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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3608



No. 2489 Session of 2004

           MARCH 31, 2004

           PREPAREDNESS, MARCH 31, 2004

                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing a first responder building mapping system for
     2     buildings of State agencies and political subdivisions; and
     3     providing for the powers and duties of the Pennsylvania
     4     Emergency Management Agency.

     5     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
     6         (1)  Extreme dangers are present when the safety of our
     7     citizens requires first responders such as police and
     8     firefighters to evacuate and secure a building.
     9         (2)  In an effort to prepare for responding to unintended
    10     disasters, criminal acts and acts of terrorism a Statewide
    11     first responder building mapping information system is needed
    12     to provide all first responders with the information they
    13     need to be successful when disaster strikes.
    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16  Section 1.  Short title.
    17     This act shall be known and may be cited as the First

     1  Responder Building Mapping System Act.
     2  Section 2.  Definitions.
     3     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     4  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     5  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     6     "Agency."  The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
     7     "Office."  The Office for Information Technology within the
     8  Office of Administration.
     9     "State agency."  Any administrative department, board or
    10  commission, independent administrative department, board or
    11  commission, legislative service agency, the judiciary or
    12  institution of higher education that receives funding from the
    13  Commonwealth.
    14     "System."  The First Responder Building Mapping System
    15  established in section 3.
    16  Section 3.  First Responder Building Mapping System.
    17     (a)  Establishment.--The agency, in consultation with the
    18  office, shall establish and operate a Statewide first responder
    19  building information system that shall be based on the Internet
    20  through a secure World Wide Web site.
    21     (b)  Scope.--
    22         (1)  All State agencies and political subdivisions shall
    23     utilize building mapping software that complies with the
    24     building mapping data and software standards established
    25     under section 4 for any building mapped for this purpose
    26     after the system is operational.
    27         (2)  If, prior to establishment of the system, a
    28     political subdivision has utilized building mapping data and
    29     software standards established under section 4, the political
    30     subdivision may continue to use its own building mapping
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     1     system unless the agency provides funding to bring the
     2     political subdivision's building mapping system in compliance
     3     with the standards established under section 4.
     4     (c)  Buildings subject to system.--
     5         (1)  All buildings owned, leased or controlled by a State
     6     agency or political subdivision that are occupied by State or
     7     political subdivision employees must be mapped when funding
     8     for that purpose is provided by the agency or from other
     9     sources.
    10         (2)  Nothing in this act shall be construed to require
    11     any State agency or political subdivision to map a building
    12     unless the entire cost of mapping the building is provided by
    13     the agency or from other sources.
    14     (d)  Mapping information to be forwarded.--
    15         (1)  Once the system is operational, each State agency
    16     and political subdivision subject to subsection (c) shall
    17     forward their building mapping information data to the
    18     agency.
    19         (2)  The Federal Government or owner of a public building
    20     may voluntarily forward their mapping and emergency
    21     information data to the agency. The agency may refuse any
    22     building mapping information that does not comply with the
    23     specifications described in section 4.
    24     (e)  Electronic availability.--Consistent with the guidelines
    25  developed under section 4 the agency shall electronically, in
    26  graphical information systems format and in accordance with
    27  other relevant standards, make the building mapping information
    28  available to all Federal, State and local law enforcement
    29  agencies and fire departments throughout this Commonwealth.
    30     (f)  Standards for participation in system.--Consistent with
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     1  the guidelines developed under section 4 the agency, in
     2  consultation with the office, shall develop building mapping
     3  data and software standards that must be used to participate in
     4  the system.
     5     (g)  Solicitation of Federal funding.--The agency shall
     6  solicit Federal funds to establish the system and develop grants
     7  for the mapping of all buildings subject to subsection (c) in
     8  the order determined under section 4.
     9     (h)  Confidentiality.--None of the information provided to
    10  the agency under this act shall be deemed a public record
    11  subject to disclosure under the act of June 21, 1957 (P.L.390,
    12  No.212), referred to as the Right-to-Know Law.
    13     (i)  Staffing.--The agency and the office may employ staff to
    14  carry out their duties under this act.
    15  Section 4.  First Responder Committee.
    16     The agency, in consultation with the office, Statewide
    17  associations of political subdivisions and the Pennsylvania
    18  State Police, shall convene a committee to establish guidelines
    19  related to the system. The committee shall have the following
    20  responsibilities:
    21         (1)  To develop the type of information and the types of
    22     buildings to be included in the system. The information shall
    23     include, but is not limited to: floor plans, fire protection
    24     information, evacuation plans, utility information, known
    25     hazards and text and digital images showing emergency
    26     personnel contact information.
    27         (2)  To develop building mapping software standards for
    28     all entities that elect to participate in the system.
    29         (3)  To determine the order in which buildings will be
    30     mapped when funding is received for that purpose.
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     1         (4)  To develop guidelines on how the information shall
     2     be made available. These guidelines shall include detailed
     3     procedures and security systems to ensure that the
     4     information is only made available to the entity that either
     5     owns the building or is responding to an incident at the
     6     building.
     7         (5)  To recommend training guidelines regarding using the
     8     system.
     9         (6)  To update the information in the system on an annual
    10     basis.
    11         (7)  To designate certain buildings, including, but not
    12     limited to, correctional institutions, hospitals and the
    13     Capitol Building, as classified in order to maintain
    14     confidentiality of information relating to those buildings.
    15  Section 5.  Effective date.
    16     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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