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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1155



No. 982 Session of 2003

           AND WATSON, MARCH 26, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the rights of law enforcement officers concerning
     2     certain complaints and grievances; authorizing certain civil
     3     suits by police officers; providing for impact of collective
     4     bargaining agreements; and providing for summary suspensions.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Police
     9  Officer Bill of Rights Act.
    10  Section 2.  Legislative intent.
    11     The General Assembly recognizes the need for standards to
    12  protect the rights of police officers.
    13  Section 3.  Definitions.
    14     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    15  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    16  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    17     "Police officer."  An individual employed as a police officer
    18  by a public agency who is, by law, given the power to arrest

     1  when acting within the scope of employment. The term does not
     2  include the chief of police or comparable head of a public
     3  agency.
     4     "Public agency."  The police department or similar agency of
     5  a municipality.
     6  Section 4.  Rights of police officers.
     7     (a)  General requirements.--If a police officer is under
     8  investigation and subject to interrogation by the public agency
     9  employing the police officer, the following standards shall
    10  apply:
    11         (1)  The interrogation shall be conducted when the police
    12     officer is on duty unless the seriousness of the
    13     investigation is such that an immediate interrogation is
    14     necessary. The police officer may not be terminated from
    15     employment or disciplined for any work missed because of
    16     involvement in an interrogation.
    17         (2)  The interrogation shall take place at:
    18             (i)  the office of the command of the investigating
    19         officer;
    20             (ii)  the office of the agency conducting the
    21         investigation;
    22             (iii)  an office within a building owned or leased by
    23         the public agency; or
    24             (iv)  such other location as is necessary to protect
    25         the safety or identity of the police officer.
    26         (3)  At the beginning of the interrogation, the police
    27     officer under interrogation shall be informed of the name,
    28     rank and command of the police officer or municipal official
    29     or other official in charge of the interrogation and the
    30     name, rank and command of persons who will be present.
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     1         (4)  The police officer under interrogation shall be
     2     informed in writing of the nature of the complaint and
     3     provided the name or names of the complainant. This paragraph
     4     shall not apply to any investigation into alleged criminal
     5     activities which would constitute an offense graded as a
     6     misdemeanor or felony.
     7         (5)  If an anonymous or unsworn complaint is made against
     8     a police officer and no corroborative evidence is obtained
     9     within the applicable statute of limitations for an analogous
    10     criminal offense, the complaint shall be classified as
    11     unfounded, and shall be completely expunged from any
    12     personnel file maintained by the public agency on the police
    13     officer.
    14         (6)  The interrogation shall allow for personal
    15     necessities and rest periods as are reasonably necessary.
    16         (7)  The police officer under interrogation may not be
    17     unlawfully offered promises of reward or unlawfully
    18     threatened in connection with an investigation.
    19         (8)  The complete interrogation shall be recorded,
    20     including a notation of any recess periods. A copy of the
    21     record shall be made available to the police officer or the
    22     police officer's counsel or representative, upon request,
    23     without cost.
    24         (9)  If the police officer is under arrest at the time of
    25     the interrogation, the police officer shall be completely
    26     informed of the police officer's constitutional rights and
    27     all rights under law prior to the commencement of the
    28     interrogation.
    29         (10)  The police officer under interrogation shall have
    30     the right to be represented by counsel or other
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     1     representative. To the extent that the police officer is
     2     represented for purposes of collective bargaining by a
     3     collective bargaining representative pursuant to State law,
     4     the police officer shall also have the right to have an agent
     5     from the exclusive collective bargaining representative
     6     present.
     7         (11)  No police officer may be compelled to speak or
     8     testify before or be questioned by an agency which is not a
     9     law enforcement agency or a police board of inquiry. This
    10     paragraph shall be inapplicable to any judicial proceeding or
    11     to any hearing conducted by a standing or select committee of
    12     the Senate or the House of Representatives or any hearing
    13     conducted before an agency of any municipality to which this
    14     act applies.
    15         (12)  Prompt action shall be required as follows:
    16             (i)  Except as provided in subparagraph (ii), when a
    17         complaint is made against a police officer more than 90
    18         days after the applicable statute of limitations for the
    19         civil wrong alleged, the complaint shall be classified as
    20         unfounded and shall be completely expunged from any
    21         personnel file maintained by the public agency on the
    22         police officer.
    23             (ii)  Notwithstanding subparagraph (i), no complaint
    24         which alleges conduct that would constitute a misdemeanor
    25         or felony offense, if proven, shall be classified as
    26         unfounded or expunged as a stale complaint until the
    27         applicable statute of limitations expires as prescribed
    28         in 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 55 Subch. C (relating to criminal
    29         proceedings).
    30         (13)  No police officer may be compelled to submit to a
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     1     polygraph examination involuntarily. No disciplinary action
     2     or other recrimination may be taken against a police officer
     3     for refusing to submit to a polygraph examination. No
     4     testimony or evidence shall be admissible at a subsequent
     5     hearing, trial or proceeding, judicial or administrative, to
     6     the effect that the police officer refused to take a
     7     polygraph examination.
     8         (14)  No police officer may be subjected to or threatened
     9     with adverse employment action as a result of the exercise of
    10     the rights accorded to police officers under this act.
    11         (15)  No police officer may be required to disclose
    12     greater information as to property, income, assets, source of
    13     income, debts, personal or domestic expenditures, including
    14     those of any member of the police officer's family or
    15     household, than the principal elected officials of the
    16     municipality employing the police officer are required by law
    17     to disclose unless the information is obtained under proper
    18     legal procedures.
    19     (b)  Routine, informed or unplanned interrogation or
    20  contact.--This section shall not apply to any interrogation of a
    21  police officer in the normal course of duty, counseling,
    22  instruction, informal verbal admonishment or other routine or
    23  unplanned contact with a supervisor or any other officer.
    24  Section 5.  Civil suits by police officers.
    25     A police officer shall have a cause of action against any
    26  person for damages suffered as a result of a complaint filed
    27  against the police officer by that person which is found to be
    28  any of the following:
    29         (1)  without merit and frivolous; or
    30         (2)  without merit and made in bad faith.
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     1  Section 6.  Impact of collective bargaining agreements.
     2     Nothing in this act shall be construed to diminish the
     3  obligation of any public agency to comply with a collective
     4  bargaining agreement which provides greater rights and coverage
     5  to police officers than the rights and coverage provided by this
     6  act. The rights and coverage under this act may not be
     7  diminished by any collective bargaining agreement.
     8  Section 7.  Summary suspensions.
     9     (a)  Emergency suspension.--Emergency suspension of a police
    10  officer may be imposed by the public agency employing the
    11  officer if the particular and unique circumstances of the
    12  situation dictate that such action is necessary to protect the
    13  public interest or the effective functioning of the police
    14  department. A police officer who is subjected to emergency
    15  suspension may be relieved of duty, provided that the police
    16  officer receives all ordinary pay and benefits as if the police
    17  officer were not suspended.
    18     (b)  Criminal charges.--A police officer against whom a
    19  criminal proceeding involving any misdemeanor or felony offense
    20  has been instituted may be suspended without pay pending
    21  disposition of the criminal charges. Medical benefits and
    22  insurance to which a police officer and spouse and dependents
    23  are entitled by virtue of employment may not be suspended until
    24  conviction or separation of the officer from the department. If
    25  the police officer is acquitted of the criminal charges, the
    26  police officer shall be reinstated and reimbursed for all salary
    27  and benefits that have not been paid during the suspension
    28  period.
    29  Section 8.  Effective date.
    30     This act shall take effect in 60 days.
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