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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2135



No. 1720 Session of 2001

           JUNE 11, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing the Department of General Services, with the
     2     approval of the Governor, to grant and convey to Crawford-
     3     Venango Fire School, certain lands situate in Cambridge
     4     Township, Crawford County.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Land in Cambridge Township, Crawford County.
     8     (a)  Authorization.--The Department of General Services, with
     9  the approval of the Governor, is hereby authorized and directed
    10  on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant and
    11  convey to Crawford-Venango Fire School certain land situate on
    12  the grounds of SCI-Cambridge Springs described in subsection (b)
    13  for fair consideration equal to fair market value as determined
    14  by independent appraisal.
    15     (b)  Description.--The property to be conveyed pursuant to
    16  subsection (a) consists of 12.90 acres more particularly
    17  described as follows:
    18     COMMENCING at an existing pipe in the center of Ridge Road

     1  (Twp-817), said iron pipe being a southeastern corner of the
     2  whole tract and identified as Tax Parcel No. 1505-25.
     3     Thence south 76 degrees 07 minutes 53 seconds west, 159.04
     4  feet along the center of Ridge Road to an existing iron pipe;
     5     Thence south 81 degrees 03 minutes 58 seconds west, 199.46
     6  feet along the center of Ridge Road to an existing iron pipe;
     7     Thence north 89 degrees 31 minutes 49 seconds west, 106.42
     8  feet along the center of Ridge Road to a point, said point being
     9  the point of beginning and the southeast corner of the parcel
    10  being conveyed to the Crawford-Venango Fire School;
    11     Thence continuing along the center of Ridge Road, north 89
    12  degrees 31 minutes 49 seconds west, 750 feet to an existing iron
    13  pipe being at the road intersection of Ridge Road (Twp-817) and
    14  Center Street Ext. (Twp-680);
    15     Thence along the center of Center Street Ext. (Twp-680),
    16  north 02 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds west, 750 feet to a point
    17  in the center of the road;
    18     Thence leaving said Center Street Ext. and passing through a
    19  5/8 inch iron rebar setback 25.03 feet from the center of said
    20  road, south 89 degrees 31 minutes 49 seconds east, 750 feet to a
    21  5/8 inch iron rebar.
    22     Thence south 02 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds east, 750 feet
    23  and passing through a 5/8 inch iron rebar setback 25.03 feet
    24  from center of Ridge Road (Twp-817) to a point, said point being
    25  the point of BEGINNING.
    26     SAID PARCEL CONTAINING 12.90-acres.
    27     Description taken from a survey prepared by LAKE ENGINEERING,
    28  dated April 19, 2001.
    29     BEING a portion of the tract of land title to which became
    30  vested in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by Deed of The
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     1  Polish National Alliance School Corporation, dated December 22,
     2  1990 and recorded in Deed Book 0110, Page 0176 in the Office of
     3  the Recorder of Deeds of Crawford County, Pennsylvania.
     4     (c)  Easements.--The conveyance shall be made under and
     5  subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes and
     6  rights of others, including but not confined to streets,
     7  roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water,
     8  electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and
     9  subject to any lawful and enforceable estates or tenancies
    10  vested in third persons appearing of record, for any portion of
    11  the land or improvements erected thereon.
    12     (d)  Restrictive covenants.--The deed of conveyance shall
    13  contain the following restrictive covenants:
    14     Under and Subject to a condition that the lands conveyed
    15  herein shall be used as a Fire School by the Grantee, or its
    16  successor in function. Should the Grantee allow the lands
    17  conveyed to be used for any other purpose or attempts to convey
    18  the Premises, title shall immediately revert to and revest in
    19  the Grantor.
    20     Under and Subject to a condition that the Grantee, or its
    21  successor in function, will provide fire training, free of
    22  charge, to a minimum of 25 designated employees per year of the
    23  Department of Corrections, or its successor in function, in
    24  perpetuity. Should the Grantee fail to provide these services,
    25  title shall immediately revert to and revest in the Grantor.
    26     (e)  Execution.--The deed of conveyance shall be by Special
    27  Warranty Deed and shall be executed by the Secretary of General
    28  Services in the name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    29     (f)  Costs.--Costs and fees incidental to this conveyance
    30  shall be borne by the Grantee.
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     1  Section 2.  Effective date.
     2     This act shall take effect immediately.

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