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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 617



No. 558 Session of 1997



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 1, 1974 (P.L.90, No.24), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the labeling, distribution, storage,
     3     transportation, use, application and disposal of pesticides
     4     and devices; providing for registration and examination of
     5     such materials; the licensing of pesticide dealers and pest
     6     management consultants and imposing penalties," further
     7     providing for the regulation and certification of persons
     8     using or applying pesticides; requiring certain notice and
     9     posting when pesticides are used; and providing that certain
    10     information shall be available to the public.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  Section 4 of the act of March 1, 1974 (P.L.90,
    14  No.24), known as the Pennsylvania Pesticide Control Act of 1973,
    15  amended or added December 12, 1986 (P.L.1542, No.167), is
    16  amended to read:
    17     Section 4.  Definitions.--As used in this act:
    18     (1)  "Active ingredient" means:
    19     (i)  in the case of a pesticide other than a plant regulator,
    20  defoliant, or desiccant, an ingredient which will prevent,
    21  destroy, repel, or mitigate any pest;
    22     (ii)  in the case of a plant regulator, an ingredient which,

     1  through physiological action, will accelerate or retard the rate
     2  of growth or rate of maturation or otherwise alter the behavior
     3  of ornamental or crop plants or the product thereof;
     4     (iii)  in the case of a defoliant, an ingredient which will
     5  cause the leaves or foliage to drop from a plant; and
     6     (iv)  in the case of a desiccant, an ingredient which will
     7  artificially accelerate the drying of plant tissue.
     8     (2)  "Administrator" means the administrator of the Federal
     9  Environmental Protection Agency.
    10     (3)  "Adulterated" applies to any pesticide if:
    11     (i)  its strength or purity falls below the professed
    12  standard of quality as expressed on its labeling under which it
    13  is sold;
    14     (ii)  any substance has been substituted wholly or in part
    15  for the pesticide; or
    16     (iii)  any valuable constituent of the pesticide has been
    17  wholly or in part abstracted.
    18     (4)  "Animal" means all vertebrate and invertebrate species,
    19  including but not limited to man and other mammals, birds, fish,
    20  and shellfish.
    21     (5)  "Antidote" means a practical treatment in case of
    22  poisoning and includes first-aid treatment.
    23     (6)  "Applicator" means certified applicator, private
    24  applicator, commercial applicator or public applicator.
    25     [(A)] (6.1)  "Certified applicator" means any individual who
    26  is certified under section 16.1, 17 or 17.1 of this act as
    27  competent to use or [supervise the use or application of] apply
    28  any pesticide.
    29     [(B)] (6.2)  "Private applicator" means a certified
    30  applicator who uses [or supervises the use of] any pesticide
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     1  which is classified for restricted use for purposes of producing
     2  any agricultural commodity on property owned or rented by him or
     3  his employer or, if applied without compensation other than
     4  trading of personal services between producers of agricultural
     5  commodities, on the property of another person.
     6     [(C)] (6.3)  "Commercial applicator" means a certified
     7  applicator (whether or not he is a private applicator with
     8  respect to some uses) who uses [or supervises the use of] any
     9  pesticide on the property or premises of another, or on
    10  easements granted under State law, or any applicator who uses
    11  [or supervises the use of] any restricted use pesticide on
    12  property owned or rented by him or his employer, when not for
    13  purposes of producing an agricultural product. The secretary may
    14  by regulation deem certain types of applicators using any
    15  pesticide on their own property or that of his employer as
    16  commercial applicators.
    17     [(D)] (6.4)  "Public applicator" means any certified
    18  applicator who applies pesticides as an employe of the State or
    19  its instrumentalities or any local agency.
    20     [(E)  "Pesticide application technician" means any individual
    21  employed by a commercial applicator or governmental agency who,
    22  having met the competency requirements of section 16.1 of this
    23  act, is registered by the secretary to apply any pesticides
    24  under the direct supervision of a certified applicator.]
    25     (7)  "Beneficial insects" means those insects which, during
    26  their life cycle, are effective pollinators of plants, are
    27  parasites or predators of pests, or are otherwise beneficial.
    28     (8)  "Board" means the Pesticide Advisory Board.
    29     (8.1)  "Central registry system" means a list maintained by
    30  the Bureau of Plant Industry of the department of all persons
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     1  who have requested in writing that they desire forty-eight hours
     2  notification of an application of a pesticide within a one-half
     3  mile radius of their property, to be accessed by all licensees
     4  prior to any contractual application.
     5     (8.2)  "Customer" means a person who has entered into a
     6  contract with a licensee for the application of pesticides.
     7     (9)  "Defoliant" means any substance or mixture of substances
     8  intended for causing the leaves or foliage to drop from a plant,
     9  with or without causing abscission.
    10     (9.1)  "Department" means the Department of Agriculture of
    11  the Commonwealth.
    12     (10)  "Desiccant" means any substance or mixture of
    13  substances intended for artificially accelerating the drying of
    14  plant tissue.
    15     (11)  "Device" means any instrument or contrivance (other
    16  than a firearm) which is intended for trapping, destroying,
    17  repelling, or mitigating any pest or any other form of plant or
    18  animal life (other than man and other than bacteria, virus, or
    19  other microorganism on or in living man or other living
    20  animals); but not including equipment used for the application
    21  of pesticides when sold separately therefrom.
    22     (12)  "Distribute" means to offer for sale, hold for sale,
    23  sell, barter, or supply pesticides in this State.
    24     (13)  "Environment" includes water, air, land, and all plants
    25  and man and other animals living therein, and the
    26  interrelationships which exist among these.
    27     (14)  "Equipment" means any type of ground, water or aerial
    28  equipment or contrivance using motorized, mechanical or
    29  pressurized power and used to apply any pesticide on land and
    30  anything that may be growing, habitating or stored on or in such
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     1  land, but shall not include any pressurized hand-sized household
     2  apparatus used to apply any pesticide, or any equipment or
     3  contrivance of which the person who is applying the pesticide is
     4  the source of power or energy in pesticide application.
     5     (15)  "Establishment" means any place where a pesticide or
     6  device is produced, or held, for distribution or sale.
     7     (15.1)  "Experimental use pesticide" means a pesticide that
     8  has not yet been fully approved by the Commonwealth and the
     9  Federal Environmental Protection Agency and is allowed to be
    10  used on an experimental basis with a permit.
    11     (16)  "Fungus" means any non-chlorophyll bearing thallophyte
    12  (that is, any non-chlorophyll bearing plant of a lower order
    13  than mosses and liverworts), as for example, rust, smut, mildew,
    14  mold, yeast, and bacteria, except those on or in living man or
    15  other animals and those on or in processed food, beverages, or
    16  pharmaceuticals.
    17     (16.1)  "General use pesticide" means any pesticide that is
    18  not classified as either a restricted or experimental use
    19  pesticide.
    20     (17)  "Highly toxic" means any highly toxic pesticide as
    21  determined by the administrator.
    22     (18)  "Imminent hazard" means a situation which exists when
    23  the continued use of a pesticide during the time required for
    24  cancellation proceeding would be likely to result in
    25  unreasonable adverse effects on people and the environment or
    26  will involve unreasonable hazard to the survival of a species
    27  declared endangered by the Secretary of the Interior of the
    28  United States under Public Law 91-135.
    29     (19)  "Inert ingredient" means an ingredient which is not
    30  active.
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     1     (20)  "Ingredient statement" means a statement which
     2  contains:
     3     (i)  the name and percentage of each active ingredient, and
     4  the total percentage of all inert ingredients, in the pesticide;
     5  and
     6     (ii)  if the pesticide contains arsenic in any form, a
     7  statement of the percentages of total and water soluble arsenic,
     8  calculated as elementary arsenic.
     9     (21)  "Insect" means any of the numerous small invertebrate
    10  animals generally having the body more or less obviously
    11  segmented, for the most part belonging to the class insecta,
    12  comprising six-legged, usually winged forms, as for example,
    13  beetles, bugs, bees, flies, and to other allied classes of
    14  arthropods whose members are wingless and usually have more than
    15  six legs, as for example, spiders, mites, ticks, centipedes, and
    16  wood lice.
    17     (22)  "Label" means the written, printed, or graphic matter
    18  on, or attached to, the pesticide or device or any of its
    19  containers or wrappers.
    20     (23)  "Labeling" pertaining to pesticide registration means
    21  all labels and all other written, printed, or graphic matter:
    22     (i)  accompanying the pesticide or device at any time; or
    23     (ii)  to which reference is made on the label or in
    24  literature accompanying the pesticide or device, except to
    25  current official publications of the Federal Environmental
    26  Protection Agency, the United States Departments of Agriculture
    27  and Interior, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare,
    28  State experiment stations, State agricultural colleges, and
    29  other similar Federal or State institutions or agencies
    30  authorized by law to conduct research in the field of
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     1  pesticides.
     2     (24)  "Land" means all land and water areas, including
     3  airspace, and all plants, animals, structures, buildings,
     4  contrivances, and machinery appurtenant thereto or situated
     5  thereon, fixed or mobile, including any used for transportation.
     6     (24.1)  "License" means written permission, issued by the
     7  department, to a business or person as authorized in sections
     8  12, 13 and 15.1 of this act.
     9     (24.2)  "Local agency" means a governmental unit other than
    10  the Commonwealth government. The term shall include, but not be
    11  limited to, a county, city, borough, town, township, school
    12  district or municipal authority.
    13     (24.3)  "Material Safety Data Sheet" or "MSDS" means a
    14  written document prepared by a manufacturer, supplier or
    15  importer for the purpose of transmitting information concerning
    16  a chemical.
    17     (25)  "Misbranded" means any pesticide which fails to be
    18  labeled in accordance with section 2, definitions - (q)
    19  misbranded - of the "Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and
    20  Rodenticide Act [of 1947," as amended in 1972]."
    21     (27)  "Nematode" means invertebrate animals of the phylum
    22  nemathelminthes and class nematoda, that is unsegmented round
    23  worms with elongated, fusiform, or saclike bodies covered with
    24  cuticle, and inhabiting soil, water, plants, or plant parts; may
    25  also be called nemas or eelworms.
    26     (28)  "Permit" means a written certificate, issued by the
    27  secretary or his authorized agent, authorizing the purchase,
    28  possession, and/or use of pesticides classified for restricted
    29  use by a private applicator.
    30     (29)  "Person" means any individual, partnership,
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     1  association, corporation, or any organized group of persons
     2  whether incorporated or not.
     3     (30)  "Pest" means any insect, rodent, nematode, fungus,
     4  weed, or any other form of terrestrial or aquatic plant or
     5  animal life or virus, bacteria, or other microorganism (except
     6  viruses, bacteria, or other microorganisms on or in living man
     7  or other living animals) which the administrator declares to be
     8  a pest under section 25(c)(1) of the "Federal Insecticide,
     9  Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act [of 1947," as amended in 1972]."
    10     (31)  "Pesticide" means any substance or mixture of
    11  substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or
    12  mitigating any pest, and any substance or mixture of substances
    13  intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant, or desiccant.
    14     (32)  "Pesticide  dealer" means any person who sells or
    15  distributes pesticides classified for "restricted use."
    16     (33)  "Pest management consultant" means any individual who
    17  is not a licensed applicator, and who for a fee offers, or
    18  supplies technical advice, supervision or aid, or makes
    19  recommendations to the user of pesticides classified for
    20  restricted use.
    21     (34)  "Plant regulator" means any substance or mixture of
    22  substances intended, through physiological action, for
    23  accelerating or retarding the rate of growth or rate of
    24  maturation, or for otherwise altering the behavior of plants or
    25  the produce thereof, but shall not include substances to the
    26  extent that they are intended as plant nutrients, trace
    27  elements, nutritional chemicals, plant inoculants, and soil
    28  amendments. Also, the term "plant regulator" shall not be
    29  required to include any of such of those nutrient mixtures or
    30  soil amendments as are commonly known as vitamin-hormone
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     1  horticultural products, intended for improvement, maintenance,
     2  survival, health, and propagation of plants, and as are not for
     3  pest destruction and are nontoxic, nonpoisonous in the undiluted
     4  packaged concentration.
     5     (35)  "Producer and produce". The term "producer" means the
     6  person who manufactures, prepares, compounds, propagates, or
     7  processes any pesticide or device. The term "produce" means to
     8  manufacture, prepare, compound, propagate, or process any
     9  pesticide or device.
    10     (36)  "Protect health and the environment" mean protection
    11  against any unreasonable adverse effects on people and the
    12  environment.
    13     (37)  "Registrant" means a person who has registered any
    14  pesticide pursuant to the provisions of this act.
    15     (38)  "Registration" includes reregistration.
    16     (38.1)  "Residential property" means homes, apartments,
    17  townhouses, condominiums, schools, nursing homes, day-care
    18  centers, playing fields and playgrounds. The term does not
    19  include land used for the commercial production of agricultural
    20  or horticultural products.
    21     (38.2) "Residential use" means the application of pesticides
    22  to lawns, trees and shrubs on residential property by a
    23  commercial applicator.
    24     (39)  "Restricted use" means the use of a pesticide which is
    25  classified as a restricted use pursuant to section 3(d) of the
    26  "Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act [of 1947,"
    27  as amended in 1972]."
    28     (39.1)  "Secretary" means the Secretary of Agriculture of the
    29  Commonwealth.
    30     (40)  "Snails or slugs" includes all harmful mollusks.
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     1     [(40.1)  "Under the direct supervision of a certified
     2  commercial or public applicator," unless otherwise prescribed by
     3  labeling, means application by a registered pesticide
     4  application technician acting under the instructions and control
     5  of a certified applicator who is available if and when needed,
     6  even though such certified applicator is not physically present
     7  at the time and place the pesticide is applied, or application
     8  by a crew of noncertified or nonregistered employes working
     9  under the instruction and control of a certified commercial or
    10  public applicator who is physically present at the job site.]
    11     (41)  "Unreasonable adverse effects on the environment" means
    12  any unreasonable risk to man or the environment, taking into
    13  account the health, economic, social, and environmental costs
    14  and benefits of the use of any pesticide.
    15     (42)  "Weed" means any plant which grows where not wanted.
    16     (43)  "Wildlife" means all living things that are neither
    17  human, domesticated, nor, as defined in this act, pests;
    18  including, but not limited to mammals, birds, and aquatic life.
    19     Section 2.  Section 5.1 of the act is amended by adding a
    20  subsection to read:
    21     Section 5.1.  Registration.--* * *
    22     (j)  The secretary may limit the use of a pesticide or
    23  prohibit it in accordance with the criteria set forth by the
    24  "Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act."
    25     Section 3.  Sections 7, 8(f) and 16.1 of the act, amended or
    26  added December 12, 1986 (P.L.1542, No.167), are amended to read:
    27     Section 7.  Determinations; Rules and Regulations; Classified
    28  for Restricted Use and General Use; and Uniformity.--(a)  The
    29  secretary is authorized, after due notice and an opportunity for
    30  a hearing or public comment:
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     1     (1)  To declare as a pest any form of plant or animal life
     2  (except virus, bacteria, or other microorganisms on or in living
     3  man or other living animals) which is injurious to man,
     4  desirable animals, desirable plants, and land; and
     5     (2)  To determine pesticides, and quantities of substances
     6  contained in pesticides, which are injurious to people and the
     7  environment. The secretary shall be consistent with the Federal
     8  Environmental Protection Agency regulations in this
     9  determination.
    10     (b)  The secretary is authorized, after due notice and a
    11  public hearing or public comment, to adopt appropriate
    12  regulations for carrying out the provisions of this act,
    13  including but not limited to regulations providing for:
    14     (1)  The collection, examination, and reporting of samples of
    15  pesticides or devices.
    16     (2)  The safe handling, transportation, storage, display,
    17  distribution, and disposal of pesticides and their containers
    18  consistent with "Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide
    19  Act [of 1947," as amended in 1972]."
    20     (3)  Restricting or prohibiting the use of certain types of
    21  containers or packages for pesticides not federally registered.
    22  These restrictions may apply to type of construction, strength,
    23  and/or size to alleviate danger of spillage, breakage, or
    24  misuse. The secretary shall be consistent with Federal
    25  regulations concerning pesticide containers.
    26     (4)  Labeling requirements of all pesticides not federally
    27  registered required to be registered under provisions of this
    28  act.
    29     (5)  Regulating the labeling of devices.
    30     (6)  Adopting lists of pesticides classified for restricted
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     1  and general use for the Commonwealth or for designated areas
     2  within the Commonwealth if the secretary determines that such
     3  pesticides may require regulations restricting or prohibiting
     4  their distribution or use. Such lists are to be consistent with
     5  Federal lists unless there is a local need or imminent hazard.
     6  The secretary may include in the regulation the time and
     7  conditions of distribution or use of such pesticides classified
     8  for restricted or general use and may, if he deems it necessary
     9  to carry out the purpose and provisions of this act, require
    10  that any or all pesticides classified for restricted or general
    11  use shall be purchased, possessed, or used only under the permit
    12  of the secretary and under his direct supervision in certain
    13  areas and/or under certain conditions or in certain quantities
    14  or concentrations.
    15     (c)  Such rules and regulations shall be adopted pursuant to
    16  the provisions of the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.769, No.240),
    17  known as the "Commonwealth Documents Law."
    18     (d)  For the purpose of uniformity of requirements between
    19  the states and the Federal Government, and to avoid confusion
    20  endangering people and the environment, the secretary may, after
    21  a public hearing or public comment, adopt regulations in
    22  conformity with the primary pesticide standards, particularly as
    23  to labeling, registration requirements, and pesticides
    24  classified for restricted use as established by the Federal
    25  Environmental Protection Agency or other Federal or Commonwealth
    26  agencies.
    27     (e)  Nothing in this act shall be construed as requiring the
    28  secretary to report minor violations of this act for prosecution
    29  or for the institution of condemnation proceedings when he
    30  believes that the public interest will be served best by a
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     1  suitable notice of warning in writing. However, the secretary
     2  shall maintain an appropriate record of all violations
     3  identified as a result of use observations, misuse
     4  investigations or by inspectors in the normal conduct of their
     5  duties.
     6     Section 8.  Prohibited Acts.--* * *
     7     (f)  No person shall use for his own advantage [or reveal]
     8  any information relative to the formulas, supporting data or
     9  other [confidential] information for registration of pesticide
    10  products acquired by the authority of section 5.1 of this act[,
    11  but this provision shall not be deemed to prohibit the
    12  disclosure of information to the secretary or proper officials
    13  or employes of the Commonwealth, or to courts of competent
    14  jurisdiction in response to a subpoena, or to physicians or
    15  pharmacists or other qualified persons for purposes of providing
    16  health care treatment].
    17     * * *
    18     Section 16.1.  Standards of Qualifications for Certification
    19  of Commercial Applicators.--No individual shall be certified
    20  competent to apply [or supervise the application of] any
    21  pesticide for any purpose unless he has demonstrated his
    22  competence to apply pesticides in the proper certification
    23  category. Each category shall be subject to separate written
    24  testing procedures, requirements and examination fees and shall
    25  demonstrate minimum standard proficiency on the basis of a
    26  written examination conducted at an approved test site under
    27  direction of the department or its designated agents. The
    28  secretary shall require a fee not to exceed fifty dollars ($50)
    29  for the basic core examination for certified applicators, and an
    30  additional fee not to exceed ten dollars ($10) shall be charged
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     1  for each additional category in which the applicant desires to
     2  be certified. An annual fee of thirty dollars ($30) shall be
     3  charged when the certification does not require an examination.
     4  Certifications shall be valid for one calendar year. The
     5  secretary shall promulgate rules and regulations pertaining to:
     6     (1)  Written examination requirements for obtaining an
     7  applicator's certification. Each applicant for certification
     8  shall demonstrate knowledge and competence as to:
     9     (i)  Identification of pests to be controlled and the damages
    10  caused by such pests.
    11     (ii)  The appropriate control measures to be used, including
    12  pesticides, nonchemical means and integrated pesticide
    13  management technique.
    14     (iii)  The hazards that may be involved in applying
    15  pesticides, so as to protect people and the environment.
    16     (iv)  The proper use of pesticide application equipment,
    17  including calibration and dosage calculations.
    18     (v)  Protective clothing and respiratory equipment required
    19  during application and handling of pesticides.
    20     (vi)  General precautions to be followed in cleaning and
    21  maintaining equipment used.
    22     (vii)  Transportation, storage and disposal of pesticides.
    23     (viii)  Applicable Federal and State pesticide laws and
    24  regulations.
    25     (2)  Renewal of applicator's certificates shall be on the
    26  basis of attendance at approved courses. Such courses shall
    27  include, at a minimum, a review of certification course subject
    28  matter, but shall not include a written examination.
    29     Section 4.  Section 16.2 of the act is repealed.
    30     Section 5.  Sections 17.1, 17.2, 17.3 and 25.1 of the act,
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     1  added December 12, 1986 (P.L.1542, No.167), are amended to read:
     2     Section 17.1.  Public Applicators.--No person employed by any
     3  unit of a Federal, State or local agency shall engage in
     4  applying pesticides at any time without being certified as
     5  provided under [sections 16.1 and 16.2] section 16.1 of this
     6  act. Such certification fee shall be ten dollars ($10) and shall
     7  be valid for a three-year period.
     8     Section 17.2.  Private Applicators.--(a)  No private
     9  applicator shall use any pesticides [classified for restricted
    10  use] without that private applicator first complying with the
    11  certification requirements determined by the secretary as
    12  necessary to prevent unreasonable adverse effects on people or
    13  on the environment. To be certified, the private applicator
    14  shall pass a written examination administered at an approved
    15  test site by the secretary or his agent.
    16     (b)  Certain standards to determine the individual's
    17  competency with respect to the use and handling of restricted
    18  use pesticides by the private applicator shall take into
    19  consideration the standards of the Federal Environmental
    20  Protection Agency, but, as a minimum, shall include the
    21  following topics:
    22     (1)  Labeling and label comprehension.
    23     (2)  Safety and health.
    24     (3)  Environmental protection.
    25     (4)  Pests.
    26     (5)  Pesticides.
    27     (6)  Integrated pest management.
    28     (7)  Equipment.
    29     (8)  Application techniques and technology.
    30     (9)  Laws and regulations.
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     1     (c)  Upon successful completion of the written examination,
     2  the private applicator shall be issued a permit authorizing the
     3  purchase and use of restricted use pesticides. Such permit fee
     4  shall be ten dollars ($10) and shall be valid for a three-year
     5  period.
     6     (d)  A private applicator shall be recertified as competent
     7  with respect to the use and handling of restricted use
     8  pesticides upon the successful completion of an update training
     9  program as determined by the secretary. Such program shall
    10  include, at a minimum, a review of certification topics, but
    11  shall not include a written examination.
    12     Section 17.3.  Protection of Trade Secrets and Other
    13  Information.--(a)  In submitting data required by this act, the
    14  applicant may:
    15     (1)  Clearly mark any portions thereof which in his opinion
    16  are trade secrets or commercial or financial information.
    17     (2)  Submit such marked material separately from other
    18  material required to be submitted under this act.
    19     (b)  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this act, the
    20  secretary shall not make public information which in his
    21  judgment contains or relates to trade secrets in commercial or
    22  financial information which is obtained from a person [and is
    23  privileged or confidential, except that, when necessary to carry
    24  out the provisions of this act, information relating to formulas
    25  of products acquired by authorization of this act may be
    26  revealed to any State or Federal agency consulted or as required
    27  by law].
    28     (c)  If the secretary proposes to release for inspection
    29  information which the applicant or registrant believes to be
    30  protected from disclosure under subsection (b), he shall notify
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     1  the applicant or registrant, in writing, by certified mail. The
     2  secretary shall not thereafter make available for inspection
     3  such data until thirty days after receipt of the notice by the
     4  applicant or registrant. During this period, the applicant or
     5  registrant may initiate an action in an appropriate court for a
     6  declaratory judgment as to whether such information is subject
     7  to protection under subsection (b).
     8     Section 25.1.  Additional Regulatory Authority.--(a)  The
     9  secretary shall, after due notice and public comment, adopt
    10  appropriate regulations providing for:
    11     (1)  The control of the aerial application of [restricted
    12  use] pesticides to rights-of-way only after notice in a
    13  newspaper of general circulation in the affected area, at least
    14  one week prior to the date of application. This regulation shall
    15  include, but not be limited to:
    16     (i)  Minimum spraying distances.
    17     (ii)  Procedural prohibitions and restrictions relating to
    18  weather conditions.
    19     (2)  The prior notification by commercial applicators to
    20  individuals residing [in dwellings on land contiguous to a
    21  restricted use pesticide application site.] on residential
    22  properties within a one-half-mile radius of an application site
    23  where individuals have requested to be notified or have
    24  registered with the central registry system, as provided for in
    25  sections 4(8.1) and 25.2. The secretary, by regulations, shall
    26  determine the appropriate mechanism for and the timing and form
    27  of notification.
    28     (3)  Regulations to prohibit the application of restricted
    29  use pesticides within one hundred feet of certain publicly owned
    30  or designated lands unless a waiver is granted. The secretary
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     1  may grant a waiver if an applicant demonstrates that:
     2     (i)  The application of the pesticide will not have an
     3  unreasonable, adverse effect on human health or the environment.
     4     [(i)] (ii)  The application of the specified pesticide is
     5  necessary and will result in a demonstrated public benefit.
     6     [(ii)] (iii)  The application of the pesticide will not cause
     7  adverse impact on the use of the area to be protected.
     8     [(iii)] (iv)  The application of the pesticide will not
     9  result in the destruction or loss of any rare or endangered
    10  flora or fauna or significant natural community existing in the
    11  protected area.
    12     (b)  The protected publicly owned or designated area under
    13  this section shall include:
    14     (1)  Designated natural areas on State forest lands.
    15     (2)  Areas designated on Pennsylvania's Natural Diversity
    16  Inventory containing rare or endangered species or significant
    17  natural communities.
    18     Section 6.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    19     Section 25.2.  Notification by Commercial Applicators.--(a)
    20  Any person may request to be notified of the date of an
    21  application of a pesticide on residential property within a one-
    22  half-mile radius of his residence.
    23     (b)  No less than forty-eight hours notice in writing or by
    24  direct phone contact shall be given by the commercial applicator
    25  proposing to apply the pesticide to any person requesting such
    26  notice. The notice shall state, within one hour, the time of the
    27  proposed spraying.
    28     (c)  A request for prior notice may be made by making the
    29  request directly to the commercial applicator or by registering
    30  in the central registry system.
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     1     (d)  Commercial applicators shall consult the central
     2  registry system monthly for updates before any proposed
     3  application.
     4     (e)  A person who has requested and been given notice shall
     5  have the right to refuse the application by any commercial
     6  applicator three times per year. Each commercial applicator
     7  shall maintain a record of persons who have contacted him
     8  refusing applications and the time and manner of the contact,
     9  which record shall be maintained for at least two years as to
    10  any person. Any application made after a valid refusal as
    11  authorized by this section shall constitute a violation of this
    12  act.
    13     (f)  If for any reason the application cannot be carried out
    14  at the time stated in the notice required by subsection (b), the
    15  commercial applicator shall, by direct phone contact or any
    16  other means, promptly so inform the persons who have requested
    17  notice of the proposed spraying and, at that time or as soon as
    18  a new date is set, inform them of the new date and time.
    19     Section 25.3.  Contracts.--All licensees shall, prior to
    20  application on residential property, have a written contract
    21  with their customers. The contract shall include information
    22  about all the chemicals to be applied. The information shall be
    23  either complete MSDS forms or complete label information. Such
    24  information, in addition to being set forth in the contract,
    25  shall be given to the customers prior to each application.
    26  Licensees shall provide information regarding alternatives to
    27  chemical spraying, such as organic alternatives, as well as
    28  integrated pest management. The contract shall also include
    29  complete information about the responsibility of displaying a
    30  sticker or sign and complete information about the
    19970S0558B0617                 - 19 -

     1  responsibility of notifying persons who request to be notified.
     2  After entering into a contract the customer shall display a
     3  sticker or sign on a front window or other easily seen portion
     4  of a residential property containing the name of the licensee,
     5  so that there will be no danger of misapplication. The sticker
     6  or sign shall be recognizable from the nearest street.
     7     Section 25.4.  Odor.--No pesticide shall be applied unless it
     8  has a clearly perceptible odor. The odor may either be from the
     9  pesticide itself or from one of the inert ingredients.
    10     Section 25.5.  Application of Pesticides in or near
    11  Schools.--No pesticide shall be applied in or in the immediate
    12  proximity of a school at any time that students, teachers or
    13  administrative staff are in the school.
    14     Section 25.6.  Posting of Signs by Commercial Applicators.--
    15  (a)  Signs shall be posted at least forty-eight hours before any
    16  pesticide application by a commercial applicator on residential
    17  property. The signs shall be posted on the perimeter of the
    18  property to be sprayed at reasonable intervals and shall be not
    19  less than eighteen inches by twenty-four inches in size. One
    20  sign shall be posted and readable by the main access to the
    21  property and any other major thoroughfare. Signs posted pursuant
    22  to this section shall include:
    23     (1)  The name, address and phone number of the licensee.
    24     (2)  The name of the pesticide or active ingredient that will
    25  be sprayed.
    26     (3)  The date and time of proposed applications.
    27     (b)  After any application of a pesticide, signs shall be
    28  posted on the perimeter of the property sprayed. Such signs
    29  shall be the same size and posted in the same manner as provided
    30  in subsection (a), and shall remain in place for at least forty-
    19970S0558B0617                 - 20 -

     1  eight hours. These signs shall include the following:
     2     (1)  The name, address and phone number of the licensee.
     3     (2)  The name of the pesticide or the active ingredient.
     4     (3)  The address and phone number of the Pennsylvania poison
     5  control center or the nearest local poison control center.
     6     (4)  A "Mr. Yuk" symbol.
     7     (5)  Health, safety and medical information or the MSDS or
     8  labels to provide the health, safety and medical information in
     9  plain English as prescribed by the secretary by regulation.
    10     (c)  Information on pesticides which is required to appear on
    11  signs shall be supplied by and obtained from the manufacturer.
    12     (d)  The secretary may, by regulation, determine additional
    13  information to be included on the signs as well as the color of
    14  signs or additional areas where signs are to be posted.
    15     (e)  Both the customer and the licensee shall be responsible
    16  for posting signs as required by this section before and after
    17  spraying. No application shall be made unless they have
    18  confirmed that the signs have been posted.
    19     (f)  It shall be unlawful for anyone to remove, alter or
    20  deface a sign that has been so posted or to conspire with
    21  another to remove, alter or deface a sign. The customer or
    22  licensee shall not be held liable for any penalty for sign
    23  removal if the sign is removed by another person under
    24  circumstances over which the customer or licensee has no
    25  control.
    26     (g)  Application shall not be made on days when wind
    27  conditions cause drift from the boundaries of the target
    28  property. A wind speed in excess of three miles per hour shall
    29  be sufficient to prohibit a spray application in a residential
    30  area. The wind speed limitation shall not apply in any case
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     1  where an application of pesticides must be made to control the
     2  gypsy moth or the black fly and, if a biological product is
     3  applied, there shall be no right of refusal, as provided for in
     4  section 25.2.
     5     (h)  Pesticides shall not be applied prophylactically unless
     6  there is strong evidence of potentially hazardous infestation to
     7  human health or to property or to the environment.
     8     (i)  If a property owner has services performed on the
     9  exterior of his property within seven days after the application
    10  of a pesticide it shall be his duty to inform the person
    11  performing the services of the application and the name of the
    12  pesticide applied.
    13     Section 25.7.  Vehicles Transporting Pesticides.--Any
    14  commercial vehicle transporting pesticides shall, by decal or
    15  otherwise, display on both sides of the cab, a list of the
    16  chemical contents of the pesticide.
    17     Section 35.1.  Access to Information.--All information files
    18  with the department relating to the registration of pesticides,
    19  as provided for in section 5.1, shall be available to the public
    20  to the extent that, in the judgment of the secretary, such
    21  information will not reveal a trade secret, as protected under
    22  section 17.3. In addition, any person shall have the right to
    23  receive the MSDS or a copy of the label for any chemical to
    24  which he may have been exposed. Any information so requested
    25  shall be supplied to the requestor at the cost to the department
    26  of copying and mailing, with no additional charges. Physicians
    27  shall be able to obtain a list of active and inactive
    28  ingredients when pesticide poisoning has occurred. The list will
    29  be provided to facilitate treatment and not to violate trade
    30  secret information.
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     1     Section 7.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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