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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1221



No. 977 Session of 2001

           D. WHITE, JUNE 18, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for senior
     3     judge operational support grants.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Title 42 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     7  Statutes is amended by adding a section to read:
     8  § 1906.  Senior judge operational support grants.
     9     (a)  Program.--The Court Administrator of Pennsylvania shall
    10  create a program to defray the costs imposed on counties by the
    11  rules of judicial administration for facilities and staff for
    12  senior judges assigned to the courts of common pleas.
    13     (b)  Availability.--Grants will be made available to counties
    14  based on the level of operational support provided by a county
    15  to:
    16         (1)  Senior judges formerly of the judicial district in
    17     which the county is situated who are regularly or
    18     periodically assigned in that county or who are assigned

     1     pursuant to section 4544 (relating to convening multicounty
     2     investigating grand jury).
     3         (2)  Visiting senior judges.
     4     (c)  Purpose.--Grants will be made available to counties to
     5  reimburse them for operational support provided by the county
     6  during the preceding calendar year. Grants will be calculated
     7  based on use of judicial chambers, utilization of the services
     8  of a law clerk and utilization of the services of a secretary
     9  which chambers or services is deemed adequate and appropriate by
    10  the Administrative Office as follows:
    11         (1)  Use of judicial chambers will be reimbursed at the
    12     rate of $60 per day, billable in one-half day increments.
    13         (2)  Utilization of services of a law clerk will be
    14     reimbursed at $20 per hour.
    15         (3)  Utilization of services of a secretary will be
    16     reimbursed at $12 per hour.
    17         (4)  The rates of reimbursement set forth in this
    18     subsection may be adjusted by the Court Administrator of
    19     Pennsylvania for fiscal years beginning on July 1, 2004, and
    20     thereafter.
    21     (d)  Reimbursement.--Counties will be reimbursed upon timely
    22  application by the board of commissioners or, in the absence of
    23  a board of commissioners, the executive authority of the county
    24  or, in the case of a county which is coterminous with a city of
    25  the first class, the mayor of the city of the first class. The
    26  application shall be certified by the president judge of the
    27  judicial district in which the county is situated, shall include
    28  such documentation as may be required by the Administrative
    29  Office and shall be submitted as follows:
    30         (1)  Applications for reimbursement for operational
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     1     support provided by counties during calendar 2001 shall be
     2     submitted by April 1, 2002 and grants shall be paid by June
     3     30, 2002.
     4         (2)  The due dates for applications for operational
     5     support provided during calendar years beginning January 1,
     6     2002 and thereafter shall be established by the Court
     7     Administrator of Pennsylvania.
     8     (e)  Minimum standards.--The Administrative Office shall set
     9  forth minimum standards regarding adequacy, appropriateness and
    10  quality of judicial chambers and services required to qualify
    11  for reimbursement.
    12     (f)  Reduction.--In the event that the total reimbursement
    13  qualifying for payment for any calendar year exceeds the amount
    14  appropriated by the General Assembly for such purpose, the Court
    15  Administrator of Pennsylvania shall proportionally reduce the
    16  grant for each county so that the total of all grants does not
    17  exceed the amount appropriated.
    18     (g)  Limit on grant amount.--No county shall receive more
    19  than 20% of the amount appropriated for senior judge operational
    20  support grants in any fiscal year.
    21     (h)  Report.--Not later than 60 days following payment of
    22  grants for any year, the Court Administrator of Pennsylvania
    23  shall make a report to the Appropriations Committee of the
    24  Senate and the Appropriations Committee of the House of
    25  Representatives setting forth the payments made to counties and
    26  the services provided.
    27     (i)  Expiration.--This section shall expire on June 30, 2007,
    28  unless reenacted prior to that date.
    29     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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