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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1403



No. 1165 Session of 1997



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the regulation of individual access to health care
     2     insurance and for penalties.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Health Care
     7  Insurance Individual Accessibility Act.
     8  Section 2.  Purpose.
     9     It is necessary to maintain the Commonwealth's sovereignty
    10  over the regulation of health insurance in this Commonwealth by
    11  complying with the requirements of the Health Insurance
    12  Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-191,
    13  110 Stat. 1936). This act is intended to meet those requirements
    14  while retaining the Commonwealth's authority to regulate health
    15  insurance in this Commonwealth.
    16  Section 3.  Definitions.
    17     (a)  General rule.--The following words and phrases when used

     1  in this act shall have the meanings given to them in this
     2  section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
     3     "Commissioner."  The Insurance Commissioner of the
     4  Commonwealth.
     5     Company," "association" or "exchange."  An entity holding a
     6  current certificate of authority which are defined in section
     7  101 of the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), known as The
     8  Insurance Company Law of 1921.
     9     "Department."  The Insurance Department of the Commonwealth.
    10     Designated insurers."  An insurer required to offer health
    11  coverage to eligible individuals under section 4.
    12     "Eligible individual."  A resident of this Commonwealth who
    13  meets the definition in section 2741(b) of the Federal Health
    14  Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (P.L.104-
    15  191, 110 Stat. 1936).
    16     "Federal act."  The Federal Health Insurance Portability and
    17  Accountability Act of 1996 (P.L.104-191, 110 Stat. 1936).
    18     "Fraternal benefit society."  An entity holding a current
    19  certificate of authority in this Commonwealth under the act of
    20  December 14, 1992 (P.L.835, No.124), known as the Fraternal
    21  Benefit Societies Code.
    22     "Health maintenance organization" or "HMO."  An entity
    23  holding a current certificate of authority under the act of
    24  December 29, 1972 (P.L.1701, No.364), known as the Health
    25  Maintenance Organization Act.
    26     "Hospital plan corporation."  An entity holding a current
    27  certificate of authority organized and operated under 40 Pa.C.S.
    28  Ch. 61 (relating to hospital plan corporations).
    29     "Insurer."  A foreign or domestic insurance company,
    30  association or exchange, health maintenance organization,
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     1  hospital plan corporation, professional health services plan
     2  corporation, fraternal benefit society or risk-assuming
     3  preferred provider organization. The term does not include a
     4  group health plan as defined in section 2791 of the Federal
     5  Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
     6  (P.L.104-191, 110 Stat. 1936).
     7     "Medical loss ratio."  The ratio of incurred medical claim
     8  costs to earned premiums.
     9     "Preferred provider organization" or "PPO."  An entity
    10  holding a current certificate of authority organized and
    11  operated under section 630 of the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682,
    12  No.284), known as The Insurance Company Law of 1921.
    13     "Professional health services plan corporation."  An entity
    14  holding a current certificate of authority organized and
    15  operated under 40 Pa.C.S. Ch. 63 (relating to professional
    16  health services plan corporations). The term does not include
    17  dental service corporations or optometric service corporations,
    18  as defined under 40 Pa.C.S. § 6302(a) (relating to definitions).
    19     (b)  Adoption of Federal act.--The words, terms and
    20  definitions found in the Federal Health Insurance Portability
    21  and Accountability Act of 1996 (P.L.104-191, 119 Stat. 1936),
    22  including those in section 2791, are hereby adopted for purposes
    23  of implementing this act unless otherwise provided by this act.
    24  The term "health insurance issuer" found in section 2791(b)(2)
    25  of the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
    26  Act of 1996 (P.L.104-191, 110 Stat. 1936) shall have the same
    27  meaning as "insurer" in subsection (a).
    28  Section 4.  Designated insurers.
    29     (a)  Alternative mechanism requirements.--The following
    30  insurers shall comply with sections 5 and 6 in order to
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     1  implement the alternative mechanism requirements of the Federal
     2  act:
     3         (1)  Hospital plan corporations.
     4         (2)  Professional health services plan corporations.
     5     (b)  Certain parent designated insurers.--If a designated
     6  insurer owns a hospital plan corporation or a professional
     7  health services plan corporation which provides services within
     8  substantially the same service area as the parent organization,
     9  the subsidiary hospital plan corporation and professional health
    10  services plan corporation are not required to offer coverage to
    11  eligible individuals if the parent organization offers coverage
    12  to eligible individuals under sections 5 and 6.
    13  Section 5.  Alternative mechanism in individual market.
    14     (a)  Rights of eligible individuals.--A designated insurer
    15  shall:
    16         (1)  Offer continuous year-round open enrollment to
    17     eligible individuals.
    18         (2)  Offer to eligible individuals, upon request, a
    19     choice of at least two individual health insurance policies,
    20     as specified in section 6.
    21         (3)  Issue to eligible individuals, upon request, an
    22     individual policy that meets the requirements of section 6.
    23     (b)  Policy limitations.--Unless an eligible individual
    24  chooses to purchase a policy pursuant to section 6(c), a policy
    25  offered or issued to an eligible individual under section 6
    26  shall not contain preexisting condition limitations or
    27  restrictions.
    28     (c)  Financial subsidization for eligible individuals.--
    29  Designated insurers shall provide financial subsidization of
    30  policies issued to eligible individuals. Designated insurers
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     1  shall file for review by the commissioner a method for financial
     2  subsidization in all rate filings on policy choices for eligible
     3  individuals. The total subsidy provided by the designated
     4  insurer to all of its products shall not be affected by the
     5  requirement to subsidize products issued to eligible
     6  individuals.
     7  Section 6.  Policy choice for eligible individuals.
     8     (a)  Comprehensive and standard policies.--Designated
     9  insurers shall offer eligible individuals a choice of policies.
    10  The choices shall include:
    11         (1)  At least one other policy that is comparable to a
    12     standard health insurance policy or a comprehensive health
    13     insurance policy being actively marketed by the insurer to
    14     persons other than eligible individuals in the voluntary
    15     individual market.
    16         (2)  At least one other policy that is being actively
    17     marketed by the insurer to persons other than eligible
    18     individuals in the voluntary individual market.
    19     (b)  Filing requirements.--Each designated insurer shall file
    20  with and identify to the commissioner the comprehensive policy
    21  form or the standard policy form the insurer intends to offer to
    22  eligible individuals under subsection (a)(1). A designated
    23  insurer may elect to identify more than one comprehensive or
    24  standard policy form which will be offered to eligible
    25  individuals. Each policy form shall contain benefits and limits
    26  comparable to policies being actively marketed to persons other
    27  than eligible individuals in the voluntary individual market.
    28  The policy forms shall be considered comparable even if the
    29  policies marketed in the voluntary individual market include a
    30  preexisting condition exclusion.
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     1     (c)  Preexisting condition provisions.--Nothing in this act
     2  shall prohibit an eligible individual from purchasing a policy
     3  which includes a preexisting condition provision or is not
     4  otherwise offered under this section from a designated insurer
     5  or any other insurer.
     6  Section 7.  Coordination of benefits.
     7     Benefits provided under individual policies by an insurer may
     8  be subject to coordination of benefits with any other group
     9  policy, individual policy, Federal or State government program,
    10  labor-management trustee plan, union welfare plan, employer
    11  organization plan or employee benefit organization plan, except
    12  as otherwise provided by law.
    13  Section 8.  Excessive loss provision.
    14     (a)  General rule.--At any time, the designated insurer may
    15  file for a rate adjustment for products offered under section 6
    16  with the commissioner in accordance with the act of December 18,
    17  1996 (P.L.1066, No.159), known as the Accident and Health Filing
    18  Reform Act.
    19     (b)  Request for hearing.--The designated insurer may request
    20  that the commissioner conduct a hearing if:
    21         (1)  the losses experienced by the designated insurer on
    22     products offered under section 6(a)(1) or by eligible
    23     individuals under section 6(a)(2) require a rate increase of
    24     greater than 20% and the losses are in excess of a 110%
    25     medical loss ratio for any calendar year; or
    26         (2)  the designated insurer requested a rate increase for
    27     products under section 6(a) and has reason to believe that
    28     continuation as a designated insurer will have a detrimental
    29     impact on its financial condition or solvency.
    30     (c)  Action by commissioner.--Upon the request of a
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     1  designated insurer under subsection (b), the commissioner shall
     2  conduct a public hearing regarding the rate filing, medical loss
     3  ratio and the impact that being a designated insurer is having
     4  on the designated insurer's solvency. The hearing shall be held
     5  as provided for in 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. A (relating to
     6  practice and procedure of Commonwealth agencies). Following the
     7  hearing, the commissioner shall determine the extent of the
     8  impact, if any, of being a designated insurer under this act on
     9  the designated insurer's rate filing, medical loss ratio,
    10  overall operations and solvency, and shall do one or more of the
    11  following:
    12         (1)  grant, modify or deny the requested rate filing; or
    13         (2)  request to withdraw from the approved alternative
    14     mechanism and to authorize implementation of the Federal
    15     default standards set forth in section 2741 of the Federal
    16     act.
    17  Section 9.  Review of filings.
    18     The department shall review filings submitted under sections
    19  5(c), 6(b) and 8(a) in accordance with the act of December 18,
    20  1996 (P.L.1066, No.159), known as the Accident and Health Filing
    21  Reform Act.
    22  Section 10.  Conversion policies.
    23     (a)  Notification.--Notification of the conversion privilege
    24  shall be included with each certificate of coverage issued under
    25  section 621.2(d) of the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284),
    26  known as The Insurance Company Law of 1921. Each certificate
    27  holder in an insured group shall be given written notification
    28  of the conversion privilege and its duration within a period
    29  beginning 15 days before and ending 30 days after the date of
    30  termination of the group coverage. The certificate holder or the
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     1  holder's dependent shall have no less than 31 days following
     2  notification to exercise the conversion privilege. Written
     3  notification provided by the contract holder and supplied to the
     4  certificate holder or mailed to the certificate holder's last
     5  known address or the last address furnished to the insurer by
     6  the contract holder or employer shall constitute full compliance
     7  with this section.
     8     (b)  Limitation on rates for conversion policies.--The
     9  premium rates for individuals who purchase a comparable
    10  conversion policy offered pursuant to applicable law shall be
    11  limited to 120% of the approved premium rates for comparable
    12  group coverage.
    13  Section 11.  Penalties.
    14     (a)  General rule.--Upon satisfactory evidence of a violation
    15  of this act by an insurer or other person, the commissioner may
    16  pursue any one or more of the following penalties:
    17         (1)  Suspend, revoke or refuse to renew the license of
    18     the insurer or other person.
    19         (2)  Enter a cease and desist order.
    20         (3)  Impose a civil penalty of not more than $5,000.
    21         (4)  Impose a civil penalty of not more than $10,000 for
    22     a willful violation of this act.
    23     (b)  Limitation.--Penalties imposed on an insurer or other
    24  person under this act shall not exceed $500,000 in the aggregate
    25  during a single calendar year.
    26  Section 12.  Regulations.
    27     The department may promulgate regulations as may be necessary
    28  or appropriate to carry out this act.
    29  Section 13.  Expiration.
    30     This act shall expire on December 31, 2000.
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     1  Section 14.  Effective date.
     2     This act shall take effect January 1, 1998.

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