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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1098



No. 852 Session of 2005

           SEPTEMBER 8, 2005


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 1, 1977 (P.L.249, No.83), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act prohibiting employers from firing
     3     employees who lose time from employment in the line of duty
     4     as volunteer firemen, fire police and volunteer members of
     5     ambulance services and rescue squads; and providing
     6     penalties," further providing for the termination or
     7     discipline of volunteer firefighters; and making editorial
     8     changes.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  The title and sections 1, 1.1, 3, 4 and 5 of the
    12  act of December 1, 1977 (P.L.249, No.83), entitled, as amended,
    13  "An act prohibiting employers from firing employees who lose
    14  time from employment in the line of duty as volunteer firemen,
    15  fire police and volunteer members of ambulance services and
    16  rescue squads; and providing penalties," amended or added
    17  December 5, 1988 (P.L.1102, No.131), are amended to read:
    18                               AN ACT
    19  Prohibiting employers from [firing] terminating, disciplining or
    20     discriminating against employees who lose time from

     1     employment in the line of duty as volunteer [firemen]
     2     firefighters, fire police and volunteer members of ambulance
     3     services and rescue squads; and providing penalties.
     4     Section 1.  (a)  No employer shall terminate or discipline an
     5  employee who is a volunteer [fireman] firefighter, fire police
     6  or volunteer member of an ambulance service or rescue squad and
     7  in the line of duty has responded to a call prior to the time
     8  [he] the employee was due to report for work resulting in a loss
     9  of time from [his] the employee's employment.
    10     (b)  (1)  No municipal employer shall terminate or discipline
    11     a municipal employee who is a volunteer firefighter on the
    12     basis that the municipal employee, in the line of duty as a
    13     volunteer firefighter, responded to a call during the workday
    14     for an emergency occurring in the municipality where the
    15     volunteer firefighter is employed and is also a volunteer
    16     firefighter provided the municipal employee has notified and
    17     proven to the municipal employer that the municipal employee
    18     is a qualified volunteer firefighter.
    19         (2)  A municipal employee who is a volunteer firefighter
    20     may respond to an emergency call in another municipality only
    21     if a written mutual aid agreement exists.
    22         (3)  This subsection shall not apply to any written
    23     mutual aid agreement between a municipality and a volunteer
    24     fire company permitting municipal employees to respond to an
    25     emergency during the workday that is in effect on the
    26     effective date of this section.
    27     Section 1.1.  No employer shall discriminate against any
    28  employee because [such] the employee has been injured in the
    29  line of duty as a volunteer [fireman] firefighter, fire police
    30  or volunteer member of an ambulance service or rescue squad, nor
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     1  shall any employer discriminate against any employee injured in
     2  the line of duty as a volunteer [fireman] firefighter, fire
     3  police or volunteer member of an ambulance service or rescue
     4  squad who subsequently returns to work after receiving workers'
     5  compensation benefits pursuant to the act of June 2, 1915
     6  (P.L.736, No.338), known as "The Pennsylvania Workmen's
     7  Compensation Act." The term "discriminate" shall mean to
     8  discharge or to discipline in a manner inconsistent with the
     9  employer's treatment of other similarly situated employees who
    10  are injured in the course of their employment or related
    11  activities.
    12     Section 3.  Any employee losing time as provided in section 1
    13  shall supply [his] the employee's employer with a statement from
    14  the chief executive officer of [his] the employee's volunteer
    15  fire company, ambulance service or rescue squad or its
    16  affiliated organization stating that [he] the employee responded
    17  to a call and the time thereof.
    18     Section 4.  As used in this act, "line of duty" shall mean
    19  going to, coming from or during fire prevention and safety
    20  activities which includes fire prevention, first aid, rescue and
    21  salvage, ambulance service, fire police work, assistance at
    22  accidents, control of crowds both on the fire grounds and at
    23  occasions of public or general assembly, animal rescue,
    24  abatement of conditions due to storm, flood or general peril,
    25  abatement or removal of hazards to safety and such other
    26  activities as are commonly undertaken by fire companies,
    27  ambulance services or rescue squads or their affiliated
    28  organizations. The term "employer" includes any individual,
    29  partnership, association, corporation, business trust, or any
    30  person or group of persons acting directly or indirectly in the
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     1  interest of an employer in relation to any employee. The term
     2  "discipline" shall mean the taking of any action against an
     3  employee which adversely affects [his] the employee's regular
     4  pay to an extent greater than permitted by section 2, [his] the
     5  employee's job status or opportunity for promotion, or [his] the
     6  employee's right to any benefit granted by the employer to other
     7  similarly situated employees.
     8     Section 5.  Any employer who willfully and knowingly violates
     9  the provisions of this act shall be required to revoke any
    10  disciplinary action and any penalty attached thereto, or to
    11  reinstate such employee to [his] the employee's former position
    12  and shall be required to pay [such] the employee all lost wages
    13  and benefits for the period between termination and
    14  reinstatement and any reasonable attorney fees which are
    15  incurred in an action to recover lost wages and benefits. Any
    16  action to enforce the provisions of this act shall be commenced
    17  within the period of two years within the date of violation and
    18  such action shall be commenced in the court of common pleas of
    19  the county in which the employer is located.
    20     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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