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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3453



No. 2498 Session of 2000



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of October 6, 1998 (P.L.705, No.92), entitled
     2     "An act providing for the creation of keystone opportunity
     3     zones to foster economic opportunities in this Commonwealth,
     4     to facilitate economic development, stimulate industrial,
     5     commercial and residential improvements and prevent physical
     6     and infrastructure deterioration of geographic areas within
     7     this Commonwealth; authorizing expenditures; providing tax
     8     exemptions, tax deductions, tax abatements and tax credits;
     9     creating additional obligations of the Commonwealth and local
    10     governmental units; and prescribing powers and duties of
    11     certain State and local departments, agencies and officials,"
    12     further providing for applications, for residency, for
    13     personal income tax, for residency considerations, for
    14     employer information, for corporate net income tax, for
    15     capital stock franchise tax, for real property tax, for local
    16     earned income and net profits taxes and business privilege
    17     taxes, for transferability, for recapture, for delinquent
    18     taxes and for code compliance; providing for notice and for
    19     application time; and further providing for compliance.

    20     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    21  hereby enacts as follows:
    22     Section 1.  Sections 301, 306, 512, 513, 514, 515(d), 516,
    23  702, 703, 901, 902, 903 and 904 of the act of October 6, 1998
    24  (P.L.705, No.92), known as the Pennsylvania Keystone Opportunity

     1  Zone Act, are amended to read:
     2  Section 301.  Keystone opportunity zones.
     3     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established within the
     4  department a program providing for the designation of portions
     5  of this Commonwealth as keystone opportunity zones. A keystone
     6  opportunity zone shall be comprised of deteriorated property and
     7  shall not exceed a total of 5,000 acres.
     8     (b)  Designation.--The department shall designate not more
     9  than 12 keystone opportunity zones in this Commonwealth. Persons
    10  and businesses within a designated keystone opportunity zone
    11  that are qualified under this act shall be entitled to all tax
    12  exemptions, deductions, abatements or credits set forth in this
    13  act for a period not to exceed 12 years beginning January 1,
    14  1999, and ending on or before December 31, 2010.
    15     (c)  Subzones.--A keystone opportunity zone may be comprised
    16  of up to 12 clearly defined subzones containing a minimum of 20
    17  contiguous acres each. The subzones may or may not be contiguous
    18  to each other. The total number of subzones shall not exceed
    19  5,000 acres in the aggregate. The department may approve the use
    20  of a subzone containing a minimum of ten acres in an area that
    21  is not included in a metropolitan statistical area.
    22     (d)  Authorization for local tax exemption.--Every political
    23  subdivision within which a proposed keystone opportunity zone is
    24  located, whether in whole or in part, is hereby authorized to
    25  provide tax exemptions, deductions, abatements or credits to
    26  persons and businesses qualified under this act. The political
    27  subdivision shall agree to provide exemptions, deductions,
    28  abatements or credits from all local taxes set forth in this act
    29  in order to qualify to be designated a keystone opportunity zone
    30  within that political subdivision. Except as provided in section
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     1  303(e), the exemptions, deductions, abatements or credits shall
     2  be effective January 1, 1999, if designation of a keystone
     3  opportunity zone within the political subdivision is granted by
     4  the department. The exemptions, deductions, abatements or
     5  credits shall be binding upon the political subdivision for the
     6  duration of the keystone opportunity zone designation.
     7     (e)  Authorization to extend State and local tax
     8  exemptions.--A keystone opportunity zone which does not provide
     9  for the exemptions, deductions, abatements or credits set forth
    10  in this act for a period of 12 years, ending on December 31,
    11  2010, may receive departmental designation to extend such State
    12  and local tax relief to the period ending December 31, 2010. A
    13  qualified political subdivision having an approved keystone
    14  opportunity subzone within its jurisdiction shall pass the
    15  required ordinances, resolutions or other required action of the
    16  qualified political subdivision for the necessary exemptions,
    17  deductions, abatements or credits pursuant to this act for the
    18  period after December 31, 2008, and before January 1, 2011, and
    19  shall submit copies to the department by December 31, 2000. The
    20  department shall approve or deny the extension of the duration
    21  of the keystone opportunity zone authorized under this
    22  subsection by February 28, 2001, and shall provide written
    23  notice, irrespective of whether approved or denied, to each
    24  qualified political subdivision, resident and qualified business
    25  affected. Upon approval of the extension of the duration of the
    26  keystone opportunity zone under this subsection, the exemptions,
    27  deductions, abatements or credits shall be binding upon the
    28  qualified political subdivision as provided in subsection (d)
    29  and shall be nonrevocable.
    30  Section 306.  Residency.
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     1     In order to qualify each year for a tax exemption, deduction,
     2  abatement or credit under this act, a person shall be domiciled
     3  and shall reside in the keystone opportunity zone for a period
     4  of 184 consecutive days during each taxable year, which may
     5  begin on the date of designation by the department or on the
     6  date the person first resides within the zone.
     7  Section 512.  Personal income tax.
     8     (a)  General rule.--For the 1999 taxable year and each tax
     9  year after 1999 and to the extent and for the duration provided
    10  in this act a person shall be allowed an exemption for:
    11         (1)  Compensation received during the time period when
    12     the person was a resident of a keystone opportunity zone.
    13         (2)  Net income from the operation of a qualified
    14     business received by a resident or nonresident of a keystone
    15     opportunity zone attributable to business activity conducted
    16     within a keystone opportunity zone [after provision for all
    17     costs and expenses incurred in the conduct thereof],
    18     determined [either on a cash or accrual basis] in accordance
    19     with [accepted accounting principles and practices but
    20     without deduction of taxes based on income.] section 515 of
    21     this act, provided that any business that operates both
    22     within and outside this Commonwealth, before computing its
    23     keystone opportunity zone exemption, shall first determine
    24     its Pennsylvania activity over its activity everywhere by
    25     applying the three-factor apportionment formula as set forth
    26     in Department of Revenue personal income tax regulations
    27     applicable to income apportionment in connection with a
    28     business, trade or profession carried on both within and
    29     without this Commonwealth.
    30         (3) All of the following:
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     1             (i)  Net gains or income, less net losses, derived by
     2         a resident or nonresident of a keystone opportunity zone
     3         from the sale, exchange or disposition of real or
     4         tangible personal property located in a keystone
     5         opportunity zone as determined in accordance with
     6         accepted accounting principles and practices. The
     7         exemption provided in this subparagraph shall not apply
     8         to the sale, exchange or disposition of any stock of
     9         goods, merchandise or inventory, or any operational
    10         assets unless the transfer is in connection with the
    11         sale, exchange or disposition of all of the assets in
    12         complete liquidation of a qualified business located in a
    13         keystone opportunity zone. This subparagraph shall apply
    14         to intangible personal property employed in a trade,
    15         profession or business in a keystone opportunity zone by
    16         a qualified business, but only when transferred in
    17         connection with a sale, exchange or other disposition of
    18         all of the assets in complete liquidation of the
    19         qualified business in the keystone opportunity zone.
    20             (ii)  Net gains, less net losses, realized by a
    21         resident of a keystone opportunity zone from the sale,
    22         exchange or disposition of intangible personal property
    23         or obligations issued on or after February 1, 1994, by
    24         the Commonwealth, a public authority, commission, board
    25         or other Commonwealth agency, political subdivision or
    26         authority created by a political subdivision or by the
    27         Federal Government as determined in accordance with
    28         accepted accounting principles and practices.
    29             (iii)  The exemption from income for gain or loss
    30         provided for in this subparagraph shall be prorated based
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     1         on [either] the following:
     2                 (A)  In the case of gains, less net losses, in
     3             subparagraph (i), the percentage of time, based on
     4             calendar days, the property located in a keystone
     5             opportunity zone was held by [the taxpayer while] a
     6             resident or nonresident of a keystone opportunity
     7             zone during the time period the keystone opportunity
     8             zone was in effect in relation to the total time the
     9             property was held [by the taxpayer; or].
    10                 (B)  In the case of gains, less net losses, in
    11             subparagraph (ii), the percentage of time, based on
    12             calendar days, the [real or tangible personal]
    13             property [located in the keystone opportunity zone]
    14             was held by the taxpayer while a [nonresident]
    15             resident of a keystone opportunity zone [during the
    16             time period the keystone opportunity zone was in
    17             effect] in relation to the total time the [real or
    18             tangible personal] property was held [by a
    19             nonresident].
    20         (4)  Net gains or income derived from or in the form of
    21     rents received by a person, whether a resident or nonresident
    22     of a keystone opportunity zone, to the extent that income or
    23     loss from the rental of real or tangible personal property is
    24     allocable to a keystone opportunity zone. For purposes of
    25     calculating this exemption:
    26             (i)  Net rents derived from real or tangible personal
    27         property located in a keystone opportunity zone are
    28         allocable to a keystone opportunity zone.
    29             (ii)  If the tangible personal property was used both
    30         within and without the keystone opportunity zone during
    20000H2498B3453                  - 6 -

     1         the taxable year, only the net income attributable to use
     2         in the keystone opportunity zone is exempt. The net
     3         rental income shall be multiplied by a fraction, the
     4         numerator of which is the number of days the property was
     5         used in the keystone opportunity zone and the denominator
     6         which is the total days of use.
     7         (5)  Dividends received during the time the person was a
     8     resident of a keystone opportunity zone.
     9         (6)  Interest received during the time period the person
    10     was a resident of a keystone opportunity zone.
    11         (7)  [Net gains or income derived through estates or
    12     trusts received by a resident of a keystone opportunity zone
    13     at the time of such receipt.] For a resident-beneficiary of
    14     an estate or trust, the part of the income or gains received
    15     by the estate or trust for its taxable year ending within or
    16     with the resident-beneficiary's taxable year, which, under
    17     the governing instrument and applicable State law, is
    18     required to be distributed currently or is in fact paid or
    19     credited to the resident-beneficiary and which would have
    20     been exempt under this act if received by a resident-
    21     beneficiary directly.
    22     (a.1)  Pass through entities.--The exemptions provided for in
    23  this section shall apply to all of the following:
    24         (1)  The income or gain of a partnership or association.
    25     The partner or member shall be entitled to the exemptions
    26     under this section for the partner's or member's share,
    27     whether or not distributed, of the income or gain received by
    28     the partnership or association for its taxable year ending
    29     within or with the partner's or member's taxable year.
    30         (2)  The income or gain of a Pennsylvania S Corporation.
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     1     The shareholder shall be entitled to the exemptions under
     2     this section for the shareholder's pro rata share, whether or
     3     not distributed, of the income or gain received by the
     4     corporation for its taxable year ending within or with the
     5     shareholder's taxable year.
     6     (b)  Limitation.--A partnership, association, Subchapter S
     7  corporation, resident or nonresident may not apply an exemption
     8  from income under this act for any class of income against any
     9  other classes of income or gain. A partnership, association,
    10  Subchapter S corporation, resident or nonresident may not carry
    11  back or carry forward any exemption under this act from year to
    12  year.
    13     (c)  Section not applicable to certain entities.--Any portion
    14  of net income or gain which is attributable to operation of a
    15  railroad, truck, bus or airline company, pipeline or natural gas
    16  company, water transportation company, an entity which would
    17  qualify as a regulated investment company under Article IV of
    18  the Tax Reform Code of 1971 or would qualify as a holding
    19  company under Article VI of the Tax Reform Code of 1971 and any
    20  entity activity which is associated or affiliated with any of
    21  these operations shall not be used to calculate an exemption
    22  under this section. This subsection shall not apply to the
    23  exemption from tax provided in subsection (a)(5).
    24  Section 513.  Residency considerations.
    25     If a person completes the residency requirements under
    26  section 306 or if a nonresident realizes income attributable to
    27  business activity or property within a keystone opportunity zone
    28  on or before the end of the tax year, the person may claim the
    29  exemptions from income for the items set forth in section 512
    30  for that portion of the tax year that the person was a resident
    20000H2498B3453                  - 8 -

     1  or for that portion of the tax year during which the area is
     2  designated as a keystone opportunity zone. [If the person meets
     3  the residency requirements under section 306 in a tax year
     4  subsequent to the tax year in which the person first resided in
     5  the keystone opportunity zone, the person may file an amended
     6  tax return within the applicable statute of limitations to claim
     7  an exemption from income for the period of residency within the
     8  keystone opportunity zone.
     9  Section 514.  Information for employer.
    10     (a)  Duty of employee.--Every person who is an employee that
    11  qualifies as a resident of a keystone opportunity zone shall
    12  furnish to his or her employer information, as prescribed by the
    13  Department of Revenue, necessary for the employer to withhold
    14  the correct amount of tax. An employee shall furnish
    15  notification to his or her employer of any changes to the
    16  information within 20 days after the change. An employee shall
    17  notify his or her employer that the employee has completed the
    18  residency requirements under section 306.
    19     (b)  Duty of employer.--Within 20 days after an employer
    20  receives information from an employee pursuant to subsection
    21  (a), the employer shall forward a copy of that information to
    22  the Department of Revenue. The information shall not be given
    23  retroactive effect for withholding purposes. The employer shall
    24  not be required to withhold tax from the compensation paid to a
    25  resident of a keystone opportunity zone, if reasonable under the
    26  circumstances, unless directed by the Department of Revenue to
    27  withhold tax from the compensation on some other basis. If an
    28  employee fails or refuses to furnish the information or
    29  furnishes information that the employer reasonably and in good
    30  faith believes to be inaccurate, the employer shall withhold the
    20000H2498B3453                  - 9 -

     1  full rate of tax from the employee's total compensation.]
     2  Section 515.  Corporate net income tax.
     3     * * *
     4     (d)  Income apportionment.--All taxable income of a qualified
     5  business shall be apportioned to the keystone opportunity zone
     6  by multiplying the Pennsylvania taxable income by a fraction,
     7  the numerator of which is the property factor plus the payroll
     8  factor plus the sales factor and the denominator of which is
     9  three[.] in accordance with the following:
    10         (1)  The property factor is a fraction, the numerator of
    11     which is the average value of the taxpayer's real and
    12     tangible personal property owned or rented and used in the
    13     keystone opportunity zone during the tax period and the
    14     denominator of which is the average value of all the
    15     taxpayer's real and tangible personal property owned or
    16     rented and used in this Commonwealth during the tax period
    17     but shall not include the security interest of any
    18     corporation as seller or lessor in personal property sold or
    19     leased under a conditional sale, bailment lease, chattel
    20     mortgage or other contract providing for the retention of a
    21     lien or title as security for the sales price of the
    22     property.
    23         (2) (i)  The payroll factor is a fraction, the numerator
    24         of which is the total amount paid in the keystone
    25         opportunity zone during the tax period by the taxpayer
    26         for compensation and the denominator of which is the
    27         total compensation paid in this Commonwealth during the
    28         tax period.
    29             (ii)  Compensation is paid in the keystone
    30         opportunity zone if:
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     1                 (A)  the person's service is performed entirely
     2             within the keystone opportunity zone;
     3                 (B)  the person's service is performed both
     4             within and without the keystone opportunity zone, but
     5             the service performed without the keystone
     6             opportunity zone is incidental to the person's
     7             service within the keystone opportunity zone; or
     8                 (C)  some of the service is performed in the
     9             keystone opportunity zone and the base of operations
    10             or, if there is no base of operations, the place from
    11             which the service is directed or controlled is in the
    12             keystone opportunity zone, or the base of operations
    13             or the place from which the service is directed or
    14             controlled is not in any location in which some part
    15             of the service is performed, but the person's
    16             residence is in the keystone opportunity zone.
    17         (3)  The sales factor is a fraction, the numerator of
    18     which is the total sales of the taxpayer in the keystone
    19     opportunity zone during the tax period and the denominator of
    20     which is the total sales of the taxpayer in this Commonwealth
    21     during the tax period.
    22             (i)  Sales of tangible personal property are in the
    23         keystone opportunity zone if the property is delivered or
    24         shipped to a purchaser within the keystone opportunity
    25         zone regardless of the F.O.B. point or other conditions
    26         of the sale.
    27             (ii)  Sales other than sales of tangible personal
    28         property are in the keystone opportunity zone if:
    29                 (A)  the income-producing activity is performed
    30             in the keystone opportunity zone; or
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     1                 (B)  the income-producing activity is performed
     2             both within and without the keystone opportunity zone
     3             and a greater proportion of the income-producing
     4             activity is performed in the keystone opportunity
     5             zone than in any other location, based on costs of
     6             performance.
     7     * * *
     8  Section 516.  Capital stock franchise tax.
     9     (a)  Credits.--For tax years that begin on or after January
    10  1, 1999, a corporation that is a qualified business under
    11  section 307(a) may claim a credit against the tax imposed by
    12  Article VI of the Tax Reform Code of 1971 for the taxable year
    13  to the extent of the tax liability attributable to the capital
    14  employed within a keystone opportunity zone in the taxable year.
    15     (b)  Tax liability.--The corporation's tax liability
    16  attributable to capital employed within a keystone opportunity
    17  zone shall be determined by multiplying the corporation's
    18  taxable value attributable to capital employed within the
    19  keystone opportunity zone by the rate of tax imposed under
    20  Article VI of the Tax Reform Code of 1971 for the taxable year.
    21  The corporation shall compute its Pennsylvania taxable value in
    22  conformity with Article VI of the Tax Reform Code of 1971 with
    23  no adjustments or subtractions for the capital employed in the
    24  keystone opportunity zone.
    25     (c)  Determination of attributable tax liability.--The
    26  determination of the corporation's taxable value attributable to
    27  the capital employed within a keystone opportunity zone shall be
    28  determined with specific reference to the following:
    29         (1)  If the entire business of the corporation in this
    30     Commonwealth is transacted wholly within a keystone
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     1     opportunity zone, the taxable value attributable to the
     2     capital employed within a keystone opportunity zone shall
     3     consist of the Pennsylvania taxable value as determined under
     4     Article VI of the Tax Reform Code of 1971.
     5         (2)  If the entire business of the corporation in this
     6     Commonwealth is not wholly transacted within a keystone
     7     opportunity zone, the taxable value of a corporation in a
     8     keystone opportunity zone shall be determined upon such
     9     portion of the Pennsylvania taxable value attributable to the
    10     capital employed within the keystone opportunity zone by
    11     employing the apportionment factors set forth in [subsection
    12     (d)] section 515(d).
    13     [(d)  Capital stock and franchise tax apportionment.--For
    14  purposes of apportionment of the capital stock and franchise
    15  tax, the apportionment fraction shall be the property factor
    16  plus the payroll factor plus the sales factor as the numerator,
    17  and the denominator shall be three. In determining the relevant
    18  apportionment factors, the numerator of the property, payroll
    19  and sales factors shall not include any property, payroll and
    20  sales attributable to manufacturing, processing, research and
    21  development activities conducted within a keystone opportunity
    22  zone, and the denominator of the property, payroll and sales
    23  factors shall not include any property, payroll and sales
    24  attributable to manufacturing, processing and research and
    25  development activities conducted within this Commonwealth but
    26  without a keystone opportunity zone.]
    27     (e)  Limitation on amount of credit.--The credit allowed
    28  under this section shall not exceed the capital stock franchise
    29  tax liability of the taxpayer for the tax year.
    30     (f)  Credit not available.--Any portion of the taxpayer's tax
    20000H2498B3453                 - 13 -

     1  liability that is attributable to the capital employed in the
     2  operation of a railroad, truck, bus or airline company, pipeline
     3  or natural gas company, water transportation company, a
     4  corporation that qualifies[,] as a regulated investment company
     5  under Article IV of the Tax Reform Code of 1971 or holding
     6  company as defined in Article VI of the Tax Reform Code of 1971
     7  and any capital employed in a business activity that is
     8  associated or affiliated with the operation of these business
     9  activities shall not be used to calculate a credit under this
    10  section.
    11  Section 702.  Real property tax.
    12     (a)  General rule.--Notwithstanding the act of May 22, 1933
    13  (P.L.853, No.155), known as The General County Assessment Law,
    14  and the act of May 21, 1943 (P.L.571, No.254), known as The
    15  Fourth to Eighth Class County Assessment Law, each qualified
    16  political subdivision for taxable years beginning on or after
    17  January 1, 1999, shall by ordinance or resolution abate 100% of
    18  the real property taxation on the assessed valuation of
    19  deteriorated property in an area designated as a keystone
    20  opportunity zone within this Commonwealth. The real property tax
    21  abatement provided for by this section shall apply to all real
    22  property located in a keystone opportunity zone, irrespective of
    23  the business activity, if any, made of the realty by its owner,
    24  when this act is in effect.
    25     (b)  Investment in lieu of tax payment.--
    26         (1)  A qualified political subdivision may require a
    27     resident of deteriorated real property to invest up to 25% of
    28     all real property taxes which would have been due if the real
    29     property was not located in a keystone opportunity zone in
    30     improvements to the real property in order for the residents
    20000H2498B3453                 - 14 -

     1     to be qualified for exemptions, credits and abatements under
     2     this act.
     3         (2)  A qualified political subdivision may require a
     4     nonresident owner of deteriorated real property who leases
     5     the real property to a person for residential use [shall] to
     6     invest 50% of all real property taxes which would have been
     7     due if the real property was not located in a keystone
     8     opportunity zone in improvements to the real property.
     9     [(c)  Application for tax abatement.--Any person requesting
    10  real property tax abatement pursuant to ordinances or
    11  resolutions adopted pursuant to this act shall notify each
    12  county or other designated assessment office granting such
    13  abatement in writing on a form provided by that assessment
    14  office within 30 days of the designation as a keystone
    15  opportunity zone or within 30 days of the transfer of ownership
    16  of the real property subject to abatement. A copy of the
    17  abatement request shall be forwarded by the county or other
    18  designated assessment office to the political subdivision.]
    19     (d)  Annual real property report.--Every keystone opportunity
    20  zone shall submit to the department an annual report by January
    21  31 of each calendar year of all real property, and the owners
    22  and addresses of that real property at any time during the
    23  preceding year, which is located in a designated keystone
    24  opportunity zone.
    25     (e)  Interest and penalties.--If the department or a
    26  political subdivision finds that a person claimed an abatement
    27  of real property tax to which the person was not entitled under
    28  this act, the person shall be liable for the abated taxes and
    29  subject to the applicable interest and penalty provisions
    30  provided by law.
    20000H2498B3453                 - 15 -

     1     (f)  Calculations for education subsidy for school
     2  districts.--In determining the market value of real property in
     3  each school district, the State Tax Equalization Board shall
     4  exclude any increase in value above the base value prior to the
     5  effect of the abatement of local taxes to the extent and during
     6  the period of time that real estate tax revenues attributable to
     7  such increased value are not available to the school district
     8  for general school district purposes.
     9  Section 703.  Local earned income and net profits taxes;
    10                 business privilege taxes.
    11     (a)  General exemption.--To the extent that a qualified
    12  political subdivision has enacted any tax on the privilege of
    13  engaging in any business or profession, measured by gross
    14  receipts or on a flat rate basis, earned income or net profits,
    15  as defined in the act of December 31, 1965 (P.L.1257, No.511),
    16  known as The Local Tax Enabling Act, imposed within the
    17  boundaries of a keystone opportunity zone, such qualified
    18  political subdivision shall exempt from the imposition or
    19  operation of such local tax ordinances, statutes, regulations or
    20  otherwise:
    21         (1)  The business gross receipts for operations conducted
    22     by a qualified business within a keystone opportunity zone.
    23         (2)  The earned income received by a resident of a
    24     keystone opportunity zone.
    25         (3)  The net profits of a qualified business [received by
    26     a resident or nonresident of a keystone opportunity zone]
    27     attributable to business activity conducted within a keystone
    28     opportunity zone when imposed by the qualified political
    29     subdivision where that qualified business is located.
    30     (b)  Additional exemptions.--To the extent that a qualified
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     1  political subdivision has:
     2         (1)  Pursuant to the act of August 5, 1932 (Sp.Sess.
     3     P.L.45, No.45), referred to as the Sterling Act, the act of
     4     March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School
     5     Code of 1949, the act of August 24, 1961 (P.L.1135, No.508),
     6     referred to as the First Class A School District Earned
     7     Income Tax Act, the act of August 9, 1963 (P.L.640, No.338),
     8     entitled "An act empowering cities of the first class,
     9     coterminous with school districts of the first class, to
    10     authorize the boards of public education of such school
    11     districts to impose certain additional taxes for school
    12     district purposes, and providing for the levy, assessment and
    13     collection of such taxes," the act of May 30, 1984 (P.L.345,
    14     No.69), known as the First Class City Business Tax Reform
    15     Act, or the act of June 5, 1991 (P.L.9, No.6), known as the
    16     Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority Act for
    17     Cities of the First Class, enacted a tax on:
    18             (i)  the privilege of engaging in a profession or
    19         business;
    20             (ii)  wages or compensation;
    21             (iii)  net profits from the operation of a business,
    22         profession or other activity; or
    23             (iv)  the occupancy or use of real property.
    24         (2)  The qualified political subdivision shall provide an
    25     exemption, deduction, abatement or credit from the imposition
    26     and operation of such local tax ordinance or resolution all
    27     of the following:
    28             (i)  A person or qualified business, whether a
    29         resident or a nonresident of a keystone opportunity zone,
    30         for the privilege of engaging in a business or profession
    20000H2498B3453                 - 17 -

     1         within a keystone opportunity zone.
     2             (ii)  Salaries, wages, commissions, compensation or
     3         other income received for services rendered or work
     4         performed by a resident of a keystone opportunity zone.
     5             (iii)  The gross or net income or gross or net
     6         profits realized from the operation of a qualified
     7         business to the extent attributable to business activity
     8         conducted within a keystone opportunity zone.
     9             (iv)  The occupancy or use of real property located
    10         within the keystone opportunity zone.
    11     [(c)  Limitation on withholding.--Every employer required to
    12  withhold any local tax on the earned income, wages or
    13  compensation of one or more persons within the particular
    14  political subdivision shall not withhold such tax on earned
    15  income, wages or compensation paid to any person or his personal
    16  representative during any period when the qualified political
    17  subdivision has by ordinance or resolution provided for the
    18  exemption from tax as provided in section 701 and the person is
    19  a resident of a keystone opportunity zone.
    20     (d)  Information for employer.--Every person who is an
    21  employee that qualifies as a resident of a keystone opportunity
    22  zone shall furnish to his or her employer information, as
    23  prescribed by the political subdivision, necessary for the
    24  employer to withhold the correct amount of tax. An employee
    25  shall furnish notification to his or her employer of any changes
    26  to the information within 20 days after the change. An employee
    27  shall notify his or her employer that the employee has completed
    28  the residency requirements under section 306.
    29     (e)  Duty of employer.--Within 20 days after an employer
    30  receives information from an employee pursuant to subsection
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     1  (d), the employer shall forward a copy of that information to
     2  the political subdivision or other agency designated by the
     3  political subdivision. The information shall not be given
     4  retroactive effect for withholding purposes. The employer shall
     5  not be required to withhold tax from the wages, earned income or
     6  compensation paid to a resident of a keystone opportunity zone,
     7  if reasonable under the circumstances, unless directed by the
     8  political subdivision to withhold tax from the wages, earned
     9  income or compensation on some other basis. If an employee fails
    10  or refuses to furnish the information or furnishes information
    11  that the employer reasonably and in good faith believes to be
    12  inaccurate, the employer shall withhold the full rate of tax
    13  from the employee's total wages, earned income or compensation.]
    14     (f)  Calculation for education subsidy for school district.--
    15  In determining the personal income valuation of a school
    16  district, the Secretary of Revenue shall exclude any increase in
    17  the valuation as defined in section 2501(9.1) of the act of
    18  March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code
    19  of 1949, above the base value prior to the abatement of local
    20  taxes in a keystone opportunity zone located within the school
    21  district to the extent and during the period of time that
    22  personal income revenues attributable to the increase in the
    23  personal income valuation are not available to the school
    24  district for general school district purposes.
    25  Section 901.  Transferability.
    26     Any exemption, deduction, abatement or credit provided to any
    27  person or qualified business under Chapter 5 or 7 is
    28  nontransferable and cannot be applied, used or assigned to any
    29  other person, business or tax account.
    30  Section 902.  Recapture.
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     1     (a)  General rule.--If any qualified business located within
     2  a keystone opportunity zone has received an exemption,
     3  deduction, abatement or credit under this act and subsequently
     4  relocates outside of the zone within the first five years of
     5  locating in a keystone opportunity zone, that business shall
     6  refund to the State and political subdivision which granted the
     7  exemption, deduction, abatement or credit received in accordance
     8  with the following:
     9         (1)  If a qualified business relocates within three years
    10     from the date of [any claim] first locating in a keystone
    11     opportunity zone, 66% of all the exemptions, deductions,
    12     abatements or credits [previously received due] attributed to
    13     that qualified business's participation in the keystone
    14     opportunity zone shall be refunded to the Commonwealth and
    15     the political subdivision.
    16         (2)  If a qualified business relocates within three to
    17     five years from the date of [any claim] first locating in a
    18     keystone opportunity zone, 33% of all exemptions, deductions,
    19     abatements or credits [previously received from] attributed
    20     to participation in the keystone opportunity zone shall be
    21     refunded to the Commonwealth and the political subdivision.
    22         (3)  If the qualified business was located within a
    23     facility operated by a nonprofit organization to assist in
    24     the creation and development of a start-up business, no
    25     exemption, deduction, abatement or credit shall be refunded.
    26     (b)  Waiver.--The department, in consultation with the
    27  Department of Revenue and the political subdivision, may waive
    28  or modify recapture requirements under this section if the
    29  department determines that the business relocation was due to
    30  circumstances beyond the control of the business, including, but
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     1  not limited to:
     2         (1)  natural disaster;
     3         (2)  unforeseen industry trends; or
     4         (3)  loss of a major supplier or market.
     5     [(c)  Determination of claim date.--For purposes of this
     6  section, an exemption, deduction, abatement or credit is deemed
     7  to be claimed on the later of:
     8         (1)  the date the return or other report for the tax or
     9     fee is due;
    10         (2)  the date the return is filed; or
    11         (3)  the date the tax or fee would be paid.]
    12  Section 903.  Delinquent or deficient State or local taxes.
    13     (a)  Persons.--No person may claim or receive an exemption,
    14  deduction, abatement or credit under this act unless that person
    15  is in full compliance with all State and local tax laws [and
    16  related], ordinances and resolutions.
    17     (b)  Qualified business.--
    18         (1)  No qualified business may claim or receive an
    19     exemption, deduction, abatement or credit under this act
    20     unless that qualified business is in full compliance with all
    21     State and local tax laws, ordinances and resolutions.
    22         (2)  No qualified business may claim or receive an
    23     exemption, deduction, abatement or credit under this act if
    24     any person or business with a 20% or greater interest in that
    25     qualified business is not in full compliance with all State
    26     and local tax laws, ordinances and resolutions.
    27     (c)  Later compliance and eligibility.--Any person or
    28  qualified business that is not eligible to claim an exemption,
    29  deduction, abatement or credit due to noncompliance with any
    30  State or local tax law may become eligible if that person or
    20000H2498B3453                 - 21 -

     1  qualified business subsequently comes into full compliance with
     2  all State and local tax laws to the satisfaction of the
     3  Department of Revenue or the political subdivision within the
     4  calendar year in which the noncompliance first occurred. If full
     5  compliance is not attained by [December 31 of the calendar year
     6  in which] February 5 of the calendar year following the calendar
     7  year during which noncompliance first occurred, then that person
     8  or qualified business is precluded from claiming any exemption,
     9  deduction, abatement or credit for that calendar year, whether
    10  or not full compliance is achieved [in subsequent calendar
    11  years] subsequently.
    12  Section 904.  Code compliance.
    13     (a)  General rule.--A person or qualified business shall be
    14  precluded from claiming any exemption, deduction, abatement or
    15  credit provided for in this act if that person or qualified
    16  business owns real property in a keystone opportunity zone and
    17  the real property is not in compliance with all applicable State
    18  and local zoning, building and housing laws, ordinances or codes
    19  [and the real property owner has not filed an affidavit with the
    20  political subdivision attesting to compliance for that calendar
    21  year before December 31 with the political subdivision in which
    22  the real property is located].
    23     (b)  Opportunity to achieve compliance.--The person or
    24  qualified business who is not in compliance under subsection (a)
    25  shall have until December 31 of the calendar year following
    26  designation of the real property as part of a keystone
    27  opportunity zone to be in compliance in order to claim any State
    28  exemptions, deductions, abatements or credits for that year. If
    29  full compliance is not attained by December 31 of that calendar
    30  year, the person or qualified business is precluded from
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     1  claiming any exemption, deduction or credit for that calendar
     2  year, whether or not compliance is achieved in a subsequent
     3  calendar year. The political subdivision may extend the time
     4  period in which a person or qualified business must come into
     5  compliance with a local ordinance or building code for a period
     6  not to exceed one year if the political subdivision determines
     7  that the person or qualified business has made and shall
     8  continue to make a good faith effort to come into compliance and
     9  that an extension will enable the person or qualified business
    10  to achieve full compliance. Qualified political subdivisions are
    11  required to notify the Department of Revenue in writing of all
    12  persons or qualified businesses not in compliance with this
    13  subsection within 30 days following the end of each calendar
    14  year.
    15     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    16  Section 906.  Notice requirements; State and local authorities.
    17     (a)  Requirement.--After compliance reviews have been
    18  conducted by appropriate Commonwealth and local authorities the
    19  department shall notify each keystone opportunity zone applicant
    20  by regular mail each year of the department approval or denial
    21  of the applicant's keystone opportunity zone application. No
    22  keystone opportunity zone applicant is entitled to any tax
    23  benefits unless they receive approval from the department.
    24     (b)  Notice.--In a form and manner prescribed by the
    25  department, the department shall provide a one-time notification
    26  to every current keystone opportunity zone real property owner
    27  within 90 days of the effective date of this section. No
    28  benefits or rights shall accrue to any real property owner if
    29  notification is not received.
    30     (c)  Transmittal.--The department, or its designated
    20000H2498B3453                 - 23 -

     1  official, shall within 15 business days of receipt of a keystone
     2  opportunity zone application made under this act, forward a copy
     3  of the application to appropriate Commonwealth and local
     4  authorities for review and processing.
     5  Section 907.  Application time.
     6     Any keystone opportunity zone applicant shall file a keystone
     7  opportunity zone application in a manner prescribed by the
     8  department by December 31 of each calendar year for which the
     9  applicant claims any exemption, deduction, abatement or credit
    10  under this act. No exemption, deduction, abatement or credit may
    11  be claimed or received for that calendar year until approval has
    12  been granted by the department.
    13     Section 3.  Section 1303 of the act is amended to read:
    14  Section 1303.  Compliance.
    15     Any person or qualified business eligible for an exemption,
    16  deduction or credit under this act shall comply with all
    17  reporting, filing and compliance requirements pursuant to the
    18  Tax Reform Code of 1971 unless otherwise provided for in this
    19  act.
    20     Section 4.  This act shall apply as follows:
    21         (1)  The amendment of sections 512 and 703 of the act
    22     shall apply to taxable years beginning on or after January 1,
    23     1999.
    24         (2)  The amendment of section 516 of the act shall apply
    25     to taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2000.
    26     Section 5.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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