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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 563



No. 3 Session of 1999

           LEMMOND, MARCH 10, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Titles 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) and 71
     2     (State Government) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes,
     3     providing for county-level court administrators and for the
     4     transfer of accumulated annual leave and sick leave of
     5     certain county administrators transferred to the State
     6     judicial personnel system; establishing the Unified Judicial
     7     System Transferred County-Level Administrator Leave Fund;
     8     requiring certain county payments; requiring periodic
     9     reports; providing for the transfer of county-level court
    10     administrators to the State Employees' Retirement System; and
    11     making a repeal.

    12     Pursuant to the Judiciary Article of the Constitution of
    13  Pennsylvania and its establishment of the Unified Judicial
    14  System and consistent with the authority of the General Assembly
    15  regarding expenditure of Commonwealth funds pursuant to Article
    16  III, Section 24, and while otherwise expressly reserving its
    17  appropriation and other legislative authority as to the funding
    18  of the Unified Judicial System, it is the intent of the General
    19  Assembly to facilitate the administration of the Unified
    20  Judicial System by providing for inclusion of key designated
    21  county-level court administrators and their designated deputies,
    22  associates and assistant administrators and special courts

     1  administrators within the State judicial personnel system and
     2  for their compensation by the Commonwealth.
     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5     Section 1.  Title 42 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     6  Statutes is amended by adding a section to read:
     7  § 1905.  County-level court administrators.
     8     (a)  Transition.--Effective on a date during the fiscal year
     9  beginning July 1, 1998, established by the Supreme Court, the
    10  offices of district court administrators, deputy court
    11  administrators, special courts administrators, associate and
    12  assistant court administrators and similar positions as
    13  currently designated by the Administrative Office of
    14  Pennsylvania Courts upon the advice of the respective president
    15  judges of the courts of common pleas shall be included within
    16  the State judicial personnel system and the individuals holding
    17  such offices shall be compensated by the Commonwealth through
    18  the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts from funds
    19  appropriated for such purpose. On the established date,
    20  individuals holding such offices shall become State employees;
    21  and their status as employees of the respective counties shall
    22  cease.
    23     (b)  Compensation.--The Administrative Office of Pennsylvania
    24  Courts shall establish salaries and other compensation for those
    25  individuals entering the State judicial personnel system
    26  pursuant to subsection (a).
    27     (c)  Compensation plan.--The Administrative Office of
    28  Pennsylvania Courts, with the approval of the Supreme Court,
    29  shall, consistent with section 1724 (relating to personnel of
    30  the system), establish a plan for use on an ongoing basis for
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     1  compensation of those individuals entering the State judicial
     2  personnel system pursuant to subsection (a) and their
     3  successors.
     4     (d)  Vacancies.--
     5         (1)  Unless the Supreme Court shall by rule otherwise
     6     provide, if a vacancy occurs in an office included in the
     7     State judicial personnel system pursuant to subsection (a),
     8     the vacancy shall with the approval of the Court
     9     Administrator of Pennsylvania be filled by the president
    10     judge or, in districts where there are administrative judges,
    11     by the president judge after consultation with the
    12     administrative judges.
    13         (2)  The Court Administrator of Pennsylvania, with the
    14     approval of the Supreme Court, shall establish standards and
    15     qualifications for individuals appointed to fill vacancies
    16     under paragraph (1).
    17     (e)  Reports to appropriations committees.--Consistent with
    18  the requirements of section 3531 (relating to budget
    19  implementation data), the Court Administrator of Pennsylvania
    20  shall make monthly reports to the Chairman and Minority Chairman
    21  of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the Chairman
    22  and Minority Chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the
    23  House of Representatives of expenditures for compensation and
    24  related expenditures for individuals who are compensated by the
    25  Commonwealth pursuant to this section.
    26     Section 2.  Chapter 23 of Title 42 is amended by adding a
    27  subchapter heading and subchapters to read:
    28                            SUBCHAPTER A
    29                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    30                               * * *
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     1                 SUBCHAPTERS B THROUGH I (RESERVED)
     2                            SUBCHAPTER J
     4                         LEAVE AND BENEFITS
     5  Sec.
     6  2391.  Short title of subchapter.
     7  2392.  Definitions.
     8  2393.  Holidays.
     9  2394.  Sick leave and annual leave.
    10  2395.  Other leave.
    11  2396.  Leave following transfer.
    12  2397.  County payments for certain leave.
    13  § 2391.  Short title of subchapter.
    14     This subchapter shall be known and may be cited as the
    15  Unified Judicial System Transferred County-Level Administrator
    16  Leave Benefit Act.
    17  § 2392.  Definitions.
    18     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
    19  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    20  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    21     "Date of transfer."  The date established pursuant to section
    22  1905 (relating to county-level court administrators) for
    23  transfer of designated administrators from employment by their
    24  employing county to employment by the State government of the
    25  Commonwealth through the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania
    26  Courts.
    27     "Employing county."  The county by which a designated
    28  administrator is employed on the day immediately preceding the
    29  designated administrator's date of transfer.
    30     "Fund."  The Unified Judicial System Transferred County-Level
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     1  Administrator Leave Fund established under section 2397
     2  (relating to county payments for certain leave).
     3     "State judicial personnel policies."  Those personnel
     4  policies and procedures established and amended by or through a
     5  process created by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and applicable
     6  to personnel of the unified judicial system.
     7     "Transferred administrator."  Personnel designated under
     8  section 1905 (relating to county-level court administrators).
     9     "Unified judicial system."  The various courts and offices
    10  enumerated in Article V of the Constitution of Pennsylvania.
    11  § 2393.  Holidays.
    12     On and after the date of transfer to the State judicial
    13  personnel system, transferred administrators shall be eligible
    14  for those paid holidays specified in State judicial personnel
    15  policies.
    16  § 2394.  Sick leave and annual leave.
    17     (a)  Accrued sick leave and annual leave to be transferred.--
    18  Subject to the provisions of subsection (b), sick leave and
    19  annual leave accrued by a transferred administrator prior to the
    20  date of transfer shall be transferred based upon the accrued
    21  sick leave and annual leave balances credited to the transferred
    22  administrator by the employing county as of the day immediately
    23  preceding the transferred administrator's date of transfer.
    24     (b)  Accrued sick leave and annual leave to be credited.--
    25  Credit for the sick leave and annual leave transferred under
    26  subsection (a) shall not exceed the maximum amount permitted for
    27  sick leave and annual leave carryover leave allowances from
    28  calendar year to calendar year by State judicial personnel
    29  policies in effect on the date of transfer. Accrued sick leave
    30  or annual leave transferred under this section shall be used by
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     1  the transferred administrator only as a credit toward sick leave
     2  or annual leave, as the case may be, to be taken in the future.
     3  The sick leave or annual leave credited under this subsection
     4  shall not, at the time of transfer, be reimbursed to the
     5  transferred administrator in the form of a lump-sum payout or
     6  other leave payout or in any other form which may be permitted
     7  by the personnel policies of the employing county in effect on
     8  the day immediately preceding the date of transfer. In the event
     9  a transferred administrator has accrued leave that is eligible
    10  for transfer and that under the employing county's personnel
    11  policies in effect on the day immediately preceding the date of
    12  transfer could be used by the transferred administrator as
    13  either sick leave or annual leave, such leave shall be credited
    14  to the transferred administrator with one-half of the leave
    15  designated as sick leave and one-half of the leave designated as
    16  annual leave.
    17     (c)  Excess leave.--Credit for accrued sick leave or annual
    18  leave which exceeds the maximum allowed by subsection (b) shall
    19  be subject to leave policies in effect in the employing county
    20  on the day immediately preceding the date of transfer. Any lump-
    21  sum payments or other sick leave payments or annual leave
    22  payments made pursuant to this subsection are and shall remain
    23  the financial responsibility of the employing county.
    24  § 2395.  Other leave.
    25     With the exception of leave specified in section 2394
    26  (relating to sick leave and annual leave), a transferred
    27  administrator may receive a lump-sum payment or other payment
    28  for other accrued leave as permitted by the personnel policies
    29  of the employing county in effect on the day immediately
    30  preceding the date of transfer. Any lump-sum payment or other
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     1  leave payments made pursuant to this section are and shall
     2  remain the financial responsibility of the employing county. For
     3  purposes of this section, the term "other accrued leave" shall
     4  not include accrued sick leave and accrued annual leave, and
     5  shall include accrued disability leave, accrued personal leave,
     6  accrued compensatory leave and other types of accrued leave
     7  encompassed within the employing county's personnel policies on
     8  the day immediately preceding the date of transfer.
     9  § 2396.  Leave following transfer.
    10     (a)  Leave accrual following date of transfer.--On and after
    11  the date of transfer, leave shall be accrued by transferred
    12  administrators as provided by State judicial personnel policies.
    13  For purposes of determining the accrual rate for annual leave,
    14  the term "service" shall mean State and county service which is
    15  creditable for retirement purposes, excluding any nonstate or
    16  noncounty service which may be creditable for State or county
    17  retirement purposes.
    18     (b)  Leave carryover following date of transfer.--On and
    19  after the date of transfer, a transferred administrator shall be
    20  permitted to carry accrued leave from calendar year to calendar
    21  year as provided by State judicial personnel policies.
    22     (c)  Leave eligible for payment.--If a transferred
    23  administrator terminates active service with the unified
    24  judicial system, such transferred administrator shall be paid
    25  for sick leave and annual leave transferred and credited under
    26  section 2394 (relating to sick leave and annual leave) and for
    27  sick, annual and other leave accrued on and after the date of
    28  transfer as permitted by State judicial personnel policies in
    29  effect on the transferred administrator's date of termination.
    30  § 2397.  County payments for certain leave.
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     1     (a)  County payments.--Each employing county shall provide
     2  payment to the Commonwealth for the accrued sick leave and
     3  annual leave transferred and credited pursuant to section 2394
     4  (relating to sick leave and annual leave). Within 30 days of the
     5  date specified in section 1905(a) (relating to county-level
     6  court administrators), each employing county shall provide, in
     7  writing, to the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts,
     8  all leave information requested by the Court Administrator of
     9  Pennsylvania for those individuals designated in section
    10  1905(a). The payment to be made by each employing county shall
    11  be determined based upon an actuarial evaluation performed by an
    12  actuary appointed by the Court Administrator of Pennsylvania
    13  from a list of three actuaries to be submitted by the Secretary
    14  of the Budget within 30 days of the effective date of this
    15  subchapter. The actuarial evaluation shall be based upon
    16  assumptions determined by the actuary to be appropriate under
    17  the circumstances to arrive at a fair and reasonable
    18  determination of an actuarially equivalent value of the accrued
    19  sick leave and annual leave transferred and credited under
    20  section 2394. The actuary shall submit the actuarial evaluation
    21  to the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts within 60
    22  days of the receipt of all information necessary to prepare such
    23  evaluation. If any employing county fails to provide the
    24  information required by this section, the county shall be
    25  subject to a penalty of $100 per day for each transferred
    26  employee until the required information is provided. Such
    27  penalties shall be paid into the fund.
    28     (b)  Notice of payment due and payment method.--Following
    29  receipt of the actuarial evaluation required by subsection (a),
    30  the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts shall notify in
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     1  writing each employing county of the actuarial value
     2  attributable to that county for accrued sick leave and annual
     3  leave transferred and credited under section 2394. Each
     4  employing county shall be obligated to the Commonwealth for
     5  payment of the actuarial value of the accrued sick leave and
     6  annual leave transferred and credited under section 2394.
     7  Payment shall be made to the Commonwealth by each employing
     8  county within 90 days of the date of the written notice from the
     9  Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts to the employing
    10  county, which date is referred to for purposes of this section
    11  as the payment due date. Any payment not received from an
    12  employing county by the payment due date shall be subject to the
    13  imposition of interest from the day following the payment due
    14  date at the rate determined by the Secretary of Revenue for
    15  interest payments on overdue taxes or the refund of taxes as
    16  provided in section 806 and 806.1 of the act of April 9, 1929
    17  (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code, and any subsequent
    18  amendments to those sections, plus 2% until paid in full.
    19     (c)  Recoupment of employing county arrearages.--If an
    20  employing county fails to submit a payment by the payment due
    21  date established under subsection (b), the Administrative Office
    22  of Pennsylvania Courts shall withhold and withdraw such payment,
    23  plus applicable interest, if any, from moneys next due to be
    24  paid to the employing county in the form of grants, subsidies or
    25  other payments to counties which are made by the Administrative
    26  Office of Pennsylvania Courts. Any moneys withheld or withdrawn
    27  under this subsection or received under subsection (b) shall be
    28  transferred to and deposited in the fund created under
    29  subsection (d) and credited to the employing county's financial
    30  obligation under this subchapter.
    19990S0003B0563                  - 9 -

     1     (d)  Establishment of fund.--There is hereby created a
     2  special nonlapsing fund in the State Treasury to be known as the
     3  Unified Judicial System Transferred County-Level Administrator
     4  Leave Fund. All moneys received from employing counties under
     5  this section and all investment income earned on those moneys
     6  shall be deposited in the fund. All moneys placed in the fund
     7  and the investment income it accrues are hereby appropriated on
     8  a continuing basis to the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania
     9  Courts, upon requisition by the Court Administrator of
    10  Pennsylvania, to be applied solely to the cost of leave payments
    11  made under section 2396(c) (relating to leave following
    12  transfer). The requisition authority granted with regard to the
    13  fund is in addition to the requisition authority contained in
    14  section 1501 of The Fiscal Code.
    15     (e)  Fund deficiency.--If money in the fund is not adequate
    16  to provide for full payment of the counties' share of leave
    17  payments, the amount necessary to fully fund the counties' share
    18  of leave payments shall become an obligation of the unified
    19  judicial system.
    20     (f)  Fund surplus.--When all leave payments for transferred
    21  administrators required to be made under this subchapter have
    22  been made, any surplus remaining in the fund shall be
    23  transferred to and is hereby appropriated to the General Fund.
    24     Section 3.  The definitions of "class of service multiplier,"
    25  "creditable nonstate service," "State service," "superannuation
    26  age" and "vestee" in section 5102 of Title 71 are amended and
    27  the section is amended by adding definitions to read:
    28  § 5102.  Definitions.
    29     The following words and phrases as used in this part, unless
    30  a different meaning is plainly required by the context, shall
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     1  have the following meanings:
     2     * * *
     3     "Class of service multiplier."

     4  Class of Service           Multiplier

     5     A                          1
     6     B                           .625
     7     C                          1
     8     D                          1.25
     9     D-1    prior to
    10            January 1, 1973     1.875
    11     D-1    on and
    12            subsequent to
    13            January 1, 1973     1.731
    14     D-2    prior to
    15            January 1, 1973     2.5
    16     D-2    on and
    17            subsequent to
    18            January 1, 1973     1.731
    19     D-3    prior to
    20            January 1, 1973     3.75
    21     D-3    on and
    22            subsequent to
    23            January 1, 1973     1.731   except prior to December
    24                                        1, 1974 as applied to any
    25                                        additional legislative
    26                                        compensation as an officer
    27                                        of the General Assembly
    28                                        3.75
    19990S0003B0563                 - 11 -

     1     E, E-1 prior to
     2            January 1, 1973     2       for each of the first ten
     3                                        years of judicial service,
     4                                        and
     5                                1.5     for each subsequent year
     6                                        of judicial service
     7     E, E-1 on and
     8            subsequent to
     9            January 1, 1973     1.50    for each of the first
    10                                        ten years of judicial
    11                                        service and
    12                                1.125   for each subsequent year
    13                                        of judicial service
    14     E-2    prior to
    15            September 1, 1973   1.5
    16     E-2    on and
    17            subsequent to
    18            September 1, 1973   1.125
    19     G                          0.417
    20     H                          0.500
    21     I                          0.625
    22     J                          0.714
    23     K                          0.834
    24     L                          1.000
    25     M                          1.100
    26     N                          1.250
    27     T-C (Public School         1
    28         Employees'
    29     Retirement Code)
    30     * * *
    19990S0003B0563                 - 12 -

     1     "County service."  Service credited in a retirement system or
     2  pension plan established or maintained by a county to provide
     3  retirement benefits for its employees to the account of county
     4  employees who are transferred to State employment and become
     5  State employees pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 1905 (relating to
     6  county-level court administrators) regardless of whether the
     7  service was performed for the county, another employer or
     8  allowed to be purchased in the county retirement system or
     9  pension plan.
    10     "Creditable nonstate service."  Service other than service as
    11  a State employee or service converted to State service pursuant
    12  to section 5303.1 (relating to election to convert county
    13  service to State service) for which an active member may obtain
    14  credit.
    15     * * *
    16     "State service."  Service converted from county service
    17  pursuant to section 5303.1 (relating to election to convert
    18  county service to State service) or rendered as a State
    19  employee.
    20     * * *
    21     "Superannuation age."  Any age upon accrual of 35 eligibility
    22  points or age 60, except for a member of the General Assembly,
    23  an enforcement officer, a correction officer, a psychiatric
    24  security aide, a Delaware River Port Authority policeman or an
    25  officer of the Pennsylvania State Police, age 50, and except for
    26  a member with Class G, Class H, Class I, Class J, Class K, Class
    27  L, Class M or Class N service, age 55 upon accrual of 20
    28  eligibility points.
    29     * * *
    30     "Vestee."  A member with ten or more eligibility points, or a
    19990S0003B0563                 - 13 -

     1  member with Class G, Class H, Class I, Class J, Class K, Class
     2  L, Class M or Class N service with eight or more eligibility
     3  points, who has terminated State service and has elected to
     4  leave his total accumulated deductions in the fund and to defer
     5  receipt of an annuity.
     6     Section 4.  Sections 5301 and 5302 of Title 71 are amended by
     7  adding subsections to read:
     8  § 5301.  Mandatory and optional membership.
     9     * * *
    10     (e)  Election prohibited.--Notwithstanding subsections
    11  (a)(13) and (c), county employees who are transferred to State
    12  employment and become State employees pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. §
    13  1905 (relating to county-level court administrators) shall not
    14  have the election to remain a contributor in the retirement
    15  system or pension plan of the county by which they were employed
    16  prior to becoming eligible for membership in the State
    17  Employees' Retirement System. Such employees shall be mandatory
    18  members of the system provided they are otherwise eligible and
    19  unless they are eligible for optional membership pursuant to
    20  subsections (a)(1) through (11) and (b) or prohibited membership
    21  pursuant to subsections (a)(14) and (c).
    22  § 5302.  Credited State service.
    23     * * *
    24     (d.1)  Effect of converting county service to State
    25  service.--A county employee transferred to State employment
    26  pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 1905 (relating to county-level court
    27  administrators) who elects to convert county service to State
    28  service pursuant to section 5303.1 (relating to election to
    29  convert county service to State service) shall receive one year
    30  or fractional part of a year of State service credit for each
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     1  year or fractional part of a year, as the case may be, of county
     2  service credited in the county retirement system or pension
     3  plan; provided, however, that no more than one year of State
     4  service of all classes will be credited in any one calendar year
     5  and that no State service credit shall be received for county
     6  service that is already credited in the system or in the Public
     7  School Employees' Retirement System.
     8     * * *
     9     Section 5.  Section 5303(b) of Title 71 is amended by adding
    10  a paragraph to read:
    11  § 5303.  Retention and reinstatement of service credits.
    12     * * *
    13     (b)  Eligibility points for prospective credited service.--
    14         * * *
    15         (1.1)  Every active member of the system who elects to
    16     convert county service to State service pursuant to section
    17     5303.1 (relating to election to convert county service to
    18     State service) shall receive eligibility points in accordance
    19     with section 5307 for converted county service upon
    20     compliance with section 5303.1(b). The class or classes of
    21     service in which the member may be credited for converted
    22     county service shall be determined in accordance with section
    23     5306(c).
    24         * * *
    25     Section 6.  Title 71 is amended by adding a section to read:
    26  § 5303.1.  Election to convert county service to State service.
    27     (a)  General rule.--County employees who are transferred to
    28  State employment pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 1905 (relating to
    29  county-level court administrators) may elect to convert their
    30  county service in the retirement system or pension plan in which
    19990S0003B0563                 - 15 -

     1  they were contributors immediately prior to the transfer to
     2  State employment.
     3     (b)  Time for making election.--The election to convert
     4  county service to State service must be made by filing written
     5  notice with the board within 90 days after the transfer to State
     6  employment. An election to convert service shall be effective
     7  when filed with the board, but shall not be effective before the
     8  date of transfer to State employment. An election to convert
     9  county service to State service shall be irrevocable.
    10     (c)  Effect of failure to make election.--Failure to elect to
    11  convert county service to State service within the election
    12  period set forth in subsection (b) shall result in the county
    13  service not being converted to State service. Transferred
    14  employees who do not elect to convert county service to State
    15  service shall not have the opportunity to make a subsequent
    16  conversion election should they later obtain different
    17  employment in the unified judicial system or other State
    18  employment eligible for membership in the system.
    19     (d)  Effect of election.--An election to convert county
    20  service to State service shall convert all county service in the
    21  retirement system or pension plan in which the transferred
    22  employee was a member immediately before the transfer to State
    23  employment, even if not performed as a judicial system employee
    24  of the county. The election shall not convert service in other
    25  retirement systems or pension plans that is not credited in the
    26  county plan from which the member is transferred. Once the
    27  conversion occurs, the converted service shall lose all
    28  attributes and characteristics as county service and shall be
    29  State service as set forth in this part.
    30     Section 7.  Section 5304(b) of Title 71 is amended to read:
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     1  § 5304.  Creditable nonstate service.
     2     * * *
     3     (b)  Limitations on eligibility.--An active member or a
     4  multiple service member who is a school employee and an active
     5  member of the Public School Employees' Retirement System shall
     6  be eligible to receive credit for nonstate service provided that
     7  he does not have credit for such service in the system or in the
     8  school system and is not entitled to receive, eligible to
     9  receive now or in the future, or is receiving retirement
    10  benefits for such service in the system or under a retirement
    11  system administered and wholly or partially paid for by any
    12  other governmental agency or by any private employer, or a
    13  retirement program approved by the employer in accordance with
    14  section 5301(a)(12) (relating to mandatory and optional
    15  membership), and further provided, that such service is
    16  certified by the previous employer and contributions are agreed
    17  upon and made in accordance with section 5505 (relating to
    18  contributions for the purchase of credit for creditable nonstate
    19  service).
    20     * * *
    21     Section 8.  Section 5306 of Title 71 is amended by adding a
    22  subsection to read:
    23  § 5306.  Classes of service.
    24     * * *
    25     (c)  Class membership for county service.--Notwithstanding
    26  subsection (a), county service that is converted to State
    27  service pursuant to section 5303.1 (relating to election to
    28  convert county service to State service) shall be credited as
    29  the following class of service:
    30  Class of service in a county of the
    19990S0003B0563                 - 17 -

     1  second class A, third class, fourth
     2  class, fifth class, sixth class,
     3  seventh class or eighth class
     4  maintaining a retirement system or
     5  pension plan under the
     6  act of August 31, 1971 (P.L.398, No.96),
     7  known as the County Pension Law               System Class of
     8                                                    Service
     9  Class 1-120                                          G
    10  Class 1-100                                          H
    11  Class 1-80                                           I
    12  Class 1-70                                           J
    13  Class 1-60                                           K
    14  Rate of accrual of benefit for each
    15  year of service in a county of the
    16  first class or second class or
    17  credited in the Pennsylvania
    18  Municipal Retirement System
    19                                                 System Class of
    20                                                     Service
    21  .833%                                                G
    22  1.00%                                                H
    23  1.250%                                               I
    24  1.428%                                               J
    25  1.667%                                               K
    26  2.000%                                               L
    27  2.200%                                               M
    28  2.500%                                               N
    29     Section 9.  Sections 5308(b) and 5309 of Title 71 are amended
    30  to read:
    19990S0003B0563                 - 18 -

     1  § 5308.  Eligibility for annuities.
     2     * * *
     3     (b)  Withdrawal annuity.--Any vestee or any active member or
     4  inactive member on leave without pay who terminates State
     5  service having ten or more eligibility points, or who has Class
     6  G, Class H, Class I, Class J, Class K, Class L, Class M or Class
     7  N service and terminates State service having eight or more
     8  eligibility points, upon compliance with section 5907(f), (g) or
     9  (h) shall be entitled to receive an annuity.
    10     * * *
    11  § 5309.  Eligibility for vesting.
    12     Any member who terminates State service with ten or more
    13  eligibility points, or any member with Class G, Class H, Class
    14  I, Class J, Class K, Class L, Class M or Class N service with
    15  eight or more eligibility points, shall be eligible until
    16  attainment of superannuation age to vest his retirement
    17  benefits.
    18     Section 10.  Section 5504(a) of Title 71 is amended and the
    19  section is amended by adding a subsection to read:
    20  § 5504.  Member contributions for the purchase of credit for
    21             previous State service or to become a full coverage
    22             member.
    23     (a)  Amount of contributions for service in other than Class
    24  G through N.--The contributions to be paid by an active member
    25  or eligible school employee for credit for total previous State
    26  service other than service in Class G, Class H, Class I, Class
    27  J, Class K, Class L, Class M and Class N or to become a full
    28  coverage member shall be sufficient to provide an amount equal
    29  to the regular and additional accumulated deductions which would
    30  have been standing to the credit of the member for such service
    19990S0003B0563                 - 19 -

     1  had regular and additional member contributions been made with
     2  full coverage in the class of service and at the rate of
     3  contribution applicable during such period of previous service
     4  and had his regular and additional accumulated deductions been
     5  credited with statutory interest during all periods of
     6  subsequent State and school service up to the date of purchase.
     7     (a.1)  Converted county service.--No contributions shall be
     8  required to restore credit for previously credited State service
     9  in Class G, Class H, Class I, Class J, Class K, Class L, Class M
    10  and Class N. Such service shall be restored upon the
    11  commencement of payment of the contributions required to restore
    12  credit for all other previous State service.
    13     * * *
    14     Section 11.  Sections 5505 and 5507 of Title 71 are amended
    15  by adding subsections to read:
    16  § 5505.  Contributions for the purchase of credit for creditable
    17             nonstate service.
    18     * * *
    19     (h)  County service.--For purposes of this section, Class G,
    20  Class H, Class I, Class J, Class K, Class L, Class M and Class N
    21  service shall be disregarded in determining when a member enters
    22  State service or the period of subsequent State service.
    23  § 5507.  Contributions by the Commonwealth and other employers.
    24     * * *
    25     (c)  Contributions transferred by county retirement
    26  systems.--
    27         (1)  Each county retirement system or pension plan which
    28     is notified by certification from the board that a former
    29     contributor who was transferred to State employment pursuant
    30     to 42 Pa.C.S. § 1905 (relating to county-level court
    19990S0003B0563                 - 20 -

     1     administrators) has elected to convert county service to
     2     State service in accordance with section 5303.1 (relating to
     3     election to convert county service to State service) shall
     4     transfer to the board an amount equal to the actuarial
     5     liability for the additional benefits that result in the
     6     system as a result of the conversion as certified by the
     7     board. This amount shall be calculated in such a manner and
     8     using such actuarial factors and assumptions as the board,
     9     after obtaining the advice of its actuary, shall determine
    10     and shall be calculated by determining the present value of
    11     the future benefits for the former county contributors and
    12     subtracting from that present value the present value of
    13     future employee contributions and future employer normal cost
    14     contributions.
    15         (2)  The transfer shall occur no later than 180 days
    16     after the certification by the board of the actuarial
    17     liability for the additional benefits, or 30 days following
    18     the date of termination of service if the member terminates
    19     State service after making the election to convert service,
    20     whichever occurs first.
    21         (3)  If any county retirement system or pension plan
    22     fails to transfer, within the required time, the money
    23     certified by the board under this subsection, then the
    24     service of such members for the period of converted service
    25     shall be credited and the board shall notify the county which
    26     employed the employee who is converting the county service
    27     and the State Treasurer, of the amount due. The State
    28     Treasurer shall withhold out of any grants, subsidies, or
    29     other payments from the State General Fund appropriation or
    30     appropriations next due such county an amount equal to the
    19990S0003B0563                 - 21 -

     1     amount which the county retirement system or pension plan
     2     failed to pay and shall pay the amount so withheld to the
     3     board for the payment of the amount due from that county's
     4     retirement system or pension plan for the converted service.
     5     Section 12.  Section 5705(a) of Title 71 is amended to read:
     6  § 5705.  Member's options.
     7     (a)  General rule.--Any special vestee who has attained
     8  superannuation age, any vestee having ten or more eligibility
     9  points, any member with Class G, Class H, Class I, Class J,
    10  Class K, Class L, Class M or Class N service having eight or
    11  more eligibility points or any other eligible member upon
    12  termination of State service who has not withdrawn his total
    13  accumulated deductions as provided in section 5701 (relating to
    14  return of total accumulated deductions) may apply for and elect
    15  to receive either a maximum single life annuity, as calculated
    16  in accordance with the provisions of section 5702 (relating to
    17  maximum single life annuity), or a reduced annuity certified by
    18  the actuary to be actuarially equivalent to the maximum single
    19  life annuity and in accordance with one of the following
    20  options; except that no member shall elect an annuity payable to
    21  one or more survivor annuitants other than his spouse or
    22  alternate payee of such a magnitude that the present value of
    23  the annuity payable to him for life plus any lump sum payment he
    24  may have elected to receive is less than 50% of the present
    25  value of his maximum single life annuity:
    26         (1)  Option 1.--A life annuity to the member with a
    27     guaranteed total payment equal to the present value of the
    28     maximum single life annuity on the effective date of
    29     retirement with the provision that, if, at his death, he has
    30     received less than such present value, the unpaid balance
    19990S0003B0563                 - 22 -

     1     shall be payable to his beneficiary.
     2         (2)  Option 2.--A joint and survivor annuity payable
     3     during the lifetime of the member with the full amount of
     4     such annuity payable thereafter to his survivor annuitant, if
     5     living at his death.
     6         (3)  Option 3.--A joint and fifty percent (50%) survivor
     7     annuity payable during the lifetime of the member with one-
     8     half of such annuity payable thereafter to his survivor
     9     annuitant, if living at his death.
    10         (4)  Option 4.--Some other benefit which shall be
    11     certified by the actuary to be actuarially equivalent to the
    12     maximum single life annuity, subject to the following
    13     restrictions:
    14             (i)  any annuity shall be payable without reduction
    15         during the lifetime of the member;
    16             (ii)  the sum of all annuities payable to the
    17         designated survivor annuitants shall not be greater than
    18         one and one-half times the annuity payable to the member;
    19         and
    20             (iii)  a portion of the benefit may be payable as a
    21         lump sum, except that such lump sum payment shall not
    22         exceed an amount equal to the total accumulated
    23         deductions standing to the credit of the member. The
    24         balance of the present value of the maximum single life
    25         annuity adjusted in accordance with section 5702(b) shall
    26         be paid in the form of an annuity with a guaranteed total
    27         payment, a single life annuity, or a joint and survivor
    28         annuity or any combination thereof but subject to the
    29         restrictions of subparagraphs (i) and (ii) under this
    30         option.
    19990S0003B0563                 - 23 -

     1     * * *
     2     Section 13.  Section 5903 of Title 71 is amended by adding a
     3  subsection to read:
     4  § 5903.  Duties of the board to advise and report to heads of
     5             departments and members.
     6     * * *
     7     (e)  Former county employees.--Upon receipt of an election by
     8  a county employee transferred to State employment pursuant to 42
     9  Pa.C.S. § 1905 (relating to county-level court administrators)
    10  to convert county service to State service, the board shall
    11  certify to the member the amount of service so converted and the
    12  class at which such service is credited.
    13     Section 14.  Sections 5905(f) and 5905.1(b) of Title 71 are
    14  amended to read:
    15  § 5905.  Duties of the board regarding applications and
    16             elections of members.
    17     * * *
    18     (f)  Initial annuity payment and certification.--The board
    19  shall make the first monthly payment to a member who is eligible
    20  for an annuity within 60 days of the filing of his application
    21  for an annuity or, in the case of a vestee or special vestee who
    22  has deferred the filing of his application to a date later than
    23  90 days following attainment of superannuation age, within 60
    24  days of the effective date of retirement, and receipt of the
    25  required data from the head of the department, and if the member
    26  has Class G, Class H, Class I, Class J, Class K, Class L, Class
    27  M or Class N service, any data required from the county
    28  retirement system or pension plan to which the member was a
    29  contributor before being a State employee. Concurrently the
    30  board shall certify to such member:
    19990S0003B0563                 - 24 -

     1         (1)  the total accumulated deductions standing to his
     2     credit showing separately the amount contributed by the
     3     member, the pickup contribution and the interest credited to
     4     the date of termination of service;
     5         (2)  the number of years and fractional part of a year
     6     credited in each class of service;
     7         (3)  the final average salary on which his annuity is
     8     based as well as any applicable reduction factors due to age
     9     and/or election of an option; and
    10         (4)  the total annuity payable under the option elected
    11     and the amount and effective date of any future reduction
    12     under section 5703 (relating to reduction of annuities on
    13     account of social security old-age insurance benefits).
    14     * * *
    15  § 5905.1.  Installment payments of accumulated deductions.
    16     * * *
    17     (b)  Payment of first installment.--The payment of the first
    18  installment shall be made in the amount and within seven days of
    19  the date specified by the member, except as follows:
    20         (1)  Upon receipt of a member's application to withdraw
    21     his total accumulated deductions as provided in section
    22     5311(a) or 5701 and upon receipt of all required data from
    23     the head of the department, and if the member has Class G,
    24     Class H, Class I, Class J, Class K, Class L, Class M or Class
    25     N service, any data required from the county retirement
    26     system or pension plan to which the member was a contributor
    27     before being transferred to State employment, the board shall
    28     not be required to pay the first installment prior to 45 days
    29     after the filing of the application and the receipt of the
    30     data or the date of termination of service, whichever is
    19990S0003B0563                 - 25 -

     1     later.
     2         (2)  In the case of an election as provided in section
     3     5705(a)(4)(iii) by a member terminating service within 60
     4     days prior to the end of a calendar year and upon receipt of
     5     all required data from the head of the department, and if the
     6     member has Class G, Class H, Class I, Class J, Class K, Class
     7     L, Class M or Class N service, any data required from the
     8     county retirement system or pension plan to which the member
     9     was a contributor before being transferred to State
    10     employment, the board shall not be required to pay the first
    11     installment prior to 21 days after the later of the filing of
    12     the application and the receipt of the data or the date of
    13     termination of service, but, unless otherwise directed by the
    14     member, the payment shall be made no later than 45 days after
    15     the filing of the application and the receipt of the data or
    16     the date of termination of service, whichever is later.
    17         (3)  In the case of an election as provided in section
    18     5705(a)(4)(iii) by a member who is not terminating service
    19     within 60 days prior to the end of a calendar year and upon
    20     receipt of all required data from the head of the department,
    21     and if the member has Class G, Class H, Class I, Class J,
    22     Class K, Class L, Class M or Class N service, any data
    23     required from the county retirement system or pension plan to
    24     which the member was a contributor before being transferred
    25     to State employment, the board shall not be required to pay
    26     the first installment prior to 45 days after the filing of
    27     the application and the receipt of the data or the date of
    28     termination of service, whichever is later.
    29     * * *
    30     Section 15.  Section 5906(j) of Title 71 is amended and the
    19990S0003B0563                 - 26 -

     1  section is amended by adding a subsection to read:
     2  § 5906.  Duties of heads of departments.
     3     * * *
     4     (e.1)  Former county-level judicial employees transferred to
     5  State employment.--In addition to the duties set forth in
     6  subsections (d) and (e), the Court Administrator of
     7  Pennsylvania, upon the transfer of county employees to State
     8  employment pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S, § 1905 (relating to county-
     9  level court administrators), shall advise such transferred
    10  county employees of their opportunity to elect to convert county
    11  service to State service in accordance with section 5303.1
    12  (relating to election to convert county service to State
    13  service) and if such employee so elects, the Court Administrator
    14  of Pennsylvania shall cause an election to be made and filed
    15  with the board within 90 days after the transfer to State
    16  employment.
    17     * * *
    18     (j)  Termination of service.--The head of department shall,
    19  in the case of any member terminating State service who is
    20  ineligible for an annuity before attainment of superannuation
    21  age, advise such member in writing of any benefits to which he
    22  may be entitled under the provisions of this part and shall have
    23  the member prepare, on or before the date of termination of
    24  State service, an application for the return of total
    25  accumulated [deduction] deductions or, on or before September
    26  30, 1997, an application to be vested as a special vestee, if
    27  eligible.
    28     * * *
    29     Section 16.  Sections 5907(b) and 5934 of Title 71 are
    30  amended to read:
    19990S0003B0563                 - 27 -

     1  § 5907.  Rights and duties of State employees and members.
     2     * * *
     3     (b)  Application for membership.--
     4         (1)  In the case of a new employee who is not currently a
     5     member of the system, and whose membership is mandatory or in
     6     the case of a new employee whose membership in the system is
     7     not mandatory but who desires to become a member of the
     8     system, the new employee shall execute an application for
     9     membership and a nomination of beneficiary.
    10         (2)  In the case of a new employee who is a county
    11     employee transferred to State employment pursuant to 42
    12     Pa.C.S. § 1905 (relating to county-level court
    13     administrators) and who desires to elect to convert county
    14     service to State service, the member shall also execute an
    15     election to convert service and file it with the board in
    16     accordance with section 5303.1 (relating to election to
    17     convert county service to State service).
    18     * * *
    19  § 5934.  State accumulation account.
    20     The State accumulation account shall be the ledger account to
    21  which shall be credited all contributions of the Commonwealth or
    22  other employers whose employees are members of the system and
    23  made in accordance with the provisions of section 5507(a)
    24  (relating to contributions by the Commonwealth and other
    25  employers) except that the amounts received under the provisions
    26  of the act of May 12, 1943 (P.L.259, No.120), and the amounts
    27  received under the provisions of the Liquor Code, act of April
    28  12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), shall be credited to the State Police
    29  benefit account or the enforcement officers' benefit account as
    30  the case may be. All amounts transferred to the fund by county
    19990S0003B0563                 - 28 -

     1  retirement systems or pension plans in accordance with the
     2  provisions of section 5507(c) (relating to contributions by the
     3  Commonwealth and other employers) also shall be credited to the
     4  State accumulation account. The State accumulation account shall
     5  be credited with valuation interest. The reserves necessary for
     6  the payment of annuities and death benefits as approved by the
     7  board and as provided in Chapter 57 (relating to benefits) shall
     8  be transferred from the State accumulation account to the
     9  annuity reserve account provided for in section 5935 (relating
    10  to annuity reserve account), except that the reserves necessary
    11  on account of a member who is an officer of the Pennsylvania
    12  State Police or an enforcement officer shall be transferred from
    13  the State accumulation account to the State Police benefit
    14  account provided for in section 5936 (relating to State Police
    15  benefit account) or to the enforcement officers' benefit account
    16  as provided for in section 5937 (relating to enforcement
    17  officers' benefit account) as the case may be.
    18     Section 17.  Title 71 is amended by adding a section to read:
    19  § 5953.5.  Transfer of domestic relations orders against county
    20             pension plans.
    21     (a)  General rule.--If, at the time a county employee becomes
    22  a State employee pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 1905 (relating to
    23  county-level court administrators), there is a domestic
    24  relations order entered against the transferred employee or the
    25  county retirement system or pension plan in which the county
    26  employee was a contributor immediately prior to the transfer to
    27  State employment and if the domestic relations order affects the
    28  rights of the transferred employee or any county alternate payee
    29  to receive money or benefits from the county retirement system
    30  or pension plan, the domestic relations order shall be affected
    19990S0003B0563                 - 29 -

     1  as follows:
     2         (1)  If the county employee elects to convert county
     3     service to State service in accordance with section 5303.1
     4     (relating to election to convert county service to State
     5     service), the domestic relations order will remain in effect;
     6     but the obligations of the county retirement system or
     7     pension plan shall be assumed by the board or system if the
     8     domestic relations order is certified as an approved domestic
     9     relations order by the secretary of the board or a designated
    10     representative pursuant to section 5953.1 (relating to
    11     approval of domestic relations orders). If the domestic
    12     relations order is not certified as an approved domestic
    13     relations order, the order shall not be effective against the
    14     board or system and shall not require the board or system to
    15     attach, assign, or otherwise pay benefits or money to any
    16     person except as otherwise provided for in this part.
    17         (2)  If the county employee does not elect to convert
    18     county service to State service, the domestic relations order
    19     shall remain in effect against the county retirement system
    20     or pension plan; and the order shall not be effective against
    21     the board or the system and shall not require the board or
    22     system to attach, assign, or otherwise pay benefits or money
    23     to any person except as otherwise provided for in this part.
    24     (b)  Construction.--
    25         (1)  Nothing in this section shall be construed to
    26     prevent a domestic relations order from being amended to
    27     satisfy the provisions of this part or to alter any
    28     distribution scheme to reflect the transfer of employment
    29     from a county to the State or the conversion of benefits from
    30     a county retirement system or pension plan to benefits from
    19990S0003B0563                 - 30 -

     1     the system.
     2         (2)  Nothing in this section shall be construed to
     3     prevent a domestic relations order from being amended to
     4     provide that all or part of the obligations attaching against
     5     the county retirement system or pension plan prior to the
     6     transfer of employment to the State shall not be transferred
     7     to the board or the system.
     8     (c)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
     9  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    10  subsection:
    11     "County alternate payee."  Any spouse, former spouse, child
    12  or dependent of a county employee who is recognized by a
    13  domestic relations order as having a right to receive all or a
    14  portion of the moneys payable to that county employee under the
    15  county retirement system or pension plan in which the county
    16  employee was a contributor immediately prior to transfer to
    17  State employment.
    18     "Domestic relations order."  As defined in section 5102
    19  (relating to definitions), regardless of whether the order was
    20  entered before or after June 28, 1994.
    21     Section 18.  This act shall apply to the county employees who
    22  become State employees pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 1905.
    23     Section 19.  County employees transferred to State employment
    24  pursuant to 42 Pa.S.C. § 1905 who are annuitants of the State
    25  Employees' Retirement System shall be required to be active
    26  members of the State Employees' Retirement System and shall have
    27  their annuities stopped pursuant to 71 Pa.C.S. §§ 5301(d) and
    28  5706, governing annuitants of the State Employees' Retirement
    29  System who return to State service. Upon subsequent termination
    30  and application for annuity, the transferred State Employees'
    19990S0003B0563                 - 31 -

     1  Retirement System annuitants shall have their benefits
     2  calculated according to the provisions of 71 Pa.C.S. Pt. XXV,
     3  regarding annuities after subsequent termination. For purposes
     4  of calculating eligibility points for the application of 71
     5  Pa.C.S. § 5706(c)(1), only eligibility points earned after the
     6  date of transfer may be included, unless the member has
     7  converted county service to State service pursuant to 71 Pa.C.S.
     8  § 5303.1. If a former annuitant has converted county service to
     9  State service, the eligibility points subsequent to the most
    10  recent receipt of an annuity that is not returned to the State
    11  Employees' Retirement System as a result of the converted
    12  service shall also be included in calculating the eligibility
    13  points under 71 Pa.C.S. § 5706(c)(1).
    14     Section 20.  Except as otherwise set forth in this act,
    15  county employees who are transferred to State employment
    16  pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 1905 shall be subject to the terms and
    17  conditions of 71 Pa.C.S. Pt. XXV in the same manner and extent
    18  as any other individual commencing State employment who is
    19  eligible for the benefits and obligations of Class A membership
    20  with a superannuation age of 60 years.
    21     Section 21.  Upon the filing by a county employee transferred
    22  to State employment pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 1905 of an election
    23  to convert county service to State service, the State Employees'
    24  Retirement Board shall notify the appropriate county retirement
    25  system or pension plan administrator. Within 30 days of
    26  notification the county retirement system or pension plan
    27  administrator shall certify to the State Employees' Retirement
    28  Board the total amount of service credited to the electing
    29  member's account, and such information on how it was earned or
    30  acquired, in the county retirement system or pension plan,
    19990S0003B0563                 - 32 -

     1  including, but not limited to, the nature of the underlying
     2  service or legal authority on which the credit was based and the
     3  dates covered by the credit as requested by the State Employees'
     4  Retirement Board. The administrators, employees, trustees and
     5  fiduciaries of all retirement systems or pension plans operated
     6  for the transferred employees shall provide whatever information
     7  and records are requested by the State Employees' Retirement
     8  System within 30 days of the request for the transferred
     9  employees. If a county retirement system or pension plan fails
    10  to provide the information required by this section, the county
    11  shall be subject to a penalty of $100 per day for each of the
    12  transferred employees until the information is provided.
    13     Section 22.  (a)  County employees who are transferred to
    14  State employment pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 1905 shall have their
    15  county employment by virtue of judicial system employment
    16  terminated effective the day before the transfer. No further
    17  rights in any county retirement system by virtue of employment
    18  with the State shall accrue, but such transferred member shall
    19  have the rights, privileges and obligations in the retirement
    20  system of the county enjoyed by any other involuntarily
    21  terminated employee who is a member of that plan of the same
    22  gender and with the same age, years of service, compensation,
    23  contributions and other factors that enter into the calculation
    24  of benefits.
    25     (b)  Notwithstanding subsection (a) or any other provision of
    26  this act, including, but not limited to, the addition of 71
    27  Pa.C.S. §§ 5301(e) and 5303.1(d), and section 23 of this act and
    28  notwithstanding any other provision of law, ordinance,
    29  collective bargaining agreement, arbitration award, contract or
    30  term or condition of any retirement system or pension plan, any
    19990S0003B0563                 - 33 -

     1  transferred member who elects to convert county service to State
     2  service may elect to leave in the county retirement system or
     3  pension plan any contributions of whatever nature made by the
     4  employee, including, but not limited to, pickup contributions,
     5  and any interest paid on those contributions. Upon making such
     6  an election, the retirement system or pension plan shall treat
     7  the contributions and interest as if the member had remained in
     8  full-time active service as an employee of the county for the
     9  period the transferred employee is a State employee, including
    10  the crediting of interest if and as otherwise provided for by
    11  the retirement system or pension plan. Upon termination of State
    12  service, the transferred employee may make application to the
    13  county pension plan or retirement system as if the transferred
    14  employee was terminating county service and shall be granted
    15  whatever rights and benefits, including an immediate lump sum
    16  distribution or an annuity from the county pension plan or
    17  retirement system equal to the contributions and interest in the
    18  member's account with the county, provided to a terminating
    19  member with the age and service the member would have possessed
    20  had the member remained a full-time employee of the county. Such
    21  election must be in writing filed with the administrator of the
    22  county pension plan or retirement system from which the county
    23  service is being converted and must be made within 30 days after
    24  the election to convert county service to State service.
    25     Section 23.  County service that is converted to State
    26  service pursuant to 71 Pa.C.S. § 5303.1 shall be canceled in all
    27  retirement systems in which it was previously credited and shall
    28  lose all characteristics of county service.
    29     Section 24.  For purposes of this act, any county employee
    30  who is transferred to State employment pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. §
    19990S0003B0563                 - 34 -

     1  1905, who is on leave at the time of the transfer or who is not
     2  an active participant or contributor to the county retirement
     3  system or pension plan but is still an employee of the county
     4  judicial system at the time of the transfer shall be deemed an
     5  active member for purposes of the implementation of this act and
     6  the elections required herein.
     7     Section 25.  Notwithstanding the definition of "final average
     8  salary" contained in 71 Pa.C.S. § 5102, if a member who elects
     9  to convert county service to State service pursuant to 71 Pa.C.S
    10  § 5303.1 terminates State service before having been a member of
    11  the State Employees' Retirement System for three nonoverlapping
    12  periods of four consecutive calendar quarters, the final average
    13  salary shall be determined on the basis of the compensation
    14  received as a State employee and as a county employee before the
    15  transfer to State employment and shall be calculated over any
    16  three nonoverlapping periods of four consecutive calendar
    17  quarters during which the member was a State employee or a
    18  county employee, with the compensation for part-time service
    19  being annualized on the basis of the fractional portion of the
    20  year for which credit is received.
    21     Section 26.  Contributions and other money transferred from
    22  the county retirement systems and pension plans to the State
    23  Employees' Retirement System shall retain the same attributes
    24  for Federal, State and local tax laws to the extent allowed by
    25  law.
    26     Section 27.  Notwithstanding any regulation promulgated by
    27  the State Employees' Retirement Board, eligibility for
    28  superannuation benefits at 55 years of age shall require the
    29  actual accrual of 20 eligibility points. Consistent with 71
    30  Pa.C.S. Pt. XXV, known as the State Employees' Retirement Code,
    19990S0003B0563                 - 35 -

     1  and its application by the board, members who have Class G,
     2  Class H, Class I, Class J, Class K, Class L, Class M or Class N
     3  service have a superannuation age upon the attainment of age 55
     4  with 20 or more eligibility points only for service in those
     5  classes of service.
     6     Section 28.  The General Assembly declares that the
     7  provisions of this act are expressly nonseverable and that in
     8  the event a court of competent jurisdiction rules finally that
     9  any provision mandated in this act is legally or
    10  constitutionally impermissible, this entire act shall be void.
    11     Section 29.  The calculation of the contributions to be
    12  transferred by county retirement systems or pension plans
    13  pursuant to 71 Pa.C.S. § 5507(c) shall include interest at the
    14  annual rate adopted for that fiscal year by the board for the
    15  calculation of the normal contribution rate pursuant to 71
    16  Pa.C.S. § 5508(b) from the effective date of the transfer of the
    17  former county employees to State employment to the date of the
    18  transfer of the funds to the State Employees' Retirement System.
    19     Section 30.  This act constitutes the legislation referred to
    20  in section 281 of the act of April 22, 1998 (P.L.   , No.6A),
    21  known as the General Appropriations Act of 1998, which provides
    22  as to the appropriation for county court administrators for the
    23  unified judicial system in part: "No funds from this
    24  appropriation shall be expended until legislation is approved by
    25  the General Assembly and enacted into law by the Governor which
    26  provides for: (i)  the payment by the Commonwealth of
    27  compensation of county court administrators, and (ii)  the
    28  Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts to submit
    29  semiannual reports to the Appropriations Committee of the Senate
    30  and the House of Representatives setting forth expenditure and
    19990S0003B0563                 - 36 -

     1  complement plans and showing the status of personnel actions and
     2  expenditures" and such provision of section 281 is hereby
     3  repealed.
     4     Section 31.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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