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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3729



No. 2493 Session of 2006

           SONNEY AND SURRA, MARCH 15, 2006


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 22 (Detectives and
     2     Private Police) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes,
     3     providing for the offense of impersonating a private
     4     investigator, security professional, fugitive recovery agent
     5     or employee; amending the heading of Title 22 and 22 Pa.C.S.
     6     Ch. 3; codifying and making extensive revisions to The
     7     Private Detective Act of 1953; providing for the continuation
     8     of certain licenses; making an appropriation; and making
     9     related repeals.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follow:
    12     Section 1.  Title 18 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
    13  Statutes is amended by adding a section to read:
    14  § 4913.1.  Impersonating private investigator, security
    15             professional, fugitive recovery agent or employee.
    16     A person commits a misdemeanor of the second degree if the
    17  person does any of the following:
    18         (1)  Falsely pretends to hold a license as a private
    19     investigator, security professional or fugitive recovery
    20     agent within this Commonwealth.

     1         (2)  Falsely pretends to be an employee of a licensed
     2     private investigator, security professional or fugitive
     3     recovery agent within this Commonwealth.
     4         (3)  Performs any action in furtherance of paragraph (1)
     5     or (2).
     6     Section 2.  The heading of Title 22 is amended to read:
     7                              TITLE 22
    10     Section 3.  Chapter 3 of Title 22 is amended to read:
    11                             [CHAPTER 3
    12                             DETECTIVES
    13                            (RESERVED)]
    14     Section 4.  Title 22 is amended by adding a chapter to read:
    15                             CHAPTER 3
    17                    AND FUGITIVE RECOVERY AGENTS
    18  Sec.
    19  301.  Scope of chapter.
    20  302.  Declaration of policy.
    21  303.  Definitions.
    22  304.  Board.
    23  305.  Deposit of funds.
    24  306.  Licensure.
    25  307.  Form of license.
    26  308.  License renewal.
    27  309.  Change of residence or business location.
    28  310.  Expedited reciprocal licensing.
    29  311.  Employees.
    30  312.  Private investigator employees.
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     1  313.  Pocket cards and badges.
     2  314.  Firearms.
     3  315.  Bond and insurance.
     4  316.  Licensure of corporations and other legal entities.
     5  317.  Criminal history record check.
     6  318.  Prohibition.
     7  319.  Title and utilization.
     8  320.  Rules of professional conduct.
     9  321.  Sanctions.
    10  322.  Injunction.
    11  323.  Unlawful acts.
    12  324.  Exclusions.
    13  325.  Restrictions on public disclosure.
    14  § 301.  Scope of chapter.
    15     This chapter relates to private investigators, security
    16  professionals and fugitive recovery agents.
    17  § 302.  Declaration of policy.
    18     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    19         (1)  The practice of private investigators and security
    20     professionals has been regulated at a county level, which has
    21     resulted in inconsistent regulation on a Statewide basis.
    22         (2)  The practice of fugitive recovery agents has
    23     essentially been unregulated in this Commonwealth.
    24         (3)  Reasonable Statewide regulation of these professions
    25     is in furtherance of public health, safety and welfare
    26     interests.
    27         (4)  Statewide regulation is necessary to set standards
    28     of conduct for each of these professions and to protect the
    29     public from unprincipled practitioners.
    30         (5)  Consumer protection with respect to both health and
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     1     economic matters will be afforded the public through the
     2     regulation and associated legal remedies provided for in this
     3     chapter.
     4  § 303.  Definitions.
     5     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
     6  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     7  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     8     "Account."  The Professional Licensure Augmentation Account.
     9     "Applicant."  An individual who applies for any license under
    10  this chapter. The term does not include an individual renewing a
    11  license under section 308 (relating to license renewal).
    12     "Board."  The State Board of Private Investigators, Security
    13  Professionals and Fugitive Recovery Agents established in
    14  section 304 (relating to board).
    15     "Bureau."  The Bureau of Professional and Occupational
    16  Affairs.
    17     "Categories of licenses."  Private investigator licenses,
    18  security professional licenses and fugitive recovery agent
    19  licenses.
    20     "CPIN compatible."  Compatible with the Commonwealth Photo
    21  Imaging Network.
    22     "Fugitive recovery agent."
    23         (1)  An individual, corporation, partnership, limited
    24     liability company or other legal entity which for a fee
    25     primarily engages in one or more of the following:
    26             (i)  Fugitive recovery.
    27             (ii)  Bail enforcement.
    28             (iii)  Bail recovery.
    29             (iv)  Investigation as to the location or whereabouts
    30         of any person who has failed to appear in any Federal or
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     1         State court of law, when required by law, or has failed
     2         to answer any criminal charge or subpoena, when required
     3         by law.
     4             (v)  Assistance in the apprehension, arrest,
     5         detention, confinement, surrender or securing of a person
     6         described in subparagraph (iv).
     7             (vi)  Surveillance of a person described in
     8         subparagraph (iv).
     9         (2)  The term does not include any individual excluded
    10     from this chapter by section 324 (relating to exclusions).
    11     "License."  Any license to practice as a private
    12  investigator, security professional or fugitive recovery agent
    13  under this chapter.
    14     "Licensee."  An individual, corporation, partnership, limited
    15  liability company or other legal entity who holds a license
    16  under this chapter.
    17     "Private Detective Act of 1953."  The former act of August
    18  21, 1953 (P.L.1273, No.361), known as The Private Detective Act
    19  of 1953.
    20     "Private investigator."
    21         (1)  An individual, corporation, partnership, limited
    22     liability company or other legal entity which for a fee
    23     primarily engages in the investigation of any of the
    24     following activities:
    25             (i)  Crimes or wrongs done or threatened against an
    26         individual, corporation, partnership, limited liability
    27         company or other legal entity.
    28             (ii)  The identity, habits, conduct, movement,
    29         whereabouts, affiliations, association, transactions,
    30         reputation or character of any individual, group of
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     1         individuals, association, organization, society,
     2         partnership, corporation, limited liability company or
     3         other legal entity.
     4             (iii)  The credibility of witnesses or other
     5         individuals.
     6             (iv)  The whereabouts of missing individuals.
     7             (v)  The location or recovery of lost or stolen
     8         property.
     9             (vi)  The cases or origins of or responsibility for
    10         fires or torts or losses, accidents, damage or injuries
    11         to personal or real property.
    12             (vii)  The conduct of employees, agents, contractors
    13         and subcontractors.
    14             (viii)  The securing of evidence for any civil or
    15         criminal proceeding.
    16         (2)  The term does not include any individual excluded
    17     from this chapter by section 324 (relating to exclusions).
    18     "Security professional."
    19         (1)  An individual, corporation, partnership, limited
    20     liability company or other legal entity which for a fee
    21     primarily provides security guards, watchmen or private
    22     patrolmen for any individual, private corporation or other
    23     legal entity.
    24         (2)  The term does not include any individual excluded
    25     from this chapter by section 324 (relating to exclusions).
    26  § 304.  Board.
    27     (a)  Establishment.--The State Board of Private
    28  Investigators, Security Professionals and Fugitive Recovery
    29  Agents is established as a board in the bureau.
    30     (b)  Membership.--The following shall be members of the
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     1  board:
     2         (1)  The Commissioner of Professional and Occupational
     3     Affairs or a designee.
     4         (2)  The Commissioner of Pennsylvania State Police or a
     5     designee.
     6         (3)  The Attorney General or a designee.
     7         (4)  Three public members, who are residents of this
     8     Commonwealth, appointed by the Governor, with the advice and
     9     consent of a majority of the members elected to the Senate. A
    10     person shall not be eligible for appointment under this
    11     paragraph if the person or the person's spouse meets any of
    12     the following provisions:
    13             (i)  Is licensed under this chapter or the Private
    14         Detective Act of 1953.
    15             (ii)  Has, other than as a consumer, a financial
    16         interest in a business entity which engages in an
    17         activity licensed by this chapter.
    18         (5)  Seven professional members appointed by the Governor
    19     with the advice and consent of a majority of the members
    20     elected to the Senate. The professional members shall:
    21             (i)  be licensed under this chapter; and
    22             (ii)  include at least one licensee from each of the
    23         categories of licenses under this chapter.
    24     (c)  Initial appointments.--Notwithstanding the provisions of
    25  subsection (b)(4) and section 316 (relating to licensure of
    26  corporations and other legal entities), the following shall
    27  apply:
    28         (1)  Individuals licensed under the Private Detective Act
    29     of 1953 shall, until the expiration of the license, be
    30     qualified to serve as professional members of the board as
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     1     representatives of private investigator licensees or security
     2     professional licensees under this chapter.
     3         (2)  Fugitive recovery agents who have been actively
     4     engaged in their profession and have a well-respected
     5     reputation in the field shall, until July 1, 2009, be
     6     qualified to serve as professional members of the board as
     7     representatives of fugitive recovery agent licensees under
     8     this chapter.
     9     (d)  Terms.--All of the following shall apply to terms of
    10  members:
    11         (1)  Members under subsection (b)(1), (2) and (3) shall
    12     serve ex officio.
    13         (2)  Members under subsection (b)(4) shall serve initial
    14     terms as follows:
    15             (i)  One member shall be appointed for a term of two
    16         years.
    17             (ii)  One member shall be appointed for a term of
    18         three years.
    19             (iii)  One member shall be appointed for a term of
    20         four years.
    21         (3)  Members under subsection (b)(5) shall serve initial
    22     terms as follows:
    23             (i)  Three members shall be appointed for a term of
    24         two years.
    25             (ii)  Two members shall be appointed for a term of
    26         three years.
    27             (iii)  Two members shall be appointed for a term of
    28         four years.
    29         (4)  After the expiration of a term under paragraph (2)
    30     or (3), a subsequent term shall be for four years.
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     1         (5)  A replacement for a member under subsection (b)(4)
     2     or (5) shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term.
     3         (6)  A member under subsection (b)(4) or (5) shall not be
     4     eligible for more than two consecutive terms.
     5     (e)  Procedure.--All of the following shall apply to board
     6  procedure:
     7         (1)  A majority of the members of the board constitutes a
     8     quorum. A member must participate at a meeting of the board
     9     in person or by teleconference for purposes of meeting a
    10     quorum.
    11         (2)  Voting must be direct, voting by proxy shall not be
    12     permitted.
    13     (f)  Organization.--All of the following shall apply to board
    14  organization:
    15         (1)  An organizational meeting of the board shall be held
    16     annually at which time the board shall elect from its
    17     membership a president, a vice president and a secretary, who
    18     shall serve for one year or until their successors are duly
    19     elected.
    20         (2)  If a vacancy in the office of president, vice
    21     president or secretary of the board occurs, the remaining
    22     members of the board shall fill the vacancy by election.
    23     (g)  Compensation.--Each member of the board under subsection
    24  (b)(4) or (5), when performing functions of the board, shall
    25  receive all of the following:
    26         (1)  A per diem fee of $100 for each meeting the member
    27     attends in person. No member shall receive more than $1,000
    28     of aggregate per diem fees in any calendar year.
    29         (2)  Reasonable travel, hotel and other necessary
    30     expenses, as set by regulation of the board.
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     1     (h)  Meetings.--The board shall meet at least once every two
     2  months and at additional times as necessary to conduct the
     3  business of the board.
     4     (i)  Participation.--A member of the board under subsection
     5  (b)(4) or (5) who fails to attend three consecutive meetings
     6  shall forfeit membership unless the president, upon written
     7  request from the member, finds that the member should be excused
     8  for good cause.
     9     (j)  Powers and duties.--The board shall have all of the
    10  following powers and duties to administer this chapter:
    11         (1)  To develop an entrance examination for each of the
    12     categories of licenses. The entrance examinations shall, at a
    13     minimum, test an applicant's knowledge of the laws of this
    14     Commonwealth and the United States which are applicable to
    15     the practice of that category of license.
    16         (2)  To develop applications and renewal applications for
    17     each of the categories of licenses.
    18         (3)  To promulgate reasonable rules and regulations to
    19     carry out the provisions of this chapter.
    20         (4)  To establish monetary penalties and fees for
    21     licenses, renewals, badges, pocket cards and other goods and
    22     services provided by the board to licensees. Initial fees
    23     shall be designed to recover the board's administrative
    24     costs. If the funds raised by penalties and fees under this
    25     chapter are not sufficient to meet the board's administrative
    26     costs over a two-year period, the board may promulgate
    27     regulations to increase those penalties and fees so that the
    28     projected funds will meet the board's projected costs.
    29         (5)  To enforce the laws of this Commonwealth relating to
    30     the practice of private investigators, security professionals
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     1     and fugitive recovery agents and to instruct and require
     2     agents of the board to initiate appropriate proceedings for
     3     unauthorized and unlawful practice.
     4         (6)  To take disciplinary action as described in this
     5     chapter. In all disciplinary proceedings brought pursuant to
     6     this chapter, the board shall have the power to administer
     7     oaths, to summon witnesses and to compel the production of
     8     documents in accordance with law. Upon the failure of any
     9     person to appear or produce documents in accordance with the
    10     board's order, the board may take appropriate action in
    11     accordance with the act of October 15, 1980 (P.L.950,
    12     No.164), known as the Commonwealth Attorneys Act, to enforce
    13     compliance.
    14         (7)  To take appropriate actions to initiate injunction
    15     and criminal prosecution proceedings in connection with the
    16     unlawful and unauthorized practice of private investigators,
    17     security professionals or fugitive recovery agents or other
    18     violations of this chapter. Injunction and criminal
    19     proceedings shall be instituted in accordance with the
    20     Commonwealth Attorneys Act.
    21         (8)  To keep a record of board proceedings.
    22         (9)  To keep a record of applications and renewal
    23     applications, including a copy of all materials submitted
    24     with applications and renewal applications.
    25         (10)  To keep records relating to all licensees directly
    26     related to the practice of private investigators, security
    27     professionals and fugitive recovery agents.
    28         (11)  To maintain an up-to-date roster showing the names
    29     and business addresses of licensees. The roster shall be made
    30     available to the public upon request and shall be posted on
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     1     the Internet.
     2         (12)  To establish a system which assures that licensees
     3     receive timely information from the board regarding issues
     4     affecting the practice and regulation of their license. The
     5     system shall include the mailing of a renewal application
     6     under section 308 (relating to license renewal) to each
     7     licensee at the most recent address in the records of the
     8     board.
     9         (13)  To design badges and pocket cards for each of the
    10     categories of licenses.
    11         (14)  To approve badge designs submitted by a security
    12     professional for use by employees of that security
    13     professional.
    14         (15)  To conduct criminal history record checks as
    15     provided in section 317 (relating to criminal history record
    16     check).
    17         (16)  To develop and administer a mandatory continuing
    18     professional education program for each of the categories of
    19     licenses.
    20         (17)  To develop and enforce rules of professional
    21     conduct for each of the categories of licenses.
    22  § 305.  Deposit of funds.
    23     Fees and penalties collected under this chapter shall be paid
    24  into the account and used by the bureau and the board to
    25  administer this chapter.
    26  § 306.  Licensure.
    27     (a)  Requirement.--Except as set forth in section 324
    28  (relating to exclusions), all of the following shall apply:
    29         (1)  A private investigator's license is required in
    30     order to practice as a private investigator.
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     1         (2)  A security professional's license is required in
     2     order to practice as a security professional.
     3         (3)  A fugitive recovery agent's license is required in
     4     order to practice as a fugitive recovery agent after July 1,
     5     2009.
     6     (b)  Employees.--A licensee may employ individuals to assist
     7  the licensee. Nothing in this chapter shall require an employee
     8  of a licensee to obtain a license.
     9     (c)  Qualifications.--All applicants for any license under
    10  this chapter must meet all of the following:
    11         (1)  Be at least 25 years of age.
    12         (2)  Be a United States citizen.
    13         (3)  Be of good moral character.
    14         (4)  Not be addicted to the habitual use of alcohol,
    15     narcotics or other habit-forming drugs.
    16         (5)  Have a criminal history which does not include any
    17     of the offenses listed under section 318 (relating to
    18     prohibition).
    19         (6)  Qualify by successful completion of a professional
    20     entrance examination for the category of license which is the
    21     subject of the application.
    22     (d)  Additional qualifications.--An applicant for a specific
    23  license shall meet the following specific additional
    24  qualifications:
    25         (1)  In addition to the other requirements of this
    26     chapter, a private investigator license shall not be issued
    27     unless the applicant for the license has held one or more of
    28     the following positions for a period of at least five years
    29     and was not separated from the position for a period of more
    30     than five years from the time of application:
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     1             (i)  Worked as an investigator as a member of the
     2         Pennsylvania State Police.
     3             (ii)  Worked as an investigator as a member of a
     4         state, county or municipal police force.
     5             (iii)  Worked as an investigator as a member of a
     6         United States or state investigative service.
     7             (iv)  Worked full time as a private investigator
     8         licensed under the Private Detective Act of 1953.
     9             (v)  Worked full time under the direction of a
    10         private investigator who is or was licensed under this
    11         chapter or under the Private Detective Act of 1953.
    12             (vi)  Worked full time as an investigator or in a
    13         similar capacity for an insurance company in a special
    14         investigation unit.
    15             (vii)  Worked full time as an attorney or an
    16         investigator for an attorney or law firm.
    17             (viii)  Worked full time as an investigator for a
    18         common carrier or any entity regulated by the
    19         Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.
    20             (ix)  Has other investigative or investigative
    21         support experience that the board finds relevant to the
    22         activities of a private investigator.
    23         (2)  In addition to the other requirements of this
    24     chapter, a security professional license shall not be issued
    25     unless the applicant for the license has held one or more of
    26     the following positions for a period of at least five years
    27     and was not separated from the position for a period of more
    28     than five years from the time of application:
    29             (i)  Worked as a member of the Pennsylvania State
    30         Police.
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     1             (ii)  Worked as a member of a state, county or
     2         municipal police force.
     3             (iii)  Worked as a sheriff or deputy sheriff.
     4             (iv)  Worked as a member of a Federal or state
     5         investigative service.
     6             (v)  Worked full time under the direction of a
     7         security professional who is or was licensed under this
     8         chapter.
     9             (vi)  Worked full time as a private investigator
    10         licensed under the Private Detective Act of 1953.
    11             (vii)  Worked full time under the direction of a
    12         private investigator who was licensed under the Private
    13         Detective Act of 1953.
    14             (viii)  Has other security or security support
    15         experience that the board finds relevant to the
    16         activities of a security professional.
    17         (3)  In addition to the other requirements of this
    18     chapter, a fugitive recovery agent license shall not be
    19     issued unless the applicant for the license has held one or
    20     more of the following positions for a period of at least five
    21     years and was not separated from the position for a period of
    22     more than five years from the time of application:
    23             (i)  Worked as a member of the Pennsylvania State
    24         Police.
    25             (ii)  Worked as a member of a state, county or
    26         municipal police force.
    27             (iii)  Worked as a sheriff or deputy sheriff.
    28             (iv)  Worked as a constable or deputy constable
    29         certified to perform judicial duties under 42 Pa.C.S. Ch.
    30         29 Subch. C (relating to constables).
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     1             (v)  Worked as a member of a state or United States
     2         investigative service.
     3             (vi)  Worked full time under the direction of a
     4         fugitive recovery agent who is or was licensed under this
     5         chapter.
     6             (vii)  Has other fugitive recovery or related
     7         experience that the board finds relevant to the
     8         activities of a fugitive recovery agent.
     9             (viii)  Worked as a fugitive recovery agent prior to
    10         July 1, 2009. This subparagraph shall expire July 1,
    11         2014.
    12     (e)  Education and part-time work experience.--The board may
    13  allow an applicant for any category of license under subsection
    14  (d) to do any of the following:
    15         (1)  Substitute up to two years of relevant educational
    16     experience for work experience required of an applicant under
    17     subsection (d).
    18         (2)  Aggregate part-time work experience to reach the
    19     minimum five years of the full time employment requirement
    20     for an applicant under subsection (d).
    21     (f)  Application process.--An individual, corporation,
    22  partnership, limited liability company or other legal entity
    23  intending to be a licensee shall apply for a license as set
    24  forth in this chapter. Applicants shall do all of the following:
    25         (1)  File an application and accompanying information as
    26     described in subsection (g).
    27         (2)  Pay a fee as established by regulation of the board.
    28         (3)  Sit for an examination prepared and administered by
    29     the board.
    30     (g)  Application and accompanying information.--An
    20060H2493B3729                 - 16 -     

     1  application shall require the applicant to provide all of the
     2  following:
     3         (1)  The applicant's full name, aliases, current and
     4     previous occupations, and information which demonstrates
     5     compliance with the specific additional qualifications under
     6     subsection (d) for that category of license.
     7         (2)  The applicant's date of birth, as evidenced by a
     8     birth certificate or other documentation approved by the
     9     board.
    10         (3)  The applicant's residences since 18 years of age or
    11     for the last 15 years, whichever period of time is shorter.
    12         (4)  Two current CPIN compatible photographs.
    13         (5)  A statement whether the applicant applying for a
    14     license intends to practice as an individual, corporation,
    15     partnership, limited liability company or other legal entity.
    16     If the applicant intends to practice as a corporation,
    17     partnership, limited liability company or legal entity other
    18     than an individual, the applicant shall identify all
    19     principals of that entity and shall also provide all of the
    20     following:
    21             (i)  The name and appropriate credentials of the
    22         qualifying officer.
    23             (ii)  The name and principal business address of that
    24         entity.
    25             (iii)  The articles of incorporation, partnership
    26         agreement, certificate of organization or similar
    27         governing document.
    28             (iv)  The name and address of all shareholders or
    29         other owners of the corporation, partnership, limited
    30         liability company or other legal entity.
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     1         (6)  The location of each bureau, agency, office or
     2     branch office.
     3         (7)  The applicant's signature.
     4         (8)  Two full sets of the applicant's fingerprints, for
     5     use in conducting a criminal history record check as provided
     6     in section 317 (relating to criminal history record check).
     7         (9)  The payment of a bond and submission of proof of
     8     insurance as required in section 315 (relating to bond and
     9     insurance).
    10         (10)  Any other information which the board deems
    11     appropriate.
    12     (h)  Issuance of license.
    13         (1)  The board shall conduct an investigation of an
    14     applicant, including a credit check, if the applicant has met
    15     all of the following:
    16             (i)  Completed the application process under
    17         subsection (f).
    18             (ii)  Been found to meet all of the qualifications in
    19         subsection (c).
    20             (iii)  Been found to meet the additional
    21         qualifications for the category of license in subsection
    22         (d).
    23         (2)  If the board is satisfied that the applicant is fit
    24     to practice, the board shall issue the applicant a license
    25     and duplicates as provided in section 307 (relating to form
    26     of license) and a pocket card and badge as provided in
    27     section 313 (relating to pocket cards and badges).
    28     (i)  Term of license.--The term of a license shall be two
    29  years. Renewal of a license shall be subject to section 308
    30  (relating to license renewal).
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     1     (j)  Current law enforcement officers.--Individuals currently
     2  employed as a police officer, sheriff, deputy sheriff, probation
     3  or parole officer or member of a Federal or State investigative
     4  service shall not be eligible for a license.
     5  § 307.  Form of license.
     6     (a)  Contents.--A license under this chapter shall contain
     7  all of the following:
     8         (1)  The full name and title of the licensee.
     9         (2)  The location of each bureau, agency, office or
    10     branch office for which the license was issued.
    11         (3)  The expiration date.
    12         (4)  Any other information deemed appropriate by the
    13     board.
    14     (b)  Duplicates.--A licensee shall, for a fee, be issued
    15  duplicate licenses for display in each bureau, agency, office or
    16  branch office included in the license application.
    17     (c)  Display.--A licensee shall post the license or a
    18  duplicate in a conspicuous place in each bureau, agency, office
    19  or branch office.
    20     (d)  Expiration.--A licensee shall surrender the license and
    21  all duplicates to a designated location established by the board
    22  within 15 days of expiration or after receipt of notice that the
    23  license has been suspended or revoked by the board. A licensee
    24  who fails to comply with this subsection commits a misdemeanor
    25  of the third degree.
    26  § 308.  License renewal.
    27     (a)  General rule.--The following shall apply:
    28         (1)  The following may apply for a renewal of a license
    29     under this section:
    30             (i)  A licensee whose license will expire within six
    20060H2493B3729                 - 19 -     

     1         months of the date on the renewal application.
     2             (ii)  A licensee whose license has not been expired
     3         for more than six months on the date of renewal
     4         application.
     5         (2)  For the purposes of this subsection, the term
     6     "licensee" shall include any individual, corporation,
     7     partnership, limited liability company or other legal entity
     8     licensed under the Private Detective Act of 1953 on the
     9     effective date of this section who is applying for a license
    10     as a private investigator or security professional under this
    11     chapter prior to the expiration of the license under the
    12     Private Detective Act of 1953. The qualification by
    13     successful completion of a professional entrance examination
    14     in section 306(c)(6) (relating to licensure) and the required
    15     additional qualifications of section 306(d) shall not apply
    16     to a licensee under the Private Detective Act of 1953 who met
    17     the work experience requirements under section 4(a) of that
    18     act and is applying for renewal of a license as a private
    19     investigator or security professional under this section.
    20     (b)  Renewal process.--A licensee applying for a renewal of a
    21  license shall do all of the following:
    22         (1)  File a renewal application with the board.
    23         (2)  Pay a bond and provide proof of insurance as
    24     required in section 315 (relating to bond and insurance).
    25         (3)  Pay a fee as established by regulation of the board.
    26         (4)  Provide two current CPIN compatible photographs.
    27         (5)  Provide any other information which the board deems
    28     appropriate.
    29     (c)  Issuance of renewal license.--Once a licensee has
    30  completed the renewal process in subsection (b) and the board,
    20060H2493B3729                 - 20 -     

     1  after investigation, is satisfied that the licensee is fit to
     2  continue the practice of the license, the board shall issue the
     3  applicant a license as provided in section 307 (relating to form
     4  of license).
     5  § 309.  Change of residence or business location.
     6     (a)  Residence.--A licensee shall notify the board in writing
     7  within 15 days of the licensee's change of residence.
     8     (b)  Business location.--A licensee shall notify the board in
     9  writing within 15 days of the change of location of any bureau,
    10  agency, office or branch office. Notice shall include the new
    11  location of the bureau, agency, office or branch office and the
    12  date on which the change was effected.
    13     (c)  Notation on license and duplicates.--Pursuant to a
    14  change of business location under subsection (b), a licensee
    15  shall deliver the license and any duplicates to a designated
    16  location established by the board. The board shall, at its
    17  discretion, do one of the following:
    18         (1)  Note the change on the license and duplicates and
    19     return the license and duplicates to the licensee.
    20         (2)  Issue a new license and duplicates for the unexpired
    21     term of the license.
    22  § 310.  Expedited reciprocal licensing.
    23     The board may, without examination, issue a license, pocket
    24  card and badge to any individual, corporation, partnership,
    25  limited liability company or other legal entity who is licensed
    26  in another state in the same category of license if all of the
    27  following apply:
    28         (1)  The individual or the officers of the corporation,
    29     partnership, limited liability company or other legal entity
    30     provide two full sets of fingerprints for the board to
    20060H2493B3729                 - 21 -     

     1     conduct a criminal history record check under section 317
     2     (relating to criminal history record check).
     3         (2)  The individual, corporation, partnership, limited
     4     liability company or other legal entity pays a bond and
     5     provides proof of insurance as required in section 315
     6     (relating to bond and insurance).
     7         (3)  The individual, corporation, partnership, limited
     8     liability company or other legal entity pays a fee as
     9     established by regulation of the board.
    10         (4)  The individual or the officers of the corporation,
    11     partnership, limited liability company or other legal entity
    12     provide two current CPIN compatible photographs.
    13         (5)  The individual, corporation, partnership, limited
    14     liability company or other legal entity establishes a bureau,
    15     agency, office or branch office within this Commonwealth.
    16         (6)  The individual, corporation, partnership, limited
    17     liability company or other legal entity provides any other
    18     information which the board deems appropriate.
    19         (7)  The standards for licensing in the other state are,
    20     in the board's opinion, sufficiently similar to the standards
    21     under this chapter.
    22         (8)  The other state will license or certify Pennsylvania
    23     licensees to practice in that state in a similar expedited
    24     fashion.
    25  § 311.  Employees.
    26     (a)  General rule.--A licensee may employ as many individuals
    27  as necessary to assist the licensee in the licensee's work. The
    28  licensee shall at all times during the employment be responsible
    29  for the reasonable supervision of each employee and accountable
    30  for the employee's conduct.
    20060H2493B3729                 - 22 -     

     1     (b)  Employee statement.--A prospective employee shall
     2  provide to the licensee all of the following:
     3         (1)  The prospective employee's full name, aliases,
     4     current and previous occupations and Social Security number.
     5         (2)  The prospective employee's date of birth, as
     6     evidenced by a birth certificate or other documentation
     7     approved by the board.
     8         (3)  The prospective employee's residences since 18 years
     9     of age or for the last 15 years, whichever period of time is
    10     shorter.
    11         (4)  Two current CPIN compatible photographs.
    12         (5)  A statement indicating whether the employee has met
    13     the requirements of the act of October 10, 1974 (P.L.705,
    14     No.235), known as the Lethal Weapons Training Act.
    15         (6)  A physical description.
    16         (7)  The prospective employee's signature.
    17         (8)  A statement indicating that the prospective employee
    18     has not been convicted of an offense listed in section 318(c)
    19     (relating to prohibition).
    20         (9)  Three full sets of the prospective employee's
    21     fingerprints. One set shall be kept on file by the licensee
    22     and the other two shall be submitted to the board for use in
    23     conducting a criminal history record check as provided in
    24     section 317 (relating to criminal history record check).
    25         (10)  Any other information which the board deems
    26     appropriate.
    27     (c)  Duty of licensee.--A licensee shall do all of the
    28  following:
    29         (1)  Act with due diligence to reasonably verify the
    30     truthfulness of the employee statement.
    20060H2493B3729                 - 23 -     

     1         (2)  Promptly transmit two sets of the fingerprints
     2     provided pursuant to subsection (b)(9) to the board for use
     3     in conducting a criminal history record check as provided in
     4     section 317.
     5         (3)  Promptly transmit a CPIN compatible photograph of
     6     the employee provided pursuant to subsection (b)(4) to the
     7     board for its use.
     8         (4)  Promptly transmit to the board any other information
     9     which the board deems appropriate.
    10     (d)  Duty of board.--The board shall promptly conduct a
    11  criminal history record check on the prospective employee as
    12  provided in section 317 and notify the licensee of the results.
    13     (e)  Penalties.--The following shall apply:
    14         (1)  A licensee who knowingly, recklessly or negligently
    15     hires an individual who fails to fill out an employee
    16     statement under subsection (b) or has been convicted of any
    17     offense listed in section 318(c) (relating to prohibition)
    18     commits a misdemeanor of the first degree.
    19         (2)  A licensee who knowingly, recklessly or negligently
    20     files the fingerprints of an individual other than the
    21     prospective employee, in the prospective employee's name,
    22     commits a misdemeanor of the third degree.
    23         (3)  A licensee who fails to adequately or accurately
    24     keep records of employees commits a misdemeanor of the third
    25     degree.
    26  § 312.  Private investigator employees.
    27     Any employee of a private investigator who, except as
    28  provided by law, divulges information learned in that employee's
    29  capacity to anyone other than the private investigator or to an
    30  individual designated by the private investigator commits a
    20060H2493B3729                 - 24 -     

     1  misdemeanor of the third degree.
     2  § 313.  Pocket cards and badges.
     3     (a)  Licensees.--Upon payment of a fee by the licensee, the
     4  board shall issue the licensee a pocket card and a badge, which
     5  shall be numbered. The pocket card shall be of the size and
     6  design as the board shall designate and shall be
     7  nontransferable. At minimum, the pocket card shall include all
     8  of the following:
     9         (1) The licensee's name.
    10         (2)  The licensee's CPIN compatible photograph.
    11         (3)  The licensee's business name, if different than the
    12     name under paragraph (1).
    13         (4)  Authenticity information such as license number,
    14     date of expiration and the official State seal.
    15     (b)  Employees.--If a prospective employee of a licensee has
    16  not been prohibited from being hired by the board, the board
    17  shall issue to the licensee a pocket card which contains the
    18  employee's CPIN compatible photograph for use by the employee.
    19  If the licensee does not employ the prospective employee for any
    20  reason, the licensee shall return the pocket card to the board,
    21  which shall destroy the returned pocket card. Failure of the
    22  licensee to do any of the following shall constitute a summary
    23  offense:
    24         (1)  Return a pocket card.
    25         (2)  Notify the board of the licensee's inability to
    26     retrieve a pocket card from an employee.
    27     (c)  Renewal or replacement.--The following shall apply to
    28  pocket card or badges:
    29         (1)  After payment of a fee as set by the board, the
    30     board shall issue a licensee a new pocket card and badge or a
    20060H2493B3729                 - 25 -     

     1     new pocket card for an employee if any of the following
     2     apply:
     3             (i)  A pocket card or badge has been defaced,
     4         damaged, stolen or lost.
     5             (ii)  The licensee has not been issued a pocket card
     6         or badge or pocket cards for employees.
     7         (2)  The board may impose sanctions under section 321
     8     (relating to sanctions) upon a licensee who reports multiple
     9     or repeated lost or stolen pocket cards, badges or employee
    10     pocket cards.
    11     (d)  Holders of pocket cards and badges.--It shall be
    12  unlawful for a licensee or an employee of a licensee to lend or
    13  to transfer the pocket card or badge or to allow any other
    14  individual to use, wear or display a pocket card or badge. A
    15  licensee or employee who violates this subsection commits a
    16  misdemeanor of the third degree.
    17  § 314.  Firearms.
    18     Licensees and their employees shall be authorized to carry a
    19  lethal weapon in the course of their employment if they are in
    20  compliance with or are exempt from the requirements of the act
    21  of October 10, 1974 (P.L.705, No.235), known as the Lethal
    22  Weapons Training Act.
    23  § 315.  Bond and insurance.
    24     (a)  General rule.--An applicant for a license and licensees
    25  seeking renewal of a license shall deliver to the board a bond
    26  in an amount set by the board.
    27     (b)  Corporate surety.--A bond required under subsection (a)
    28  shall be written by a corporate surety company authorized to do
    29  business in this Commonwealth as a surety and shall be executed
    30  in the name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    20060H2493B3729                 - 26 -     

     1     (c)  Proof of general liability insurance.--All applicants
     2  and licensees seeking renewal of licenses shall provide proof of
     3  general liability insurance in an amount set by the board, but
     4  not less than $1,000,000.
     5     (d)  Proof of workers' compensation insurance.--All
     6  applicants for licenses and licensees seeking renewal of
     7  licenses shall provide proof of compliance with or exemption
     8  from the act of June 2, 1915 (P.L.736, No.338), known as the
     9  Workers' Compensation Act.
    10     (e)  Change of bond or insurance.--A licensee shall notify
    11  the board within 15 days of any change relating to a bond or
    12  insurance under this section.
    13     (f)  Loss of bond or insurance.--A licensee who fails to
    14  maintain a bond or insurance in an amount set by the board shall
    15  immediately suspend activity pursuant to the license until a new
    16  bond or insurance is acquired.
    17  § 316.  Licensure of corporations and other legal entities.
    18     (a)  Licensing.--If a corporation, partnership, limited
    19  liability company or other legal entity other than a natural
    20  person applies for or has one or more categories of licenses
    21  under this chapter, the requirements of licensing for that
    22  category under this chapter, except the qualification by
    23  examination under section 306(c)(6) (relating to licensure) and
    24  the required additional qualifications of section 306(d), shall
    25  apply to the president, treasurer and secretary of the
    26  corporation or equivalent officers of a corporation,
    27  partnership, limited liability company or other legal entity. At
    28  least one officer, known as a qualifying officer, shall meet one
    29  of the following requirements for each category of license:
    30         (1)  Fulfillment of the requirements of section 306(c)(6)
    20060H2493B3729                 - 27 -     

     1     and (d).
     2         (2)  Possession of the category of license under this
     3     chapter.
     4         (3)  Entitlement to apply for renewal pursuant to section
     5     308(a) (relating to license renewal) for that category of
     6     license held by the corporation, partnership, limited
     7     liability company or other legal entity.
     8     (b)  Qualifying officers.--Unless an officer of a
     9  corporation, partnership, limited liability company or other
    10  legal entity meets one of the following requirements, the
    11  officer shall not receive a pocket card or badge identifying the
    12  officer as a licensee under section 313(a) (relating to pocket
    13  cards and badges) or be eligible for appointment to the board as
    14  one of the professional members under section 304(b)(5)
    15  (relating to board):
    16         (1)  Fulfillment of the requirements of section 306(c)(6)
    17     and (d).
    18         (2)  Possession of a license under this chapter.
    19         (3)  Entitlement to apply for renewal pursuant to section
    20     308(a).
    21     (c)  Successors.--In case of death, resignation or removal of
    22  an officer of a corporation, partnership, limited liability
    23  company or other legal entity, all of the following shall apply:
    24         (1)  The successor officer must comply with this section.
    25         (2)  Notice must be provided in writing to the board
    26     regarding the death, resignation or removal.
    27         (3)  A copy of the minutes of any meeting of the board of
    28     directors or similar body regarding the death, resignation or
    29     removal of an officer and designation of a successor must be
    30     provided to the board.
    20060H2493B3729                 - 28 -     

     1  § 317.  Criminal history record check.
     2     (a)  General rule.--The board shall conduct a criminal
     3  history record check, as provided under subsection (b), on each
     4  applicant for a license, each licensee applying for renewal and
     5  each employee of a licensee.
     6     (b)  Records check.--The board shall do all of the following:
     7         (1)  Obtain a report of criminal history record
     8     information from the central repository pursuant to 18
     9     Pa.C.S. Ch. 91 (relating to criminal history record
    10     information).
    11         (2)  Submit a set of fingerprints to the Pennsylvania
    12     State Police to provide to the Federal Bureau of
    13     Investigation for Federal criminal history record information
    14     pursuant to the Federal Bureau of Investigation appropriation
    15     of Title II of Public Law 92-544, 86 Stat. 1115. The board
    16     shall be the intermediary for the purposes of this paragraph.
    17         (3)  Conduct additional research concerning an
    18     applicant's, licensee's or employee's criminal history as the
    19     board deems necessary.
    20  § 318.  Prohibition.
    21     (a)  Applicant.--In no case shall a license be issued to an
    22  applicant or a renewal license issued to a licensee if the
    23  applicant's or licensee's criminal history record information
    24  indicates the applicant has been convicted of any offense under
    25  subsection (c).
    26     (b)  Licensee.--The board shall revoke the license of any
    27  licensee who is convicted of an offense under subsection (c).
    28     (c)  Prohibited offenses.--The following shall include
    29  prohibited offenses:
    30         (1)  An offense designated as a felony under the act of
    20060H2493B3729                 - 29 -     

     1     April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as The Controlled
     2     Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act.
     3         (2)  An offense under one or more of the following
     4     provisions of 18 Pa.C.S. (relating to crimes and offenses):
     5             Chapter 25 (relating to criminal homicide).
     6             Chapter 27 (relating to assault) where the offense is
     7         graded higher than a summary offense.
     8             Chapter 29 (related to kidnapping).
     9             Chapter 31 (relating to sexual offenses).
    10             Section 3301 (relating to arson and related
    11         offenses).
    12             Section 3502 (relating to burglary).
    13             Chapter 37 (relating to robbery).
    14             Chapter 39 (relating to theft and related offenses)
    15         where the offense is graded higher than a summary
    16         offense.
    17             Chapter 41 (relating to forgery and fraudulent
    18         practices).
    19             Chapter 43 (relating to offenses against the family).
    20             Chapter 47 (relating to bribery and corrupt
    21         influence).
    22             Chapter 49 (relating to falsification and
    23         intimidation).
    24             Chapter 53 (relating to abuse of office).
    25             Chapter 55 (relating to riot, disorderly conduct and
    26         related offenses) where the offense is graded higher than
    27         a summary offense, except for an offense under section
    28         5503 (relating to disorderly conduct) regardless of the
    29         grading of the offense.
    30             Chapter 57 (relating to wiretapping and electronic
    20060H2493B3729                 - 30 -     

     1         surveillance).
     2             Chapter 59 (relating to public indecency).
     3             Chapter 61 (relating to firearms and other dangerous
     4         articles) where the offense is graded higher than a
     5         summary offense.
     6             Chapter 63 (relating to minors) where the offense is
     7         graded higher than a summary offense.
     8         (3)  An offense related to misconduct in public office,
     9     including tampering, bribery, making false statements or
    10     impersonation.
    11         (4)  A Federal or out-of-State offense similar in nature
    12     to those listed in paragraph (1), (2) or (3).
    13         (5)  An attempt, solicitation or conspiracy to commit any
    14     of the offenses listed in paragraphs (1), (2), (3) or (4).
    15  § 319.  Title and utilization.
    16     (a)  Private investigator licensee.--A private investigator
    17  licensee has the right to use the title "Private Investigator"
    18  or "Private Detective" and the abbreviation "P.I."
    19     (b)  Security professional licensee.--A security professional
    20  licensee has the right to use the title "Security Professional."
    21     (c)  Fugitive recovery agent licensee.--A fugitive recovery
    22  agent licensee has the right to use the title "Bounty Hunter" or
    23  "Fugitive Recovery Agent."
    24  § 320.  Rules of professional conduct.
    25     (a)  General rule.--The following constitute the rules of
    26  professional conduct for all licensees and employees:
    27         (1)  A licensee and all employees shall carry out the
    28     licensed practice with reasonable skill.
    29         (2)  A licensee and all employees shall not violate any
    30     regulation or order of the board.
    20060H2493B3729                 - 31 -     

     1         (3)  A licensee and all employees shall not practice or
     2     attempt to practice beyond a licensee's defined scope of
     3     practice.
     4         (4)  A licensee and all employees shall not knowingly
     5     aid, assist or provide advice to encourage the unlawful
     6     practice of a profession licensed under this chapter.
     7         (5)  A licensee and all employees shall not violate any
     8     other rule of professional conduct as promulgated by
     9     regulation of the board.
    10     (b)  Private investigator licensees.--A private investigator
    11  licensee or employee of the licensee who is asked to locate a
    12  person shall make a reasonable effort to determine the reason
    13  for the inquiry.
    14  § 321.  Sanctions.
    15     (a)  Discretionary.--The following shall apply to
    16  discretionary sanctions:
    17         (1)  If the board finds that a licensee has violated any
    18     of the rules of professional conduct, has engaged in any
    19     conduct prohibited by this chapter or has failed to fulfill
    20     any duties imposed by this chapter, the board may administer
    21     the following sanctions:
    22             (i)  Suspend enforcement of its finding and place a
    23         licensee on probation with the right to vacate the
    24         probationary order for noncompliance.
    25             (ii)  Administer a public reprimand.
    26             (iii)  Impose an administrative penalty of up to
    27         $5,000.
    28             (iv)  Suspend the license.
    29             (v)  Revoke the license.
    30         (2)  The board may vacate a sanction if it determines
    20060H2493B3729                 - 32 -     

     1     that vacation is just and reasonable.
     2     (b)  Mandatory.--The following shall apply to mandatory
     3  sanctions:
     4         (1)  The board shall suspend a license if any of the
     5     following apply:
     6             (i)  The licensee is committed to an institution
     7         because of mental incompetence from any cause.
     8             (ii)  The licensee is convicted of any prohibited
     9         offense as provided in section 318(c) (relating to
    10         prohibition).
    11         (2)  Automatic suspension under this subsection shall not
    12     be stayed pending any appeal of a conviction.
    13     (c)  Administrative agency law.--This section shall be
    14  subject to 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch A. (relating to practice and
    15  procedure of Commonwealth agencies) and Ch. 7 Subch. A (relating
    16  to judicial review of Commonwealth agency action).
    17     (d)  Return of license.--The board shall require a licensee
    18  whose license has been suspended or revoked to return the
    19  license as provided in section 307(d) (relating to form of
    20  license).
    21  § 322.  Injunction.
    22     The board may seek injunctive relief in a court of competent
    23  jurisdiction to enjoin a person from committing any violation of
    24  this chapter. Relief under this section shall be in addition to
    25  and not in lieu of all remedies and penalties under sections 321
    26  (relating to sanctions), 323 (relating to unlawful acts) and
    27  other penalties or remedies provided for in this chapter.
    28  § 323.  Unlawful acts.
    29     (a)  Unlawful practice.--A person commits a misdemeanor of
    30  the second degree if the person does any of the following:
    20060H2493B3729                 - 33 -     

     1         (1)  Without being licensed, engages in the practice of
     2     one of the categories of license under this chapter.
     3         (2)  Falsely pretends to hold a license under this
     4     chapter.
     5         (3)  Falsely pretends to be an employee of a licensee
     6     under this chapter.
     7         (4)  Possesses a forged or counterfeit license, pocket
     8     card or badge in furtherance of paragraphs (2) or (3).
     9         (5)  Performs any other action in furtherance of a false
    10     pretense under paragraph (2) or (3).
    11     (b)  Fraud.--A person who sells, fraudulently obtains or
    12  fraudulently furnishes a license, pocket card or badge commits a
    13  misdemeanor of the second degree.
    14     (c)  Unlawful use of title.--A person who uses a title or
    15  abbreviation in violation of section 319 (relating to title and
    16  utilization) commits a misdemeanor of the third degree.
    17     (d)  Penalties to be in addition to other penalties.--A
    18  penalty imposed under this section shall be in addition to other
    19  criminal penalties provided for in this chapter
    20  § 324.  Exclusions.
    21     (a)  General rule.--Nothing in this chapter shall be
    22  construed as preventing, restricting or requiring licensure of
    23  an individual, while engaged in the official performance of his
    24  duties, who is in the exclusive employment of any of the
    25  following:
    26         (1)  The Federal Government.
    27         (2)  The Commonwealth or any of its political
    28     subdivisions.
    29         (3)  Any other state or political subdivision of a state,
    30     including the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of
    20060H2493B3729                 - 34 -     

     1     Puerto Rico and the territories and possessions of the United
     2     States.
     3     (b)  Private investigator's license.--The following shall not
     4  be required to obtain a private investigator's license:
     5         (1)  An individual exclusively employed by a credit
     6     bureau whose responsibility is to collect information as to
     7     an individual's creditworthiness or financial condition,
     8     while engaged in the duties of such employment.
     9         (2)  An individual exclusively employed for one insurance
    10     company, while engaged in the duties of such employment, as
    11     an investigator in a special investigation unit or similar
    12     capacity.
    13         (3)  An attorney or an individual exclusively employed as
    14     an investigator for one attorney or law firm, while engaged
    15     in the duties of such employment.
    16         (4)  An individual in the exclusive employment of a
    17     common carrier subject to Federal regulation or regulation by
    18     the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, while engaged in
    19     the duties of such employment.
    20         (5)  An individual in the exclusive employment of a
    21     telephone, telegraph or other telecommunications company
    22     subject to regulation by the Federal Communications
    23     Commission or the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission,
    24     while engaged in the duties of such employment.
    25         (6)  A license holder or corporation or other entity
    26     licensed as a private investigative agency in this
    27     Commonwealth under the Private Detective Act of 1953 before
    28     the effective date of this chapter, if the license has not
    29     expired.
    30         (7)  An employee of a licensee under paragraph (6).
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     1         (8)  A holder of a license as a private investigator or
     2     private detective from another state or jurisdiction or an
     3     employee of the licensee, for the purpose of investigating a
     4     single case which originated in the state or jurisdiction
     5     where the license is held. The individual shall notify the
     6     board, as soon as practical, of the nature of the
     7     investigation.
     8     (c)  Security professional license.--An individual, while
     9  engaged in the official performance of the individual's duties,
    10  who is in the exclusive employment of a foreign government,
    11  shall not be required to obtain a security professional's
    12  license.
    13     (d)  Fugitive recovery agent's license.--The following shall
    14  not be required to obtain a fugitive recovery agent's license:
    15         (1)  A professional bondsman licensed under 42 Pa.C.S. §
    16     5743 (relating to issuance of license).
    17         (2)  A fidelity or surety company which acts as surety on
    18     an undertaking under 42 Pa.C.S. § 5747 (relating to
    19     statements by fidelity or surety companies).
    20         (3)  An individual, corporation, partnership, limited
    21     liability company or other legal entity licensed as a private
    22     investigator under this chapter or an employee of the
    23     licensee.
    24         (4)  An individual listed under subsection (b)(6) or (7).
    25         (5)  A holder of license as a bail bondsman, bounty
    26     hunter, fugitive recovery agent or similar license from
    27     another state or jurisdiction or employee of the licensee,
    28     for the purpose of capturing a fugitive who fled from the
    29     state or jurisdiction where the license is held. The
    30     individual shall notify the board, as soon as practical, of
    20060H2493B3729                 - 36 -     

     1     the fugitive and the nature of the work.
     2         (6)  A holder of a license as a private investigator or
     3     private detective from another state or jurisdiction or
     4     employee of the licensee, for the purpose of capturing a
     5     fugitive who fled from the state or jurisdiction where the
     6     license is held. The individual shall notify the board, as
     7     soon as practical, of the fugitive and the nature of the
     8     work.
     9         (7)  A constable or deputy constable certified to perform
    10     judicial duties under 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 29 Subch. C (relating to
    11     constables).
    12     (e)  Other exclusions.--The board may by regulation exclude
    13  other individuals or entities from the licensing requirements
    14  under this chapter.
    15  § 325.  Restrictions on public disclosure.
    16     The following information in the possession of the board
    17  shall not be subject to access under the act of June 21, 1957
    18  (P.L.390, No.212), referred to as the Right-to-Know Law:
    19         (1)  The residence address or former residence address of
    20     any applicant, licensee or employee.
    21         (2)  The date of birth of any applicant, licensee or
    22     employee.
    23         (3)  The fingerprints of any applicant, licensee or
    24     employee.
    25         (4)  Any criminal history record information of an
    26     applicant, licensee or employee.
    27     Section 5.  The following shall apply:
    28         (1)  An individual, corporation, partnership, limited
    29     liability company or other legal entity licensed under the
    30     former act of August 21, 1953 (P.L.1273, No. 361), known as
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     1     The Private Detective Act of 1953, on the effective date of
     2     this section shall be deemed to be licensed as both a private
     3     investigator and a security professional under 22 Pa.C.S. Ch.
     4     3 for the balance of the term of the license issued under the
     5     former act known as The Private Detective Act of 1953.
     6         (2)  Nothing in 22 Pa.C.S. Ch. 3 shall require fugitive
     7     recovery agents to obtain a license or comply with the
     8     chapter until July 1, 2009.
     9     Section 6.  The following shall apply:
    10         (1)  The sum of $150,000, or as much thereof as may be
    11     necessary, is hereby appropriated from the Professional
    12     Licensure Augmentation Account for the fiscal year July 1,
    13     2006, to June 30, 2007, for the operation of the State Board
    14     of Private Investigators, Security Professionals and Fugitive
    15     Recovery Agents to carry out the provisions of 22 Pa.C.S. Ch.
    16     3. The appropriation shall be a continuing appropriation
    17     until June 30, 2010, at which time any unexpended funds shall
    18     lapse into the account.
    19         (2)  The appropriation under paragraph (1) shall be
    20     repaid by the board to the account within three years of the
    21     beginning of issuance of licenses by the board.
    22     Section 7.  The provisions of this act are severable. If any
    23  provision of this act or its application to any person or
    24  circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect
    25  other provisions or applications of this act which can be given
    26  effect without the invalid provision or application.
    27     Section 8.  Repeals are as follows:
    28         (1)  (i)  The General Assembly declares that the repeal
    29         under subparagraph (ii) is necessary to effectuate the
    30         addition of 22 Pa.C.S. Ch. 3.
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     1             (ii)  The act of August 21, 1953 (P.L.1273, No.361),
     2         known as The Private Detective Act of 1953, is repealed.
     3         (2)  All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as
     4     they are inconsistent with this act.
     5     Section 9.  This act shall take effect as follows:
     6         (1)  The following provisions shall take effect
     7     immediately:
     8             (i)  The addition of 22 Pa.C.S. § 304.
     9             (ii)  Section 6.
    10             (iii)  This section.
    11         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect in 180
    12     days.

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