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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1344



No. 1137 Session of 2003

           YOUNGBLOOD, APRIL 11, 2003

           PREPAREDNESS, APRIL 11, 2003

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for reimbursement to certain emergency services
     2     providers of the cost of responding to a request for
     3     emergency services on certain State-owned lands.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Emergency
     8  Services Provider Reimbursement Act.
     9  Section 2.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    11  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Department."  The Department of Conservation and Natural
    14  Resources of the Commonwealth.
    15     "Emergency communication center."  An officially recognized
    16  and approved Federal, State, county or municipal operation whose
    17  purpose is to receive emergency calls; to determine the

     1  appropriate agency, equipment and/or vehicles required to
     2  respond to these calls; and then to dispatch the appropriate
     3  agency, equipment and/or emergency vehicle or vehicles to the
     4  location of the emergency situation, incident or event.
     5     "Emergency services provider."  A municipal, public, private
     6  or nonprofit service whose purpose is to respond to emergency
     7  situations, incidents and events and provide emergency or
     8  nonemergency assistance and service to the public. The term
     9  includes, but is not limited to, a hazardous materials response
    10  unit, fire service, ambulance, heavy and light rescue squad
    11  unit, quick response unit and other related vehicle used in the
    12  normal operation of an emergency service, and a volunteer
    13  emergency service.
    14     "Emergency situation, incident or event."  A disaster;
    15  hazardous materials incident; fire; industrial or private
    16  security or fire alarm systems; industrial accidents; auto
    17  accidents; medical emergencies; nonemergency calls for medical
    18  assistance; or to any other situation, incident or event that
    19  does or may present a potential danger and/or threat to the
    20  health and safety of members of the public.
    21     "False alarm."  A willfully fraudulent and intentional
    22  transmission or request for a response by a volunteer emergency
    23  services organization where the person making the transmission
    24  or request knows there is no need for the transmission or
    25  request. A person transmitting or requesting a response by a
    26  volunteer emergency services organization who perceives or feels
    27  there could be or may be a need for the transmission or request
    28  shall not be considered to have transmitted or requested a
    29  willfully fraudulent and intentional false alarm.
    30     "Municipal emergency services department."  A fire
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     1  department, ambulance service or rescue squad established,
     2  operated and funded by the municipality.
     3     "Officially recognized dispatch."  The dispatch of a
     4  volunteer emergency services organization by an officially
     5  recognized and approved emergency communication center or
     6  response to a special call or request from the Pennsylvania
     7  State Police or local police whether it comes through an
     8  emergency communication center or not. A volunteer emergency
     9  services organization that responds to a special call or request
    10  from the Pennsylvania State Police or local police that has not
    11  come through an officially recognized and approved emergency
    12  communication center must be approved by an officially
    13  recognized emergency communication center prior to responding to
    14  the special call or request. Upon notification by a volunteer
    15  emergency services organization of a request for dispatch, the
    16  emergency communication center shall approve the response and
    17  assign a dispatch number to the volunteer emergency services
    18  organization and then contact the municipal emergency services
    19  department, organization or person making the request to confirm
    20  the request.
    21     "Person."  Includes a corporation, partnership, business
    22  trust, other association, governmental entity other than the
    23  Commonwealth, estate, trust, foundation or natural person.
    24     "State-owned land."  Land that is owned or leased by or under
    25  the control of the Department of Conservation and Natural
    26  Resources.
    27     "Volunteer ambulance service."  A nonprofit chartered
    28  corporation, association or organization located in this
    29  Commonwealth which is regularly engaged in the service of
    30  providing emergency medical care and transportation of patients.
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     1     "Volunteer emergency service organization."  An organization
     2  which is a volunteer fire company, volunteer ambulance service,
     3  volunteer rescue squad or volunteer hazardous material response
     4  team.
     5     "Volunteer fire company."  A nonprofit chartered
     6  organization, association or organization located in this
     7  Commonwealth which provides fire protection services, including
     8  fire police services, and other volunteer emergency service
     9  within this Commonwealth. Volunteer emergency service provided
    10  by a volunteer fire company may include volunteer ambulance and
    11  volunteer rescue service.
    12     "Volunteer hazardous material response team."  A nonprofit
    13  chartered corporation, association or organization located in
    14  this Commonwealth whose members are specially trained to respond
    15  to accidents or situations where hazardous or toxic material are
    16  released into the environment.
    17     "Volunteer rescue squad."  A nonprofit chartered corporation,
    18  association or organization located in this Commonwealth which
    19  provides rescue service in this Commonwealth.
    20  Section 3.  Reimbursement for emergency services responses.
    21     (a)  General rule.--The department shall pay to an emergency
    22  services provider $225 for each time that the department
    23  requests emergency services on State-owned land from the
    24  emergency services provider and the emergency services provider
    25  responds to the request.
    26     (b)  Procedures.--The department shall develop procedures by
    27  which the department requests emergency services on State-owned
    28  land from an emergency services provider and makes payment to
    29  the emergency services provider as required by subsection (a).
    30     (c)  Payment.--The department shall reimburse an emergency
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     1  services provider under this act by making payment as follows:
     2         (1)  to the volunteer emergency service organization that
     3     responded;
     4         (2)  where a municipal emergency services department that
     5     serves one municipality responded, to the municipality; or
     6         (3)  where a municipal emergency services department that
     7     serves more than one municipality responded, directly to the
     8     municipal emergency services department.
     9  Section 4.  Certain municipalities exempt.
    10     This act shall not apply to an agreement for the provision of
    11  emergency services entered into between the department and an
    12  emergency services provider on or before the effective date of
    13  this act.
    14  Section 5.  Effective date.
    15     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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