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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1359



No. 124 Session of 2001

           WENGER, D. WHITE AND M. WHITE, OCTOBER 2, 2001


                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Commemorating and honoring the efforts, accomplishments and
     2     achievements of Governor Thomas J. Ridge.

     3     WHEREAS, Due to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on
     4  the United States and her people, the President of the United
     5  States, George W. Bush, has called upon our Governor, Thomas J.
     6  Ridge, to defend our nation as the head of the Office of
     7  Homeland Security; and
     8     WHEREAS, Governor Ridge must heed a call to serve our country
     9  that results in Pennsylvania's loss but the nation's gain; and
    10     WHEREAS, Bound by a sense of duty that knows no personal
    11  sacrifice too great for one's nation, Governor Ridge is
    12  resigning as Governor; and
    13     WHEREAS, His past experiences and service make Governor Ridge
    14  the right person to assume such an important task at this
    15  crucial time; and
    16     WHEREAS, Governor Ridge has a daunting task involving the

     1  coordination of activities by more than 60 vastly divergent
     2  agencies, bureaus and departments in the fight against
     3  terrorism; and
     4     WHEREAS, His many skills and talents will be challenged as at
     5  no time in the past as Governor Ridge works to form these
     6  entities into a coordinated national security organization; and
     7     WHEREAS, Governor Ridge is a native Pennsylvanian who was
     8  born in Munhall, an area of Pittsburgh, and raised in Erie; and
     9     WHEREAS, He received a scholarship to Harvard University and
    10  graduated with honors; and
    11     WHEREAS, Governor Ridge first served his country during
    12  military service in Vietnam, receiving decorations for bravery
    13  and valor; and
    14     WHEREAS, He returned home from Vietnam and finished law
    15  school at the Dickinson School of Law; and
    16     WHEREAS, Governor Ridge served his hometown of Erie as an
    17  assistant district attorney; and
    18     WHEREAS, In 1982 he became the first enlisted man who served
    19  in Vietnam to be elected to the Congress of the United States,
    20  and he ably served his constituents for 12 years as a Republican
    21  in a heavily Democratic district; and
    22     WHEREAS, Governor Ridge left Erie to serve all of
    23  Pennsylvania when he was elected Governor in 1994; and
    24     WHEREAS, Governor Ridge was handily reelected in 1998 with
    25  57% of the vote in a four-way race, a percentage that was the
    26  highest for a Republican governor in Pennsylvania in more than
    27  half a century, and his 780,000-vote victory margin was the
    28  largest for a Republican governor in Pennsylvania history; and
    29     WHEREAS, As Governor he endeavored to revitalize the economy
    30  of Pennsylvania by creating hundreds of thousands of new job
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     1  opportunities and cutting taxes for seven straight years, every
     2  year of his administration; and
     3     WHEREAS, In May 2000 Governor Ridge signed the largest tax
     4  cut in Pennsylvania history, amounting to nearly $775 million;
     5  and
     6     WHEREAS, His legislative accomplishments are varied and have
     7  had a direct impact on making the lives of Pennsylvania's
     8  citizens better; and
     9     WHEREAS, These accomplishments include overhauling the
    10  workers' compensation system, reforming Pennsylvania's welfare
    11  program, bringing much-needed improvements to our highway system
    12  and pushing through tough anticrime measures during his first
    13  months in office; and
    14     WHEREAS, Since 1995, Pennsylvania families and employers have
    15  saved nearly $15 billion through tax cuts, workers' compensation
    16  reform, reduced red tape and electric competition; and
    17     WHEREAS, Under Governor Ridge's dynamic leadership our
    18  Commonwealth has one of the most competitive utility markets,
    19  with Pennsylvania becoming the first state to enable consumers
    20  to shop competitively for both electricity and natural gas and
    21  being named the number one state for electric deregulation; and
    22     WHEREAS, Pennsylvania's tax-free Keystone Opportunity Zones
    23  were named the best statewide economic-development strategy in
    24  the nation; and
    25     WHEREAS, Governor Ridge signed the nation's first model
    26  electronic commerce law; and
    27     WHEREAS, Governor Ridge eliminated the State tax on computer
    28  services and created a first-in-the-nation "Tax-Free PC"
    29  holiday, thereby closing Pennsylvania's digital divide; and
    30     WHEREAS, In May 2000 Governor Ridge signed into law the
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     1  Education Empowerment Act to help more than a quarter-million
     2  kids in Pennsylvania's lowest-performing schools; and
     3     WHEREAS, Pennsylvania's children are the beneficiaries of his
     4  bold vision for education; and
     5     WHEREAS, Governor Ridge won passage of charter public
     6  schools, alternative education for disruptive students,
     7  professional development for teachers and new standards
     8  requiring future teachers to earn higher grades in more
     9  demanding courses; and
    10     WHEREAS, He made a historic $125 million investment to
    11  improve reading proficiency and upgrade libraries and invested
    12  more than $200 million in education technology, increasing State
    13  support of Pennsylvania public schools at nearly twice the rate
    14  of inflation; and
    15     WHEREAS, Pennsylvania also has become a national leader in
    16  developing a new environmental partnership, and Governor Ridge's
    17  common-sense Land Recycling Program is a national model; and
    18     WHEREAS, There are new businesses with more than 20,000
    19  people working in productive jobs on nearly 800 formerly
    20  abandoned industrial sites, and in 1999 Governor Ridge won
    21  passage of "Growing Greener" legislation to make Pennsylvania's
    22  largest environmental investment ever, nearly $650 million; and
    23     WHEREAS, In 2000 Governor Ridge won his "Growing Smarter"
    24  land-use plan to give communities new land-use tools to control
    25  sprawl while still respecting private property rights; and
    26     WHEREAS, More than 100,000 children now get free or low-cost
    27  health care through Pennsylvania's nationally recognized
    28  Children's Health Insurance Program, a 145% increase since
    29  Governor Ridge took office in 1995; and
    30     WHEREAS, Pennsylvania's welfare rolls are at their lowest in
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     1  three decades, and since Governor Ridge and the General Assembly
     2  made sweeping changes to the State's welfare system in 1996,
     3  more than 210,000 families have left the welfare rolls and have
     4  become gainfully employed; and
     5     WHEREAS, Governor Ridge directed the money from the
     6  negotiated tobacco settlement towards serving our most vital
     7  health care needs, thus placing us in a sound position for this
     8  critical aspect of Pennsylvania's future; therefore be it
     9     RESOLVED, That the Senate, together with the citizens of
    10  Pennsylvania, recognize and laud Governor Thomas J. Ridge for
    11  his bold leadership and express profound gratitude to him for
    12  making Pennsylvania a better place in which to live and raise
    13  our families; and be it further
    14     RESOLVED, That the Senate congratulate Governor Ridge on his
    15  new mission as Director of the Office of Homeland Security and
    16  wish him well as he works to keep the United States safe.

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