)(1), the term shall be for three years and until a
    11     successor is appointed and qualified.] the following shall
    12     apply:
    13         (1)  The term of office of a gubernatorial appointee
    14     shall be three years and until a successor is appointed and
    15     qualified.
    16         (2)  [Terms for legislative appointee members appointed
    17     under subsection (b)(2) shall be for a two-year term and
    18     shall expire on the third Tuesday of January of such year,
    19     but such members shall continue to serve until their
    20     successors are appointed and qualified.] The term of office
    21     of a legislative appointee shall be two years and until a
    22     successor is appointed and qualified.
    23         (3)  [No] A legislative appointee [member] shall serve no
    24     more than three full [successive] consecutive terms.
    25         (4)  [No] A gubernatorial appointee [member] shall serve
    26     no more than two full [successive] consecutive terms.
    27         (5)  An appointment to fill a vacancy shall be for the
    28     remainder of the unexpired term.
    29         (6)  A member appointed to fill a vacancy under paragraph
    30     (3) may serve three full terms following the expiration of
    20050S0862B2218                  - 9 -     

     1     the term related to the vacancy.
     2         (7)  A member appointed to fill a vacancy under paragraph
     3     (4) may serve two full terms following the expiration of the
     4     term related to the vacancy.
     5     (e)  Ex officio members.--The Secretary of Revenue, the
     6  Secretary of Agriculture and the State Treasurer, or their
     7  designees, shall serve on the board as nonvoting ex officio
     8  members of the board. The designee shall be a deputy secretary
     9  or an equivalent position within the agency.
    10     (f)  Qualified majority vote.--
    11         (1)  Except as permitted in paragraphs (2) and (3), any
    12     action, including, but not limited to, the approval,
    13     issuance, denial or conditioning of any license by the board
    14     under this part or the making of any order or the
    15     ratification of any permissible act done or order made by one
    16     or more of the members, shall require a qualified majority
    17     vote consisting of at least one gubernatorial appointee and
    18     the four legislative appointees.
    19         (2)  Any action to suspend or revoke, not renew, void or
    20     require forfeiture of a license or permit issued under this
    21     part, to impose any administrative fine or penalty under this
    22     part or to issue cease and desist orders or similar
    23     enforcement actions shall require a majority vote of all the
    24     members appointed to the board.
    25         (3)  Notwithstanding any other provision [to the
    26     contrary] of this part or 65 Pa.C.S. § 1103(j) (relating to
    27     restricted activities), a member shall disclose the nature of
    28     his disqualifying interest, disqualify himself and abstain
    29     from voting in a proceeding under this part in which his [or
    30     her impartiality] objectivity, impartiality, integrity or
    20050S0862B2218                 - 10 -     

     1     independence of judgment may be reasonably questioned,
     2     [including, but not limited to, instances where he or she
     3     knows that they possess a substantial financial interest in
     4     the subject matter of the proceeding or any other interest
     5     that could be substantially affected by the outcome of the
     6     proceeding. In such circumstances in which it is] as provided
     7     in subsection (h)(6). If a legislative appointee [member that
     8     has disqualified himself or herself] has disqualified
     9     himself, the qualified majority shall consist of all of the
    10     remaining [three] legislative appointees and at least two
    11     gubernatorial appointees.
    12     (g)  Background investigation.--Appointees shall be subject
    13  to a background investigation conducted by the Pennsylvania
    14  State Police in accordance with this part.
    15     (h)  Qualifications and restrictions.--
    16         (1)  Each member at the time of appointment shall be at
    17     least 25 years of age and shall have been a resident of this
    18     Commonwealth for a period of at least one year immediately
    19     preceding appointment. Each member shall continue to remain a
    20     resident of this Commonwealth during the term of membership
    21     on the board.
    22         (2)  Except for ex officio members, no person shall be
    23     appointed a member of the board or [hold any place, position
    24     or office under the board if that person holds any other
    25     elected office or party office] be employed by or be an
    26     independent contractor of the board if that person is a
    27     public official or party officer as defined in section 1512
    28     (relating to [public official financial interest] financial
    29     and employment interests) in this Commonwealth or any of its
    30     political subdivisions.
    20050S0862B2218                 - 11 -     

     1         [(3)  No member, appointee, employee or official shall
     2     hold any office or employment position, the duties of which
     3     are incompatible with the duties of the office.
     4         (4)  No member, employee, appointee or official engaged
     5     in the service of or in any manner connected with the board
     6     shall hold any office or position, or be engaged in any
     7     employment or vocation, the duties of which are incompatible
     8     with employment in the service of or in connection with the
     9     work of the board.]
    10         (3)  Each member, employee and independent contractor of
    11     the board shall sign an agreement not to disclose
    12     confidential information.
    13         (4)  No member, employee or independent contractor of the
    14     board or other agency having regulatory authority over the
    15     board or over forms of gaming regulated by this part shall be
    16     employed, hold any office or position or be engaged in any
    17     activity which is incompatible with the position, employment
    18     or contract.
    19         (5)  No member shall be paid or [accept for any service
    20     connected with the office any fee other than the salary and
    21     expenses provided by law.] receive any fee or other
    22     compensation other than salary and expenses provided by law
    23     for any activity related to the duties or authority of the
    24     board. Nothing in this part shall prohibit a member from
    25     engaging in any employment [or vocation] or receiving any
    26     compensation for such employment [or vocation] that is not
    27     [otherwise] connected to or incompatible with his [or her]
    28     service as a member of the board.
    29         (6)  No member, employee[, appointee or official shall
    30     participate in any hearing or proceeding in which that person
    20050S0862B2218                 - 12 -     

     1     has any direct or indirect pecuniary interest.] or
     2     independent contractor of the board shall participate in a
     3     hearing, proceeding or other matter in which the member,
     4     employee or independent contractor, or the immediate family
     5     thereof, has a financial interest in the subject matter of
     6     the hearing or proceeding or other interest that could be
     7     substantially affected by the outcome of the hearing or
     8     proceeding, without first fully disclosing the nature of the
     9     interest to the board and other persons participating in the
    10     hearing or proceeding. The board shall determine if the
    11     interest is a disqualifying interest that requires the
    12     disqualification or nonparticipation of an employee or
    13     independent contractor. For purposes of this paragraph, the
    14     term "immediate family" shall mean spouse, parent, brother,
    15     sister or child.
    16         (7)  At the time of appointment and annually thereafter,
    17     each member shall disclose the existence of [all ownership
    18     interests in licensed facilities and all securities in any
    19     licensed entity or applicant, its affiliates or subsidiaries
    20     held by the member, the member's spouse and any minor or
    21     unemancipated children and must divest such ownership
    22     interests in licensed facilities or securities prior to an
    23     appointment becoming final. A member may not acquire any
    24     security in any licensed entity, its affiliates or
    25     subsidiaries during the member's tenure.] any financial
    26     interest in any applicant, licensed entity or licensed
    27     facility and in an affiliate, intermediary, subsidiary or
    28     holding company thereof held by the member or known to be
    29     held by the member's immediate family. The disclosure
    30     statement shall be filed with the executive director of the
    20050S0862B2218                 - 13 -     

     1     board and with the appointing authority for such member and
     2     shall be open to inspection by the public at the office of
     3     the board during the normal business hours of the board
     4     [during the tenure of the member] for the duration of the
     5     member's term and for two years after the member leaves
     6     office. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "immediate
     7     family" shall mean spouse, parent, brother, sister or child.
     8         (7.1)  Prior to being sworn as a member, an appointee and
     9     his immediate family shall divest any financial interest in
    10     any applicant, licensed facility or licensed entity and in an
    11     affiliate, intermediary, subsidiary or holding company
    12     thereof owned or held by the appointee or known to be held by
    13     the appointee's immediate family. For the duration of the
    14     member's term, and for one year thereafter, the member and
    15     the member's immediate family may not acquire a financial
    16     interest in any applicant, licensed facility or licensed
    17     entity or in an affiliate, intermediary, subsidiary or
    18     holding company thereof. For purposes of this paragraph, the
    19     term "immediate family" shall mean spouse and any minor or
    20     unemancipated child.
    21         (7.2)  Prior to entering into employment or a contract
    22     with the board and annually thereafter, an employee or
    23     independent contractor shall disclose the existence of any
    24     financial interest in any applicant, licensed facility or
    25     licensed entity and in an affiliate, intermediary, subsidiary
    26     or holding company thereof owned or held by the employee or
    27     independent contractor or known to be held by the immediate
    28     family of the employee or independent contractor. The
    29     disclosure statement shall be filed with the board and shall
    30     be open to inspection by the public at the office of the
    20050S0862B2218                 - 14 -     

     1     board during the normal business hours of the board and for
     2     two years after termination of employment or a contract with
     3     the board. For purposes of this paragraph, the term
     4     "immediate family" shall mean spouse, parent, brother, sister
     5     or child.
     6         (7.3)  Prior to entering into employment or contracting
     7     with the board, an employee or independent contractor and the
     8     employee's or independent contractor's immediate family shall
     9     divest any financial interest in any applicant, licensed
    10     facility or licensed entity, and in an affiliate,
    11     intermediary, subsidiary or holding company thereof, owned or
    12     held by the employee or independent contractor or known to be
    13     held by the immediate family of the employee or independent
    14     contractor. For the duration of the employee's employment
    15     with the board or the independent contractor's contract with
    16     the board, and for one year thereafter, the employee or
    17     independent contractor and the immediate family thereof shall
    18     not acquire, by purchase, gift, exchange or otherwise, any
    19     financial interest in any applicant, licensed facility or
    20     licensed entity and in any affiliate, intermediary,
    21     subsidiary or holding company thereof. For purposes of this
    22     paragraph, the term "immediate family" shall mean spouse and
    23     any minor or unemancipated child.
    24         (8)  [Every member, employee, appointee or official of
    25     the board, in the service of or in connection with the work
    26     of the board, is forbidden, directly or indirectly, to
    27     solicit or request from or to suggest or recommend to any
    28     applicant, licensed entity, its] No member, employee or
    29     independent contractor of the board may directly or
    30     indirectly solicit, request, suggest or recommend to any
    20050S0862B2218                 - 15 -     

     1     applicant, licensed entity, or an affiliate, intermediary,
     2     subsidiary[,] or holding company thereof or to any [officer,
     3     attorney, agent or employee] principal, employee, independent
     4     contractor or agent thereof, the appointment or employment of
     5     any [individual to any office, place or position in or the
     6     employment of any individual] person in any capacity by the
     7     applicant, licensed entity, [its] or an affiliate,
     8     intermediary, subsidiary or holding company thereof for a
     9     period of two years from the termination of term of office,
    10     employment or contract with the board.
    11         [(9)  Every member, executive-level employee, appointee
    12     or official appointed to office in the service of or in
    13     connection with the work of the board is prohibited from
    14     accepting employment with any applicant, licensed gaming
    15     entity, its affiliate, intermediary, subsidiary or holding
    16     company for a period of one year from the termination of
    17     employment or service with the board. Every member,
    18     executive-level employee, appointee or official appointed to
    19     office in the service of or in connection with the work of
    20     the board is prohibited from appearing before the board on
    21     behalf of any applicant, licensed gaming entity, its
    22     affiliate, intermediary, subsidiary or holding company or
    23     other licensee or permittee of the board for a period of two
    24     years after terminating employment or service with the board.
    25         (10)  If any person employed or appointed in the service
    26     of the board violates any provision of this section, the
    27     appointing authority or the board shall forthwith remove the
    28     person from the office or employment and the person shall be
    29     ineligible for future employment or service with the board
    30     and shall be ineligible to be approved for any license or
    20050S0862B2218                 - 16 -     

     1     permit under this part for a period of two years thereafter.]
     2         (9)  No member may accept employment with any applicant,
     3     licensed entity, or an affiliate, intermediary, subsidiary or
     4     holding company thereof, for a period of two years from the
     5     termination of term of office.
     6         (10)  No member may appear before the board on behalf of
     7     any applicant, licensed entity, or an affiliate,
     8     intermediary, subsidiary or holding company thereof, or any
     9     other licensee or permittee for a period of two years from
    10     the termination of term of office.
    11         (11)  No member [or], employee or independent contractor
    12     of the board shall accept a complimentary service, wager or
    13     be paid any prize from any wager at any licensed facility
    14     within this Commonwealth or at any other facility outside
    15     this Commonwealth which is owned or operated by a licensed
    16     gaming entity or any of its [affiliates or subsidiaries.]
    17     affiliates, intermediaries, subsidiaries or holding companies
    18     thereof for the duration of their term of office, employment
    19     or contract with the board, and for a period of one year from
    20     the termination of term of office, employment or contract
    21     with the board. The provisions of this paragraph shall not
    22     apply to employees who utilize slot machines for testing
    23     purposes or to verify the performance of a machine as part of
    24     an enforcement investigation.
    25         (12)  A member [of the board] who has been convicted
    26     during his term in any domestic or foreign jurisdiction of a
    27     felony, infamous crime [of moral turpitude] or gambling
    28     offense shall, upon conviction, be automatically removed from
    29     the board and shall be ineligible to become a [board] member
    30     in the future. If an ex officio member is convicted during
    20050S0862B2218                 - 17 -     

     1     his term in any domestic or foreign jurisdiction of a felony,
     2     infamous crime or gambling offense, the ex officio member
     3     shall, upon conviction, be automatically removed from the
     4     board, and a designee shall be designated pursuant to
     5     subsection (e) to serve the remainder of the ex officio
     6     member's term.
     7         (13)  No employee of the board or individual employed by
     8     an independent contractor of the board whose duties
     9     substantially involve licensing, enforcement or the
    10     development or adoption of regulations or policy under this
    11     part shall:
    12             (i)  accept employment with an applicant, licensed
    13         entity, or an affiliate, intermediary, subsidiary or
    14         holding company thereof, for a period of one year after
    15         the termination of the employment relating to the conduct
    16         of gaming or contract with the board; or
    17             (ii)  appear before the board in any hearing or
    18         proceeding or participate in any other activity on behalf
    19         of any applicant, licensee, permittee, licensed entity,
    20         or an affiliate, intermediary, subsidiary or holding
    21         company thereof, for a period of two years after
    22         termination of the employment or contract with the board.
    23         (14)  Upon the written request of an employee of the
    24     board, the executive branch of the Commonwealth or a
    25     political subdivision or of the agency or political
    26     subdivision employing an employee, the State Ethics
    27     Commission shall determine whether the individual's duties
    28     substantially involve the development or adoption of
    29     regulations or policy, licensing or enforcement, under this
    30     part, and shall provide a written determination to the
    20050S0862B2218                 - 18 -     

     1     employee to include any prohibition under this paragraph. An
     2     individual who relies in good faith on a determination under
     3     this paragraph shall not be subject to any penalty for an
     4     action taken, provided that all material facts set forth in
     5     the request for a determination are correct.
     6         (15)  If a member, employee or independent contractor of
     7     the board violates any provision of this section, the
     8     appointing authority or the board may, upon notice and
     9     hearing, remove the person from the board, withdraw the
    10     appointment or terminate the employment or contract and the
    11     person shall be ineligible for future appointment, employment
    12     or contract with the board and for approval of a license or
    13     permit under this part for a period of two years thereafter.
    14     (h.1)  Fiduciary relationship.--A member or employee of the
    15  board shall serve as a fiduciary of the Commonwealth.
    16     (h.2)  Standard of care.--Members shall exercise the standard
    17  of care required by 20 Pa.C.S. Ch. 73 (relating to
    18  municipalities investments) in the performance of their duties
    19  under this part.
    20     (h.3)  Liability.--Members shall not be personally liable for
    21  any of the following:
    22         (1)  Obligations of the board.
    23         (2)  Actions which were within the scope of their office
    24     and made in good faith.
    25     (i)  Compensation.--
    26         (1)  The Executive Board as established in the act of
    27     April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative
    28     Code of 1929, shall establish the compensation of the members
    29     [appointed pursuant to this section].
    30         (2)  Members shall be reimbursed for all necessary and
    20050S0862B2218                 - 19 -     

     1     actual expenses.
     2         (3)  Members shall be eligible for retirement under the
     3     State Employees' Retirement Code and shall, if the member
     4     elects to participate, be considered a State employee for the
     5     purposes of 71 Pa.C.S. Pt. XXV (relating to retirement for
     6     State employees and officers).
     7     (j)  Chairman.--The chairman of the board shall be selected
     8  by the Governor.
     9     (k)  Appointments.--The appointing authorities shall make
    10  their initial appointments within 60 days of the effective date
    11  of this part. No appointment shall be final until receipt by the
    12  appointing authority of the required background investigation of
    13  the appointee by the Pennsylvania State Police which shall be
    14  completed within 30 days. No person who has been convicted in
    15  any domestic or foreign jurisdiction of a felony [or gambling],
    16  infamous crime or gaming offense shall be appointed to the
    17  board.
    18     [(l)  Disclosure statements.--Members and employees of the
    19  board are subject to the provisions of 65 Pa.C.S. Ch. 11
    20  (relating to ethics standards and financial disclosure) and the
    21  act of July 19, 1957 (P.L.1017, No.451), known as the State
    22  Adverse Interest Act.]
    23     (l)  Prohibition against nepotism.--No member may solicit,
    24  request, suggest or recommend the employment by the board of any
    25  individual related within the second degree of consanguinity to
    26  the member as set forth in 23 Pa.C.S. § 1304(e) (relating to
    27  restrictions on issuance of license) or the spouse of the
    28  individual.
    29     (m)  Employment requirements.--
    30         (1)  Prospective employees shall submit an application
    20050S0862B2218                 - 20 -     

     1     and a personal disclosure form to the board which shall
     2     include a complete criminal history, including convictions
     3     and current charges for all felonies and misdemeanors.
     4         (2)  Prospective employees shall be required to undergo
     5     testing which detects the presence of illegal substances in
     6     the body.
     7         (3)  The board shall obtain fingerprints and photographs
     8     for each prospective employee consistent with the standards
     9     adopted by the Pennsylvania State Police.
    10         (4)  The board shall verify the identification,
    11     employment and education of each prospective employee,
    12     including:
    13             (i)  Legal name, including any alias.
    14             (ii)  All educational institutions attended
    15         regardless of graduation status.
    16             (iii)  Places of residence for the past ten years.
    17             (iv)  Employment history for the past 15 years.
    18         (5)  The board shall not hire a prospective employee if
    19     the prospective employee:
    20             (i)  has been convicted of a crime that bears a close
    21         relationship to the duties and responsibilities of the
    22         position for which employment is sought;
    23             (ii)  has been dismissed from other employment for
    24         gross misconduct; or
    25             (iii)  has intentionally made a false statement
    26         concerning a material fact in connection with the
    27         application to the board.
    28         (6)  The board shall not employ a person unless the
    29     requirements of paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (4) have been
    30     met. This paragraph shall apply only to persons employed
    20050S0862B2218                 - 21 -     

     1     after the effective date of this subsection.
     2         (7)  The board shall:
     3             (i)  Immediately refer any criminal matter involving
     4         an employee to law enforcement.
     5             (ii)  Develop a disciplinary process for an employee
     6         charged with a crime or with gross misconduct.
     7             (iii)  Immediately suspend from employment any
     8         employee charged with a felony.
     9             (iv)  Develop a process to discipline all other
    10         instances of misconduct.
    11         (8)  Disciplinary action shall be instituted promptly
    12     against an employee who, while on or off duty, engages in
    13     serious misconduct which may bring the board into disrepute.
    14     (n)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    15  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    16  subsection:
    17     "Financial interest."  An ownership, property, leasehold or
    18  other beneficial interest in an entity. The term shall not
    19  include an interest which is held or deemed to be held in any of
    20  the following:
    21         (1)  Securities that are held in a pension plan, profit-
    22     sharing plan, individual retirement account, tax sheltered
    23     annuity, a plan established pursuant to section 457 of the
    24     Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. §
    25     1 et seq.), or any successor provision, deferred compensation
    26     plan whether qualified or not qualified under the Internal
    27     Revenue Code of 1986, or any successor provision, or other
    28     retirement plan that:
    29             (i)  is not self-directed by the individual; and
    30             (ii)  is advised by an independent investment adviser
    20050S0862B2218                 - 22 -     

     1         who has sole authority to make investment decisions with
     2         respect to contributions made by the individual to these
     3         plans.
     4         (2)  A tuition account plan organized and operated
     5     pursuant to section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
     6     (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 529) that is not self-
     7     directed by the individual.
     8         (3)  A mutual fund where the interest owned by the mutual
     9     fund in a licensed entity does not constitute a controlling
    10     interest as defined in this part.
    11     "Ownership interest."  Owning or holding or being deemed to
    12  hold, debt or equity securities or other ownership interest or
    13  profit interest.
    14     Section 3.  Title 4 is amended by adding a section to read:
    15  § 1201.1.  Applicability of other statutes.
    16     (a)  General rule.--The following acts shall apply to the
    17  board:
    18         (1)  The act of June 21, 1957 (P.L.390, No.212), referred
    19     to as the Right-to-Know Law.
    20         (2)  The act of July 19, 1957 (P.L.1017, No.451), known
    21     as the State Adverse Interest Act.
    22         (3)  The provisions of 65 Pa.C.S. Chs. 7 (relating to
    23     open meetings) and 11 (relating to ethics standards and
    24     financial disclosure).
    25     (b)  Status of board.--
    26         (1)  The board shall be considered an independent agency
    27     for the purposes of the following:
    28             (i)  62 Pa.C.S. Pt. I (relating to Commonwealth
    29         Procurement Code). The expediting of the payment of
    30         revenue to the Commonwealth shall not be grounds for an
    20050S0862B2218                 - 23 -     

     1         emergency procurement by the board.
     2             (ii)  The act of October 15, 1980 (P.L.950, No.164),
     3         known as the Commonwealth Attorneys Act.
     4         (2)  The board shall be considered an agency for the
     5     purposes of the following:
     6             (i)  The act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.769, No.240),
     7         referred to as the Commonwealth Documents Law.
     8             (ii)  The act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181),
     9         known as the Regulatory Review Act.
    10     Section 4.  Section 1202 of Title 4 is amended to read:
    11  § 1202.  General and specific powers.
    12     (a)  General powers.--
    13         (1)  The board shall have general [jurisdiction] and sole
    14     regulatory authority over [all gaming activities] the conduct
    15     of gaming or related activities as described in this part.
    16     The board shall [be responsible to] ensure the integrity of
    17     the acquisition and operation of slot machines and associated
    18     equipment and shall have [jurisdiction] sole regulatory
    19     authority over every aspect of the authorization and
    20     operation of slot machines.
    21         (2)  The board shall employ [an executive director, chief
    22     counsel, deputies, secretaries, officers, hearing officers
    23     and agents as it may deem necessary] individuals as necessary
    24     to carry out the powers and duties of the board, who shall
    25     serve at the board's pleasure. [The board shall also employ
    26     other employees as it deems appropriate whose duties shall be
    27     determined by the board. In order to ensure the ability of
    28     the board to recruit and retain individuals necessary to
    29     execute its responsibilities under this part, the board shall
    30     set the] An employee of the board shall be considered a State
    20050S0862B2218                 - 24 -     

     1     employee for purposes of 71 Pa.C.S. Pt. XXV (relating to
     2     retirement for State employees and officers). For the
     3     purposes of this paragraph, the board shall not be considered
     4     an executive or independent agency under the act of October
     5     15, 1980 (P.L.950, No.164), known as the Commonwealth
     6     Attorneys Act.
     7         (3)  In addition to employees authorized by the board,
     8     each member may employ one special assistant whose
     9     classification and compensation shall be established by the
    10     board. A special assistant shall be a State employee for
    11     purposes of 71 Pa.C.S. Pt. XXV, shall serve at the pleasure
    12     of the member and may only be removed by the board for cause.
    13         (4)  The board shall establish a system of classification
    14     and compensation of its employees and shall not be subject to
    15     the provisions of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175),
    16     known as The Administrative Code of 1929, as to
    17     classification and compensation for its employees and conduct
    18     its activities consistent with the practices and procedures
    19     of Commonwealth agencies. [For the purposes of the act of
    20     October 15, 1980 (P.L.950, No.164), known as the Commonwealth
    21     Attorneys Act, the board shall not be considered an executive
    22     or independent agency. The board shall have such other powers
    23     and authority necessary to carry out its duties and the
    24     objectives of this part.]
    25         (5)  Within 90 days of the effective date of this
    26     paragraph, the board shall publish in the Pennsylvania
    27     Bulletin, and on its Internet website, the classification
    28     system for all employees of the board.
    29         (6)  A request for proposal to conduct investigations of
    30     employees and applicants under this part shall include a
    20050S0862B2218                 - 25 -     

     1     requirement that an offeror provide the number of employees
     2     of the offeror who will be engaged in the conduct of
     3     investigations and who are residents of this Commonwealth and
     4     annuitants of a Federal, State or local law enforcement
     5     agency. Preference shall be given to an offeror with a
     6     substantial number of employees who will be engaged in the
     7     conduct of investigations and who are residents of this
     8     Commonwealth and annuitants of a Federal, State or local law
     9     enforcement agency.
    10     (b)  Specific powers.--The board shall have the specific
    11  power and duty:
    12         (1)  To adopt, use and alter a corporate seal.
    13         (2)  To pay or satisfy obligations of the board.
    14         (3)  To sue or be sued, implead and be impleaded, or
    15     interplead.
    16         (4)  To contract and execute instruments as necessary to
    17     carry out the powers and duties of the board. Contracts for
    18     the purchase of supplies, services and construction shall be
    19     for a term not to exceed two years.
    20         (5)  To sell, transfer, convey and dispose of tangible or
    21     intangible property owned by the board.
    22         (6)  To establish, charge and collect fees and fines as
    23     authorized by this part.
    24         (7)  To administer oaths, examine witnesses and issue
    25     subpoenas compelling the attendance of witnesses or the
    26     production of documents and records or other evidence. The
    27     provisions of this paragraph shall apply to designated
    28     officers and employees.
    29         (8)  To purchase insurance against a loss related to the
    30     board's property or assets.
    20050S0862B2218                 - 26 -     

     1         (8.1)  Retain attorneys, accountants, auditors and 
     2     financial and other experts, to render services as necessary.
     3     For the purposes of this paragraph, the board shall be
     4     considered an independent agency for purposes of the
     5     Commonwealth Attorneys Act.
     6         (9)  To require background investigations on [prospective
     7     or existing] applicants, licensees, principals, key employees
     8     or permittees [or persons holding a controlling interest in
     9     any prospective or existing licensee or permittee] under the
    10     jurisdiction of the board.
    11         [(2)] (10)  To enter into an agreement with the
    12     Pennsylvania State Police for the reimbursement of actual
    13     costs as approved by the board to the Pennsylvania State
    14     Police for the investigations. Investigations shall include
    15     information in the possession of the Attorney General.
    16         [(3)] (11)  For purposes of licensing and enforcement and
    17     for purposes of the background investigation, [the board may]
    18     to receive information otherwise protected by 18 Pa.C.S. Ch.
    19     91 (relating to criminal history record information).
    20         [(4)] (12)  At its discretion, to issue, approve, renew,
    21     revoke, suspend, condition or deny issuance or renewal of
    22     slot machine licenses.
    23         [(5)] (13)  At its discretion, to issue, approve, renew,
    24     revoke, suspend, condition or deny issuance or renewal of
    25     supplier and manufacturer licenses.
    26         [(6)] (14)  At its discretion, to issue, approve, renew,
    27     revoke, suspend, condition or deny issuance or renewal of
    28     [occupation permits] a license or permit for various classes
    29     of employees as required under this part.
    30         [(7)] (15)  At its discretion, to issue, approve, renew,
    20050S0862B2218                 - 27 -     

     1     revoke, suspend, condition or deny issuance or renewal of any
     2     additional licenses or permits which may be required by the
     3     board under this part. [or by regulation, including, but not
     4     limited to, violations of sections 1328 (relating to change
     5     in ownership or control of slot machine licensee) and 1330
     6     (relating to multiple slot machine license prohibition).]
     7         [(8)] (16)  At its discretion, to suspend, condition or
     8     deny the issuance or renewal of any license or permit or levy
     9     fines or other sanctions for any violation of this part.
    10         [(9)] (17)  To require prospective and existing
    11     employees, independent contractors, applicants [for licenses
    12     and permits], licensees and permittees to submit to
    13     fingerprinting by the Pennsylvania State Police. The
    14     Pennsylvania State Police shall submit the fingerprints to
    15     the Federal Bureau of Investigation for purposes of verifying
    16     the identity of the [applicants] individual and obtaining
    17     records of criminal arrests and convictions.
    18         [10] (18)  To require prospective and existing employees,
    19     independent contractors, applicants, licensees and permittees
    20     to submit photographs consistent with the standards of the
    21     Commonwealth Photo Imaging Network.
    22         (19)  To levy fines or other sanctions against an
    23     applicant, licensed entity or other licensee, permittee or
    24     employee of the board who possesses, uses, sells or offers
    25     for sale any device, equipment or material subject to this
    26     part in a manner which constitutes a violation of this part.
    27         (20)  In addition to the power of the board regarding
    28     license and permit applicants, to determine at its discretion
    29     the suitability of any person who furnishes or seeks to
    30     furnish to a slot machine licensee directly or indirectly any
    20050S0862B2218                 - 28 -     

     1     services or property related to slot machines or associated
     2     equipment or through any arrangements under which that person
     3     receives payment based directly or indirectly on earnings,
     4     profits or receipts from the slot machines and associated
     5     equipment. The board may require any such person to comply
     6     with the requirements of this part and the regulations of the
     7     board and may prohibit the person from furnishing the
     8     services or property.
     9         [(11)  As a board and through its designated officers,
    10     employees or agents, to administer oaths, examine witnesses
    11     and issue subpoenas to compel attendance of witnesses and
    12     production of all relevant and material reports, books,
    13     papers, documents and other evidence.
    14         (12)] (21)  Within six months after the effective date of
    15     this part, in a manner that does not impede the immediate
    16     implementation of the duties and responsibilities of the
    17     board under this part during the immediate two years after
    18     the effective date of this part, to develop and implement an
    19     affirmative action plan to assure that all persons are
    20     accorded equality of opportunity in employment and
    21     contracting by the board, its contractors, subcontractors,
    22     assignees, lessees, agents, vendors and suppliers.
    23         [(13)] (22)  Except for contracts related to the central
    24     control computer [and such other contracts as the board, in
    25     consultation with the Secretary of General Services,
    26     determines would result in substantial savings to the board
    27     if entered into for a longer period than provided in this
    28     paragraph], all contracts entered into by the board during
    29     the two-year period following the effective date of this part
    30     shall not exceed a term of two years.
    20050S0862B2218                 - 29 -     

     1         [(14)  To promulgate rules and regulations the board
     2     deems necessary to carry out the policy and purposes of this
     3     part and to enhance the credibility and the integrity of the
     4     licensed operation of slot machines and associated equipment
     5     in this Commonwealth.
     6         (15)] (23)  The board shall not issue or renew a license
     7     or permit unless it is satisfied that the applicant is a
     8     person of good character, honesty and integrity and is a
     9     person whose prior activities, criminal record, if any,
    10     reputation, habits and associations do not pose a threat to
    11     the public interest or the effective regulation and control
    12     of slot machine operations or create or enhance the danger of
    13     unsuitable, unfair or illegal practices, methods and
    14     activities in the conduct of slot machine operations or the
    15     carrying on of the business and financial arrangements
    16     incidental thereto.
    17         [(16)] (24)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law,
    18     [the board is authorized] to sell, in whole or in part, the
    19     Commonwealth's right, title and interest in State gaming
    20     receipts to [an] the authority [created by the Commonwealth].
    21     The sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions
    22     contained in agreements between the board and the authority.
    23     Proceeds from the sale of State gaming receipts shall be
    24     allocated and used in the manner otherwise provided by this
    25     part for the distribution of State gaming receipts. The
    26     authority [created by the Commonwealth] is authorized to
    27     purchase State gaming receipts upon terms and conditions
    28     agreed to by the board and to issue bonds to fund the
    29     purchase of State gaming receipts in the manner provided for
    30     the issuance of authority indebtedness in the law
    20050S0862B2218                 - 30 -     

     1     establishing the authority. The State Treasurer is authorized
     2     and directed to enter into any agreements with the board and
     3     the authority and establish accounts and funds, that shall
     4     not be in the State Treasury, as the authority may direct as
     5     being necessary or appropriate to effect the sale of State
     6     gaming receipts to the authority and the collection and
     7     transfer of the State gaming receipts sold to the authority.
     8     State gaming receipts sold to the authority shall be the
     9     property of the authority and shall not be the property of
    10     the Commonwealth.
    11         [(17)] (25)  To [create a Bureau of Investigations and
    12     Enforcement within the board. The board shall] promulgate
    13     regulations pertaining to the operation of the bureau [which
    14     shall] to insure separation of functions between the bureau
    15     and the board. The board shall provide the employees
    16     necessary to the bureau for enforcement of this part.
    17         [(18)] (26)  To enter into an agreement with the district
    18     attorneys of the counties wherein licensed facilities are
    19     located and the Office of Attorney General for the
    20     reimbursement of actual costs for prosecutions of criminal
    21     violations [of this part.] and for investigating a person
    22     applying for a determination that an individual has been
    23     rehabilitated under this part.
    24         (27)  To publish each January in the Pennsylvania
    25     Bulletin and on the board's Internet website a complete list
    26     of all persons or entities who applied for or held a slot
    27     machine license, manufacturer license, supplier license or
    28     racetrack license at any time during the preceding calendar
    29     year and all affiliates, intermediaries, subsidiaries and
    30     holding companies thereof and the status of the application
    20050S0862B2218                 - 31 -     

     1     or license.
     2         (28)  To prepare and, through the Governor, submit
     3     annually to the General Assembly an itemized budget
     4     consistent with Article VI of the act of April 9, 1929
     5     (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929,
     6     consisting of the amounts necessary to be appropriated by the
     7     General Assembly out of the accounts established under
     8     section 1401 (relating to slot machine licensee deposits)
     9     required to meet the obligations accruing during the fiscal
    10     period beginning July 1 of the following year. The budget
    11     shall include itemized recommendations for the Attorney
    12     General, the department and the Pennsylvania State Police as
    13     to the amount needed to meet their obligations under this
    14     part.
    15         (29)  In the event that in any year, appropriations for
    16     the administration of this part are not enacted by June 30,
    17     any funds appropriated for the administration of this part
    18     which are unexpended, uncommitted, and unencumbered at the
    19     end of a fiscal year shall remain available for expenditure
    20     by the board or other agency to which they were appropriated
    21     until the enactment of appropriation for the ensuing fiscal
    22     year.
    23         (30)  To promulgate rules and regulations necessary for
    24     the administration and enforcement of this part, including
    25     regulations in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Liquor
    26     Control Board, regulations relating to the sale and service
    27     of liquor and malt and brewed beverages by licensees. Except
    28     as provided in section 1203 (relating to temporary
    29     regulations), regulations shall be adopted pursuant to the
    30     act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.769, No.240), referred to as the
    20050S0862B2218                 - 32 -     

     1     Commonwealth Documents Law, and the act of June 25, 1982
     2     (P.L.633, No.181), known as the Regulatory Review Act.
     3     Section 5.  Title 4 is amended by adding a section to read:
     4  § 1202.1.  Code of conduct.
     5     (a)  Scope.--The board shall adopt a comprehensive code of
     6  conduct prior to the consideration of any license, permit or
     7  registration application. The code of conduct shall supplement
     8  all other requirements under this part and 65 Pa.C.S. Pt. II
     9  (relating to accountability) and shall provide guidelines
    10  applicable to members, employees, independent contractors of the
    11  board, and the immediate families of the members, employees and
    12  independent contractors, to enable them to avoid any perceived
    13  or actual conflict of interest and to promote public confidence
    14  in the integrity and impartiality of the board. At a minimum,
    15  the code of conduct adopted under this section shall include
    16  registration under subsection (b) and the restrictions in
    17  subsection (c).
    18     (b)  Registration.--
    19         (1)  A licensed entity representative shall register with
    20     the board in a manner prescribed by the board, which shall
    21     include the name, employer or firm, address, telephone number
    22     and the licensed entity being represented.
    23         (2)  A licensed entity representative shall have an
    24     ongoing duty to update its registration information on an
    25     ongoing basis.
    26         (3)  The registration list shall be available for public
    27     inspection at the offices of the board and on the board's
    28     Internet website.
    29     (c)  Restrictions.--A member of the board shall:
    30         (1)  Not engage in any ex parte communication with any
    20050S0862B2218                 - 33 -     

     1     person.
     2         (2)  Not accept any discount, gift, gratuity,
     3     compensation, travel, lodging or other thing of value,
     4     directly or indirectly, from any applicant, licensee,
     5     permittee, registrant or licensed entity representative
     6     thereof.
     7         (3)  Disclose and disqualify himself from any proceeding
     8     in which the member's objectivity, impartiality, integrity or
     9     independence of judgment may be reasonably questioned due to
    10     the member's relationship or association with a party
    11     connected to any proceeding or a person appearing before the
    12     board.
    13         (4)  Refrain from any financial or business dealing which
    14     would tend to reflect adversely on the member's objectivity,
    15     impartiality or independence of judgment.
    16         (5)  Not hold or campaign for public office, hold an
    17     office in any political party or political committee,
    18     contribute to or solicit contributions to a political
    19     campaign, party, committee or candidate, publicly endorse a
    20     candidate or actively participate in a political campaign.
    21         (6)  Not solicit funds for any charitable, educational,
    22     religious, health, fraternal, civic or other nonprofit entity
    23     from an applicant, licensed entity or affiliate, subsidiary,
    24     intermediary or holding company of a licensed entity,
    25     interested party or licensed entity representative. A board
    26     member may serve as an officer, employee or member of the
    27     governing body of a nonprofit entity and may attend, make
    28     personal contributions to and plan or preside over the
    29     entity's fundraising events. A board member may permit his
    30     name to appear on the letterhead used for fundraising events
    20050S0862B2218                 - 34 -     

     1     if the letterhead contains only the board member's name and
     2     position with the nonprofit entity.
     3         (7)  Not meet or engage in discussions with any
     4     applicant, person licensed under this part, or a licensed
     5     entity representative unless the meeting or discussion occurs
     6     on the business premises of the board and is recorded in a
     7     log maintained for this purpose. The log shall be available
     8     for public inspection during the regular business hours of
     9     the board. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply
    10     to meetings of the board to consider matters requiring the
    11     physical inspection of the equipment or premises of an
    12     applicant or a licensed entity at their location.
    13         (8)  Avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety
    14     at all times and observe standards and conduct that promote
    15     public confidence in the oversight of gaming.
    16         (9)  Comply with any other laws, rules or regulations
    17     relating to the conduct of a member.
    18     (d)  Ex officio members.--The restrictions under subsection
    19  (c)(5) shall not apply to ex officio members.
    20     (e)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    21  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    22  subsection:
    23     "Ex parte communication."  An off-the-record communication by
    24  a member or employee of the board regarding the merits of or any
    25  fact in issue relating to a pending matter before the board or
    26  which may reasonably be expected to come before the board in a
    27  contested on-the-record proceeding. The term shall not include
    28  off-the-record communications by or between a member or employee
    29  of the board, Department of Revenue, Pennsylvania State Police,
    30  Attorney General or other law enforcement official prior to the
    20050S0862B2218                 - 35 -     

     1  beginning of the proceeding solely for the purpose of seeking
     2  clarification or correction to evidentiary materials intended
     3  for use in the proceedings.
     4     "Licensed entity representative."  A person acting on behalf
     5  of or representing the interest of any applicant, licensee,
     6  permittee or registrant, including an attorney, agent or
     7  lobbyist regarding any matter which may reasonably be expected
     8  to come before the board.
     9     Section 6.  Sections 1203, 1204, 1205, 1206(a), (b), (c), (d)
    10  and (f), 1207(6), 1208(1), 1209(a), 1210, 1211, 1213, 1304,
    11  1305, 1306, 1309(a)(1) and 1311 of Title 4 are amended to read:
    12  § 1203.  Temporary regulations.
    13     (a)  Promulgation.--[Notwithstanding any other provision of
    14  law to the contrary and in] In order to facilitate the prompt
    15  implementation of this part, regulations promulgated by the
    16  board [during the two years following the effective date of this
    17  part] shall be deemed temporary regulations which shall expire
    18  no later than three years following the effective date of this
    19  part [or upon promulgation of regulations as generally provided
    20  by law. The temporary regulations shall not be]. The board may
    21  promulgate temporary regulations not subject to:
    22         (1)  Sections 201 [through 205], 202 and 203 of the act
    23     of July 31, 1968 (P.L.769, No.240), referred to as the
    24     Commonwealth Documents Law.
    25         (2)  The act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as
    26     the Regulatory Review Act.
    27     (b)  Expiration.--The authority provided to the board to
    28  adopt temporary regulations in subsection (a) shall expire [two
    29  years from the effective date of this section] April 15, 2007.
    30  Regulations adopted after [the two-year] this period shall be
    20050S0862B2218                 - 36 -     

     1  promulgated as provided by law.
     2  § 1204.  Licensed gaming entity application appeals from board.
     3     The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania shall be vested with
     4  exclusive appellate jurisdiction to consider appeals of any
     5  final order, determination or decision of the board involving
     6  the approval, issuance, denial or conditioning of [all licensed
     7  entity applications] a slot machine license. Notwithstanding the
     8  provisions of 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 Subch. A (relating to judicial
     9  review of Commonwealth agency action) and 42 Pa.C.S. § 763
    10  (relating to direct appeals from government agencies), the
    11  Supreme Court shall affirm all final orders, determinations or
    12  decisions of the board involving the approval, issuance, denial
    13  or conditioning of [all licensed entity applications] a slot
    14  machine license unless it shall find that the board committed an
    15  error of law or that the order, determination or decision of the
    16  board was arbitrary and there was a capricious disregard of the
    17  evidence.
    18  § 1205.  License or permit application hearing process[.];
    19                 public input hearings.
    20     (a)  General rule.--The board's consideration and resolution
    21  of all license or permit applications shall be conducted in
    22  accordance with 2 Pa.C.S. (relating to administrative law and
    23  procedure) or with procedures adopted by order of the board.
    24  Notwithstanding the [mandates] requirements of 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 504
    25  (relating to hearing and record) and 505 (relating to evidence
    26  and cross-examination)[, said procedures adopted by order of the
    27  board shall] as they relate to the conduct of oral hearings, the
    28  board may adopt procedures to provide parties before it with a
    29  documentary hearing, [but] and the board may[, at its
    30  discretion,] resolve disputed material facts without conducting
    20050S0862B2218                 - 37 -     

     1  an oral hearing where constitutionally permissible.
     2     (b)  Public input hearing requirement.--
     3         (1)  Prior to licensing a facility under this part, the
     4     board shall hold at least one public input hearing on the
     5     matter.
     6         (2)  All public input hearings relating to an application
     7     for a slot machine license shall be held in the municipality
     8     where the facility will be located and shall be organized in
     9     cooperation with the municipality.
    10         (3)  A list of all witnesses scheduled to testify at a
    11     public input hearing shall be made public at least seven days
    12     prior to the hearing. The list shall be updated at least
    13     three days prior to the hearing. Additional witnesses shall
    14     be posted on the board's Internet website as they are added
    15     to the list.
    16  § 1206.  Board minutes and records.
    17     [(a)  Open proceedings and records.--The proceedings of the
    18  board shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of 65
    19  Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 (relating to open meetings). The board shall be an
    20  agency for purposes of the act of June 21, 1957 (P.L.390,
    21  No.212), referred to as the Right-to-Know Law. Notwithstanding
    22  any provision of law to the contrary, confidential documents
    23  relative to personal background information provided to the
    24  board pursuant to this part and any closed deliberations of the
    25  board, including disciplinary proceedings, shall be confidential
    26  and considered in closed executive session pursuant to
    27  subsection (f).]
    28     (b)  Record of proceedings.--The board shall cause to be made
    29  and kept a record of all proceedings held at public meetings of
    30  the board. [A] The verbatim transcript of those proceedings
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     1  shall be the property of the board and shall be prepared by the
     2  board upon the request of any board member or upon the request
     3  of any other person and the payment by that person of the costs
     4  of preparation.
     5     [(c)  Information delivered to Governor and General
     6  Assembly.--A true copy of the minutes of every meeting of the
     7  board and of any regulations finally adopted by the board may be
     8  forthwith delivered, by and under the certification of the
     9  executive director, to the Governor, the Secretary of the Senate
    10  and the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives.]
    11     (d)  Applicant information.--
    12         (1)  The board shall [keep and] maintain a list of all
    13     applicants for licenses and permits. [under this part
    14     together with] The list shall include a record of all actions
    15     taken with respect to [the applicants, which file and record]
    16     each applicant. The list shall be open to public inspection
    17     during the normal business hours of the board.
    18         (2)  Information under paragraph (1) regarding any
    19     applicant whose license or permit has been denied, revoked or
    20     not renewed shall be removed from such list after seven years
    21     from the date of the action.
    22     * * *
    23     (f)  Confidentiality of information.--All information
    24  [contained in the application process] submitted by an applicant
    25  pursuant to section 1310(a) (relating to slot machine license
    26  application character requirements) [and the report of an
    27  applicant's background investigation furnished to] or obtained
    28  by the board or the bureau as part of a background investigation
    29  from any source shall be considered confidential [and]. Except
    30  as provided in section 1517(f) (relating to investigation and
    20050S0862B2218                 - 39 -     

     1  enforcement), the information shall be withheld from public
     2  disclosure in whole or in part, except that any information
     3  shall be released upon the lawful order of a court of competent
     4  jurisdiction or, with the approval of the Attorney General, to a
     5  duly authorized law enforcement agency or shall be released to
     6  the public, in whole or in part, to the extent that such release
     7  is requested by an applicant and does not otherwise contain
     8  confidential information about another person. The board may not
     9  require any applicant to waive any confidentiality provided for
    10  in this subsection as a condition for the approval of a license
    11  or any other action of the board. Any person who violates this
    12  subsection shall be administratively disciplined by discharge,
    13  suspension or other formal disciplinary action as the board
    14  deems appropriate.
    15     * * *
    16  § 1207.  Regulatory authority of board.
    17     The board shall have the power and its duties shall be to:
    18         * * *
    19         (6)  Prescribe criteria and conditions for the operation
    20     of slot machine progressive systems. A wide area progressive
    21     slot system shall be collectively administered by
    22     participating slot machine licensees in accordance with the
    23     terms of a written agreement executed by each participating
    24     slot machine licensee and approved by the board.
    25         * * *
    26  § 1208.  Collection of fees and fines.
    27     The board has the following powers and duties:
    28         (1)  To levy and collect fees from the various
    29     applicants, licensees and permittees to fund the operations
    30     of the board. The fees shall be deposited into the State
    20050S0862B2218                 - 40 -     

     1     Gaming Fund as established in section 1403 (relating to
     2     establishment of State Gaming Fund and net slot machine
     3     revenue distribution) and distributed to the board upon
     4     appropriation by the General Assembly. In addition to the
     5     fees set forth in sections 1209 (relating to slot machine
     6     license fee) and 1305 (relating to Category 3 slot machine
     7     license), the board shall assess and collect fees as follows:
     8             (i)  Supplier licensees shall pay a fee of $25,000
     9         upon the issuance of a license and $10,000 for the annual
    10         renewal of a supplier license.
    11             (ii)  Manufacturer licensees shall pay a fee of
    12         $50,000 upon the issuance of a license and $25,000 for
    13         the annual renewal of a manufacturer license.
    14             (iii)  Each application for a slot machine license,
    15         supplier license or manufacturer license must be
    16         accompanied by a nonrefundable fee set by the board for
    17         the cost of each individual requiring a background
    18         investigation. The reasonable and necessary costs and
    19         expenses incurred in any background investigation or
    20         other investigation or proceeding concerning any
    21         applicant, licensee [or], permittee or registrant shall
    22         be reimbursed to the board by those persons.
    23         * * *
    24  § 1209.  Slot machine license fee.
    25     (a)  Imposition.--Except as provided for a Category 3
    26  licensed gaming entity under section 1305 (relating to Category
    27  3 slot machine license) and subject to the requirements of this
    28  section, at the time of license issuance the board shall impose
    29  a one-time slot machine license fee to be paid by each
    30  successful applicant for a conditional Category 1, a Category 1
    20050S0862B2218                 - 41 -     

     1  or a Category 2 license in the amount of $50,000,000 [for each
     2  category of slot machine license.] and deposited in the State
     3  Gaming Fund. No fee shall be imposed by the board for a Category
     4  1 license if the applicant has paid a $50,000,000 fee for a
     5  conditional Category 1 license.
     6     * * *
     7  § 1210.  Number of slot machines.
     8     (a)  Initial complement.--Except as provided for Category 3
     9  slot machine licensees under section 1305 (relating to Category
    10  3 slot machine license), all slot machine licensees shall be
    11  permitted to operate up to 3,000 slot machines at any one
    12  licensed facility and shall be required to operate and make
    13  available to play a minimum of 1,500 machines at any one
    14  licensed facility within one year of the issuance by the board
    15  of a slot machine license unless otherwise extended by the
    16  board, upon application and for good cause shown, for an
    17  additional period not to exceed 24 months.
    18     (b)  Additional slot machines.--Except as provided for
    19  Category 3 slot machine licensees under section 1305, six months
    20  following the date of commencement of slot machine operations,
    21  the board may permit a slot machine licensee to install and
    22  operate up to 2,000 additional slot machines at its licensed
    23  facility, beyond those machines authorized under subsection (a),
    24  upon application by the slot machine licensee. The board, in
    25  considering such an application, shall take into account the
    26  appropriateness of the physical space where the additional slot
    27  machines will be located and the convenience of the public
    28  attending the facility. The board may also take into account the
    29  potential benefit to economic development, employment and
    30  tourism, enhanced revenues to the Commonwealth and other
    20050S0862B2218                 - 42 -     

     1  economic indicators it deems applicable in making its decision.
     2     (c)  Limitation.--For the two and one-half years following
     3  the beginning of slot machine operations at the licensed
     4  facility, no licensed gaming entity may make available for play
     5  by its patrons at its licensed facility more than 50% of slot
     6  machines from the same manufacturer or its affiliate,
     7  intermediary, subsidiary or holding company. The provisions of
     8  this subsection shall not apply to machines purchased pursuant
     9  to a contract or order executed by a conditional Category 1 or
    10  Category 1 slot machine licensee prior to October 20, 2006.
    11  § 1211.  Reports of board.
    12     (a)  Report of board.--Eighteen months after the effective
    13  date of this part and every year on that date thereafter, the
    14  board shall issue a report to the Governor and each member of
    15  the General Assembly on the general operation of the board and
    16  each slot machine licensee's performance, including, but not
    17  limited to, number and win per slot machine at licensed
    18  facilities during the previous year, all taxes, fees, fines and
    19  other revenues collected and, where appropriate, disbursed, the
    20  costs of operation of the board, all hearings conducted and the
    21  results of the hearings and other information that the board
    22  deems necessary and appropriate.
    23     (b)  Report of the Legislative Budget and Finance
    24  Committee.--No later than March 15 of the year following the
    25  effective date of this part and each March 15 thereafter, the
    26  Legislative Budget and Finance Committee shall issue a report to
    27  the General Assembly analyzing the impact, if any, of this part
    28  on the State Lottery.
    29     (c)  Interception of gaming winnings.--The board shall
    30  conduct a study to determine the feasibility of implementing
    20050S0862B2218                 - 43 -     

     1  methods for the interception of the gaming winnings of
     2  individuals who are delinquent support obligors or tax
     3  delinquent. The study shall be completed by December 31, 2006,
     4  and shall contain recommendations which the board determines
     5  appropriate.
     6     (d)  Reports to General Assembly.--The board shall conduct an
     7  ongoing review of the operation of this part and the impact of
     8  gaming in this Commonwealth, including review of other
     9  jurisdictions, Federal laws, academic research and public input.
    10  The board shall submit an annual report to the General Assembly
    11  by December 30. The report shall include recommendations for
    12  changes to this part or in the operation or regulation of
    13  licensed entities. The report shall be submitted to the Majority
    14  and Minority Leader of the Senate and the Majority and Minority
    15  Leader of the House of Representatives and the chair and
    16  minority chair of the standing committees in the Senate and the
    17  chair and minority chair of the standing committees in the House
    18  of Representatives with jurisdiction over the board. The report
    19  shall be posted by the board on its Internet website.
    20  § 1213.  License or permit prohibition.
    21     [No applicant for a license or permit under this part,
    22  including directors, owners and key employees, that has been
    23  convicted in any jurisdiction of a felony or gambling offense
    24  within the past 15 years shall be issued a license or permit
    25  under this part or be found qualified to serve in a position as
    26  a director, owner or key employee of or associated with any
    27  licensee or permittee.] No applicant for a license or permit
    28  under this part, including principals and key employees, who
    29  have been convicted of a felony or gambling offense in any
    30  jurisdiction shall be issued a license or permit unless 15 years
    20050S0862B2218                 - 44 -     

     1  has elapsed from the date of expiration of the sentence for the
     2  offense. When determining whether to issue a license or permit
     3  to an applicant who has been convicted in any jurisdiction of a
     4  felony or gambling offense, the board shall consider the
     5  following factors:
     6         (1)  The nature and duties of the applicant's position
     7     with the licensed entity.
     8         (2)  The nature and seriousness of the offense or
     9     conduct.
    10         (3)  The circumstances under which the offense or conduct
    11     occurred.
    12         (4)  The age of the applicant when the offense or conduct
    13     was committed.
    14         (5)  Whether the offense or conduct was an isolated or a
    15     repeated incident.
    16         (6)  Any evidence of rehabilitation, including good
    17     conduct in the community, counseling or psychiatric treatment
    18     received and the recommendation of persons who have
    19     substantial contact with the applicant.
    20  § 1304.  Category 2 slot machine license.
    21     (a)  Eligibility.--
    22         (1)  A person may be eligible to apply for a Category 2
    23     license if the applicant, its affiliate, intermediary,
    24     subsidiary or holding company is not otherwise eligible to
    25     apply for a Category 1 license and the person is seeking to
    26     locate a licensed facility in a city of the first class, a
    27     city of the second class or a revenue- or tourism-enhanced
    28     location. It shall not be a condition of eligibility to apply
    29     for a Category 2 license to obtain a license from either the
    30     State Horse Racing Commission or the State Harness Racing
    20050S0862B2218                 - 45 -     

     1     Commission to conduct thoroughbred or harness race meetings
     2     respectively with pari-mutuel wagering.
     3         (2)  If the person seeking a slot machine license
     4     proposes to place the licensed facility upon land designated
     5     a subzone, an expansion subzone or an improvement subzone
     6     under the act of October 6, 1998 (P.L.705, No.92), known as
     7     the Keystone Opportunity Zone, Keystone Opportunity Expansion
     8     Zone and Keystone Opportunity Improvement Zone Act, the
     9     person shall, at any time prior to the application being
    10     approved, submit a statement waving the exemptions,
    11     deductions, abatements or credits granted under the Keystone
    12     Opportunity Zone, Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zone and
    13     Keystone Opportunity Improvement Zone Act if the board
    14     approves the application.
    15     (b)  Location.--
    16         (1)  Two Category 2 licensed facilities and no more shall
    17     be located by the board within a city of the first class, and
    18     one Category 2 licensed facility and no more shall be located
    19     by the board within a city of the second class. No Category 2
    20     licensed facility located by the board within a city of the
    21     first class shall be within ten linear miles of a Category 1
    22     licensed facility regardless of the municipality where the
    23     Category 1 licensed facility is located. Except for any
    24     Category 2 licensed facility located by the board within a
    25     city of the first class or a city of the second class, no
    26     Category 2 licensed facility shall be located within 30
    27     linear miles of any Category 1 licensed facility that has
    28     conducted over 200 racing days per year for the two calendar
    29     years immediately preceding the effective date of this part
    30     and not within 20 linear miles of any other Category 1
    20050S0862B2218                 - 46 -     

     1     licensed facility. Except for any Category 2 licensed
     2     facility located by the board within a city of the first
     3     class, no Category 2 licensed facility shall be located
     4     within 20 linear miles of another Category 2 licensed
     5     facility.
     6         (2)  Within five days of approving a license for an
     7     applicant with a proposed licensed facility consisting of
     8     land designated a subzone, an expansion subzone or an
     9     improvement subzone under the Keystone Opportunity Zone,
    10     Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zone and Keystone Opportunity
    11     Improvement Zone Act for a slot machine license under this
    12     section, the board shall notify the Department of Community
    13     and Economic Development. The notice shall include a
    14     description of the land of the proposed licensed facility
    15     which is designated a subzone, an expansion subzone or an
    16     improvement subzone. Within five days of receiving the notice
    17     required by this paragraph, the Secretary of Community and
    18     Economic Development shall decertify the land of the proposed
    19     licensed facility as being a subzone, an expansion subzone or
    20     an improvement subzone. Upon decertification in accordance
    21     with this paragraph and notwithstanding Chapter 3 of the
    22     Keystone Opportunity Zone, Keystone Opportunity Expansion
    23     Zone and Keystone Opportunity Improvement Zone Act, a
    24     political subdivision may amend the ordinance, resolution or
    25     other required action which granted the exemptions,
    26     deductions, abatements or credits required by the Keystone
    27     Opportunity Zone, Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zone and
    28     Keystone Opportunity Improvement Zone Act to repeal the
    29     exemptions, deductions, abatements or credits for the land
    30     decertified.
    20050S0862B2218                 - 47 -     

     1  § 1305.  Category 3 slot machine license.
     2     (a)  Eligibility.--
     3         (1)  A person may be eligible to apply for a Category 3
     4     license if the applicant, its affiliate, intermediary,
     5     subsidiary or holding company has not applied for or been
     6     approved or issued a Category 1 or 2 license and the person
     7     is seeking to locate a Category 3 licensed facility in a
     8     well-established resort hotel having no fewer than 275 guest
     9     rooms under common ownership and having substantial year-
    10     round recreational guest amenities. The applicant for a
    11     Category 3 license shall be the owner or be a wholly owned
    12     subsidiary of the owner of the established resort hotel. A
    13     Category 3 license may only be granted upon the express
    14     condition that an individual may not enter a gaming area of
    15     the licensee if the individual is not a registered overnight
    16     guest of the established resort hotel or if the individual is
    17     not a patron of one or more of the amenities provided by the
    18     established resort hotel.
    19         (2)  Notwithstanding section 1512(a) and (a.1) (relating
    20     to public official financial interest), if at the time of
    21     application, an applicant has terminated public office or
    22     employment as an executive-level public employee within the
    23     last calendar year, the applicant shall be eligible to apply
    24     for a slot machine license under this section but may not be
    25     issued a license until one year following the date of
    26     termination as a public official or executive-level public
    27     employee. An application submitted in accordance with this
    28     paragraph shall not constitute a violation of section 1512(a)
    29     or (a.1).
    30         (3)  If the person seeking a slot machine license
    20050S0862B2218                 - 48 -     

     1     proposes to place the licensed facility upon land designated
     2     a subzone, an expansion subzone or an improvement subzone
     3     under the act of October 6, 1998 (P.L.705, No.92), known as
     4     the Keystone Opportunity Zone, Keystone Opportunity Expansion
     5     Zone and Keystone Opportunity Improvement Zone Act, the
     6     person shall, at any time prior to the application being
     7     approved, submit a statement waiving the exemptions,
     8     deductions, abatements or credits granted under the Keystone
     9     Opportunity Zone, Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zone and
    10     Keystone Opportunity Improvement Zone Act if the board
    11     approves the application.
    12     (b)  Location.--
    13         (1)  No Category 3 license shall be located by the board
    14     within 15 linear miles of another licensed facility.
    15         (2)  Within five days of approving a license for an
    16     applicant with a proposed licensed facility consisting of
    17     land designated a subzone, an expansion subzone or an
    18     improvement subzone under the Keystone Opportunity Zone,
    19     Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zone and Keystone Opportunity
    20     Improvement Zone Act for a slot machine license under this
    21     section, the board shall notify the Department of Community
    22     and Economic Development. The notice shall include a
    23     description of the land of the proposed licensed facility
    24     which is designated a subzone, an expansion subzone or an
    25     improvement subzone. Within five days of receiving the notice
    26     required by this paragraph, the Secretary of Community and
    27     Economic Development shall decertify the land of the proposed
    28     license facility as being a subzone, an expansion subzone or
    29     an improvement subzone. Upon decertification in accordance
    30     with this paragraph and notwithstanding Chapter 3 of the
    20050S0862B2218                 - 49 -     

     1     Keystone Opportunity Zone, Keystone Opportunity Expansion
     2     Zone and Keystone Opportunity Improvement Zone Act, a
     3     political subdivision may amend the ordinance, resolution or
     4     other required action which granted the exemptions,
     5     deductions, abatements or credits required by the Keystone
     6     Opportunity Zone, Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zone and
     7     Keystone Opportunity Improvement Zone Act to repeal the
     8     exemptions, deductions, abatements or credits for the land
     9     decertified.
    10     (c)  Number of slot machines.--Notwithstanding the number of
    11  permissible slot machines as set forth in section 1210 (relating
    12  to number of slot machines), a Category 3 license granted under
    13  the provisions of this section shall entitle the licensed entity
    14  to operate no more than 500 slot machines at the licensed
    15  facility.
    16     (d)  Category 3 license fee.--Notwithstanding the one-time
    17  slot machine license fee as set forth in section 1209 (relating
    18  to slot machine license fee), the board shall impose a one-time
    19  Category 3 license fee to be paid by each successful applicant
    20  in [an] the amount of $5,000,000 to be deposited in the State
    21  Gaming Fund. The provisions of section 1209 relating to term,
    22  credit against tax for slot machine licensees, deposit of
    23  license fee and change of ownership or control of a license
    24  shall be applicable to a Category 3 license fee.
    25     (e)  Definitions.--For the purpose of subsection (a), the
    26  following words and phrases shall have the meaning given to them
    27  in this subsection:
    28     "Amenities."  Any ancillary activities, services or
    29  facilities in which a registered guest or the transient public,
    30  in return for non-de minimis consideration as defined by board
    20050S0862B2218                 - 50 -     

     1  regulation, may participate at a resort hotel, including, but
     2  not limited to, sports and recreational activities and
     3  facilities such as a golf course or golf driving range, tennis
     4  courts or swimming pool; health spa; convention, meeting and
     5  banquet facilities; entertainment facilities; and restaurant
     6  facilities.
     7     "Patron of the amenities."  Any individual who is a
     8  registered attendee of a convention, meeting or banquet event or
     9  a participant in a sport or recreational event or any other
    10  social, cultural or business event held at a resort hotel or who
    11  participates in one or more of the amenities provided to
    12  registered guests of the resort hotel.
    13  § 1306.  Order of initial license issuance.
    14     In order to facilitate the timely and orderly deployment of
    15  licensed gaming operations in this Commonwealth, the board shall
    16  adopt a schedule by which applicants for slot machine,
    17  manufacturer and supplier licenses shall be filed, considered
    18  and resolved in accordance with the provisions of this part. In
    19  so doing, the board shall consider, approve, condition or deny
    20  the approval of all filed applications for manufacturer and
    21  supplier licenses as soon as administratively possible and at
    22  least three months prior to the board's approval, conditioning
    23  or denial of the approval of any Category 1 license application
    24  pursuant to section 1315 (relating to conditional Category 1
    25  licenses) or any other category of slot machine license pursuant
    26  to section 1301 (relating to authorized slot machine licenses).
    27  The board shall ensure that an adequate number of suppliers have
    28  been licensed pursuant to section 1301 to meet market demand.
    29  The board shall approve, approve with condition or deny all
    30  initial applications for conditional Category 1 licenses under
    20050S0862B2218                 - 51 -     

     1  section 1315 (relating to conditional Category 1 licenses) prior
     2  to considering applications for Category 1, Category 2 or
     3  Category 3 slot machine licenses.
     4  § 1309.  Slot machine license application.
     5     (a)  General requirements.--In addition to any other
     6  information required under this part or as may be required by
     7  the board, the application for any category of slot machine
     8  license shall include at a minimum:
     9         (1)  The name, address[,] and photograph [and handwriting
    10     exemplar] of the applicant and of all directors and owners
    11     and key employees and their positions within the corporation
    12     or organization, as well as any additional financial
    13     information required by the board.
    14         * * *
    15  § 1311.  [Slot machine license application business entity
    16             requirements.
    17     (a)  Key employee requirement qualification.--No corporation
    18  or any other legal business entity shall be eligible to hold a
    19  slot machine license unless the following would individually be
    20  qualified for licensure as a key employee: each officer; each
    21  director; each person who directly or indirectly holds any
    22  beneficial interest or ownership of the securities in the
    23  entity; each person who in the opinion of the board has the
    24  ability to control the entity, has a controlling interest or
    25  elects a majority of the board of directors of that corporation
    26  or business entity, other than a banking or other licensed
    27  lending institution which makes a loan or holds a mortgage or
    28  other lien acquired in the ordinary course of business; each key
    29  employee; each lender, other than a banking or other licensed
    30  lending institution which makes a loan or holds a mortgage or
    20050S0862B2218                 - 52 -     

     1  other lien acquired in the ordinary course of business; each
     2  underwriter; each agent; each employee of the corporation or
     3  entity and each other person whom the board may consider
     4  appropriate for approval or qualification. The board may waive
     5  compliance with the provisions of this subsection on the part of
     6  a publicly traded corporation as to a person directly or
     7  indirectly holding ownership of securities of such corporation
     8  where the board is satisfied that the security holder is not
     9  significantly involved in the activities of the corporation and
    10  does not have the ability to control the corporation or elect
    11  one or more directors thereof.
    12     (b)  Slot machine license qualification requirement.--No
    13  corporation or any other legal business entity or other form of
    14  business organization which is a subsidiary shall be eligible to
    15  receive or hold a slot machine license unless each holding and
    16  intermediary company with respect thereto:
    17         (1)  if it is a corporation or other legal business
    18     entity, shall comply with the provisions of subsection (a) as
    19     if said holding or intermediary company were itself applying
    20     for a slot machine license. The board may waive compliance
    21     with the provisions of subsection (a) on the part of a
    22     publicly traded corporation which is a holding company as to
    23     any officer, director, lender, underwriter, agent or employee
    24     thereof, or person directly or indirectly holding a
    25     beneficial interest or ownership of the securities of such
    26     corporation, where the board is satisfied that such officer,
    27     director, lender, underwriter, agent or employee is not
    28     significantly involved in the activities of the corporate
    29     licensee and in the case of the security holder does not have
    30     the ability to control or possess a controlling interest in
    20050S0862B2218                 - 53 -     

     1     the holding company or elect one or more directors thereof;
     2     or
     3         (2)  if it is not a corporation, shall comply with the
     4     provisions of subsection (c) as if said company were itself
     5     applying for a slot machine license. The board may waive
     6     compliance with the provisions of subsection (c) on the part
     7     of a noncorporate business organization which is a holding
     8     company as to any person who directly or indirectly holds any
     9     beneficial interest or ownership in such company when the
    10     board is satisfied that such person does not have the ability
    11     to control the company.
    12     (c)  Noncorporate applicant requirement.--Any noncorporate
    13  applicant for a slot machine license shall provide the
    14  information required in this section in such form as may be
    15  required by the board. No such applicant shall be eligible to
    16  hold a slot machine license unless each person who directly or
    17  indirectly holds any beneficial interest or ownership in the
    18  applicant, or has the ability to control the applicant or whom
    19  the board may consider appropriate for approval or
    20  qualification, would individually be qualified for approval as a
    21  key employee pursuant to the provisions of this part.]
    22  Additional slot machine license requirements.
    23     (a)  Additional eligibility requirements.--In order to be
    24  eligible for a slot machine license under this part, the
    25  principals and key employees of the applicant shall obtain a
    26  license to meet the character requirements of section 1310
    27  (relating to slot machine license application character
    28  requirements) or other eligibility requirements established by
    29  the board.
    30     (b)  Classification system.--The board shall develop a
    20050S0862B2218                 - 54 -     

     1  classification system for other agents, employees or persons who
     2  directly or indirectly hold or are deemed to be holding debt or
     3  equity securities or other financial interest in the applicant,
     4  and other persons which the board considers appropriate for
     5  review under section 1310.
     6     (c)  Related entities.--
     7         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), no person shall
     8     be eligible to receive a slot machine license unless the
     9     principals and key employees of each intermediary, subsidiary
    10     or holding company of the person meet the requirements of
    11     subsection (a).
    12         (2)  The board may require that lenders and underwriters
    13     of intermediaries, subsidiaries or holding companies of a
    14     slot machine license applicant meet the requirements of
    15     subsection (a) if the board determines that the suitability
    16     of a lender or underwriter is at issue and is necessary to
    17     consider a pending application for a slot machine license.
    18     (d)  Revocable privilege.--The issuance or renewal of a
    19  license, permit or other authorization by the board under this
    20  section shall be a revocable privilege.
    21     (e)  Waiver for publicly traded corporations.--The board may
    22  waive the requirements of subsection (a) for a person directly
    23  or indirectly holding ownership of securities in a publicly
    24  traded corporation if the board determines that the holder of
    25  the securities is not significantly involved in the activities
    26  of the corporation and does not have the ability to control the
    27  corporation or elect one or more directors thereof.
    28     (f)  Waiver for subsidiaries.--If the applicant is a
    29  subsidiary, the board may waive the requirements of subsection
    30  (a) for a holding company or intermediary as follows:
    20050S0862B2218                 - 55 -     

     1         (1)  If the applicant is a publicly traded corporation,
     2     the board may issue a waiver under this subsection if it
     3     determines that the principal or key employee does not have
     4     the ability to control, have a controlling interest in or
     5     elect one or more directors of the holding company or
     6     intermediary and is not actively involved in the activities
     7     of the applicant.
     8         (2)  If the applicant is a noncorporate organization, the
     9     board may issue a waiver under this subsection for a person
    10     who directly or indirectly holds a beneficial or ownership
    11     interest in the applicant if it determines that the person
    12     does not have the ability to control the applicant.
    13     (g)  Ongoing duty.--A person applying for a license, permit
    14  or other authorization under this part shall have the continuing
    15  duty to provide information required by the board or the bureau
    16  and to cooperate in any inquiry or investigation.
    17     (h)  Criminal history record check.--The board shall conduct
    18  a criminal history record check on any person for whom a waiver
    19  is granted under this section.
    20     Section 7.  Title 4 is amended by adding sections to read:
    21  § 1311.1.  Licensing of principals.
    22     (a)  License required.--All principals shall obtain a
    23  principal license from the board.
    24     (b)  Application.--A principal license application shall be
    25  in a form prescribed by the board and shall include the
    26  following:
    27         (1)  Verification of status as a principal from a slot
    28     machine licensee, manufacturer licensee or supplier licensee.
    29         (2)  A description of responsibilities as a principal.
    30         (3)  All releases necessary to obtain information from
    20050S0862B2218                 - 56 -     

     1     governmental agencies, employers and other organizations.
     2         (4)  Fingerprints, which shall be submitted to the
     3     Pennsylvania State Police.
     4         (5)  A photograph that meets the standards of the
     5     Commonwealth Photo Imaging Network.
     6         (6)  Details relating to a similar license, permit or
     7     other authorization obtained in another jurisdiction.
     8         (7)  Any additional information required by the board.
     9     (c)  Issuance.--Following review of the application and the
    10  background investigation, the board may issue a principal
    11  license if the applicant has proven by clear and convincing
    12  evidence that the applicant is a person of good character,
    13  honesty and integrity and is eligible and suitable to be
    14  licensed as a principal.
    15     (d)  Nontransferability.--A license issued under this section
    16  shall be nontransferable.
    17     (e)  Principals.--An individual who receives a principal
    18  license need not obtain a key employee license.
    19  § 1311.2.  Licensing of key employees.
    20     (a)  License required.--All key employees shall obtain a key
    21  employee license from the board.
    22     (b)  Application.--A key employee license application shall
    23  be in a form prescribed by the board and shall include the
    24  following:
    25         (1)  Verification of status as a key employee from a slot
    26     machine licensee, manufacturer licensee or supplier licensee.
    27         (2)  A description of employment responsibilities.
    28         (3)  All releases necessary to obtain information from
    29     governmental agencies, employers and other organizations.
    30         (4)  Fingerprints, which shall be submitted to the
    20050S0862B2218                 - 57 -     

     1     Pennsylvania State Police.
     2         (5)  A photograph that meets the standards of the
     3     Commonwealth Photo Imaging Network.
     4         (6)  Details relating to a similar license, permit or
     5     other authorization obtained in another jurisdiction.
     6         (7)  Any additional information required by the board.
     7     (c)  Issuance.--Following review of the application and the
     8  background investigation, the board may issue a key employee
     9  license if the applicant has proven by clear and convincing
    10  evidence that the applicant is a person of good character,
    11  honesty and integrity and is eligible and suitable to be
    12  licensed as a key employee.
    13     (d)  Nontransferability.--A license issued under this section
    14  shall be nontransferable.
    15     Section 7.1.  Sections 1313(e) and 1317 of Title 4 are
    16  amended to read:
    17  § 1313.  Slot machine license application financial fitness
    18             requirements.
    19     * * *
    20     (e)  Applicant's operational viability.--In assessing the
    21  financial viability of the proposed licensed facility, the board
    22  shall make a finding, after review of the application, that the
    23  applicant is likely to maintain a financially successful, viable
    24  and efficient business operation and will likely be able to
    25  maintain a steady level [and] of growth of revenue to the
    26  Commonwealth pursuant to section 1403 (relating to establishment
    27  of State Gaming Fund and net slot machine revenue distribution).
    28  Notwithstanding any provision of this part to the contrary, an
    29  applicant that includes a commitment or promise to pay a slot
    30  machine license fee in excess of the amount provided in section
    20050S0862B2218                 - 58 -     

     1  1209 or a distribution of terminal revenue in excess of the
     2  amounts provided in sections 1403, 1405 (relating to
     3  Pennsylvania Race Horse Development Fund) and 1407 (relating to
     4  Pennsylvania Gaming Economic Development and Tourism Fund) shall
     5  not be deemed a financially successful, viable or efficient
     6  business operation and shall not be approved for a slot machine
     7  license.
     8     * * *
     9  § 1317.  Supplier [and manufacturer] licenses [application].
    10     (a)  Application.--[Any] A manufacturer that elects to
    11  contract with a supplier under section 1317.1(d.1) (relating to
    12  manufacturer licenses) shall ensure that the supplier is
    13  licensed under this section. A person seeking to provide slot
    14  machines or associated equipment to a slot machine licensee
    15  within this Commonwealth [or to manufacture slot machines for
    16  use in this Commonwealth] through a contract with a licensed
    17  manufacturer shall apply to the board for [either] a supplier
    18  [or manufacturer] license. [No person, its affiliate,
    19  intermediary, subsidiary or holding company who has applied for
    20  or is a holder of a manufacturer or slot machine license shall
    21  be eligible to apply for or hold a supplier license. A supplier
    22  licensee shall establish a principle place of business in this
    23  Commonwealth within one year of issuance of its supplier license
    24  and maintain such during the period in which the license is
    25  held. No slot machine licensee shall enter into any sale, lease,
    26  contract or any other type of agreement providing slot machines,
    27  progressive slot machines, parts or associated equipment for use
    28  or play with any person other than a supplier licensed pursuant
    29  to this section. Slot monitoring systems, casino management
    30  systems, player tracking systems and wide-area progressive
    20050S0862B2218                 - 59 -     

     1  systems are excluded from any requirements that they be provided
     2  through a licensed supplier as set forth in this part.]
     3     (b)  Requirements.--[The] An application for a supplier [or
     4  manufacturer license shall include, at a minimum:] license shall
     5  be on the form required by the board, accompanied by the
     6  application fee and shall include all of the following:
     7         (1)  The name and business address of the applicant[,]
     8     and the applicant's affiliates, intermediaries, subsidiaries
     9     and holding companies; the [directors and owners of the
    10     applicant] principals and key employees of each business; and
    11     a list of employees and their positions within [the] each
    12     business, as well as any financial information required by
    13     the board.
    14         (1.1)  A statement that the applicant and each affiliate,
    15     intermediary, subsidiary or holding company of the applicant
    16     are not slot machine licensees.
    17         (1.2)  Proof that the applicant has or will establish a
    18     principal place of business in this Commonwealth. A supplier
    19     licensee shall maintain its principal place of business in
    20     this Commonwealth to remain eligible for licensure.
    21         (2)  The consent to a background investigation of the
    22     applicant, its [officers, directors, owners,] principals and
    23     key employees or other persons required by the board and a
    24     release to obtain any and all information necessary for the
    25     completion of the background investigation.
    26         (3)  The details of any equivalent license granted or
    27     denied by other jurisdictions where gaming activities as
    28     authorized by this part are permitted and consent for the
    29     board to acquire copies of applications submitted or licenses
    30     issued in connection therewith.
    20050S0862B2218                 - 60 -     

     1         (4)  The type of goods and services to be supplied [or
     2     manufactured] and whether those goods and services will be
     3     provided through purchase, lease, contract or otherwise.
     4         (5)  Any other information determined by the board to be
     5     appropriate.
     6     (c)  Review and approval.--Upon being satisfied that the
     7  requirements of subsection (b) have been met, the board may
     8  approve the application and issue the applicant a supplier
     9  license consistent with all of the following:
    10         (1)  The license shall be for a period of one year. Upon
    11     expiration, the license may be renewed in accordance with
    12     subsection (d).
    13         (2)  The license shall be nontransferable.
    14         (3)  Any other condition established by the board.
    15     (d)  Renewal.--
    16         (1)  Two months prior to expiration of a supplier
    17     license, the supplier licensee seeking renewal of its license
    18     shall submit a renewal application accompanied by the renewal
    19     fee to the board.
    20         (2)  If the renewal application satisfies the
    21     requirements of subsection (b), the board may renew the
    22     licensee's supplier license.
    23         (3)  If the board receives a complete renewal application
    24     but fails to act upon the renewal application prior to the
    25     expiration of the supplier license, the supplier license
    26     shall continue in effect for an additional six-month period
    27     or until acted upon by the board, whichever occurs first.
    28     (e)  Prohibitions.--No limitation shall be placed on the
    29  number of supplier licenses issued or the time period to submit
    30  applications for licensure except as required to comply with
    20050S0862B2218                 - 61 -     

     1  section 1306 (relating to order of initial license issuance).
     2     Section 7.2.  Title 4 is amended by adding a section to read:
     3  § 1317.1.  Manufacturer licenses.
     4     (a)  Application.--A person seeking to manufacture slot
     5  machines and associated equipment for use in this Commonwealth
     6  shall apply to the board for a manufacturer license.
     7     (b)  Requirements.-- An application for a manufacturer
     8  license shall be on the form required by the board, accompanied
     9  by the application fee and shall include all of the following:
    10         (1)  The name and business address of the applicant and
    11     the applicant's affiliates, intermediaries, subsidiaries and
    12     holding companies; the principals and key employees of each
    13     business; and a list of employees and their positions within
    14     each business, as well as any financial information required
    15     by the board.
    16         (2)  A statement that the applicant and each affiliate,
    17     intermediary, subsidiary or holding company of the applicant
    18     are not slot machine licensees.
    19         (3)  The consent to a background investigation of the
    20     applicant, its principals and key employees or other persons
    21     required by the board and a release to obtain any and all
    22     information necessary for the completion of the background
    23     investigation.
    24         (4)  The details of any equivalent license granted or
    25     denied by other jurisdictions where gaming activities as
    26     authorized by this part are permitted and consent for the
    27     board to acquire copies of applications submitted or licenses
    28     issued in connection therewith.
    29         (5)  The type of slot machines or associated equipment to
    30     be manufactured or repaired.
    20050S0862B2218                 - 62 -     

     1         (6)  Any other information determined by the board to be
     2     appropriate.
     3     (c)  Review and approval.--Upon being satisfied that the
     4  requirements of subsection (b) have been met, the board may
     5  approve the application and grant the applicant a manufacturer
     6  license consistent with all of the following:
     7         (1)  The license shall be for a period of one year. Upon
     8     expiration, a license may be renewed in accordance with
     9     subsection (d).
    10         (2)  The license shall be nontransferable.
    11         (3)  Any other condition established by the board.
    12     (d)  Renewal.--
    13         (1)  Six months prior to expiration of a manufacturer
    14     license, the manufacturer licensee seeking renewal of its
    15     license shall submit a renewal application accompanied by the
    16     renewal fee to the board.
    17         (2)  If the renewal application satisfies the
    18     requirements of subsection (b), the board may renew the
    19     licensee's manufacturer license.
    20         (3)  If the board receives a complete renewal application
    21     but fails to act upon the renewal application prior to the
    22     expiration of the manufacturer license, the manufacturer
    23     license shall continue in effect for an additional six-month
    24     period or until acted upon by the board, whichever occurs
    25     first.
    26     (d.1)  Authority.--The following shall apply to a licensed
    27  manufacturer:
    28         (1)  A licensed manufacturer or its designee, as licensed
    29     by the board, may supply or repair any slot machine or
    30     associated equipment manufactured by the licensed
    20050S0862B2218                 - 63 -     

     1     manufacturer.
     2         (2)  A manufacturer may contract with a supplier under
     3     section 1317 (relating to supplier licenses) to provide slot
     4     machines or associated equipment to a slot machine licensee
     5     within this Commonwealth.
     6     (e)  Prohibitions.--
     7         (1)  No person may manufacture slot machines or
     8     associated equipment for use within this Commonwealth by a
     9     slot machine licensee unless the person has been issued a
    10     manufacturer license under this section.
    11         (2)  No slot machine licensee may use slot machines or
    12     associated equipment unless the slot machines or associated
    13     equipment were manufactured by a person that has been issued
    14     a manufacturer license under this section.
    15         (3)  No person issued a license under this section shall
    16     apply for or be issued a license under section 1317 (relating
    17     to supplier licenses).
    18         (4)  No limitation shall be placed on the number of
    19     manufacturer licenses issued or the time period to submit
    20     applications for licensure, except as required to comply with
    21     section 1306 (relating to order of initial license issuance).
    22     Section 8.  Sections 1318(b)(4) and 1323(a) of Title 4 are
    23  amended to read:
    24  § 1318.  Occupation permit application.
    25     * * *
    26     (b)  Requirements.--The application for an occupation permit
    27  shall include, at a minimum:
    28         * * *
    29         (4)  A photograph [and handwriting exemplar] of the
    30     person.
    20050S0862B2218                 - 64 -     

     1         * * *
     2  § 1323.  Central control computer system.
     3     (a)  General rule.--To facilitate the auditing and security
     4  programs critical to the integrity of slot machine gaming in
     5  this Commonwealth, the department shall have overall control of
     6  slot machines, and all slot machine terminals shall be linked,
     7  at an appropriate time to be determined by the department, to a
     8  central control computer under the control of the department and
     9  accessible by the board to provide auditing program capacity and
    10  individual terminal information as approved by the department
    11  and shall include real-time information retrieval and terminal
    12  activation and disabling programs. The central control computer
    13  selected and employed by the department shall not unduly limit
    14  or favor the participation of a vendor or manufacturer of a slot
    15  machine as a result of the cost or difficulty of implementing
    16  the necessary program modifications to communicate with and link
    17  to the central control computer. The central control computer
    18  employed by the department shall provide:
    19         (1)  A fully operational Statewide slot machine control
    20     system that has the capability of supporting up to the
    21     maximum number of slot machines that could be permitted to be
    22     in operation under this part.
    23         (2)  The employment of a widely accepted gaming industry
    24     protocol to facilitate slot machine manufacturers' ability to
    25     communicate with the Statewide system.
    26         (2.1)  The delivery of a system that has the ability to
    27     verify software, detect alterations in payout and detect
    28     other methods of fraud in all aspects of the operation of
    29     slot machines.
    30         (3)  The delivery of a system that has the capability to
    20050S0862B2218                 - 65 -     

     1     support in-house and wide-area progressive slot machines as
     2     approved by the board.
     3         (4)  The delivery of a system that allows the slot
     4     machine licensee to install independent player tracking
     5     systems and cashless technology as approved by the board.
     6         (5)  The delivery of a system that does not alter the
     7     statistical awards of slot machine games as designed by the
     8     slot machine manufacturer and approved by the board.
     9         (6)  The delivery of a system that provides redundancy so
    10     that each component of the network will be capable of
    11     operating independently by the department if any component of
    12     the network, including the central control computer, fails or
    13     cannot be operated for any reason as determined by the
    14     department, and to assure that all transactional data is
    15     captured and secured. Costs associated with any computer
    16     system required by the department to operate at a licensed
    17     facility, whether independent or as part of the central
    18     control computer, shall be paid by the slot machine licensee.
    19     The computer system will be controlled by the department and
    20     accessible to the board.
    21         (7)  The ability to meet all reporting and control
    22     requirements as prescribed by the board and department.
    23         (8)  Any other capabilities as determined by the
    24     department in consultation with the board.
    25     * * *
    26     Section 8.1.  Section 1325 of Title 4 is amended by adding a
    27  subsection to read:
    28  § 1325.  License or permit issuance.
    29     * * *
    30     (d)  Trusts and similar business entities.--The board shall
    20050S0862B2218                 - 66 -     

     1  determine the eligibility of a trust or similar business entity
     2  to be a licensed entity in accordance with the following:
     3         (1)  No trust or similar business entity shall be
     4     eligible to hold any beneficial interest in a licensed entity
     5     under this part unless each trustee, grantor and beneficiary
     6     of the trust, including a minor child beneficiary, qualifies
     7     for and is granted a license as a principal. The board may
     8     waive compliance with this paragraph if the trustee is a
     9     banking or lending institution and the board is satisfied
    10     that the trustee is not significantly involved in the
    11     activities of the licensed entity. In addition to other
    12     information required by the board, a banking or lending
    13     institution acting as a trustee shall produce at the request
    14     of the board any documentation or information relating to the
    15     trust.
    16         (2)  No beneficiary of a trust or similar business entity
    17     who is a minor child shall control or be significantly
    18     involved in the activities of a licensed entity or its
    19     holding company or intermediary. No beneficiary of a trust or
    20     similar business entity who is a minor child shall be
    21     permitted to vote to elect directors of a licensed entity or
    22     its holding company or intermediary.
    23         (3)  No trust or similar business entity may hold any
    24     beneficial interest in a licensed entity unless the board
    25     determines that the trust or similar business entity is not
    26     engaged in any activity or otherwise being used to evade the
    27     public protections under this part, including sections 1512
    28     (relating to financial and employment interests) and 1513
    29     (relating to political influence).
    30     Section 8.2.  Sections 1327 and 1402 of Title 4 are amended
    20050S0862B2218                 - 67 -     

     1  to read:
     2  § 1327.  Nontransferability of licenses.
     3     A license or permit issued by the board is a grant of the
     4  privilege to conduct a business in this Commonwealth. Except as
     5  permitted by section 1328 (relating to change in ownership or
     6  control of slot machine licensee), a license or permit granted
     7  or renewed pursuant to this part shall not be sold, transferred
     8  or assigned to any other person[,]; nor shall a licensee or
     9  permittee pledge or otherwise grant a security interest in or
    10  lien on the license or permit. Nothing contained in this part is
    11  intended or shall be construed to create in any person an
    12  entitlement to a license. The board has the sole discretion to
    13  issue, renew, condition or deny the issuance of a slot machine
    14  license based upon the purposes and requirements of this part.
    15  § 1402.  Gross terminal revenue deductions.
    16     (a)  Deductions.--After determining the appropriate
    17  assessments for each slot machine licensee, the department shall
    18  [deduct the following] determine costs, expenses or payments
    19  from each account established under section 1401 (relating to
    20  slot machine licensee deposits). The following costs and
    21  expenses shall be transferred to the appropriate agency upon
    22  appropriation by the General Assembly:
    23         (1)  The costs and expenses to be incurred by the
    24     department in administering this part at each slot machine
    25     licensee's licensed facility based upon a budget submitted by
    26     the department to and approved by the board.
    27         (2)  The other costs and expenses to be incurred by the
    28     department in administering this part based upon a budget
    29     submitted by the department to and approved by the board.
    30         (3)  Sums necessary to repay any loans made by the
    20050S0862B2218                 - 68 -     

     1     General Fund to the department in connection with carrying
     2     out its responsibilities under this part, including the costs
     3     of the initial acquisition of the central control computer
     4     and any accessories or associated equipment.
     5         (4)  The costs and expenses to be incurred by the
     6     Pennsylvania State Police and the Office of Attorney General
     7     and not otherwise reimbursed under this part in carrying out
     8     their respective responsibilities under this part based upon
     9     a budget submitted by the Pennsylvania State Police and the
    10     Attorney General to and approved by the board.
    11         (5)  Sums necessary to repay any loans made by the
    12     General Fund to the Pennsylvania State Police in connection
    13     with carrying out its responsibilities under this part.
    14         (6)  The costs and expenses to be incurred by the board
    15     in carrying out its responsibilities under this part based
    16     upon a budget approved by the board.
    17         (7)  Sums necessary to repay any loans made by the
    18     General Fund to the board in connection with carrying out its
    19     responsibilities under this part.
    20     (b)  [Deferral of assessment.--Notwithstanding any other
    21  provision of law to the contrary, the board may defer assessing
    22  slot machine licensees for repayment of loans from the General
    23  Fund under this section until all slot machine licenses have
    24  been issued and all licensed gaming entities have commenced the
    25  operation of slot machines.] (Reserved).
    26     Section 8.3.  Title 4 is amended by adding a section to read:
    27  § 1402.1.  Itemized budget reporting.
    28     The board, department, Pennsylvania State Police and the
    29  Attorney General shall prepare and annually submit to the
    30  chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the
    20050S0862B2218                 - 69 -     

     1  chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the House of
     2  Representatives an itemized budget consisting of amounts to be
     3  appropriated out of the accounts established under section 1401
     4  (relating to slot machine licensee deposits) necessary to
     5  administer this part.
     6     Section 9.  Section 1403(b), (c)(2)(i)(D) and (E), (ii)(E),
     7  (iii)(A), (E) and (F), (iv) and (ix), (3)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv),
     8  (v), (vi), (vii) and (viii) of Title 4 are amended, subsection
     9  (c)(2)(iii) is amended by adding a clause, subsection (c)(3) is
    10  amended by adding a subparagraph and the section is amended by
    11  adding a subsection to read:
    12  § 1403.  Establishment of State Gaming Fund and net slot machine
    13             revenue distribution.
    14     * * *
    15     (b)  Slot machine tax.--[The department shall determine and
    16  each slot machine licensee shall pay a daily tax of 34% and a
    17  local share assessment of 4% of its daily gross terminal revenue
    18  from the slot machines in operation at its facility into the
    19  fund.] The department shall determine and each slot machine
    20  licensee shall pay a daily tax of 34% from its daily gross
    21  terminal revenue from the slot machines in operation at its
    22  facility and a local share assessment as provided in subsection
    23  (c) into the fund. All funds owed to the Commonwealth or a
    24  municipality under this section shall be held in trust by the
    25  licensed gaming entity until the funds are paid or transferred
    26  and distributed. Unless otherwise agreed to by the Gaming Board,
    27  a licensed gaming entity shall establish a separate bank account
    28  to maintain gaming proceeds until such time as they are paid or
    29  transferred under this section.
    30     (c)  Transfers and distributions.--The department shall:
    20050S0862B2218                 - 70 -     

     1         * * *
     2         (2)  From the local share assessment established in
     3     subsection (b), make quarterly distributions among the
     4     counties hosting a licensed facility in accordance with the
     5     following schedule:
     6             (i)  If the licensed facility is a Category 1
     7         licensed facility that is located at a harness racetrack
     8         and the county, including a home rule county, in which
     9         the licensed facility is located is:
    10                 * * *
    11                 (D)  (I)  A county of the third class:  Except as
    12                 provided in subclause (II), 2% of the gross
    13                 terminal revenue from each such licensed facility
    14                 shall be deposited into a restricted account
    15                 established in the Department of Community and
    16                 Economic Development to be used exclusively for
    17                 grants for health, safety and economic
    18                 development projects to municipalities within the
    19                 county where the licensed facility is located.
    20                 Municipalities that are contiguous to the
    21                 municipality hosting such licensed facility shall
    22                 be given priority by the Department of Community
    23                 and Economic Development in the award of such
    24                 grants.
    25                     (II)  If a licensed facility is located in
    26                 one of two counties of the third class where a
    27                 city of the third class is located in both
    28                 counties of the third class, the county in which
    29                 the licensed facility is located shall receive
    30                 1.2% of the gross terminal revenue to be
    20050S0862B2218                 - 71 -     

     1                 distributed as follows:  20% to the host city,
     2                 30% to the host county and 50% to the host county
     3                 for the purpose of making municipal grants within
     4                 the county, with priority given to municipalities
     5                 contiguous to the host city. The county of the
     6                 third class, which includes a city of the third
     7                 class that is located in two counties of the
     8                 third class and is not the host county for the
     9                 licensed facility, shall receive .8% of the gross
    10                 terminal revenue to be distributed as follows:
    11                 60% to a nonhost city of the third class located
    12                 solely in the nonhost county in which the host
    13                 city of the third class is also located or 60% to
    14                 the nonhost city of the third class located both
    15                 in the host and nonhost counties of the third
    16                 class, 35% to the nonhost county and 5% to the
    17                 nonhost county for the purpose of making
    18                 municipal grants within the county.
    19                 (E)  A county of the fourth class:  2% of the
    20             gross terminal revenue from each such licensed
    21             facility shall be deposited into a restricted account
    22             established in the Department of Community and
    23             Economic Development to be used exclusively for
    24             grants to the county, to economic development
    25             authorities [or organizations within the county] or
    26             redevelopment authorities within the county for
    27             grants for economic development projects, job
    28             training, community improvement projects, other
    29             projects in the public interest and reasonable
    30             administrative costs. Notwithstanding the provisions
    20050S0862B2218                 - 72 -     

     1             of the act of February 9, 1999 (P.L.1, No.1), known
     2             as the Capital Facilities Debt Enabling Act, grants
     3             made under this clause may be utilized as local
     4             matching funds for other grants or loans from the
     5             Commonwealth.
     6                 * * *
     7             (ii)  If the licensed facility is a Category 1
     8         licensed facility and is located at a thoroughbred
     9         racetrack and the county in which the licensed facility
    10         is located is:
    11                 * * *
    12                 (E)  A county of the fourth class:  2% of the
    13             gross terminal revenue from each such licensed
    14             facility shall be deposited into a restricted account
    15             established in the Department of Community and
    16             Economic Development to be used exclusively for
    17             grants to the county, to economic development
    18             authorities [or organizations within the county] or
    19             redevelopment authorities within the county for
    20             grants for economic development projects, community
    21             improvement projects, job training, other projects in
    22             the public interest and reasonable administrative
    23             costs. Notwithstanding the Capital Facilities Debt
    24             Enabling Act, grants made under this clause may be
    25             utilized as local matching funds for other grants or
    26             loans from the Commonwealth.
    27                 * * *
    28             (iii)  If the facility is a Category 2 licensed
    29         facility and if the county in which the licensed facility
    30         is located is:
    20050S0862B2218                 - 73 -     

     1                 (A)  A county of the first class:  4% of the
     2             gross terminal revenue to  the county hosting the
     3             licensed facility from each such licensed facility.
     4             Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary,
     5             funds from licensed gaming entities located within a
     6             county of the first class shall not be distributed
     7             outside of a county of the first class. The first
     8             $5,000,000 of the total amount distributed annually
     9             to the county of the first class shall be distributed
    10             to the Philadelphia School District.
    11                 * * *
    12                 (D.1)  If a licensed facility is located in one
    13             of two counties of the third class where a city of
    14             the third class is located in both counties of the
    15             third class, the county in which the licensed
    16             facility is located shall receive 1.2% of the gross
    17             terminal revenue to be distributed as follows:  20%
    18             to the host city, 30% to the host county and 50% to
    19             the host county for the purpose of making municipal
    20             grants within the county, with priority given to
    21             municipalities contiguous to the host city. The
    22             county of the third class, which includes a city of
    23             the third class that is located in two counties of
    24             the third class and is not the host county for the
    25             licensed facility, shall receive .8% of the gross
    26             terminal revenue to be distributed as follows:  60%
    27             to a nonhost city of the third class located solely
    28             in the nonhost county in which the host city of the
    29             third class is also located or 60% to the nonhost
    30             city of the third class located both in the host and
    20050S0862B2218                 - 74 -     

     1             nonhost counties of the third class, 35% to the
     2             nonhost county and 5% to the nonhost county for the
     3             purpose of making municipal grants within the county.
     4                 (E)  A county of the fourth class:  2% of the
     5             gross terminal revenue from each such licensed
     6             facility shall be deposited into a restricted account
     7             established in the Department of Community and
     8             Economic Development to be used exclusively for
     9             grants to the county, to economic development
    10             authorities [or organizations within the county] or
    11             redevelopment authorities within the county for
    12             grants for economic development projects, community
    13             improvement projects, job training, other projects in
    14             the public interest and reasonable administrative
    15             costs. Notwithstanding the Capital Facilities Debt
    16             Enabling Act, grants made under this clause may be
    17             utilized as local matching funds for other grants or
    18             loans from the Commonwealth.
    19                 (F)  Counties of the fifth [through eighth
    20             classes] class:  2% of the gross terminal revenue
    21             from each such licensed facility shall be deposited
    22             [into a restricted account established in the
    23             Department of Community and Economic Development to
    24             be used exclusively for grants to the county, to
    25             contiguous counties, to economic development
    26             authorities or organizations within the county or
    27             contiguous counties or redevelopment authorities
    28             within the county or contiguous counties for grants
    29             for economic development projects, community
    30             improvement projects, other projects in the public
    20050S0862B2218                 - 75 -     

     1             interest and reasonable administrative costs.
     2             Notwithstanding the Capital Facilities Debt Enabling
     3             Act, grants made under this clause may be utilized as
     4             local matching funds for other grants or loans from
     5             the Commonwealth.] and distributed as follows:
     6                     (I)  One percent shall be deposited into a
     7                 restricted receipts account in the Department of
     8                 Community and Economic Development to be used
     9                 exclusively for grants within the county for
    10                 economic development projects, community
    11                 improvement projects and other projects in the
    12                 public interest within the county. The amount
    13                 under this subclause includes reasonable
    14                 administrative costs.
    15                     (II)  One percent shall be deposited into a
    16                 restricted receipts account in the Department of
    17                 Community and Economic Development to be used
    18                 exclusively for grants within contiguous counties
    19                 for economic development projects, community
    20                 improvement projects and other projects in the
    21                 public interest within contiguous counties. The
    22                 amount under this subclause includes reasonable
    23                 administrative costs.
    24                     (III)  Fifty percent of any revenue required
    25                 to be transferred under paragraph (3)(v) shall be
    26                 deposited into the restricted receipts account
    27                 established under subclause (I); and fifty
    28                 percent shall be deposited into the restricted
    29                 receipt account established under subclause (II).
    30                 Notwithstanding the Capital Facilities Debt
    20050S0862B2218                 - 76 -     

     1                 Enabling act, grants made under this clause may
     2                 be utilized as local matching funds for other
     3                 grants or loans from the Commonwealth.
     4                 * * *
     5             (iv)  If the facility is a Category 3 licensed
     6         facility, 2% of the gross terminal revenue from each such
     7         licensed facility shall be deposited into a restricted
     8         account established in the Department of Community and
     9         Economic Development to be used exclusively for grants to
    10         the county, to economic development authorities [or
    11         organizations within the county] or redevelopment
    12         authorities within the county for grants for economic
    13         development projects and community improvement projects.
    14             * * *
    15             (ix)  Nothing in this paragraph shall prevent any of
    16         the above counties which directly receive a distribution
    17         under this section from entering into intergovernmental
    18         cooperative agreements with other jurisdictions for
    19         sharing this money.
    20         (3)  From the local share assessment established in
    21     subsection (b), make quarterly distributions among the
    22     municipalities, including home rule municipalities, hosting a
    23     licensed facility in accordance with the following schedule:
    24             (i)  To a city of the second class hosting a licensed
    25         facility [or facilities], other than a Category 3
    26         licensed facility, 2% of the gross terminal revenue or
    27         $10,000,000 annually, whichever is greater, [of all
    28         licensed facilities] shall be paid by each licensed
    29         gaming entity operating a facility located in that city.
    30         In the event that the revenues generated by the 2% do not
    20050S0862B2218                 - 77 -     

     1         meet the $10,000,000 minimum specified in this
     2         [paragraph, the licensed gaming entity operating the
     3         licensed facility or facilities in the city shall remit
     4         the difference to the municipality.] subparagraph, the
     5         department shall collect the remainder of the minimum
     6         amount of $10,000,000 from each licensed gaming entity
     7         operating a facility in the city and deposit that amount
     8         in the city treasury.
     9             (ii)  To a city of the second class A hosting a
    10         licensed facility [or facilities], other than a Category
    11         3 licensed facility, 2% of the gross terminal revenue or
    12         $10,000,000 annually, whichever is greater, [of all
    13         licensed facilities] shall be paid by each licensed
    14         entity operating a licensed facility located in that city
    15         subject, however, to the budgetary limitation in this
    16         subparagraph. The amount allocated to the designated
    17         municipalities shall not exceed 50% of their total budget
    18         for fiscal year 2003-2004, adjusted for inflation in
    19         subsequent years by an amount not to exceed an annual
    20         cost-of-living adjustment calculated by applying the
    21         percentage change in the Consumer Price Index [for All
    22         Urban Consumers for the Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
    23         Delaware and Maryland area, for the most recent 12-month
    24         period for which figures have been officially reported by
    25         the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor
    26         Statistics,] immediately prior to the date the adjustment
    27         is due to take effect. Any remaining moneys shall be
    28         collected by the department from each licensed gaming
    29         entity and distributed in accordance with paragraph (2)
    30         based upon the classification of county where the
    20050S0862B2218                 - 78 -     

     1         licensed facility [or facilities] is located. In the
     2         event that the revenues generated by the 2% do not meet
     3         the $10,000,000 minimum specified in this subparagraph,
     4         [the licensed gaming entity operating the licensed
     5         facility or facilities in the city shall remit the
     6         difference to the municipality.] the department shall
     7         collect the remainder of the minimum amount of
     8         $10,000,000 from each licensed gaming entity operating a
     9         facility in the city, pay any balance due to the city and
    10         transfer any remainder in accordance with paragraph (2).
    11             (iii)  To a city of the third class hosting a
    12         licensed facility [or facilities], other than a Category
    13         3 licensed facility, 2% of the gross terminal revenue or
    14         $10,000,000 annually, whichever is greater, [of all
    15         licensed facilities] shall be paid by each licensed
    16         gaming entity operating a licensed facility located in
    17         that city subject, however, to the budgetary limitation
    18         in this subparagraph. [However, the foregoing limitations
    19         shall not apply, notwithstanding any provision to the
    20         contrary, if the licensed facility or facilities have
    21         executed a written agreement with the city prior to the
    22         effective date of this part to provide additional
    23         compensation to the city in excess of the difference
    24         between 2% of the gross terminal revenue and
    25         $10,000,000.] In the event that the city has a written
    26         agreement with a licensed gaming entity executed prior to
    27         the effective date of this part, the amount paid under
    28         the agreement to the city shall be applied and credited
    29         to the difference between 2% of the gross terminal
    30         revenue and the $10,000,000 owed under this subparagraph
    20050S0862B2218                 - 79 -     

     1         if the 2% of the gross terminal revenue is less than
     2         $10,000,000. If 2% of the gross terminal revenue is
     3         greater than the $10,000,000 required to be paid under
     4         this subparagraph, the credit shall not apply. The amount
     5         of gross terminal revenue required to be paid pursuant to
     6         the agreement shall be deemed to be gross terminal
     7         revenue for purposes of this subparagraph. The amount
     8         allocated to the designated municipalities shall not
     9         exceed 50% of their total budget for fiscal year 2003-
    10         2004, adjusted for inflation in subsequent years by an
    11         amount not to exceed an annual cost-of-living adjustment
    12         calculated by applying the percentage change in the
    13         Consumer Price Index [for All Urban Consumers for the
    14         Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland area, for
    15         the most recent 12-month period for which figures have
    16         been officially reported by the United States Department
    17         of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics,] immediately prior
    18         to the date the adjustment is due to take effect. Any
    19         remaining moneys shall be collected by the department
    20         from each licensed gaming entity and distributed in
    21         accordance with paragraph (2) based upon the
    22         classification of county where the licensed facility [or
    23         facilities] is located. In the event that the revenues
    24         generated by the 2% do not meet the $10,000,000 minimum
    25         specified in this subparagraph, [the licensed gaming
    26         entity operating the licensed facility or facilities in
    27         the city shall remit the difference to the municipality.]
    28         the department shall collect the remainder of the minimum
    29         amount of $10,000,000 from each licensed gaming entity
    30         operating a facility, pay any balance due to the city of
    20050S0862B2218                 - 80 -     

     1         the third class and transfer any remainder in accordance
     2         with paragraph (2).
     3             (iii.1)  If a licensed facility is located in a city
     4         of the third class and the city is located in more than
     5         one county of the third class, 2% of the gross terminal
     6         revenue or $10,000,000 annually, whichever is greater,
     7         shall be distributed as follows: 80% to the host city and
     8         20% to the city of the third class located solely in a
     9         nonhost county in which the host city of the third class
    10         is also located. If a licensed facility is located in a
    11         city of the third class and that city is located solely
    12         in a host county of the third class in which a nonhost
    13         city of the third class is also located, 2% of gross
    14         terminal revenue or $10,000,000 annually, whichever is
    15         greater, shall be distributed as follows:  80% to the
    16         host city and 20% to a city of the third class located
    17         both in a nonhost county of the third class and in a host
    18         county of the third class in which the host city of the
    19         third class is located.
    20             (iv)  To a township of the first class hosting a
    21         licensed facility [or facilities], other than a Category
    22         3 licensed facility, 2% of the gross terminal revenue or
    23         $10,000,000 annually, whichever is greater, [of all
    24         licensed facilities] shall be paid by each licensed
    25         gaming entity operating a licensed facility located in
    26         the township subject, however, to the budgetary
    27         limitation in this subparagraph. The amount allocated to
    28         the designated municipalities shall not exceed 50% of
    29         their total budget for fiscal year 2003-2004, adjusted
    30         for inflation in subsequent years by an amount not to
    20050S0862B2218                 - 81 -     

     1         exceed an annual cost-of-living adjustment calculated by
     2         applying the percentage change in the Consumer Price
     3         Index [for All Urban Consumers for the Pennsylvania, New
     4         Jersey, Delaware and Maryland area, for the most recent
     5         12-month period for which figures have been officially
     6         reported by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau
     7         of Labor Statistics,] immediately prior to the date the
     8         adjustment is due to take effect. Any remaining money
     9         shall be collected by the department from each licensed
    10         gaming entity and distributed in accordance with
    11         paragraph (2) based upon the classification of county
    12         where the licensed facility [or facilities] is located.
    13         In the event that the revenues generated by the 2% do not
    14         meet the $10,000,000 minimum specified in this
    15         subparagraph, [the licensed gaming entity operating the
    16         licensed facility or facilities in the township shall
    17         remit the difference to the municipality.] the department
    18         shall collect the remainder of the minimum amount of
    19         $10,000,000 from each licensed gaming entity operating a
    20         licensed facility in the township, pay any balance due to
    21         the township and transfer any remainder in accordance
    22         with paragraph (2).
    23             (v)  To a township of the second class hosting a
    24         licensed facility [or facilities], other than a Category
    25         3 licensed facility, 2% of the gross terminal revenue or
    26         $10,000,000 annually, whichever is greater, [of all
    27         licensed facilities] shall be paid by each licensed
    28         gaming entity operating a licensed facility located in
    29         the township subject, however, to the budgetary
    30         limitation in this subparagraph. The amount allocated to
    20050S0862B2218                 - 82 -     

     1         the designated municipalities shall not exceed 50% of
     2         their total budget for fiscal year 2003-2004, adjusted
     3         for inflation in subsequent years by an amount not to
     4         exceed an annual cost-of-living adjustment calculated by
     5         applying the percentage change in the Consumer Price
     6         Index [for All Urban Consumers for the Pennsylvania, New
     7         Jersey, Delaware and Maryland area, for the most recent
     8         12-month period for which figures have been officially
     9         reported by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau
    10         of Labor Statistics,] immediately prior to the date the
    11         adjustment is due to take effect. Any remaining money
    12         shall be collected by the department from each licensed
    13         gaming entity and distributed in accordance with
    14         paragraph (2) based upon the classification of county
    15         where the licensed facility [or facilities] is located.
    16         Where the licensed facility is other than a Category 3
    17         and is located in more than one second class township the
    18         county commissioners of the county of the third class in
    19         which the facility is located shall appoint an advisory
    20         committee for the purpose of advising the county as to
    21         the need for municipal grants for health, safety,
    22         transportation and other projects in the public interest
    23         to be comprised of two individuals from the host
    24         municipality, two from contiguous municipalities within
    25         the county of the third class and one from the host
    26         county. A county other than a county of the third class
    27         in which the licensed facility is located is not required
    28         to appoint an advisory committee and may use funds
    29         received under this subparagraph for purposes other than
    30         municipal grants. In the event that the revenues
    20050S0862B2218                 - 83 -     

     1         generated by the 2% do not meet the $10,000,000 minimum
     2         specified in this subparagraph, [the licensed gaming
     3         entity operating the licensed facility or facilities in
     4         the township shall remit the difference to the
     5         municipality.] the department shall collect the remainder
     6         of the minimum amount of $10,000,000 from each licensed
     7         gaming entity operating a licensed facility in the
     8         township, pay any balance due to the township and
     9         transfer any remainder in accordance with paragraph (2).
    10             (vi)  To a borough hosting a licensed facility [or
    11         facilities], other than a Category 3 licensed facility,
    12         2% of the gross terminal revenue or $10,000,000 annually,
    13         whichever is greater, [of all licensed facilities] shall
    14         be paid by each licensed gaming entity operating a
    15         licensed facility located in that borough subject,
    16         however, to the budgetary limitation in this
    17         subparagraph. The amount allocated to the designated
    18         municipalities shall not exceed 50% of their total budget
    19         for fiscal year 2003-2004, adjusted for inflation in
    20         subsequent years by an amount not to exceed an annual
    21         cost-of-living adjustment calculated by applying the
    22         percentage change in the Consumer Price Index [for All
    23         Urban Consumers for the Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
    24         Delaware and Maryland area, for the most recent 12-month
    25         period for which figures have been officially reported by
    26         the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor
    27         Statistics,] immediately prior to the date the adjustment
    28         is due to take effect. Any remaining money shall be
    29         collected by the department from each licensed gaming
    30         entity and distributed in accordance with paragraph (2)
    20050S0862B2218                 - 84 -     

     1         based upon the classification of county where the
     2         licensed facility [or facilities] is located. In the
     3         event that the revenues generated by the 2% do not meet
     4         the $10,000,000 minimum specified in this subparagraph,
     5         [the licensed gaming entity operating the licensed
     6         facility or facilities in the borough shall remit the
     7         difference to the municipality.] the department shall
     8         collect the remainder of the minimum amount of
     9         $10,000,000 from each licensed gaming entity operating a
    10         licensed facility in the borough, pay any balance due to
    11         the borough and transfer any remainder in accordance with
    12         paragraph (2).
    13             (vii)  To an incorporated town hosting a licensed
    14         facility [or facilities], other than a Category 3
    15         licensed facility, 2% of the gross terminal revenue or
    16         $10,000,000 annually, whichever is greater, [of all
    17         licensed facilities] shall be paid by each licensed
    18         entity operating a licensed facility located in the town
    19         subject, however, to the budgetary limitation in this
    20         subparagraph. The amount allocated to the designated
    21         municipalities shall not exceed 50% of their total budget
    22         for fiscal year 2003-2004, adjusted for inflation in
    23         subsequent years by an amount not to exceed an annual
    24         cost-of-living adjustment calculated by applying the
    25         percentage change in the Consumer Price Index [for All
    26         Urban Consumers for the Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
    27         Delaware and Maryland area, for the most recent 12-month
    28         period for which figures have been officially reported by
    29         the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor
    30         Statistics,] immediately prior to the date the adjustment
    20050S0862B2218                 - 85 -     

     1         is due to take effect. Any remaining money shall be
     2         collected by the department from each licensed gaming
     3         entity and distributed in accordance with paragraph (2)
     4         based upon the classification of county where the
     5         licensed facility [or facilities] is located. In the
     6         event that the revenues generated by the 2% do not meet
     7         the $10,000,000 minimum specified in this subparagraph,
     8         [the licensed gaming entity operating the licensed
     9         facility or facilities in the town shall remit the
    10         difference to the municipality.] the department shall
    11         collect the remainder of the minimum amount of
    12         $10,000,000 from each licensed gaming entity operating a
    13         licensed facility in the incorporated town, pay any
    14         balance due to the town and transfer any remainder in
    15         accordance with paragraph (2).
    16             (viii)  To a municipality of any class hosting a
    17         Category 3 facility, 2% of the gross terminal revenue
    18         from the Category 3 licensed facility located in the
    19         municipality, subject, however, to the budgetary
    20         limitation in this subparagraph. The amount allocated to
    21         the designated municipalities shall not exceed 50% of
    22         their total budget for fiscal year 2003-2004, adjusted
    23         for inflation in subsequent years by an amount not to
    24         exceed an annual cost-of-living adjustment calculated by
    25         applying the percentage change in the Consumer Price
    26         Index [for All Urban Consumers for the Pennsylvania, New
    27         Jersey, Delaware and Maryland area, for the most recent
    28         12-month period for which figures have been officially
    29         reported by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau
    30         of Labor Statistics,] immediately prior to the date the
    20050S0862B2218                 - 86 -     

     1         adjustment is due to take effect. Any remaining money
     2         shall be collected by the department from each licensed
     3         gaming entity and distributed in accordance with
     4         paragraph (2) based upon the classification of county
     5         where the licensed facility [or facilities] is located.
     6             * * *
     7     (d)  Consumer Price Index.--For purposes of subsection (c),
     8  references to the Consumer Price Index shall mean the Consumer
     9  Price Index for All Urban Consumers for the Pennsylvania, New
    10  Jersey, Delaware and Maryland area, for the most recent 12-month
    11  period for which figures have been officially reported by the
    12  United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
    13     Section 9.1.  Sections 1406(a) and 1506 of Title 4 are
    14  amended to read:
    15  § 1406.  Distributions from Pennsylvania Race Horse Development
    16             Fund.
    17     (a)  Distributions.--Funds from the Pennsylvania Race Horse
    18  Development Fund shall be distributed to each active and
    19  operating Category 1 licensee conducting live racing in the
    20  following manner:
    21         (1)  An amount equal to 18% of the daily gross terminal
    22     revenue of each Category 1 licensee shall be distributed to
    23     each active and operating Category 1 licensee conducting live
    24     racing unless the daily assessments are affected by the daily
    25     assessment cap provided for in section 1405(c) (relating to
    26     Pennsylvania Race Horse Development Fund). In cases in which
    27     the daily assessment cap affects daily assessments, the
    28     distribution to each active and operating Category 1 licensee
    29     conducting live racing for that day shall be a percentage of
    30     the total daily assessments paid into the Pennsylvania Race
    20050S0862B2218                 - 87 -     

     1     Horse Development Fund for that day equal to the gross
     2     terminal revenue of each active and operating Category 1
     3     licensee conducting live racing for that day divided by the
     4     total gross terminal revenue of all active and operating
     5     Category 1 licensees conducting live racing for that day. The
     6     distributions to licensed racing entities from the
     7     Pennsylvania Race Horse Development Fund shall be allocated
     8     as follows:
     9             (i)  Eighty percent [to] shall be deposited weekly
    10         into a separate, interest-bearing purse account to be
    11         established by and for the benefit of the horsemen. The
    12         earned interest on the account shall be credited to the
    13         purse account. Licensees shall combine these funds with
    14         revenues from existing purse agreements to fund purses
    15         for live races consistent with those agreements with the
    16         advice and consent of the horsemen.
    17             (ii)  [From licensees that operate at] For
    18         thoroughbred tracks, 16% [to] shall be deposited on a
    19         monthly basis into the Pennsylvania Breeding Fund as
    20         defined in section 223 of the Race Horse Industry Reform
    21         Act. [From licensees that operate at] For standardbred
    22         tracks, 8% [to] shall be deposited on a monthly basis in
    23         the Pennsylvania Sire Stakes Fund as defined in section
    24         224 of the Race Horse Industry Reform Act and 8% [to]
    25         shall be deposited on a monthly basis into a restricted
    26         account in the State Racing Fund to be known as the
    27         Pennsylvania Standardbred Breeders Development Fund. The
    28         State Harness Racing Commission shall, in consultation
    29         with the Secretary of Agriculture by rule or by
    30         regulation, adopt a standardbred breeders program that
    20050S0862B2218                 - 88 -     

     1         will include the administration of Pennsylvania Stallion
     2         Award, Pennsylvania Bred Award and a Pennsylvania Sired
     3         and Bred Award.
     4             (iii)  Four percent [to] shall be used to fund health
     5         and pension benefits for the members of the horsemen's
     6         organizations representing the owners and trainers at the
     7         racetrack at which the licensed racing entity operates
     8         for the benefit of the organization's members, their
     9         families, employees and others in accordance with the
    10         rules and eligibility requirements of the organization,
    11         as approved by the State Horse Racing Commission or the
    12         State Harness Racing Commission. This amount shall be
    13         deposited within five business days of the end of each
    14         month into a separate account to be established by each
    15         respective horsemen's organization at a banking
    16         institution of its choice. Of this amount, $250,000 shall
    17         be paid annually by the horsemen's organization to the
    18         thoroughbred jockeys or standardbred drivers organization
    19         at the racetrack at which the licensed racing entity
    20         operates for health insurance, life insurance or other
    21         benefits to active and disabled thoroughbred jockeys or
    22         standardbred drivers in accordance with the rules and
    23         eligibility requirements of that organization.
    24         (2)  (Reserved).
    25     * * *
    26  § 1506.  [Local land use preemption.
    27     The conduct of gaming as permitted under this part, including
    28  the physical location of any licensed facility, shall not be
    29  prohibited or otherwise regulated by any ordinance, home rule
    30  charter provision, resolution, rule or regulation of any
    20050S0862B2218                 - 89 -     

     1  political subdivision or any local or State instrumentality or
     2  authority that relates to zoning or land use to the extent that
     3  the licensed facility has been approved by the board. The board
     4  may in its discretion consider such local zoning ordinances when
     5  considering an application for a slot machine license. The board
     6  shall provide the political subdivision, within which an
     7  applicant for a slot machine license has proposed to locate a
     8  licensed gaming facility, a 60-day comment period prior to the
     9  board's final approval, condition or denial of approval of its
    10  application for a slot machine license. The political
    11  subdivision may make recommendations to the board for
    12  improvements to the applicant's proposed site plans that take
    13  into account the impact on the local community, including, but
    14  not limited to, land use and transportation impact. This section
    15  shall also apply to any proposed racetrack or licensed
    16  racetrack.] Licensed facility zoning and land use appeals.
    17     In order to facilitate timely implementation of casino gaming
    18  as provided in this part, notwithstanding 42 Pa.C.S. § 933(a)(2)
    19  (relating to appeals from government agencies), the Supreme
    20  Court of Pennsylvania is vested with exclusive appellate
    21  jurisdiction to consider appeals of a final order, determination
    22  or decision of a political subdivision or local instrumentality
    23  involving zoning, usage, layout, construction or occupancy,
    24  including location, size, bulk and use of a licensed facility.
    25  The court, as appropriate, may appoint a master to hear an
    26  appeal under this section.
    27     Section 9.2.  Title 4 is amended by adding sections to read:   <--
    28  § 1506.1.  Conveyances in cities of the first class.
    29     (a)  Intention.--In order to maximize the policy mandates of
    30  this part and to optimize development opportunities within a
    20050S0862B2218                 - 90 -     

     1  city of the first class, it is the intention of the General
     2  Assembly to facilitate the timely conveyance of riparian rights
     3  that the Commonwealth may own to any person approved for a slot
     4  machine license by the board for a facility to be located on
     5  land contiguous to navigable waterways.
     6     (b)  Authorization and direction.--The Department of General
     7  Services, with the written approval of the Governor, is hereby
     8  authorized and directed on behalf of the Commonwealth of
     9  Pennsylvania to grant and convey by quitclaim deed for
    10  consideration under subsection (e) to each person approved for a
    11  slot machine license by the board for a licensed facility that
    12  is to be located within a city of the first class and is
    13  contiguous to navigable waters, the land further described in
    14  subsection (c) and such conveyance shall be deemed as granting
    15  the consent of the Commonwealth to the licensee for construction
    16  thereon.
    17     (c)  Description.--The land to be transferred under
    18  subsection (a) shall be all of the Commonwealth's lands between
    19  the low-water line, or in cities of the first class, the
    20  bulkhead line, and the established pierhead line, in a city of
    21  the first class, consisting of all the muds and land currently
    22  or previously under the navigable waters and lying adjacent to
    23  the property owned by a licensee to the west of the bulkhead
    24  line, and all riparian rights appertaining thereto.
    25     (d)  Licensee election of granted area.--Upon approval of a
    26  slot machine license to a grantee, the grantee shall deliver to
    27  the Department of General Services a copy of the deed or other
    28  documentation evidencing its title to the licensed facility and
    29  a survey and metes and bounds legal description of the land
    30  described under subsection (c) to be included in its licensed
    20050S0862B2218                 - 91 -     

     1  facility.
     2     (e)  Consideration.--The consideration to be paid to the
     3  Commonwealth by the grantee for the granted area shall be
     4  determined by the Department of General Services with the
     5  approval of the Governor based on an appraisal of fair market
     6  value obtained from an independent appraiser who is experienced
     7  in appraising riparian interests and commercial real estate in
     8  cities of the first class and who is a member of the Appraisal
     9  Institute or similar professional organization.
    10  § 1506.2.   Clean indoor air.
    11     Licensed facilities shall only be subject to public smoking
    12  rules or regulations as may be imposed by the Commonwealth and
    13  applied in a comprehensive Statewide manner.
    14     Section 10.  Sections 1509(a), (b) and (d) and 1512 of Title
    15  4 are amended to read:
    16  § 1509.  Compulsive and problem gambling program.
    17     (a)  Establishment of program.--The Department of Health, in
    18  consultation with organizations similar to the Mid-Atlantic
    19  Addiction Training Institute, shall develop program guidelines
    20  for public education, awareness and training regarding
    21  compulsive and problem gambling and the treatment and prevention
    22  of compulsive and problem gambling. The guidelines shall include
    23  strategies for the prevention of compulsive and problem
    24  gambling. The Department of Health may consult with the board
    25  and licensed gaming entities to develop such strategies. The
    26  program shall include:
    27         (1)  Maintenance of a compulsive gamblers assistance
    28     organization's toll-free problem gambling telephone number to
    29     provide crisis counseling and referral services to families
    30     experiencing difficulty as a result of problem or compulsive
    20050S0862B2218                 - 92 -     

     1     gambling.
     2         (2)  The promotion of public awareness regarding the
     3     recognition and prevention of problem or compulsive gambling.
     4         (3)  Facilitation, through in-service training and other
     5     means, of the availability of effective assistance programs
     6     for problem and compulsive gamblers and family members
     7     affected by problem and compulsive gambling.
     8         (4)  Conducting studies to identify adults and juveniles
     9     in this Commonwealth who are or are at risk of becoming
    10     problem or compulsive gamblers.
    11         (5)  Providing grants to and contracting with
    12     organizations which provide services as set forth in this
    13     section.
    14         (6)  Providing reimbursement for organizations for
    15     reasonable expenses in assisting the Department of Health in
    16     carrying out the purposes of this section.
    17     (b)  Compulsive and Problem Gambling Treatment Fund.--There
    18  is hereby established in the State Treasury a special fund to be
    19  known as the Compulsive and Problem Gambling Treatment Fund. All
    20  moneys in the fund shall be expended for programs for the
    21  prevention and treatment of gambling addiction and other
    22  emotional and behavioral problems associated with or related to
    23  gambling addiction and for the administration of the compulsive
    24  and problem gambling program. The fund shall consist of money
    25  annually allocated to it from the annual payment established
    26  under section 1408 (relating to transfers from State Gaming
    27  Fund), money which may be allocated by the board, interest
    28  earnings on moneys in the fund and any other contributions,
    29  payments or deposits which may be made to the fund.
    30     * * *
    20050S0862B2218                 - 93 -     

     1     (d)  Single county authorities.--The Department of Health may
     2  make grants from the fund established under subsection (b) to a
     3  single county authority created pursuant to the act of April 14,
     4  1972 (P.L.221, No.63), known as the Pennsylvania Drug and
     5  Alcohol Abuse Control Act, for the purpose of providing
     6  compulsive gambling and gambling [addition] addiction
     7  prevention, treatment and education programs. It is the
     8  intention of the General Assembly that any grants that the
     9  Department of Health may make to any single county authority in
    10  accordance with the provisions of this subsection be used
    11  exclusively for the development and implementation of compulsive
    12  and problem gambling programs authorized under subsection (a).
    13     * * *
    14  § 1512.  [Public official financial interest.] Financial and
    15             employment interests.
    16     [(a)  General rule.--Except as may be provided by rule or
    17  order of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, no executive-level
    18  State employee, public official, party officer or immediate
    19  family member thereof shall have, at or following the effective
    20  date of this part, a financial interest in or be employed,
    21  directly or indirectly, by any licensed racing entity or
    22  licensed gaming entity, or any holding, affiliate, intermediary
    23  or subsidiary company, thereof, or any such applicant, nor
    24  solicit or accept, directly or indirectly, any complimentary
    25  service or discount from any licensed racing entity or licensed
    26  gaming entity which he or she knows or has reason to know is
    27  other than a service or discount that is offered to members of
    28  the general public in like circumstances during his or her
    29  status as an executive-level State employee, public official or
    30  party officer and for one year following termination of the
    20050S0862B2218                 - 94 -     

     1  person's status as an executive-level State employee, public
     2  official or party officer.]
     3     (a)  Financial interests.--Except as may be provided for the
     4  judiciary by rule or order of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, an
     5  executive-level public employee, public official or party
     6  officer, or an immediate family member thereof, shall not
     7  intentionally or knowingly hold a financial interest in an
     8  applicant or a slot machine licensee, manufacturer licensee,
     9  supplier licensee or licensed racing entity, or in a holding
    10  company, affiliate, intermediary or subsidiary thereof, while
    11  the individual is an executive-level public employee, public
    12  official or party officer and for one year following termination
    13  of the individual's status as an executive-level public
    14  employee, public official or party officer.
    15     (a.1)  Employment.--Except as may be provided by rule or
    16  order of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, no executive-level
    17  public employee, public official or party officer, or an
    18  immediate family member thereof, shall be employed by an
    19  applicant or a slot machine licensee, manufacturer licensee,
    20  supplier licensee or licensed racing entity, or by any holding
    21  company, affiliate, intermediary or subsidiary thereof, while
    22  the individual is an executive-level public employee, public
    23  official or party officer and for one year following termination
    24  of the individual's status as an executive-level public
    25  employee, public official or party officer.
    26     (a.2)  Complimentary services.--
    27         (1)  No executive-level public employee, public official
    28     or party officer, or an immediate family member thereof,
    29     shall solicit or accept, any complimentary service from an
    30     applicant or a slot machine licensee, manufacturer licensee,
    20050S0862B2218                 - 95 -     

     1     supplier licensee or licensed racing entity, or from any
     2     affiliate, intermediary, subsidiary or holding company
     3     thereof, which the executive-level public employee, public
     4     official or party officer, or an immediate family member
     5     thereof, knows or has reason to know is other than a service
     6     or discount which is offered to members of the general public
     7     in like circumstances.
     8         (2)  No applicant, slot machine licensee, manufacturer
     9     licensee, supplier licensee or licensed racing entity, or any
    10     affiliate, intermediary, subsidiary or holding company
    11     thereof, shall offer or deliver to an executive-level public
    12     employee, public official or party officer, or an immediate
    13     family member thereof, any complimentary service from the
    14     applicant or slot machine licensee, manufacturer licensee,
    15     supplier licensee or licensed racing entity, or an affiliate,
    16     intermediary, subsidiary or holding company thereof, that the
    17     applicant or slot machine licensee, manufacturer licensee,
    18     supplier licensee or licensed racing entity, or any
    19     affiliate, intermediary, subsidiary or holding company
    20     thereof, knows or has reason to know is other than a service
    21     or discount that is offered to members of the general public
    22     in like circumstances.
    23     (a.3)  Grading.--An individual who violates this section
    24  commits a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced
    25  to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 or to imprisonment for not
    26  more than one year, or both.
    27     (a.4)  Divestiture.--An executive-level public employee,
    28  public official or party officer, or an immediate family member
    29  thereof, who holds a financial interest prohibited by this
    30  section shall divest the financial interest within three months
    20050S0862B2218                 - 96 -     

     1  of the effective date of the restrictions set forth in
     2  subsection (a), as applicable. Thereafter, any executive-level
     3  public employee, public official, party officer or immediate
     4  family member shall have 30 days from the date the individual
     5  knew or had reason to know of the violation or 30 days from the
     6  publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin under § 1202(b)(27)
     7  (relating to General and specific powers) of the application or
     8  licensure of the executive-level public employee, public
     9  official, party officer or immediate family member, whichever
    10  occurs earlier, to divest the financial interest. The Ethics
    11  Commission may, for good cause, extend the time period under
    12  this subsection.
    13     (a.5)  Ethics Commission.--The Ethics Commission shall
    14  publish a list of all State, county, municipal and other
    15  government positions that meet the definitions of "public
    16  official" or "executive-level public employee" under subsection
    17  (b). The Office of Administration shall assist the Ethics
    18  Commission in the development of the list, which shall be
    19  published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin biennially and on the
    20  board's website. Upon request, each public official shall have a
    21  duty to provide the Ethics Commission with adequate information
    22  to accurately develop and maintain the list. The Ethics
    23  Commission may impose a civil penalty under 65 Pa.C.S. § 1109(f)
    24  (relating to penalties) upon any public official or executive-
    25  level public employee who fails to cooperate with the Ethics
    26  Commission under this subsection.
    27     (b)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    28  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    29  subsection:
    30     "Executive-level [State] public employee."  [The Governor,
    20050S0862B2218                 - 97 -     

     1  Lieutenant Governor, cabinet members, deputy secretaries, the
     2  Governor's office executive staff, any State employee with
     3  discretionary powers which may affect the outcome of a State
     4  agency's decision in relation to a private corporation or
     5  business, with respect to any matter covered by this part or any
     6  executive employee who by virtue of his job function could
     7  influence the outcome of such a decision.] The term shall
     8  include the following:
     9         (1)  Deputy Secretaries of the Commonwealth and the
    10     Governor's office executive staff.
    11         (2)  An employee of the Executive Branch with
    12     discretionary power which may affect or influence the outcome
    13     of a State agency's action or decision and who is involved in
    14     the development of regulations or policies relating to a
    15     licensed entity or who is involved in other matters under
    16     this part. The term shall include an employee with law
    17     enforcement authority.
    18         (3)  An employee of a county or municipality with
    19     discretionary powers which may affect or influence the
    20     outcome of the county's or municipality's action or decision
    21     and who is involved in the development of law, regulation or
    22     policy relating to a licensed entity or who is involved in
    23     other matters under this part. The term shall include an
    24     employee with law enforcement authority.
    25         (4)  An employee of a department, agency, board,
    26     commission, authority or other governmental body not included
    27     in paragraph (1), (2) or (3) with discretionary power which
    28     may affect or influence the outcome of the governmental
    29     body's action or decision and who is involved in the
    30     development of regulation or policy relating to a licensed
    20050S0862B2218                 - 98 -     

     1     entity or who is involved in other matters under this part.
     2     The term shall include an employee with law enforcement
     3     authority.
     4     "Financial interest."  Owning or holding, or being deemed to
     5  hold, debt or equity securities [exceeding 1% of the equity or
     6  fair market value of the licensed racing entity or licensed
     7  gaming entity, its holding company, affiliate, intermediary or
     8  subsidiary business.] or other ownership interest or profits
     9  interest. A financial interest shall not include any [such stock
    10  that is held in a blind trust over which the executive-level
    11  State employee, public official, party officer or immediate
    12  family member thereof may not exercise any managerial control or
    13  receive income during the tenure of office and the period under
    14  subsection (a).] debt or equity security, or other ownership
    15  interest or profits interest, which is held or deemed to be held
    16  in any of the following:
    17         (1)  A blind trust over which the executive level public
    18     employee, public official, party officer or immediate family
    19     member thereof may not exercise any managerial control or
    20     receive income during the tenure of office and the period
    21     under subsection (a). The provisions of this paragraph shall
    22     apply only to blind trusts established prior to the effective
    23     date of this paragraph.
    24         (2)  Securities that are held in a pension plan, profit-
    25     sharing plan, individual retirement account, tax sheltered
    26     annuity, a plan established pursuant to section 457 of the
    27     Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. §
    28     1 et seq.), or any successor provision, deferred compensation
    29     plan whether qualified or not qualified under the Internal
    30     Revenue Code of 1986, or any successor provision, or other
    20050S0862B2218                 - 99 -     

     1     retirement plan that:
     2             (i)  is not self-directed by the individual; and
     3             (ii)  is advised by an independent investment adviser
     4         who has sole authority to make investment decisions with
     5         respect to contributions made by the individual to these
     6         plans.
     7         (3)  A tuition account plan organized and operated
     8     pursuant to section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
     9     (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 529) that is not self-
    10     directed by the individual.
    11         (4)  A mutual fund where the interest owned by the mutual
    12     fund in a licensed entity does not constitute a controlling
    13     interest as defined in this part.
    14     "Immediate family."  A [parent,] spouse, minor child or
    15  unemancipated child[, brother or sister].
    16     "Law enforcement authority."  The power to conduct
    17  investigations of or to make arrests for criminal offenses.
    18     "Party officer."  A member of a national committee; a
    19  chairman, vice chairman, secretary, treasurer or counsel of a
    20  State committee or member of the executive committee of a State
    21  committee; a county chairman, vice chairman, counsel, secretary
    22  or treasurer of a county committee in which a licensed facility
    23  is located; or a city chairman, vice chairman, counsel,
    24  secretary or treasurer of a city committee of a city in which a
    25  licensed facility is located.
    26     ["Public official."  Any person elected by the public or
    27  elected or appointed by a governmental body or an appointed
    28  official in the executive, legislative or judicial branch of
    29  this Commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof, provided
    30  that it shall not include members of advisory boards that have
    20050S0862B2218                 - 100 -    

     1  no authority to expend public funds other than reimbursement for
     2  personal expense or to otherwise exercise the power of the
     3  Commonwealth or any political subdivision or commissioner of any
     4  authority or joint-state commission.]
     5     "Public official."  The term shall include the following:
     6         (1)  The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, a member of the
     7     Governor's cabinet, Treasurer, Auditor General and Attorney
     8     General of the Commonwealth.
     9         (2)  A member of the Senate or House of Representatives
    10     of the Commonwealth.
    11         (3)  An individual elected or appointed to any office of
    12     a county or municipality that directly receives a
    13     distribution of revenue under this part.
    14         (4)  An individual elected or appointed to a department,
    15     agency, board, commission, authority or other governmental
    16     body not included in paragraph (1), (2) or (3) that directly
    17     receives a distribution of revenue under this part.
    18         (5)  An individual elected or appointed to a department,
    19     agency, board, commission, authority, county, municipality or
    20     other governmental body not included in paragraph (1), (2) or
    21     (3) with discretionary power which may influence or affect
    22     the outcome of an action or decision and who is involved in
    23     the development of regulation or policy relating to a
    24     licensed entity or who is involved in other matters under
    25     this part.
    26  The term does not include a member of a school board or an
    27  individual who held an uncompensated office with a governmental
    28  body prior to January 1, 2006, and who no longer holds the
    29  office as of January 1, 2006. The term includes a member of an
    30  advisory board or commission which makes recommendations
    20050S0862B2218                 - 101 -    

     1  relating to a licensed facility.
     2     Section 11.  Section 1513(a) of Title 4 is amended and the
     3  section is amended by adding subsections to read:
     4  § 1513.  Political influence.
     5     [(a)  Contribution restriction.--An applicant for a slot
     6  machine license, manufacturer license or supplier license,
     7  licensed racing entity licensee, licensed manufacturer, licensed
     8  supplier or licensed gaming entity, or a person that holds a
     9  similar gaming license or permit or a controlling interest in a
    10  gaming license or permit in another jurisdiction, or any
    11  holding, affiliate, intermediary or subsidiary company thereof,
    12  or any officer, director or key employee of such applicant
    13  licensed manufacturer or licensed supplier, licensed racing
    14  entity or licensed gaming entity or any holding, affiliate,
    15  intermediary or subsidiary company thereof, shall be prohibited
    16  from contributing any money or in-kind contribution to a
    17  candidate for nomination or election to any public office in
    18  this Commonwealth, or to any political committee or State party
    19  in this Commonwealth or to any group, committee or association
    20  organized in support of any such candidate, political committee
    21  or State party.]
    22     (a)  Contribution restriction.--The following persons shall
    23  be prohibited from contributing any money or in-kind
    24  contribution to a candidate for nomination or election to any
    25  public office in this Commonwealth, or to any political party
    26  committee or other political committee in this Commonwealth or
    27  to any group, committee or association organized in support of a
    28  candidate, political party committee or other political
    29  committee in this Commonwealth:
    30         (1)  An applicant for a slot machine license,
    20050S0862B2218                 - 102 -    

     1     manufacturer license, supplier license, principal license or,  <--
     2     key employee license, OR HORSE OR HARNESS RACING LICENSE.      <--
     3         (2)  A slot machine licensee, licensed manufacturer,
     4     licensed supplier or licensed racing entity.
     5         (3)  A licensed principal or licensed key employee of a
     6     slot machine licensee, licensed manufacturer, licensed
     7     supplier or licensed racing entity.
     8         (4)  An affiliate, intermediary, subsidiary or holding
     9     company of a slot machine licensee, licensed manufacturer,
    10     licensed supplier or licensed racing entity.
    11         (5)  A licensed principal or licensed key employee of an
    12     affiliate, intermediary, subsidiary or holding company of a
    13     slot machine licensee, licensed manufacturer, licensed
    14     supplier or licensed racing entity.
    15         (6)  A person who holds a similar gaming license in
    16     another jurisdiction and the affiliates, intermediaries,
    17     subsidiaries, holding companies, principals or key employees
    18     thereof.
    19     (a.1)  Contributions to certain associations and
    20  organizations barred.--The individuals prohibited from making
    21  political contributions under subsection (a) shall not make a
    22  political contribution of money or an in-kind contribution to
    23  any association or organization, including a nonprofit
    24  organization, that has been solicited by, or knowing that the
    25  contribution or a portion thereof will be contributed to the
    26  elected official, executive-level public employee or candidate
    27  for nomination or election to a public office in this
    28  Commonwealth.
    29     (a.2)  Internet website.--
    30         (1)  The board shall establish an Internet website that
    20050S0862B2218                 - 103 -    

     1     includes a list of all applicants for and holders of a slot
     2     machine license, manufacturer license, supplier license or
     3     racing entity license, and the affiliates, intermediaries,
     4     subsidiaries, holding companies, principals and key employees
     5     thereof, all persons holding a similar gaming license in
     6     another jurisdiction and the affiliates, intermediaries,
     7     subsidiaries, holding companies, principals and key employees
     8     thereof, and any other entity in which the applicant or
     9     licensee has any debt or equity security or other ownership
    10     or profits interest. An applicant or licensee shall notify
    11     the board within seven days of the discovery of any change in
    12     or addition to the information. The list shall be published
    13     semiannually in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    14         (2)  An individual who acts in good faith and in reliance
    15     on the information on the Internet website shall not be
    16     subject to any penalties or liability imposed for a violation
    17     of this section.
    18         (3)  The board shall request the information required
    19     under paragraph (1) from persons licensed in another
    20     jurisdiction who do not hold a license in this Commonwealth
    21     and from regulatory agencies in the other jurisdiction. If a
    22     licensee in another jurisdiction refuses to provide the
    23     information required under paragraph (1), the person and its
    24     officers, directors or persons with a controlling interest
    25     shall be ineligible to receive any license under this part.
    26     * * *
    27     (d)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    28  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    29  subsection:
    30     "Contribution."  Any payment, gift, subscription, assessment,
    20050S0862B2218                 - 104 -    

     1  contract, payment for services, dues, loan, forbearance, advance
     2  or deposit of money or any valuable thing, made to a candidate
     3  or political committee for the purpose of influencing any
     4  election in this Commonwealth or for paying debts incurred by or
     5  for a candidate or committee before or after any election. The
     6  term shall include the purchase of tickets for events including
     7  dinners, luncheons, rallies and other fund-raising events; the
     8  granting of discounts or rebates not available to the general
     9  public; or the granting of discounts or rebates by television
    10  and radio stations and newspapers not extended on an equal basis
    11  to all candidates for the same office; and any payments provided
    12  for the benefit of any candidate, including payments for the
    13  services of a person serving as an agent of a candidate or
    14  committee by a person other than the candidate or committee or
    15  person whose expenditures the candidate or committee must
    16  report. The term also includes any receipt or use of anything of
    17  value received by a political committee from another political
    18  committee and also includes any return on investments by a
    19  political committee.
    20     "Political committee."  Any committee, club, association or
    21  other group of persons which receives contributions or makes
    22  expenditures.
    23     Section 12.  Section 1517(a), (c) and (d) of Title 4 are
    24  amended and the section is amended by adding subsections to
    25  read:
    26  § 1517.  [Enforcement.] Investigations and enforcement.
    27     [(a)  Powers and duties.--The Bureau of Investigations and
    28  Enforcement shall have the following powers and duties:
    29         (1)  Promptly investigate all licensees, permittees and
    30     applicants as directed by the board in accordance with the
    20050S0862B2218                 - 105 -    

     1     provisions of section 1202 (relating to general and specific
     2     powers).
     3         (2)  Enforce the rules and regulations promulgated under
     4     this part.
     5         (3)  Initiate proceedings for administrative violations
     6     of this part or regulations promulgated under this part.
     7         (4)  Provide the board with all information necessary for
     8     all action under this part and for all proceedings involving
     9     enforcement of this part or regulations promulgated under
    10     this part.
    11         (5)  Investigate the circumstances surrounding any act or
    12     transaction for which board approval is required.
    13         (6)  Conduct administrative inspections on the premises
    14     of a licensed racetrack or nonprimary location or licensed
    15     facility to ensure compliance with this part and the
    16     regulations of the board and, in the course of inspections,
    17     review and make copies of all documents and records that may
    18     be required through onsite observation and other reasonable
    19     means to assure compliance with this part and regulations
    20     promulgated under this part.
    21         (7)  Receive and take appropriate action on any referral
    22     from the board relating to any evidence of a violation.
    23         (8)  Conduct audits of slot machine operations at such
    24     times, under such circumstances and to such extent as the
    25     bureau determines. This paragraph includes reviews of
    26     accounting, administrative and financial records and
    27     management control systems, procedures and records utilized
    28     by a slot machine licensee.
    29         (9)  Request and receive information, materials and other
    30     data from any licensee, permittee or applicant.
    20050S0862B2218                 - 106 -    

     1         (10)  Refer for investigation all possible criminal
     2     violations to the Pennsylvania State Police and cooperate
     3     fully in the investigation and prosecution of a criminal
     4     violation arising under this part.]
     5     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established within the
     6  board a Bureau of Investigations and Enforcement which shall be
     7  independent of the board in matters relating to the enforcement
     8  of this part. The bureau shall have the powers and duties set
     9  forth in subsection (a.1).
    10     (a.1)  Powers and duties of bureau.--The Bureau of
    11  Investigations and Enforcement shall have the following powers
    12  and duties:
    13         (1)  Enforce the provisions of this part.
    14         (2)  Investigate and review all applicants and
    15     applications for a license, permit or registration.
    16         (3)  Investigate licensees, permittees, registrants and
    17     other persons regulated by the board for noncriminal
    18     violations of this part, including potential violations
    19     referred to the bureau by the board or other person.
    20         (4)  Monitor gaming operations to ensure all of the
    21     following:
    22             (i)  Compliance with this part, the act of April 12,
    23         1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known as the Liquor Code, and the
    24         other laws of this Commonwealth.
    25             (ii)  The implementation of adequate security
    26         measures by a licensed entity.
    27         (5)  Inspect and examine licensed entities as provided in
    28     subsection (e). Inspections may include the review and
    29     reproduction of any document or record.
    30         (6)  Conduct audits of a licensed entity as necessary to
    20050S0862B2218                 - 107 -    

     1     ensure compliance with this part. An audit may include the
     2     review of accounting, administrative and financial records,
     3     management control systems, procedures and other records
     4     utilized by a licensed entity.
     5         (7)  Refer possible criminal violations to the
     6     Pennsylvania State Police. The bureau shall not have the
     7     power of arrest.
     8         (8)  Cooperate in the investigation and prosecution of
     9     criminal violations related to this part.
    10         (9)  Be a criminal justice agency under 18 Pa.C.S. Ch. 91
    11     (relating to criminal history record information).
    12     (a.2)  Office of Enforcement Counsel.--
    13         (1)  There is established within the bureau an Office of
    14     Enforcement Counsel which shall act as the prosecutor in all
    15     noncriminal enforcement actions initiated by the bureau under
    16     this part and shall have the following powers and duties:
    17             (i)  Advise the bureau on all matters, including the
    18         granting of licenses, permits or registrations, the
    19         conduct of background investigations, audits and
    20         inspections and the investigation of potential violations
    21         of this part.
    22             (ii)  File recommendations and objections relating to
    23         the issuance of licenses, permits and registrations on
    24         behalf of the bureau.
    25             (iii)  Initiate, in its sole discretion, proceedings
    26         for noncriminal violations of this part by filing a
    27         complaint or other pleading with the board.
    28         (2)  The director of the Office of Enforcement Counsel
    29     shall report to the executive director of the board on
    30     administrative matters. The director shall be selected by the
    20050S0862B2218                 - 108 -    

     1     board and shall be an attorney admitted to practice before
     2     the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
     3     * * *
     4     (c)  Powers and duties of the Pennsylvania State Police.--The
     5  Pennsylvania State Police shall have the following powers and
     6  duties:
     7         (1)  Promptly [investigate all licensees, permittees and
     8     applicants] conduct background investigations on persons as
     9     directed by the board in accordance with the provisions of
    10     section 1202 (relating to general and specific powers). The
    11     Pennsylvania State Police may contract with other law
    12     enforcement annuitants to assist in the conduct of
    13     investigations under this paragraph.
    14         [(2)  Enforce the rules and regulations promulgated under
    15     this part.]
    16         (3)  Initiate proceedings for [any] criminal violations
    17     of this part [or regulations promulgated under this part].
    18         (4)  Provide the board with all information necessary for
    19     all actions under this part for all proceedings involving
    20     criminal enforcement of this part [or regulations promulgated
    21     under this part].
    22         (5)  Inspect, when appropriate, a licensee's or
    23     permittee's person and personal effects present in a licensed
    24     facility under this part while that licensee or permittee is
    25     present at a licensed facility.
    26         (6)  Enforce the criminal provisions of this part and all
    27     other criminal laws of the Commonwealth.
    28         (7)  Fingerprint applicants for licenses and permits.
    29         (8)  Exchange fingerprint data with and receive national
    30     criminal history record information from the FBI for use in
    20050S0862B2218                 - 109 -    

     1     investigating applications for any license or permit under
     2     this part.
     3         (9)  Receive and take appropriate action on any referral
     4     from the board relating to criminal conduct.
     5         (10)  Require the production of any information, material
     6     and other data from any licensee, permittee or other
     7     applicant seeking approval from the board.
     8         (11)  Conduct administrative inspections on the premises
     9     of licensed racetrack or nonprimary location or licensed
    10     facility at such times, under such circumstances and to such
    11     extent as the bureau determines to ensure compliance with
    12     this part and the regulations of the board and, in the course
    13     of inspections, review and make copies of all documents and
    14     records required by the inspection through onsite observation
    15     and other reasonable means to assure compliance with this
    16     part and regulations promulgated under this part.
    17         (12)  Conduct audits or verification of information of
    18     slot machine operations at such times, under such
    19     circumstances and to such extent as the bureau determines.
    20     This paragraph includes reviews of accounting, administrative
    21     and financial records and management control systems,
    22     procedures and records utilized by a slot machine licensee.
    23         (13)  A member of the Pennsylvania State Police assigned
    24     to duties of enforcement under this part shall not be counted
    25     toward the complement as defined in the act of December 13,
    26     2001 (P.L.903, No.100), entitled "An act repealing in part a
    27     limitation on the complement of the Pennsylvania State
    28     Police."
    29     (c.1)  Powers and duties of Attorney General.--Within the
    30  Office of Attorney General, the Attorney General shall establish
    20050S0862B2218                 - 110 -    

     1  a gaming unit. The unit shall investigate and institute criminal
     2  proceedings as authorized by subsection (d).
     3     (d)  Criminal action.--
     4         (1)  The district attorneys of the several counties shall
     5     have authority to investigate and to institute criminal
     6     proceedings for [any] a violation of this part.
     7         (2)  In addition to the authority conferred upon the
     8     Attorney General [by] under the act of October 15, 1980
     9     (P.L.950, No.164), known as the Commonwealth Attorneys Act,
    10     the Attorney General shall have the authority to investigate
    11     and, following consultation with the appropriate district
    12     attorney, to institute criminal proceedings for [any] a
    13     violation of this part. [or any series of such violations
    14     involving any county of this Commonwealth and another state.
    15     No] A person charged with a violation of this part by the
    16     Attorney General shall not have standing to challenge the
    17     authority of the Attorney General to investigate or prosecute
    18     the case, and, if any such challenge is made, the challenge
    19     shall be dismissed and no relief shall be available in the
    20     courts of this Commonwealth to the person making the
    21     challenge.
    22     (d.1)  Regulatory action.--Nothing contained in subsection
    23  (d) shall be construed to limit the existing regulatory or
    24  investigative authority of an agency or the Commonwealth whose
    25  functions relate to persons or matters within the scope of this
    26  part.
    27     * * *
    28     Section 13.  Title 4 is amended by adding sections to read:
    29  § 1517.1.  (Reserved).
    30  § 1517.2.  Conduct of public officials and employees.
    20050S0862B2218                 - 111 -    

     1     (a)  Ex parte discussion prohibited.--An attorney
     2  representing the bureau or the Office of Enforcement Counsel, or
     3  an employee of the bureau or office involved in the hearing
     4  process, shall not discuss the case ex parte with a hearing
     5  officer, chief counsel or member.
     6     (b)  Other prohibitions.--A hearing officer, the chief
     7  counsel or a member shall not discuss or exercise any
     8  supervisory responsibility over any employee with respect to an
     9  enforcement hearing with which the employee is involved.
    10     (c)  Disqualification.--If it becomes necessary for the chief
    11  counsel or member to become involved on behalf of the board in
    12  any enforcement proceeding, the chief counsel or member shall be
    13  prohibited from participating in the adjudication of that matter
    14  and shall designate appropriate individuals to exercise
    15  adjudicatory functions.
    16     Section 14.  Section 1518 of Title 4 is amended to read:
    17  § 1518.  Prohibited acts; penalties.
    18     (a)  Criminal offenses.--
    19         (1)  The provisions of 18 Pa.C.S. § 4902 (relating to
    20     perjury), 4903 (relating to false swearing) or 4904 (relating
    21     to unsworn falsification to authorities) shall apply to any
    22     person providing information or making any statement, whether
    23     written or oral, to the board, the bureau, the department,
    24     the Pennsylvania State Police or the Office of Attorney
    25     General, as required by this part.
    26         (2)  It [is] shall be unlawful for a person to willfully:
    27             (i)  fail to report, pay or truthfully account for
    28         and pay over any license fee, tax or assessment imposed
    29         under this part; or
    30             (ii)  attempt in any manner to evade or defeat any
    20050S0862B2218                 - 112 -    

     1         license fee, tax or assessment imposed under this [party]
     2         part.
     3         (3)  It [is] shall be unlawful for any licensed entity,
     4     gaming employee, key employee or any other person to permit a
     5     slot machine to be operated, transported, repaired or opened
     6     on the premises of a licensed facility by a person other than
     7     a person licensed or permitted by the board pursuant to this
     8     part.
     9         (4)  It [is] shall be unlawful for any licensed entity or
    10     other person to manufacture, supply or place slot machines
    11     into play or display slot machines on the premise of a
    12     licensed facility without the authority of the board.
    13         (5)  Except as provided for in section 1326 (relating to
    14     license renewals), it [is] shall be unlawful for a licensed
    15     entity or other person to manufacture, supply, operate, carry
    16     on or expose for play any slot machine after the person's
    17     license has expired and prior to the actual renewal of the
    18     license.
    19         (6)  (i)  Except as set forth in subparagraph (ii), it
    20         [is] shall be unlawful for an individual while on the
    21         premises of a licensed facility to knowingly use currency
    22         other than lawful coin or legal tender of the United
    23         States or a coin not of the same denomination as the coin
    24         intended to be used in the slot machine[.] with the
    25         intent to cheat or defraud a licensed gaming entity or
    26         the Commonwealth or damage the slot machine.
    27             (ii)  In the playing of a slot machine, it [is] shall
    28         be lawful for an individual to use gaming billets, tokens
    29         or similar objects issued by the licensed gaming entity
    30         which are approved by the board.
    20050S0862B2218                 - 113 -    

     1         (7)  (i)  Except as set forth in subparagraph (ii), it
     2         [is] shall be unlawful for an individual [on the premises
     3         of a licensed facility] to use or possess a cheating or
     4         thieving device, counterfeit or altered billet, ticket,
     5         token or similar objects accepted by a slot machine or
     6         counterfeit or altered slot machine-issued tickets or
     7         vouchers at a licensed facility.
     8             (ii)  An authorized employee of a licensee or an
     9         employee of the board may possess and use a cheating or
    10         thieving device, counterfeit or altered billet, ticket,
    11         token or similar objects accepted by a slot machine or
    12         counterfeit or altered slot machine-issued tickets or
    13         vouchers [only] in performance of the duties of
    14         employment.
    15             (iii)  As used in this paragraph, the term "cheating
    16         or thieving device" includes, but is not limited to, a
    17         device to facilitate the alignment of any winning
    18         combination or to remove from any slot machine money or
    19         other contents. The term includes, but is not limited to,
    20         a tool, drill, wire, coin or token attached to a string
    21         or wire and any electronic or magnetic device.
    22         (8)  (i)  Except as set forth in subparagraph (ii), it
    23         [is] shall be unlawful for an individual to knowingly
    24         possess or use while on the premises of a licensed
    25         facility a key or device designed for the purpose of and
    26         suitable for opening or entering any slot machine or coin
    27         box which is located on the premises of the licensed
    28         facility.
    29             (ii)  An authorized employee of a licensee or a
    30         member of the board may possess and use a device referred
    20050S0862B2218                 - 114 -    

     1         to in subparagraph (i) [only] in the performance of the
     2         duties of employment.
     3         (9)  It [is] shall be unlawful for a person or licensed
     4     entity to possess any device, equipment or material which the
     5     person or licensed entity knows has been manufactured,
     6     distributed, sold, tampered with or serviced in violation of
     7     the provisions of this part[.] with the intent to use the
     8     device, equipment or material as though it had been
     9     manufactured, distributed, sold, tampered with or serviced
    10     pursuant to this part.
    11         (9.1)  It shall be unlawful for a person to sell, offer
    12     for sale, represent or pass off as lawful any device,
    13     equipment or material which the person or licensed entity
    14     knows has been manufactured, distributed, sold, tampered with
    15     or serviced in violation of this part.
    16         (10)  It [is] shall be unlawful for an individual to work
    17     or be employed in a position the duties of which would
    18     require licensing or permitting under the provisions of this
    19     part without first obtaining the requisite license or permit
    20     [as provided for in] issued under the provisions of this
    21     part.
    22         (11)  It [is] shall be unlawful for a licensed gaming
    23     entity that is a licensed racing entity and that has lost the
    24     license issued to it by either the State Horse Racing
    25     Commission or the State Harness Racing Commission under the
    26     Race Horse Industry Reform Act or that has had that license
    27     suspended to operate slot machines at the racetrack for which
    28     its slot machine license was issued unless the license issued
    29     to it by either the State Horse Racing Commission or the
    30     State Harness Racing Commission will be subsequently reissued
    20050S0862B2218                 - 115 -    

     1     or reinstated within 30 days after the loss or suspension.
     2         (12)  It [is] shall be unlawful for a licensed entity to
     3     employ or continue to employ an individual in a position the
     4     duties of which require a license or permit under the
     5     provisions of this part if the individual:
     6             (i)  [An individual] Is not licensed or permitted
     7         under the provisions of this part.
     8             (ii)  [An individual who is] Is prohibited from
     9         accepting employment from a licensee.
    10         (13)  It [is] shall be unlawful for any person under 18
    11     years of age to be permitted in the area of a licensed
    12     facility where slot machines are operated.
    13     (b)  Criminal penalties and fines.--
    14         (1)  (i)  A person [that violates subsection (a)(1)
    15         commits an offense to be graded in accordance with 18
    16         Pa.C.S. § 4902, 4903 or 4904, as applicable, for a first
    17         conviction.] who commits a first offense in violation of
    18         18 Pa.C.S § 4902, 4903 or 4904 in connection with
    19         providing information or making any statement, whether
    20         written or oral, to the board, the bureau, the
    21         department, the Pennsylvania State Police, the Office of
    22         Attorney General or a district attorney as required by
    23         this part commits an offense to be graded in accordance
    24         with the applicable section violated. A person that is
    25         convicted of a second or subsequent violation of
    26         [subsection (a)(1)] 18 Pa.C.S. § 4902, 4903 or 4904 in
    27         connection with providing information or making any
    28         statement, whether written or oral, to the board, the
    29         bureau, the department, the Pennsylvania State Police,
    30         the Office of Attorney General or a district attorney as
    20050S0862B2218                 - 116 -    

     1         required by this part commits a felony of the second
     2         degree.
     3             (ii)  A person that violates subsection (a)(2)
     4         through (12) commits a misdemeanor of the first degree. A
     5         person that is convicted of a second or subsequent
     6         violation of subsection (a)(2) through (12) commits a
     7         felony of the second degree.
     8         (2)  (i)  For a first violation of subsection (a)(1)
     9         through (12), a person shall be sentenced to pay a fine
    10         of:
    11                 (A)  not less than $75,000 nor more than $150,000
    12             if the person is an individual;
    13                 (B)  not less than $300,000 nor more than
    14             $600,000 if the person is a licensed gaming entity;
    15             or
    16                 (C)  not less than $150,000 nor more than
    17             $300,000 if the person is a licensed manufacturer or
    18             supplier.
    19             (ii)  For a second or subsequent violation of
    20         subsection (a)(1) through (12), a person shall be
    21         sentenced to pay a fine of:
    22                 (A)  not less than $150,000 nor more than
    23             $300,000 if the person is an individual;
    24                 (B)  not less than $600,000 nor more than
    25             $1,200,000 if the person is a licensed gaming entity;
    26             or
    27                 (C)  not less than $300,000 nor more than
    28             $600,000 if the person is a licensed manufacturer or
    29             supplier.
    30     (c)  Board-imposed administrative sanctions.--
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     1         (1)  In addition to any other penalty authorized by law,
     2     the board may impose without limitation the following
     3     sanctions upon any licensee or permittee:
     4             (i)  Revoke the license or permit of any person
     5         convicted of a criminal offense under this part or
     6         regulations promulgated under this part or committing any
     7         other offense or violation of this part or applicable law
     8         which would otherwise disqualify such person from holding
     9         the license or permit.
    10             (ii)  Revoke the license or permit of any person
    11         determined to have violated a provision of this part or
    12         regulations promulgated under this part which would
    13         otherwise disqualify such person from holding the license
    14         or permit.
    15             (iii)  Revoke the license or permit of any person for
    16         willfully and knowingly violating or attempting to
    17         violate an order of the board directed to such person.
    18             (iv)  Suspend the license or permit of any person
    19         pending the outcome of a hearing in any case in which
    20         license or permit revocation could result.
    21             (v)  Suspend the license of any licensed gaming
    22         entity for violation of or attempting to violate any
    23         provisions of this part or regulations promulgated under
    24         this part relating to its slot machine operations.
    25             (vi)  Assess administrative penalties as necessary to
    26         punish misconduct and to deter future violations.
    27             (vii)  Order restitution of any moneys or property
    28         unlawfully obtained or retained by a licensee or
    29         permittee.
    30             (viii)  Enter cease and desist orders which specify
    20050S0862B2218                 - 118 -    

     1         the conduct which is to be discontinued, altered or
     2         implemented by the licensee or permittee.
     3             (ix)  Issue letters of reprimand or censure, which
     4         letters shall be made a permanent part of the file of
     5         each licensee or permittee so sanctioned.
     6         (2)  If the board refuses to issue or renew a license or
     7     permit, suspends or revokes a license or permit, assesses
     8     civil penalties, orders restitution, enters a cease and
     9     desist order or issues a letter of reprimand or censure, it
    10     shall provide the applicant or licensee or permittee with
    11     written notification of its decision, including a statement
    12     of the reasons for its decision by certified mail within five
    13     business days of the decision[. Any applicant or licensee or
    14     permittee who has received notice of a refusal, suspension or
    15     revocation of a license or permit, the assessment of civil
    16     penalties, an order of restitution, the entrance of a cease
    17     and desist order or the issuance of a letter of reprimand or
    18     censure from] of the board. The applicant, licensee or
    19     permittee shall have the right to [an administrative hearing
    20     before the board] appeal the decision in accordance with 2
    21     Pa.C.S. Chs. 5 Subch. A (relating to practice and procedure
    22     of Commonwealth agencies) and 7 Subch. A (relating to
    23     judicial review of Commonwealth agency action).
    24         (3)  In addition to any other fines or penalties that the
    25     board may impose under this part or regulation, if a person
    26     violates subsection (a)(2), the board shall impose an
    27     administrative penalty of three times the amount of the
    28     license fee, tax or other assessment evaded and not paid,
    29     collected or paid over. This subsection is subject to 2
    30     Pa.C.S. Chs. 5 Subch. A and 7 Subch. A.
    20050S0862B2218                 - 119 -    

     1     Section 15.  Title 4 is amended by adding sections to read:
     2  § 1519.  [(Reserved).] Detention.
     3     A peace officer, licensee or licensee's security employee or
     4  an agent under contract with the licensee who has probable cause
     5  to believe that criminal violation of this part has occurred or
     6  is occurring on or about a licensed facility and who has
     7  probable cause to believe that a specific individual has
     8  committed or is committing the criminal violation may detain the
     9  suspect in a reasonable manner for a reasonable time on the
    10  premises of the licensed facility for all or any of the
    11  following purposes: to require the suspect to identify himself;
    12  to verify such identification; or to inform a peace officer.
    13  Such detention shall not impose civil or criminal liability upon
    14  the peace officer, licensee, licensee's employee or agent so
    15  detaining.
    16  § 1522.  Interception of oral communications.
    17     The interception and recording of oral communications made in
    18  a counting room of a licensed facility by a licensee shall not
    19  be subject to the provisions of 18 Pa.C.S. Ch. 57 (relating to
    20  wiretapping and electronic surveillance). Notice that oral
    21  communications are being intercepted and recorded shall be
    22  posted conspicuously in the counting room.
    23     Section 16.  Sections 1801 and 1802 of Title 4 are amended to
    24  read:
    25  § 1801.  Duty to provide.
    26     Notwithstanding the provisions of the Race Horse Industry
    27  Reform Act or this part, the Pennsylvania State Police shall, at
    28  the request of the commissions or the board, provide criminal
    29  history background investigations, which shall include records
    30  of criminal arrests [or] and convictions, no matter where
    20050S0862B2218                 - 120 -    

     1  occurring, including Federal criminal history record
     2  information, on applicants for licensure and permit applicants
     3  by the respective agencies pursuant to the Race Horse Industry
     4  Reform Act or this part. Requests for criminal history
     5  background investigations may, at the direction of the
     6  commissions or the board, include, but not be limited to,
     7  officers, directors and stockholders of licensed corporations,
     8  key employees, financial backers, principals, gaming employees,
     9  horse owners, trainers, jockeys, drivers and other persons
    10  participating in thoroughbred or harness horse meetings and
    11  other persons and vendors who exercise their occupation or
    12  employment at such meetings, licensed facilities or licensed
    13  [racetrack] racetracks. For the purposes of this [chapter] part,
    14  the board and commissions may receive and retain information
    15  otherwise protected by 18 Pa.C.S. Ch. 91 (relating to criminal
    16  history record information).
    17  § 1802.  Submission of fingerprints and photographs.
    18     [Applicants] Appointees, employees and prospective employees
    19  engaged in the service of the commissions or the board, and
    20  applicants under this part shall submit to fingerprinting and
    21  photographing by the Pennsylvania State Police[.] or by a local
    22  law enforcement agency capable of submitting fingerprints and
    23  photographs electronically to the Pennsylvania State Police
    24  utilizing the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification
    25  System and the Commonwealth Photo Imaging Network or in a manner
    26  and in such form as may be provided by the Pennsylvania State
    27  Police. Fingerprinting pursuant to this part shall require, at a
    28  minimum, the submission of a full set of fingerprints.
    29  Photographing pursuant to this part shall require submission to
    30  photographs of the face and any scars, marks or tattoos for
    20050S0862B2218                 - 121 -    

     1  purposes of comparison utilizing an automated biometric imaging
     2  system. The Pennsylvania State Police shall submit [the]
     3  fingerprints [if necessary] when requested by the commissions or
     4  the board to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for purposes of
     5  verifying the identity of the applicants and obtaining records
     6  of criminal arrests and convictions in order to prepare criminal
     7  history background investigations under section 1801 (relating
     8  to duty to provide). [The] Fingerprints and photographs obtained
     9  pursuant to this part may be maintained by the commissions, the
    10  board and the Pennsylvania State Police for use pursuant to this
    11  part and for general law enforcement purposes. In addition to
    12  any other fee or cost assessed by the commissions or the board,
    13  an applicant shall pay for the cost of fingerprinting and
    14  photographing.
    15     Section 17.  Title 4 is amended by adding a section to read:
    16  § 1901.1.  Repayments to the State Gaming Fund.
    17     The board shall defer assessing slot machine licensees for
    18  payments to the State Gaming Fund for any loans made to the
    19  State Gaming Fund until such time as all slot machine licenses
    20  have been issued and all licensed gaming entities have commenced
    21  the operation of slot machines. The board shall adopt a
    22  repayment schedule that assesses to each slot machine licensee
    23  costs for the repayment of any such loans in an amount that is
    24  proportional to each slot machine licensee's gross terminal
    25  revenue.
    26     Section 18.  Section 911(h)(1) of Title 18 is amended to
    27  read:
    28  § 911.  Corrupt organizations.
    29     * * *
    30     (h)  Definitions.--As used in this section:
    20050S0862B2218                 - 122 -    

     1         (1)  "Racketeering activity" means all of the following:
     2             (i)  [any] An act which is indictable under any of
     3         the following provisions of this title:
     4                 Chapter 25 (relating to criminal homicide)
     5                 Section 2706 (relating to terroristic threats)
     6                 Chapter 29 (relating to kidnapping)
     7                 Chapter 33 (relating to arson, etc.)
     8                 Chapter 37 (relating to robbery)
     9                 Chapter 39 (relating to theft and related
    10             offenses)
    11                 Section 4108 (relating to commercial bribery and
    12             breach of duty to act disinterestedly)
    13                 Section 4109 (relating to rigging publicly
    14             exhibited contest)
    15                 Section 4117 (relating to insurance fraud)
    16                 Chapter 47 (relating to bribery and corrupt
    17             influence)
    18                 Chapter 49 (relating to falsification and
    19             intimidation)
    20                 Section 5111 (relating to dealing in proceeds of
    21             unlawful activities)
    22                 Section 5512 through 5514 (relating to gambling)
    23                 Chapter 59 (relating to public indecency).
    24             (ii)  [any] An offense indictable under section 13 of
    25         the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as The
    26         Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act
    27         (relating to the sale and dispensing of narcotic
    28         drugs)[;].
    29             (iii)  [any] A conspiracy to commit any of the
    30         offenses set forth in subparagraphs (i) [and (ii) of this
    20050S0862B2218                 - 123 -    

     1         paragraph; or], (ii) or (v).
     2             (iv)  [the] The collection of any money or other
     3         property in full or partial satisfaction of a debt which
     4         arose as the result of the lending of money or other
     5         property at a rate of interest exceeding 25% per annum or
     6         the equivalent rate for a longer or shorter period, where
     7         not otherwise authorized by law.
     8             (v)  An offense indictable under 4 Pa.C.S. Pt. II
     9         (relating to gaming).
    10     [Any] An act which otherwise would be considered racketeering
    11     activity by reason of the application of this paragraph,
    12     shall not be excluded from its application solely because the
    13     operative acts took place outside the jurisdiction of this
    14     Commonwealth, if such acts would have been in violation of
    15     the law of the jurisdiction in which they occurred.
    16         * * *
    17     Section 19.  The amendment of 4 Pa.C.S. § 1205(b) shall apply
    18  to any slot machine license application filed on or after the
    19  effective date of this section.
    20     Section 20.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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