PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 774, 1899, 2040,         PRINTER'S NO. 2681



No. 702 Session of 1995



                                     AN ACT

     1  Reenacting and amending the act of May 1, 1933 (P.L.103, No.69),
     2     entitled "An act concerning townships of the second class;
     3     and amending, revising, consolidating, and changing the law
     4     relating thereto," adding, revising and deleting provisions
     5     relating to townships of the second class.

     6                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     8  Section 101.  Short Title; Effective Date.
     9  Section 102.  Definitions.
    10  Section 103.  Excluded Provisions.
    11  Section 104.  Construction of Act Generally.
    12  Section 105.  Constitutional Construction.
    13  Section 106.  Construction of References.
    14  Section 107.  How Act Applies.
    15  Section 108.  Saving Clauses When Class of Township Changed.
    16  Section 109.  Legal Advertising.

     1  Section 201.  Classification of Townships.
     2  Section 202.  Re-establishment of Townships.
     3  Section 203.  Creation of Townships by Annulment of Charter of
     4                 Borough.
     5  Section 204.  Classification of New Townships.
     6  Section 205.  Appointment and Election of Officers of New
     7                 Townships.
     8  Section 206.  Certificates of Clerk of Court; Fee; Penalty.
     9  Section 207.  Change of Name of Township.
    11  Section 301.  Stream Boundaries.
    12  Section 302.  Establishment of Boundaries.
    13  Section 303.  Petition to Court; Commissioners' Report.
    14  Section 304.  Exceptions and Procedure.
    15  Section 305.  Costs.
    16  Section 306.  Adjustment of Indebtedness.
    17  Section 307.  Adjustment for Costs or Values of Improvements.
    19  Section 401.  Township Officers to be Electors.
    20  Section 402.  Officers to be Elected.
    21  Section 403.  Supervisors.
    22  Section 404.  Auditors.
    23  Section 405.  Assessor.
    24  Section 406.  Tax Collector.
    25  Section 407.  Vacancies in General.
    27  Section 501.  Oath of Office.
    28  Section 502.  Bonds.
    29  Section 503.  Removal for Failure to Perform Duties.
    30                 ARTICLE VI.  TOWNSHIP SUPERVISORS
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     1  Section 601.  Supervisors and Government of Townships.
     2  Section 602.  Organization Meeting; Appointment of Secretary and
     3                 Treasurer.
     4  Section 603.  Monthly Meetings; Quorum.
     5  Section 604.  Special Meetings.
     6  Section 605.  Minutes and Records.
     7  Section 606.  Compensation of Supervisors.
     8  Section 607.  Duties of Supervisors.
     9                  ARTICLE VII.  TOWNSHIP TREASURER
    10  Section 701.  Township Treasurer.
    11  Section 702.  Treasurer's Bond.
    12  Section 703.  Treasurer's Compensation.
    13  Section 704.  Treasurer's Duties.
    14  Section 705.  Assistant Treasurer.
    15  Section 706.  Use of Special Funds; Penalty.
    16  Section 707.  Penalty for Failure to Perform Duties.
    17  Section 708.  Depositories of Township Funds.
    18                 ARTICLE VIII.  TOWNSHIP SECRETARY
    19  Section 801.  Township Secretary.
    20  Section 802.  Secretary's Duties.
    21  Section 803.  Secretary's Compensation.
    22  Section 804.  Assistant Secretary.
    23                 ARTICLE IX.  AUDITORS; ACCOUNTANTS
    24  Section 901.  Township Auditors; Meetings; Duties; Quorum.
    25  Section 902.  Auditor's Compensation.
    26  Section 903.  Subpoenas; Oaths; Perjury.
    27  Section 904.  Completion, Filing and Publication of Annual
    28                 Township Report and Financial Statement.
    29  Section 905.  Penalty for Failure to Perform Duty.
    30  Section 906.  Employment and Compensation of Attorney.
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     1  Section 907.  Surcharge by Auditors.
     2  Section 908.  Collection of Surcharge; Bond.
     3  Section 909.  Appeals from Report.
     4  Section 910.  Taxpayer's Appeal; Bond.
     5  Section 911.  Consolidation of Appeals.
     6  Section 912.  Report; Prima Facie Evidence; Burden of Proof.
     7  Section 913.  Findings; Judgment.
     8  Section 914.  Costs.
     9  Section 915.  Attorney Fees.
    10  Section 916.  Interest in Township Transactions.
    11  Section 917.  Appointment of Accountant.
    12                ARTICLE X.  TAX COLLECTOR; ASSESSOR
    13  Section 1001.  Tax Collector; Powers, Duties and Liabilities.
    14  Section 1002.  Assessor; Powers and Duties.
    15                  ARTICLE XI.  TOWNSHIP SOLICITOR
    16  Section 1101.  Township Solicitor.
    17  Section 1102.  Solicitor to Have Control of Legal Matters.
    18  Section 1103.  Duties of Solicitor.
    19                  ARTICLE XII.  TOWNSHIP ENGINEER
    20  Section 1201.  Township Engineer.
    21  Section 1202.  Engineer's Duties; Preparation of Plans.
    22  Section 1203.  Certificate of Commencement and of Completion of
    23                 Municipal Improvements.
    24                  ARTICLE XIII.  TOWNSHIP MANAGER
    25  Section 1301.  Township Manager; Appointment, Removal, Powers
    26                 and Duties; Compensation; Bond.
    28                            OF TOWNSHIPS
    29  Section 1401.  County Associations.
    30  Section 1402.  State Association of Township Supervisors
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     1                 Authorized.
     2                   ARTICLE XV.  CORPORATE POWERS
     3  Section 1501.  Suits.
     4  Section 1502.  Property; Penalty for Violation.
     5  Section 1503.  Real Property.
     6  Section 1504.  Personal Property.
     7  Section 1505.  Boards of Supervisors to Exercise Powers.
     8  Section 1506.  General Powers.
     9  Section 1507.  Intergovernmental Cooperation.
    10  Section 1508.  Capital Reserve Fund.
    11  Section 1508.1.  Operating Reserve Fund.
    12  Section 1509.  Indebtedness.
    13  Section 1510.  Display of Flags.
    14  Section 1511.  Township Seals.
    15  Section 1512.  Insurance.
    16  Section 1513.  Widening and Deepening Watercourses.
    17  Section 1514.  Airports.
    18  Section 1515.  Urban Common Carrier Mass Transportation.
    19  Section 1516.  Land Use Regulations.
    20  Section 1517.  Building and Housing Regulations.
    21  Section 1518.  Building and Housing Inspectors.
    22  Section 1519.  Building Lines.
    23  Section 1520.  Numbering of Buildings.
    24  Section 1521.  Insect, Pest and Vector Programs.
    25  Section 1522.  Sewage Treatment Facilities Regulations.
    26  Section 1523.  Surplus Foods.
    27  Section 1524.  Community Nursing Services.
    28  Section 1525.  Mental Health Centers.
    29  Section 1526.  Hospitals.
    30  Section 1527.  Public Safety.
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     1  Section 1528.  Ambulances and Rescue and Life Saving Services.
     2  Section 1529.  Nuisances.
     3  Section 1530.  Regulation of Dogs.
     4  Section 1531.  Animal Shelters.
     5  Section 1532.  Regulation of Business.
     6  Section 1533.  Dangerous Structures.
     7  Section 1534.  Fireworks and Inflammable Articles.
     8  Section 1535.  Human Services.
     9  Section 1536.  Cemeteries.
    10  Section 1537.  Burial Plots of Service Persons.
    11  Section 1538.  Care of Memorials.
    12  Section 1539.  Libraries.
    13  Section 1540.  Observances and Celebrations.
    14  Section 1541.  Historical Property.
    15  Section 1542.  Community Development.
    16  Section 1543.  Industrial Promotion.
    17  Section 1544.  Tourist Promotion Agencies.
    18  Section 1545.  Nonprofit Art Corporations.
    19  Section 1546.  Neighborhood Crime Watch Programs.
    20  Section 1547.  Public Rewards.
    21  Section 1548.  Municipality Authorities.
    22  Section 1549.  Racetracks.
    23                      ARTICLE XVI.  ORDINANCES
    24  Section 1601.  Ordinances.
    25                  ARTICLE XVII.  PUBLIC BUILDINGS
    26  Section 1701.  Township Buildings.
    27  Section 1702.  Use of Public Land Acquired for Other Purposes.
    28  Section 1703.  How Damages Are Assessed.
    29  Section 1704.  Garages and Warehouses.
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     1  Section 1801.  Authority of Board of Supervisors.
     2  Section 1802.  Fire Hydrants and Water Supply.
     3  Section 1803.  Fire Companies and Facilities.
     4  Section 1804.  Ponds, Dams or Impoundments for Fire Protection.
     5  Section 1805.  Fire Prevention Code.
     6  Section 1806.  Prohibition of Fire-Producing Devices in Certain
     7                 Retail Stores.
     8                   ARTICLE XIX.  TOWNSHIP POLICE
     9  Section 1901.  Creating or Disbanding Police Force.
    10  Section 1902.  Appointment of Police.
    11  Section 1903.  Contracts to Secure Police Service.
    12  Section 1904.  Contract to Provide Police Service.
    13  Section 1905.  Powers.
    14  Section 1906.  Shield.
    15  Section 1907.  Equipment.
    16  Section 1908.  Lockups.
    17  Section 1909.  Certain Compensation Prohibited.
    18  Section 1910.  Police Pension Fund.
    19  Section 1911.  Police Protection Districts.
    20  Section 1912.  Removal of Police Officers.
    21  Section 1913.  Auxiliary Police.
    22  Section 1914.  Special Fire Police.
    23  Section 1915.  Special School Police.
    24                     ARTICLE XX.  STREET LIGHTS
    25  Section 2001.  Lighting.
    26  Section 2002.  Street Light Districts.
    27  Section 2003.  Costs.
    29  Section 2101.  Accumulation of Ashes, Garbage, Solid Waste and
    30                 Refuse Materials.
    19950H0702B2681                  - 7 -

     1  Section 2102.  Collection.
     2  Section 2103.  Disposal.
     3  Section 2104.  Acquisition of Land.
     4  Section 2105.  Charge for Services.
     5  Section 2106.  Appropriations.
     6  Section 2107.  Refuse Collection District.
     7  Section 2108.  Exclusion from Bidding Requirements.
     9  Section 2201.  Acquisition of Lands and Buildings.
    10  Section 2202.  Recreation Facilities Employes.
    11  Section 2203.  Regulation of Parks and Public Amusements.
    12  Section 2204.  Creation of Recreation Boards.
    13  Section 2205.  Joint Ownership and Maintenance.
    14  Section 2206.  Expenses for Maintenance.
    15  Section 2207.  Forest Lands.
    17  Section 2301.  Road and Bridge Maintenance, Repair and
    18                 Construction.
    19  Section 2302.  Duties of Roadmasters.
    20  Section 2303.  Road Complaints.
    21  Section 2304.  Power to Lay Out, Open, Widen, Vacate, Et Cetera.
    22  Section 2305.  Hearing; Report; Exceptions Thereto; View and
    23                 Notice.
    24  Section 2306.  Width of Public Roads.
    25  Section 2307.  Certain Roads Declared Public Roads.
    26  Section 2308.  Opening, Repairing and Closing Roads.
    27  Section 2309.  Time Within Which Roads to be Opened.
    28  Section 2310.  Detours.
    29  Section 2311.  Relocating or Vacating Roads by Agreement.
    30  Section 2312.  Elimination of Curves; Acquisition of Views.
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     1  Section 2313.  Roads in or Near Public Parks.
     2  Section 2314.  Petition of Property Owners for Improvements.
     3  Section 2315.  Improvements Without Petition.
     4  Section 2316.  Acceptance of Land for Road Purposes.
     5  Section 2317.  Approval of Plans.
     6  Section 2318.  Markers and Monuments.
     7  Section 2319.  Powers of State and Counties Preserved.
     8  Section 2320.  Power to Open Drains and Ditches.
     9  Section 2321.  Railroad Crossings.
    10  Section 2322.  Permits.
    11  Section 2323.  Penalty for Destroying Signs.
    12  Section 2324.  Protection of Highways from Snowdrifts.
    13  Section 2325.  Saving Trees and Shrubbery.
    14  Section 2326.  Obstructions and Nuisances.
    15  Section 2327.  Traffic Lights and Signals.
    16  Section 2328.  Regulation of Parking.
    17  Section 2329.  Naming of Streets.
    18  Section 2330.  Bike Paths.
    19  Section 2331.  County Bridges.
    20  Section 2332.  Boundary Roads and Bridges.
    22  Section 2401.  Location, Lines, Grades and Width of Curbs,
    23                 Sidewalks or Footpaths; Costs.
    24                   ARTICLE XXV.  SANITARY SEWERS
    25  Section 2501.  Sanitary Sewers.
    26  Section 2502.  Sanitary Sewer Connections.
    27  Section 2503.  Notice of Contemplated Construction.
    28  Section 2504.  Entering Lands to Mark Sanitary Sewer Routes;
    29                 Damages.
    30  Section 2505.  Sanitary Sewer Systems; Acquisition of Land and
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     1                 Facilities; Damages.
     2  Section 2506.  Cost of Construction; How Paid.
     3  Section 2507.  Sanitary Sewer Districts.
     4  Section 2508.  Manner of Assessment.
     5  Section 2509.  Procedure for Assessments.
     6  Section 2510.  Liens for Assessments; Costs of Proceedings.
     7  Section 2511.  Rental Fees.
     8  Section 2512.  State and County Highways; Consents Necessary.
     9  Section 2513.  Municipal Corporation; Municipality Authority;
    10                 Agreements for Connections; Appointment of
    11                 Viewers.
    12  Section 2514.  Report of Viewers.
    13  Section 2515.  Acquisition of Existing Sanitary Sewer Systems.
    14  Section 2516.  Joint Sanitary Sewer Systems.
    15  Section 2517.  State Permit.
    16                    ARTICLE XXVI.  WATER SUPPLY
    17  Section 2601.  Contracts With Water Companies and Municipal
    18                 Corporations and Acquisition of Water Systems.
    19  Section 2602.  Water Lines and Connections.
    20  Section 2603.  Connection to Water System.
    21  Section 2604.  Water Rents.
    22  Section 2605.  Distribution System; State Permit.
    23  Section 2606.  Occupation of Highways.
    24  Section 2607.  Joint Construction, Acquisition or Maintenance of
    25                 Water Systems.
    26  Section 2608.  Joint Water Board.
    27  Section 2609.  Public Utility Law Saved.
    28  Section 2610.  Cost of Construction; How Paid.
    29  Section 2611.  Water Districts.
    30  Section 2612.  Assessment.
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     1  Section 2613.  Procedure for Assessment.
     2  Section 2614.  Liens for Assessments; Costs of Proceedings.
     4                             FACILITIES
     5  Section 2701.  Storm Water Management Systems Authorized.
     6  Section 2702.  Construction of Storm Water Management
     7                 Facilities.
     8  Section 2703.  System Management.
     9  Section 2704.  Ordinances.
    11  Section 2801.  Manufacture and Sale of Electricity.
    12  Section 2802.  Regulation of Use and Prices.
    13  Section 2803.  Sale of Hydroelectric Generating Facilities.
    14  Section 2804.  Construction or Purchase of Hydroelectric
    15                 Generating Facilities.
    16  Section 2805.  Submission to Electors.
    17  Section 2806.  Limitation on Indebtedness.
    19  Section 2901.  Right of Establishment.
    20  Section 2902.  Commission Members; Appointment; Terms;
    21                 Vacancies.
    22  Section 2903.  Powers May be Vested in Recreation Board.
    23  Section 2904.  General Powers of Commission.
    24  Section 2905.  Hiring of Employes.
    25  Section 2906.  Report of Commission.
    26  Section 2907.  Removal of Diseased or Dangerous Trees.
    27  Section 2908.  Maintenance by Township Funds.
    28  Section 2909.  Penalties.
    29  Section 2910.  Disposition of Penalties.
    30                   ARTICLE XXX.  BOARD OF HEALTH
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     1  Section 3001.  Establishment of Board of Health.
     2  Section 3002.  Members of Board of Health.
     3  Section 3003.  Organization, Secretary, Health Officer and
     4                 Inspectors.
     5  Section 3004.  Duties of Secretary.
     6  Section 3005.  Powers and Duties of Health Officers and
     7                 Inspectors.
     8  Section 3006.  Powers of Board of Health.
     9  Section 3007.  Entering Premises.
    10  Section 3008.  Written Order for Violation.
    11  Section 3009.  Appropriations and Annual Report.
    12  Section 3010.  Cooperation With Other Municipal Corporations.
    13                      ARTICLE XXXI.  CONTRACTS
    14  Section 3101.  Power to Make Contracts.
    15  Section 3102.  Letting Contracts.
    16  Section 3103.  Road Contracts.
    17  Section 3104.  Evasion of Advertising Requirements.
    18  Section 3105.  Bonds for Protection of Labor and Material
    19                 Suppliers.
    20  Section 3106.  Purchase Contracts for Supplies and Equipment;
    21                 Fire Company, Et Cetera; Participation.
    22  Section 3107.  Separate Specifications for Branches of Work.
    23  Section 3108.  Workers' Compensation Insurance.
    24  Section 3109.  Engineers and Architects Not to be Interested in
    25                 Contracts.
    27  Section 3201.  Fiscal Year.
    28  Section 3202.  Annual Budget.
    29  Section 3203.  Uniform Report Forms.
    30  Section 3204.  Investment of Township Funds.
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     1  Section 3205.  Township and Special Tax Levies.
     2  Section 3206.  Procedure for Referendum on Tax Questions.
     3  Section 3207.  Taxes for Special Districts.
     4  Section 3208.  Tax Rate to be Expressed in Dollars and Cents.
     5  Section 3209.  Tax Duplicates.
     6  Section 3210.  Additions and Revisions to Duplicates.
     8  Section 3301.  Assessments Collected by Tax Collector.
     9  Section 3302.  Assessments Collected by Township Treasurer.
    10  Section 3303.  Installment Payments.
    12                        DAMAGES AND BENEFITS
    13  Section 3401.  Scope of Article.
    14  Section 3402.  Restrictions as to Certain Property.
    15  Section 3403.  Value of Land or Property Not to be Assessed as
    16                 Benefits.
    17  Section 3404.  Title Acquired.
    18  Section 3405.  Assessment of Damages and Benefits.
    19  Section 3406.  Assessment Awards.
    20  Section 3407.  Assessments to Bear Interest.
    22  Section 3501.  Violation of Act Generally; Penalty.
    24  Section 3601.  Recovery of Municipal Claims.
    25                      ARTICLE XXXVII.  REPEALS
    26  Section 3701.  Repeals.
    27     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    28  hereby enacts as follows:
    29     Section 1.  The title and act of May 1, 1933 (P.L.103,
    30  No.69), known as The Second Class Township Code, reenacted and
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     1  amended July 10, 1947 (P.L.1481, No.567) and amended or repealed
     2  in part May 20, 1949 (P.L.1562, No.474), May 24, 1951 (P.L.370,
     3  No.85), May 29, 1951 (P.L.435, No.102), July 19, 1951 (P.L.1097,
     4  No.243), January 14, 1952 (1951 P.L.1989, No.555), July 2, 1953
     5  (P.L.328, No.72), July 2, 1953 (P.L.354, No.83), August 21, 1953
     6  (P.L.1333, No.376), June 28, 1955 (P.L.214, No.67), May 29, 1956
     7  (1955 P.L.1804, No.600), May 31, 1956 (1955 P.L.1898, No.627),
     8  June 1, 1956 (1955 P.L.2021, No.677), April 9, 1957 (P.L.54,
     9  No.29), May 20, 1957 (P.L.174, No.85), May 20, 1957 (P.L.179,
    10  No.87), June 16, 1959 (P.L.466, No.95), June 30, 1959 (P.L.495,
    11  No.120), July 9, 1959 (P.L.508, No.134), July 9, 1959 (P.L.510,
    12  No.136), July 21, 1959 (P.L.559, No.173), July 30, 1959
    13  (P.L.585, No.193), August 11, 1959 (P.L.664, No.216), August 25,
    14  1959 (P.L.763, No.269), August 28, 1959 (P.L.788, No.287),
    15  September 8, 1959 (P.L.809, No.305), April 28, 1961 (P.L.153,
    16  No.75), May 9, 1961 (P.L.181, No.89), May 9, 1961 (P.L.194,
    17  No.97), July 13, 1961 (P.L.596, No.294), July 13, 1961 (P.L.600,
    18  No.299), May 15, 1963 (P.L.39, No.35), June 21, 1963 (P.L.153,
    19  No.98), July 26, 1963 (P.L.323, No.176), July 31, 1963 (P.L.381,
    20  No.203), August 2, 1963 (P.L.491, No.255), August 6, 1963
    21  (P.L.535, No.285), August 24, 1963 (P.L.1197, No.503), May 3,
    22  1965 (P.L.35, No.29), May 5, 1965 (P.L.42, No.36), May 7, 1965
    23  (P.L.51, No.39), May 12, 1965 (P.L.57, No.43), June 8, 1965
    24  (P.L.99, No.68), June 8, 1965 (P.L.121, No.83), September 1,
    25  1965 (P.L.455, No.232), September 2, 1965 (P.L.477, No.241),
    26  November 10, 1965 (P.L.709, No.339), February 2, 1966 (1965
    27  P.L.1887, No.601), March 21, 1967 (P.L.17, No.6), June 1, 1967
    28  (P.L.29, No.19), June 16, 1967 (P.L.108, No.25), October 9, 1967
    29  (P.L.416, No.184), October 19, 1967 (P.L.455, No.212), November
    30  24, 1967 (P.L.620, No.282), December 14, 1967 (P.L.816, No.350),
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     1  December 14, 1967 (P.L.833, No.358), December 20, 1967 (P.L.869,
     2  No.385), January 18, 1968 (1967 P.L.958, No.426), March 21, 1968
     3  (P.L.66, No.22), April 3, 1968 (P.L.78, No.33), June 24, 1968
     4  (P.L.240, No.112), July 31, 1968 (P.L.805, No.247), June 30,
     5  1969 (P.L.110, No.42), July 1, 1969 (P.L.117, No.48), April 22,
     6  1970 (P.L.303, No.97), July 22, 1970 (P.L.533, No.179), July 22,
     7  1970 (P.L.553, No.190), November 25, 1970 (P.L.734, No.237),
     8  June 3, 1971 (P.L.118, No.6), June 27, 1973 (P.L.74, No.33),
     9  July 27, 1973 (P.L.242, No.67), October 12, 1973 (P.L.291,
    10  No.86), January 23, 1974 (P.L.12, No.5), March 1, 1974 (P.L.88,
    11  No.23), March 13, 1974 (P.L.192, No.36), April 11, 1974
    12  (P.L.248, No.60), June 27, 1974 (P.L.411, No.144), June 27, 1974
    13  (P.L.420, No.148), December 13, 1974 (P.L.960, No.315), July 16,
    14  1975 (P.L.69, No.40), July 30, 1975 (P.L.134, No.67), July 30,
    15  1975 (P.L.137, No.69), October 2, 1975 (P.L.344, No.98),
    16  December 19, 1975 (P.L.562, No.159), May 21, 1976 (P.L.146,
    17  No.70), June 11, 1976 (P.L.159, No.78), July 9, 1976 (P.L.851,
    18  No.149), December 1, 1977 (P.L.246, No.81), April 28, 1978
    19  (P.L.202, No.53), September 28, 1978 (P.L.808, No.158), October
    20  4, 1978 (P.L.948, No.187), October 4, 1978 (P.L.1026, No.228),
    21  October 5, 1979 (P.L.199, No.67), November 1, 1979 (P.L.450,
    22  No.87), May 9, 1980 (P.L.118, No.45), July 10, 1980 (P.L.475,
    23  No.102), October 5, 1980 (P.L.780, No.143), December 19, 1980
    24  (P.L.1318, No.238), May 22, 1981 (P.L.79, No.26), October 1,
    25  1981 (P.L.286, No.97), October 16, 1981 (P.L.291, No.100),
    26  November 20, 1981 (P.L.337, No.122), March 3, 1982 (P.L.124,
    27  No.40), April 8, 1982 (P.L.256, No.77), November 26, 1982
    28  (P.L.765, No.218), December 13, 1982 (P.L.1147, No.262), May 1,
    29  1984 (P.L.222, No.46), October 31, 1985 (P.L.294, No.68), July
    30  3, 1986 (P.L.385, No.82), December 11, 1986 (P.L.1500, No.159),
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     1  December 17, 1986 (P.L.1687, No.199), July 13, 1987 (P.L.330,
     2  No.60), January 28, 1988 (P.L.19, No.9), March 2, 1988 (P.L.105,
     3  No.20), March 25, 1988 (P.L.261, No.30), March 30, 1988
     4  (P.L.312, No.41), June 15, 1988 (P.L.453, No.75), December 14,
     5  1989 (P.L.629, No.74), July 10, 1990 (P.L.386, No.91), November
     6  29, 1990 (P.L.606, No.153), November 29, 1990 (P.L.610, No.155),
     7  July 11, 1991 (P.L.83, No.17), December 20, 1991 (P.L.408,
     8  No.49), December 16, 1992 (P.L.1213, No.157) and, October 13,     <--
     9  1994 (P.L.596, No.90) AND JUNE 26, 1995 (P.L.70, NO.14), are      <--
    10  reenacted and amended to read:
    11                               AN ACT
    12  Concerning townships of the second class; and amending,
    13     revising, consolidating[,] and changing the law relating
    14     thereto.
    15                             ARTICLE I
    16                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    17     [Section 101.  Short Title.--Effective Date. This act shall
    18  be known, and may be cited, as "The Second Class Township Code."
    19  This act shall take effect on the first day of July, one
    20  thousand nine hundred and thirty-three. This reenactment,
    21  revision, amendment and consolidation of the laws relating to
    22  townships of the second class shall become effective the first
    23  day of July, one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven.]
    24     Section 101.  Short Title.--This act shall be known and may
    25  be cited as "The Second Class Township Code."
    26     [Section 102.  Definitions.--The following words, terms and
    27  phrases, as used in this act, shall have the meanings herein
    28  assigned to them, unless the context clearly indicates
    29  otherwise:
    30     (a)  "Township," a township of the second class.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 16 -

     1     (b)  "Road" or "Public road," a road of a township of the
     2  second class and shall include a street, lane, alley, court or
     3  public square of such township.
     4     (c)  "Highway" or "State highway," a road or highway of the
     5  State highway system.]
     6     Section 102.  Definitions.--The following words, terms and
     7  phrases, as used in this act, shall have the following meanings,
     8  unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
     9     "Census" or "official census," the latest United States
    10  Census Bureau population count resulting from a decennial or
    11  special census conducted by the United States Census Bureau.
    12     "Highway" or "State highway," any highway, road or street
    13  which qualifies as a State highway or a portion of the rural
    14  State highway system as provided in section 102 of the act of
    15  June 1, 1945 (P.L.1242, No.428), known as the "State Highway
    16  Law."
    17     "Municipal corporation," any city, borough, incorporated
    18  town, township of the second class, township of the first class
    19  or home rule municipality, except home rule counties.
    20     "Road" or "public road," the entire width between the
    21  boundary lines of every way, street, lane, alley, court or
    22  public square maintained by the township which is open to the
    23  use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel.
    24     "Township," a township of the second class.
    25     [Section 103.  Excluded Provisions.--This act does not
    26  include any provisions, and shall not be construed to repeal any
    27  acts, relating to--
    28     (a)  The assessment and valuation of property and persons for
    29  the purposes of taxation and collection of taxes and the
    30  collection of municipal claims by liens;
    19950H0702B2681                 - 17 -

     1     (b)  The method of incurring or increasing bonded
     2  indebtedness;
     3     (c)  Election officers and conduct of elections;
     4     (d)  Public schools and school districts;
     5     (e)  Constables;
     6     (f)  Justices of the peace;
     7     (g)  State roads, and private roads;
     8     (h)  Validations of elections, bonds, ordinances, and acts of
     9  corporate officers;
    10     (i)  Free non-sectarian libraries.]
    11     Section 103.  Excluded Provisions.--(a)  This act does not
    12  repeal any acts relating to:
    13     (1)  The assessment and valuation of property and persons for
    14  the purposes of taxation and collection of taxes and the
    15  collection of municipal claims by liens.
    16     (2)  The method of incurring or increasing indebtedness.
    17     (3)  Election officers and conduct of elections.
    18     (4)  Public schools and school districts.
    19     (5)  Constables.
    20     (6)  District justices.
    21     (7)  State highways and private roads.
    22     (8)  Validations of elections, bonds, ordinances and acts of
    23  corporate officers.
    24     (9)  Free nonsectarian libraries.
    25     (10)  Intergovernmental cooperation.
    26     (11)  Planning and land use.
    27     (12)  Public meetings.
    28     (13)  Inspection of records.
    29     (14)  Ethics of elected officers and employes.
    30     (15)  The levy or collection of taxes under general law.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 18 -

     1     (b)  It is the intention that this act shall furnish a
     2  complete and exclusive system for the government and regulation
     3  of townships except as to the several matters enumerated in
     4  subsection (a).
     5     [Section 104.  Construction of Act Generally.--The provisions
     6  of this act, so far as they are the same as those of existing
     7  laws, are intended as a continuation of such laws and not as new
     8  enactments. The repeal by this act of any act of Assembly, or
     9  part thereof, shall not revive any act or part thereof
    10  heretofore repealed or superseded, nor affect the existence or
    11  class of any township heretofore created. The provisions of this
    12  act shall not affect any act done, liability incurred, or right
    13  accrued or vested, or affect any suit or prosecution, pending or
    14  to be instituted, to enforce any right or penalty or punish any
    15  offense under the authority of such repealed laws. All
    16  resolutions, regulations, and rules, made pursuant to any act of
    17  Assembly repealed by this act, shall continue with the same
    18  force and effect as if such act had not been repealed. Any
    19  person holding office under any act of Assembly repealed by this
    20  act shall continue to hold such office until the expiration of
    21  the term thereof, subject to the conditions attached to such
    22  office prior to the passage of this act.]
    23     Section 104.  Construction of Act Generally.--The provisions
    24  of this act, insofar as they are the same as those of existing
    25  laws, are intended as a continuation of those laws and not as
    26  new enactments. The repeal by this act of any State law or part
    27  thereof does not revive any act or part thereof previously
    28  repealed or superseded. The provisions of this act do not affect
    29  any act done, liability incurred or right accrued or vested, or
    30  affect any suit or prosecution, pending or to be instituted, to
    19950H0702B2681                 - 19 -

     1  enforce any right or penalty or punish any offense under the
     2  authority of any repealed laws.
     3     [Section 105.  Constitutional Construction.--The provisions
     4  of this act shall be severable, and if any of the provisions
     5  shall be held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not
     6  affect the validity of any of the remaining provisions of this
     7  act. It is hereby declared as the legislative intent that this
     8  act would have been adopted had such unconstitutional provision
     9  not been included therein.]
    10     Section 105.  Constitutional Construction.--The provisions of
    11  this act are severable, and if any of the provisions are held to
    12  be unconstitutional, that decision shall not affect the validity
    13  of any of the remaining provisions of this act. It is the
    14  legislative intent that this act would have been adopted had the
    15  unconstitutional provision not been included.
    16     [Section 106.  Construction of References.--Whenever, in this
    17  act, reference is made to any act by title, such reference shall
    18  also apply to and include any codification wherein the
    19  provisions of the act referred to are substantially re-enacted.]
    20     Section 106.  Construction of References.--When, in this act,
    21  reference is made to any act by title, it includes any
    22  codification in which the provisions of the act referred to are
    23  substantially re-enacted.
    24     [Section 107.  How Act Applies.--This act shall apply to all
    25  townships of the second class within the Commonwealth as now
    26  existing or hereafter created, established or re-established.]
    27     Section 107.  How Act Applies.--This act shall apply to all
    28  townships of the second class as now exist and those created,
    29  established or re-established after this act takes effect.
    30     [Section 108.  Saving Clauses Where Class of Township
    19950H0702B2681                 - 20 -

     1  Changed.--Whenever any township of the second class is
     2  designated a township of the first class, or whenever any
     3  township of the first class is re-established as a township of
     4  the second class, all liabilities incurred, rights accrued or
     5  vested, obligations issued or contracted, and all suits and
     6  prosecutions pending or to be instituted to enforce any right or
     7  penalty accrued or punish any offense committed prior to such
     8  change of class, and all resolutions, rules and regulations,
     9  shall continue with the same force and effect as if no such
    10  change had been made.]
    11     Section 108.  Saving Clauses When Class of Township
    12  Changed.--When any township of the second class is re-
    13  established as a township of the first class, or when any
    14  township of the first class is re-established as a township of
    15  the second class, all liabilities incurred, rights accrued or
    16  vested, obligations issued or contracted, and all suits and
    17  prosecutions pending or to be instituted to enforce any right or
    18  penalty accrued or punish any offense committed before the
    19  change of class, and all resolutions, rules and regulations,
    20  shall continue with the same force and effect as if no change
    21  had been made.
    22     [Section 109.  Exception as to Taxation.--This act does not
    23  provide for the assessment and valuation of property and persons
    24  for the purposes of taxation and the collection of township
    25  taxes.
    26     Section 110.  Legal Advertising.--Whenever, under the
    27  provisions of this act, notice is required to be published in
    28  one newspaper, such publication shall be made in a newspaper of
    29  general circulation, as defined by the Newspaper Advertising
    30  Act, approved May sixteenth, one thousand nine hundred and
    19950H0702B2681                 - 21 -

     1  twenty-nine (Pamphlet Laws one thousand seven hundred and
     2  eighty-four), printed in the township, if there is such a
     3  newspaper, and, if not, then in a newspaper circulating
     4  generally in such township. If such notice is required to be
     5  published in more than one newspaper, it shall be published in
     6  at least one newspaper of general circulation, defined as
     7  aforesaid, printed, if there be such a newspaper, or circulating
     8  generally, as above provided, in the township. When such notice
     9  relates to any proceeding or matter in any court, or the holding
    10  of an election for the increase of indebtedness, or the issue
    11  and sale of bonds to be paid by taxation, such notice shall,
    12  also, in counties of the second, third, fourth and fifth
    13  classes, be published in the legal newspaper, if any, designated
    14  by the rules of court of the proper county for the publication
    15  of legal notices and advertisements, unless such publication be
    16  dispensed with by special order of court: Provided, however,
    17  That auditors' statements, summaries of auditors' statements, or
    18  advertisements inviting proposals for public contracts and for
    19  bids for materials and supplies, shall be published only in
    20  newspapers of general circulation, defined as aforesaid.]
    21     Section 109.  Legal Advertising.--When notice is required to
    22  be published by a township in one or more newspapers, unless
    23  otherwise specified, publication shall be made in the legal
    24  notice section in a newspaper of general circulation in the
    25  township, as defined by 45 Pa.C.S. (relating to legal notices).
    26  When the notice relates to any proceeding or matter in any
    27  court, or the holding of an election for the increase of
    28  indebtedness, or the issue and sale of bonds to be paid by
    29  taxation, the notice shall also be published in the legal
    30  newspaper of the county, if any, so designated by the rules of
    19950H0702B2681                 - 22 -

     1  court. Auditors' statements, summaries of auditors' statements,
     2  notices of public meetings and hearings, notices of budget
     3  proposals, ordinances, lists of delinquent taxpayers and
     4  advertisements inviting proposals for public contracts and for
     5  bids for materials and supplies shall be published only in
     6  newspapers of general circulation.
     7                             ARTICLE II
    10                 OF TOWNSHIPS [OF THE SECOND CLASS
    11                  (a)  Classification of Townships
    12     Section 201.  Classification of Townships.--The townships now
    13  in existence and those to be hereafter created are divided into
    14  two classes. Townships of the first class shall be those having
    15  a population of at least three hundred inhabitants to the square
    16  mile, which have heretofore fully organized and elected their
    17  officers and are now functioning as townships of the first
    18  class, or which may hereafter be created townships of the first
    19  class in the manner provided by the laws relating to townships
    20  of the first class. All townships not townships of the first
    21  class shall be townships of the second class. A change from one
    22  class to the other shall hereafter be made only as provided by
    23  this act, or the laws relating to townships of the first class.]
    24     Section 201.  Classification of Townships.--The townships now
    25  in existence and those to be created after this act takes effect
    26  are divided into two classes, townships of the first class and
    27  townships of the second class. Townships of the first class are
    28  those having a population of at least three hundred inhabitants
    29  to the square mile, which are now established as townships of
    30  the first class, or which may be created townships of the first
    19950H0702B2681                 - 23 -

     1  class under laws relating to townships of the first class. All
     2  townships that are not townships of the first class or home rule
     3  townships are townships of the second class. A change from one
     4  class to the other shall be made only under this act or the laws
     5  relating to townships of the first class.
     6                 [(b)  Consolidation of Townships]
     7  [(c)  Re-establishment of Townships of the Second Class
     8     Section 225.  Because of Loss of Population.--Townships of
     9  the first class no longer having a population of three hundred
    10  to the square mile may be re-established as townships of the
    11  second class, in the manner provided by laws governing townships
    12  of the first class.
    13     Section 226.  By Vote of Registered Electors.--A township of
    14  the first class may, irrespective of population, be re-
    15  established a township of the second class in the manner
    16  hereinafter provided.
    17     The board of commissioners of such township on its own
    18  initiative may, or within fifteen days after the receipt of a
    19  petition signed by at least five per centum of the registered
    20  electors of such township shall, pass a resolution and record it
    21  on its minutes, submitting the question, of whether such
    22  township of the first class shall be re-established a township
    23  of the second class, to the registered electors of such
    24  township.
    25     At the primary, general or municipal election occurring at
    26  least ninety days after the passage of such resolution, the
    27  question, whether such township of the first class shall be re-
    28  established a township of the second class, shall be submitted
    29  to the voters of the township; and the county board of elections
    30  shall cause to be printed, on separate ballots, or in case
    19950H0702B2681                 - 24 -

     1  voting is by machine on ballot labels, to be used in such
     2  township at such election, a proper question framed in
     3  accordance with the election laws of the Commonwealth.
     4     The election officers shall compute the votes cast at the
     5  election and make return thereof to the county board of
     6  elections, wherein such township is situate, which shall compute
     7  the same and certify the result thereof to the county
     8  commissioners and the board of township commissioners of such
     9  township and to the clerk of the court of quarter sessions. If a
    10  majority of the votes cast at any such election shall be in
    11  favor of the re-establishment of such township as a township of
    12  the second class, the government of the township of the second
    13  class shall be organized and become effective on the first
    14  Monday of January next succeeding such election, at which time
    15  the terms of the officers of the township of the first class
    16  shall cease and terminate, and the officers appointed by the
    17  court for such township, as hereinafter provided, shall take
    18  office. If a majority of the votes cast at any such election
    19  shall be in favor of remaining a township of the first class, no
    20  further proceedings shall be had for a period of two years after
    21  which proceedings de novo may be had.]
    22     Section 202.  Re-establishment of Townships.--A township of
    23  the first class may, irrespective of population, be re-
    24  established a township of the second class in the following
    25  manner:
    26     (1)  The board of commissioners of the township of the first
    27  class on its own initiative may, or within fifteen days after
    28  the receipt of a petition signed by at least five percent of the
    29  electors of the township of the first class shall, pass a
    30  resolution and record it on its minutes, submitting the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 25 -

     1  question, of whether the township of the first class shall be
     2  re-established as a township of the second class, to the
     3  electors of the township of the first class.
     4     (2)  At the next primary, general or municipal election
     5  occurring at least ninety days after the passage of the
     6  resolution, the question, whether the township of the first
     7  class shall be re-established as a township of the second class,
     8  shall be submitted to the voters of the township; and the county
     9  board of elections shall place the question of re-establishment
    10  as a township of the second class on the ballot under the
    11  election laws of this Commonwealth.
    12     (3)  The election officers shall compute the votes cast at
    13  the election and certify them to the county board of elections,
    14  which shall compute them and certify the result to the county
    15  commissioners and the board of commissioners of the township of
    16  the first class and to the clerk of the court of common pleas.
    17  If a majority of the votes cast at the election are in favor of
    18  the re-establishment of the township of the first class as a
    19  township of the second class, the government of the township of
    20  the second class shall be organized and become effective on the
    21  first Monday of January after the election, when the terms of
    22  the officers of the township of the first class shall cease, and
    23  the officers appointed by the court for the township under
    24  section 205 shall take office. If a majority of the votes cast
    25  at the election are in favor of remaining a township of the
    26  first class, no further proceedings may be initiated for a
    27  period of two years from the date of the election.
    28         [(d)  Creation of Townships of the Second Class by
    29                   Annulment of Borough Charters
    30     Section 230.  Because of Annulment of Charter of Borough.--
    19950H0702B2681                 - 26 -

     1  Townships of the second class may be created by the annulment of
     2  a charter of a borough in the manner provided by laws governing
     3  boroughs.]
     4     Section 203.  Creation of Townships by Annulment of Charter
     5  of Borough.--Townships of the second class may be created by the
     6  annulment of a charter of a borough under laws governing
     7  boroughs.
     8     Section 204.  Classification of New Townships.--When a new
     9  township is created either by consolidation of two or more
    10  townships, or re-establishment of a township of the first class
    11  as a township or by annulment of a charter of a borough, the new
    12  township shall be classified as a township of the second class.
    13                  [(e)  Officers for New Townships
    14     Section 235.  Appointment and Election of Officers of New
    15  Townships.--Whenever a new township results from the
    16  consolidation of townships, or is created as a result of the
    17  annulment of the charter of a borough, or when a township is re-
    18  established, the court of quarter sessions shall appoint the
    19  elective officers for the new township, and fix the polling
    20  place or places in such new township. The officers so appointed
    21  shall hold their offices until the first Monday of January
    22  following the next municipal election occurring at least ninety
    23  days after such appointments. At such municipal election, an
    24  assessor and a tax collector shall be elected for regular four-
    25  year terms, if such election occurs in the year when such
    26  officers are elected for regular terms, and if not, then such
    27  officers shall be elected for terms of two years each and their
    28  successors shall be elected for four-year terms. At said first
    29  municipal election, one supervisor and one auditor shall be
    30  elected for terms of six years each, one supervisor and one
    19950H0702B2681                 - 27 -

     1  auditor for terms of four years each, and one supervisor and one
     2  auditor for terms of two years each. All such officers shall
     3  take office on the first Monday of January next following their
     4  election.]
     5     Section 205.  Appointment and Election of Officers of New
     6  Townships.--When a new township results from the consolidation
     7  of townships, or is created as a result of the annulment of a
     8  charter of a borough, or when a township of the first class is
     9  re-established as a township of the second class, the court of
    10  common pleas shall appoint the elective officers for the new
    11  township and determine the polling place or places in the new
    12  township. The appointed officers shall hold their offices until
    13  the first Monday of January after the next municipal election
    14  which occurs at least ninety days after the appointments. At the
    15  municipal election, an assessor in those counties where
    16  assessors are elected and a tax collector shall be elected for
    17  regular four-year terms, if the election occurs in the year when
    18  those officers are elected for regular terms, and, if not, they
    19  shall be elected for terms of two years each and their
    20  successors shall be elected for four-year terms. At the first
    21  municipal election, one supervisor and one auditor shall be
    22  elected for terms of six years each, one supervisor and one
    23  auditor for terms of four years each, and one supervisor and one
    24  auditor for terms of two years each. All officers shall take
    25  office on the first Monday of January after their election.
    26      [(f)  Certificates to be Furnished to State Departments
    27     Section 240.  Certificates of Clerk of Court; Fee; Penalty.--
    28  When a township of the second class results from the
    29  consolidation of two or more townships or is created or re-
    30  established, the clerk of the court of quarter sessions of the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 28 -

     1  county, within thirty days, shall certify a copy of the record
     2  hereof in said court to the Secretary of Community Affairs and
     3  the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth. For such
     4  services the clerk shall be allowed a fee of three dollars and
     5  fifty cents, to be paid as part of the costs of the proceedings.
     6     Any clerk who shall fail or neglect or refuse to furnish such
     7  certifications, or either of them, as herein required, shall
     8  upon conviction thereof, in a summary proceeding, be sentenced
     9  to pay a fine of not more than fifty dollars, and in default of
    10  the payment of such fine and costs, undergo imprisonment of not
    11  more than ten days.]
    12     Section 206.  Certificates of Clerk of Court; Fee; Penalty.--
    13  (a)  When a township of the second class results from the
    14  consolidation of two or more townships or is created or re-
    15  established, the clerk of the court of common pleas, within
    16  thirty days, shall certify the action to the Department of
    17  Community Affairs and the Department of Transportation. The
    18  clerk may charge a fee of three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50),
    19  to be paid as part of the costs of the proceedings.
    20     (b)  A clerk who fails to furnish the certifications, or
    21  either of them, shall, upon conviction thereof, in a summary
    22  proceeding, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than fifty
    23  dollars ($50) and, in default of the payment of the fine and
    24  costs, undergo imprisonment of not more than ten days.
    25                            [ARTICLE IIA
    27     Section 201A.  Petition of Electors.--Upon petition to the
    28  court of quarter sessions of at least ten per centum of the
    29  registered electors of any township of the second class setting
    30  forth that the inhabitants of the township desire to change the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 29 -

     1  name of the township, the court shall order an election to be
     2  held on the next day appointed for the holding of a general,
     3  municipal or primary election occurring at least ninety days
     4  after the presentation of the petition, at which election the
     5  question whether the name of the township shall be changed shall
     6  be submitted to the voters of the township.
     7     Section 202A.  Filing and Advertisement of Petition.--Upon
     8  determination by the court that the petition for change of name
     9  of the township is in proper form and properly executed, and the
    10  entry of the court order thereon, the original petition shall be
    11  filed with the clerk of the court and a copy of the petition and
    12  order of the court shall be filed with the county board of
    13  elections which shall frame the proper question to be submitted
    14  to the electors at the election ordered by the court. Notice of
    15  the election shall be given in at least one newspaper of general
    16  circulation of the proper county once a week for four
    17  consecutive weeks, which shall set forth the time of the
    18  election and the purpose thereof. The publication of the notice
    19  shall be made on behalf of the petitioners in such form as the
    20  court shall approve.
    21     Section 203A.  Returns and Effect of Election.--The election
    22  officers shall compute the votes cast on the question and make
    23  return thereof to the clerk of the court of quarter sessions who
    24  shall tabulate the same and certify the result thereof. If a
    25  majority of the votes cast at any such election shall be in
    26  favor of the change of township name, the court shall so order
    27  and shall order the record of the proceedings to be permanently
    28  recorded. If a majority of the votes were against the change,
    29  there shall be no further proceedings on the petition.]
    30     Section 207.  Change of Name of Township.--(a)  Upon petition
    19950H0702B2681                 - 30 -

     1  to the court of common pleas of at least ten percent of the
     2  electors of a township, or upon passage of a resolution by the
     3  board of supervisors, seeking a change of the name of the
     4  township, the court shall order a referendum on the question.
     5     (b)  If the court determines that the petition or resolution
     6  for change of name of the township is in proper form and
     7  properly executed, the original petition or resolution shall be
     8  filed with the clerk of the court. A copy of the petition or
     9  resolution and order of the court shall be filed with the county
    10  board of elections, which shall frame the question to be
    11  submitted to the electors at the next general or municipal
    12  election which occurs at least sixty days after the court order.
    13     (c)  The election officers shall compute the votes cast on
    14  the question and certify them to the clerk of the court of
    15  common pleas, who shall tabulate them and certify the result. If
    16  a majority of the votes cast at the election are in favor of the
    17  change of township name, the court shall so order and shall
    18  order the record of the proceedings to be permanently recorded.
    19  If a majority of the votes are against the change, there shall
    20  be no further proceedings on the petition or resolution.
    21                            ARTICLE III
    22                   TOWNSHIP LINES AND BOUNDARIES
    23     [Section 301.  Stream Boundaries.--Whenever any township is
    24  bounded by the nearest margin of any navigable stream, and the
    25  opposite township, borough or city, as the case may be, is also
    26  bounded by the nearest margin of the same stream, the middle of
    27  such stream shall be the boundary between such township and the
    28  opposite township, borough or city. Nothing contained in this
    29  section shall be construed to repeal any local or special law
    30  providing to the contrary.]
    19950H0702B2681                 - 31 -

     1     Section 301.  Stream Boundaries.--When any township is
     2  bounded by the nearest margin of any navigable stream and the
     3  opposite municipal corporation is also bounded by the nearest
     4  margin of the same stream, the middle of the stream is the
     5  boundary between the township and the opposite municipal
     6  corporation. This section does not repeal any local or special
     7  law.
     8     [Section 302.  Establishment of Boundaries.--The courts of
     9  quarter sessions may, upon the presentation of a petition, (a)
    10  alter the lines of a township and any adjoining township,
    11  borough, or city so as to suit the convenience of the
    12  inhabitants thereof; (b) cause the lines or boundaries of
    13  townships to be ascertained and established; and (c) ascertain
    14  and establish disputed lines and boundaries between two or more
    15  townships or between townships and cities or boroughs. When any
    16  such petition is presented, the court may require the
    17  petitioners to file a bond in a sufficient sum to secure the
    18  payment of all costs of the proceeding.]
    19     Section 302.  Ascertainment of Boundaries.--(a)  The courts
    20  of common pleas may, upon the presentation of a petition:
    21     (1)  require the lines or boundaries of townships to be
    22  ascertained; and
    23     (2)  ascertain disputed lines and boundaries between two or
    24  more townships or between townships and any municipal
    25  corporation.
    26     (b)  When any petition is presented, the court may require
    27  the petitioners to file a bond in a sufficient sum to secure the
    28  payment of all costs of the proceeding.
    29     [Section 303.  Petition to Court; Commissioners Report.--Upon
    30  application by petition, the court shall appoint three impartial
    19950H0702B2681                 - 32 -

     1  citizens as commissioners, one of whom shall be a registered
     2  surveyor or engineer, to inquire into the prayer of the
     3  petition. After having given notice to parties interested as
     4  directed by the court, the commissioners shall hold a hearing
     5  and view the lines or boundaries; and they, or any two of them,
     6  shall make a plot or draft of the lines and boundaries proposed
     7  to be altered or ascertained and established if the same cannot
     8  be fully designated by natural lines or boundaries. The
     9  commissioners, or any two of them, shall make report to the
    10  court, together with their opinion of the same. Upon the filing
    11  of any such report, the same shall be confirmed nisi, and the
    12  court may, by its order, require such notice to be given by the
    13  petitioners to the parties interested, as it deems proper.]
    14     Section 303.  Petition to Court; Commissioners' Report.--Upon
    15  application by petition, the court shall appoint three impartial
    16  citizens as commissioners, one of whom shall be a registered
    17  surveyor or engineer, to inquire into the request of the
    18  petition. After giving notice to parties interested as directed
    19  by the court, the commissioners shall hold a hearing and view
    20  the lines or boundaries; and they shall make a plot or draft of
    21  the lines and boundaries proposed to be ascertained and
    22  established if they cannot be fully designated by natural lines
    23  or boundaries. The commissioners shall make a report to the
    24  court, together with their recommendations. Upon the filing of
    25  the report, it shall be confirmed nisi, and the court may
    26  require notice to be given by the petitioners to the parties
    27  interested.
    28     [Section 304.  Exceptions and Procedure.--Exceptions to any
    29  such report may be filed by any person or political subdivision
    30  interested within thirty days after the filing of the report,
    19950H0702B2681                 - 33 -

     1  and the court may thereupon fix a day for the hearing of such
     2  exceptions, of which such notice shall be given as the court may
     3  direct. After hearing, the court shall have power to sustain
     4  such exceptions or to dismiss them and confirm the report, or to
     5  refer the report back to the same or new commissioners with like
     6  authority to make another report, on which like legal
     7  proceedings may be had. Where no exceptions are filed within
     8  thirty days after the filing of the report, the court shall
     9  confirm the same absolutely. When any report is confirmed
    10  absolutely, the court shall enter a decree altering or
    11  ascertaining and establishing the lines and boundaries as shown
    12  in said report.]
    13     Section 304.  Exceptions and Procedure.--Exceptions to the
    14  report may be filed by any interested person or municipal
    15  corporation or school district within thirty days after the
    16  filing of the report, and the court shall set a day for the
    17  hearing of the exception. Notice of the hearing shall be given
    18  as the court may direct. After hearing, the court may sustain
    19  the exceptions or dismiss them and confirm the report, or refer
    20  the report back to the same or new commissioners with authority
    21  to make another report. If no exceptions are filed within thirty
    22  days after the filing of the report, the court shall confirm the
    23  report absolutely. When any report is confirmed absolutely, the
    24  court shall enter a decree establishing the lines and boundaries
    25  as shown in the report.
    26     [Section 305.  Monuments.--Whenever any such township line or
    27  boundary is altered or ascertained and established the court
    28  shall cause the same to be appropriately marked with stone
    29  monuments placed at intervals not exceeding fifteen hundred
    30  feet.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 34 -

     1     Section 306.  Compensation and Expenses of Commissioners,
     2  Engineer, and Chaincarriers; Costs.--The compensation and
     3  expenses of commissioners appointed to alter or ascertain and
     4  establish township lines shall be in the amount approved by the
     5  court. The court shall by its order provide how the costs and
     6  expenses of any such proceeding, including the furnishing and
     7  placing of monuments, shall be paid, and may assess them against
     8  the petitioners, any township or municipalities interested, or
     9  any of them.]
    10     Section 305.  Costs.--The compensation and expenses of
    11  commissioners appointed to ascertain and establish township
    12  lines shall be in the amount approved by the court. The court
    13  shall ascertain how the costs of the proceeding, including the
    14  furnishing and placing of markers, shall be paid and may assess
    15  them against the petitioners, any affected township or municipal
    16  corporations and school districts affected.
    17     [Section 307.  Adjustment of Indebtedness.--Whenever the
    18  boundaries of any township have been altered or ascertained and
    19  established, the court of quarter sessions may adjust the taxes,
    20  debts and expenses for township, municipal, and school purposes
    21  between the townships, municipalities, and school districts
    22  affected.]
    23     Section 306.  Adjustment of Indebtedness.--When the
    24  boundaries of any township are ascertained and established, the
    25  court of common pleas may adjust the taxes, debts and expenses
    26  for township, municipal and school purposes between the
    27  townships, municipal corporations and school districts affected.
    28     [Section 308.  Adjustment for Costs or Values of
    29  Improvements.--(a)  Except as hereinafter provided, whenever the
    30  boundaries of any townships have been altered and a portion
    19950H0702B2681                 - 35 -

     1  thereof has been annexed by a borough or city, the township
     2  shall be paid by such borough or city the following costs or
     3  value of improvements located within the portion of the township
     4  so annexed: (1) the value of all roads improved by the township
     5  within five years; (2) the cost of sewer systems constructed by
     6  the township within fifteen years; (3) the value of public
     7  buildings and improvements other than roads and sewers. All such
     8  costs or values shall be paid within one year after the final
     9  act of annexation. The provisions of this section shall not
    10  apply to the cost of any road, sewer or facilities which have
    11  been assessed against the real property within the annexed
    12  territory.
    13     (b)  The township shall not be reimbursed for any
    14  improvements the cost of which has been assessed against
    15  abutting property owners.
    16     (c)  If any present indebtedness of the township exists by
    17  reason of any improvements located in annexed area and a city of
    18  the third class assumes a portion of said indebtedness, as
    19  provided in section 540 of the act known as "The Third Class
    20  City Code" as reenacted and amended by the act approved the
    21  twenty-eighth day of June one thousand nine hundred fifty-one
    22  Pamphlet Laws 662), or a borough assumes a portion of said
    23  indebtedness, as provided in section 702 of the act known as
    24  "The Borough Code" as reenacted and amended by the act approved
    25  the tenth day of July one thousand nine hundred forty-seven
    26  (Pamphlet Laws 1621), such payment on account of indebtedness
    27  shall be considered to be a credit to such city of the third
    28  class or borough on account of the cost of said improvement.
    29     (d)  Whenever an amicable settlement cannot be made on the
    30  amount to be paid as provided in subsection (a) of this section,
    19950H0702B2681                 - 36 -

     1  the court of quarter sessions upon application of the governing
     2  body of the city, borough or township, shall determine the
     3  amount to be paid.]
     4     Section 307.  Adjustment for Costs or Values of
     5  Improvements.--(a)  When the boundaries of any townships have
     6  been ascertained and established, or when an annexation
     7  procedure is consummated with the result that a portion of a
     8  township is determined to be within the boundaries of another
     9  municipal corporation, the township shall be paid by the
    10  municipal corporation the following costs or value of
    11  improvements located within the portion of the township
    12  affected:
    13     (1)  The value of all improvements to roads by the township
    14  within five years.
    15     (2)  The cost of sanitary sewer systems constructed by the
    16  township within fifteen years.
    17     (3)  The value of public buildings and all improvements other
    18  than roads and sewers.
    19     (b)  All costs or values shall be paid within one year after
    20  the final confirmation by the court or before the completion of
    21  the annexation process. This section does not apply to the cost
    22  of any road, sanitary sewer systems or facilities which have
    23  been assessed against the real property within the affected
    24  territory.
    25     (c)  If any present indebtedness of the township losing the
    26  affected area exists by reason of any improvements located in
    27  the affected area and the municipal corporation gaining the
    28  affected area assumes a portion of the indebtedness, any payment
    29  on account of the indebtedness shall be a credit to the
    30  municipal corporation gaining the affected area on account of
    19950H0702B2681                 - 37 -

     1  the cost of the improvement.
     2     (d)  When an amicable settlement cannot be made on the amount
     3  to be paid under this section, the court of common pleas, upon
     4  application by any one of the municipal corporations involved,
     5  shall determine the amount to be paid.
     6                             ARTICLE IV
     8                      [(a)  General Provisions
     9     Section 401.  Township Officers to Be Electors.--No person
    10  shall be eligible to the office of supervisor, assessor, auditor
    11  or tax collector in any township unless he is a registered
    12  elector of the township for which he is chosen.]
    13     Section 401.  Township Officers to be Electors.--No person is
    14  eligible for the office of supervisor, assessor, auditor or tax
    15  collector in any township unless that person is an elector of
    16  the township.
    17     [Section 402.  Officers to Be Elected.--(A)  The electors of
    18  each township shall elect (a) except as otherwise provided,
    19  three supervisors, (b) one assessor, (c) three auditors, and (d)
    20  one tax collector. No person shall at the same time hold more
    21  than one elective township office: Provided, That the office of
    22  justice of the peace shall not be considered an elective
    23  township office for the purposes of this section.
    24     (B)  Upon petition of at least five per centum of the
    25  registered electors of the township or pursuant to a resolution
    26  of the board of supervisors, and upon an approval by a majority
    27  of those electors voting at the next municipal or general
    28  election, there shall be elected two additional supervisors. The
    29  referendum petition or resolution of the board of supervisors
    30  certified by the township secretary shall be filed with the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 38 -

     1  county board of elections not later than the thirteenth Tuesday
     2  prior to the next municipal or general election. The county
     3  board of elections shall place the question before the electors
     4  in the same manner as other questions are presented under the
     5  provisions of the Pennsylvania Election Code.
     6  The form of the question shall be as follows:
     7  Should two additional supervisors be              Yes
     8  elected to serve in this township?                No
     9  The county board of elections shall tabulate and publish the
    10  results of the referendum within thirty days of the election.
    11  The total number of supervisors shall not exceed five. In no
    12  event shall the question of additional supervisors be voted on
    13  more than once in any three-year period.
    14     (C)  At the first municipal election following the approval
    15  at the prior general election by the voters of the question
    16  providing for the election of two additional supervisors, one of
    17  such additional supervisors shall be elected for a term of four
    18  years and one shall be elected for a term of six years, each to
    19  serve from the first Monday of January next following his
    20  election. At the first general election following the approval
    21  at the prior municipal election by the voters of the question
    22  providing for the election of two additional supervisors, one of
    23  such additional supervisors shall be elected for a term of three
    24  years and one shall be elected for a term of five years, each to
    25  serve from the first Monday of January next following his
    26  election. Thereafter, such additional supervisors shall be
    27  elected for terms of six years each to serve from the first
    28  Monday of January next following his election.]
    29     Section 402.  Officers to be Elected.--(a)  Except as
    30  provided in subsection (b), the electors of each township shall
    19950H0702B2681                 - 39 -

     1  elect three supervisors, one assessor in those counties in which
     2  assessors are elected, three auditors and one tax collector. No
     3  person shall at the same time hold more than one elective
     4  township office.
     5     (b)  Upon petition of at least five percent of the electors
     6  of the township or under a resolution of the board of
     7  supervisors, and upon approval by a majority of those electors
     8  voting at the next municipal or general election, there shall be
     9  elected two additional supervisors. The referendum petition or
    10  resolution of the board of supervisors certified by the township
    11  secretary shall be filed with the county board of elections not
    12  later than the thirteenth Tuesday before the next municipal or
    13  general election. The county board of elections shall place the
    14  question before the electors as provided under the act of June
    15  3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the "Pennsylvania Election
    16  Code." The form of the question shall be as follows:
    17         Should two additional supervisors be        Yes
    18         elected to serve in this township?          No
    19  The county board of elections shall tabulate and publish the
    20  results of the referendum within thirty days of the election.
    21  The total number of supervisors shall not exceed five. In no
    22  event shall the question of additional supervisors be voted on
    23  more than once in any three-year period.
    24     (c)  At the first municipal election following approval at a
    25  general election of the question providing for the election of
    26  two additional supervisors, one of the additional supervisors
    27  shall be elected for a term of four years and one for a term of
    28  six years, each to serve from the first Monday of January after
    29  the election. At the first general election following approval
    30  at a municipal election of the question providing for the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 40 -

     1  election of two additional supervisors, one of the additional
     2  supervisors shall be elected for a term of three years and one
     3  for a term of five years, each to serve from the first Monday of
     4  January after the election. After that time, the additional
     5  supervisors shall be elected for terms of six years each to
     6  serve from the first Monday of January after the election.
     7     (d)  In townships in which the electorate has opted for a
     8  five-member board, the township shall return to a three-member
     9  board of supervisors upon petition of at least five percent of
    10  the electors of the township, or under a resolution of the board
    11  of supervisors, and upon approval by a majority of electors
    12  voting at the next municipal or general election. The referendum
    13  petition shall be filed with the county board of elections not
    14  later than the thirteenth Tuesday before the next municipal or
    15  general election. The county board of elections shall place the
    16  question before the electors as provided under the "Pennsylvania
    17  Election Code." The form of the question shall be as follows:
    18         Should this township return to a          Yes
    19         three-member board of supervisors?        No
    20  The county board of elections shall tabulate and publish the
    21  results of the referendum within thirty days of the election. In
    22  no event shall the question of reducing the five-member board of
    23  supervisors be voted on more than once in any five-year period.
    24     (e)  At the first municipal election following approval of
    25  the question providing for a return to a three-member board,
    26  three supervisors shall be elected to serve from the first
    27  Monday of January after the election, when the terms of the
    28  officers of the five-member board of supervisors shall cease.
    29  The three candidates receiving the highest number of votes for
    30  the office of supervisor shall be elected. The candidate
    19950H0702B2681                 - 41 -

     1  receiving the highest number of votes shall serve for a term of
     2  six years. The candidate receiving the second highest number of
     3  votes shall serve for a term of four years. The candidate
     4  receiving the third highest number of votes shall serve for a
     5  term of two years. After that, supervisors shall be elected
     6  under section 403.
     7                     [(b)  Election of Officers
     8     Section 410.  Supervisors.--(a)  Except as is otherwise
     9  provided for the election of additional supervisors, at each
    10  municipal election, the electors of each township shall elect
    11  one supervisor to serve for a term of six years from the first
    12  Monday of January next following his election.
    13     (b)  Except as provided in section 514, no supervisor shall
    14  at the same time hold any other elective or appointive township
    15  office or position other than township roadmaster or secretary-
    16  treasurer. Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit a
    17  supervisor from being a member of a township planning commission
    18  created pursuant to the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.805, No.247),
    19  known as the "Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code."
    20     (c)  Supervisors shall reside in the township from which
    21  elected and shall have resided in that township continuously for
    22  at least one year before their election.]
    23     Section 403.  Supervisors.--(a)  Except as provided under
    24  section 402(b) for the election of additional supervisors or
    25  under section 402(e) for a return to a three-member board, or
    26  when vacancies create shorter terms, at each municipal election,
    27  the electors of each township shall elect one supervisor to
    28  serve for a term of six years from the first Monday of January
    29  after the election.
    30     (b)  Except as otherwise provided in this act, no supervisor
    19950H0702B2681                 - 42 -

     1  shall at the same time hold any other elective or appointive
     2  township office or position. Nothing in this subsection shall
     3  prohibit a supervisor from being a member of a township planning
     4  commission created under the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.805,
     5  No.247), known as the "Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning
     6  Code."
     7     (c)  Supervisors shall reside in the township from which
     8  elected and shall have resided in that township continuously for
     9  at least one year before their election.
    10     [Section 411.  Auditors.--(a)  At each municipal election,
    11  the electors of each township shall elect one auditor to serve
    12  for a term of six years from the first Monday of January next
    13  following his election. Auditors shall reside in the township
    14  from which elected and shall have resided in that township
    15  continuously for at least one year immediately preceding their
    16  election.
    17     (b)  No auditor shall at the same time hold any other
    18  elective or appointive township office in the township in which
    19  he is employed as an auditor, and no auditor shall at the same
    20  time hold any other elective or appointive school district
    21  office or employment in any school district of the second, third
    22  or fourth class if he audits any finances or any funds belonging
    23  to or controlled by the school district.]
    24     Section 404.  Auditors.--(a)  Except when vacancies create
    25  shorter terms, at each municipal election, the electors of each
    26  township shall elect one auditor to serve for a term of six
    27  years from the first Monday of January after the election.
    28  Auditors shall reside in the township from which elected and
    29  shall have resided in that township continuously for at least
    30  one year immediately preceding their election.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 43 -

     1     (b)  No auditor shall at the same time hold any other
     2  elective or appointive township office or position.
     3     (c)  In the event that there concurrently exists two or more
     4  vacancies for the position of township auditor, a person shall
     5  be ineligible to seek nomination or election to fill more than
     6  one such vacancy.
     7     [Section 412.  Assessor.--At the municipal election in the
     8  year one thousand nine hundred and forty-nine, and at the
     9  municipal election every four years thereafter, the electors of
    10  each township shall elect one assessor to serve for a term of
    11  four years from the first Monday of January next following his
    12  election. Assessors shall reside in the township from which
    13  elected and shall have resided in that township continuously for
    14  at least one year immediately preceding their election.
    15     Section 413.  Assessors not Elected in Certain Counties.--The
    16  provisions of the preceding section, relating to the election of
    17  assessors, shall not authorize the election of assessors for
    18  taxation purposes in counties where boards for the assessment
    19  and revision of taxes are authorized by law to appoint
    20  assessors.]
    21     Section 405.  Assessor.--(a)  At the municipal election in
    22  the year 1993, and at the municipal election every four years
    23  after that, the electors of each township shall elect one
    24  assessor to serve for a term of four years, except when
    25  vacancies create shorter terms, from the first Monday of January
    26  after the election. Assessors shall reside in the township from
    27  which elected and shall have resided in that township
    28  continuously for at least one year immediately preceding their
    29  election.
    30     (b)  This section does not authorize the election of
    19950H0702B2681                 - 44 -

     1  assessors for taxation purposes in counties where boards for the
     2  assessment and revision of taxes are authorized by law to
     3  appoint assessors.
     4     [Section 414.  Tax Collector.--(a)  At the municipal election
     5  in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-nine, and at the
     6  municipal election every four years thereafter, the electors of
     7  each township shall elect one tax collector to serve for a term
     8  of four years from the first Monday of January next succeeding
     9  such election. Tax collectors shall reside in the township from
    10  which elected and shall have resided in that township
    11  continuously for at least one year immediately preceding their
    12  election.
    13     (b)  If the electors of any township shall fail to choose a
    14  tax collector or if any person elected to such office shall fail
    15  to give the required bond or to take the required oath, such
    16  vacancy shall be filled as prescribed by section 420.]
    17     Section 406.  Tax Collector.--(a)  At the municipal election
    18  in the year 1993, and at the municipal election every four years
    19  after that, the electors of each township shall elect one tax
    20  collector to serve for a term of four years, except when
    21  vacancies create shorter terms, from the first Monday of January
    22  after the election. Tax collectors shall reside in the township
    23  from which elected and shall have resided in that township
    24  continuously for at least one year immediately preceding their
    25  election.
    26     (b)  If the electors of any township fail to choose a tax
    27  collector or if any person elected to the office fails to give
    28  the required bond or to take the required oath, the vacancy
    29  shall be filled under section 407.
    30                     [(c)  Vacancies in Office
    19950H0702B2681                 - 45 -

     1     Section 420.  Vacancies in General.--If the electors of any
     2  township shall fail to choose a supervisor, tax collector,
     3  auditor or assessor, or if any person elected to such office
     4  shall neglect or refuse to serve therein, or if a vacancy shall
     5  occur in the office by death, resignation, removal from the
     6  township, or otherwise, a majority of the remaining supervisors
     7  may appoint a successor who is a registered voter and has
     8  resided in that township continuously for at least one year
     9  prior to their appointment, and upon their failure to make such
    10  appointment within thirty days after the vacancy occurs, the
    11  vacancy shall be filled within fifteen additional days by the
    12  vacancy board. Such board shall consist of the board of
    13  supervisors and one registered elector of the township, who
    14  shall be appointed by the board of supervisors at the board's
    15  first meeting each calendar year or as soon thereafter as
    16  practical and who shall act as chairman of the vacancy board. If
    17  the vacancy board fails to fill the position within the time
    18  prescribed, the chairman shall, or in the case of a vacancy in
    19  the chairmanship the remaining members of the vacancy board
    20  shall, petition the court of common pleas to fill the vacancy.
    21  In the case where two or more vacancies in the office of
    22  supervisor occur on a three member board, or three or more
    23  vacancies on a five member board, the court of common pleas
    24  shall fill such vacancies upon presentation of petition signed
    25  by not less than fifteen registered electors of the township. In
    26  all cases, the successor so appointed shall hold the office
    27  until the first Monday in January after the first municipal
    28  election occurring more than sixty days after the vacancy
    29  occurs, at which election an eligible person shall be elected
    30  for the unexpired term.]
    19950H0702B2681                 - 46 -

     1     Section 407.  Vacancies in General.--If the electors of any
     2  township fail to choose a supervisor, tax collector, auditor or
     3  assessor, or if any person elected to any office fails to serve
     4  in the office, or if a vacancy occurs in the office by death,
     5  resignation, removal from the township or otherwise, the board
     6  of supervisors may appoint a successor who is an elector of the
     7  township and has resided in that township continuously for at
     8  least one year prior to their appointment, and, upon their
     9  failure to make the appointment within thirty days after the
    10  vacancy occurs, the vacancy shall be filled within fifteen
    11  additional days by the vacancy board. The vacancy board shall
    12  consist of the board of supervisors and one elector of the
    13  township, who shall be appointed by the board of supervisors at
    14  the board's first meeting each calendar year or as soon after
    15  that as practical and who shall act as chairman of the vacancy
    16  board. If the vacancy board fails to fill the position within
    17  fifteen days, the chairman shall, or if there is a vacancy in
    18  the chairmanship the remaining members of the vacancy board
    19  shall, petition the court of common pleas to fill the vacancy.
    20  If two or more vacancies in the office of supervisor occur on a
    21  three-member board, or three or more vacancies on a five-member
    22  board, the court of common pleas shall fill the vacancies upon
    23  presentation of petition signed by not less than fifteen
    24  electors of the township. The successor so appointed shall hold
    25  the office until the first Monday in January after the first
    26  municipal or general election which occurs more than sixty days   <--
    27  after the vacancy occurs, at which election an eligible person
    28  shall be elected for the unexpired term.
    29                             ARTICLE V
    30                    TOWNSHIP OFFICERS GENERALLY
    19950H0702B2681                 - 47 -

     1                      [(a)  General Provisions
     2     Section 501.  Oath of Office.--Every person elected or
     3  appointed to any township office in any township shall, before
     4  entering upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe an
     5  oath or affirmation before some person having authority to
     6  administer oaths, to support the Constitutions of the United
     7  States and of this Commonwealth, and to perform the duties of
     8  his office with fidelity. A copy of such oath or affirmation
     9  shall, within ten days thereafter, be filed with the township
    10  secretary.]
    11     Section 501.  Oath of Office.--Every person elected or
    12  appointed to any township office shall, before assuming the
    13  duties of the office, take and subscribe an oath or affirmation
    14  before a notary public, district justice or judge to support the
    15  Constitutions of the United States and of the Commonwealth and
    16  to perform the duties of the office with fidelity. A copy of the
    17  oath or affirmation shall be filed with the township secretary
    18  before assuming the duties of the office.
    19     [Section 502.  Bonds.--When any officer or employe of any
    20  township is required to give bond for the faithful performance
    21  of his duties, such bond shall be with a surety company or other
    22  company authorized by law to act as surety, and the township may
    23  pay the premium on such bond.]
    24     Section 502.  Bonds.--When any officer or employe of any
    25  township is required to give bond for the faithful performance
    26  of the duties of the office, the bond shall be with a surety
    27  company or other company authorized by law to act as surety, and
    28  the township may pay the premium on the bond.
    29     [Section 503.  Penalty for Failure to Perform Duties.--If any
    30  township officer refuses or neglects to perform his duties, the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 48 -

     1  court of quarter sessions, upon complaint in writing by five
     2  percentum of the registered electors of the township, may issue
     3  a rule upon such officer to show cause why his office should not
     4  be declared vacant and another appointed in his stead. Such rule
     5  shall be made returnable not less than two weeks from its date
     6  of issue. Upon hearing, and proof that the facts alleged in the
     7  complaint are true, the court may declare the office vacant and
     8  appoint another in his stead, to hold office during the term of
     9  the officer deposed, or to make such other order as to the court
    10  may seem just and proper.]
    11     Section 503.  Removal for Failure to Perform Duties.--If any
    12  township officer fails to perform the duties of the office, the
    13  court of common pleas, upon complaint in writing by five percent
    14  of the electors of the township, may issue a rule upon the
    15  officer to show cause why the office should not be declared
    16  vacant. The officer shall respond to the rule within thirty days
    17  from its date of issue. Upon hearing, the court may declare the
    18  office vacant and require the vacancy to be filled under section
    19  407.
    20     [Section 504.  Road Complaints.--If any complaint shall
    21  allege that the public roads and highways of any township are
    22  not maintained in accordance with law, the court may appoint
    23  three persons, who shall examine said highways and report to the
    24  court their findings. In all such cases the complainants shall
    25  first enter security, in such sum as the court may fix, to pay
    26  all costs.]
    27                             ARTICLE VI
    28                        TOWNSHIP SUPERVISORS
    29        [(b)  Township Supervisors, Township Superintendent,
    30                          and Roadmasters
    19950H0702B2681                 - 49 -

     1     Section 510.  Supervision of Affairs.--The general
     2  supervision of the affairs of the township shall be in the hands
     3  of three registered electors of the township, who shall be
     4  styled township supervisors, except that when upon referendum
     5  the election of two additional supervisors is provided for, the
     6  general supervision of the affairs of the township shall be in
     7  the hands of five registered electors of the township, who shall
     8  be styled township supervisors.]
     9     Section 601.  Supervisors and Government of Townships.--
    10  Townships shall be governed and supervised by boards of
    11  supervisors. Boards of supervisors shall consist of three
    12  members or, if approved by the electors under section 402(b),
    13  five members.
    14     [Section 511.  Organization Meeting; Appointment of Secretary
    15  and Treasurer.--The supervisors of each township shall meet, at
    16  a convenient time and place, on the first Monday in January of
    17  each year. If the first Monday is a legal holiday, the meeting
    18  shall be held the first day following. At such time the township
    19  supervisors shall organize as a board by electing one of their
    20  number as chairman and another member as vice-chairman. The
    21  board shall appoint a treasurer and a secretary. The secretary
    22  shall be an individual, however the board may select either a
    23  trust company, banking institution or an individual to serve as
    24  treasurer, or the board may appoint one individual to serve as
    25  both secretary and treasurer. The secretary-treasurer, secretary
    26  or treasurer, may or may not be a member of the board. With
    27  regard to boards of supervisors which are designated as three-
    28  member boards, any supervisor who is to be considered by such a
    29  board for secretary-treasurer, secretary or treasurer, shall not
    30  be excluded from voting on the issue of such appointment; such
    19950H0702B2681                 - 50 -

     1  action by a supervisor shall be deemed to be within the scope of
     2  authority as a supervisor and shall not be deemed to constitute
     3  an illegal or an improper conflict of interest.
     4     The meeting under this section may be considered as a regular
     5  monthly meeting for the transaction of such business as comes
     6  before it. The first order of business at this meeting shall be
     7  organization of the board. Any action taken or business
     8  transacted other than organization of the supervisors as a board
     9  at any organization meeting held prior to the effective date of
    10  this amending act, which is invalid for the reason that the
    11  action was taken or business transacted at an organization
    12  meeting, is hereby validated and confirmed.]
    13     Section 602.  Organization Meeting; Appointment of Secretary
    14  and Treasurer.--(a)  The board of supervisors shall meet, at a
    15  convenient time and place, on the first Monday in January of
    16  each year. If the first Monday is a legal holiday, the meeting
    17  shall be held the following day. The board of supervisors shall
    18  elect one member as chairman and another as vice-chairman, and
    19  it shall appoint a treasurer and a secretary. The secretary
    20  shall be an individual; however, the board of supervisors may
    21  select either a trust company, a banking institution or an
    22  individual to serve as treasurer, or the board of supervisors
    23  may appoint one individual to serve as both secretary and
    24  treasurer. Members of the board of supervisors may be appointed
    25  as secretary-treasurer, secretary or treasurer.
    26     (b)  The meeting under this section may be considered a
    27  regular monthly meeting of the board of supervisors. The first
    28  order of business at this meeting shall be organization of the
    29  board of supervisors.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 51 -

     4     [Section 512.  Monthly Meetings; Quorum, Rent and Expenses.--
     5  The township supervisors shall meet for the transaction of
     6  business at least once each month, at a time and place to be
     7  fixed by the board. Two members of any board of supervisors
     8  consisting of three members shall constitute a quorum and three
     9  members of any board of supervisors consisting of five members
    10  shall constitute a quorum. Except as otherwise provided in this
    11  act, an affirmative vote of a majority of the entire board of
    12  supervisors shall be necessary in order to transact any
    13  business. Necessary expenses incurred in such meetings,
    14  including office rent, stationery, light and fuel, shall be paid
    15  out of the general township fund.]
    16     Section 603.  Monthly Meetings; Quorum.--The board of
    17  supervisors shall meet for the transaction of business at least
    18  once each month, at a time and place determined by the board of
    19  supervisors. A quorum is two members of a three-member board of
    20  supervisors or three members of a five-member board of
    21  supervisors. An affirmative vote of a majority of the entire
    22  board of supervisors at a public meeting is necessary in order
    23  to transact any business.
    24     Section 604.  Special Meetings.--Upon call of the chairman or
    25  by agreement of a majority of its members, the board of
    26  supervisors may schedule special meetings of the board of
    27  supervisors after notice required under the act of July 3, 1986
    28  (P.L.388, No.84), known as the "Sunshine Act." Notice of a
    29  special meeting shall state the nature of the business to be
    30  conducted at the meeting.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 52 -

     1     [Section 513.  Minutes and Records.--The board of township
     2  supervisors shall keep minutes of its proceedings, and such
     3  other books as they may find necessary in the performance of
     4  their duties. All such books shall be open for the inspection of
     5  any elector, or taxpayer, or his, her or its representative, or
     6  any representative of the Department of Community Affairs and
     7  the Department of Highways at all reasonable times, and shall be
     8  submitted to the township auditors when they meet to audit the
     9  accounts of the treasurer and other township officers. The
    10  township supervisors shall deliver such books, papers, and
    11  accounts to their successors.
    12     Section 513.1.  Typewritten, Printed, Photostated and
    13  Microfilmed Records, Valid Recording or Transcribing Records.--
    14  All township records required to be recorded or transcribed
    15  shall be deemed valid if typewritten, printed, photostated or
    16  microfilmed, and where recording in a specified book of record
    17  is required including minutes of the proceedings of the board of
    18  supervisors such records may be recorded or transcribed in a
    19  mechanical post binder book capable of being permanently sealed
    20  with consecutively numbered pages with a security code printed
    21  thereon and a permanent locking device with the township seal
    22  being impressed upon each page, or bound book with pages being
    23  consecutively numbered by transcribing directly upon the pages
    24  of such book of record, or may be attached to such book of
    25  record by stapling or by glue, or any other adhesive substance
    26  or material, and all records heretofore recorded or transcribed
    27  in any manner authorized by this section are validated. When any
    28  record shall be recorded or transcribed after the effective date
    29  of this amendment by attaching such record or a copy thereof to
    30  the book of record as hereinabove provided, the township seal
    19950H0702B2681                 - 53 -

     1  shall be impressed upon each page to which such record is
     2  attached, each impression thereof covering both a portion of the
     3  attached record and a portion of the page of the book of record
     4  to which such record is attached.]
     5     Section 605.  Minutes and Records.--(a)  The board of
     6  supervisors shall provide for the recording of minutes of its
     7  proceedings and other books it may find necessary in the
     8  performance of its duties. The records shall be made available
     9  to the board of auditors during the annual audit. Unless the
    10  custodian of the records agrees otherwise, the records shall be
    11  audited or inspected at the place where they are normally
    12  maintained. Supervisors who leave office shall deliver all
    13  township records in their possession to their successors or to
    14  the township secretary.
    15     (b)  All township records required to be recorded or
    16  transcribed are valid if typewritten, printed, photostated or
    17  microfilmed, and, where recording in a specified book of record
    18  is required, including minutes of the proceedings of the board
    19  of supervisors, the records may be recorded or transcribed in a
    20  mechanical post binder book capable of being permanently sealed,
    21  with consecutively numbered pages with a security code printed
    22  thereon and a permanent locking device with the township seal
    23  being impressed upon each page, or bound book with pages being
    24  consecutively numbered by transcribing directly upon the pages
    25  of the book of record, or may be attached to the book of record
    26  by stapling or by glue or any other adhesive substance or
    27  material, and all records previously recorded or transcribed in
    28  any manner authorized by this section are validated. When any
    29  record is recorded or transcribed by attaching the record or a
    30  copy of it to the book of record, the township seal shall be
    19950H0702B2681                 - 54 -

     1  impressed upon each page to which the record is attached, each
     2  impression covering both a portion of the attached record and a
     3  portion of the page of the book of record to which the record is
     4  attached.
     5     (c)  Original or certified copies of ordinances may also be
     6  stored in a locking or mechanical post binder book, capable of
     7  being permanently sealed, without being fastened onto pages in
     8  the binder.
     9     [Section 514.  Road Districts; Superintendents and
    10  Roadmasters.--The board of township supervisors, immediately
    11  after their organization, shall divide the township into one or
    12  more road districts. They shall employ a superintendent for the
    13  entire township or a roadmaster for each district. Every
    14  superintendent and roadmaster, so employed, must be a person
    15  physically able to work on and maintain the roads. Township
    16  supervisors may require such superintendents or roadmasters to
    17  give bond, with a surety company or other company authorized by
    18  law to act as surety, for the faithful performance of their
    19  duties. The superintendent or roadmasters shall be subject to
    20  removal by the board of supervisors. The supervisors shall fix
    21  the wages to be paid, either per hour, per day, per week, semi-
    22  monthly or monthly, to the superintendent or roadmasters and
    23  laborers for work on the roads and bridges, which wages shall
    24  not exceed wages paid in the locality for similar services.
    25     This section shall not prohibit the township supervisors from
    26  being employed as superintendents or roadmasters, or as
    27  laborers, if physically able to work on and maintain the roads.
    28  With regard to boards of supervisors which are designated as
    29  three-member boards, any supervisor who is to be considered by
    30  such a board for a position as a compensated employe of the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 55 -

     1  township, as authorized by this section, shall not be excluded
     2  from voting on the issue of such appointment; such action by a
     3  supervisor shall be deemed to be within the scope of authority
     4  as a supervisor and shall not be deemed to constitute an illegal
     5  or an improper conflict of interest. In such cases they shall
     6  not employ a superintendent or roadmasters and their
     7  compensation shall be fixed as hereinafter provided.
     8     Two or more townships may appoint the same person as
     9  superintendent.
    10     Section 515.  Compensation of Supervisors.--(a)  Supervisors
    11  may receive from the general township fund, as compensation, an
    12  amount fixed by ordinance, not in excess of the following:
    13         Township Population     Annual Maximum Compensation
    14         Not more than 4,999     Fifteen hundred dollars
    15           5,000 to  9,999       Two thousand dollars
    16          10,000 to 14,999       Twenty-six hundred dollars
    17          15,000 to 24,999       Thirty-three hundred dollars
    18          25,000 to 34,999       Thirty-five hundred dollars
    19          35,000 or more         Four thousand dollars
    20  Such salaries shall be payable monthly or quarterly for the
    21  duties imposed by the provisions of this act. The population
    22  shall be determined by the latest available official census
    23  figures, except that no township shall be required to reduce the
    24  salary of a supervisor as a result of a decrease in population.
    25  The compensation of supervisors, when acting as superintendents,
    26  roadmasters or laborers, shall be fixed by the township auditors
    27  either per hour, per day, per week, semi-monthly or monthly,
    28  which compensation shall not exceed compensation paid in the
    29  locality for similar services, and such other reasonable
    30  compensation for the use of a passenger car, or a two-axled
    19950H0702B2681                 - 56 -

     1  four-wheeled motor truck having a chassis weight of less than
     2  two thousand pounds and a maximum gross weight of five thousand
     3  pounds, or a class 2 truck, having a maximum gross weight of
     4  seven thousand pounds when required and actually used for the
     5  transportation of road and bridge laborers and their hand tools
     6  and for the distribution of cinders and patching material from a
     7  stock pile, as the auditors shall determine and approve; but no
     8  supervisor shall receive compensation as a superintendent or
     9  roadmaster for any time he spends attending a meeting of
    10  supervisors.
    11     (b)  Any benefit provided to or for the benefit of a
    12  supervisor employed by the township as a superintendent,
    13  roadmaster, laborer, secretary, treasurer or secretary/treasurer
    14  in the form of inclusion in a pension plan paid for in whole or
    15  in part by the township shall be deemed to be compensation
    16  within the meaning of this act to the extent such benefit is
    17  paid for by the township and shall be fixed by the township
    18  auditors; however:
    19     (1)  Supervisors shall be eligible for inclusion in such
    20  township pension plans only if they are employed by the township
    21  in the capacity of superintendent, roadmaster, laborer,
    22  secretary, treasurer or secretary/treasurer. In order to be
    23  eligible for inclusion in such plans, supervisor-employes must
    24  meet the same requirements as other employes of the township who
    25  are eligible to participate in a pension plan. Such plans shall
    26  not improperly discriminate in favor of a supervisor-employe.
    27     (2)  Once given, auditor approval for inclusion of
    28  supervisor-employes shall not be rescinded in any subsequent
    29  years so long as the pension plan remains in effect and said
    30  supervisors remain employed by the township and continue to meet
    19950H0702B2681                 - 57 -

     1  the same requirements as other employes of the township who are
     2  eligible to participate in a pension plan; nor shall the
     3  auditors be empowered to act in any way that would cause the
     4  disqualification of all or any portion of the pension plan under
     5  the applicable Federal law.
     6     (3)  No change in the nature or rate of the contributions in
     7  the case of a defined contribution plan and no change in the
     8  benefit formula in the case of a defined benefit plan shall be
     9  initiated by the board of supervisors with respect to a
    10  supervisor-employe without auditor approval.
    11     (4)  A pension or annuity contract entered into by a township
    12  between January 1, 1959, and March 31, 1985, that includes or
    13  provides for benefits for supervisor-employes or retired
    14  supervisor-employes at township expense shall not be void or
    15  unlawful solely because such inclusion of supervisor-employes or
    16  retired supervisor-employes was not previously approved by the
    17  township auditors. No penalty, assessment, surcharge, forfeiture
    18  or disciplinary action of any kind may occur as a result of such
    19  participation by supervisor-employes.
    20     (5)  All premium, contribution or similar payments made by a
    21  township on pension or annuity contracts on behalf of
    22  supervisor-employes between January 1, 1959, and March 31, 1985,
    23  which would have been proper but for the absence of auditor
    24  approval, are hereby deemed ratified and approved. Any benefits
    25  payable to any such supervisor-employe or his beneficiaries on
    26  account of such premium, contribution or similar payments made
    27  by a township during the aforementioned period shall continue.
    28  Any such premium, contribution or similar payments made by a
    29  township subsequent to March 31, 1985, shall require auditor
    30  approval as provided in this subsection.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 58 -

     1     (6)  If a supervisor-employe personally contributed toward a
     2  township-sponsored pension plan or annuity that is not approved
     3  by the township auditors or not deemed approved hereunder, he
     4  shall receive a refund of his total contributions thereto, plus
     5  any interest accumulated thereon. In lieu of a refund of
     6  contributions plus accumulated interest, a supervisor-employe
     7  who personally contributed toward a pension or annuity plan in
     8  which he participated may elect to purchase that portion of his
     9  pension or annuity funded by the township. The appropriate
    10  compensation to be paid to the township by the supervisor-
    11  employe shall be determined by a qualified actuary who shall
    12  report his determination in accordance with the act of December
    13  18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the "Municipal Pension
    14  Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act."
    15     (7)  Township supervisors who are not employes of the
    16  township shall not be eligible for participation in any pension
    17  or annuity contract paid in whole or in part by the township. No
    18  township supervisor who was not an employe of the township but
    19  was included in a township-paid pension or annuity plan entered
    20  into by a township between January 1, 1959, and March 31, 1985,
    21  shall be subject to any penalty, assessment, surcharge,
    22  forfeiture or disciplinary action of any kind as a result of
    23  said participation. Any residual interest, value, refund of
    24  premium or benefits payable on or after March 31, 1985, arising
    25  out of the township-paid interest of a non-employe supervisor
    26  shall become the exclusive property of the township.
    27     (c)  In addition to the compensation authorized under this
    28  section, supervisors while in office or while in the employ of
    29  the township may be eligible for inclusion in township-paid
    30  insurance plans, as follows:
    19950H0702B2681                 - 59 -

     1     (1)  Supervisors and their dependents shall be eligible for
     2  inclusion in group life, health, hospitalization, medical
     3  service and accident insurance plans paid in whole or in part by
     4  the township. No policy of group life insurance shall contain
     5  any provision for the accrual or deferral of a cash surrender
     6  value, loan value or any other nonforfeitable benefit, in
     7  addition to or beyond the face amount of insurance, that shall
     8  inure to the benefit of the supervisor, any beneficiary or any
     9  other individual having an insurable interest in the life of a
    10  supervisor. Such insurance, however, may contain a provision
    11  that when the insurance, or any portion of it, on a person
    12  covered under the policy ceases because of termination of
    13  employment or the termination of the insured's term of office,
    14  such person shall be entitled to have issued to him by the
    15  insurer, without evidence of insurability, an individual policy
    16  of insurance on any form customarily issued by the insurer at
    17  the age and for the amount applied for if: (i) such amount is
    18  not in excess of the amount of life insurance which ceases
    19  because of such termination; and (ii) the application for the
    20  individual policy is made and first premium is paid to the
    21  insurer within thirty-one days after such termination.
    22  Participation by supervisors shall not require auditor approval.
    23  Such insurance shall be uniformly applicable to those covered
    24  and shall not improperly discriminate in favor of supervisors.
    25     (2)  Any life, health, hospitalization, medical service or
    26  accident insurance coverage contract entered into by a township
    27  between January 1, 1959, and March 31, 1985, that includes or
    28  provides coverage for non-employe supervisors shall not be void
    29  or unlawful solely because such inclusion of non-employe
    30  supervisors was subsequently found to be without lawful
    19950H0702B2681                 - 60 -

     1  authority. No penalty, assessment, surcharge, forfeiture or
     2  disciplinary action of any kind may occur as a result of
     3  participation by non-employe supervisors. Insurance benefits
     4  payable to insureds or their beneficiaries arising out of or on
     5  account of deaths, injuries, accidents or illnesses occurring
     6  prior to the effective date of this amendatory act shall remain
     7  the property of the insureds or their beneficiaries.
     8     (3)  All payments made by a township on any group life,
     9  health, hospitalization, medical service or accident insurance
    10  coverage contracts on behalf of non-employe supervisors between
    11  January 1, 1959, and March 31, 1985, which would have been
    12  proper but for the absence of auditor approval, are hereby
    13  deemed ratified and approved. Any benefits payable to any such
    14  non-employe supervisor or his beneficiaries on account of such
    15  payments made by a township during the aforementioned period
    16  shall continue.
    17     (4)  Supervisors and their dependents, whether or not they
    18  are employed by the township, shall also be eligible for
    19  inclusion in township group life, health, hospitalization,
    20  medical service and accident insurance plans if they pay their
    21  pro rata share of the premium. Their inclusion in such plans
    22  shall not require auditor approval, but shall require the
    23  submission of a letter requesting such participation at a
    24  regularly scheduled meeting of the board of township supervisors
    25  prior to commencing such participation. Such insurance shall be
    26  uniformly applicable to those covered and shall not give
    27  eligibility preference to, or improperly discriminate in favor
    28  of, supervisors.]
    29     Section 606.  Compensation of Supervisors.--(a)  Supervisors
    30  may receive as compensation an amount established by ordinance
    19950H0702B2681                 - 61 -

     1  not in excess of the following:
     2              Township                Annual Maximum
     3             Population                Compensation
     4          not more than 4,999             $1,500                    <--
     5           5,000 to  9,999                $2,000
     6          10,000 to 14,999                $2,600
     7          15,000 to 24,999                $3,300
     8          25,000 to 34,999                $3,500
     9          35,000 or more                  $4,000
    10          NOT MORE THAN 4,999             $1,875                    <--
    11           5,000 TO  9,999                $2,500
    12          10,000 TO 14,999                $3,250
    13          15,000 TO 24,999                $4,125
    14          25,000 TO 34,999                $4,375
    15          35,000 OR MORE                  $5,000
    16  Salaries are payable monthly or quarterly for the duties imposed
    17  by this act. The population is determined by the latest official
    18  census figures, except that no township shall be required to
    19  reduce the salary of a supervisor as a result of a decrease in
    20  population. The compensation of supervisors, when employed as
    21  roadmasters, laborers, secretary, treasurer, assistant
    22  secretary, assistant treasurer or in any employe capacity not
    23  otherwise prohibited by this or any other act, shall be
    24  determined by the board of auditors, at an hourly, daily,
    25  weekly, semi-monthly or monthly basis, which shall be comparable
    26  to compensation paid in the locality for similar services. The
    27  board of supervisors may establish a mileage allowance, under
    28  the act of July 20, 1979 (P.L.156, No.51), referred to as the
    29  Uniform Mileage Fee Law, to be paid to officers and employes for
    30  the use of a personal vehicle when required and actually used
    19950H0702B2681                 - 62 -

     1  for authorized township business. No supervisor may receive
     2  compensation as an employe for attending a meeting of the board
     3  of supervisors. Supervisors may continue to be compensated under
     4  prior law until such time as an ordinance is enacted under this
     5  act. Any change in salary, compensation or emoluments of the
     6  elected office becomes effective at the beginning of the next
     7  term of the supervisor. A decision by the township to pay, in
     8  whole or in part, to include supervisors not employed by the
     9  township in insurance plans, as authorized in subsection (c),
    10  shall not be implemented with regard to any nonemploye
    11  supervisor until the beginning of the next term of that
    12  supervisor.
    13     (b)  Any benefit provided to or for the benefit of a
    14  supervisor employed by the township in any employe capacity
    15  under this act in the form of inclusion in a pension plan paid
    16  for in whole or in part by the township is compensation within
    17  the meaning of this act to the extent that benefit is paid for
    18  by the township and is determined by the board of auditors;
    19  however:
    20     (1)  Supervisors are eligible for inclusion in township
    21  pension plans only if they are employed by the township in any
    22  employe capacity under this act. In order to be eligible for
    23  inclusion in the plans, supervisor-employes must meet the same
    24  requirements as other employes of the township who are eligible
    25  to participate in a pension plan. Pension plans shall not
    26  improperly discriminate in favor of a supervisor-employe.
    27     (2)  Once given, auditor approval for inclusion of
    28  supervisor-employes shall not be rescinded in any subsequent
    29  years as long as the pension plan remains in effect and the
    30  supervisors remain employed by the township and continue to meet
    19950H0702B2681                 - 63 -

     1  the same requirements as other employes of the township who are
     2  eligible to participate in a pension plan; nor shall the
     3  auditors act in any way that disqualifies the pension plan under
     4  Federal law.
     5     (3)  No change in the nature or rate of the contributions of
     6  a defined contribution plan and no change in the benefit formula
     7  of a defined benefit plan shall be initiated by the board of
     8  supervisors with respect to a supervisor-employe without auditor
     9  approval.
    10     (4)  A pension or annuity contract made by a township between
    11  January 1, 1959, and March 31, 1985, that includes or provides
    12  for benefits for supervisor-employes or retired supervisor-
    13  employes at township expense is not void or unlawful solely
    14  because the inclusion of supervisor-employes or retired
    15  supervisor-employes was not previously approved by the township
    16  auditors. No penalty, assessment, surcharge, forfeiture or
    17  disciplinary action of any kind may occur as a result of that
    18  participation by supervisor-employes.
    19     (5)  All premium, contribution or similar payments made by a
    20  township on pension or annuity contracts on behalf of
    21  supervisor-employes between January 1, 1959, and March 31, 1985,
    22  which would have been proper but for the absence of auditor
    23  approval are hereby approved. Any benefits payable to any
    24  supervisor-employe or his beneficiaries on account of any
    25  premium, contribution or similar payments made by a township
    26  during that period shall continue. Any premium, contribution or
    27  similar payments made by a township after March 31, 1985,
    28  requires auditor approval under this subsection.
    29     (6)  If a supervisor-employe personally contributed toward a
    30  township-sponsored pension plan or annuity that is not approved
    19950H0702B2681                 - 64 -

     1  by the township auditors or not approved by this act, he shall
     2  receive a refund of his total contributions thereto plus any
     3  interest accumulated thereon. In lieu of a refund of
     4  contributions plus accumulated interest, a supervisor-employe
     5  who personally contributed toward a pension or annuity plan in
     6  which he participated may elect to purchase that portion of his
     7  pension or annuity funded by the township. A qualified actuary,
     8  who shall report his determination under the act of December 18,
     9  1984 (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the "Municipal Pension Plan
    10  Funding Standard and Recovery Act," shall determine the amount
    11  the supervisor-employe shall pay to purchase the township-funded
    12  portion of the annuity or pension.
    13     (7)  Supervisors who are not employes of the township are not
    14  eligible for participation in any pension or annuity contract
    15  paid in whole or in part by the township. No supervisor who was
    16  not an employe of the township but was included in a township-
    17  paid pension or annuity plan made by a township between January
    18  1, 1959, and March 31, 1985, is subject to any penalty,
    19  assessment, surcharge, forfeiture or disciplinary action. Any
    20  residual interest, value, refund of premium or benefits payable
    21  on or after March 31, 1985, arising out of the township-paid
    22  interest of a supervisor who was not an employe is the exclusive
    23  property of the township.
    24     (c)  In addition to the compensation authorized under this
    25  section, supervisors while in office or while in the employ of
    26  the township may be eligible for inclusion in township-paid
    27  insurance plans, as follows:
    28     (1)  Supervisors, WHETHER OR NOT THEY ARE EMPLOYED BY THE      <--
    29  TOWNSHIP, and their dependents are eligible for inclusion in
    30  group life, health, hospitalization, medical service and
    19950H0702B2681                 - 65 -

     1  accident insurance plans paid in whole or in part by the
     8  DISCRIMINATE IN FAVOR OF SUPERVISORS. No policy of group life
     9  insurance shall contain any provision for a cash surrender
    10  value, loan value or any other benefit beyond the face amount of
    11  insurance. The policy may contain a provision that when the
    12  insurance ceases because of termination of employment or term of
    13  office, the person is entitled to have issued to him by the
    14  insurer, without evidence of insurability, an individual policy
    15  of insurance on any form customarily issued by the insurer at
    16  the age and for the amount applied for if the amount is not in
    17  excess of the amount of life insurance which ceases because of
    18  the termination and the application for the individual policy is
    19  made and first premium is paid to the insurer within thirty-one
    20  days after termination. Participation by supervisors does not     <--
    21  require auditor approval. Such insurance shall be uniformly
    22  applicable to those covered and shall not improperly
    23  discriminate in favor of supervisors.
    24     (2)  Any life, health, hospitalization, medical service or
    25  accident insurance coverage contract made by a township between
    26  January 1, 1959, and March 31, 1985, that includes or provides
    27  coverage for supervisors not employed by the township is not
    28  void or unlawful because inclusion of those supervisors was
    29  subsequently found to be without lawful authority. No penalty,
    30  assessment, surcharge, forfeiture or disciplinary action may
    19950H0702B2681                 - 66 -

     1  occur as a result of participation by those supervisors.
     2  Insurance benefits paid or payable to insureds or their
     3  beneficiaries arising out of or on account of deaths, injuries,
     4  accidents or illnesses occurring before March 30, 1988, are the
     5  property of the insureds or their beneficiaries.
     6     (3)  All payments made by a township on any group life,
     7  health, hospitalization, medical service or accident insurance
     8  coverage contracts on behalf of supervisors who were not
     9  employes between January 1, 1959, and March 31, 1985, which
    10  would have been proper but for the absence of auditor approval
    11  are hereby approved. Any benefits payable to any supervisor or
    12  his beneficiaries on account of those payments during that time
    13  shall continue.
    14     (4)  Supervisors and their dependents, whether or not they     <--
    15  are employed by the township, are eligible for inclusion in
    16  township group life, health, hospitalization, medical service
    17  and accident insurance plans if they pay their share of the
    18  premium. Their inclusion in those plans does not require auditor
    19  approval, but does require the submission of a letter requesting
    20  participation at a regularly scheduled meeting of the board of
    21  supervisors before commencing participation. The insurance shall
    22  be uniformly applicable to those covered and shall not give
    23  eligibility preference to or improperly discriminate in favor of
    24  supervisors.
    25     (5) (4)  The township may deduct from any compensation
    26  payable to a supervisor such part of any insurance premium or
    27  charge which is payable by the supervisor within the terms of
    28  the particular township's insurance plan.
    29     [Section 516.  Duties of Supervisors, Township
    30  Superintendents, and Roadmasters.--The township supervisors, or
    19950H0702B2681                 - 67 -

     1  the supervisors employed as superintendents or roadmasters,
     2  shall--
     3     (a)  Have the general care and superintendence of the
     4  improvement of the roads and bridges in the township, except as
     5  otherwise specially provided.
     6     (b)  Cause such roads and bridges to be kept in repair and
     7  reasonably free from all obstructions, and give the necessary
     8  directions therefor.
     9     (c)  Inspect all roads and bridges during the months of April
    10  and October of each year.
    11     (d)  Divide the township into as many districts as may be
    12  deemed necessary for the maintenance and repair of the roads and
    13  the opening of roads obstructed by snow.
    14     (e)  Employ or hire such persons, as may be necessary for the
    15  general conduct of the business of the township, and provide for
    16  the organization and supervision of the persons so employed, and
    17  work on the roads themselves when directed to do so by the board
    18  of supervisors. Records shall be kept, and reports made and
    19  filed, giving the names of all persons employed, including
    20  supervisors, superintendent or roadmasters, dates on which work
    21  was done, and the number of hours worked with compensation paid
    22  to each person and the capacity in which he is employed.
    23     (f)  Construct and keep in repair all sluices and culverts,
    24  and keep the waterways, bridges and culverts open.
    25     (g)  Cause loose stones lying in the beaten track of every
    26  road to be removed. Stones so removed shall be conveyed to some
    27  place from which they will not work back or be brought back into
    28  the track by other implements used in repairing or maintaining
    29  such highways.
    30     (h)  Attend meetings and conventions if directed to do so by
    19950H0702B2681                 - 68 -

     1  the board of supervisors. Any supervisor, elected or appointed
     2  officer or township employe shall, if directed by the board of
     3  supervisors, attend any conference, institute or school dealing
     4  with the duties and functions of such elected or appointed
     5  officers or employes. The expenses for attending the
     6  conferences, institutes and schools may be paid by the township
     7  and shall be limited to the registration fee, mileage for use of
     8  a personal vehicle or reimbursement of actual transportation
     9  expense going to and returning from such meeting plus all other
    10  actual expenses that the township board of supervisors may have
    11  agreed to pay. Every delegate attending the meeting shall submit
    12  to the township board of supervisors an itemized account of
    13  expenses incurred thereat. The township board of supervisors may
    14  authorize township employes to be compensated at their regular
    15  employe rate during their attendance at the meeting.
    16     (i)  Perform such other duties and have such other powers
    17  with respect thereto as may be imposed or conferred by law or
    18  the rules and regulations of the Department of Highways.
    19     The roadmasters or superintendents or supervisors, acting in
    20  either capacity, shall--
    21     (j)  Report monthly to the board of supervisors, such
    22  information as may be required by the Department of Highways, in
    23  the form prescribed by the department.
    24     (k)  Inspect all roads and bridges at such times as the
    25  township supervisors shall direct, except during the months of
    26  April and October.
    27     (l)  Have power to relocate, widen, deepen, and straighten
    28  the channels of streams, and rip, rap, and otherwise protect the
    29  banks of streams in order to protect roads, prevent erosion, and
    30  prevent floods in the township: Provided, That the consent of
    19950H0702B2681                 - 69 -

     1  the Water and Power Resources Board to any such project has
     2  first been secured.
     3     (m)  When authorized to do so by general or special order of
     4  the township supervisors, to do or cause to be done all work
     5  necessary to carry out the responsibilities imposed upon the
     6  township supervisors by subsections (a), (b), (e), (f), (g), and
     7  (i) of this section.]
     8     Section 607.  Duties of Supervisors.--The board of
     9  supervisors shall:
    10     (1)  Be charged with the general governance of the township
    11  and the execution of legislative, executive and administrative
    12  powers in order to ensure sound fiscal management and to secure
    13  the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the township.
    14     (2)  Have the responsibility for maintenance of township-
    15  owned equipment and facilities.
    16     (3)  Employ persons as may be necessary for the general
    17  conduct of the business of the township and provide for the
    18  compensation, organization and supervision of the persons so
    19  employed. Records shall be kept and reports made and filed
    20  giving the names of all persons employed, dates on which work
    21  was done and the number of hours worked with compensation paid
    22  to each person and the capacity in which employed.
    23     (4)  Authorize attendance at conferences, institutes, schools
    24  and conventions. Any supervisor, elected or appointed officer or
    25  township employe may, if directed by the board of supervisors,
    26  attend any conference, institute, school or convention dealing
    27  with the duties and functions of elected or appointed officers
    28  or employes. The expenses for attending the meetings may be paid
    29  by the township and are limited to the registration fee, mileage
    30  for the use of a personal vehicle or reimbursement of actual
    19950H0702B2681                 - 70 -

     1  transportation expense going to and returning from the meeting
     2  plus all other actual expenses that the board of supervisors
     3  agrees to pay. Every attendee shall submit to the board of
     4  supervisors an itemized account of expenses incurred at the
     5  meeting. The board of supervisors may authorize employes to be
     6  compensated at their regular employe rate during their
     7  attendance at the meeting.
     8     (5)  Annually, on or before the first day of February,
     9  furnish to the board of auditors information on the construction
    10  or maintenance of roads, or other matters that may be required
    11  by any department of the Commonwealth to be included in the
    12  annual township report.
    13     (6)  Provide for the annual tax duplicate to be prepared and
    14  presented to the tax collector.
    15     (7)  Perform duties and exercise powers as may be imposed or
    16  conferred by law or the rules and regulations of any agency of
    17  the Commonwealth.
    18     [Section 517.  Road Contracts.--The board of township
    19  supervisors may make a contract for the improvement and keeping
    20  in repair of not more than ten miles of road. No such contract
    21  shall extend over a period of more than four years, nor shall it
    22  be given unless approved of and signed by at least two members
    23  of the board of township supervisors. Every contractor for road
    24  work shall give bond for the amount of such contract, and sign
    25  specifications furnished by the township supervisors for the
    26  building and care of such contract roads.
    27     Section 518.  Annual Township Report; Duties of
    28  Supervisors.--The board of supervisors annually, on or before
    29  the first day of February in each year, shall furnish to the
    30  township auditors such accurate information concerning the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 71 -

     1  construction, reconstruction, maintenance and repair of the
     2  roads, the repair and purchase of equipment and machinery, and
     3  road mileage, as may be required, in order to enable the
     4  auditors to make the annual township report hereinafter
     5  prescribed.
     6     Section 519.  Applications for County Road Aid.--Whenever the
     7  owners of the majority of the assessed valuation of real
     8  property within any township desire any principal road within
     9  the township to be improved and maintained at the joint expense
    10  of the county and township, they may petition the supervisors of
    11  the township for said improvement, and require them to make
    12  application to the county commissioners for such improvement and
    13  maintenance in accordance with the provisions of existing law.
    14     In all cases where the township supervisors refuse to act
    15  upon, or unduly delay action on, any petition for the
    16  improvement and maintenance of any road, as herein provided, any
    17  registered elector or taxpayer of the township or county may, by
    18  petition, present the facts of the matter to the court of
    19  quarter sessions, requesting the court to order such action
    20  thereon as the case may require. If after due hearing had before
    21  said court it shall appear that the truth of the matters alleged
    22  in the petition are sustained, the court shall make an order
    23  directing the township supervisors to forthwith act upon said
    24  application or applications, and that the said application or
    25  petition for the improvement be forthwith forwarded to the
    26  county commissioners.
    27     Section 520.  Interest in Contracts and Purchases; Penalty.--
    28  Except as otherwise provided in section 802 of this act any
    29  township supervisor, superintendent, or roadmaster who is
    30  knowingly interested directly or indirectly, in any purchase
    19950H0702B2681                 - 72 -

     1  made or contract relating to roads and bridges, or for a
     2  compensation furnishes any materials therefor is guilty of a
     3  misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to
     4  pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars or undergo
     5  imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both, and shall
     6  forfeit his office.
     7     Section 521.  Violation of Act Generally; Penalty.--Any
     8  township supervisor, township superintendent, roadmaster, or
     9  contractor, employed to work on the roads and bridges of any
    10  township, or any other person including any corporation officer
    11  or employe, who violates any of the provisions of this act,
    12  other than those for the violation of which specific penalties
    13  are provided, or who fails, or neglects, or refuses to carry out
    14  the provisions of this act, shall, upon conviction thereof in a
    15  summary proceeding, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than
    16  ten dollars and not more than fifty dollars, and in default of
    17  the payment of such fine and costs, shall be sentenced to
    18  imprisonment of not more than twenty-five days. All such fines
    19  shall be paid to the township treasurer and credited to the
    20  general township fund.]
    21                            ARTICLE VII
    22                         TOWNSHIP TREASURER
    23                     [(c)  Township Treasurer]
    24     Section 701.  Township Treasurer.--The board of supervisors
    25  shall appoint a township treasurer to serve at the pleasure of
    26  the board of supervisors.
    27     [Section 530.  Bond.--The treasurer appointed by the board of
    28  township supervisors, if an individual, shall give bond, with a
    29  surety company or other company authorized by law to act as
    30  surety to be approved as to the amount thereof by and filed with
    19950H0702B2681                 - 73 -

     1  the auditors of the township, conditioned that the treasurer
     2  shall well and truly account for and pay over all moneys
     3  collected or received for the township, and all moneys paid by
     4  the State to the township and received by him, only upon a
     5  written order signed by two members of the board of supervisors;
     6  for the delivery to his successor in office of all books,
     7  papers, and documents; for the payment to such successor of any
     8  balance of money belonging to the township that may remain in
     9  his hands; and for the faithful performance of the duties of his
    10  office.]
    11     Section 702.  Treasurer's Bond.--The township treasurer, if
    12  an individual, shall give bond with a surety company in an
    13  amount established by the board of auditors SUPERVISORS for the   <--
    14  faithful performance of the duties of the office. The amount of
    15  the bond shall equal the highest amount of township funds
    16  estimated by the board of auditors SUPERVISORS to be available    <--
    17  to the township treasurer at any time during the current year.
    18  The bond shall be filed with the board of auditors of the
    19  township.
    20     [Section 531.  Compensation.--The township treasurer shall
    21  receive, as compensation for his services, salary, wages or a
    22  certain percentage on all moneys received and paid by him, which
    23  compensation shall be determined by the supervisors of the
    24  townships.
    25     Except as otherwise provided in section 540 hereof, the
    26  amount paid to the treasurer as treasurer and secretary, shall
    27  be determined by the board of supervisors, except that where a
    28  supervisor is serving as secretary and/or treasurer the auditors
    29  shall fix the compensation.]
    30     Section 703.  Treasurer's Compensation.--The board of
    19950H0702B2681                 - 74 -

     1  supervisors shall determine the compensation of the township
     2  treasurer. When a supervisor is appointed as township treasurer,
     3  the board of auditors shall determine the compensation. A person
     4  may not receive hourly compensation for work as a
     5  superintendent, roadmaster or laborer for time spent in the
     6  performance of the duties of township treasurer.
     7     [Section 532.  Duties.--The township treasurer shall receive
     8  all moneys due the township and deposit the same promptly upon
     9  receipt thereof in a bank, banking institution, or trust company
    10  in the name of the township. He shall keep distinct and accurate
    11  accounts of all sums received from taxes and other sources,
    12  which accounts shall be open to the inspection of the
    13  supervisors and taxpayers of the township. He shall pay out all
    14  moneys received by him only on orders drawn by the supervisors
    15  of the township. He shall annually state his accounts, and lay
    16  the same, together with the vouchers, before the township
    17  auditors for settlement.]
    18     Section 704.  Treasurer's Duties.--The township treasurer
    19  shall:
    20     (1)  Receive all moneys due the township and deposit them
    21  promptly in a designated depository in the name of the township.
    22     (2)  Keep distinct and accurate accounts of all sums received
    23  from taxes and other sources, which accounts shall be open to
    24  the inspection of the board of supervisors and any citizen of
    25  this Commonwealth.
    26     (3)  Pay out all moneys of the township only on direction by
    27  and upon a written order signed by a majority of the members of   <--
    28  the board of supervisors.
    29     (4)  Annually state the accounts and make them available to
    30  the board of auditors for settlement.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 75 -

     1     (5)  Preserve the account books, papers, documents and other
     2  records of the office and turn them over to the successor in
     3  office.
     4     Section 705.  Assistant Treasurer.--The board of supervisors
     5  may appoint an assistant treasurer who shall assist the township
     6  treasurer or, in the absence or disability of the township
     7  treasurer, perform the duties of the township treasurer. The
     8  assistant treasurer may be appointed from the membership of the
     9  board of supervisors. The assistant treasurer shall be bonded
    10  for the same amount as the township treasurer when acting in the
    11  capacity of township treasurer. The board of supervisors shall
    12  determine the compensation of the assistant treasurer. When a
    13  supervisor is appointed assistant treasurer, the board of
    14  auditors shall determine the compensation.
    15     [Section 533.  Use of Special Funds; Penalty.--Whenever any
    16  moneys are collected in or received by any township for any
    17  special purpose, and are paid into the hands of the treasurer of
    18  such township, it shall be unlawful for such treasurer to apply
    19  such moneys, or any part thereof, to any purpose other than that
    20  for which such moneys were collected or received. Every such
    21  misapplication shall be a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
    22  thereof, the treasurer shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not
    23  less than the amount so misapplied, or undergo imprisonment for
    24  not more than one year, or both.]
    25     Section 706.  Use of Special Funds; Penalty.--When any moneys
    26  are collected for any special purpose, no township treasurer or
    27  board of supervisors may apply those moneys to any purpose other
    28  than that for which they were collected. Every misapplication
    29  shall be a misdemeanor of the third degree and, in addition to
    30  the fine or penalty which may be imposed upon conviction, the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 76 -

     1  defendant shall be required to pay restitution in the amount of
     2  moneys improperly spent.
     3     [Section 534.  Penalty for Failure to Perform Duties.--Any
     4  township treasurer who fails or neglects or refuses to perform
     5  any of the duties of his office, other than those for which
     6  specific penalties are provided, upon conviction thereof in a
     7  summary proceeding, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more
     8  than one hundred dollars, and in default of the payment of such
     9  fine and costs, shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not more
    10  than thirty days, and shall be disqualified from holding the
    11  office.]
    12     Section 707.  Penalty for Failure to Perform Duties.--A
    13  township treasurer or assistant treasurer who fails to perform
    14  any duties of the office other than those for which specific
    15  penalties are provided commits a summary offense and, in
    16  addition to the fine or penalty which may be imposed upon
    17  conviction, is required to pay to the township an amount equal
    18  to the amount of the financial loss that occurred, if any, for
    19  not performing the duties of the office. That person is
    20  disqualified from holding the office of township treasurer or
    21  assistant treasurer.
    22     [Section 535.  Depositories of Township Funds.--The township
    23  supervisors may, at their annual organization meeting, or as
    24  soon thereafter as is practicable, designate, by resolution, a
    25  depository or depositories for township funds, and fix and
    26  approve the security to be furnished by any such depository:
    27  Provided, That any such funds deposited with any banking
    28  institution of this Commonwealth may be insured with the Federal
    29  Deposit Insurance Corporation, or any other corporation
    30  hereafter organized by the United States for the purpose of
    19950H0702B2681                 - 77 -

     1  insuring deposits, up to the amount to which such corporation
     2  is, or may hereafter be, authorized to insure deposits, in any
     3  one name, and where so insured the supervisors shall not require
     4  such banking institution to furnish additional bond, insurance
     5  or security to cover the amount of such deposits so insured.
     6  Such designation shall be valid for a period of one year or
     7  until such time as another depository or other depositories
     8  shall be designated by similar action of the township
     9  supervisors.
    10     Such depository, or depositories shall be banks, banking
    11  institutions, or trust companies located in the Commonwealth.
    12     The township treasurer shall, upon the designation of such
    13  depository or depositories, immediately transfer thereto the
    14  township funds, and shall thereafter keep such deposits solely
    15  in such depository or depositories in the name of the township.
    16     No township treasurer, complying with the provisions of this
    17  section, nor his surety or sureties, shall be chargeable with
    18  losses of township funds caused by the failure or negligence of
    19  such depository or depositories.]
    20     Section 708.  Depositories of Township Funds.--(a)  The board
    21  of supervisors shall designate, by resolution, a depository or
    22  depositories for township funds. Any funds deposited with any
    23  banking institution of this Commonwealth shall be insured with
    24  the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the National Credit
    25  Union Share Insurance Fund or their successor agencies, to the
    26  extent that accounts are so insured. The board of supervisors
    27  shall require each banking institution to furnish additional
    28  bond, insurance or security to cover the amount of any deposits
    29  in excess of the insured limits. The designation is valid for a
    30  period of one year or until another depository or other
    19950H0702B2681                 - 78 -

     1  depositories are designated by similar action of the board of
     2  supervisors.
     3     (b)  The depository or depositories shall be banks, banking
     4  institutions or trust companies located in this Commonwealth.
     5     (c)  The township treasurer or assistant treasurer shall,
     6  upon the designation of the depository or depositories by the
     7  board of supervisors, immediately transfer thereto the township
     8  funds and after that make deposits solely in the depository or
     9  depositories in the name of the township.
    10     (d)  No township treasurer or assistant treasurer complying
    11  with the provisions of this section, nor his surety or sureties,
    12  shall be chargeable with losses of township funds caused solely
    13  by the failure or negligence of the depository or depositories.
    14                            ARTICLE VIII
    15                         TOWNSHIP SECRETARY
    16                     [(d)  Township Secretary]
    17     Section 801.  Township Secretary.--The board of supervisors
    18  shall appoint a township secretary to serve at the pleasure of
    19  the board of supervisors.
    20     [Section 540.  Duties and Compensation.--The secretary in
    21  each township shall be clerk to the board of supervisors. He
    22  shall keep a record of the proceedings of said officers in a
    23  minute book in which he shall also record all court orders
    24  relative to the laying out, opening and vacating of roads. The
    25  minute book, account book and other financial records shall be
    26  carefully preserved by the secretary and shall be turned over to
    27  his successor in office. Miscellaneous records and papers of the
    28  township other than the minute book and account book may be
    29  destroyed with the consent of the supervisors after the lapse of
    30  six years from the date of such records.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 79 -

     1     The secretary shall prepare and write the annual tax
     2  duplicate of the township, and shall receive such salary, wages
     3  or other compensation therefor as shall be fixed by the township
     4  supervisors. The amount paid to the secretary and treasurer as
     5  salary, wages or other compensation for services, shall be
     6  determined by the board of supervisors, except that where a
     7  supervisor is serving as secretary and/or treasurer the auditors
     8  shall fix the compensation.
     9     The secretary shall inform all members of the board of
    10  supervisors of all functions and meetings, including special
    11  meetings of the board.]
    12     Section 802.  Secretary's Duties.--The township secretary is
    13  a clerk to the board of supervisors. The township secretary
    14  shall:
    15     (1)  Record the proceedings of the board of supervisors and
    16  all court orders relative to the laying out, opening and
    17  vacating of roads in a minute book.
    18     (2)  Preserve the minute book and other records and turn them
    19  over to the successor in office.
    20     (3)  With the consent of the board of supervisors and in
    21  conformity with other laws governing the retention and
    22  disposition of municipal records, have the authority to destroy
    23  records and papers of the township other than the minute book
    24  and account book after the lapse of six years from the date of
    25  the records.
    26     (4)  Inform supervisors of all township meetings, including
    27  special meetings of the board of supervisors.
    28     Section 803.  Secretary's Compensation.--The board of
    29  supervisors shall determine the compensation of the township
    30  secretary. When a supervisor is appointed township secretary,
    19950H0702B2681                 - 80 -

     1  the board of auditors shall determine the compensation. A person
     2  may not receive hourly compensation for work as a
     3  superintendent, roadmaster or laborer for time spent in the
     4  performance of the duties of township secretary.
     5     [Section 543.  Assistant Secretary.--Every board of township
     6  supervisors may, by resolution, appoint an assistant secretary
     7  who shall, in the absence or disability of the secretary,
     8  perform the duties and exercise the powers of the secretary. The
     9  assistant secretary may be appointed from the membership of the
    10  board of township supervisors but shall not be any other officer
    11  thereof, shall receive compensation for such services not
    12  exceeding the compensation of the secretary, and shall be
    13  bonded. The assistant secretary shall not be compensated for any
    14  period of time for which the secretary is compensated.]
    15     Section 804.  Assistant Secretary.--The board of supervisors
    16  may appoint an assistant secretary who shall assist the township
    17  secretary or, in the absence or disability of the township
    18  secretary, perform the duties of the township secretary. The
    19  assistant secretary may be appointed from the membership of the
    20  board of supervisors. The board of supervisors shall determine
    21  the compensation of the assistant secretary. When a supervisor
    22  is appointed assistant secretary, the board of auditors shall
    23  determine the compensation.
    24                             ARTICLE IX
    25                       AUDITORS; ACCOUNTANTS
    26                      [(e)  Township Auditors
    27     Section 545.  Meetings; Duties; Quorum; Surcharges;
    28  Compensation.--The auditors of townships shall meet annually, at
    29  the place of meeting of the supervisors, on the day following
    30  the day which is fixed by this act for organization of the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 81 -

     1  township supervisors; and shall organize by the election of a
     2  chairman and secretary, and shall audit, settle, and adjust the
     3  accounts of the supervisors, superintendents, roadmasters,
     4  treasurer, and tax collector of the township, and fix the
     5  compensations for the current year authorized in section 515
     6  hereof. Two auditors shall constitute a quorum. The auditors
     7  shall also make an audit of the dockets, transcripts, and other
     8  official records of the justices of the peace to determine the
     9  amounts of fines and costs paid over or due the township, and
    10  the dockets and records of the justices of the peace shall be
    11  open to inspection by the auditors for such purpose. Unless
    12  otherwise agreed to by the auditors and the officer being
    13  audited, the audit shall he conducted at the place the records
    14  of the officer are normally kept.
    15     Upon the death or resignation of any of the above officers
    16  the auditor, upon call of the chairman, shall meet and audit the
    17  accounts of the former incumbent, and at that time fix the
    18  compensation of his successor if authorized by this act to fix
    19  the compensation for such office.
    20     Any elected or appointed officer, whose act, error or
    21  omission has contributed to the financial loss of any township,
    22  shall be surcharged by the auditors with the amount of such
    23  loss, and the surcharge of any such officer shall take into
    24  consideration as its basis, the results of such act, error or
    25  omission and the results had the procedure been strictly
    26  according to law. The provisions hereof limiting the amount of
    27  any surcharge shall not apply to cases involving fraud or
    28  collusion on the part of such officers, nor to any penalty
    29  ensuing to the benefit of or payable to the Commonwealth.
    30     Each auditor shall receive thirty dollars per diem for each
    19950H0702B2681                 - 82 -

     1  day necessarily employed in the duties of his office, to be paid
     2  out of the funds of the township. In no event shall any auditor
     3  in a township having a population of ten thousand (10,000) or
     4  less be entitled to receive more than six hundred dollars ($600)
     5  for any calendar year. In no event shall any auditor in a
     6  township having a population in excess of ten thousand (10,000)
     7  be entitled to receive more than twelve hundred dollars ($1,200)
     8  for any calendar year. A day shall consist of not less than five
     9  hours in the aggregate.]
    10     Section 901.  Township Auditors; Meetings; Duties; Quorum.--
    11  (a)  The board of auditors shall meet annually, at the place of
    12  meeting of the board of supervisors, on the day following the
    13  day designated by this act for organization of the board of
    14  supervisors; and they shall organize by the election of a
    15  chairman and secretary. The board of auditors shall audit,
    16  settle and adjust the accounts of all elected or appointed
    17  officials of the township and its boards or agencies that
    18  received or disbursed funds of or owing to the township during
    19  the immediately preceding calendar year. The board of auditors
    20  shall determine the compensations for the current year
    21  authorized in section 606 for supervisors employed by the
    22  township. Two auditors shall constitute a quorum. The auditors
    23  may also make an audit of the dockets, transcripts and other
    24  official records of the district justices to determine the
    25  amount of fines and costs paid over or due the township, and the
    26  dockets and records of the district justices shall be open to
    27  inspection by the auditors for that purpose. Unless otherwise
    28  agreed to by the board of auditors and the officer being
    29  audited, the audit shall be conducted at the place the records
    30  of the officer are normally kept.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 83 -

     1     (b)  Upon the death or resignation of any of the officials
     2  designated in this section to be audited, the board of auditors,
     3  upon call of the chairman, shall meet and audit the accounts of
     4  the former incumbent and determine the compensation of the
     5  successor if so authorized by this act.
     6     Section 902.  Auditor's Compensation.--(a)  Each auditor
     7  shall receive seven dollars ($7) for each hour necessarily
     8  employed in the duties of the office upon presentation to the
     9  board of supervisors of an itemized listing of the dates, times,
    10  places and hours worked to perform the audit. No auditor in a
    11  township having a population of ten thousand or less is entitled
    12  to receive more than seven hundred dollars ($700) for completing
    13  the annual audit, settlement and adjustment. No auditor in a
    14  township having a population in excess of ten thousand is
    15  entitled to receive more than fourteen hundred dollars ($1,400)
    16  for completing the annual audit, settlement and adjustment.
    17     (b)  In addition to the time actually used by the board of
    18  auditors to complete the audit, settlement and adjustment, each
    19  auditor may be compensated at the rate of seven dollars ($7)
    20  each hour for not more than fifty hours to audit the accounts of
    21  any public official who handles public funds when a vacancy
    22  occurs in the office of the public official.
    23     (c)  Each auditor shall be reimbursed for travel costs
    24  incurred in the performance of the auditing duties at the rate
    25  established by the board of supervisors under the act of July
    26  20, 1979 (P.L.156, No.51), referred to as the Uniform Mileage
    27  Fee Law, and for other expenses, including postage, notary fees
    28  or publication costs, incurred during the audit.
    29     [Section 546.  Subpoenas; Oaths; Perjury.--The auditors of
    30  each township may issue subpoenas to obtain the attendance of
    19950H0702B2681                 - 84 -

     1  the officers whose accounts they are required to adjust, their
     2  executors and administrators, and of any person whom it may be
     3  necessary to examine as a witness, and to compel their
     4  attendance, by attachment, in like manner as any court of common
     5  pleas may in cases pending before them and may also compel the
     6  production of all books, vouchers, and papers relative to such
     7  accounts. Such subpoena and attachment shall be issued by a
     8  justice of the peace and be served by a constable or auditor of
     9  the township. The auditors of each township may administer oaths
    10  and affirmations to all persons brought or appearing before
    11  them, whether accountants, witnesses, or otherwise. All persons
    12  guilty of swearing or affirming falsely on such examination
    13  shall be guilty of perjury.]
    14     Section 903.  Subpoenas; Oaths; Perjury.--The board of
    15  auditors may issue subpoenas to obtain the attendance of the
    16  officers whose accounts they are required to audit or adjust, of
    17  their executors and administrators and of any person whom it may
    18  be necessary to examine as a witness and to compel their
    19  attendance, by attachment, the same as any court of common pleas
    20  may in cases pending before them and may also compel the
    21  production of all books, vouchers and papers relative to
    22  township accounts. The subpoena and attachment shall be issued
    23  by a district justice. The board of auditors may administer
    24  oaths and affirmations to all persons brought or appearing
    25  before them, whether accountants, witnesses or otherwise. All
    26  persons swearing or affirming falsely upon examination are
    27  guilty of perjury.
    28     [Section 547.  Completion, Filing and Publication of Annual
    29  Township Report and Financial Statement.--(a)  The auditors
    30  shall complete their audit, settlement, and adjustment prior to
    19950H0702B2681                 - 85 -

     1  March first of each year, and in townships having a population
     2  of ten thousand (10,000) or less, no more than twenty days shall
     3  be expended on such audit. In townships having a population in
     4  excess of ten thousand (10,000), no more than forty days shall
     5  be expended on such audit. In addition to the time actually
     6  expended by the auditors to complete their audit, settlement and
     7  adjustment within such twenty or forty days limitations, the
     8  auditors may expend not more than a total of ten additional days
     9  at a compensation of thirty dollars ($30) per day to audit the
    10  accounts of any public official who handles public funds when a
    11  vacancy occurs in the office of such public official.
    12     (b)  The auditors shall make a report, as hereinafter
    13  provided, of the affairs of the township, executed copies of
    14  which report shall be filed not later than ninety days after the
    15  close of the fiscal year by the secretary of the auditors with
    16  the secretary of the township, the clerk of the court of the
    17  county, or the prothonotary as may be provided by local rules of
    18  court, the Department of Community Affairs, and the Department
    19  of Highways. Each copy of such report shall be signed by at
    20  least a majority of the auditors, and duly verified by the oath
    21  of the secretary of the auditors. Any secretary of auditors,
    22  refusing or wilfully neglecting to file such township report, as
    23  hereinbefore provided, or to publish the financial statement
    24  herein required, shall, upon conviction thereof in a summary
    25  proceeding, be sentenced to pay a fine of five dollars for each
    26  day's delay beyond the last day for filing such report, and
    27  costs, or in default of the payment of such fine and costs, be
    28  sentenced to imprisonment not exceeding ten days.
    29     (c)  The township report shall be presented on a uniform
    30  form, prepared and furnished as hereinafter provided.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 86 -

     1     (d)  The township report shall contain the names and
     2  addresses of the chairman, members and secretary-treasurer of
     3  the board of supervisors of the township, a statement of the
     4  receipts of the township from all sources, and of all accounts
     5  and revenue which may be due and uncollected at the close of the
     6  fiscal year, a statement of the disbursements of the township
     7  during the fiscal year for the construction, reconstruction,
     8  maintenance and repair of the roads, for the purchase and repair
     9  of road equipment and machinery, the number of miles of road
    10  opened, built and permanently improved, and the total number of
    11  miles of road in the township, a statement of the balance in the
    12  township treasury at the beginning of the fiscal year, a
    13  statement of the resources and liabilities of the township at
    14  the end of the fiscal year, a detailed statement of the
    15  indebtedness of the township at the close of the fiscal year,
    16  the provisions made for the payment thereof, together with the
    17  purposes for which it was incurred, a statement of the cost of
    18  ownership and operation of each and every public service
    19  industry, owned, maintained or operated by the township, and
    20  such more specific information, as may be required as
    21  hereinafter provided.
    22     (e)  On or before March tenth of each year, the auditors
    23  shall publish, by advertisement, once in at least one newspaper
    24  of general circulation published in the township, or if no such
    25  newspaper is published in the township, then in such a newspaper
    26  circulating in the township, a concise financial statement
    27  setting forth the balance in the treasury at the beginning of
    28  the fiscal year, all revenues received during the fiscal year by
    29  major classifications, all expenditures made during the fiscal
    30  year by major functions, and the current resources and
    19950H0702B2681                 - 87 -

     1  liabilities of the township at the end of the fiscal year, the
     2  gross liability and net debt of the township, the amount of the
     3  assessed valuation of the township, the assets of the township
     4  with the character and value thereof, the date of the last
     5  maturity of the respective forms of funded debt, and the assets
     6  in the sinking fund.
     7     (f)  If any township has a population of less than two
     8  hundred, as shown by the last preceding decennial census of the
     9  United States, the auditors may post five copies of the above
    10  financial statement in public places in the township in lieu of
    11  publication in a newspaper.]
    12     Section 904.  Completion, Filing and Publication of Annual
    13  Township Report and Financial Statement.--(a)  The board of
    14  auditors shall complete their audit, settlement and adjustment
    15  before the first day of March of each year.
    16     (b)  The board of auditors shall make a report of the affairs
    17  of the township, executed copies of which report shall be filed
    18  not later than ninety days after the close of the fiscal year by
    19  the secretary of the board of auditors with the township
    20  secretary, the clerk of the court of the county or the
    21  prothonotary under local rules of court, the Department of
    22  Community Affairs and the Department of Transportation. Each
    23  copy of the report shall be signed by at least a majority of the
    24  board of auditors and duly verified by the oath of the secretary
    25  of the board of auditors. Any secretary of the board of auditors
    26  who fails to file the township report or to publish the required
    27  financial statement commits a summary offense.
    28     (c)  The township report shall be presented on a uniform form
    29  prepared and furnished under section 3203.
    30     (d)  The township report shall contain the names and
    19950H0702B2681                 - 88 -

     1  addresses of the chairman and members of the board of
     2  supervisors, the township secretary and the township treasurer,
     3  a statement of the receipts of the township from all sources and
     4  of all accounts and revenue which may be due and uncollected at
     5  the close of the fiscal year, a statement of the disbursements
     6  of the township during the fiscal year, a statement of the
     7  balance in the township treasury at the beginning of the fiscal
     8  year, a statement of the resources and liabilities of the
     9  township at the end of the fiscal year, a detailed statement of
    10  the indebtedness of the township at the close of the fiscal year
    11  and the provisions made for the payment thereof together with
    12  the purposes for which it was incurred, a statement of the cost
    13  of ownership and operation of each public service industry
    14  owned, maintained or operated by the township and other
    15  information as may be required in this act.
    16     (e)  On or before the tenth day of March of each year, the
    17  board of auditors shall publish once in one newspaper of general
    18  circulation in the township a concise financial statement
    19  setting forth the balance in the treasury at the beginning of
    20  the fiscal year, all revenues received during the fiscal year by
    21  major classifications, all expenses paid during the fiscal year
    22  by major functions, and the current resources and liabilities of
    23  the township at the end of the fiscal year, the gross liability
    24  and net debt of the township, the amount of the assessed
    25  valuation of the township, the assets of the township with the
    26  character and value thereof, the date of the last maturity of
    27  the respective forms of funded debt and the assets in the
    28  sinking fund.
    29     (f)  If any township has a population of less than two
    30  hundred, as shown by the latest official census, the board of
    19950H0702B2681                 - 89 -

     1  auditors may post five copies of the financial statement in
     2  public places in the township in lieu of publication in a
     3  newspaper.
     4     [Section 548.  Cancelling Orders.--The auditors shall cancel
     5  all orders, vouchers and certificates of indebtedness presented
     6  to them, which they find have been paid, by writing the word
     7  "audited" on the face thereof.
     8     Section 549.  Penalty for Failure to Perform Duty.--Any
     9  auditor neglecting or refusing to comply with the preceding
    10  provisions of this article shall upon conviction thereof in a
    11  summary proceeding, pay a fine of not more than one hundred
    12  dollars, and in default of the payment of such fine and costs,
    13  shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than ten days.]
    14     Section 905.  Penalty for Failure to Perform Duty.--Any
    15  auditor who fails to comply with this article commits a summary
    16  offense.
    17     [Section 550.  Employment and Compensation of Attorney.--The
    18  auditors, in case of a disagreement with any officials or board
    19  of township supervisors whose accounts they are required to
    20  audit, may employ an attorney. Such attorney shall not be
    21  employed until reasonable effort to reach an agreement has been
    22  made, and only after notice of their intention so to do has been
    23  given to said official or board of township supervisors. The
    24  compensation for such attorney shall be fixed by the auditors,
    25  and shall not exceed thirty dollars, unless an appeal is taken
    26  to the court, in which case the court shall fix the additional
    27  compensation for the attorney. The compensation for said
    28  attorney shall be paid out of the general township fund by a
    29  warrant drawn by the auditors upon the treasurer of the
    30  township.]
    19950H0702B2681                 - 90 -

     1     Section 906.  Employment and Compensation of Attorney.--If a
     2  disagreement occurs with the board of auditors and any official
     3  it is required to audit, the board of auditors may petition the
     4  court of common pleas to appoint an attorney to represent or
     5  advise the board of auditors on the matter. The court shall not
     6  appoint an attorney unless reasonable effort to reach an
     7  agreement has been made and only after the board of auditors has
     8  given notice to the official or the board of supervisors of its
     9  intent to petition the court for the appointment. The board of
    10  auditors, with the agreement of the board of supervisors, shall
    11  determine the compensation of the attorney. If the dispute
    12  results in litigation or if the board of auditors and the board
    13  of supervisors cannot agree upon the compensation to be paid to
    14  the attorney, the court shall establish the compensation for the
    15  attorney appointed for the board of auditors. The compensation
    16  for the attorney shall be paid out of the general township fund.
    17     [Section 551.  Balances Due to Be Entered as Judgments.--Any
    18  balance, in any report of the auditors, against any officer of
    19  the township shall constitute a surcharge against such officer,
    20  as fully as if expressly stated in said report to be a
    21  surcharge. The auditors shall direct the clerk of court of
    22  quarter sessions to certify the amount of every such balance or
    23  surcharge from which no appeal has been taken, within the time
    24  and in the manner hereinafter provided, to the court of common
    25  pleas and the prothonotary shall enter the same as a judgment
    26  against such officer and in favor of the township.]
    27     Section 907.  Surcharge by Auditors.--(a)  The board of
    28  auditors shall surcharge any elected or appointed officer for
    29  the amount of any loss to the township caused in whole or in
    30  part by the officer's act or omission in violation of law or
    19950H0702B2681                 - 91 -

     1  beyond the scope of the officer's authority. If the auditors
     2  find an absence of intent to violate the law or exceed the scope
     3  of authority and find the result of the officer's act could have
     4  been achieved by legal means and authorized procedures, the
     5  surcharge imposed shall be limited to the difference between the
     6  costs actually incurred by the township and the costs that would
     7  have been incurred had legal means and authorized procedures
     8  been employed. Provisions of this section which limit the amount
     9  of surcharge do not apply to cases involving fraud or collusion
    10  on the part of the officers or to any penalty ensuing to the
    11  benefit of or payable to the Commonwealth.
    12     (b)  Any balance in any report of the board of auditors
    13  against any officer of the township constitutes a surcharge
    14  against the officer as fully as if expressly stated in the
    15  report to be a surcharge. The board of auditors shall direct the
    16  clerk of court of common pleas to certify the amount of every
    17  balance or surcharge from which no appeal has been taken under
    18  sections 909 and 910 to the court of common pleas, and the
    19  prothonotary shall enter the balance or surcharge as a judgment
    20  against the officer in favor of the township.
    21     [Section 552.  Collection of Surcharge; Bond.--Any auditor,
    22  registered elector, or taxpayer of the township may enforce the
    23  collection of a judgment entered for a surcharge for the benefit
    24  of the township, by any appropriate action or execution, upon
    25  filing in the court of common pleas a bond (in the case of a
    26  registered elector or taxpayer), with one or more sureties,
    27  conditioned to indemnify the township for all costs which may
    28  accrue in the proceedings undertaken by such taxpayer, subject,
    29  however, to all rights of appeal from the report of auditors
    30  hereinafter granted.]
    19950H0702B2681                 - 92 -

     1     Section 908.  Collection of Surcharge; Bond.--Any auditor,
     2  elector or taxpayer of the township may enforce the collection
     3  of a judgment entered for a surcharge for the benefit of the
     4  township, by any appropriate action or execution, upon filing in
     5  the court of common pleas a bond (in the case of an elector or
     6  taxpayer), with one or more sureties, conditioned to indemnify
     7  the township for all costs which may accrue in the proceedings
     8  undertaken, subject, however, to all rights of appeal from the
     9  report of the board of auditors.
    10     [Section 553.  Appeals from Report.--The township, or any
    11  registered elector or taxpayer thereof on its behalf, or any
    12  officer whose account is settled or audited by the township
    13  auditors, may appeal from any settlement or audit of the
    14  township auditors to the court of common pleas within forty-five
    15  days after the settlement has been filed in the court of quarter
    16  sessions.]
    17     Section 909.  Appeals from Report.--The board of supervisors,
    18  or any elector or taxpayer of the township, or any officer whose
    19  account is settled or audited by the board of auditors, may
    20  appeal from any settlement or audit of the board of auditors to
    21  the court of common pleas within forty-five days after the
    22  settlement has been filed in the court of common pleas.
    23     [Section 554.  Taxpayer's Appeal; Bond.--No appeal by a
    24  registered elector or taxpayer or officer shall be allowed
    25  unless the appellant shall enter into recognizance to prosecute
    26  the same with effect, and to pay all costs accruing thereon, in
    27  case, if the appellant be a registered elector or taxpayer, he
    28  shall fail to obtain a final decision more favorable to the
    29  township than that awarded by the auditors, or, in case the
    30  appellant be an officer, he shall fail to obtain a final
    19950H0702B2681                 - 93 -

     1  decision more favorable to the officer than that awarded by the
     2  auditors.]
     3     Section 910.  Taxpayer's Appeal; Bond.--No appeal by an
     4  elector, taxpayer or officer shall be allowed unless the
     5  appellant enters into recognizance to prosecute the appeal with
     6  effect, and to pay all costs accruing thereon, in case, if the
     7  appellant is an elector or taxpayer, he fails to obtain a final
     8  decision more favorable to the township than that awarded by the
     9  board of auditors, or, if the appellant is an officer, he fails
    10  to obtain a final decision more favorable to the officer than
    11  that awarded by the board of auditors.
    12     [Section 556.  Consolidation of Appeals.--When more than one
    13  appeal from the report of the auditors is taken, whether by the
    14  township, an officer thereof, or by a registered elector or
    15  taxpayer, the court may on its own motion, and shall upon
    16  petition of any party interested, direct that the several
    17  appeals be consolidated.]
    18     Section 911.  Consolidation of Appeals.--When more than one
    19  appeal from the report of the board of auditors is taken,
    20  whether by the board of supervisors, by an officer thereof or by
    21  an elector or taxpayer, the court may direct that the several
    22  appeals be consolidated.
    23     [Section 557.  Testimony and Argument.--Any person interested
    24  may order the appeal upon the argument list, and evidence may be
    25  taken by deposition.
    26     Section 558.  Framed Issues.--Whenever any matter of fact is
    27  in dispute, the court of common pleas is authorized to frame an
    28  issue for the trial thereof.
    29     Section 559.  Report; Prima Facie Evidence; Burden of
    30  Proof.--The accounts of the officer in question may be
    19950H0702B2681                 - 94 -

     1  investigated de novo. The figures and facts found and stated by
     2  the auditors in their report of audit shall be taken as prima
     3  facie correct as against any such officer, and the burden shall
     4  be upon each officer, whose accounts are in question, to
     5  establish the validity of the credits which he claims.]
     6     Section 912.  Report; Prima Facie Evidence; Burden of
     7  Proof.--The accounts of the officer in question may be
     8  investigated de novo. The figures and facts found and stated by
     9  the auditors in their report of audit shall be taken as prima
    10  facie correct as against any officer, and the burden shall be
    11  upon each officer whose accounts are in question to establish
    12  the validity of the credits which he claims.
    13     [Section 560.  Findings; Judgment.--After hearing, the court
    14  shall file its finding of fact and law, and enter judgment in
    15  accordance therewith, and the judgment so entered may be
    16  enforced by any appropriate proceedings by any auditor, officer,
    17  registered elector or taxpayer of the township.]
    18     Section 913.  Findings; Judgment.--After hearing, the court
    19  shall file findings of fact and law and enter judgment, and the
    20  judgment so entered may be enforced by appropriate proceedings
    21  by any auditor, officer, elector or taxpayer of the township.
    22     [Section 561.  Costs.--In all cases of appeal from the report
    23  or audit of township auditors to the court of common pleas, the
    24  costs shall abide the event of the suit as in other cases.]
    25     Section 914.  Costs.--In all cases of appeal from the report
    26  or audit of the board of auditors to the court of common pleas,
    27  the costs shall be determined by the court.
    28     [Section 562.  Appeals from Lower Courts.--Any person
    29  interested may except to the rulings of the court.
    30     Section 563.  Counsel Fees.--When an appeal is taken from the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 95 -

     1  township auditors' report or settlement of the account of any
     2  township officer, and such appeal results favorably to the
     3  appellants in such a manner that money is recovered for any
     4  township, the court hearing such appeal shall make an order to
     5  pay a reasonable counsel fee.]
     6     Section 915.  Attorney Fees.--Upon final determination of an
     7  appeal taken under section 909 from any report, audit or
     8  settlement of the account of any township officer, attorney fees
     9  shall be awarded as follows:
    10     (1)  If, in the opinion of the court, the final determination
    11  is more favorable to the township officer involved than that
    12  awarded by the board of auditors, the township shall pay
    13  reasonable attorney fees, or under paragraph (3) a portion of
    14  reasonable attorney fees, incurred by the officer in connection
    15  with the surcharge proceeding.
    16     (2)  In the case of an appeal taken by the township, an
    17  elector or a taxpayer, if, in the opinion of the court, the
    18  final determination is more favorable to the township than that
    19  awarded by the board of auditors, the township officer who is
    20  the subject of the surcharge proceeding shall pay reasonable
    21  attorney fees, or under paragraph (3) a portion of reasonable
    22  attorney fees, incurred by the township, elector or taxpayer in
    23  connection with the surcharge proceeding.
    24     (3)  If, in the opinion of the court, the final determination
    25  is in part more favorable to the township and in part more
    26  favorable to the township officer involved in the surcharge
    27  proceeding than that awarded by the board of auditors, the court
    28  may order the township to pay a portion of reasonable attorney
    29  fees incurred by the officer in connection with the surcharge
    30  proceeding, or it may order the township officer who is the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 96 -

     1  subject of the surcharge proceeding to pay a portion of
     2  reasonable attorney fees incurred by the township, elector or
     3  taxpayer in connection with the surcharge proceeding.
     4     [Section 564.  Interest in Township Transactions.--Any
     5  auditor who is knowingly interested, directly or indirectly, in
     6  any township transaction and benefits financially therefrom
     7  shall, upon conviction thereof in a summary proceeding, be
     8  sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100)
     9  and costs of prosecution, and shall forfeit his office.]
    10     Section 916.  Interest in Township Transactions.--Any auditor
    11  who is financially interested, directly or indirectly, in any
    12  township transaction commits a summary offense. The auditor
    13  shall forfeit the office and forfeit to the township any
    14  financial benefit derived from the transaction.
    15     Section 917.  Appointment of Accountant.--(a)  The board of
    16  supervisors may contract with a certified or competent public
    17  accountant or a firm of certified or competent public
    18  accountants, either of which shall be registered in this
    19  Commonwealth, to be appointed by the court of common pleas at
    20  least thirty days before the close of the fiscal year to audit
    21  the accounts of the township and the township officers, if a
    22  petition has been presented to the supervisors by at least
    23  twenty-five taxpayers of the township asking for the
    24  appointment. The amount paid to the accountant or firm in any
    25  year shall not exceed the maximum allowed by law to be paid to
    26  the board of auditors in any year, unless the payment of an
    27  additional amount is approved by the court.
    28     (b)  At (1)  SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF PARAGRAPH (2), AT    <--
    29  its annual organization meeting, the board of supervisors may,
    30  by resolution, appoint a certified or competent public
    19950H0702B2681                 - 97 -

     1  accountant or a firm of certified or competent public
     2  accountants, either of which shall be registered in this
     3  Commonwealth, to make an examination of all the accounts of the
     4  township for the NEXT fiscal year just ended STATED IN THE        <--
     5  RESOLUTION. The board of supervisors shall determine the
     6  compensation of the appointed auditor ACCOUNTANT.                 <--
    15     (c)  When an accountant or firm is appointed under subsection
    16  (a) or (b), the board of auditors shall not audit, settle or
    17  adjust the accounts audited by the appointee but shall perform
    18  the other duties of the office. The accountant or firm has the
    19  powers given to the board of auditors under this act, except the
    20  audit shall be made in accordance with generally accepted
    21  auditing standards, and further provide that the accountant or
    22  firm appointed under subsection (b) or (c) shall not have the
    23  power to determine compensations and the amount of bond of the    <--
    24  township treasurer, and they are subject to the same penalties
    25  as the elected auditors under this act. The report of the
    26  accountant or firm is subject to appeals the same as reports of
    27  the board of auditors under this act.
    28     (d)  For the purposes of meeting Federal or State
    29  requirements, the board of supervisors may contract with an
    30  independent certified or competent public accountant to audit
    19950H0702B2681                 - 98 -

     1  the fiscal affairs of the township, independent of that
     2  conducted by the elected or appointed auditors.
     3                             ARTICLE X
     4                      TAX COLLECTOR; ASSESSOR
     5                        [(f)  Tax Collector
     6     Section 570.  Powers, Duties and Liabilities.--The tax
     7  collector of townships shall collect all county, township,
     8  school, institution district and other taxes levied within
     9  townships by authorities empowered to levy taxes. He shall, in
    10  addition to the powers, duties and responsibilities enumerated
    11  in this act, have all the powers, perform all the duties, be
    12  subject to all the obligations and responsibilities for the
    13  collection of such taxes, as are now vested in, conferred upon,
    14  or imposed upon, tax collectors by law.]
    15     Section 1001.  Tax Collector; Powers, Duties and
    16  Liabilities.--The tax collector shall collect all county,
    17  township, school, institution district and other taxes levied
    18  within townships by authorities authorized to levy taxes. The
    19  tax collector may also be designated in the tax-levying
    20  ordinance or resolution, or be employed by the tax-levying
    21  authority, to collect taxes levied under the act of December 31,
    22  1965 (P.L.1257, No.511), known as "The Local Tax Enabling Act."
    23  In addition to the powers, duties and responsibilities under
    24  this act, the tax collector shall exercise all the powers and
    25  perform all the duties, and be subject to all the obligations
    26  and responsibilities for the collection of taxes, as are
    27  conferred upon tax collectors by law.
    28                           [(g)  Assessor
    29     Section 575.  Powers and Duties of Assessor.--The assessors
    30  of townships shall have all the powers, perform all the duties,
    19950H0702B2681                 - 99 -

     1  be subject to all the obligations and responsibilities and
     2  receive the compensation as is provided for by law.]
     3     Section 1002.  Assessor; Powers and Duties.--The assessors
     4  have all the powers and duties, are subject to all the
     5  obligations and responsibilities and may receive the
     6  compensation provided under law.
     7                             ARTICLE XI
     8                         TOWNSHIP SOLICITOR
     9                      [(h)  Township Solicitor
    10     Section 580.  Appointment.--The board of supervisors, on the
    11  first Monday of January in any year, or as soon thereafter as
    12  practicable, may appoint, by a vote of a majority of the
    13  members, and fix the compensation of one person learned in the
    14  law, who shall be styled the township solicitor. In lieu of the
    15  appointment of one person, the board of supervisors may appoint
    16  a law firm, partnership, association or professional corporation
    17  which shall act as the township solicitor.]
    18     Section 1101.  Township Solicitor.--The board of supervisors
    19  may appoint and determine the compensation of a township
    20  solicitor. The township solicitor shall be licensed to practice
    21  law in this Commonwealth and may be one person or a law firm,
    22  partnership, association or professional corporation. The
    23  township solicitor serves at the pleasure of the board of
    24  supervisors.
    25     [Section 581.  Solicitor to Have Control of Law Matters.--The
    26  law matters of the township shall be under the superintendence,
    27  direction, and control of the township solicitor, and no
    28  official or official body of the township, except as herein
    29  otherwise provided, shall employ an additional counsel without
    30  the assent or ratification of the board of supervisors.]
    19950H0702B2681                 - 100 -

     1     Section 1102.  Solicitor to Have Control of Legal Matters.--
     2  The township solicitor shall direct and control the legal
     3  matters of the township, and no official or official body of the
     4  township, except as otherwise provided under law, shall employ
     5  an additional attorney without the assent or ratification of the
     6  board of supervisors.
     7     [Section 582.  Duties of Solicitor.--The township solicitor,
     8  when directed or requested so to do, shall prepare or approve
     9  such bonds, obligations, contracts, leases, conveyances,
    10  ordinances and assurances to which the township may be a party;
    11  he shall commence and prosecute all actions brought by the
    12  township for or on account of any of the estates, rights,
    13  trusts, privileges, claims, or demands, as well as defend all
    14  actions or suits against the township, or any officer thereof,
    15  wherein or whereby any of the estates, rights, privileges,
    16  trusts, ordinances, or accounts, of the township, may be brought
    17  in question before any court in the Commonwealth, and shall do
    18  every professional act incident to the office which he may be
    19  authorized or required to do by the board of supervisors or by
    20  any resolution. He shall, whenever required, furnish the board
    21  of supervisors, or any of them, with his opinion in writing upon
    22  any question of law which may be submitted by any of them in
    23  their official capacities.]
    24     Section 1103.  Duties of Solicitor.--The township solicitor,
    25  when directed or requested so to do, shall prepare or approve
    26  any bonds, obligations, contracts, leases, conveyances,
    27  ordinances and assurances to which the township may be a party.
    28  The township solicitor shall commence and prosecute all actions
    29  brought by the township for or on account of any of the estates,
    30  rights, trusts, privileges, claims or demands, as well as defend
    19950H0702B2681                 - 101 -

     1  the township or any township officer against all actions or
     2  suits brought against the township or township officer in which
     3  any of the estates, rights, privileges, trusts, ordinances or
     4  accounts of the township may be brought in question before any
     5  court in this Commonwealth and do every professional act
     6  incident to the office which the township solicitor may be
     7  authorized or required to do by the board of supervisors or by
     8  any resolution. The township solicitor shall furnish the board
     9  of supervisors, or any of them UPON REQUEST, with an opinion in   <--
    10  writing upon any question of law. which may be submitted by any   <--
    11  of them in their official capacities.
    12                            ARTICLE XII
    13                         TOWNSHIP ENGINEER
    14                      [(i)  Township Engineer
    15     Section 585.  Township Engineer.--The township supervisors
    16  may, at any time, appoint, by a vote of a majority of them, a
    17  township engineer who shall be a registered professional
    18  engineer and fix his compensation.]
    19     Section 1201.  Township Engineer.--The board of supervisors
    20  may appoint and determine the compensation of a township
    21  engineer who shall be a registered professional engineer. The
    22  township engineer serves at the pleasure of the board of
    23  supervisors.
    24     [Section 586.  Duties; Preparation of Plans.--The township
    25  engineer shall perform such duties as the township supervisors
    26  shall prescribe as to the construction, reconstruction,
    27  maintenance and repair of all streets, roads, pavements, sewers,
    28  bridges, culverts and other engineering work. He shall prepare
    29  plans, specifications and estimates of all such work undertaken
    30  by such township, and shall, whenever required, furnish the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 102 -

     1  township supervisors with reports, information or estimates on
     2  any township engineering work, or on questions submitted by any
     3  of them in their official capacity.]
     4     Section 1202.  Engineer's Duties; Preparation of Plans.--The
     5  township engineer shall perform duties as the board of
     6  supervisors may direct for the construction, reconstruction,
     7  maintenance and repair of streets, roads, pavements, sanitary
     8  sewers, bridges, culverts and other engineering work. The
     9  township engineer shall prepare plans, specifications and
    10  estimates of the work undertaken by the township and furnish the
    11  board of supervisors with reports, information or estimates on
    12  any township engineering work or on questions submitted by the
    13  board of supervisors.
    14     [Section 587.  Certificate of Commencement and of Completion
    15  of Municipal Improvements.--Where a township engineer is
    16  employed, he shall, immediately after the completion of any
    17  municipal improvement, the cost of which, in whole or in part,
    18  is to be paid by the owners of the abutting property, make a
    19  certificate in which he shall state the day or time on which the
    20  particular improvement was completed, and shall file the same
    21  with the township secretary, who shall enter the said day or
    22  time of completion in a book to be kept by him for said
    23  purposes; and the said day or time mentioned in said certificate
    24  shall be conclusive on all parties as to the time the said work
    25  was completed. The time of completion of the work, referred to
    26  in this section and in other parts of this act, shall be taken
    27  to mean the time of the completion of the whole contract for the
    28  improvement. He shall also furnish to the township secretary a
    29  certificate showing the time at which any such particular
    30  improvement was commenced, and such certificate shall be
    19950H0702B2681                 - 103 -

     1  conclusive evidence of the time when the said improvement was
     2  begun; and an entry of such date shall be made by said secretary
     3  in the book aforesaid.]
     4     Section 1203.  Certificate of Commencement and of Completion
     5  of Municipal Improvements.--The township engineer shall certify
     6  to the township secretary the date of commencement and of
     7  completion of all municipal improvements, the cost of which, in
     8  whole or in part, is to be paid by the owners of the abutting
     9  property. The certification shall be made a part of the
    10  permanent records of the township. The certified time of
    11  commencement and completion is conclusive on all parties. The
    12  term "certified time of completion" means the time of the
    13  completion of the whole contract for the improvement.
    14                       [(j)  Township Police
    15     Section 590.  Creating or Disbanding Police Force.--A.  The
    16  board of township supervisors may, by resolution: (1) create or
    17  disband a police force within the township, or (2) upon the
    18  petition of not less than twenty-five registered electors or
    19  taxpayers of the township, appoint police officers.
    20     B.  The board of township supervisors shall provide for the
    21  organization and supervision and determine the number and the
    22  compensation of such police officers. The chairman of the board
    23  of township supervisors shall have the authority to swear in
    24  police officers. The board of township supervisors may assign
    25  any police officer to undergo a course of training at any
    26  training school for police officers established or made
    27  available by the Federal or State government and provide for
    28  payment of the officer's expenses while in attendance at the
    29  training school.
    30     C.  Any township may contract with any adjacent township of
    19950H0702B2681                 - 104 -

     1  the first or second class, or with any borough or city, and may
     2  expend moneys from the general fund for the purpose of securing
     3  the services within the township of the police of such adjacent
     4  township, borough or city. When any such contract has been
     5  entered into, the police of the employing township, borough or
     6  city shall have all the powers and authority conferred by law on
     7  township police in the territory of the township which has
     8  contracted to secure such police service.
     9     Section 591.  Powers.--Each policeman so appointed shall be
    10  an ex-officio constable of the township, and shall and may,
    11  without warrant and upon view, arrest and commit for hearing any
    12  and all persons guilty of breach of the peace, vagrancy, riotous
    13  and disorderly conduct, or drunkenness, or who may be engaged in
    14  the commission of any unlawful act tending to imperil the
    15  personal security or endanger the property of citizens, or in
    16  violating any of the ordinances of said township for which a
    17  fine or penalty is imposed.
    18     The keepers or persons in charge of jails, lockups, or
    19  station houses shall receive all persons arrested by such
    20  policemen for the commission of any offense against the laws of
    21  this Commonwealth within said township.
    22     Section 592.  Shield.--Each policeman, when on duty, shall
    23  wear a shield or badge with the words "township police" and the
    24  name of the township or townships for which he was appointed
    25  inscribed thereon.
    26     Section 593.  Equipment.--The township supervisors may
    27  provide each such policeman with a uniform and equipment and
    28  means of transportation and the maintenance of the same, the
    29  cost thereof to be paid out of the general township fund of the
    30  township or townships.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 105 -

     1     Section 594.  Certain Compensation Prohibited.--It shall not
     2  be lawful for any township policeman to charge or accept any fee
     3  or other compensation in addition to the salary paid to him as a
     4  policeman for any service rendered or performed by him
     5  pertaining to his office or duties, except public rewards and
     6  the legal mileage allowed to constables for traveling expenses.
     7     Section 595.  Police Pension Fund.--Where a police force is
     8  being maintained, the township may, by ordinance, establish a
     9  police pension fund or pension annuity into which each member of
    10  the police force may be required to pay an equal and
    11  proportionate monthly charge not exceeding annually three per
    12  centum of the pay of such member. The fund shall be under the
    13  direction of the supervisors or such committee as they may, by
    14  ordinance, prescribe for the benefit of such members of the
    15  police force as shall receive honorable discharge therefrom by
    16  reason of age or disability, and the families of such as may be
    17  injured or killed in the service. Any allowances made to those
    18  who are retired by reason of disability or age shall be in
    19  conformity with a uniform scale.
    20     Section 596.  Service Required Before Retirement.--
    21     (a)  The ordinance establishing the police pension fund may
    22  prescribe a minimum period of continuous service, not less than
    23  twenty years, after which the members of the force may be
    24  retired from active duty. Township policemen, so retired, shall
    25  be subject to service as police reserves until unfitted for such
    26  service by reason of age or disability, when they may be finally
    27  discharged.
    28     (b)  The basis of the apportionment of the pension shall be
    29  determined by the rate of monthly pay of the member at the date
    30  of death, honorable discharge, or retirement.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 106 -

     1     Section 597.  Pensions not to be Charged on Other Funds.--
     2  Payments made on account of police pensions shall be a charge on
     3  no fund in the treasury of the township or under its control,
     4  other than the police pension fund.
     5     Section 598.  Gifts to Pension Fund.--Townships may take by
     6  gift, grant, devise or bequest any money or property, real,
     7  personal or mixed, in trust for the benefit of such police
     8  pension fund. The care, management, investment and disposal of
     9  such trust funds or property shall be vested in such officers as
    10  the supervisors shall, by ordinance, direct, and shall be
    11  governed by such officers subject to any directions, not
    12  inconsistent therewith, as the donors of such funds and property
    13  may prescribe.
    14     Section 599.  Rights of Members.--A person, participating in
    15  such police pension fund and becoming entitled to receive a
    16  benefit therefrom, shall not be deprived of his right to an
    17  equal and proportionate share therein upon the basis upon which
    18  he first became entitled thereto, except for the following
    19  causes, that is to say conviction of a crime, or misdemeanor,
    20  becoming an habitual drunkard, becoming a non-resident of the
    21  Commonwealth, or failing to comply with some general regulation
    22  relating to the management of such fund, which may be made by
    23  ordinance, and which provides that a failure to comply therewith
    24  shall terminate the right to participate in the pension fund
    25  after such notice and hearing as it shall prescribe.
    26     Section 599-A.  Special School Police.--Upon request of the
    27  board of school directors of the school district of the
    28  township, the board of township supervisors, by resolution, may
    29  appoint special school police, who shall have the duty of
    30  controlling and directing traffic at or near schools, and who
    19950H0702B2681                 - 107 -

     1  shall be in uniform and shall display a badge or other sign of
     2  authority, and who shall be vested with all the power of local
     3  police officers. Such police shall serve at the pleasure of the
     4  board of township supervisors, and shall not come within the
     5  civil service provisions of this act, nor shall they be eligible
     6  to join any police pension fund maintained for the township
     7  police. Their compensation shall be fixed by the board of
     8  township supervisors and they shall be paid by the board of
     9  township supervisors, or jointly by the board of township
    10  supervisors and the board of school directors in a ratio to be
    11  determined by the two boards. If the board of township
    12  supervisors and board of school directors are unable to
    13  determine the ratio of compensation of the police to be paid by
    14  each board, each such board shall pay one-half of the
    15  compensation of such police.]
    16                            ARTICLE XIII
    17                          TOWNSHIP MANAGER
    18                       [(k)  Township Manager
    19     Section 599.1.  Appointment, Removal, Powers and Duties;
    20  Compensation; Bond.--The supervisors may by ordinance, at any
    21  time, create the office of township manager and may, in like
    22  manner, abolish the same. While said office exists the
    23  supervisors shall, from time to time, and, whenever there is a
    24  vacancy, by majority vote, elect one person to fill said office,
    25  who shall serve until his successor is elected and qualified.
    26  Any such township manager shall be subject to removal by the
    27  supervisors by majority vote.
    28     The powers and duties of the township manager shall be fixed
    29  by ordinance. The compensation shall be set by resolution and
    30  paid out of the general fund of the township. The supervisors
    19950H0702B2681                 - 108 -

     1  may delegate, subject to recall, any of their non-legislative
     2  powers and duties to the township manager. He shall give bond to
     3  the township, with sufficient surety, to be approved by the
     4  supervisors, in such sum as they shall by ordinance direct,
     5  conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties.
     6     The office of township manager shall not be deemed
     7  incompatible with the office of township secretary, township
     8  treasurer, or any other township office or employment, except
     9  that of supervisor.]
    10     Section 1301.  Township Manager; Appointment, Removal, Powers
    11  and Duties; Compensation; Bond.--(a)  The board of supervisors
    12  may, by ordinance at any time, create the office of township
    13  manager and may, in like manner, abolish the office. While the
    14  office exists, the board of supervisors shall appoint one person
    15  to fill the office. The township manager serves at the pleasure
    16  of the board of supervisors.
    17     (b)  The powers and duties of the township manager shall be
    18  established by ordinance. The compensation shall be set by
    19  resolution and paid out of the general fund of the township. The
    20  board of supervisors may delegate, subject to recall, any of
    21  their nonlegislative powers and duties to the township manager.
    22  The township manager shall give bond to the township, with
    23  sufficient surety, in the amount directed by the board of
    24  supervisors, conditioned for the faithful performance of the
    25  duties of the office.
    26     (c)  The office of township manager is not incompatible with
    27  the office of township secretary, township treasurer or any
    28  other township office or employment, except that of supervisor,   <--
    29  AUDITOR, ASSESSOR or township police officer.
    30                          ARTICLE [VI] XIV
    19950H0702B2681                 - 109 -

     2                   COUNTY AND STATE ASSOCIATIONS
     3                            OF TOWNSHIPS
     4                     [(a)  County Associations
     5     Section 601.  County Associations.--County associations of
     6  township supervisors, auditors, assessors and tax collectors may
     7  be formed. Such associations, when formed, shall hold annual or
     8  semi-annual conventions at the county seats of the respective
     9  counties, or some other suitable place, for the purpose of
    10  considering and discussing questions and subjects pertaining to
    11  the best methods for the improvement of the township government,
    12  the assessment of property, the collection of taxes and the
    13  construction, improvement and maintenance of roads. Such
    14  associations of two or more adjacent counties may arrange to
    15  meet in joint session.
    16     Section 602.  Who to Attend; Compensation and Mileage.--The
    17  supervisors of townships, auditors, assessors, tax collectors,
    18  managers, solicitors, engineers, and the secretary of the board
    19  of township supervisors, when not a member of the board, shall
    20  attend such conventions whenever possible. Each township
    21  supervisor, auditor, assessor, tax collector, manager,
    22  solicitor, engineer, and secretary attending such convention
    23  shall receive a certificate, signed by the presiding officer and
    24  acting secretary of the convention, attesting his presence at
    25  the convention. Such certificate shall entitle him to collect
    26  from the township treasurer the sum of thirty-five dollars per
    27  day for each day's attendance, expenses which shall be limited
    28  to the registration fee, mileage for use of a personal vehicle
    29  or reimbursement of actual transportation expense going to and
    30  returning from such meeting plus all other actual expenses that
    19950H0702B2681                 - 110 -

     1  the township board of supervisors may have agreed to pay. Every
     2  delegate attending the meeting shall submit to the township
     3  board of supervisors an itemized account of expenses incurred
     4  thereat. The township board of supervisors may authorize
     5  township employes to be compensated at their regular employe
     6  rate during their attendance at the meeting, in which case such
     7  employe shall not be entitled to the thirty-five dollars
     8  mentioned in this section. No township supervisor, auditor,
     9  assessor, tax collector, manager, solicitor, engineer, or
    10  secretary shall be paid for more than two days' attendance in
    11  any one year.
    12     Section 603.  Officers of County Association.--The officers
    13  of the association shall consist of a president, two vice-
    14  presidents, a secretary, and a treasurer, none of whom shall be
    15  interested directly or indirectly in the promotion or sale of
    16  road material and equipment, and all of whom, except the
    17  secretary, shall be members of the association, and shall hold
    18  office for one year or until their successors are chosen. If
    19  desirable, the secretary may be a person not a regular member of
    20  the association, and may be paid for his service such
    21  compensation, not exceeding fifty dollars per annum, as the
    22  other officers may determine. Every township supervisor,
    23  assessor, tax collector, and auditor attending such convention
    24  may vote in the election of officers.
    25     Section 604.  County Association Convention Expenses.--
    26  Expenses of the county association convention shall be paid from
    27  dues assessed by the association on each member township.]
    28     Section 1401.  County Associations.--(a)  County associations
    29  of township officials may be formed. County associations shall
    30  hold annual or semi-annual conventions at places determined by
    19950H0702B2681                 - 111 -

     1  the association to consider and discuss questions and subjects
     2  pertaining to improvement of township government, assessment of
     3  property, collection of taxes and construction, improvement and
     4  maintenance of roads. Associations of two or more adjacent
     5  counties may arrange to meet in joint sessions.
     6     (b)  The supervisors, auditors, assessors, tax collectors,
     7  managers, solicitors, engineers, treasurer and secretary of the
     8  board of supervisors shall attend the conventions when possible.
     9     (c)  Each supervisor, auditor, assessor, tax collector,
    10  manager, solicitor, engineer, treasurer and secretary attending
    11  the convention shall receive a certificate, signed by the
    12  secretary of the county association, attesting their presence at
    13  the convention. The certificate entitles the official to collect
    14  from the township treasurer the sum of thirty-five dollars ($35)
    15  for each day's attendance, expenses which are limited to the
    16  registration fee, mileage for use of a personal vehicle or
    17  reimbursement of actual transportation expense going to and
    18  returning from the meeting plus all other actual expenses that
    19  the board of supervisors agrees to pay. Every delegate attending
    20  the meeting shall submit to the board of supervisors an itemized
    21  account of expenses incurred at the meeting. If the meeting is
    22  held during township employes' normal work schedule, the board
    23  of supervisors may authorize township employes to be compensated
    24  at their regular employe rate during their attendance at the
    25  meeting, in which case the employe is not entitled to the
    26  thirty-five dollars ($35) mentioned in this section. No
    27  supervisor, auditor, assessor, tax collector, manager,
    28  solicitor, engineer, treasurer or secretary shall be paid for
    29  more than two days' attendance in any one year.
    30     (d)  The officers of the association shall consist of a
    19950H0702B2681                 - 112 -

     1  president, one or two vice-presidents, a secretary and a
     2  treasurer, all of whom, except the secretary, shall be members
     3  of the association and shall hold office for one year or until
     4  their successors are chosen. The secretary of the association
     5  may be compensated for services an amount determined by the
     6  members of the association. Every supervisor, assessor, tax
     7  collector, manager, secretary, treasurer and auditor attending
     8  the convention may vote on policy matters and in the election of
     9  officers of the association.
    10     (e)  Expenses of each county association convention shall be
    11  paid from dues assessed by the association on each member
    12  township or from other funds as the members of the county
    13  association determine.
    14     (f)  Each county association of township officials may elect
    15  one township supervisor, township manager, township treasurer or
    16  township secretary for each ten townships, or fraction thereof,
    17  within the county, as a voting delegate to each annual meeting
    18  of the State association, but each county association is
    19  entitled to a minimum of two delegates at each meeting. These
    20  delegates' expenses may be paid by the respective county
    21  association.
    22          [(b)  State Association of Township Supervisors
    23     Section 610.  State Association Authorized.--The formation of
    24  a State Association of Township Supervisors is hereby
    25  authorized. The association shall hold annual meetings, at such
    26  time and place within this Commonwealth as it may designate, for
    27  the purpose of discussing various questions and subjects
    28  pertaining to the duties of township supervisors and devising
    29  uniform, economical and efficient methods of administering the
    30  affairs of townships.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 113 -

     1     The association, at its annual meeting, by majority vote of
     2  all the voting delegates there represented shall have power to
     3  adopt and amend bylaws to govern the association which shall
     4  govern the qualification of delegates, election of officers,
     5  their designation, qualifications and duties, payment of dues
     6  and other organizational details. The association shall function
     7  under these bylaws for advancing the interest of and betterment
     8  of township government in townships of the second class.
     9     The dues as adopted in these bylaws are legal expenditures of
    10  the townships and are to be used to pay for the services,
    11  publications and other expenses, including the rental and
    12  acquisition of real estate to be used for association purposes
    13  and activities authorized by the association or incurred in
    14  behalf of the association by its officers and executive
    15  committee.
    16     The State Association of Township Supervisors is hereby
    17  authorized to purchase, take, receive, lease as lessee, take by
    18  gift or devise, or otherwise acquire, and to own, hold, use and
    19  otherwise deal with any real estate, or any interest therein in
    20  its own name for association purposes and activities authorized
    21  by the association and to mortgage, sell and convey, lease as
    22  lessor, and otherwise dispose of all or any part of said real
    23  estate in such manner as may be provided in the bylaws of the
    24  association.
    25     Section 611.  Delegates.--(a)  Each county association of
    26  township supervisors may elect one township supervisor or
    27  township secretary or secretary of the county association for
    28  each ten townships, or fraction thereof, within said county, as
    29  a voting delegate to each annual meeting of said State
    30  association, but each county association shall be entitled to a
    19950H0702B2681                 - 114 -

     1  minimum of two such delegates at each meeting. These delegates
     2  expenses may be paid by the respective county association.
     3     (b)  The supervisors may designate one or more of the
     4  following elected or appointed officials of the township to
     5  attend the annual meeting of the State association: supervisors,
     6  township secretary and/or township manager. Said convention
     7  shall be held in the Commonwealth in accordance with the
     8  procedures adopted by the State association. These delegates
     9  expenses shall be paid by the respective townships out of the
    10  township general fund.
    11     (c)  Each township with dues paid in the State association
    12  shall elect one of those delegates designated in subsection (b)
    13  to be the voting delegate at the convention.
    14     Each township shall certify the name and address of its
    15  elected delegate or delegates and the designated voting delegate
    16  to the State association at least fifteen days prior to the
    17  opening of the State convention.
    18     Section 612.  Expenses and Mileage.--The expenses allowed the
    19  delegates attending the annual meeting shall be limited to the
    20  registration fee, mileage for use of a personal vehicle or
    21  reimbursement of actual transportation expense going to and
    22  returning from such meeting plus all other actual expenses that
    23  the township board of supervisors may have agreed to pay. Every
    24  delegate attending the annual meeting shall submit to the
    25  township board of supervisors an itemized account of expenses
    26  incurred thereat. The township board of supervisors may
    27  authorize township employes to be compensated at their regular
    28  employe rate during their attendance at the annual meeting. No
    29  delegate shall receive expenses for more than four days
    30  including the time employed in traveling thereto and therefrom,
    19950H0702B2681                 - 115 -

     1  together with mileage going to and returning from such meeting.]
     2     Section 1402.  State Association of Township Supervisors
     3  Authorized.--(a)  The formation of a State Association of
     4  Township Supervisors is authorized.
     5     (b)  The State association shall hold annual meetings, at a
     6  time and place within this Commonwealth as it may designate, to
     7  discuss questions and subjects pertaining to the duties of
     8  elected and appointed township officials and the improvement of
     9  township government.
    10     (c)  The State association, at its annual meeting, by
    11  majority vote of all qualified voting delegates present, may
    12  adopt and amend bylaws to govern the State association. The
    13  bylaws shall govern the qualification of delegates, election of
    14  officers, their designation, qualifications and duties, payment
    15  of dues and other organizational matters. The State association
    16  shall function under the bylaws to advance the interest of
    17  township government.
    18     (d)  The board of supervisors may designate one or more of
    19  the following elected or appointed officials of the township to
    20  attend the annual meeting of the State association: supervisors,
    21  secretary, treasurer and manager. The convention shall be held
    22  in this Commonwealth under the procedures adopted by the State
    23  association.
    24     (e)  Each township with dues paid in the State association
    25  shall elect one of those delegates designated in subsection (d)
    26  to be the voting delegate at the convention.
    27     (f)  Each township shall certify the name and address of its
    28  delegate or delegates and the designated voting delegate to the
    29  State association at least thirty days before the opening of the
    30  State convention.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 116 -

     1     (g)  The expenses allowed to the delegates attending the
     2  annual meeting are limited to the registration fee, mileage for
     3  use of a personal vehicle or reimbursement of actual
     4  transportation expense going to and returning from the meeting
     5  plus all other actual expenses that the board of supervisors
     6  agrees to pay. Every delegate attending the annual meeting shall
     7  submit to the board of supervisors an itemized account of
     8  expenses incurred at the meeting. The board of supervisors may
     9  authorize township employes to be compensated at their regular
    10  employe rate during their attendance at the annual meeting. No
    11  delegate shall receive expenses for attending more than four
    12  days each year.
    13     (h)  Membership dues of the State association are legal
    14  expenses of the townships and shall be used for the payment of
    15  expenses incurred, including, but not limited to, the rental or
    16  acquisition of real estate to be used for State association
    17  purposes and activities, cost of publications, salaries, cost of
    18  services provided to or for townships and other expenses
    19  incurred on behalf of the State association.
    20     (i)  The State association may purchase, receive, lease as
    21  lessee, accept by gift or devise or otherwise acquire and own,
    22  use and otherwise deal with any real estate in its own name for
    23  association purposes and mortgage, sell and convey, lease as
    24  lessor and otherwise dispose of all or part of the real estate.
    25                          ARTICLE [VII] XV
    26                     [GENERAL] CORPORATE POWERS
    27     [Section 701.  Suits; Property.--Any township of the second
    28  class may--
    29     I.  Sue and be sued;
    30     II.  Purchase, acquire by gift, or otherwise, hold, lease,
    19950H0702B2681                 - 117 -

     1  let and convey, by sale or lease, such real and personal
     2  property as shall be deemed to be to the best interest of the
     3  township: Provided, That no real estate owned by the township
     4  shall be sold for a consideration in excess of fifteen hundred
     5  dollars, except to the highest bidder after due notice by
     6  advertisement for bids or advertisement of a public auction in
     7  one newspaper of general circulation in the township. Such
     8  advertisement shall be published once not less than ten days
     9  prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids or public
    10  auction, and such date for opening bids or public auction shall
    11  be announced in such advertisement. The acceptance of bids shall
    12  be made only by public announcement at a regular or special
    13  meeting of the board of township supervisors or at the public
    14  auction. All bids shall be accepted on the condition that
    15  payment of the purchase price in full shall be made within sixty
    16  days of the acceptance of bids.
    17     The board of supervisors shall have the authority to reject
    18  all bids if such bids are deemed to be less than the fair market
    19  value of the real property. In the case of a public auction, the
    20  board of supervisors may establish a minimum bid based on the
    21  fair market value of the real property.
    22     Except as otherwise hereinafter provided in the case of
    23  personal property of an estimated sale value of less than two
    24  hundred dollars, no township personal property shall be disposed
    25  of, by sale or otherwise, except upon approval of the board of
    26  township supervisors, by ordinance or resolution. In cases where
    27  the board of township supervisors shall approve a sale of such
    28  property, it shall estimate the sale value of the entire lot to
    29  be disposed of. If the board of township supervisors shall
    30  estimate the sale value to be two hundred dollars or more, the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 118 -

     1  entire lot shall be advertised for sale once, in at least one
     2  newspaper of general circulation in the township, not less than
     3  ten days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids or
     4  public auction, and such date of opening of bids or public
     5  auction shall be announced in such advertisement, and sale of
     6  the property so advertised shall be made to the best responsible
     7  bidder. The board of township supervisors shall have authority,
     8  by resolution, to adopt a procedure for the sale of surplus
     9  personal property of an estimated sale value of less than two
    10  hundred dollars and the approval of the board of township
    11  supervisors shall not be required for any individual sale that
    12  shall be made in conformity to such procedure.
    13     The provisions of this clause shall not be mandatory where
    14  township property is to be traded in or exchanged for new
    15  township property.
    16     The provisions of this clause shall not prohibit the sale or
    17  exchange of township property to public utilities.
    18     The provisions of this clause requiring advertising for bids
    19  or sale at public auction and sale to the highest bidder shall
    20  not apply where township real or personal property is to be sold
    21  to a county, city, borough, town, township, institution
    22  district, school district, volunteer fire company, volunteer
    23  ambulance service or volunteer rescue squad located within the
    24  township, or municipal authority pursuant to the Municipality
    25  Authorities Act of 1945, or to a nonprofit corporation engaged
    26  in community industrial development or where real property is to
    27  be sold to a person for his exclusive use in an industrial
    28  development program or where real property is to be sold to a
    29  nonprofit corporation organized as a public library for its
    30  exclusive use as a library, or where real property is to be sold
    19950H0702B2681                 - 119 -

     1  to a nonprofit medical service corporation as authorized by
     2  clause LXXI of section 702 or where real property is to be sold
     3  to a nonprofit housing corporation as authorized by clause LXXII
     4  of section 702. When real property is to be sold to a nonprofit
     5  corporation organized as a public library for its exclusive use
     6  as a library or to a nonprofit medical service corporation or to
     7  a nonprofit housing corporation the board of township
     8  supervisors may elect to accept such nominal consideration for
     9  such sale as it shall deem appropriate. Real property sold
    10  pursuant to this clause to a volunteer fire company, volunteer
    11  ambulance service or volunteer rescue squad, nonprofit medical
    12  service corporation or to a nonprofit housing corporation shall
    13  be subject to the condition that when the property is not used
    14  for the purposes of the company, service, squad or corporation
    15  the property shall revert to the township.
    16     Any officer who sells and each officer who votes in favor of
    17  selling any township property, either real or personal, without
    18  the provisions of this section having been complied with, shall
    19  be subject to surcharge in the amount of any loss sustained by
    20  the township by reason of such sale.
    21     III.  When real property has been dedicated, deeded or
    22  devised to a township to be used for a designated purpose and
    23  the real property is accepted and used for that purpose, or the
    24  real property is not used for the purpose designated for a
    25  period of ten years or more, and the township supervisors
    26  determine that it is not possible or not desirable for the best
    27  interest of the township to use the real property for the
    28  purpose designated, the township supervisors, with the prior
    29  approval of the court of quarter sessions, may, by ordinance,
    30  reconvey to the original owners or their successors, heirs or
    19950H0702B2681                 - 120 -

     1  assigns, or otherwise dispose of the real property free and
     2  clear of any public right.]
     3     Section 1501.  Suits.--Any township may sue and be sued.
     4     Section 1502.  Property; Penalty for Violation.--(a)  The
     5  board of supervisors may purchase, acquire by gift or otherwise,
     6  hold, lease, let and convey, by sale or lease, any real and
     7  personal property it judges to be to the best interest of the
     8  township.
     9     (b)  Any supervisor who votes in favor of or knowingly
    10  participates in the sale or lease of township real or personal
    11  property in violation of this article is subject to surcharge to
    12  the extent of any loss or injury to the township as a result of
    13  the sale or lease.
    14     Section 1503.  Real Property.--(a)  No real estate owned by
    15  the township having a value in excess of fifteen hundred dollars
    16  ($1,500) may be sold except to the highest bidder after due
    17  notice by advertisement for bids or advertisement of a public
    18  auction in one newspaper of general circulation in the township.
    19  The advertisement shall be published once not less than ten days
    20  before the date set for the opening of bids or public auction,
    21  and the date for opening bids or public auction shall be
    22  announced in the advertisement. The award of bids CONTRACTS       <--
    23  shall be made only by public announcement at a regular or
    24  special meeting of the board of supervisors or at the public
    25  auction. All bids shall be accepted on the condition that
    26  payment of the purchase price in full shall be made within sixty
    27  days of the acceptance of bids.
    28     (b)  The board of supervisors may reject all bids if the bids
    29  are deemed to be less than the fair market value of the
    30  property. In the case of a public auction, the board of
    19950H0702B2681                 - 121 -

     1  supervisors may establish a minimum bid based on the fair market
     2  value of the real property.
     3     (c)  The requirements of this section do not apply to
     4  conveyances or leases of real property by a township to any
     5  municipal corporation, the Federal Government, the Commonwealth,
     6  or any institution district, school district, MUNICIPALITY        <--
     7  AUTHORITY, county, public utility, volunteer fire company,
     8  nonprofit corporation engaged in community industrial
     9  development, volunteer ambulance service or volunteer rescue
    10  squad located within the township, nonprofit corporation
    11  organized as a public library, nonprofit medical service
    12  corporation, nonprofit housing corporation, nonprofit
    13  organizations providing community service or development
    14  activities or nonprofit corporation established for the
    15  preservation of historical, architectural or aesthetic sites or
    16  artifacts.
    17     (d)  When real property is sold to a nonprofit corporation
    18  organized as a public library or to a nonprofit medical service
    19  corporation, nonprofit housing corporation, volunteer fire
    20  company, volunteer ambulance service or volunteer rescue squad,
    21  the board of supervisors may elect to accept any nominal
    22  consideration for the property as it believes appropriate. Real
    23  property sold under this subsection is subject to the condition
    24  that when the property is not used for the purposes of the
    25  corporation or volunteer fire company, the property reverts to
    26  the township.
    27     (e)  No real estate may be purchased by a township unless the
    28  board of supervisors obtains at least one appraisal on the real
    29  property in question by a person authorized to perform an
    30  appraisal on the subject property under the act of July 10, 1990
    19950H0702B2681                 - 122 -

     1  (P.L.404, No.98), known as the "Real Estate Appraisers
     2  Certification Act," and the township supervisors may require
     3  that an environmental impact statement be prepared, indicating
     4  the potential liability of the township for any environmental
     5  problems associated with the real estate to be purchased. The
     6  person making the appraisal shall not be interested directly or
     7  indirectly in any aspect of the sale of the real estate. The
     8  price paid by the board of supervisors for the purchase of the
     9  real estate shall not exceed the price established by the
    13     (f)  When real property has been dedicated, deeded or devised
    14  to a township to be used for a designated purpose and the real
    15  property is accepted and used for that purpose, or the real
    16  property is not used for the purpose designated for a period of
    17  ten years or more, and the township supervisors determine that
    18  it is not possible or not desirable for the best interest of the
    19  township to use the real property for the purpose designated,
    20  the township supervisors, with the prior approval of the court
    21  of common pleas, may, by ordinance, reconvey to the original
    22  owners or their successors, heirs or assigns, or otherwise
    23  dispose of, the real property free and clear of any public
    24  right.
    25     Section 1504.  Personal Property.--(a)  No personal property
    26  of the township shall be sold or disposed of without the
    27  approval of the board of supervisors. No personal property owned
    28  by the township, the estimated fair market value of which is one
    29  thousand dollars ($1,000) or more, shall be sold except to the
    30  highest bidder after due notice by advertisement for bids or for
    19950H0702B2681                 - 123 -

     1  public auction in one newspaper of general circulation in the
     2  township. The advertisement shall be published once not less
     3  than ten days before the date set for the opening of bids or
     4  public auction, and the date for opening bids or public auction
     5  shall be announced in the advertisement. The award of bids        <--
     6  CONTRACTS shall be made only by public announcement at a regular  <--
     7  or special meeting of the board of supervisors or at the public
     8  auction. All bids shall be accepted on the condition that
     9  payment of the purchase price in full is made immediately upon
    10  acceptance of the successful bid. The board of supervisors may
    11  reject any bids received if the bids are believed to be less
    12  than the fair market value of the property.
    13     (b)  With respect to personal property, either individual
    14  items or lots of items, the fair market value of which is
    15  estimated to be less than one thousand dollars ($1,000), the
    16  board of supervisors shall, by resolution, adopt a procedure by
    17  which the property may be sold without further action by the
    18  board of supervisors. The board of supervisors may arrange for
    19  the sale of the item or items at public auction.
    20     (c)  The bidding and advertising requirements of this section
    21  do not apply to the following transactions:
    22     (1)  If personal property of the township is being traded in
    23  or exchanged for other personal property.
    24     (2)  The sale or lease of personal property to any municipal
    25  corporation, the Federal Government, the Commonwealth, or any
    26  institution district, school district, municipality authority,
    27  county, public utility, volunteer fire company, nonprofit
    28  corporation engaged in community industrial development,
    29  volunteer ambulance service or volunteer rescue squad located
    30  within the township, nonprofit corporation organized as a public
    19950H0702B2681                 - 124 -

     1  library, nonprofit medical service corporation, nonprofit
     2  housing corporation, nonprofit organizations providing community
     3  service or development activities or nonprofit corporation
     4  established for the preservation of historical, architectural or
     5  aesthetical sites or artifacts.
     6     [Section 702.  Supervisors to Exercise Powers.--The corporate
     7  powers of townships of the second class shall be exercised by
     8  the township supervisors. Where no specific authority is given
     9  for the expenditures incident to the exercise of any power
    10  hereinafter conferred, or where no specific fund is designated
    11  from which such expenditures shall be made, appropriations for
    12  such expenditures shall be made only from the general township
    13  fund. In addition to the duties imposed upon them by section 516
    14  hereof, they shall have power--
    15     I.  Lighting.--To light and illuminate the highways, roads,
    16  and other public places of the township with electric light,
    17  gas, or other illuminating medium, and to provide for defraying
    18  the cost, charges and expenses thereof; and, for such purposes,
    19  to enter into contracts or agreements with any person,
    20  copartnership, association, or corporation, for a period not
    21  exceeding ten years, for the purpose of securing and maintaining
    22  a supply of light.
    23     II.1.  Contracts and Assessments for Lighting.--To provide
    24  street lights and to make regulations therefor within the
    25  township or within any district of the township established by
    26  the township supervisors for that purpose:
    27     A.  Upon receipt of a petition signed by seventy per centum
    28  of the property owners within any defined area of the township,
    29  township supervisors shall establish said defined area as a
    30  lighting district or include such defined area within an
    19950H0702B2681                 - 125 -

     1  existing lighting district and shall provide public lighting
     2  within such area.
     3     B.  The township supervisors may enter into contract with
     4  electric, gas or other lighting companies to light and
     5  illuminate said roads and highways and other public places with
     6  electric light, gas light or other illuminant.
     7     C.  The township supervisors may pay for the cost of public
     8  lighting by any one or combination of the following means
     9  regardless of whether the installation of said lighting was
    10  initiated by action of the township supervisors or by petition
    11  as herein provided:
    12     (a)  from the general fund;
    13     (b)  through uniform annual assessments made upon benefited
    14  properties on the front-foot basis;
    15     (c)  by uniform annual assessment upon each property
    16  benefited; or
    17     (d)  by any combination of the above methods or by such other
    18  equitable means of assessment as the township supervisors may
    19  determine.
    20     D.  In cases where public street lighting is currently in
    21  existence and is being paid for by a certain means or method,
    22  the township supervisors may, at their discretion, alter or
    23  amend the means of assessing the cost of such lighting.
    24     E.  Properties shall be subject to assessment for this
    25  purpose whether or not the property is exempt from taxation by
    26  existing law, by an equal assessment on all property in
    27  proportion to the number of feet the same fronts on the street
    28  or highway, or portion thereof to be lighted, or by an equal
    29  assessment upon each property benefited.
    30     F.  If the front-foot method of assessment is used, the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 126 -

     1  assessment shall be by equal assessment on all property in
     2  proportion to the number of feet the same fronts on the street
     3  or highway, or portion thereof to be lighted. The township
     4  supervisors may provide for an equitable reduction from the
     5  frontage of lots at intersections or where, from the peculiar or
     6  pointed shape of lots, an assessment of the full frontage would
     7  be inequitable. No such assessment shall be made against any
     8  farmland, but vacant lots between built-up sections, whether
     9  tilled or untilled, shall not be deemed to be farmlands:
    10  Provided, however, That the assessment per front foot against
    11  vacant lots shall be only twenty-five per centum of the
    12  assessment per foot against property with improvements thereon.
    13     G.  All such annual assessments for street lights, by
    14  whatever method used, shall be filed with the township tax
    15  collector for collection in the same manner as township taxes
    16  are collected, and if said assessment is uncollected, the same
    17  shall be a lien and shall be collectable in the same manner as
    18  other municipal claims. The assessment may be billed on the
    19  annual real estate tax bill for general township purposes if the
    20  township supervisors agree to do so.
    21     H.  The township tax collector shall be entitled to the same
    22  commission as he is entitled to for the collection of other
    23  township taxes.
    24     I.  All assessments, when collected, shall be paid over to
    25  the township treasurer, who shall receive and keep the same in a
    26  separate account and pay out the same only upon orders signed by
    27  the chairman of the township supervisors, attested by the
    28  secretary. The tax collector and the treasurer shall make a
    29  report to the auditors of the township annually.
    30     III.  Fire Hydrants and Water Supply for Fire Protection.--To
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     1  place, replace, operate, maintain and repair or to enter into
     2  contracts with water companies or municipal authorities for the
     3  placing, replacing, operating, maintaining and repairing of fire
     4  hydrants, to water mains maintaining pressures approved by the
     5  fire insurance underwriters along any highways, streets, roads
     6  and alleys, or portions thereof, within the township, or to
     7  provide for or acquire a water supply system equipped to supply
     8  sufficient water for the protection of property from fire.
     9     The moneys necessary for placing, replacing, operating,
    10  maintaining and repairing such fire hydrants, or for fulfilling
    11  contract obligations to water companies or municipal authorities
    12  with respect to such fire hydrants, or for providing for or
    13  acquiring any such water system may be obtained by proceeding in
    14  accordance with the following:
    15     A.  If any such fire protection service is or was instituted
    16  by the township supervisors without the petition of the surface
    17  property owners of a majority of the lineal feet frontage along
    18  any highways, streets, roads and alleys, or portions thereof,
    19  within the township, such moneys may be obtained by any one of
    20  the means set forth in subparagraphs (a), (b) or (c) of
    21  paragraph (B) below.
    22     B.  If any such fire protection service is or was instituted
    23  upon the petition of the surface property owners of a majority
    24  of the lineal feet frontage along any highways, streets, roads
    25  and alleys, or portions thereof, within the township, such
    26  moneys may be obtained by any one of the means set forth in
    27  subparagraphs (a), (b) or (c) below.
    28     (a)  The township supervisors shall annually assess, or cause
    29  to be assessed, the cost and expense of such fire protection
    30  service by an equal assessment upon all property, whether or not
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     1  exempt from taxation by existing law, abutting upon said
     2  highways, streets, roads and alleys, or portions thereof, and
     3  upon property within seven hundred and eighty feet of any fire
     4  hydrant in the district benefited thereby, based upon the
     5  assessment for county purposes. No such assessment shall be
     6  levied against any farm land or land used as an aviation field
     7  or against other property in the district not benefited thereby.
     8  Such assessment shall be collected in the same manner as taxes.
     9  The township tax collector shall receive the same commission as
    10  on the township tax. The township treasurer shall receive all
    11  such assessments collected for fire protection, and keep the
    12  same in a separate account, and shall pay the same out only upon
    13  orders signed by the chairman of the board of supervisors,
    14  attested by the township secretary. The township treasurer shall
    15  make a report to the auditors of the township annually.
    16     (b)  The township supervisors shall annually assess, or cause
    17  to be assessed, the cost and expense of such fire protection
    18  service by an equal assessment on all property, whether or not
    19  exempt from taxation under existing law, abutting upon said
    20  highways, streets, roads and alleys, or portions thereof, within
    21  seven hundred and eighty feet of any fire hydrant in the
    22  district benefited thereby, in proportion to the number of feet
    23  the said property fronts on any highway, street, road or alley
    24  upon which a water main is laid, or within seven hundred and
    25  eighty feet of any fire hydrant on such highway, street, road or
    26  alley. The township supervisors may provide for an equitable
    27  reduction from the frontage of lots at intersections, or where
    28  from the peculiar or pointed shape of lots an assessment of the
    29  full frontage would be inequitable. No such assessment shall be
    30  made against any farm land, but vacant lots between built-up
    19950H0702B2681                 - 129 -

     1  sections, either tilled or untilled, shall not be deemed to be
     2  farm lands. All such assessments for fire protection shall be
     3  filed with the township tax collector who shall give thirty (30)
     4  days' written or printed notice that the assessments are due and
     5  payable, stating the due date to each party assessed, either by
     6  service on the owner of the property or by mailing such notice
     7  to the owner at his last known post office address. The township
     8  tax collector shall be entitled to the same commission for the
     9  collection of such assessments as he is entitled to by law for
    10  the collection of the township road tax. If the assessments or
    11  any of them remain unpaid at the expiration of not exceeding
    12  ninety (90) days, the exact time to be fixed by the township
    13  supervisors, they shall be placed in the hands of the township
    14  solicitor for collection. The township solicitor shall collect
    15  the same together with five percent as attorney's commission and
    16  interest from the date such assessments were due by a municipal
    17  claim filed against the property of the delinquent owner in like
    18  manner as municipal claims are by law filed and collected. Where
    19  an owner has two or more lots against which there is an
    20  assessment for the same year all such lots may be embraced in
    21  one claim. All assessments when collected shall be paid over to
    22  the township treasurer who shall receive and shall keep the same
    23  in a separate account and shall pay the same only upon orders
    24  signed by the chairman of the township supervisors attested by
    25  the township secretary. The township tax collector and the
    26  township treasurer shall make a report to the auditors of the
    27  township, annually.
    28     (c)  The township supervisors may pay or cause to be paid the
    29  cost and expenses for such fire protection out of the general
    30  township fund.
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     1     If the township supervisors elect to pay the cost of fire
     2  protection services out of the general fund, the special fire
     3  protection districts and annual assessments shall be abolished.
     4  All moneys in the separate accounts for the special fire
     5  protection districts shall be paid into the general fund.
     6     IV.  Fire Protection.--Out of the general township fund to
     7  purchase, or contribute to the purchase of, fire engines and
     8  fire apparatus, for the use of the township and to appropriate
     9  moneys to fire companies located therein for the operation and
    10  maintenance thereof, and for the purchase and maintenance of
    11  fire apparatus, and for the construction, repair and maintenance
    12  of fire company houses, in order to secure fire protection for
    13  the inhabitants of the township. An annual report of the
    14  expenditure of such appropriated moneys shall be made to the
    15  township supervisors for each completed fiscal year of the
    16  township by such fire companies, verified by an officer thereof,
    17  before any further payments shall be made to such fire companies
    18  out of appropriations for any current fiscal year. To ordain
    19  rules and regulations for the government of such fire companies
    20  and their officers. To enter into contracts with or to make
    21  grants to the proper authorities of near or adjacent cities,
    22  boroughs, or townships, or fire departments, fire companies, or
    23  fire company therein, for the furnishing to such townships of
    24  fire protection by the fire department, fire departments, fire
    25  companies, or fire company of such cities, boroughs, or
    26  townships, and to make appropriations therefor.
    27     IV.I.  Ponds or Dams for Fire Protection.--To construct or
    28  contribute money for or participate in the construction of ponds
    29  or lawful dams for the purpose of providing water for fire
    30  protection for villages or built-up sections in the townships.
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     1  This power shall be exercised only upon request of those
     2  providing fire protection facilities serving the district in
     3  which the pond or dam is located.
     4     V.  Watering Troughs.--To erect watering troughs along the
     5  highways, at an expense not exceeding twenty dollars, and to
     6  keep the same in repair.
     7     VI.  Memorial Day Appropriations.--To appropriate moneys for
     8  the expenses of Memorial Day services.
     9     VII.  Road Bulletins.--To subscribe for not more than three
    10  publications--the main subject-matter of which pertains to good
    11  roads and road building. Such publications shall be for the
    12  joint use of the officers of the township.
    13     VIII.  Ashes, Garbage, Rubbish and Other Refuse Materials.--
    14  To regulate or prohibit the dumping or otherwise depositing of
    15  ashes, garbage, rubbish and other refuse materials within the
    16  township. To prohibit accumulations of ashes, garbage, rubbish
    17  and other refuse materials upon private property, including the
    18  imposition and collection of reasonable fees and charges for the
    19  collection, removal and disposal thereof. They shall also have
    20  power to--
    21     (1)  Collect, remove and dispose of or to provide, by
    22  contract or otherwise, for the collection, removal and disposal,
    23  by incineration, land fill or other methods of ashes, garbage,
    24  rubbish and other refuse materials and to prescribe penalties
    25  for the enforcement thereof. Any such contract may be made for a
    26  period not exceeding three years. This limitation shall not
    27  apply to contracts entered into with any other political
    28  subdivision or with any municipality authority. To acquire any
    29  real property and to erect, maintain, improve, operate, and
    30  lease, either as lessor or lessee, facilities for incineration,
    19950H0702B2681                 - 132 -

     1  land fill or other methods of disposal, either within or without
     2  the limits of the township, including equipment, either
     3  separately or jointly, with any other political subdivision or
     4  with any municipality authority in order to provide for the
     5  destruction, collection, removal and disposal of ashes, garbage,
     6  rubbish and other refuse materials and to provide for the
     7  payment of the cost and expense thereof, either in whole or
     8  part, out of the funds of the township and to acquire land for
     9  land fill purposes, either amicably or by exercising the power
    10  of eminent domain, and to maintain such lands and places for the
    11  dumping of ashes, garbage, rubbish and other refuse material to
    12  fix, alter, charge and collect rates, and other charges for the
    13  collection, removal and disposal of ashes, garbage, rubbish and
    14  other refuse materials and the costs of including the payment of
    15  any indebtedness incurred for the construction, purchase,
    16  improvement, repair, maintenance and operation of any facilities
    17  therefor, and the amount due under any contract with any other
    18  political subdivision or with any municipality authority
    19  furnishing any of such services or facilities. To incur
    20  indebtedness and issue bonds for the costs of the construction,
    21  purchase, improvement and repair of any facilities for the
    22  collection, removal and disposal of ashes, garbage, rubbish and
    23  other refuse materials, including equipment to be used in
    24  connection therewith. To make appropriations to any other
    25  political subdivision or any municipality authority out of its
    26  general funds or out of any other available funds, including the
    27  proceeds of bonds of the township for the construction,
    28  purchase, improvement, repair, maintenance and operation of any
    29  facilities for the collection, removal and disposal of ashes,
    30  garbage, rubbish and other refuse materials. In the event that
    19950H0702B2681                 - 133 -

     1  any such bonds were issued for such purposes, pursuant to a vote
     2  of the electors, any appropriation of such proceeds as above set
     3  forth shall not be deemed such a change of purpose from that for
     4  which such bonds were issued as shall require the question to be
     5  again submitted to a vote of the electors under any existing
     6  law. Any such funds appropriated as herein authorized, which
     7  represent the proceeds of any bonds heretofore or hereafter
     8  issued by the township for the above purposes, shall be used by
     9  such other political subdivision or municipality authority for
    10  or toward the purpose or purposes for which such bonds were
    11  issued. In the absence of such collection, removal and disposal
    12  plan for the entire township the supervisors shall--
    13     (2)  on petition of a majority of the adult taxable residents
    14  of any territory within the township, which has been definitely
    15  defined, set apart and limited by the township supervisors, with
    16  the approval of the township auditors, as a village, prior to
    17  the filing of any such petition, either with township employes
    18  and facilities, or with independent contractors, provide for the
    19  removal from the village of ashes or garbage or other refuse
    20  material, as the case may be, and for the disposal thereof. The
    21  supervisors shall levy a per capita assessment upon all adult
    22  residents of any such village, sufficient to defray the cost of
    23  such removal and disposal. Such assessment shall be collected in
    24  the same manner as per capita taxes, and the collector shall
    25  receive the same commission thereon. The treasurer of the board
    26  of supervisors shall receive all such assessments collected and
    27  keep the same in a separate account and pay the same out only
    28  upon orders signed by the chairman and attested by the secretary
    29  of the board of supervisors. The treasurer shall make an annual
    30  report of the account to the auditors of the township.
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     1     IX.  Traffic Lights and Signals.--To provide for and to
     2  expend moneys from the general township fund for the erection,
     3  maintenance, and operation of traffic lights and traffic signals
     4  whenever deemed necessary for the protection of the traveling
     5  public.
     6     X.  Roads.--To purchase or hire material, equipment,
     7  machinery, teams and implements as shall be necessary for the
     8  construction, repair and maintenance of roads and bridges.
     9  Records shall be kept of the rental paid for all equipment,
    10  machinery, teams and implements hired. To lease or lend, for
    11  adequate consideration, such equipment, machinery and
    12  implements, to contract, to construct, reconstruct, improve or
    13  maintain driveways on lands owned or occupied by school
    14  districts of the township, to construct, reconstruct and
    15  improve, and to contract for the construction, reconstruction
    16  and improvement of roads in the township.
    17     XI.  Appropriations for Forestry.--To appropriate moneys from
    18  the general township fund to any forest protection association
    19  co-operating with the State Department of Forests and Waters, or
    20  to be expended in direct co-operation with said Department of
    21  Forests and Waters in forest work; and to purchase or take by
    22  gift any forest lands for recreational purposes.
    23     XII.  Nuisances.--To prohibit nuisances, including but not
    24  limited to, accumulations of garbage and rubbish, and the
    25  storage of abandoned or junked automobiles, on private and
    26  public property, and the carrying on of any offensive
    27  manufacture or business; and to remove any nuisance or dangerous
    28  structure on public or private grounds after notice to the owner
    29  to do so, and, in his default, to collect the cost of such
    30  removal, together with such penalty as may be prescribed by
    19950H0702B2681                 - 135 -

     1  ordinance from the owner by summary proceedings or in the manner
     2  provided for the collection of municipal claims or by an action
     3  of assumpsit without the filing of a claim. In the exercise of
     4  the powers herein conferred, the township may institute
     5  proceedings in courts of equity.
     6     XIII.  Insurance.--A.  To expend out of the general township
     7  fund such amount as may be necessary to secure workmen's
     8  compensation insurance for its employes, including volunteer
     9  firemen of companies duly recognized by the township by motion
    10  or resolution, killed or injured while going to, returning from,
    11  or attending fires in said township or territory adjacent
    12  thereto, or while performing any other duties authorized by the
    13  township.
    14     B.  To make contracts of insurance with any fire insurance
    15  company, duly authorized by law to transact business in the
    16  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on any building or property owned
    17  by such township.
    18     C.  To make contracts with any insurance company, so
    19  authorized, insuring any public liability of the township,
    20  including insurance on every township officer, official, and
    21  employe for liability arising from errors and omissions in the
    22  performance of their duties in the course of their employment,
    23  except that liability of elected or appointed officials or
    24  officers for surcharge in accordance with law shall not be
    25  affected hereby.
    26     D.  To make contracts of insurance with any insurance
    27  company, or nonprofit hospitalization corporation, or nonprofit
    28  medical service corporation, authorized to transact business
    29  within the Commonwealth, insuring its township supervisors
    30  pursuant to section 515, and employes, and/or their dependents,
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     1  or any class or classes thereof, under a policy or policies of
     2  group insurance covering life, health, hospitalization, medical
     3  service, or accident insurance, and may contract with any such
     4  company, granting annuities or pensions, for the pensioning of
     5  such employes, and for such purposes, may agree to pay part or
     6  all of the premiums or charges for carrying such contracts, and
     7  may appropriate out of its treasury any money necessary to pay
     8  such premiums, or charges, or portions thereof. The supervisors
     9  are hereby authorized, enabled and permitted to deduct from the
    10  employe's pay, salary or compensation such part of the premium,
    11  or charge, as is payable by the employe, and as may be so
    12  authorized by the employe in writing. This provision is subject
    13  to the following qualifications:
    14     (1)  Elected officials, except township supervisors who are
    15  provided for in section 515, and appointed township officials
    16  who are not employes of the township shall not be eligible for
    17  participation in any life, health, hospitalization, medical
    18  service or accident insurance coverage contract paid in whole or
    19  in part by the township. Any such insurance coverage contract
    20  entered into by a township between January 1, 1959, and March
    21  31, 1985, that includes or provides coverage for elected
    22  officials, except as provided in section 515, or appointed
    23  township officials who are not employes of the township, shall
    24  not be void or unlawful solely because such inclusion of such
    25  officials was subsequently found to be without lawful authority.
    26  No penalty, assessment, surcharge, forfeiture or disciplinary
    27  action of any kind may occur as a result of participation by
    28  such officials: Provided, however, That insurance benefits
    29  payable to insureds or their beneficiaries arising out of or on
    30  account of deaths, injuries, accidents or illnesses occurring
    19950H0702B2681                 - 137 -

     1  prior to the effective date of this amendatory act shall remain
     2  the property of the insureds or their beneficiaries.
     3     E.  To contract with any such company or otherwise provide
     4  for the granting of annuities or pensions, for the pensioning of
     5  employes, and for such purposes, to pay part or all of the
     6  premiums or charges for carrying such contracts, and to
     7  appropriate out of its treasury any money necessary to pay such
     8  premiums, or charges, costs or portions thereof. This provision
     9  is subject to the following qualifications:
    10     (1)  The benefit coverage shall be provided to supervisor-
    11  employes in accordance with section 515.
    12     (2)  The supervisors are hereby authorized to deduct,
    13  pursuant to an employe's written authorization, from the
    14  employe's pay, salary or compensation the part of the premium or
    15  charge that is payable by the employe.
    16     (3)  Elected officials, except township supervisors who are
    17  provided for in section 515, and appointed township officials
    18  who are not employes of the township shall not be eligible for
    19  participation in any pension or annuity contract paid in whole
    20  or in part by the township. No elected official, except as
    21  provided in section 515, or appointed township official who is
    22  not an employe of the township, included in a township-paid
    23  pension or annuity plan entered into by a township between
    24  January 1, 1959, and March 31, 1985, shall be subject to any
    25  penalty, assessment, surcharge, forfeiture or disciplinary
    26  action of any kind as a result of said participation. Any
    27  residual interest, value, refund of premium or benefits payable
    28  on or after March 31, 1985, arising out of the township-paid
    29  interest of the elected or appointed township officials shall
    30  become the exclusive property of the township.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 138 -

     1     (4)  If an elected official, except township supervisors who
     2  are provided for in section 515, or an appointed official who is
     3  not an employe of the township, personally contributed toward a
     4  township-sponsored pension plan or annuity, he shall receive a
     5  refund of his total contributions thereto, plus any interest
     6  accumulated thereon. In lieu of a refund of contributions plus
     7  accumulated interest, a township official who personally
     8  contributed toward a pension or annuity plan in which he
     9  participated may elect to purchase that portion of his pension
    10  or annuity funded by the township. The appropriate compensation
    11  to be paid to the township by the elected or appointed official
    12  shall be determined by a qualified actuary, who shall report his
    13  determination in accordance with the act of December 18, 1984
    14  (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding
    15  Standard and Recovery Act."
    16     XIV.  Armories.--To appropriate money or convey land, either
    17  independently or in connection with any county, city, town,
    18  borough or township, to the Commonwealth, for the purpose of
    19  assisting the Armory Board of the Commonwealth in the erection
    20  of armories for the use of the National Guard, and to furnish
    21  water, light or fuel, free of cost to the Commonwealth, for use
    22  in any armory of the National Guard, and to do all things
    23  necessary to accomplish the purposes of this clause.
    24     XV.  National Guard.--To take by right of eminent domain, for
    25  the purpose of appropriating to the township, for the use of the
    26  National Guard of Pennsylvania, such public lands, easements,
    27  and public property as may be in its possession or control, and
    28  used or held by it for any other purpose. Such right, however,
    29  shall not be exercised as to any street or highway or wharf.
    30     XVI.  Acquisition of Lands to Assist Armory Board.--To
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     1  acquire, by purchase or by gift or by the right of eminent
     2  domain, any land for the use of the National Guard of
     3  Pennsylvania, and to convey such lands so acquired to the
     4  Commonwealth in order to assist the Armory Board in the erection
     5  of armories. The power conferred by this clause shall not be
     6  exercised to take any church property, graveyard, cemetery, or
     7  any dwelling house, or the curtilage of the same, in the actual
     8  occupancy of the owner.
     9     XVII.  Burial Plots of Ex-Service Persons.--To purchase plots
    10  of ground in any cemetery or burial ground for the interment of
    11  such deceased service men and women as shall hereafter die
    12  within such township, or shall die beyond such township and
    13  shall have a legal residence within such township at the time of
    14  their death and whose bodies are entitled to be buried by the
    15  county. Such plots of ground shall be paid for out of the
    16  general township fund.
    17     XVIII.  Display of Flags.--To display the flag of the United
    18  States, the Commonwealth, the official POW/MIA flag or the flag
    19  of any county, city, borough or township on any public building
    20  or grounds of the township.
    21     XIX.  Care of Memorials.--To take charge of, care for,
    22  maintain and keep in good order and repair at the expense of the
    23  township, any soldiers monument, gun or cartridge, or other
    24  similar memorials, when there is not in existence any person,
    25  body or organization to care for and maintain the same, and when
    26  such memorials were not erected by the government of the United
    27  States, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, any other state, or by
    28  the commissioners of any county; and to receive from persons or
    29  organizations funds for such purposes.
    30     XX.  Fireworks and Inflammable Articles.--To regulate and
    19950H0702B2681                 - 140 -

     1  prohibit, by resolution or ordinance, the manufacture, of
     2  fireworks or other inflammable or dangerous articles; to grant
     3  permits for supervised public displays of fireworks and to adopt
     4  reasonable rules and regulations governing such displays; to
     5  adopt reasonable rules and regulations not inconsistent with
     6  State regulations covering the storage of inflammable articles;
     7  and to prescribe such other safeguards concerning the same as
     8  may be necessary. In the exercise of the powers herein
     9  conferred, the township may institute proceedings in courts of
    10  equity.
    11     XXI.  Support of National Guard Units.--To appropriate
    12  annually a sum not exceeding seven hundred and fifty dollars for
    13  the support and maintenance, discipline and training of any
    14  dismounted company or similar unit of the National Guard, and a
    15  sum not to exceed fifteen hundred dollars for the support and
    16  maintenance of any mounted or motorized troop or similar unit of
    17  the National Guard. Where such units are organized as a
    18  battalion, regiment or similar organization, the total amount
    19  due may be paid to the commanding officer of the battalion,
    20  regiment or similar organization. Any moneys so appropriated
    21  shall be paid by warrant drawn to the order of the commanding
    22  officer of such company, battalion, regiment or similar
    23  organization, only when it shall be certified to the township,
    24  by the Adjutant General of the State, that the said company or
    25  companies have satisfactorily passed the annual inspection
    26  provided by law. The moneys so appropriated shall be used and
    27  expended solely and exclusively for the support and maintenance,
    28  discipline and training of the said company, battalion,
    29  regiment, or similar organization; and the commanding officers
    30  shall account, by proper vouchers to the said township each
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     1  year, for the expenditure of the money so appropriated, and no
     2  appropriation shall be made for any subsequent year until the
     3  expenditure of the previous year is duly and satisfactorily
     4  accounted for.
     5     The accounts of such expenditures shall be subject to the
     6  inspection of the Department of Military Affairs, and shall be
     7  audited by the Auditor General in the manner provided by law for
     8  the audit of accounts of state moneys.
     9     XXII.  Fire Hydrants and Water Supply; Special Tax.--With the
    10  consent of fifty-one per centum of the electors of the township
    11  voting thereon, as hereinafter provided, to contract with water
    12  companies for the placing of fire hydrants, and for the
    13  maintenance of adequate water pressure for fire purposes, and to
    14  levy an annual tax, not exceeding two mills, for the purpose of
    15  defraying the expense thereof.
    16     Whenever five per centum or more registered electors of the
    17  township shall petition the supervisors for the establishment
    18  and maintenance of fire hydrants and fire hydrant water service,
    19  and the levy of a tax, not exceeding two mills, to defray the
    20  expense thereof, and for a referendum thereon, the supervisors
    21  shall, if they approve thereof, cause a question to be submitted
    22  at the next municipal election occurring at least sixty days
    23  thereafter, by certifying a resolution duly adopted to the
    24  county board of elections for submission on the ballot or on
    25  voting machines, in the manner provided by the election laws of
    26  this Commonwealth. If fifty-one per centum or more of the
    27  persons voting on such question in the township shall vote
    28  "Yes," then the supervisors shall have power to enter into such
    29  contract and levy an annual tax as aforesaid: Provided, That no
    30  such question shall be submitted at any election unless the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 142 -

     1  resolution of the board of supervisors authorizing the same
     2  shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation
     3  published in the county in which the township is situated. If
     4  within thirty days after date of publication, taxpayers of the
     5  township whose property valuation as assessed for taxable
     6  purposes within the township shall amount to thirty-five per
     7  centum of the total property valuation as assessed for taxable
     8  purposes within the township, shall sign and file with the
     9  chairman of the board of supervisors a written protest against
    10  submitting such question at any election, then the board of
    11  supervisors shall not certify any resolution to the county board
    12  of elections as provided in this clause.
    13     XXIII.  Regulation of Parks.--To regulate by resolution or
    14  ordinance the use and enjoyment by the public of any park or
    15  recreational grounds owned and operated by charitable
    16  organizations for the use of the public without charge; to
    17  prescribe rules for the use by the public of such parks and
    18  recreational grounds and the facilities and amusements connected
    19  therewith; and to make any violation of such rules when posted
    20  at conspicuous places in such parks or recreational grounds
    21  punishable in a summary proceeding before any justice of the
    22  peace, alderman or magistrate of the county by the payment of
    23  costs of prosecution and a fine of not more than ten dollars,
    24  and, in default of the payment thereof, imprisonment in the jail
    25  of the county for a period not exceeding five days.
    26     Any police officer when displaying a badge or sign of
    27  authority may arrest upon view any person violating any such
    28  rules, and such peace officer shall forthwith make and file with
    29  the justice of the peace, alderman or magistrate before whom the
    30  arrested person is taken an information setting forth the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 143 -

     1  offense.
     2     XXIV.  Regulation of Parking.--To regulate parking, to
     3  provide parking accommodations so as to promote the convenience
     4  and protection of the public and to establish or designate, at
     5  the discretion of the supervisors, parking areas exclusively
     6  reserved for handicapped parking purposes. The supervisors shall
     7  also have power to erect parking meters and to regulate parking
     8  meter charges and to post signs regulating parking in areas
     9  established or designated for handicapped parking.
    10     XXV.  Zoning Ordinances.--To adopt and enforce zoning
    11  ordinances, regulating the location, construction, and use of
    12  buildings, the size of courts and open spaces, the density of
    13  population, and the use of land.
    14     XXVI.  Obstruction of Roads, Drains and Bridges.--To
    15  prohibit, by ordinance, the erection or construction of any
    16  obstruction to the convenient use of the roads, footwalks,
    17  culverts, drains and bridges in the township.
    18     XXVII.  Cemetery, Cesspool, Sewer and Drainage Regulations.--
    19  To make regulations, by ordinance, respecting cemeteries,
    20  vaults, sewers, drains and cesspools.
    21     XXVIII.  Abandoned Cemeteries.--Whenever any cemetery or
    22  burial ground incorporated or unincorporated, is abandoned, or
    23  is being neglected although occasionally used for burial
    24  purposes, either of the following actions may be taken:
    25     (1)  The township supervisors may give notice to the owner
    26  thereof, directing him to remove the weeds, refuse and debris
    27  therefrom within thirty days. If the weeds, refuse and debris
    28  are not removed within thirty days after such notice, the
    29  supervisors shall cause the same to be done by employes of the
    30  township or persons hired for the purpose at the expense of the
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     1  township. In no case shall the township supervisors expend more
     2  than five hundred dollars in any one year on any one cemetery.
     3  All costs and expenses of such removal shall be a debt owed to
     4  the township by the owner of the cemetery or burial ground, and
     5  may be collected therefrom as like debts are collected, or (2)
     6  the court of common pleas of the county, upon petition of
     7  twenty-five residents of the township wherein such cemetery is
     8  located, may direct the supervisors to care for such cemetery at
     9  a cost of not more than five hundred dollars in any one year.
    10  The supervisors shall expend moneys from the general township
    11  fund for such purpose. Such cemetery shall remain open to the
    12  public under the regulation and control of the supervisors.
    13     XXIX.  Health.--To make such regulations, by ordinance, not
    14  inconsistent with State laws and regulations, as may be
    15  necessary for the promotion of the health, cleanliness, comfort
    16  and safety of the citizens of the township.
    17     XXX.  Sewers.--In the manner hereinafter provided, to
    18  establish and construct, singly or jointly with other
    19  municipalities, sewer and drainage systems in the township, or
    20  part thereof, and to finance and assess the cost thereof, and to
    21  provide for the making of sewer constructions and the charging
    22  of rental for sewerage service.
    23     XXXI.  Water Supply.--In the manner hereinafter provided, to
    24  provide a supply of water for public or private uses in the
    25  township, or part thereof, and to finance and assess the cost
    26  thereof, to provide for the construction of necessary lines and
    27  works therefor, and to charge and collect water rentals.
    28     XXXII.  Fire Prevention.--To make regulations, by ordinance,
    29  relative to the cause and prevention of fires. Such ordinances
    30  may adopt any standard fire prevention code published and
    19950H0702B2681                 - 145 -

     1  printed in book form covering the above items without
     2  incorporating such code in the ordinance, or any township may
     3  enact such fire prevention code as its ordinance authorized
     4  under the provisions of this clause. In either event, such code
     5  shall not be published or advertised in full as provided by this
     6  section in the case of the adoption of ordinances. Notice of the
     7  adoption of such standard fire prevention code as the fire
     8  prevention ordinance of the township, together with a brief
     9  summary thereof setting forth the principal provisions of said
    10  ordinance in such reasonable detail as will give adequate notice
    11  of its contents, pursuant to a uniform form which shall be
    12  prepared or approved by the Pennsylvania State Police, and a
    13  reference to the place or places within the township where
    14  copies of the code adopted are deposited and may be examined,
    15  shall be published in the manner provided by this section for
    16  the publication of ordinances. Not less than three such copies
    17  shall be made available to public inspection and use during
    18  business hours, for a period of not less than three months after
    19  the adoption of such fire prevention code.
    20     XXXIII.  Public Amusements.--To regulate, by ordinance, not
    21  inconsistent with State law and regulations, the time of opening
    22  and closing, and the conduct of places of public entertainment,
    23  amusement and recreation.
    24     XXXIV.  Parks and Recreation Centers.--To designate, set
    25  apart, acquire by gift, devise, purchase, lease or by the
    26  exercise of the right of eminent domain, supervise, operate and
    27  maintain, in the manner hereinafter provided, parks,
    28  playgrounds, playfields, gymnasiums, public parks, swimming
    29  pools and recreation centers.
    30     XXXV.  Regulation of Dogs.--To prohibit or regulate by
    19950H0702B2681                 - 146 -

     1  ordinance, the running at large of dogs.
     2     XXXVI.  Lockups.--To provide lockup facilities.
     3     XXXVII.  Naming of Streets; Numbering of Buildings.--To
     4  provide for and regulate the naming of streets, roads and
     5  highways, and to require and regulate the numbering of
     6  buildings.
     7     XXXVIII.  Sidewalks and Footpaths.--To provide for and expend
     8  moneys from the general fund of the township for the
     9  construction and maintenance of sidewalks and footpaths,
    10  whenever deemed necessary, for the protection of the traveling
    11  public.
    12     XXXIX.  Transient Merchants.--To license and regulate, by
    13  ordinance, transient retail merchants in the manner and to the
    14  extent hereinafter provided.
    15     XL.  Joint Municipal Agreements.--To enter into agreements
    16  with other political subdivisions, in accordance with existing
    17  laws, in making joint purchases of materials, supplies or
    18  equipment, and in cooperating with other political subdivisions
    19  in promotion of the health of the citizens and residents of the
    20  township and other political subdivisions, and in performing
    21  governmental powers, duties and functions, and in carrying into
    22  effect provisions of law relating to said subjects, which are
    23  common to all such political subdivisions.
    24     XLI.  Ordinances.--To adopt ordinances prescribing the manner
    25  in which such specific powers of the township shall be carried
    26  out. All such proposed ordinances, unless otherwise provided by
    27  law, shall be published not more than sixty days nor less than
    28  seven days prior to passage at least once in one newspaper
    29  circulating generally in the township. Public notices of any
    30  proposed ordinances shall include either the full text thereof
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     1  or the title and a brief summary prepared by the township
     2  solicitor, if the township has a solicitor, otherwise by that
     3  individual who drafted the ordinance setting forth all the
     4  provisions in reasonable detail and a reference to a place
     5  within the township where copies of the proposed ordinance may
     6  be examined. If the full text is not included a copy thereof
     7  shall be supplied to a newspaper of general circulation in the
     8  county at the time the public notice is published. If the full
     9  text is not included an attested copy thereof shall be filed in
    10  the county law library or other county office designated by the
    11  county commissioners who may impose a fee no greater than that
    12  necessary to cover the actual costs of storing said ordinances.
    13  In the event substantial amendments are made in the proposed
    14  ordinance or resolution, before voting upon enactment, the board
    15  of supervisors shall within ten days readvertise in one
    16  newspaper of general circulation in the township, a brief
    17  summary setting forth all the provisions in reasonable detail
    18  together with a summary of the amendments. Such ordinances shall
    19  be recorded in the ordinance book of the township and shall
    20  become effective five days after such adoption. Any and all
    21  township ordinances, or portions thereof, the text of which,
    22  prior to the effective date of this reenactment and amendment,
    23  shall have been attached to the township ordinance book, shall
    24  be considered in force just as if such ordinances, or portions
    25  thereof, had been recorded directly upon the pages of such
    26  ordinance book: Provided, That all other requirements of this
    27  act applicable to the enactment, approval, advertising and
    28  recording of such ordinances or portions thereof, were complied
    29  with within the time limits prescribed by this act. In any case
    30  in which maps, plans, or drawings of any kind are adopted as
    19950H0702B2681                 - 148 -

     1  part of an ordinance, the supervisors may, instead of publishing
     2  the same as part of the ordinance, refer in publishing the
     3  ordinance to the place where such maps, plans, or drawings are
     4  on file and may be examined. The board of supervisors may
     5  prescribe fines and penalties not exceeding one thousand dollars
     6  for a violation of a building, housing, property maintenance,
     7  health, fire or public safety code or ordinance and for water,
     8  air and noise pollution violations, and not exceeding six
     9  hundred dollars for a violation of any other township ordinance,
    10  which fines and penalties may be collected by suit or summary
    11  proceeding brought in the name of the township before any
    12  justice of the peace. Proceedings for the violation of township
    13  ordinances and for the collection of fines and penalties imposed
    14  thereby may be commenced by warrant, or by summons, at the
    15  discretion of the justice of the peace before whom the
    16  proceeding is begun. No warrant shall be issued, except upon
    17  complaint on oath or affirmation specifying the ordinance for
    18  the violation of which the same is issued. All proceedings shall
    19  be directed to, and be served by, a constable of the township.
    20  Warrants shall be returnable forthwith and upon such return like
    21  proceeding shall be had, as in cases of summary conviction. All
    22  fines and penalties collected for the violation of township
    23  ordinances shall be paid over to the township treasury. Upon
    24  judgment against any person by summary conviction, or by
    25  proceedings by summons on default of the payment of the fine or
    26  penalty imposed and the costs, the defendant may be sentenced
    27  and committed to the township lockup for a period not exceeding
    28  five days, or to the county jail, or workhouse for a period not
    29  exceeding thirty days.
    30     Any person aggrieved may make complaint as to the legality of
    19950H0702B2681                 - 149 -

     1  such ordinance or resolution to the court.
     2     XLI.I.  Consolidation, Codification or Revision of
     3  Ordinances.--Whenever any township shall have caused to be
     4  prepared a consolidation, codification or revision of the
     5  general body of township ordinances or the ordinances on a
     6  particular subject, the township supervisors may adopt such
     7  consolidation, codification or revision as an ordinance of the
     8  township, in the same manner that is now prescribed by law for
     9  the adoption of township ordinances, except as hereinafter
    10  provided.
    11     Any such consolidation, codification or revision of township
    12  ordinances to be enacted as a single ordinance shall be
    13  introduced in the board of township supervisors at least thirty
    14  days before its final enactment, and at least fifteen days
    15  before its final enactment, notice of the introduction of any
    16  consolidation, codification or revision, specifying its general
    17  nature and listing its table of contents, shall be given by
    18  advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in said
    19  township.
    20     When any such consolidation, codification or revision has
    21  been enacted as an ordinance, it shall not be necessary to
    22  advertise the entire text thereof, but it shall be sufficient in
    23  any such case, to publish a notice stating that such
    24  consolidation, codification or revision, notice of the
    25  introduction of which had previously been given, was finally
    26  enacted.
    27     The procedure set forth in this clause for the consolidation
    28  or codification of township ordinances as a single ordinance may
    29  also be followed in enacting a complete group or body of
    30  ordinances, repealing or amending existing ordinances as may be
    19950H0702B2681                 - 150 -

     1  necessary in the course of preparing a consolidation,
     2  codification or revision of the township ordinances, except that
     3  in such case the advertisement giving notice of the introduction
     4  shall list, in lieu of a table of contents, the titles only of
     5  each of the ordinances in such complete group or body of
     6  ordinances.
     7     XLI.2.  Adoption and Amendment of Codes by Reference.--To
     8  adopt any ordinance by reference to a standard or nationally
     9  recognized code, or to parts thereof, determined by the board,
    10  or the provisions of any ordinance supplied by reference to a
    11  typed or printed code, prepared under the direction of or
    12  accepted by the board, or the provisions of a standard or
    13  nationally recognized code, or parts thereof, and also further
    14  provisions typed or printed as aforesaid: Provided, however,
    15  That no portion of any code which limits the work to be
    16  performed to any type of construction contractor, or labor or
    17  mechanic classification shall be adopted. Such code need not be
    18  advertised by publication of the full text thereof, and in place
    19  of such complete advertisement, an informative notice of
    20  intention to consider such proposed code, and a brief summary,
    21  setting forth the principal provisions of the code in such
    22  reasonable detail as will give adequate notice of its contents
    23  and a reference to the place or places within the township where
    24  copies of the proposed code may be examined or obtained shall be
    25  published in the manner and within the time limits provided by
    26  this act for publication of notice of other proposed ordinances.
    27  Not less than three copies of such code, portion, or amendment
    28  which is incorporated or adopted by reference, shall be filed
    29  with the secretary of the township at least ten days before the
    30  board considers the proposed ordinance and upon enactment kept
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     1  with the ordinance book, and available for public use,
     2  inspection and examination.
     3     An ordinance adopted by reference to any code shall be
     4  enacted within sixty days after it is filed with the secretary
     5  of the township and, in the case of a standard or nationally
     6  recognized code, shall encompass the provisions of such code
     7  effective as of the code date stated in the ordinance.
     8     Any township that has adopted any code by reference to a
     9  standard or nationally recognized code may adopt subsequent
    10  ordinances which incorporate by reference any subsequent changes
    11  thereof, properly identified as to date and source, as may be
    12  adopted by the agency or association which promulgated the code.
    13  Any ordinances which incorporate code amendments by reference
    14  shall become effective after the same procedure and in the same
    15  manner as is herein specified for original adoption of any such
    16  code.
    17     XLII.  Airports.--To acquire by lease or purchase or by
    18  exercising the power of eminent domain, in the manner provided
    19  in article ten of this act, any land lying either within or
    20  without the limits of the township, which in the judgment of the
    21  corporate authorities thereof, may be necessary and desirable
    22  for the purpose of establishing and maintaining municipal
    23  airdromes, aviation landing fields and airport facilities. The
    24  title acquired by the township exercising the power of
    25  condemnation shall be a title in fee simple. Any township having
    26  acquired land for such purposes may establish, equip, condition,
    27  operate and maintain the same as a municipal airport, airdrome,
    28  landing field, or intermediate landing field, and may lease the
    29  same or any part thereof, to any individual or corporation
    30  desiring to use the same for aviation purposes, and may enter
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     1  into a contract in the form of a lease providing for the use of
     2  said land, or any part thereof, by the Government of the United
     3  States for the use by said Government of said land for aviation
     4  purposes upon nominal rental or without consideration.
     5     Any township may acquire by lease or purchase land for
     6  aviation purposes as hereinbefore provided jointly with any
     7  county, city, borough, township, or political subdivision or
     8  municipality authority of this Commonwealth, and is hereby
     9  authorized and empowered to operate and maintain said airport,
    10  airdrome, landing field, or intermediate landing field jointly
    11  with any county, city, borough, township, or other political
    12  subdivision or municipality authority of this Commonwealth upon
    13  such terms and conditions, as may be agreed upon between the
    14  proper authorities of the county, city, borough, township, or
    15  other political subdivision of this Commonwealth.
    16     XLIII.  Police Protection Districts; Assessments.--To provide
    17  police protection and promote the public safety, health,
    18  convenience and welfare of its citizens the board of township
    19  supervisors is hereby empowered, with the approval of the
    20  township auditors, on petition of a majority of the property
    21  owners of any territory within the township, to designate,
    22  definitely define, set apart and limit any part of such
    23  territory, as a district for the purpose of providing such
    24  districts adequate police protection. Such police protection may
    25  be furnished jointly with one or more other townships or
    26  boroughs under an agreement with such townships and boroughs.
    27  The township supervisors shall annually assess or cause to be
    28  assessed the cost and expense of the maintenance of said police
    29  protection by an equal assessment on all property benefited by
    30  such protection in proportion to the number of feet the same
    19950H0702B2681                 - 153 -

     1  fronts on the street or highway or portion thereof to be
     2  protected. The supervisors may provide for an equitable
     3  reduction from the frontage of lots at intersections or where
     4  from the peculiar or pointed shape of lots an assessment of the
     5  full frontage would be inequitable. No such assessment shall be
     6  made against any farm land, but vacant lots between built-up
     7  sections, whether tilled or untilled, shall not be deemed to be
     8  farm lands: Provided, however, That the assessment per front
     9  foot against vacant lots shall be only twenty-five per centum
    10  (25%) of the assessment per foot front against property with
    11  improvements thereon. All such assessments for police protection
    12  shall be filed with the township tax collector, who shall give
    13  thirty days' written or printed notice that the assessments are
    14  due and payable, stating the due date to each party assessed
    15  either by service on the owner of the property or by mailing
    16  such notice to the owner at his last known post office address.
    17  The tax collector shall be entitled to the same commission for
    18  the collection of such assessments as he is entitled to by law
    19  for the collection of the township road tax. If the assessments
    20  or any of them remain unpaid at the expiration of not exceeding
    21  ninety days, the exact time to be fixed by the township
    22  supervisors, they shall be placed in the hands of the township
    23  solicitor for collection. The solicitor shall collect the same
    24  together with five per centum (5%) as attorney's commission, and
    25  interest from the date such assessments were due, by a municipal
    26  claim filed against the property of the delinquent owner in like
    27  manner as municipal claims are by law filed and collected. Where
    28  an owner has two or more lots against which there is an
    29  assessment for the same year all such lots shall be embraced in
    30  one claim. All assessments, when collected, shall be paid over
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     1  to the township treasurer, who shall receive and shall keep the
     2  same in a separate account, and pay out the same only upon
     3  orders signed by the chairman of the township supervisors,
     4  attested by the secretary. The tax collector and the treasurer
     5  shall make a report to the auditors of the township annually.
     6     XLIV.  Widening and Deepening Water-Courses.--After a permit
     7  has been secured from the Water and Power Resources Board, to
     8  widen and deepen water-courses running through the township and
     9  to erect such dikes, retaining walls and embankments along the
    10  same as shall be necessary to prevent water from overflowing the
    11  banks thereof. For such purposes, townships may enter upon and
    12  condemn such property as may be necessary. Townships may enter
    13  upon land lying near such water-courses and secure such material
    14  as may be necessary in connection with such work. Damages for
    15  property taken, injured or destroyed as the result of such work
    16  shall be fixed and determined in the manner provided in article
    17  ten of this act. Townships may appropriate moneys from the
    18  general fund for the purpose of carrying into effect the
    19  provisions of this clause.
    20     XLV.  Appointment of Accountant.--To employ a certified
    21  public accountant registered in Pennsylvania, a firm of
    22  certified public accountants so registered or a competent public
    23  accountant or a competent firm of public accountants to be
    24  appointed by the court of common pleas at least thirty days
    25  prior to the close of the fiscal year to audit the accounts of
    26  the township and the township officers, if a petition has been
    27  presented to the supervisors by at least twenty-five taxpayers
    28  of the township asking for such appointment. The amount paid to
    29  the accountant or firm in any year shall not exceed the maximum
    30  allowed by law to be paid to the township auditors in such year,
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     1  unless the payment of an additional amount is approved by the
     2  court. When an accountant or firm is appointed as herein
     3  provided, the township auditors shall not audit, settle or
     4  adjust the accounts audited by such appointee but shall perform
     5  the other duties of their office. After the initial appointment,
     6  the township supervisors may, at their discretion, continue to
     7  employ the court-appointed accountant or firm on an annual basis
     8  by ordinance or resolution passed prior to the close of the
     9  fiscal year.
    10     When an accountant or firm is employed under the provisions
    11  of this clause, the accountant or firm shall have the powers
    12  given to the auditors under sections 545, 546 and 551 of this
    13  act, except the power to fix compensations authorized in section
    14  515, and referred to in section 545 of this act. They shall
    15  perform the duties of the auditors as provided in section 547.
    16  They shall be subject to the same penalties to which the
    17  auditors are subject under section 549.
    18     The report of the accountant or firm is subject to appeals
    19  the same as reports of auditors under sections 553, 554, 555,
    20  556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562 and 563 of this act.
    21     XLV.1.  Independent Audit.--For the purpose of meeting
    22  Federal or State requirements, to contract with or employ an
    23  independent public accountant for the purpose of preparing or
    24  conducting a report or audit of the fiscal affairs of the
    25  township, independent of that conducted by the elected township
    26  auditors.
    27     XLVI.  Ambulances and Rescue and Life Saving Services.--To
    28  acquire and to operate and maintain motor vehicles for the
    29  purposes of conveying sick and injured persons of such townships
    30  and the vicinity to and from hospitals, and for such purposes to
    19950H0702B2681                 - 156 -

     1  appropriate and expend moneys of the township or to appropriate
     2  money annually towards ambulance and rescue and life saving
     3  service, and to enter into contracts relating thereto. All
     4  appropriations of money heretofore made and contracts heretofore
     5  entered into by any township for such service are hereby
     6  validated and confirmed.
     7     XLVII.  Public Safety.--To take all needful means for
     8  securing the safety of persons or property within the township,
     9  including the power to adopt ordinances defining disturbing the
    10  peace within the limits of the township and to provide in such
    11  ordinances for the imposition of penalties for the violation
    12  thereof, but such penalties shall not be in excess of twenty-
    13  five dollars notwithstanding like statutes pertaining to the
    14  same or similar offenses. All penalties imposed for the
    15  violation of such ordinances shall be paid to the township
    16  treasurer for the use of the township.
    17     XLVIII.  Committing Magistrate.--To designate, from time to
    18  time, one of the justices of the peace to sit at the police
    19  station or town hall as a committing magistrate.
    20     XLIX.  Fire Houses.--To provide and maintain suitable places
    21  for the housing of engines, hose carts and other apparatus for
    22  the extinguishment of fire.
    23     L.  Building and Housing Regulations.--To prohibit or
    24  regulate the erection of wooden buildings and housing in certain
    25  parts of the township, and make regulations for the construction
    26  of new buildings and housing and the alteration and repair of
    27  old ones, and to require that before the work begins, municipal
    28  approval of the plans and specifications therefor be secured; to
    29  classify buildings and housing or parts of buildings and housing
    30  according to the use to be made of them; to specify the mode of
    19950H0702B2681                 - 157 -

     1  construction of such different classes of buildings and housing;
     2  and to require that before any use or occupancy be changed from
     3  any classification to a different classification, as to which
     4  more stringent regulations are prescribed under the provisions
     5  of any ordinance relating thereto, municipal approval of the
     6  plans and specifications therefor be secured.
     7     LI.  Building and Housing Sanitation Regulations.--In
     8  addition to other remedies provided by law, and in order to
     9  promote the public health, safety, morals, and the general
    10  welfare, to enact and enforce suitable ordinances to govern and
    11  regulate the construction, alteration, repairs, occupation,
    12  maintenance, sanitation, lighting, ventilation, water supply,
    13  toilet facilities, drainage, use and inspection of all buildings
    14  and housing or parts of buildings and housing constructed,
    15  erected, altered, designed, or used in whole or in part for
    16  human habitation, and of the sanitation and inspection of land
    17  appurtenant thereto. In case any building and housing or
    18  structure is constructed, reconstructed, altered, repaired,
    19  converted, or maintained, or any building, housing or land is
    20  used in violation of any ordinance enacted under authority
    21  conferred hereby, the township supervisors, in addition to
    22  penalties provided by ordinances enacted hereunder, may
    23  institute appropriate actions or proceedings at law or in equity
    24  to prevent and restrain such unlawful construction,
    25  reconstruction, alteration, repairs, conversion, maintenance, or
    26  use, and to restrain, correct or abate such violation, and to
    27  prevent the occupancy of said building, housing or structure.
    28  The ordinances enacted pursuant to this clause shall not be
    29  inconsistent with the provisions of any statute governing the
    30  same matter, but all regulations prescribed by such ordinances
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     1  which are additional or supplementary to the statute law and not
     2  inconsistent therewith, or enacted for the purpose of carrying
     3  into effect the provisions of the statute law, shall be valid
     4  and binding. Such ordinances may adopt any standard building
     5  code and any standard housing code published and printed in book
     6  form covering any or all of the above items without
     7  incorporating such building code and housing code in the
     8  ordinance, or any township may enact such building code and
     9  housing code as its ordinance authorized under the provisions of
    10  this clause. In either event, such building code and housing
    11  code shall not be published or advertised in full as provided by
    12  this section in the case of the adoption of ordinances:
    13  Provided, That notice of the adoption of such standard building
    14  code and such standard housing code as the building ordinance
    15  and the housing ordinance of the township, together with a brief
    16  summary thereof setting forth the principal provisions of said
    17  ordinance in such reasonable detail as will give adequate notice
    18  of its contents, pursuant to a uniform form which shall be
    19  prepared or approved by the Department of Labor and Industry,
    20  and a reference to the place or places within the township where
    21  copies of the building code and copies of the housing code
    22  adopted are deposited and may be examined, shall be published in
    23  the manner provided by this section for the publication of
    24  ordinances. Not less than three such copies shall be made
    25  available to public inspection and use during business hours for
    26  a period of not less than three months after the adoption of
    27  such building code and such housing code.
    28     LII.  Building Inspectors and Housing Inspectors.--To provide
    29  for the inspection of the construction and repair of buildings
    30  and housing, including the appointment of one or more building
    19950H0702B2681                 - 159 -

     1  inspectors and housing inspectors; to prescribe limits wherein
     2  none but buildings and housing of noncombustible material and
     3  fireproof roofs shall be erected or substantially reconstructed
     4  or removed thereinto; to provide penalties for the violation of
     5  such regulations. Any building and housing erected,
     6  reconstructed or removed contrary to the provisions of any
     7  ordinance passed for any of the purposes herein specified, is
     8  declared to be a public nuisance and abatable as such.
     9     LIII.  Building Lines.--To establish, by ordinance, and
    10  maintain, uniform building lines upon any or all public streets
    11  or highways of the township.
    12     LIV.  Township Seals.--To adopt a seal which shall contain
    13  the name of the township and the word "seal," and which shall be
    14  in the custody of the township supervisors. The official acts of
    15  the supervisors shall be authenticated therewith, and the seal
    16  shall have the same effect when used for such authentication as
    17  the seal of a notary public.
    18     LV.  Creation of Capital Reserve Fund for Anticipated Capital
    19  Expenditures.--To create and maintain a separate capital reserve
    20  fund for any anticipated legal capital expenditures, which fund
    21  shall be designated for a specific purpose or purposes at the
    22  time of its creation. The money in the fund shall be used, from
    23  time to time, for the construction, purchase or replacement of
    24  or addition to municipal buildings, equipment, machinery, motor
    25  vehicles or other capital assets of the township as specified at
    26  the time of the creation of the fund and for no other purpose:
    27  Provided, That it may be used for capital expenditure other than
    28  the purpose or purposes specified at the time it was created, if
    29  the supervisors by a unanimous vote shall declare that the
    30  original purpose or purposes have become impracticable,
    19950H0702B2681                 - 160 -

     1  inadvisable or impossible, or that conditions have arisen in the
     2  township which make other capital expenditures more urgent than
     3  those for which the fund was created.
     4     The township supervisors may appropriate moneys from the
     5  general township funds to be paid into the capital reserve fund,
     6  or place in the fund any moneys received from the sale, lease or
     7  other disposition of any township property or from any other
     8  source, unless received or acquired for a particular purpose.
     9  The fund shall be controlled, invested, reinvested and
    10  administered and the moneys therein and income from such moneys
    11  expended for the specific purpose or purposes for which the fund
    12  is created in such manner as may be determined by the township
    13  supervisors. The money in the fund, when invested, shall be
    14  invested in securities designated by law as legal investments
    15  for sinking funds of municipalities.
    16     LVI.  Contributions for Industrial Promotion.--To make
    17  appropriations to an industrial development agency.
    18     LVII.  Appropriations for Community Nursing Services.--To
    19  appropriate money annually towards any nonprofit associations or
    20  corporations which provide community nursing services, in
    21  recognition of their services in the control of communicable
    22  disease, the immunization of children, the operation of child
    23  health centers (Well-Baby Clinics), instructive visits to
    24  parents of new babies beginning in the prenatal period and
    25  family health guidance, including nutrition, detection and
    26  correction of defects.
    27     LVIII.  Junk Dealers and Junk Yards.--To regulate and license
    28  junk dealers and the establishment and maintenance of junk yards
    29  and scrap yards including, but not limited to, automobile junk
    30  or grave yards and to prescribe license fees therefor not to
    19950H0702B2681                 - 161 -

     1  exceed two hundred dollars per year.
     2     LIX.  Appropriations for Handling, Storage and Distribution
     3  of Surplus Foods.--The board of township supervisors of any
     4  township may appropriate from township funds moneys for the
     5  handling, storage and distribution of surplus foods obtained
     6  either through a local, State or Federal agency.
     7     All appropriations of moneys heretofore made by the board of
     8  township supervisors of any township for the handling, storage
     9  and distribution of surplus foods obtained either through a
    10  local, State or Federal agency are hereby validated.
    11     LX.  Historical Property.--To acquire by purchase or by gift,
    12  and to repair, supervise, operate and maintain ancient landmarks
    13  and other property of historical or antiquarian interest, and to
    14  make appropriations to nonprofit associations or corporations
    15  organized for the purpose of acquiring and maintaining
    16  historical properties. Such appropriations shall only be used by
    17  the association or corporation for the acquisition, restoration
    18  and maintenance of the historical properties.
    19     LXI.  Insect, Pest and Vector Programs.--To appropriate money
    20  annually toward insect, pest and vector programs.
    21     LXII.  General Powers.--To make and adopt all such
    22  ordinances, by-laws, rules and regulations not inconsistent with
    23  or restrained by the Constitution and laws of this Commonwealth
    24  as may be deemed expedient or necessary for the proper
    25  management, care and control of the township and its finances
    26  and the maintenance of peace, good government and welfare of the
    27  township and its trade, commerce and manufactures.
    28     LXIII.  To appropriate moneys to assist any city, borough,
    29  town, township or other political subdivision or municipality
    30  airport authority to acquire, establish, operate and maintain
    19950H0702B2681                 - 162 -

     1  any and all air navigation facilities lying either within or
     2  without the limits of the township.
     3     LXIII.  Non-Debt Revenue Bonds.--To issue non-debt revenue
     4  bonds pursuant to provisions of the act of June 25, 1941
     5  (P.L.159, No.87), known as the "Municipal Borrowing Law," to
     6  provide sufficient moneys for and toward the acquisition,
     7  construction, extension or improvement of municipal facilities,
     8  including water systems or facilities, sewers, sewer systems and
     9  sewage disposal systems or facilities, systems for the treatment
    10  or disposal of garbage and refuse, aeronautical facilities
    11  including but not limited to airports, terminals and hangars,
    12  and park and recreational facilities, and parking facilities, to
    13  be secured solely by the pledge of the whole or part of the
    14  rent, toll or charge for the use or services of such facilities.
    15     Included in the cost of the issue may be any costs and
    16  expenses incident to constructing and financing the facilities
    17  and selling and distributing the bonds.
    18     LXIV.  Appropriations for Urban Common Carrier Mass
    19  Transportation.--To appropriate funds for urban common carrier
    20  mass transportation purposes from current revenues and to make
    21  annual contributions to county departments of transportation or
    22  to urban common carrier mass transportation authorities to
    23  assist the departments or the authorities to meet costs of
    24  operation, maintenance, capital improvements, and debt service,
    25  and to enter into long-term agreements providing for the payment
    26  of the said contributions.
    27     LXV.  Appropriations for Mental Health Centers.--To
    28  appropriate money annually towards any nonprofit association or
    29  corporation which operates or conducts a mental health center.
    30     LXVI.  Community Development.--To undertake community
    19950H0702B2681                 - 163 -

     1  development programs, including but not limited to urban
     2  renewal, public housing, model cities programs and neighborhood
     3  development projects.
     4     LXVII.  To appropriate money annually towards any nonprofit
     5  association or corporation which operates or conducts a library
     6  within the township or to enter into contracts with or to make
     7  grants to the proper authorities of near or adjacent cities,
     8  boroughs, or townships for the furnishing of library service to
     9  the township.
    10     LXVIII.  Appropriations for Observances and Celebrations.--To
    11  appropriate annually an amount for the observance of holidays,
    12  centennials or other anniversaries or for township celebrations
    13  or civic projects or programs.
    14     LXIX.  Building Hospitals.--To appropriate not exceeding one
    15  dollar ($1) per township resident per year toward the
    16  maintenance and/or support of any medical center or hospital
    17  building and further appropriate from such funds toward the
    18  purchase and/or erection of medical or hospital facilities.
    19  Where the total cost of such purchase or erection exceeds one
    20  hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), it will necessitate
    21  approval by the appropriate health planning agency. The number
    22  of residents shall be determined from the latest decennial
    23  Federal Census.
    24     LXX.  Appropriations to Tourist Promotion Agencies.--To
    25  appropriate annually, such amount of money but not in excess of
    26  ten cents (10¢) for each resident of the township, as determined
    27  by the latest official census, which may be deemed necessary, to
    28  any "tourist promotion agency," as defined in the act of April
    29  28, 1961 (P.L.111, No.50), known as the "Tourist Promotion Law,"
    30  to assist such agencies in carrying out tourist promotional
    19950H0702B2681                 - 164 -

     1  activities.
     2     LXXI.  Sale of Real Property to Nonprofit Medical Service
     3  Corporation.--To sell township owned real property to a
     4  nonprofit medical service corporation for its exclusive use as a
     5  site for a medical service facility.
     6     LXXII.  Sale of Real Property to Nonprofit Housing
     7  Corporation.--To sell township-owned real property to a
     8  nonprofit housing corporation for its exclusive use for housing
     9  for the elderly.
    10     LXXIII.  Appropriations for Nonprofit Art Corporations.--To
    11  appropriate moneys annually, not exceeding an amount equal to
    12  one mill of the real estate tax to any nonprofit art corporation
    13  for the conduct of its artistic and cultural activities. For the
    14  purposes of this section nonprofit art corporation shall mean a
    15  local arts council, commission or coordinating agency, or any
    16  other nonprofit corporation engaged in the production or display
    17  of works of art, including the visual, written or performing
    18  arts. Artistic and cultural activities shall include the display
    19  or production of theater, music, dance, painting, architecture,
    20  sculpture, arts and crafts, photography, film, graphic arts and
    21  design and creative writing.
    22     LXXIV.  Recreational Programs.--In addition to the other
    23  purposes for which funds may be expended pursuant to the act of
    24  December 10, 1974 (P.L.865, No.292), the funds may be expended
    25  for recreational programs not directly sponsored by the
    26  township.
    27     LXXV.  Appropriations for Neighborhood Crime Watch
    28  Programs.--To appropriate annually, solely at the discretion of
    29  the township supervisors, an amount toward a neighborhood crime
    30  watch program. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no
    19950H0702B2681                 - 165 -

     1  township or official thereof shall become subject to
     2  contractual, tort or other liability as a result of having made
     3  an appropriation pursuant to this clause.]
     4     Section 1505.  Boards of Supervisors to Exercise Powers.--The
     5  corporate powers of townships shall be exercised by the board of
     6  supervisors. If no specific authority is given for the payment
     7  of costs incurred in the exercise of any power contained in this
     8  act, the expenses may be paid from the general township fund.
     9     Section 1506.  General Powers.--The board of supervisors may
    10  make and adopt any ordinances, bylaws, rules and regulations not
    11  inconsistent with or restrained by the Constitution and laws of
    12  this Commonwealth necessary for the proper management, care and
    13  control of the township and its finances and the maintenance of
    14  peace, good government, health and welfare of the township and
    15  its citizens, trade, commerce and manufacturers.
    16     Section 1507.  Intergovernmental Cooperation.--The board of
    17  supervisors may, by ordinance, make agreements with other
    18  municipal corporations in performing governmental powers, duties
    19  and functions and in carrying into effect provisions of the act
    20  of July 12, 1972 (P.L.762, No.180), referred to as the
    21  Intergovernmental Cooperation Law.
    22     Section 1508.  Capital Reserve Fund.--(a)  The board of
    23  supervisors may create and maintain a separate capital reserve
    24  fund for any anticipated capital expenses, which fund shall be
    25  designated for a specific purpose or purposes when created. The
    26  moneys in the fund shall be used for no other purpose unless the
    27  board of supervisors declares that conditions in the township
    28  make other expenses more urgent than those for which the fund
    29  was created.
    30     (b)  The board of supervisors may appropriate moneys from the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 166 -

     1  general township funds to be paid into the capital reserve fund
     2  or place in the fund any moneys received from the sale, lease or
     3  other disposition of any township property or from any other
     4  source.
     5     Section 1508.1.  Operating Reserve Fund.--(a)  The board of
     6  supervisors shall have the power to create and maintain a
     7  separate operating reserve fund in order to minimize future
     8  revenue shortfalls and deficits, provide greater continuity and
     9  predictability in the funding of vital government services,
    10  minimize the need to increase taxes to balance the budget in
    11  times of fiscal distress, provide the capacity to undertake
    12  long-range financial planning and develop fiscal resources to
    13  meet long-term needs.
    14     (b)  The board of supervisors may annually make
    15  appropriations from the general township fund to the operating
    16  reserve fund, but no appropriation shall be made to the
    17  operating reserve fund if the effect of the appropriation would
    18  cause the fund to exceed five per centum of the estimated
    19  revenues of the township's general fund in the current fiscal
    20  year.
    21     (c)  The board of supervisors may at any time, by resolution,
    22  make appropriations from the operating reserve fund for the
    23  following purposes only:
    24     (1)  to meet emergencies involving the health, safety or
    25  welfare of the residents of the township;
    26     (2)  to counterbalance potential budget deficits resulting
    27  from shortfalls in anticipated revenues or program receipts from
    28  whatever source; or
    29     (3)  to provide for anticipated operating expenditures
    30  related either to the planned growth of existing projects or
    19950H0702B2681                 - 167 -

     1  programs or to the establishment of new projects or programs if
     2  for each such project or program appropriations have been made
     3  and allocated to a separate restricted account established
     4  within the operating reserve fund.
     5     (d)  The operating reserve fund shall be invested, reinvested
     6  and administered in a manner consistent with the provisions of
     7  section 3204 relating to the investment of township funds
     8  generally.
     9     Section 1509.  Indebtedness.--The board of supervisors may
    10  incur indebtedness and issues notes, bonds or other evidence of
    11  indebtedness under the act of July 12, 1972 (P.L.781, No.185),
    12  known as the "Local Government Unit Debt Act," to provide
    13  sufficient moneys for any expense of the township.
    14     Section 1510.  Display of Flags.--The board of supervisors
    15  may display the flag of the United States or the Commonwealth,
    16  the official POW/MIA flag or the flag of any county or municipal
    17  corporation on any public building or grounds of the township.
    18     Section 1511.  Township Seals.--The board of supervisors may
    19  adopt a seal which contains the name of the township and the
    20  word "seal" and which shall be in the custody of the township
    21  secretary or manager. The official acts of the board of
    22  supervisors may be authenticated by use of the seal. The seal
    23  has the same effect as the seal of a notary public.
    24     Section 1512.  Insurance.--(a)  The board of supervisors
    25  shall secure workers' compensation insurance for its employes,
    26  including volunteer firemen and volunteer ambulance and rescue
    27  personnel of companies duly recognized by the township by
    28  resolution, killed or injured in the course of their appointed
    29  functions or while performing any other duties expressly
    30  authorized by the board of supervisors.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 168 -

     1     (b)  The board of supervisors may contract with any insurance
     2  company to insure property owned by the township.
     3     (c)  The board of supervisors may contract with any insurance
     4  company to insure any public liability of the township,
     5  including insurance on every township officer, official and
     6  employe for liability arising from errors and omissions in the
     7  performance of their duties in the course of their employment,
     8  except that liability of elected or appointed officials or
     9  officers for surcharge under law shall not be affected hereby.
    10     (d)  The board of supervisors may contract with any insurance
    11  company, nonprofit hospitalization corporation or nonprofit
    12  medical service corporation to insure its supervisors under
    13  section 606, employes and their dependents under a policy or
    14  policies of group insurance covering life, health,
    15  hospitalization, medical service or accident insurance. This
    16  provision is subject to the following qualifications:
    17     (1)  Elected officials, except supervisors under section 606,
    18  and appointed officials who are not employes of the township are
    19  not eligible for participation in any life, health,
    20  hospitalization, medical service or accident insurance coverage
    21  contract paid in whole or in part by the township.
    22     (2)  Any insurance coverage contract made by a township
    23  between January 1, 1959, and March 31, 1985, that includes or
    24  provides coverage for elected officials, except under section
    25  606, or appointed township officials who are not employes of the
    26  township are not void or unlawful solely because the inclusion
    27  of those officials was subsequently found to be without lawful
    28  authority. No penalty, assessment, surcharge, forfeiture or
    29  disciplinary action of any kind may occur as a result of
    30  participation by those officials. Insurance benefits payable to
    19950H0702B2681                 - 169 -

     1  insureds or their beneficiaries arising out of or on account of
     2  deaths, injuries, accidents or illnesses occurring before March
     3  30, 1988, remain the property of the insureds or their
     4  beneficiaries.
     5     (e)  The board of supervisors may contract with any insurance
     6  company for the pensioning of employes and may pay part or all
     7  of the premiums or charges for group pension or annuity plans.
     8  This provision is subject to the following qualifications:
     9     (1)  The benefit coverage may be provided to supervisor-
    10  employes under section 606.
    11     (2)  The board of supervisors may deduct from the employe's
    12  pay, salary or compensation the part of the premium or charge
    13  that is payable by the employe.
    14     (3)  Elected officials, except township supervisors under
    15  section 606, and appointed township officials who are not
    16  employes of the township are not eligible for participation in
    17  any pension or annuity contract paid in whole or in part by the
    18  township. No elected official, except under section 606, or
    19  appointed township official who is not an employe of the
    20  township included in a township-paid pension or annuity plan
    21  made by a township between January 1, 1959, and March 31, 1985,
    22  is subject to any penalty, assessment, surcharge, forfeiture or
    23  disciplinary action of any kind as a result of that
    24  participation. Any residual interest, value, refund of premium
    25  or benefits payable on or after March 31, 1985, arising out of
    26  the township-paid interest of the elected or appointed township
    27  officials is the exclusive property of the township.
    28     (4)  If an elected official, except supervisors under section
    29  606, or an appointed official who is not an employe of the
    30  township personally contributed toward a township-sponsored
    19950H0702B2681                 - 170 -

     1  pension plan or annuity, he shall receive a refund of his total
     2  contributions thereto plus any interest accumulated thereon. In
     3  lieu of a refund of contributions plus accumulated interest, a
     4  township official who personally contributed toward a pension or
     5  annuity plan in which he participated may elect to purchase that
     6  portion of his pension or annuity funded by the township. A
     7  qualified actuary, who shall report his determination under the
     8  act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the
     9  "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act,"
    10  shall determine the amount the official shall pay to the
    11  township to purchase the township-funded portion of the annuity
    12  or pension.
    13     Section 1513.  Widening and Deepening Watercourses.--After
    14  permits have been secured from the Department of Environmental
    15  Resources PROTECTION and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat           <--
    16  Commission, the board of supervisors or its agents or employes
    17  may widen and deepen watercourses running through the township
    18  and erect dikes, retaining walls and embankments along the
    19  watercourses as are necessary to prevent water from overflowing
    20  the banks. For these purposes, townships may enter and condemn
    21  property as may be necessary. Townships may enter land lying
    22  near the watercourses and secure materials as may be necessary
    23  in connection with the work. Damages for property taken, injured
    24  or destroyed as the result of the work shall be determined under
    25  this act.
    26     Section 1514.  Airports.--(a)  The board of supervisors may
    27  acquire by grant, lease, purchase or, where appropriate, eminent
    28  domain any property located inside or outside the boundaries of
    29  the township which, in the judgment of the board of supervisors,
    30  may be necessary to establish and maintain municipal airport
    19950H0702B2681                 - 171 -

     1  facilities. Any township having acquired land for those purposes
     2  may establish, equip, condition, operate and maintain the
     3  property as a municipal airport, may lease all or part of the
     4  property to any individual or corporation desiring to use the
     5  property for aviation purposes and may contract in the form of a
     6  lease of all or part of the property by the Federal Government
     7  for aviation purposes upon nominal rental or without
     8  consideration.
     9     (b)  The board of supervisors may acquire by lease or
    10  purchase land for aviation purposes jointly with any county or
    11  municipal corporation of this Commonwealth and operate and
    12  maintain the municipal airport jointly with any county or
    13  municipal corporation of this Commonwealth upon terms and
    14  conditions as may be agreed upon between the proper authorities
    15  of the county or municipal corporation.
    16     Section 1515.  Urban Common Carrier Mass Transportation.--The
    17  board of supervisors may appropriate funds for urban common
    18  carrier mass transportation purposes, make contributions to
    19  county departments of transportation or urban common carrier
    20  mass transportation authorities to assist the departments or the
    21  authorities to meet costs of planning, operation, maintenance,
    22  capital improvements and debt service and make long-term
    23  agreements providing for the payment of contributions.
    24     Section 1516.  Land Use Regulations.--The board of
    25  supervisors may plan for the development of the township through
    26  zoning, subdivision and land development regulations under the
    27  act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.805, No.247), known as the
    28  "Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code."
    29     Section 1517.  Building and Housing Regulations.--The board
    30  of supervisors may enact and enforce ordinances to govern and
    19950H0702B2681                 - 172 -

     1  regulate the construction, alteration, repair, occupation,
     2  maintenance, sanitation, lighting, ventilation, water supply,
     3  toilet facilities, drainage, use and inspection of all buildings
     4  and housing constructed, erected, altered, designed or used for
     5  any use or occupancy and the sanitation and inspection of land.
     6  If any building and housing or structure is constructed,
     7  reconstructed, altered, repaired, converted or maintained or any
     8  building, housing or land is used in violation of any ordinance
     9  enacted under this section, the board of supervisors, in
    10  addition to penalties provided by the ordinances, may institute
    11  appropriate actions or proceedings at law or in equity to
    12  prevent and restrain the unlawful construction, reconstruction,
    13  alteration, repair, conversion, maintenance or use, to restrain,
    14  correct or abate the violation and to prevent the use or
    15  occupancy of the building, housing or structure.
    16     Section 1518.  Building and Housing Inspectors.--The board of
    17  supervisors may appoint one or more building and housing
    18  inspectors to enforce the building and housing regulations of
    19  the township and for the inspection of the construction,
    20  alteration, repair and sanitation facilities of buildings and
    21  housing in the township.
    22     Section 1519.  Building Lines.--The board of supervisors may,
    23  by ordinance, establish and maintain uniform building lines upon
    24  any or all public streets or highways of the township.
    25     Section 1520.  Numbering of Buildings.--The board of
    26  supervisors may, by ordinance, require and regulate the
    27  numbering of buildings.
    28     Section 1521.  Insect, Pest and Vector Programs.--The board
    29  of supervisors may appropriate moneys toward insect, pest and
    30  vector programs.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 173 -

     1     Section 1522.  Sewage Treatment Facilities Regulations.--The
     2  board of supervisors may, by ordinance, make regulations
     3  respecting the installation of individual or community sewage
     4  treatment facilities under the act of January 24, 1966 (1965
     5  P.L.1535, No.537), known as the "Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities
     6  Act."
     7     Section 1523.  Surplus Foods.--The board of supervisors may
     8  appropriate moneys for the handling, storage and distribution of
     9  surplus foods obtained through a Federal, State or local agency.
    10     Section 1524.  Community Nursing Services.--The board of
    11  supervisors may appropriate moneys to nonprofit associations or
    12  corporations which provide community nursing services.
    13     Section 1525.  Mental Health Centers.--The board of
    14  supervisors may appropriate moneys toward any nonprofit
    15  association or corporation which operates or conducts a mental
    16  health center.
    17     Section 1526.  Hospitals.--The board of supervisors may
    18  appropriate not exceeding one dollar ($1) for each township
    19  resident each year toward the erection, maintenance or support
    20  of any medical center or hospital building facilities. If the
    21  total cost of the purchase or erection exceeds one hundred
    22  thousand dollars ($100,000), approval by the appropriate health
    23  planning agency is required. The number of residents is
    24  determined from the latest official census.
    25     Section 1527.  Public Safety.--The board of supervisors may
    26  adopt ordinances to secure the safety of persons or property
    27  within the township and to define disturbing the peace within
    28  the limits of the township.
    29     Section 1528.  Ambulances and Rescue and Life Saving
    30  Services.--The board of supervisors may acquire, operate and
    19950H0702B2681                 - 174 -

     1  maintain motor vehicles for the purposes of conveying persons to
     2  and from hospitals, and it may appropriate moneys toward
     3  ambulance and rescue and life saving service and make contracts
     4  relating thereto.
     5     Section 1529.  Nuisances.--The board of supervisors may, by
     6  ordinance, prohibit nuisances, including, but not limited to,
     7  the storage of abandoned or junked automobiles, on private and
     8  public property and the carrying on of any offensive manufacture
     9  or business.
    10     Section 1530.  Regulation of Dogs.--The board of supervisors
    11  may, by ordinance, prohibit and regulate the running at large of
    12  dogs.
    13     Section 1531.  Animal Shelters.--The board of supervisors may
    14  appropriate moneys to foster, encourage or assist the operation
    15  of humane societies, animal shelters or animal control centers
    16  or programs.
    17     Section 1532.  Regulation of Business.--(a)  The board of
    18  supervisors may license and regulate, by ordinance, the
    19  following business activities within the township:
    20     (1)  Transient merchants conducting business within the
    21  township, except farmers selling their own produce, or to any
    22  sale of goods, wares or merchandise donated by the owners
    23  thereof, the proceeds of which are to be applied to any
    24  charitable or philanthropic purpose or the imposition or
    25  collection of any license fee upon insurance companies or their
    26  agents or insurance brokers authorized to transact business
    27  under the insurance laws of this Commonwealth.
    28     (2)  Cable television companies operating within the township
    29  to the extent allowed by Federal and State law and regulation.
    30     (3)  Restaurants operating within the township. This power
    19950H0702B2681                 - 175 -

     1  includes the power to inspect these establishments.
     2     (4)  Junk dealers and the establishment and maintenance of
     3  junk yards and scrap yards, including, but not limited to,
     4  automobile junk yards or automobile grave yards.
     5     (b)  The board of supervisors may establish license fees for
     6  regulated businesses enumerated in subsection (a). These fees
     7  shall bear a reasonable relationship to the cost of
     8  administering the ordinance and regulating, inspecting and
     9  supervising each business. A fee charged to transient merchants
    10  shall not exceed twenty-five dollars ($25) each month or part of
    11  a month.
    12     Section 1533.  Dangerous Structures.--The board of
    13  supervisors may, by ordinance, require the owner to remove any
    14  nuisance or dangerous structure on public or private grounds
    15  after notice to the owner to do so. In the owner's default, the
    16  board of supervisors may remove the nuisance or structure and
    17  collect the cost of the removal, together with the penalty
    18  imposed by the ordinance, from the owner by summary proceedings
    19  or under law for the collection of municipal liens.
    20     Section 1534.  Fireworks and Inflammable Articles.--The board
    21  of supervisors may:
    22     (1)  By ordinance, regulate and prohibit the manufacture of
    23  fireworks or inflammable or dangerous articles.
    24     (2)  Grant permits for supervised public displays of
    25  fireworks and adopt rules and regulations governing the
    26  displays.
    27     (3)  By ordinance, adopt rules and regulations not
    28  inconsistent with State regulations relating to the storage of
    29  inflammable articles.
    30     (4)  By ordinance, impose other safeguards concerning
    19950H0702B2681                 - 176 -

     1  inflammable articles as may be necessary.
     2     Section 1535.  Human Services.--The board of supervisors may,
     3  under the provisions of the act of December 10, 1974 (P.L.865,
     4  No.292), entitled "An act authorizing municipalities to expend
     5  Federal general revenue sharing or general funds for social
     6  service programs for the poor, the disabled and the aging, and
     7  to jointly cooperate in the sponsorship, establishment,
     8  administration, maintenance and operation of such programs," by
     9  ordinance or resolution, appropriate moneys for social service
    10  programs for the poor, the disabled and the aging.
    11     Section 1536.  Cemeteries.--(a)  The board of supervisors
    12  may, by ordinance, make rules and regulations regarding the
    13  location, operation and maintenance of cemeteries in the
    14  township.
    15     (b)  When any cemetery or burial ground is abandoned or is
    16  being neglected, the board of supervisors may give notice to the
    17  owner directing the removal of weeds, refuse and debris from the
    18  cemetery within thirty days. If the removal is not completed
    19  within thirty days after the notice, the board of supervisors
    20  shall provide for the removal to be done by employes of the
    21  township or persons hired for that purpose at the expense of the
    22  township. All costs of removal shall be assessed against the
    23  owner of the cemetery, if known, and collected under section
    24  3302(b).
    25     (c)  The cemetery shall remain open to the public under the
    26  regulation and control of the board of supervisors.
    27     Section 1537.  Burial Plots of Service Persons.--The board of
    28  supervisors may purchase plots of ground in any cemetery or
    29  burial ground for the interment of deceased or former service
    30  men and women who at the time of their death maintained legal
    19950H0702B2681                 - 177 -

     1  residence within the township.
     2     Section 1538.  Care of Memorials.--The board of supervisors
     3  may maintain and repair any soldiers' monument or memorial
     4  existing or erected within the township and may receive funds
     5  from persons or organizations for those purposes.
     6     Section 1539.  Libraries.--The board of supervisors may, IN    <--
     7  ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT OF JUNE 14, 1961 (P.L.324, NO.188),
     8  KNOWN AS "THE LIBRARY CODE," appropriate moneys toward any
     9  nonprofit association or corporation which operates or conducts
    10  a library or contract with or make grants to counties or
    11  municipal corporations for the furnishing of library service to
    12  the township.
    13     Section 1540.  Observances and Celebrations.--The board of
    14  supervisors may appropriate moneys for the observance of
    15  holidays, centennials or other anniversaries or for township
    16  celebrations or civic projects or programs.
    17     Section 1541.  Historical Property.--The board of supervisors
    18  may acquire by purchase or by gift, repair, supervise, operate
    19  and maintain ancient landmarks and other property of historical
    20  or antiquarian interest and make appropriations to nonprofit
    21  associations or corporations organized to acquire and maintain
    22  historical properties.
    23     Section 1542.  Community Development.--The board of
    24  supervisors may undertake community development programs,
    25  including, but not limited to, urban renewal, public housing,
    26  model cities programs and neighborhood development projects.
    27     Section 1543.  Industrial Promotion.--The board of
    28  supervisors may make appropriations to an industrial development
    29  agency.
    30     Section 1544.  Tourist Promotion Agencies.--The board of
    19950H0702B2681                 - 178 -

     1  supervisors may appropriate moneys not in excess of ten cents
     2  (10¢) for each resident of the township, as determined by the
     3  latest official census, to any tourist promotion agency, as
     4  defined in the act of April 28, 1961 (P.L.111, No.50), known as
     5  the "Tourist Promotion Law," to assist the agencies in carrying
     6  out tourist promotional activities.
     7     Section 1545.  Nonprofit Art Corporations.--The board of
     8  supervisors may appropriate moneys, not exceeding an amount
     9  equal to one mill of the real estate tax, to any nonprofit art
    10  corporation for the conduct of its artistic and cultural
    11  activities. For the purposes of this section, the term
    12  "nonprofit art corporation" means a local arts council,
    13  commission or coordinating agency or any other nonprofit
    14  corporation engaged in the production or display of works of
    15  art, including the visual, written or performing arts and the
    16  term "artistic and cultural activities" includes the display or
    17  production of theater, music, dance, painting, architecture,
    18  sculpture, arts and crafts, photography, film, graphic arts and
    19  design and creative writing.
    20     Section 1546.  Neighborhood Crime Watch Programs.--The board
    21  of supervisors may appropriate moneys toward a neighborhood
    22  crime watch program. No township or township official is subject
    23  to contractual, tort or other liability as a result of making an
    24  appropriation under this section.
    25     Section 1547.  Public Rewards.--The board of supervisors may
    26  offer rewards for information leading to the arrest and
    27  conviction of persons who commit capital or other crimes within
    28  the township or for the violation of any township ordinance.
    29     Section 1548.  Municipality Authorities.--The board of
    30  supervisors may, by ordinance or resolution, individually or in
    19950H0702B2681                 - 179 -

     1  cooperation with other municipal corporations, form municipality
     2  authorities as authorized by the act of May 2, 1945 (P.L.382,
     3  No.164), known as the "Municipality Authorities Act of 1945,"
     4  specify the project or projects to be undertaken by the
     5  authorities, appoint members and establish their compensation.
     6     [Section 703.  Racetracks.--A.  In addition to the powers and
     7  duties imposed upon the township supervisors by this act or any
     8  other provision of law, the township supervisors shall have the
     9  power and duty to secure the health, safety and welfare of
    10  persons and property by adopting an ordinance prohibiting the
    11  conducting of live horse race meets by a licensed corporation at
    12  a racetrack located within the area of fifty air miles from the
    13  center of an existing, currently licensed racetrack,
    14  notwithstanding the provisions of the act of December 17, 1981
    15  (P.L.435, No.135), known as the "Race Horse Industry Reform
    16  Act," provided that a majority of electors of the township
    17  approve a referendum pursuant to subsection B prohibiting the
    18  conducting of such horse race meets within the township.
    19     B.  The township supervisors may or, upon the petition of a
    20  number of electors of the township equal to at least twenty-five
    21  per centum of the highest number of votes for a public office of
    22  the township at the last preceding municipal election, shall
    23  adopt a resolution directing the county board of elections to
    24  place a referendum question on the ballot for the primary or
    25  general election, with respect to the conducting of live horse
    26  race meets by licensed corporations within the township. The
    27  question shall be in the following form:
    28         Shall live horse race meets conducted by licensed
    29         corporations be prohibited within the area of fifty air
    30         miles from the center of an existing, currently licensed
    19950H0702B2681                 - 180 -

     1         racetrack?
     2     C.  The definitions provided for in the "Race Horse Industry
     3  Reform Act" shall apply to this section.]
     4     Section 1549.  Racetracks.--(a)  In addition to the powers
     5  and duties imposed upon the township supervisors by this act or
     6  any other provision of law, the township supervisors shall have
     7  the power and duty to secure the health, safety and welfare of
     8  persons and property by adopting an ordinance prohibiting the
     9  conducting of live horse race meets by a licensed corporation at
    10  a racetrack located within the area of fifty air miles from the
    11  center of an existing, currently licensed racetrack,
    12  notwithstanding the provisions of the act of December 17, 1981
    13  (P.L.435, No.135), known as the "Race Horse Industry Reform
    14  Act," provided that a majority of electors of the township
    15  approve a referendum pursuant to subsection (b) prohibiting the
    16  conducting of such horse race meets within the township.
    17     (b)  The township supervisors may, or upon the petition of a
    18  number of electors of the township equal to at least twenty-five
    19  percent of the highest number of votes for a public office of
    20  the township at the last preceding municipal election shall,
    21  adopt a resolution directing the county board of elections to
    22  place a referendum question on the ballot for the primary or
    23  general election, with respect to the conducting of live horse
    24  race meets by licensed corporations within the township. The
    25  question shall be in the following form:
    26         Shall live horse race meets conducted by licensed
    27         corporations be prohibited within the area of fifty air
    28         miles from the center of an existing, currently licensed
    29         racetrack?
    30     (c)  The definitions provided for in the "Race Horse Industry
    19950H0702B2681                 - 181 -

     1  Reform Act" shall apply to this section.
     2                            ARTICLE XVI
     3                             ORDINANCES
     4     Section 1601.  Ordinances.--(a)  The board of supervisors may
     5  adopt ordinances in which general or specific powers of the
     6  township may be exercised and, by the enactment of subsequent
     7  ordinances, the board of supervisors may amend, repeal or revise
     8  existing ordinances. All proposed ordinances, whether original,
     9  amended, repealed, revised, consolidated or codified, shall be
    10  published not more than sixty days nor less than seven days
    11  before passage at least once in one newspaper circulating
    12  generally in the township. Public notices shall include either
    13  the full text or a brief summary of the proposed ordinance which
    14  lists the provisions in reasonable detail and a reference to a
    15  place within the township where copies of the proposed ordinance
    16  may be examined. If the full text is not included, a copy shall
    17  be supplied to the publishing newspaper when the notice is
    18  published, and an attested copy shall be filed within thirty
    19  days after enactment in the county law library or other county
    20  office designated by the county commissioners, who may impose a
    21  fee no greater than that necessary to cover the actual costs of
    22  storing the ordinances. The date of such filing shall not affect
    23  the effective date of the ordinance, the validity of the process
    24  of the enactment or adoption of the ordinance; nor shall a
    25  failure to record within the time provided be deemed a defect in
    26  the process of the enactment or adoption of such ordinance. If
    27  substantial amendments are made in the proposed ordinance,
    28  before voting upon enactment, the board of supervisors shall, at
    29  least ten days before enactment, readvertise in one newspaper of
    30  general circulation in the township a brief summary setting
    19950H0702B2681                 - 182 -

     1  forth all the provisions in reasonable detail together with a
     2  summary of the amendments. Ordinances shall be recorded in the
     3  ordinance book of the township and are effective five days after
     4  adoption unless a date later than five days after adoption is
     5  stated in the ordinance.
     6     (b)  When maps, plans or drawings of any kind are adopted as
     7  part of an ordinance, instead of publishing them as part of the
     8  ordinance, the board of supervisors may refer in publishing the
     9  ordinance to the place where the maps, plans or drawings are on
    10  file and may be examined.
    11     (c)  The board of supervisors may prescribe fines not
    12  exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000) for a violation of a
    13  building, housing, property maintenance, health, fire or public
    14  safety code or ordinance and for water, air and noise pollution
    15  violations, and not exceeding six hundred dollars ($600) for a
    16  violation of any other township ordinance. Any person who
    17  violates or permits the violation of a township ordinance shall,
    18  upon being found liable therefor in a civil enforcement
    19  proceeding commenced by a municipality, pay the fine set by the
    20  board of supervisors plus all court costs, including reasonable
    21  attorney fees, incurred by a municipality. No judgment shall be
    22  imposed until the date of the determination of a violation by
    23  the district justice. If the defendant neither pays nor timely
    24  appeals the judgment, the municipality may enforce the judgment
    25  pursuant to the applicable rules of civil procedure.
    26     (d)  The board of supervisors may prepare or have prepared a
    27  consolidation or codification of the general body of township
    28  ordinances or the ordinances on a particular subject. The board
    29  of supervisors may adopt the consolidation or codification as an
    30  ordinance of the township, except the required advertised notice
    19950H0702B2681                 - 183 -

     1  of the proposed adoption of the consolidation or codification
     2  shall include a listing of its table of contents. The procedure
     3  for the consolidation or codification of township ordinances as
     4  a single ordinance may also be followed in enacting a complete
     5  group or body of ordinances repealing or amending existing
     6  ordinances as may be necessary in the course of preparing a
     7  consolidation or codification of the township ordinances, except
     8  that the advertisement giving notice of the proposed adoption
     9  shall list, in lieu of a table of contents, the titles only of
    10  each of the ordinances in the complete group or body of
    11  ordinances.
    12     (e)  In the same manner as other ordinances, the board of
    13  supervisors may adopt, by reference to a standard or nationally
    14  recognized code in a township ordinance, all or any portion of
    15  the code as an ordinance of the township. No portion of any code
    16  which limits the work to be performed to any type of
    17  construction contractor or labor or mechanic classification
    18  shall be adopted. Copies of the proposed code or portion or
    19  amendment shall be filed with the township secretary at least
    20  ten days before the board of supervisors considers the proposed
    21  ordinance and, upon enactment, kept with the ordinance book and
    22  available for public use, inspection and examination.
    23     (f)  Any person aggrieved by the adoption of any ordinance
    24  may make complaint as to the legality of the ordinance to the
    25  court of common pleas.
    26                            ARTICLE XVII
    27                          PUBLIC BUILDINGS
    28     Section 1701.  Township Buildings.--(A)  The board of          <--
    29  supervisors may procure by purchase, gift, devise or the
    30  exercise of eminent domain a lot or lots of ground located
    19950H0702B2681                 - 184 -

     1  within the township and erect or use buildings thereon for
     2  township purposes. No land or property used for any cemetery,
     3  burying ground, public or parochial school, educational or
     4  charitable institution, seminary or place of public worship
     5  shall be taken or appropriated under this section.
    15     Section 1702.  Use of Public Land Acquired for Other
    16  Purposes.--When the board of supervisors desires to take any
    17  public lands previously granted or dedicated to a use or purpose
    18  for which they are no longer used, it shall pass an ordinance
    19  declaring its intention and shall petition the court of common
    20  pleas for leave to file the bond of the township to secure any
    21  person or persons who may be entitled to compensation for the
    22  taking. The court shall direct notice to be given by publication
    23  in at least one newspaper circulating generally in the township.
    24  The court may increase the amount of the bond, shall hear all
    25  exceptions that are filed against the petition and the
    26  sufficiency of the bond and may grant or deny the request of the
    27  petition. Upon the granting of the petition and the approval of
    28  the bond, the board of supervisors may enter lands for the
    29  purposes of erecting public buildings. The bond, which shall be
    30  in the name of the Commonwealth for the use of any person or
    19950H0702B2681                 - 185 -

     1  persons who are entitled to damages by reason of the taking of
     2  the lands, shall remain on file for their use and benefit.
     3     Section 1703.  How Damages Are Assessed.--The compensation
     4  and damages arising from taking, using and appropriating private
     5  or public property for township purposes shall be ascertained,
     6  determined, awarded and paid under this act for eminent domain
     7  proceedings.
     8     Section 1704.  Garages and Warehouses.--The board of
     9  supervisors may purchase or lease land inside or outside the
    10  limits of the township and erect garages, warehouses or other
    11  buildings as may be necessary for handling and storing
    12  equipment, materials and supplies.
    13                           ARTICLE XVIII
    14                   FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION
    15     Section 1801.  Authority of Board of Supervisors.--The board
    16  of supervisors may provide for fire protection within the
    17  township.
    18     Section 1802.  Fire Hydrants and Water Supply.--(a)  The
    19  board of supervisors may place, replace, operate, maintain and
    20  repair or contract with water companies or municipal authorities
    21  for the placing, replacing, operating, maintaining and repairing
    22  of fire hydrants to water mains, maintaining pressures approved
    23  by fire insurance underwriters along highways, streets, roads
    24  and alleys, within the township or provide for or acquire a
    25  water supply system equipped to supply sufficient water for the
    26  protection of property from fire. The moneys necessary for
    27  providing or acquiring these fire protection services may be
    28  obtained by one of the following methods:
    29     (1)  The board of supervisors may annually assess the cost of
    30  fire protection by an equal assessment upon all property,
    19950H0702B2681                 - 186 -

     1  whether or not exempt from taxation by existing law, within
     2  seven hundred and eighty feet of any fire hydrant based upon the
     3  assessment of property for county tax purposes.
     4     (2)  The board of supervisors may annually assess the cost of
     5  fire protection by an equal assessment on all property, whether
     6  or not exempt from taxation under existing law, abutting upon
     7  highways, streets, roads and alleys within seven hundred and
     8  eighty feet of any fire hydrant in proportion to the number of
     9  feet the property abuts any water main or within seven hundred
    10  and eighty feet of any fire hydrant on the water main. The board
    11  of supervisors may provide for an equitable reduction from the
    12  frontage of lots at intersections or where, due to the irregular
    13  shape of lots, an assessment of the full frontage would be
    14  inequitable.
    15     (3)  The board of supervisors may pay the cost for fire
    16  protection out of the general township fund. If the board of
    17  supervisors elects to pay the cost of fire protection services
    18  out of the general fund, any special fire protection districts
    19  and annual assessments shall be abolished. All moneys in the
    20  separate accounts for the special fire protection districts
    21  shall be paid into the general fund.
    22     (b)  When assessments are made under this section, no
    23  assessment shall be made against any farmland or an airport
    24  which is privately owned and which is not open nor intended to
    25  be open to the public; but vacant lots between built-up
    26  sections, either tilled or not tilled, are not farmland.
    27     (c)  All assessments for fire protection shall be collected
    28  by the tax collector under section 3301(a).
    29     (d)  The assessment may be billed on the annual real estate
    30  tax bill for township purposes if authorized by the board of
    19950H0702B2681                 - 187 -

     1  supervisors.
     2     Section 1803.  Fire Companies and Facilities.--(a)  The board
     3  of supervisors may appropriate moneys for the use of the
     4  township or to fire companies located in the township for the
     5  operation and maintenance of fire companies, for the purchase
     6  and maintenance of fire apparatus and for the construction,
     7  repair and maintenance of fire company houses in order to secure
     8  fire protection for the inhabitants of the township. The fire
     9  companies shall submit to the board of supervisors an annual
    10  report of the use of the appropriated moneys for each completed
    11  year of the township before any further payments may be made to
    12  the fire companies for the current year.
    13     (b)  The board of supervisors may, by ordinance, make rules
    14  and regulations for the government of fire companies which are
    15  located within the township and their officers.
    16     (c)  The board of supervisors may contract with or make
    17  grants to near or adjacent municipal corporations or volunteer
    18  fire companies therein for fire protection in the township.
    19     (d)  No volunteer fire company not in existence in the
    20  township before the effective date of this act may organize or
    21  operate unless the establishment or organization is approved by
    22  resolution of the board of supervisors.
    23     Section 1804.  Ponds, Dams or Impoundments for Fire
    24  Protection.--The board of supervisors may construct or
    25  contribute moneys for, or participate in the construction of,
    26  ponds, dams or other impoundments to provide water for fire
    27  protection for the township.
    28     Section 1805.  Fire Prevention Code.--The board of
    29  supervisors may adopt any standard fire prevention code
    30  published and printed in book form as provided under this act
    19950H0702B2681                 - 188 -

     1  for adopting standard codes.
     2     Section 1806.  Prohibition of Fire-Producing Devices in
     3  Certain Retail Stores.--The board of supervisors may, by
     4  ordinance, prohibit the smoking or carrying of lighted
     5  cigarettes, cigars, pipes or matches and the use of matches or
     6  fire-producing devices in retail stores arranged to accommodate
     7  one hundred persons or more or which employ ten or more
     8  employes. Any ordinance passed under this section may not
     9  prohibit smoking in any restaurant room, rest room, beauty
    10  parlor, executive office or any shopping center area designated
    11  for smoking.
    12                            ARTICLE XIX
    13                          TOWNSHIP POLICE
    14     Section 1901.  Creating or Disbanding Police Force.--The
    15  board of supervisors may, by resolution, create or disband a
    16  police force within the township or, upon the petition of not
    17  less than twenty-five registered electors or taxpayers of the
    18  township, appoint police officers.
    19     Section 1902.  Appointment of Police.--The board of
    20  supervisors shall provide for the organization and supervision,
    21  and determine the number and the compensation, of the police
    22  officers. The chairman of the board of supervisors may swear in
    23  police officers. The board of supervisors may assign any police
    24  officer to undergo a course of training at any training school
    25  for police officers established or made available by the Federal
    26  or State Government and provide for payment of the officer's
    27  expenses while in attendance at the training school.
    28     Section 1903.  Contracts to Secure Police Service.--Any
    29  township may contract with any municipal corporation to secure
    30  the services within the township of the police of the municipal
    19950H0702B2681                 - 189 -

     1  corporation. When any contract is made, the police officers of
     2  the employing municipal corporation have all the powers and
     3  authority conferred by law on police officers in the township
     4  which has contracted to secure police service.
     5     Section 1904.  Contract to Provide Police Service.--Any
     6  township may contract with any municipal corporation to provide
     7  police services within the other municipal corporation. When a
     8  contract is made, the township police have all the powers and
     9  authority conferred by law on police in the municipal
    10  corporation which has contracted to secure police service.
    11     Section 1905.  Powers.--Each township police officer has
    12  those powers and abilities as are granted to police officers
    13  under the laws of this Commonwealth or the rules of the Supreme
    14  Court or the ordinances of the township for which a fine or
    15  penalty is imposed unless otherwise excepted in this act.
    16     Section 1906.  Shield.--Each police officer, when on duty,
    17  shall wear a shield or badge with the words "township police"
    18  and the name of the township inscribed thereon.
    19     Section 1907.  Equipment.--The board of supervisors may
    20  provide each police officer with a uniform, equipment and means
    21  of transportation and the maintenance thereof.
    22     Section 1908.  Lockups.--The board of supervisors may provide
    23  lockup facilities.
    24     Section 1909.  Certain Compensation Prohibited.--No police
    25  officer may charge or accept any fee or other compensation in
    26  addition to the salary paid by the township for any service
    27  rendered or performed by the police officer, except public
    28  rewards.
    29     Section 1910.  Police Pension Fund.--(a)  In those townships
    30  maintaining police forces of less than three full-time police
    19950H0702B2681                 - 190 -

     1  officers, the board of supervisors may, by ordinance or
     2  resolution, establish a police pension fund or pension annuity
     3  into which each member of the police force may be required to
     4  pay a member contribution of an equal and proportionate charge
     5  which, except to the extent that section 607(c) of the act of
     6  December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the "Municipal
     7  Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act," applies, shall
     8  not exceed annually three percent of the pay of the member.
     9     (b)  The fund shall be under the direction of the board of
    10  supervisors for the benefit of members of the police force who
    11  receive honorable discharge therefrom by reason of age or
    12  disability and the families of members who may be injured or
    13  killed in the service. Any allowances made to those who are
    14  retired by reason of disability or age shall be in conformity
    15  with a uniform scale.
    16     (c)  The ordinance or resolution establishing the police
    17  pension fund shall prescribe a minimum period of continuous
    18  service of not less than twenty years, after which the members
    19  of the force may be retired from active duty. Township police
    20  officers so retired may be subject to service as police reserves
    21  until unfit for service by reason of age or disability, when
    22  they may be finally discharged.
    23     (d)  The basis of the apportionment of the pension is
    24  determined by the rate of monthly pay of the member at the date
    25  of death, honorable discharge or retirement.
    26     (e)  Payments made on account of police pensions are a charge
    27  on no fund of the township other than the police pension fund.
    28     (f)  Townships shall make contributions to the police pension
    29  fund in an amount sufficient to meet the minimum obligation of
    30  the municipality with respect to the pension plan pursuant to
    19950H0702B2681                 - 191 -

     1  the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act,"
     2  and may take by gift, grant, devise or bequest any money or
     3  property in trust for the benefit of the police pension fund.
     4  The care, management, investment and disposal of trust funds or
     5  property is vested in the board of supervisors subject, whenever
     6  possible or practical, to any directions for administration
     7  which the donors of the funds and property may prescribe.
     8     (g)  A person participating in the police pension fund and
     9  entitled to receive a benefit therefrom may not be deprived of
    10  his right to an equal and proportionate share therein except for
    11  the following causes: conviction of a crime or misdemeanor or
    12  failing to comply with some general regulation relating to the
    13  management of the fund, which may be made by ordinance or
    14  resolution and which provides that a failure to comply therewith
    15  terminates the right to participate in the pension fund after
    16  notice and hearing as it prescribes.
    17     (h)  Police pension funds of townships with a police force of
    18  three or more full-time officers are governed by the act of May
    19  29, 1956 (1955 P.L.1804, No.600), referred to as the Municipal
    20  Police Pension Law.
    21     Section 1911.  Police Protection Districts.--On petition of a
    22  majority of the property owners of any territory within the
    23  township, the board of supervisors may designate the territory
    24  as a district for the purpose of providing police protection.
    25  The board of supervisors may annually assess the cost of the
    26  maintenance of the police protection by an equal assessment on
    27  all property benefited by the protection in proportion to the
    28  number of feet the property fronts on the street or highway or
    29  portion thereof to be protected. The board of supervisors may
    30  provide for an equitable reduction from the frontage of lots at
    19950H0702B2681                 - 192 -

     1  intersections or where, due to the irregular shape of lots, an
     2  assessment of the full frontage would be inequitable. No
     3  assessment shall be made against any farmland, but vacant lots
     4  between built-up sections, whether tilled or not tilled, are not
     5  farmland. The assessment for each foot front against vacant lots
     6  shall be only twenty-five percent of the assessment for each
     7  foot front against property with improvements. All assessments
     8  for police protection shall be filed with the township tax
     9  collector under section 3301(a).
    10     Section 1912.  Removal of Police Officers.--No person
    11  employed as a regular full-time police officer in any police
    12  department, except officers appointed for a probationary period
    13  of one year or less, shall be suspended, removed or reduced in
    14  rank except under the act of June 15, 1951 (P.L.586, No.144),
    15  entitled "An act regulating the suspension, removal, furloughing
    16  and reinstatement of police officers in boroughs and townships
    17  of the first class having police forces of less than three
    18  members, and in townships of the second class."
    19     Section 1913.  Auxiliary Police.--The board of supervisors
    20  may confirm persons to serve as auxiliary police officers under
    21  the act of January 14, 1952 (1951 P.L.2016, No.561), entitled
    22  "An act providing for supplementing the police forces of cities,
    23  boroughs, towns and townships, for the appointment, powers and
    24  control of auxiliary police therein, and for the transfer during
    25  disasters and emergencies of such auxiliary police, members of
    26  the regular police forces, and police equipment thereof."
    27     Section 1914.  Special Fire Police.--The board of supervisors
    28  may confirm any members of a volunteer fire company to serve as
    29  special fire police under the act of June 18, 1941 (P.L.137,
    30  No.74), entitled, as amended, "An act providing for the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 193 -

     1  appointment, powers and control of members of volunteer fire
     2  companies as special fire police, and conferring powers on them
     3  at fires attended by their fire companies in any city, borough,
     4  town, township or home rule municipality."
     5     Section 1915.  Special School Police.--(a)  Upon request of
     6  the board of school directors of a school district located
     7  wholly or partially within the township, the board of
     8  supervisors, by resolution, may appoint special school police to
     9  control and direct traffic at or near schools. The officers
    10  shall be in uniform and display a badge or other sign of
    11  authority, and they have all the power of local police officers.
    12  Special school police serve at the pleasure of the board of
    13  supervisors and are not eligible to join any police pension fund
    14  maintained for the township police. The board of supervisors
    15  shall determine the compensation of special school police, to be
    16  paid by the township or jointly by the township and the school
    17  district in a ratio to be determined by the two boards. If the
    18  township and school district cannot determine the ratio of
    19  compensation to be paid by each board, each board shall pay one-
    20  half of the compensation of the police.
    21     (b)  The board of supervisors may create an educational
    22  service agency under section 402.1 of the act of December 5,
    23  1936 (2nd Sp.Sess., 1937 P.L.2897, No.1), known as the
    24  "Unemployment Compensation Law," to provide special school
    25  police service to one or more educational institutions by the
    26  school crossing guards appointed in conjunction with the school
    27  district. The educational service agency shall serve as the
    28  agency for management and control of the school crossing guards.
    29                             ARTICLE XX
    30                           STREET LIGHTS
    19950H0702B2681                 - 194 -

     1     Section 2001.  Lighting.--The board of supervisors may light
     2  and illuminate the highways, roads and other public places of
     3  the township and remove, alter or improve lighting as may be
     4  appropriate and in the best interests of the township and make
     5  contracts for securing and maintaining a supply of light.
     6     Section 2002.  Street Light Districts.--(a)  The board of
     7  supervisors may provide street lights and make regulations
     8  therefor within the township or within any district of the
     9  township established by the board of supervisors for that
    10  purpose.
    11     (b)  Upon receipt of a petition signed by seventy percent of
    12  the property owners within any defined area of the township, the
    13  board of supervisors shall establish the defined area as a
    14  lighting district or include the defined area within an existing
    15  lighting district and shall provide public lighting within the
    16  area.
    17     (c)  The board of supervisors may contract with electric, gas
    18  or other lighting companies to light and illuminate roads and
    19  highways and other public places with electric light, gas light
    20  or other illuminating substances.
    21     Section 2003.  Costs.--(a)  The board of supervisors may pay
    22  for the cost of public lighting by any one or a combination of
    23  the following means, whether the installation of the lighting
    24  was initiated by action of the board of supervisors or by
    25  petition:
    26     (1)  From the general fund.
    27     (2)  Through uniform annual assessments made upon benefited
    28  properties on the foot-front basis.
    29     (3)  By uniform annual assessment upon each property
    30  benefited.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 195 -

     1     (4)  By an equal assessment upon each property benefited,
     2  based upon the assessment for county tax purposes.
     3     (5)  By any combination of the above methods or other
     4  equitable means of assessment as the board of supervisors may
     5  determine.
     6     (b)  If public street lighting is currently in existence and
     7  is being paid for by a certain means or method, the board of
     8  supervisors may alter or amend the means of assessing the cost
     9  of the lighting.
    10     (c)  Properties are subject to assessment for this purpose,
    11  whether or not the property is exempt from taxation by existing
    12  law.
    13     (d)  If the foot-front method of assessment is used, the
    14  assessment shall be by equal assessment on all property in
    15  proportion to the number of feet the property fronts on the
    16  street or highway or portion thereof to be lighted. The board of
    17  supervisors may provide for an equitable reduction from the
    18  frontage of lots at intersections or where, due to the irregular
    19  shape of lots, an assessment of the full frontage would be
    20  inequitable. No assessment shall be made against any farmland,
    21  but vacant lots between built-up sections, whether tilled or not
    22  tilled, are not farmland. The assessment for each foot front
    23  against vacant lots shall be only twenty-five percent of the
    24  assessment for each foot front against property with
    25  improvements.
    26     (e)  All annual assessments for street lights shall be filed
    27  with the township tax collector under section 3301(a). The
    28  assessment may be billed on the annual real estate tax bill for
    29  general township purposes if authorized by the board of
    30  supervisors.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 196 -

     1                            ARTICLE XXI
     3     Section 2101.  Accumulation of Ashes, Garbage, Solid Waste
     4  and Refuse Materials.--The board of supervisors IN THE MANNER     <--
     5  AUTHORIZED BY THE ACT OF JULY 7, 1980 (P.L.380, NO.97), KNOWN AS
     8  RECYCLING AND WASTE REDUCTION ACT," may prohibit accumulations
     9  of ashes, garbage, solid waste and other refuse materials upon
    10  private property, including the imposition and collection of
    11  reasonable fees and charges for the collection, removal and
    12  disposal thereof.
    13     Section 2102.  Collection.--The board of supervisors may
    14  collect and remove, by contract or otherwise, ashes, garbage,
    15  solid waste and other refuse materials and recyclables and
    16  prescribe penalties for the enforcement thereof. Any contract
    17  with refuse haulers may be made for a period not exceeding five
    18  years. This limitation does not apply to contracts with any
    19  other county or municipal corporation.
    20     Section 2103.  Disposal.--The board of supervisors may
    21  dispose of, by contract or otherwise, ashes, garbage, solid
    22  waste and other refuse materials. Any contract with the owner of
    23  a private facility for the disposal or incineration of ashes,
    24  garbage, solid waste and other refuse materials may be made for
    25  a period not exceeding twenty years. This limitation does not
    26  apply to contracts with any county or municipal corporation.
    27     Section 2104.  Acquisition of Land.--The board of supervisors
    28  may acquire any real property and erect, maintain, improve,
    29  operate and lease, either as lessor or lessee, facilities for
    30  incineration, landfill or other methods of disposal, either
    19950H0702B2681                 - 197 -

     1  inside or outside the limits of the township, including
     2  equipment, either separately or jointly, with any county or
     3  municipal corporation in order to provide for the destruction,
     4  collection, removal and disposal of ashes, garbage, solid waste
     5  or other refuse materials, for the collection and storage of
     6  recyclable materials or for the composting of leaf and yard
     7  waste. The board of supervisors may provide for the payment of
     8  the cost thereof out of the funds of the township. The board of
     9  supervisors may acquire land for landfill purposes, either
    10  amicably or by exercising the power of eminent domain, and
    11  maintain lands and places for the dumping of ashes, garbage,
    12  solid waste and other refuse materials.
    13     Section 2105.  Charge for Services.--The board of supervisors
    14  may establish, alter, charge and collect rates and other charges
    15  for the collection, removal and disposal of ashes, garbage,
    16  solid waste, other refuse materials and recyclable materials,
    17  and the costs of including the payment of any indebtedness
    18  incurred for the construction, purchase, improvement, repair,
    19  maintenance and operation of any facilities therefor, and the
    20  amount due under any contract with any county or municipal
    21  corporation furnishing the services or facilities.
    22     Section 2106.  Appropriations.--The board of supervisors may
    23  make appropriations to any county or municipal corporation for
    24  the construction, purchase, improvement, repair, maintenance and
    25  operation of any facilities for the collection, removal,
    26  disposal or marketing of ashes, garbage, solid waste, other
    27  refuse materials, recyclable materials or composted leaf and
    28  yard waste.
    29     Section 2107.  Refuse Collection District.--On petition of a
    30  majority of the owners, occupants or tenants of any territory
    19950H0702B2681                 - 198 -

     1  inside the township which is definitely defined, set apart and
     2  limited by the board of supervisors as a refuse collection
     3  district, either with township employes and facilities or with
     4  independent contractors, the board of supervisors may provide
     5  for the removal from the refuse collection district of ashes,
     6  garbage, solid waste or other refuse materials and for the
     7  disposal thereof, including the collection and marketing of
     8  recyclable materials. The board of supervisors may levy an
     9  assessment upon all owners, occupants or tenants of the district
    10  sufficient to defray the cost of the removal, disposal or
    11  marketing under section 3301(b).
    12     Section 2108.  Exclusion from Bidding Requirements.--A
    13  township shall not be subject to requirements otherwise imposed
    14  by law for the sale of personal property owned by the township
    15  when selling recyclable materials or materials separated,
    16  collected, recovered or created by recycling, as provided in the
    17  act of April 9, 1992 (P.L.70, No.21), entitled "An act excluding
    18  the sale of recyclable material from political subdivision
    19  personal property sale restrictions relating to advertising and
    20  bidding."
    21                            ARTICLE XXII
    23     Section 2201.  Acquisition of Lands and Buildings.--The board
    24  of supervisors may designate lands or buildings owned, leased or
    25  controlled by the township for use as parks, playgrounds,
    26  playfields, gymnasiums, swimming pools, indoor recreation
    27  centers, public parks and other recreation areas and facilities
    28  and acquire lands or buildings by lease, gift, devise, purchase
    29  or by the exercise of the right of eminent domain for
    30  recreational purposes and construct and equip facilities for
    19950H0702B2681                 - 199 -

     1  recreational purposes.
     2     Section 2202.  Recreation Facilities Employes.--The board of
     3  supervisors may employ persons to maintain the recreation
     4  facilities or supervise the use of the recreation facilities.
     5     Section 2203.  Regulation of Parks and Public Amusements.--
     6  (a)  The board of supervisors may, by ordinance, regulate the
     7  use and enjoyment by the public of any park or recreation
     8  grounds owned and operated by the township or charitable
     9  organizations for the use of the public.
    10     (b)  The board of supervisors may prescribe rules for the use
    11  by the public of parks and recreation grounds and the facilities
    12  and amusements connected therewith and post the rules at
    13  conspicuous places in the parks or recreation grounds. Any
    14  person who violates the rules commits a summary offense.
    15     (c)  The board of supervisors may, by ordinance not
    16  inconsistent with State law and regulations, regulate the time
    17  of opening and closing and the conduct of places of public
    18  entertainment, amusement and recreation.
    19     (d)  The board of supervisors may, by ordinance or
    20  resolution, appropriate funds for recreation programs not
    21  directly sponsored by the township.
    22     Section 2204.  Creation of Recreation Boards.--(a)  The board
    23  of supervisors may, by ordinance, create a recreation board to
    24  supervise, regulate, equip and maintain township-funded
    25  recreation programs and facilities. The recreation board has
    26  only those powers specifically delegated to it by the board of
    27  supervisors.
    28     (b)  Recreation boards, when established, shall consist of
    29  five or seven persons. The members shall be appointed by the
    30  board of supervisors and shall serve for terms of five years or
    19950H0702B2681                 - 200 -

     1  until their successors are appointed, except that the members
     2  first appointed shall be appointed so that the terms of not more
     3  than two members expire annually. Members shall serve without
     4  pay but may be reimbursed by the township for all expenses
     5  incurred in performing their duties. All persons appointed shall
     6  serve their full terms unless voluntarily resigned or removed by
     7  the board of supervisors for dereliction or neglect of duty.
     8  Vacancies occurring other than by expiration of term shall be
     9  for the unexpired term and shall be filled in the same manner as
    10  original appointments.
    11     (c)  The members of a recreation board shall elect a chairman
    12  and secretary and select all other necessary officers to serve
    13  for a period of one year. The recreation board may adopt rules
    14  and regulations for the conduct of all business within its
    15  jurisdiction and exercise powers and functions concerning parks
    16  and recreation facilities as may be delegated to it by the board
    17  of supervisors. The recreation board shall submit an annual
    18  report to the board of supervisors, including an analysis of the
    19  adequacy and effectiveness of community recreation areas,
    20  facilities and leadership.
    21     Section 2205.  Joint Ownership and Maintenance.--The board of
    22  supervisors may join with any one or more municipal
    23  corporations, counties or school districts to acquire, create,
    24  equip, maintain and operate any park or recreation area to serve
    25  residents of the township under the act of July 12, 1972
    26  (P.L.762, No.180), referred to as the Intergovernmental
    27  Cooperation Law.
    28     Section 2206.  Expenses for Maintenance.--All expenses
    29  incurred in the operation of parks, recreation areas and
    30  facilities are payable from the general township fund or from
    19950H0702B2681                 - 201 -

     1  the treasury of the municipal corporations, counties or school
     2  districts under the agreement of the corporate authorities.
     3     Section 2207.  Forest Lands.--(a)  Townships may acquire, by
     4  purchase, gift or lease, and hold tracts of land covered with
     5  forest or tree growth, or suitable for the growth of trees, and
     6  administer the tracts under the direction of the Department of
     7  Environmental Resources CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES. The   <--
     8  tracts may be of any size suitable for the purpose and may be
     9  located inside or outside the township limits.
    10     (b)  When the board of supervisors intends to acquire any
    11  lands for forests, it shall so declare by an ordinance, setting
    12  forth all facts and conditions relating to the proposed action.
    13     (c)  Upon the acquisition of any forests or lands suitable
    14  for forests, the board of supervisors shall notify the
    15  Department of Environmental Resources CONSERVATION AND NATURAL    <--
    16  RESOURCES which may make rules for the government and proper
    17  administration of the lands as may be necessary. The Department
    18  of Environmental Resources CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES     <--
    19  shall publish the rules, declare the uses of the forest under
    20  the intent of this article and make provision for its
    21  administration, maintenance, protection and development as
    22  necessary. The rules governing the administration of the forests
    23  shall have for their main purpose the producing of a continuing
    24  township revenue by the sale of forest products.
    25     (d)  All revenue and emoluments arising from the forests
    26  shall be paid into the general township fund.
    27     (e)  Township forests may be used by the public as general
    28  outing or recreation grounds, subject to the rules of the
    29  Department of Environmental Resources CONSERVATION AND NATURAL    <--
    30  RESOURCES governing their administration and rules adopted by
    19950H0702B2681                 - 202 -

     1  the board of supervisors not inconsistent with law and the rules
     2  of the Department of Environmental Resources CONSERVATION AND     <--
     4     (f)  When the board of supervisors decides to sell or lease
     5  any TOWNSHIP forest, or part thereof or products therefrom, it    <--
     6  shall so declare by an ordinance, setting forth all the facts
     7  and conditions relating to the proposed action. NO ORDINANCE      <--
    14     (g)  The board of supervisors may, on behalf of the township,
    15  accept the title to lands which may be donated to the township
    16  for any of the purposes mentioned in this article.
    17                           [ARTICLE VIII
    18                             CONTRACTS
    19     Section 801.  Power to Make Contracts.--Each township may
    20  make contracts for lawful purposes and for the purpose of
    21  carrying into execution the provisions of this act and the laws
    22  of the Commonwealth.
    23     Section 802.  Letting Contracts.--(a)  Each township shall
    24  have the power to make, to authorize, and to ratify,
    25  expenditures for lawful purposes from funds available therefor,
    26  by borrowing within legal limitations: Provided, That all
    27  contracts or purchases in excess of ten thousand dollars, except
    28  those hereinafter mentioned, shall not be made except with and
    29  from the lowest responsible bidder, after due notice in one
    30  newspaper of general circulation, published or circulating in
    19950H0702B2681                 - 203 -

     1  the county in which the township is situated, at least two
     2  times, at intervals of not less than three days where daily
     3  newspapers of general circulation are employed for such
     4  publication, or in case weekly newspapers are employed, then the
     5  notice shall be published once a week for two successive weeks.
     6  The first advertisement shall be published not more than forty-
     7  five days and the second advertisement not less than ten days
     8  prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids. Notice of
     9  proposed contracts or purchases shall also be posted where the
    10  board of supervisors normally meets or in a conspicuous place
    11  within the township.
    12     (a.1)  Written or telephonic price quotations from at least
    13  three qualified and responsible contractors shall be requested
    14  for all contracts that exceed four thousand dollars but are less
    15  than the amount requiring advertisement and competitive bidding
    16  or, in lieu of price quotations, a memorandum shall be kept on
    17  file showing that fewer than three qualified contractors exist
    18  in the market area within which it is practicable to obtain
    19  quotations. A written record of telephonic price quotations
    20  shall be made and shall contain at least the date of the
    21  quotation, the name of the contractor and the contractor's
    22  representative, the construction, reconstruction, repair,
    23  maintenance or work which was the subject of the quotation and
    24  the price. Written price quotations, written records of
    25  telephonic price quotations and memoranda shall be retained for
    26  a period of three years.
    27     (b)  The amount of the contract shall in all cases, whether
    28  of straight sale price, conditional sale, bailment lease, or
    29  otherwise, be the entire amount which the township pays to the
    30  successful bidder or his assigns in order to obtain the services
    19950H0702B2681                 - 204 -

     1  or property, or both, and shall not be construed to mean only
     2  the amount which is paid to acquire title or to receive any
     3  other particular benefit or benefits of the whole bargain.
     4     (c)  The acceptance of bids shall only be made by public
     5  announcement at the meeting at which bids are received, or at a
     6  subsequent meeting, the time and place of which shall be
     7  publicly announced when bids are received. If for any reason one
     8  or both of the above meetings shall not be held, the same
     9  business may be transacted at subsequent meetings: Provided,
    10  That at least five days' notice thereof shall be published in
    11  the newspaper aforesaid.
    12     (d)  The successful bidder, when advertising is required
    13  herein, shall be required to furnish a bond with suitable
    14  reasonable requirements, guaranteeing performance of the
    15  contract, with sufficient surety in the amount of fifty per
    16  centum (50%) of the amount of the contract within twenty days
    17  after the contract has been awarded, unless the supervisors
    18  shall prescribe a shorter period not less than ten days, and
    19  upon failure to furnish such bond within such time, the previous
    20  award shall be void. Delivery, accomplishment and guarantees may
    21  be required in all cases of expenditures, including the
    22  exceptions herein.
    23     (e)  The contracts or purchases made by any supervisors
    24  involving an expenditure of over ten thousand dollars, which
    25  shall not require advertising or bidding as hereinbefore
    26  provided, are as follows:
    27     (1)  Those made for maintenance, repairs or replacements for
    28  water, electric light and other public works of the township,
    29  provided they do not constitute new additions, extensions or
    30  enlargements of existing facilities and equipment, but a bond
    19950H0702B2681                 - 205 -

     1  may be required by the supervisors as in other cases of work
     2  done.
     3     (2)  Those made for improvements, repairs or maintenance of
     4  any kind, made or provided by any township, through its own
     5  employes: Provided, however, That all materials used for road
     6  improvement, maintenance and/or construction in excess of ten
     7  thousand dollars be subject to the advertising requirements
     8  contained herein.
     9     (3)  Those where particular types, models or pieces of new
    10  equipment, articles, apparatus, appliances, vehicles, or parts
    11  thereof, are desired by the supervisors, which are patented and
    12  manufactured products.
    13     (4)  Those involving any policies of insurance or surety
    14  company bonds, those made for public utility service under
    15  tariffs on file with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission,
    16  those made with another political subdivision, county, the
    17  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the Federal Government, or any
    18  agency of the Commonwealth or Federal Government, or any
    19  municipal authority, including the sale, leasing or loan of any
    20  supplies or materials by the Commonwealth, or the Federal
    21  Government, or their agencies, but the price thereof, or the
    22  expenditure therefor, shall not be in excess of those fixed by
    23  the Commonwealth, the Federal Government or their agencies.
    24     (5)  Those involving personal or professional services.
    25     (f)  Except as herein provided, no township official, either
    26  elected or appointed, who knows, or who by the exercise of
    27  reasonable diligence, could know, shall be interested to any
    28  appreciable degree, either directly or indirectly, in any
    29  contract for the sale or furnishing of any supplies or materials
    30  for the use of the township, or for any work to be done for such
    19950H0702B2681                 - 206 -

     1  township involving the expenditure by the township of more than
     2  three hundred dollars ($300) in any year, but this limitation
     3  shall not apply to cases where such officer, or appointee of the
     4  township, is an employe of the person, firm or corporation to
     5  which the money is to be paid in a capacity with no possible
     6  influence on the transaction, and in which he cannot be possibly
     7  benefited thereby, either financially or otherwise: Provided,
     8  however, That in the case of a supervisor, if he knows that he
     9  is within the exception just mentioned, he shall so inform the
    10  supervisors and shall refrain from voting on the expenditures,
    11  or any ordinance relating thereto, and shall in no manner
    12  participate therein: Provided, further, That any such official
    13  or appointee who shall knowingly violate this provision shall be
    14  subject to surcharge to the extent of the damage shown to be
    15  thereby sustained by the township, ouster from office, and shall
    16  be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall
    17  be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars
    18  ($500): Provided, That in the case of the purchase of material
    19  for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance and
    20  improvement of roads and bridges, the contract, which shall be
    21  in writing, and shall be let only on standard specifications of
    22  the Department of Transportation, and materials so purchased
    23  shall only be used in accordance with specifications of said
    24  department.
    25     (g)  Every contract for the construction, reconstruction,
    26  alteration, repair, improvement or maintenance of public works
    27  shall comply with the provisions of the act of March 3, 1978
    28  (P.L.6, No.3), known as the "Steel Products Procurement Act."
    29     (h)  No person, consultant, firm or corporation contracting
    30  with a township for purposes of rendering personal or
    19950H0702B2681                 - 207 -

     1  professional services to the township shall share with any
     2  township officer or employe, and no township officer or employe
     3  shall accept, any portion of the compensation or fees paid by
     4  the township for the contracted services provided to the
     5  township except under the following terms or conditions:
     6     (1)  Full disclosure of all relevant information regarding
     7  the sharing of the compensation or fees shall be made to the
     8  board of supervisors.
     9     (2)  The board of supervisors must approve the sharing of any
    10  fee or compensation for personal or professional services prior
    11  to the performance of said services.
    12     (3)  No fee or compensation for personal or professional
    13  services may be shared except for work actually performed.
    14     (4)  No shared fee or compensation for personal or
    15  professional services may be paid at a rate in excess of the
    16  commensurate for similar personal or professional services.
    17     Section 802.1.  Evasion of Advertising Requirements.--(a)  No
    18  supervisor or supervisors shall evade the provisions of section
    19  eight hundred two as to advertising for bids, by purchasing or
    20  contracting for services and personal properties piecemeal for
    21  the purpose of obtaining prices under ten thousand dollars upon
    22  transactions which should, in the exercise of reasonable
    23  discretion and prudence, be conducted as one transaction
    24  amounting to more than ten thousand dollars. This provision is
    25  intended to make unlawful the evading of advertising
    26  requirements by making a series of purchases or contracts each
    27  for less than the advertising requirement price, or by making
    28  several simultaneous purchases or contracts, each below said
    29  price, when, in either case, the transactions involved should
    30  have been made as one transaction for one price. Any supervisors
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     1  who so vote in violation of this provision, and who know that
     2  the transaction upon which they so vote is or ought to be part
     3  of a larger transaction and that it is being divided in order to
     4  evade the requirements as to advertising for bids, shall be
     5  jointly and severally subject to surcharge for ten per centum of
     6  the full amount of the contract or purchase. Whenever it shall
     7  appear that a supervisor may have voted in violation of this
     8  section, but the purchase or contract on which he so voted was
     9  not approved by the board of supervisors, this section shall be
    10  inapplicable.
    11     (b)  Any supervisor who votes to unlawfully evade the
    12  provisions of section eight hundred two and who knows that the
    13  transaction upon which he so votes is or ought to be a part of a
    14  larger transaction and that it is being divided in order to
    15  evade the requirements as to advertising for bids commits a
    16  misdemeanor of the third degree for each contract entered into
    17  as a direct result of that vote. This penalty shall be in
    18  addition to any surcharge which may be assessed pursuant to
    19  subsection (a).
    20     Section 803.  Bonds for Protection of Labor and
    21  Materialmen.--It shall be the duty of every township to require
    22  any person, copartnership, association, or corporation, entering
    23  into a contract with such township for the construction,
    24  erection, installation, completion, alteration, repair of, or
    25  addition to, any public work or improvement of any kind
    26  whatsoever, where the amount of such contract is in excess of
    27  one thousand five hundred dollars, before commencing work under
    28  such contract, to execute and deliver to such township, in
    29  addition to any other bond which may now or hereafter be
    30  required by law to be given in connection with such contract, an
    19950H0702B2681                 - 209 -

     1  additional bond, for the use of any and every person,
     2  copartnership, association, or corporation interested, in a sum
     3  not less than fifty per centum and not more than one hundred per
     4  centum of the liability under the contract, as such township may
     5  prescribe, having as surety thereon one or more surety companies
     6  legally authorized to do business in this Commonwealth,
     7  conditioned for the prompt payment of all material furnished and
     8  labor supplied or performed in the prosecution of the work,
     9  whether or not the said material or labor enter in and become
    10  component parts of the work or improvement contemplated. Such
    11  additional bond shall be deposited with and held by the township
    12  for the use of any party interested therein. Every such
    13  additional bond shall provide that every person, copartnership,
    14  association, or corporation who, whether as subcontractor or
    15  otherwise, has furnished material or supplied or performed labor
    16  in the prosecution of the work as above provided, and who has
    17  not been paid therefor, may sue in assumpsit on said additional
    18  bond in the name of the township for his, their, or its use and
    19  prosecute the same to final judgment for such sum or sums as may
    20  be justly due him, them, or it, and have execution thereon:
    21  Provided, That the township shall not be liable for the payment
    22  of any costs or expense of any suit.
    23     Section 803.1.  Purchase Contracts for Petroleum Products;
    24  Fire Company, Etc., Participation.--The board of supervisors of
    25  each township shall have power to permit, subject to such terms
    26  and conditions as it may, and as hereinafter specifically
    27  provided, shall, prescribe any paid or volunteer fire company,
    28  paid or volunteer rescue company and paid or volunteer ambulance
    29  company in the township to participate in purchase contracts for
    30  petroleum products entered into by the township. Any such
    19950H0702B2681                 - 210 -

     1  company desiring to participate in such purchase contracts shall
     2  file with the township secretary a request that it be authorized
     3  to participate in contracts for the purchase of petroleum
     4  products of the township and agreeing that it will be bound by
     5  such terms and conditions as the township may, and as
     6  hereinafter specifically provided, shall, prescribe and that it
     7  will be responsible for payment directly to the vendor under
     8  each purchase contract. Among such terms and conditions, the
     9  township shall prescribe that all prices shall be F.O.B.
    10  destination.
    11     Section 804.  Separate Specifications for Branches of Work.--
    12  In the preparation of specifications for the erection or
    13  alteration of any public building, when the entire cost of such
    14  work exceeds ten thousand dollars, the architect, engineer, or
    15  person preparing such specifications shall prepare separate
    16  specifications for the plumbing, heating, ventilating, and
    17  electrical work, and the township shall receive separate bids
    18  upon each of such branches of work and award the contract for
    19  the same to the lowest responsible bidder.
    20     Section 805.  Workmen's Compensation Insurance.--All
    21  contracts executed by any township, which shall involve the
    22  construction or doing of any work involving the employment of
    23  labor, shall contain a provision that the contractor shall
    24  accept, in so far as the work covered by any such contract is
    25  concerned, the provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Act of
    26  one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, and any supplements or
    27  amendments thereto, and that the said contractor will insure his
    28  liability thereunder, or file with the township with which the
    29  contract is made a certificate of exemption from insurance from
    30  the Bureau of Workmen's Compensation of the Department of Labor
    19950H0702B2681                 - 211 -

     1  and Industry.
     2     Every officer of a township who shall sign, on behalf of the
     3  said township, any contract, requiring in its performance the
     4  employment of labor, shall require, before the said contract
     5  shall be signed, proof that the said contractor with whom the
     6  contract is made shall have accepted the Workmen's Compensation
     7  Act of one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, and any
     8  supplements or amendments thereto, and proof that the said
     9  contractor has insured his liability thereunder in accordance
    10  with the terms of the said act, or that the said contractor has
    11  had issued to him a certificate of exemption from insurance from
    12  the Bureau of Workmen's Compensation of the Department of Labor
    13  and Industry.
    14     Any contract executed in violation of the provisions of this
    15  section shall be null and void.
    16     Section 806.  Engineers and Architects Not to Be Interested
    17  in Contracts.--It shall be unlawful for any architect or
    18  engineer, in the employ of a township, and engaged in the
    19  preparation of plans, specifications, or estimates, to bid on
    20  any public work at any letting of such work in such township.
    21     It shall also be unlawful for the officers of a township,
    22  charged with the duty of letting any public work, to award a
    23  contract to any such architect or engineer in the employ of the
    24  township.
    25     It shall also be unlawful for any architect or engineer in
    26  the employ of a township to be in any wise interested in any
    27  contract for public work in such township, or receive any
    28  remuneration or gratuity from any person interested in such
    29  contract except under the terms and conditions as provided in
    30  section 802(h).
    19950H0702B2681                 - 212 -

     1     Any person who violates any of the provisions of this
     2  section, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction
     3  thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding five
     4  hundred dollars, or undergo imprisonment of not more than six
     5  months, or both, in the discretion of the court, and shall
     6  forfeit his office.
     7     Section 807.  Minimum Wages under Contracts.--(a) The
     8  specifications upon which contracts are entered into by any
     9  township for the construction, alteration, or repair of any
    10  public work or improvement may, at the option of any such
    11  township, contain the minimum wage or wages, which may be paid
    12  by the contractor or his subcontractors for the work performed
    13  by laborers and mechanics employed on such public work or
    14  improvement, and such laborers and mechanics shall, in such
    15  cases, be paid not less than such minimum wage or wages.
    16     (b)  Every contract for the construction, alteration, or
    17  repair of any public work or improvement founded on
    18  specifications, containing any such stipulation for minimum wage
    19  or wages, shall stipulate a penalty of an amount equal to twice
    20  the difference between the minimum wage contained in said
    21  specifications and the wage actually paid to each laborer or
    22  mechanic for each day, during which he has been employed at a
    23  wage less than that prescribed in said specifications.
    24     (c)  Every officer, or person designated as an inspector of,
    25  or having supervision over, the work to be performed under any
    26  such contract, in order to aid in enforcing the fulfillment
    27  thereof, shall, upon observation or investigation, report to the
    28  supervisors of the township all violations of minimum wage
    29  stipulations, together with the name of each laborer or mechanic
    30  who has been paid a wage less than that prescribed by the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 213 -

     1  specifications, and the day or days of such violation.
     2     (d)  All such penalties shall be withheld and deducted for
     3  the use of the township from any moneys due the contractor by
     4  the officer or person, whose duty it shall be to authorize the
     5  payment of moneys due such contractor, whether the violation of
     6  the minimum wage stipulation of the specifications was by the
     7  contractor or by any of his subcontractors: Provided, That if
     8  any such contractor or subcontractor subsequently pays to all
     9  laborers and mechanics the balance of the amounts stipulated in
    10  such contract, the township shall pay to the contractor the
    11  amounts so withheld as penalties.
    12     Section 808.  Discrimination between Employes.--Every
    13  contract for or on behalf of any township for the construction,
    14  alteration or repair of any public building or public work shall
    15  contain provisions by which the contractor agrees.
    16     (a)  That in the hiring of employes for the performance of
    17  work under this contract, or any subcontract hereunder, no
    18  contractor, subcontractor, nor any person acting on behalf of
    19  such contractor or subcontractor, shall by reason of race, creed
    20  or color, discriminate against any citizen of the Commonwealth
    21  of Pennsylvania, who is qualified and available to perform the
    22  work to which the employment relates.
    23     (b)  That no contractor, subcontractor, nor any person on his
    24  behalf shall in any manner discriminate against or intimidate
    25  any employe hired for the performance of work under his contract
    26  on account of race, creed or color.
    27     (c)  That there may be deducted from the amount payable to
    28  the contractor, under this contract, a penalty of five dollars
    29  for each person, for each calendar day, during which such person
    30  was discriminated against, or intimidated in violation of the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 214 -

     1  provisions of the contract, and
     2     (d)  That the contract may be cancelled or terminated by the
     3  township, and all money due, or to become due hereunder, may be
     4  forfeited for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms
     5  or conditions of this portion of the contract.
     6                             ARTICLE IX
     7                        TAXATION AND FINANCE
     8     Section 901.  Fiscal Year.--The fiscal year in townships of
     9  the second class shall commence on the first day of January in
    10  each year. All receipts, disbursements, contracts, and purchases
    11  shall be chargeable to and entered as of record in the fiscal
    12  year in which made.
    13     Section 902.  Annual Budget.--A.  (1)  The board of township
    14  supervisors shall annually, at least thirty days prior to the
    15  adoption of the annual budget begin preparation of a proposed
    16  budget for all funds or annual estimate of revenues and
    17  expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning on the first
    18  day of January, which shall be filed with the treasurer. Said
    19  budget shall reflect as nearly as possible the estimated
    20  revenues and expenditures of the township for the year for which
    21  the budget is prepared. It shall be unlawful to prepare and
    22  advertise notice of a proposed budget when the same is knowingly
    23  inaccurate. Where, upon any revision of the budget, it appears
    24  that the estimated expenditures in the adopted budget will be
    25  increased more than ten percent in the aggregate or more than
    26  twenty-five percent in any individual item over the proposed
    27  budget, it shall be presumed that the tentative budget was
    28  inaccurate; and such budget may not be legally adopted with any
    29  such increases therein unless the same is again advertised once,
    30  as in the case of the proposed budget, and an opportunity
    19950H0702B2681                 - 215 -

     1  afforded to taxpayers to examine the same and protest such
     2  increases. In all townships, the budget shall be prepared on a
     3  uniform form, prepared and furnished as hereafter provided. The
     4  estimates in the budget, shall specify:
     5     (a)  The amount of money necessary for the construction,
     6  maintenance, repair, and improvement of roads;
     7     (b)  The amount of money necessary for the construction,
     8  maintenance, and repair of culverts and bridges;
     9     (c)  The amount of money necessary for the purchase, hire,
    10  repair, and custody of equipment, machinery, teams and
    11  implements;
    12     (d)  The amount of money necessary for each other
    13  governmental activity of the township, for which a special tax
    14  levy may or may not be authorized;
    15     (e)  The amount of money necessary for the payment of debts,
    16  and other miscellaneous purposes.
    17     (2)  Upon the preparation of the proposed budget, the
    18  supervisors shall give public notice by advertisement once in at
    19  least one newspaper of general circulation in the township or
    20  county that the proposed budget will be available for public
    21  inspection at a designated place in the township. After the
    22  budget has been available for public inspection for twenty days
    23  the supervisors shall, after making such revisions therein as
    24  appear advisable, adopt the budget not later than the thirty-
    25  first day of December and the necessary appropriation measures
    26  required to put it into effect.
    27     (3)  The total appropriation shall not exceed the revenues
    28  estimated as available for the fiscal year. In all townships the
    29  board of supervisors shall, within fifteen days after the
    30  adoption of the budget, file a copy of the same in the office of
    19950H0702B2681                 - 216 -

     1  the Department of Community Affairs.
     2     (4)  The supervisors may at any time by resolution make
     3  supplemental appropriations for any lawful purpose from any
     4  funds on hand or estimated to be received within the fiscal year
     5  and not otherwise appropriated, including the proceeds of any
     6  borrowing authorized by law. Such supplemental appropriations
     7  may be made whether or not an appropriation for the same purpose
     8  was included in the original budget as adopted, except that no
     9  supplemental appropriation shall be made for any purpose in
    10  respect to which the court on an appeal pursuant to section nine
    11  hundred eight of this act has ordered a specific reduction or
    12  elimination of an item of the original budget for the same
    13  purpose.
    14     (5)  The supervisors may by resolution, transfer unencumbered
    15  moneys from one township account to another, but no moneys shall
    16  be transferred from the fund allocated for the payment of debts
    17  or from any fund raised by a special tax levy for a particular
    18  purpose. Such transfers shall not be made during the first three
    19  months of the fiscal year. No money shall be paid out of the
    20  township treasury except upon appropriation made according to
    21  law.
    22     B.  The uniform forms for the annual budget, the annual
    23  township report, and the annual financial statement required to
    24  be made by the auditors, shall be prepared by a committee
    25  consisting of four representatives of the State Association of
    26  Township Supervisors and one representative of each from the
    27  Department of Transportation, and the Department of Community
    28  Affairs.
    29     Such representatives of the State Association of Township
    30  Supervisors shall be appointed by the president of the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 217 -

     1  organization. Such representatives may be either township
     2  supervisors, auditors or township secretaries, and, as far as
     3  possible, shall be chosen to represent townships in the various
     4  population groups among the range of townships of the second
     5  class. The president of the organization shall supply to the
     6  Secretary of Community Affairs the names and addresses of such
     7  representatives, immediately upon their appointment.
     8     Such representatives of the townships shall serve without
     9  compensation, but shall be reimbursed by the Commonwealth for
    10  all necessary expenses incurred in attending meetings of the
    11  committee from appropriations made to the Department of
    12  Community Affairs. The committee shall meet at the call of the
    13  Secretary of Community Affairs, or his agent, who shall serve as
    14  chairman of the committee.
    15     In preparing such uniform forms, the committee shall give
    16  careful consideration to the fiscal needs and procedure of
    17  townships of the various population groups producing separate
    18  forms, if necessary, to meet the needs of townships of varying
    19  sizes. The form for annual reports shall contain the
    20  information, herein specifically required to be furnished, and
    21  such other information as the committee shall deem proper, and
    22  shall be arranged to correlate with the forms for the budget,
    23  respecting order of items, and division of revenues by major
    24  classifications, and disbursements by major functions. The
    25  committee shall also prescribe the form of the statement
    26  summarizing the annual report, which is hereinbefore required to
    27  be published.
    28     It shall be the duty of the Secretary of Community Affairs to
    29  see to it that the forms required by this act are prepared in
    30  cooperation with such committee. In the event that such
    19950H0702B2681                 - 218 -

     1  committee should, for any reason, fail to furnish such
     2  cooperation, Department of Community Affairs shall prepare the
     3  forms. After they are prepared, the Secretary of Community
     4  Affairs shall issue such forms and distribute them annually, as
     5  needed, to the proper township officers.
     6     Section 902.1.  Investment of Township Funds.--(a)  The
     7  supervisors shall have the power to:
     8     (1)  make investment of township sinking funds as authorized
     9  by the act of July 12, 1972 (P.L.781, No.185), known as the
    10  "Local Government Unit Debt Act";
    11     (2)  make investment of moneys in the General Fund and in
    12  special funds of the township other than the sinking funds as
    13  authorized by Article IX; and
    14     (3)  liquidate any such investment, in whole or in part, by
    15  disposing of securities or withdrawing funds on deposit. Any
    16  action taken to make or to liquidate any investment shall be
    17  made by the officers designated by action of the supervisors.
    18     (b)  The supervisors shall invest township funds consistent
    19  with sound business practice.
    20     (c)  The supervisors shall provide for an investment program
    21  subject to restrictions contained in this act and in any other
    22  applicable statute and any rules and regulations adopted by the
    23  supervisors.
    24     (d)  Authorized types of investments for township funds shall
    25  be:
    26     (1)  United States Treasury bills.
    27     (2)  Short-term obligations of the United States Government
    28  or its agencies or instrumentalities.
    29     (3)  Deposits in savings accounts or time deposits, other
    30  than certificates of deposit, or share accounts of institutions
    19950H0702B2681                 - 219 -

     1  insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the
     2  Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation or the National
     3  Credit Union Share Insurance Fund or the Pennsylvania Deposit
     4  Insurance Corporation or the Pennsylvania Savings Association
     5  Insurance Corporation to the extent that such accounts are so
     6  insured, and, for any amounts above the insured maximum,
     7  provided that approved collateral as provided by law therefore
     8  shall be pledged by the depository.
     9     (4)  Obligations of the United States of America or any of
    10  its agencies or instrumentalities backed by the full faith and
    11  credit of the United States of America, the Commonwealth of
    12  Pennsylvania or any of its agencies or instrumentalities backed
    13  by the full faith and credit of the Commonwealth, or of any
    14  political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or any
    15  of its agencies or instrumentalities backed by the full faith
    16  and credit of the political subdivision.
    17     (5)  Shares of an investment company registered under the
    18  Investment Company Act of 1940, whose shares are registered
    19  under the Securities Act of 1933, provided that the only
    20  investments of that company are in the authorized investments
    21  for township funds listed in (1) through (4).
    22     (6)  Certificates of deposit purchased from institutions
    23  insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the
    24  Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation or the National
    25  Credit Union Share Insurance Fund or the Pennsylvania Deposit
    26  Insurance Corporation or the Pennsylvania Savings Association
    27  Insurance Corporation to the extent that such accounts are so
    28  insured. However, for any amounts above the insured maximum,
    29  such certificates of deposit shall be collateralized by a pledge
    30  or assignment of assets of the institution, and such collateral
    19950H0702B2681                 - 220 -

     1  may include loans (including interest in pools of loans) secured
     2  by first mortgage liens on real property. Certificates of
     3  deposit purchased from commercial banks shall be limited to an
     4  amount equal to twenty percent of a bank's total capital and
     5  surplus. Certificates of deposit purchased from savings and loan
     6  associations or savings banks shall be limited to an amount
     7  equal to twenty percent of an institution's assets minus
     8  liabilities.
     9     (7)  Any investment authorized by 20 Pa.C.S. Ch. 73 (relating
    10  to fiduciaries investments) shall be an authorized investment
    11  for any pension or retirement fund.
    12     (e)  In making investments of township funds, the supervisors
    13  shall have authority:
    14     (1)  To permit assets pledged as collateral under subsection
    15  (d)(3), to be pooled in accordance with the act of August 6,
    16  1971 (P.L.281, No.72), relating to pledges of assets to secure
    17  deposits of public funds.
    18     (2)  To combine moneys from more than one fund under township
    19  control for the purchase of a single investment, provided that
    20  each of the funds combined for the purpose shall be accounted
    21  for separately in all respects and that the earnings from the
    22  investment are separately and individually computed and
    23  recorded, and credited to the accounts from which the investment
    24  was purchased.
    25     (3)  To join with one or more other political subdivisions
    26  and municipal authorities in accordance with the act of July 12,
    27  1972 (P.L.762, No.180), entitled "An act relating to
    28  intergovernmental cooperation," in the purchase of a single
    29  investment, provided that the requirements of clause (2) on
    30  separate accounting of individual funds and separate
    19950H0702B2681                 - 221 -

     1  computation, recording and crediting of the earnings therefrom
     2  are adhered to.
     3     Section 902.2.  Amending Budget; Notice.--During the month of
     4  January next following any municipal election, the supervisors
     5  of any township may amend the budget and the levy and tax rate
     6  to conform with its amended budget. A period of ten days' public
     7  inspection at the office of the township secretary of the
     8  proposed amended budget, after notice by the township secretary
     9  to that effect is published once in a newspaper as provided by
    10  section 110 of this act, shall intervene between the proposed
    11  amended budget and the adoption thereof. Any amended budget must
    12  be adopted by the township supervisors on or before the
    13  fifteenth day of February.
    14     No such proposed amended budget shall be revised upward in
    15  excess of ten percent in the aggregate thereof or as to an
    16  individual item in excess of twenty-five percent of the amount
    17  of such individual item in the proposed amended budget.
    18     Within fifteen days after the adoption of an amended budget,
    19  the township secretary shall file a copy thereof in the office
    20  of the Department of Community Affairs.
    21     Section 903.  Temporary Indebtedness.--Whenever the township
    22  road funds have been exhausted, the board of supervisors may
    23  borrow, on the credit of the township, money in anticipation of
    24  taxes to be collected for the current fiscal year and issue a
    25  certificate of indebtedness payable on a certain date within the
    26  current fiscal year, to the end that work may be performed in
    27  proper season and in accordance with rules and regulations
    28  prescribed.
    29     Section 904.  Sale of Bonds.--Bonds and other obligations,
    30  issued for the repayment of money borrowed, except tax
    19950H0702B2681                 - 222 -

     1  anticipation notes, shall be issued and sold in the manner
     2  provided by the Municipal Borrowing Law, and its amendments.
     3     Section 905.  Township and Special Tax Levies.--A.  The board
     4  of township supervisors may, by resolution, levy taxes upon all
     5  real property and upon all occupations, or upon real property
     6  alone, within the township made taxable for township purposes,
     7  as ascertained by the last adjusted valuation for county
     8  purposes, for the purposes and at the rates hereinafter
     9  specified. All taxes shall be collected in cash.
    10     1.  An annual township tax, for road, bridge, and general
    11  township purposes, not later than the fourth Monday of March of
    12  each year, not exceeding fourteen mills. Where the board of
    13  supervisors, by a majority action, shall, upon due cause shown,
    14  petition the court of quarter sessions for the right to levy
    15  additional millage, the court, after such public notice as it
    16  may direct and after hearing, may order a greater rate than
    17  fourteen mills but not exceeding five additional mills, to be
    18  levied. Such annual township tax shall include all levies for
    19  road, bridge and general township purposes.
    20     2.  Upon receipt of a petition of a majority of the owners of
    21  real estate of the township requesting it, an annual tax, not
    22  exceeding five mills, for the purpose of lighting the highways,
    23  roads and other public places in the township, in the manner
    24  provided by the general powers of this act, and of defraying the
    25  cost, charges and expenses thereof. Nothing contained herein
    26  shall require a petition of owners of real estate in any
    27  township, which is now lighting its streets and imposing taxes
    28  under this subsection for such purposes.
    29     3.  An annual tax so long as necessary not exceeding fifty
    30  per centum of the rate of assessment for the township tax, for
    19950H0702B2681                 - 223 -

     1  the purpose of procuring a lot and erecting a building thereon
     2  for a townhouse, and for the payment of indebtedness incurred in
     3  connection therewith.
     4     4.  An annual tax, not exceeding three mills, pursuant to
     5  provision therefor in the township budget, for the purpose of
     6  purchasing and maintaining fire apparatus, for the purpose of
     7  making appropriations to fire companies both within and without
     8  the township and of contracting with adjacent municipalities or
     9  volunteer fire companies therein for fire protection, for the
    10  purchase and maintenance of fire apparatus, and for the purposes
    11  of providing a suitable place for the housing of fire apparatus.
    12  If an annual tax for the purposes specified in this clause is
    13  proposed to be set at a level higher than three mills, the
    14  question shall be submitted to the voters of the township, and
    15  the county board of elections shall frame the question in
    16  accordance with the election laws of the Commonwealth for
    17  submission to the voters of the township.
    18     5.  A tax not exceeding two mills for the purpose of
    19  establishing and maintaining fire hydrants and fire hydrant
    20  water service, after obtaining the assent of fifty-one per
    21  centum of the electors of the township voting thereon, in the
    22  manner provided in this act.
    23     6.  A tax, for the purpose of maintaining and operating
    24  parks, playgrounds, playfields, gymnasiums, public baths,
    25  swimming pools and recreation centers as hereinafter provided.
    26     7.  Annual tax sufficient to pay interest and principal on
    27  any indebtedness incurred pursuant to the act of July 12, 1972
    28  (P.L.781, No.185), known as the "Local Government Unit Debt
    29  Act," or any prior or subsequent act governing the incurrence of
    30  indebtedness of the township.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 224 -

     1     8.  An annual tax, not exceeding one-half mill, for the
     2  purpose of supporting ambulance and rescue squads serving the
     3  township, except as provided in subsection D.
     4     B.  Whenever the assent of the electors is required as
     5  hereinbefore provided the same shall be expressed at an election
     6  to be held at the place and time of any general, special or
     7  primary election, and under the same regulations as provided by
     8  law for the holding of municipal elections. At such election,
     9  the election officers shall receive ballots from the electors,
    10  which shall be prepared in the manner prescribed by the
    11  Pennsylvania Election Code.
    12     C.  This article does not include the levy of any taxes upon
    13  particular districts or parts of any township for particular
    14  purposes.
    15     D.  The tax for supporting ambulance and rescue squads
    16  serving the township shall not exceed the rate specified in
    17  clause 8 of subsection A, except when the question is submitted
    18  to the voters of the township in the form of a referendum which
    19  will appear on the ballot in accordance with the election laws
    20  of the Commonwealth in which case the rate shall not exceed two
    21  mills. The county board of elections shall frame the question to
    22  be submitted to the voters of the township in accordance with
    23  the election laws of the Commonwealth.
    24     Section 905.1.  Additions and Revisions to Duplicates.--
    25  Whenever in any township, there is any construction of a
    26  building or buildings not otherwise exempt as a dwelling after
    27  January first of any year and the building is not included in
    28  the tax duplicate of the township, the authority responsible for
    29  assessments in the township shall, upon the request of the
    30  township supervisors, direct the assessor in the township to
    19950H0702B2681                 - 225 -

     1  inspect and reassess, subject to the right of appeal and
     2  adjustment provided by the act of Assembly under which
     3  assessments are made, all taxable property in the township to
     4  which major improvements have been made after January first of
     5  any year and to give notice of such reassessments within ten
     6  days to the authority responsible for assessments, the township
     7  and the property owner. The property shall then be added to the
     8  duplicate and shall be taxable for township purposes at the
     9  reassessed valuation for that proportionate part of the fiscal
    10  year of the township remaining after the property was improved.
    11  Any improvement made during the month shall be computed as
    12  having been made on the first of the month. A certified copy of
    13  the additions or revisions to the duplicate shall be furnished
    14  by the township supervisors to the township tax collector,
    15  together with their warrant for collection of the same, and
    16  within ten days thereafter, the township tax collector shall
    17  notify the owner of the property of the taxes due the township.
    18     Whenever an assessment is made for a portion of a year as
    19  above provided, the same shall be added to the duplicate of the
    20  following or succeeding year unless the value of the
    21  improvements has already been included in said duplicate.
    22     Section 906.  Tax Rate to be Expressed in Dollars and
    23  Cents.--Whenever the supervisors of any township shall, by
    24  resolution, fix the rate of taxation for any year at a mill
    25  rate, such resolution shall also include a statement expressing
    26  the rate of taxation in dollars and cents on each one hundred
    27  dollars of assessed valuation of taxable property.
    28     Section 907.  Special Levies Ordered by Court to Pay Debts.--
    29  In addition to the levies hereinbefore provided for, when it is
    30  shown to the court that the debts due by any township exceed the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 226 -

     1  amount which the supervisors may collect in any year by
     2  taxation, the court, after ascertaining the amount of
     3  indebtedness of any such township, may, by a writ of mandamus,
     4  direct the township supervisors, by special taxation, to collect
     5  an amount sufficient to pay the same. If the amount of such
     6  indebtedness is so large as to render it inadvisable to collect
     7  the same in any one year taking into consideration other
     8  necessary taxation, the court may direct the same to be levied
     9  and collected by annual installments, and may order such special
    10  taxes to be levied and collected during such successive years as
    11  may be required for payment of the same.
    12     Section 908.  Appeals to Court to Reduce Budget and Tax
    13  Rate.--(a) Taxpayers whose property valuation as assessed for
    14  taxable purposes within the township shall amount to twenty-five
    15  per centum or over of the total valuation as assessed for
    16  taxable purposes within the township, may, within fifteen days
    17  after the board of township supervisors have adopted the budget
    18  and determined the amount of the tax levy for the township,
    19  petition the court of common pleas of the county in which such
    20  township is located to examine into the necessity therefor and
    21  the reasonableness of the various items in the budget of the
    22  township and to reduce the proposed tax levy. Each such petition
    23  shall contain a specification of objections and shall be
    24  accompanied by the affidavit of one of the petitioners that the
    25  proceedings have not been instituted for the purpose of delay,
    26  and that the facts set forth in the petition are true and
    27  correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. The petitioners
    28  shall also file bond in the total amount of five hundred dollars
    29  with good and sufficient surety to be approved by the court,
    30  conditioned upon the payment of the costs if the court shall
    19950H0702B2681                 - 227 -

     1  assess the costs upon the petitioners.
     2     Immediately upon the filing of such petition, the petitioners
     3  shall serve a copy of the petition upon the president or
     4  secretary of the board of township supervisors.
     5     (b)  Upon the filing of such petition, the court shall fix a
     6  day for a hearing not less than fifteen nor more than thirty
     7  days after such petition has been filed. Notice of such hearing
     8  shall be given to all interested parties in such manner as the
     9  court shall direct. On such hearing, it shall be the duty of the
    10  court to examine into the necessity for and the reasonableness
    11  of the various items of the budget and the amount of the
    12  proposed levy. The court shall thereupon make an order approving
    13  the budget and levy or reducing or eliminating any one or more
    14  of the items of the budget and reducing the levy.
    15     If no appeal shall be taken from such order as herein
    16  provided, the budget and levy shall remain as constituted by the
    17  court.
    18     (d)  Neither the filing of any such petition, shall act as a
    19  supersedeas.
    20     (e)  The budget and tax levy as approved or revised by the
    21  final order of the court shall be the budget and tax levy for
    22  such township. Any contract, agreement, or undertaking which
    23  relates to an item of the budget which has been attacked in the
    24  petition, and which shall be entered into during the pendency of
    25  such proceedings, shall be cancelled or made to conform to such
    26  budget.
    27     If such final order reduces the proposed levy, the
    28  supervisors shall revise the tax duplicates in conformity with
    29  such order and any levy, made during the pendency of the
    30  proceedings, shall be subject to revision in accordance with
    19950H0702B2681                 - 228 -

     1  such order.
     2     Section 909.  Duplicates; Abatements and Penalties.--The
     3  township supervisors shall make or cause a duplicate to be made
     4  designating the amount of township tax levied against each
     5  taxpayer of the township, and also duplicates for all other
     6  taxes levied and assessed under the provisions of this act, and
     7  shall deliver the same, within thirty days after the adoption of
     8  the budget or within thirty days after receipt of the assessment
     9  roll from the county, whichever is later, to the township
    10  collector.
    11     Section 910.  Revolving Fund; Special Tax; Bond Issue.--
    12  Townships are hereby empowered to levy and collect annually, a
    13  tax upon all property taxable for township purposes, not to
    14  exceed five mills on the dollar in any one year, for the purpose
    15  of creating and maintaining a revolving fund to be used by such
    16  township in making permanent street, sidewalk, water supply, or
    17  sewer improvements prior to the collection of the cost and
    18  expense, or any part thereof, from the property owners adjoining
    19  or abutting thereon by such township under existing laws. Any
    20  such revolving fund may also be begun by funds raised through
    21  the issuance of general obligation bonds of the township, in the
    22  manner provided by law, for the making of permanent street,
    23  sidewalk, water supply or sewer improvements.
    24     Section 911.  Repayments Into Revolving Fund.--When the cost
    25  and expense, or any part thereof, of the construction of any
    26  permanent street, sidewalk, water supply or sewer improvement,
    27  which has been made under existing laws, and which has been
    28  aided in its construction from the said revolving fund, hereby
    29  provided for, shall have been assessed and collected from the
    30  owners of the property adjoining or abutting upon such
    19950H0702B2681                 - 229 -

     1  improvement, it shall be applied to the credit of said revolving
     2  fund to the extent of the withdrawal therefrom for such purpose.
     3     Section 912.  Road Machinery Fund; Special Tax.--Townships
     4  are hereby empowered to create a special fund to be known as the
     5  road machinery fund and to accumulate therein moneys to be used
     6  exclusively for purchasing road machinery. Such special fund may
     7  consist of, (1) moneys transferred during any fiscal year from
     8  appropriations made from the general township fund; (2) moneys
     9  transferred from surplus moneys in the general township fund at
    10  the end of any fiscal year; and (3) moneys appropriated to the
    11  fund in the annual budget from the receipts of a special tax,
    12  not exceeding two mills, which the supervisors may levy and
    13  collect for that purpose, annually, upon all property taxable
    14  for township purposes.
    15                             ARTICLE X
    16                   EMINENT DOMAIN; ASSESSMENT OF
    17                        DAMAGES AND BENEFITS
    18         (a)  General Provisions Relating to Eminent Domain
    19     Section 1001.  Scope of Article.--Whenever under the
    20  provisions of this act, the right of eminent domain or the
    21  ascertainment and assessment of damages and benefits in viewer
    22  proceedings is provided for and vested in a township, the
    23  proceeding shall be as set forth in this article.
    24     Section 1002.  Restrictions as to Certain Property.--In
    25  addition to the restrictions made by other provisions of this
    26  act in particular cases, no township shall exercise right of
    27  eminent domain as against land now occupied by any building
    28  which was used during the Colonial or Revolutionary period as a
    29  place of Assembly by the Council of the Colony of Pennsylvania,
    30  the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth of
    19950H0702B2681                 - 230 -

     1  Pennsylvania, or the Congress of the United States; or as
     2  against the land occupied by any fort, redoubt, or blockhouse,
     3  erected during the Colonial or Revolutionary period, or any
     4  building used as headquarters by the Commander-in-Chief of the
     5  Continental Army; or as against the site of any building, fort,
     6  redoubt, blockhouse, or headquarters, which are preserved for
     7  their historic associations and not for private profit. The
     8  Colonial and Revolutionary period shall be taken as ended on the
     9  third day of September, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-
    10  three.
    11     Section 1006.  Value of Land or Property Not to Be Assessed
    12  as Benefits; Exception.--In all cases of the appropriation of
    13  land or property for public use, other than for roads, it shall
    14  not be lawful to assess any portion of the damage done to or
    15  value of the land or property, so appropriated, against the
    16  other property adjoining or in the vicinity of the land or
    17  property so appropriated.
    18     Section 1016.  Title Acquired.--In all cases where land or
    19  property is taken under eminent domain proceedings, other than
    20  for road purposes, or is acquired by gift, purchase or
    21  otherwise, the title obtained by the township shall be in fee
    22  simple: Provided, That in particular instances a different title
    23  may, by agreement, be acquired.
    24   (b)  Procedure for the Exercise of Eminent Domain and for the
    25                 Assessment of Damages and Benefits
    26     Section 1024.  Assessment of Damages and Benefits.--The
    27  damages may be paid in whole or in part by the township, or may
    28  be assessed in whole or in part upon the property benefited. In
    29  the latter case, the viewers, having first determined the
    30  damages apart from the benefits, shall assess the total cost of
    19950H0702B2681                 - 231 -

     1  the improvement, or so much thereof as may be just and
     2  reasonable, upon the properties peculiarly benefited, including
     3  in the assessment all parties for which damages have been
     4  allowed, and shall report the same to the court. The total
     5  assessment for benefits shall not exceed the total damages
     6  awarded or agreed upon.
     7     Section 1025.  Assessment Awards.--In proceedings to assess
     8  damages and benefits, if the land or property is both benefited
     9  and damaged by such improvements, the excess of damages over
    10  benefits, or the excess of benefits over damages, or nothing in
    11  case the benefits and damages are equal, shall be awarded to or
    12  assessed against the owner of land or property affected thereby.
    13     Section 1052.  Assessments to Bear Interest.--All assessments
    14  for benefits, costs, and expenses shall bear interest at six per
    15  centum per annum from the expiration of thirty days after they
    16  shall have been finally ascertained, and shall be payable to the
    17  treasurer of the township.]
    18                         ARTICLE [XI] XXIII
    20    [(a)  Laying Out, Opening, Widening, Straightening, Vacating
    21        and Relaying Roads, Et Cetera, Repairs and Detours]
    22     Section 2301.  Road and Bridge Maintenance, Repair and
    23  Construction.--(a)  The board of supervisors may purchase or
    24  hire materials, equipment, machinery and implements necessary
    25  for the construction, repair and maintenance of roads and
    26  bridges and make and maintain bridges over streams, gullies,
    27  canals and railroads where bridges are necessary for the ease
    28  and safety of travelers. The bridges shall be deemed to be a
    29  part of the road.
    30     (b)  The board of supervisors may, for adequate
    19950H0702B2681                 - 232 -

     1  consideration, construct, reconstruct, improve or maintain
     2  driveways on lands owned or occupied by school districts in the
     3  township.
     4     (c)  The board of supervisors may construct, reconstruct and
     5  improve and contract for the construction, reconstruction and
     6  improvement of roads in the township.
     7     (d)  The board of supervisors may, for adequate
     8  consideration, contract with the Commonwealth, a county or a
     9  municipal corporation to construct, reconstruct, improve or
    10  maintain public roads or highways under the jurisdiction of the
    11  Commonwealth, a county or a municipal corporation. Contracts
    12  executed under this subsection need not be submitted to the
    13  Local Government Commission for review under the act of July 12,
    14  1972 (P.L.762, No.180), referred to as the Intergovernmental
    15  Cooperation Law.
    16     (e)  The board of supervisors may employ one or more
    17  roadmasters. The roadmasters are subject to removal by the board
    18  of supervisors.
    19     Section 2302.  Duties of Roadmasters.--The roadmasters shall:
    20     (1)  Report to the board of supervisors any information that
    21  may be required by the board of supervisors and by the
    22  Department of Transportation.
    23     (2)  Inspect all roads and bridges as directed by the board
    24  of supervisors.
    25     (3)  Do or direct to be done all work necessary to carry out
    26  the responsibilities imposed by the board of supervisors with
    27  respect to the maintenance, repair and construction of township
    28  roads.
    29     Section 2303.  Road Complaints.--If any complaint alleges
    30  that the public roads and highways of any township are not
    19950H0702B2681                 - 233 -

     1  maintained in accordance with law, the court may appoint three
     2  persons who shall examine the highways and report the findings
     3  to the court. In these cases, the complainants shall first enter
     4  security, in a sum as the court may fix, to pay all costs.
     5     [Section 1101.  Power to Lay Out, Open, Widen, Vacate, Et
     6  Cetera.--The township supervisors may by ordinance enact,
     7  ordain, survey, lay out, open, widen, straighten, vacate and
     8  relay all roads and parts thereof which are wholly within the
     9  township, upon the petition of interested citizens, or without
    10  petition if in the judgment of the supervisors, it is necessary.
    11  Such power shall include authority to vacate, in whole or in
    12  part, roads laid out by the Commonwealth, where the same have
    13  remained unopened for a period of thirty years, and also the
    14  authority to lay out and open a public road which will be a
    15  continuation or extension of a street already opened by an
    16  adjacent city, borough or township, and to provide in any
    17  ordinance for the vacation of a road, that all or part thereof
    18  shall be a private road. The township supervisors may also, by
    19  ordinance, enact, ordain, survey, lay out, open, widen,
    20  straighten, vacate and relay roads, partly within the township,
    21  where similar concurrent action is taken by the authorities of
    22  all political subdivisions wherein the road is located.
    23     The township supervisors may also, by ordinance, provide for
    24  the widening, straightening or improvement of a State highway,
    25  with the consent of the Secretary of Highways, by the adoption
    26  of a plan therefor, and may expend township funds in connection
    27  therewith. The supervisors may adopt a plan of the Department of
    28  Highways as the official plan of the township.
    29     When any petition is presented to the township supervisors
    30  under the provisions of this section and the supervisors fail to
    19950H0702B2681                 - 234 -

     1  act on the petition within sixty (60) days, the petitioners may
     2  present their petition to the court of quarter sessions which
     3  shall proceed thereon as provided by the general road law.
     4     No such road shall be laid out and opened through any burial
     5  ground or cemetery, nor through any grounds occupied by a
     6  building used as a place for public worship, or as a public or
     7  parochial school, or educational or charitable institution, or
     8  seminary, unless the consent of the owner or corporation or
     9  person controlling the premises is first secured.]
    10     Section 2304.  Power to Lay Out, Open, Widen, Vacate, Et
    11  Cetera.--(a)  The board of supervisors may, by ordinance, enact,
    12  ordain, survey, lay out, open, widen, straighten, vacate and
    13  relay all roads and bridges and parts thereof which are located
    14  wholly or partially within the township.
    15     (b)  The board of supervisors may, by ordinance, provide for
    16  the widening, straightening or improvement of a State highway,
    17  with the consent of the Department of Transportation, and may
    18  spend township funds in connection therewith.
    19     (c)  When any petition is presented to the board of
    20  supervisors requesting the board of supervisors to open or
    21  vacate a specific road in the township and the board of
    22  supervisors fails to act on the petition within sixty days, the
    23  petitioners may present their petition to the court of common
    24  pleas which shall proceed thereon under the act of June 13, 1836
    25  (P.L.551, No.169), referred to as the General Road Law. If the
    26  board of supervisors acts on the petition but denies the request
    27  of the petition, the board of supervisors shall notify the
    28  person designated in the petition of its denial. If the request
    29  of the petition is denied, the petitioners, or a majority of
    30  them, may, within thirty days after receipt of the notice,
    19950H0702B2681                 - 235 -

     1  petition the court of common pleas for the appointment of
     2  viewers and proceedings shall be taken thereon under the General
     3  Road Law.
     4     (d)  No road shall be laid out and opened through any burial
     5  ground or cemetery, nor through any grounds occupied by a
     6  building used as a place for public worship or as a public or
     7  parochial school, educational or charitable institution or
     8  seminary, unless the consent of the owner of the premises is
     9  first secured. If the owner is unknown, this prohibition does
    10  not apply.
    11     [Section 1102.  Hearing; Report; Exceptions Thereto; View and
    12  Notice.--(a)  Prior to the passage of any ordinance for the
    13  laying out, opening, changing or vacating of any road or highway
    14  or section thereof, the supervisors shall give ten days' written
    15  notice to the property owners affected thereby of the time and
    16  place when and where all parties interested may meet and be
    17  heard. Witnesses may be summoned and examined by the supervisors
    18  and by the parties interested at such meeting or any adjournment
    19  thereof.
    20     (b)  After such hearing, should the supervisors, or a
    21  majority thereof, decide in favor of exercising the power, so
    22  conferred, they shall enact the necessary ordinance and file a
    23  copy of such ordinance, together with a draft or survey of the
    24  road showing the location and width thereof, in the office of
    25  the clerk of court of quarter sessions.
    26     (c)  Any citizen or free holder of the township may, within
    27  thirty days after the filing of the ordinance of the
    28  supervisors, upon entering in the court sufficient surety to
    29  indemnify them for all costs incurred in the proceedings, file
    30  exceptions to the ordinance together with a petition for a
    19950H0702B2681                 - 236 -

     1  review. Thereupon, the court of quarter sessions shall appoint
     2  viewers from the county board of viewers for the purpose of
     3  reviewing the ordinance and exceptions thereto.
     4     (d)  After the expiration of the term allowed for filing
     5  exceptions, or upon the order of the court upon the disposition
     6  of any exceptions, in case the compensation for the damages or
     7  benefits accruing therefrom have not been agreed upon, the court
     8  of common pleas, or any law judge thereof in vacation, on
     9  application by petition by the supervisors, or any person
    10  interested, shall appoint three viewers from the county board of
    11  viewers to assess the damages and benefits occasioned by the
    12  proceeding.
    13     (e)  All ordinances enacted under the provisions of this
    14  section shall be advertised in the same manner as provided for
    15  in Article VII., section 702, clause XLI.
    16     (f)  All petitions shall be acted on within sixty (60) days
    17  after the hearing thereon. Within such period, the supervisors
    18  shall notify the person designated in the petition of their
    19  action thereon. If the prayer of the petition is refused, the
    20  petitioners, or a majority of them, may, within thirty days
    21  after receipt of the notice, petition the court of quarter
    22  sessions for the appointment of viewers and proceedings shall be
    23  had thereon in accordance with the general road law.]
    24     Section 2305.  Hearing; Report; Exceptions Thereto; View and
    25  Notice.--(a)  Before the passage of any ordinance for the laying
    26  out, opening, changing or vacating of any road or highway or
    27  section thereof, the board of supervisors shall give ten days'
    28  written notice to the owners of property adjacent to the road or
    29  portions thereof involved of the time and place set for a
    30  hearing on the proposed ordinance.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 237 -

     1     (b)  If the board of supervisors votes in favor of exercising
     2  the power, it shall enact the necessary ordinance and file a
     3  copy of the ordinance, together with a draft or survey of the
     4  road showing the location and width thereof, in the office of
     5  the clerk of the court of common pleas.
     6     (c)  Any resident or property owner affected by the ordinance
     7  may, within thirty days after the enactment of the ordinance of
     8  the board of supervisors, upon entering in the court sufficient
     9  surety to indemnify the board of supervisors for all costs
    10  incurred in the proceedings, file exceptions to the ordinance
    11  together with a petition for a review. Upon receipt of the
    12  exception and surety, the court of common pleas shall appoint
    13  viewers from the county board of viewers for the purpose of
    14  reviewing the ordinance and exceptions thereto.
    15     (d)  After the expiration of the term allowed for filing
    16  exceptions or upon the order of the court upon disposition of
    17  any exceptions, the court of common pleas, on application by
    18  petition by the board of supervisors or any person interested,
    19  shall appoint three viewers from the county board of viewers to
    20  assess the damages and benefits occasioned by the proceeding
    21  unless the damages and benefits are otherwise agreed upon.
    22     [Section 1103.  Width of Public Roads.--The width of a public
    23  road in townships of the second class shall not be less than
    24  thirty-three feet or more than one hundred and twenty feet:
    25  Provided, That when the public road desired to be opened is in a
    26  built up section of any township of the second class, of the
    27  type commonly known as an alley, and is not an integral part of
    28  a through route, the minimum width may be fifteen feet: And,
    29  provided, That the limits of width shall not be construed to
    30  include the width required for necessary slopes in cuts or
    19950H0702B2681                 - 238 -

     1  fills, when the limits of the road and the extra width required
     2  for such slopes exceed the limits of width herein specified.]
     3     Section 2306.  Width of Public Roads.--The width of the
     4  right-of-way of a public road in townships shall not be less
     5  than thirty-three feet or more than one hundred and twenty feet,
     6  and the width of the right-of-way of alleys opened by the
     7  township as public roads shall not be less than fifteen feet.
     8  The minimum required width shall be in addition to any width
     9  required for necessary slopes in cuts or fills.
    10     [Section 1104.  Laying Out Roads Under the General Road
    11  Law.--All roads may be laid out, widened, changed or vacated by
    12  the courts of quarter sessions, as heretofore in the manner
    13  provided by the general road law and the amendments, additions,
    14  and supplements thereto. All damages and benefits occasioned by
    15  such laying out, and the subsequent opening thereof, or by any
    16  such widening, changing or vacation shall be assessed, collected
    17  and paid in the manner provided by the general road law and the
    18  amendments, additions and supplements thereto.
    19           (b)  Certain Roads Declared to Be Public Roads
    20     Section 1105.  Certain Roads Declared Public Roads.--Every
    21  road not of record which has been used for public travel and
    22  maintained and kept in repair by the expenditure of township
    23  funds for a period of at least twenty-one years and upwards
    24  shall be deemed to be a public road of the width of thirty-three
    25  feet notwithstanding the fact that there is no public record of
    26  the laying out of such road or a dedication thereof for public
    27  use. In all such cases the lawful laying out and opening or
    28  dedication of such roads of the width hereinbefore specified
    29  shall be conclusively presumed.]
    30     Section 2307.  Certain Roads Declared Public Roads.--Every
    19950H0702B2681                 - 239 -

     1  road which has been used for public travel and maintained and
     2  kept in repair by the township for a period of at least twenty-
     3  one years is a public road having a right-of-way of thirty-three
     4  feet even though there is no public record of the laying out or
     5  dedication for public use of the road.
     6       [(c)  Opening and Repairing Roads, Detours, Et Cetera
     7     Section 1110.  Opening, Repairing and Closing Roads.--Public
     8  roads in townships shall, as soon as may be practicable, be
     9  effectually opened and constantly kept in repair. All public
    10  roads shall at all seasons be kept reasonably clear of all
    11  impediments to easy and convenient traveling at the expense of
    12  the township.
    13     The supervisors of any township may temporarily close any
    14  township road when, in their opinion, excessive or unusual
    15  conditions have rendered such road unfit or unsafe for travel
    16  and immediate repair, because of the time of year or other
    17  conditions, is impracticable. The road or portion of road so
    18  closed shall be properly marked at its extremities and a means
    19  of passage for the customary users of such road shall, whenever
    20  possible, be provided.
    21     Anyone using such road or portion thereof after the same has
    22  been properly closed and marked, without a permit from the
    23  supervisors, shall upon conviction thereof in a summary
    24  proceeding, pay a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, and
    25  in default of the payment of such fine and costs, shall be
    26  sentenced to imprisonment of not more than ten days. All fines
    27  so recovered shall be payable to the general township fund.]
    28     Section 2308.  Opening, Repairing and Closing Roads.--(a)
    29  Public roads in townships shall, as soon as practicable, be
    30  effectually opened. All public roads shall at all seasons be
    19950H0702B2681                 - 240 -

     1  kept in repair and reasonably clear of all impediments to easy
     2  and convenient traveling at the expense of the township.
     3     (b)  The board of supervisors may temporarily close any
     4  township road when it determines that conditions have rendered
     5  that road unfit or unsafe for travel and immediate repair or
     6  maintenance, because of the time of year or other conditions, is
     7  impracticable. The road or portion of road closed shall be
     8  properly marked at its extremities, and a means of passage for
     9  the customary users of the road shall, when possible, be
    10  provided.
    11     (c)  Anyone using the road or portion thereof after the road
    12  has been properly closed and marked, without a permit from the
    13  board of supervisors, commits a summary offense. All fines
    14  recovered are payable to the general township fund. Persons who
    15  have no outlet due to the closing of a road may drive on, over
    16  or across the road with the written consent of, and subject to
    17  conditions imposed by, the board of supervisors or their agents
    18  or contractors without being subject to the penalties imposed by
    19  this section.
    20     [Section 1111.  Time Within Which Roads to Be Opened.--
    21  Whenever proceedings have been heretofore or may hereafter be
    22  begun for the opening and laying out of any public road in any
    23  township, such public road shall be physically opened upon the
    24  ground for use by the public within a period of five years next
    25  after the completion of such proceeding, and if not so opened,
    26  or if no proceedings have been commenced to compel such opening
    27  in five years, then such proceedings shall be deemed to be void
    28  and of no effect, and the land proposed to be taken shall revert
    29  to the owners of the land, as in the case of the vacation of a
    30  public road free of any easement or right of the public to use
    19950H0702B2681                 - 241 -

     1  the same.]
     2     Section 2309.  Time Within Which Roads to be Opened.--When
     3  proceedings have been initiated under this act for the opening
     4  and laying out of any public road in the township, the road
     5  shall be physically opened for use by the public within a period
     6  of five years after completion of the proceeding. If the road is
     7  not opened or if no proceedings have been commenced to compel
     8  the opening in five years, then the proceedings are void and the
     9  land proposed to be taken shall revert to the owners of the land
    10  free of any easement or right of the public to use the land.
    11     [Section 1112.  Detours.--Except in the case of emergencies
    12  wherein the safety of the public would be endangered, no public
    13  road of any township shall be closed to vehicular traffic,
    14  except upon order of the supervisors having charge of the
    15  maintenance of such public road, nor for a longer period than is
    16  necessary for the purpose for which such order is issued:
    17  Provided, however, That no public road shall be closed to
    18  vehicular traffic when the same has been designated as a detour
    19  by the State Department of Highways, unless the written consent
    20  of the State Department of Highways has first been obtained, or
    21  unless the supervisors having jurisdiction over said road shall,
    22  by resolution duly recorded on their minutes, declare such
    23  closing necessary for the protection of the public safety.
    24     When any public road shall be closed, as hereinbefore
    25  provided, it shall be the duty of the supervisors authorizing
    26  the closing immediately to designate or lay out a detour, on
    27  which they shall erect or cause to be erected and maintained
    28  while such detour is in use legible direction signs at each
    29  public road intersection throughout its entire length. During
    30  the period when such detour is in use, it shall be the duty of
    19950H0702B2681                 - 242 -

     1  the supervisors closing the road to maintain such detour in safe
     2  and passable condition, except in the case of State and county
     3  highways. It shall also be the duty of the supervisors closing
     4  the road and maintaining the detour immediately to remove all
     5  detour signs when the road originally closed is open for
     6  traffic. Except in the case of State and county highways, said
     7  supervisors shall, as soon as possible, repair the road
     8  designated as a detour, and place same in a condition at least
     9  equal to its condition when designated as a detour. Whenever
    10  necessary in the creation of a detour, as aforesaid, the
    11  supervisors responsible for laying out the detour may acquire by
    12  agreement, or right of eminent domain, right-of-way privileges
    13  over private property for the period when the road shall be
    14  closed to traffic. In the exercise of the rights conferred by
    15  this section, the supervisors are hereby empowered to pay for
    16  the necessary maintenance, subsequent repair, and land rental
    17  out of such funds as are available for the construction and
    18  maintenance of the roads in their charge.
    19     Any person who shall wilfully remove, deface, destroy or
    20  disregard any barricade, light, danger sign, detour sign, or
    21  warning of any other character whatsoever, erected or placed
    22  under authority of this section, or who shall drive on, over or
    23  across any road which has been properly closed, shall, upon
    24  conviction thereof in a summary proceeding before a justice of
    25  the peace, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than one
    26  hundred dollars, and the costs of prosecution, and, in default
    27  of the payment thereof, shall be imprisoned one day for each
    28  dollar of fine and costs unpaid: Provided, however, That persons
    29  who have no outlet due to the closing of a road may drive on,
    30  over or across such road with the consent in writing of, and
    19950H0702B2681                 - 243 -

     1  subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by, the
     2  supervisors or their agents or contractors, without being
     3  subject to the penalties imposed by this section.
     4     In addition to the penalties imposed by this section, the
     5  supervisors responsible for the maintenance of a road which has
     6  been closed to vehicular traffic, or their agents or
     7  contractors, may in an action at law, recover damages from any
     8  person or persons who have damaged a road by driving on, over or
     9  across same when it is closed to vehicular traffic in accordance
    10  with the provisions of this act.
    11     All fines and moneys collected under the provisions of this
    12  section shall be paid by the officer receiving the same to the
    13  treasurer of the township in which the offense was committed and
    14  credited to the general township fund.]
    15     Section 2310.  Detours.--(a)  Except for emergencies, no
    16  public road shall be closed to traffic except upon order of the
    17  board of supervisors, and no public road shall be closed to
    18  traffic when it has been designated as a detour by the
    19  Department of Transportation unless the written consent of the
    20  Department of Transportation is first obtained or unless the
    21  board of supervisors, by resolution, declares the closing
    22  necessary for the protection of the public safety.
    23     (b)  When any public road is closed, the board of supervisors
    24  shall designate a detour on which shall be erected and
    25  maintained while the detour is in use legible direction signs at
    26  each public road intersection through the length of the detour.
    27  When the detour is in use, the board of supervisors shall
    28  maintain the detour in safe and passable condition, except for
    29  State and county highways. The board of supervisors shall
    30  immediately remove all detour signs when the road that was
    19950H0702B2681                 - 244 -

     1  originally closed is open for traffic. Except for State and
     2  county highways, the board of supervisors may acquire, by
     3  agreement or right of eminent domain, right-of-way privileges
     4  over private property for the period when the road is closed to
     5  traffic. In the exercise of the rights conferred by this
     6  section, the board of supervisors may pay for the necessary
     7  maintenance, subsequent repair and land rental.
     8     (c)  Any person who removes, defaces, destroys or disregards
     9  any barricade, light, danger sign, detour sign or warning of any
    10  other character whatsoever erected or placed under authority of
    11  this section or who drives on, over or across any road which has
    12  been properly closed commits a summary offense.
    13     (d)  In addition to the penalties imposed by this section,
    14  the board of supervisors may, in an action at law, recover
    15  damages from any person or persons who have damaged a road by
    16  driving on the road when it is closed to vehicular traffic under
    17  this act.
    18     (e)  All fines and moneys collected under this section shall
    19  be paid to the township treasurer.
    20          [(d)  Relocating or Vacating Roads by Agreement
    21                        with Property Owners
    22     Section 1115.   Relocating or Vacating Roads by Agreement.--
    23  Whenever the supervisors of any township deem it advisable to
    24  relocate any part of any public road under their supervision, or
    25  to vacate any abandoned portion of a State highway not vacated
    26  by the Department of Highways, and can agree with the property
    27  owners affected by such relocation or vacation, they may
    28  relocate or vacate such part of such public road, as
    29  contemplated in such agreement, without the formality of a view.
    30     A petition setting forth the facts regarding such relocation
    19950H0702B2681                 - 245 -

     1  or vacation accompanied by a map or draft of the same, shall be
     2  presented to the court of quarter sessions for approval before
     3  such actual relocation or vacation is made; whereupon the new
     4  location, approved by the court, shall be taken to be the public
     5  road and the old location shall be vacated, or the abandoned
     6  State highway shall be vacated, as the case may be.]
     7     Section 2311.  Relocating or Vacating Roads by Agreement.--
     8  (a)  When the board of supervisors relocates or vacates any part
     9  of any public road under its supervision and can agree with the
    10  property owners affected by the relocation or vacation, it may
    11  relocate or vacate the public road without the formality of a
    12  view.
    13     (b)  A copy of the agreement setting forth the facts
    14  regarding the relocation or vacation, accompanied by a map or
    15  draft of the road agreed to be relocated or vacated, shall be
    16  presented and recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds or
    17  similar office in home rule counties after which the new
    18  location is the public road or the old location is vacated.
    19                    [(e)  Elimination of Curves
    20     Section 1120.  Elimination of Curves.--Any township may
    21  acquire, by purchase or by the right of eminent domain, any such
    22  property and lands situate along or adjacent to any township
    23  road, as, in the opinion of the supervisors of such township,
    24  may be necessary to eliminate dangerous curves and widen narrow
    25  roads for the better protection and safety to the traveling
    26  public.
    27     Upon any such purchase or condemnation the supervisors may,
    28  from time to time, abate or remove, or cause to be abated or
    29  removed, any such dangerous curve or curves, or widen such
    30  narrow road to the extent of the property and land so acquired.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 246 -

     1     The proceedings for the condemnation of such property or land
     2  under the provisions of this section, and for the assessment of
     3  damages for property or land taken, injured or destroyed, shall
     4  be taken in the manner provided by this act for the condemnation
     5  of land by townships.]
     6     Section 2312.  Elimination of Curves; Acquisition of Views.--
     7  (a)  Any township may acquire, by purchase or by the right of
     8  eminent domain, any property and lands along or adjacent to any
     9  township road that may be necessary to eliminate dangerous
    10  curves and widen roads and provide a free and unobstructed view
    11  over lands located at or near the intersection of any two roads
    12  or highways, or a road and a railroad or railway, or at any
    13  curve in any road, for the better protection and safety to the
    14  traveling public.
    15     (b)  The proceedings for the condemnation of the property or
    16  land and for the assessment of damages for property or land
    17  taken, injured or destroyed shall be taken under Article XXXIV.
    18             [(f)  Acquisition of Unobstructed Views at
    19                      Curves and Intersections
    20     Section 1125.  Acquisition of Views.--Any township may
    21  acquire, by purchase or by the right of eminent domain, a free
    22  and unobstructed view down and across such lands located at or
    23  near the intersection of any two roads or highways, or a road
    24  and a railroad or railway, or at any curve in any road, as may
    25  be necessary to assure a free and unobstructed view in all
    26  directions at such crossings or curves, and to so prevent the
    27  use of such lands for any purpose or in any manner which may
    28  interfere with or obstruct the vision of persons traveling upon
    29  any such highways.
    30     Upon any such condemnation, the township, having had such
    19950H0702B2681                 - 247 -

     1  view condemned may, from time to time, abate or remove, or cause
     2  to be abated or removed, any obstruction to such view over and
     3  across such lands.
     4     The proceedings for the condemnation of such view over and
     5  across such lands and for the assessment of damages for property
     6  taken, injured or destroyed shall be taken in the manner
     7  provided in this act.
     8     Upon the condemnation of such a view, the owner of such lands
     9  may make every such use thereof as will not interfere with a
    10  free and unobstructed view at such dangerous crossing or curve,
    11  and, unless specially provided for in such condemnation
    12  proceedings, such condemnation shall not be construed to prevent
    13  the owner thereof from using such land for pasture or the
    14  growing of grass, oats, wheat, or other crops which will not
    15  obstruct the vision more than wheat.
    16         (g)  Relocation, Alteration and Vacation of Roads
    17                       in or near State Parks
    18     Section 1130.  Agreements to Relocate, Alter and Vacate Roads
    19  in or near State Parks.--Whenever a public road or highway
    20  within a park or public grounds, title to which park or public
    21  grounds is vested in the State of Pennsylvania, is laid out,
    22  located, relocated, altered or vacated in such manner that a
    23  public road approaching, leading into, or contiguous to such
    24  park or public grounds shall become either useless,
    25  inconvenient, or burdensome, such public road approaching,
    26  leading into, or contiguous to such park or public grounds may
    27  be altered, relocated, or vacated by the township supervisors
    28  charged with the duty of maintaining such road, in whole or in
    29  part, for the purpose of making it convenient and suitable as an
    30  approach to the roads and highways within said park or public
    19950H0702B2681                 - 248 -

     1  grounds, upon the consent and agreement of (a) the commissioners
     2  or officials charged with the care and management of said park
     3  or public grounds; (b) the township supervisors charged with the
     4  duty of maintaining said roads approaching, leading into, or
     5  contiguous to said park or public grounds; and (c) the property
     6  owners owning the majority of the frontage of land abutting upon
     7  the relocated portion of the road approaching, leading into, or
     8  contiguous to said park or public grounds.
     9     Section 1131.  Agreement to Be Filed in Court; Effect of
    10  Filing.--The filing of such consent and agreement in the court
    11  of quarter sessions of the county or counties in which the
    12  altered, relocated or vacated road is situate, shall have the
    13  same force and effect as the filing and the approval and
    14  absolute confirmation by the court of quarter sessions of a
    15  report of viewers appointed in accordance with the general road
    16  law, and shall have the same force and effect as though said
    17  viewers had laid out, located, relocated, altered or vacated
    18  such road in accordance with the agreement filed as aforesaid,
    19  and the report of said viewers had been filed, approved and
    20  absolutely confirmed by the court.
    21     The filing of said agreement in the court of quarter sessions
    22  shall be conclusive as to the question of the necessity for the
    23  laying out, location, relocation, alteration or vacation of said
    24  road as contained in the said agreement, and that the portion or
    25  portions of said road abandoned or vacated were useless,
    26  inconvenient and burdensome.
    27     Section 1132.  Altered and Relocated Roads Declared Township
    28  Roads.--Such road, when altered or relocated, shall be
    29  maintained and repaired in the same manner as other township
    30  roads are maintained and repaired.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 249 -

     1     Section 1133.  Assessment of Damages.--The owner of any land,
     2  through which any public road may be so located, may apply by
     3  petition to the court of quarter sessions of the proper county,
     4  setting forth the injury which has been sustained by reason of
     5  the relocation of the said public road, and the proceedings
     6  relative to the assessment and payment of damages of said
     7  landowner shall be in accordance with the provisions of this act
     8  for eminent domain proceedings.]
     9     Section 2313.  Roads in or Near Public Parks.--(a)  The board
    10  of supervisors may contract with the Commonwealth, a county or a
    11  municipal corporation owning and operating parks inside the
    12  township to establish, relocate, alter or vacate public roads
    13  inside or contiguous to those parks. The board of supervisors
    14  shall take no action with respect to the public roads without
    15  the written consent and agreement of the Commonwealth, county or
    16  municipal corporation owning and operating the parks. Any road,
    17  when altered or relocated under this section, shall be
    18  maintained and repaired the same as other township roads.
    19     (b)  The agreement shall be adopted by ordinance, and, within
    20  thirty days, the road shall be a public road of the township.
    21     (c)  The owner of any land through which any public road may
    22  be located or relocated may apply by petition to the court of
    23  common pleas, setting forth the injury which has been sustained
    24  by reason of the relocation of the public road, and the
    25  proceedings relative to the assessment and payment of damages of
    26  the landowner shall be under this act for eminent domain.
    27       [(h)  Grading or Paving Streets or Roads Upon Petition
    28                         of Property Owners
    29     Section 1135.  Petition of Property Owners.--Any township may
    30  grade, curb, gutter, pave or otherwise improve, with brick,
    19950H0702B2681                 - 250 -

     1  stone or any suitable materials, any public street or road, or
     2  part thereof, laid out and opened in the township. Such work may
     3  be done by employes of the township or by contract, as the board
     4  of supervisors shall determine. No street or road, or any part
     5  thereof, shall be improved under the provisions of this section,
     6  except upon the petitions of owners of property representing a
     7  majority in number of feet front of the properties abutting on
     8  the street or road, or part thereof, proposed to be improved.
     9     Section 1136.  Assessment of Cost by Foot Front Rule.--The
    10  cost and expense of such improvement may be collected from the
    11  owners of the real estate abutting on such street or highway, or
    12  part thereof, by an equal assessment on the feet front. Such
    13  assessment shall be estimated by the township engineer, or if
    14  there be no engineer, by other competent authority designated by
    15  the township supervisors.
    16     Section 1137.  Collection of Assessments.--All such
    17  assessments for improvement shall be filed with the secretary of
    18  the board of supervisors. The secretary shall give thirty days'
    19  written or printed notice that the assessments are due and
    20  payable to each party assessed, either by service on the owner
    21  or agent or left on the assessed premises. If the assessments,
    22  or any of them, remain unpaid at the expiration of said thirty
    23  days, they shall be placed in the hands of the township
    24  solicitor for collection. The solicitor shall collect the same,
    25  together with five per centum additional as attorney's
    26  commission and interest from the completion of the improvement,
    27  by a municipal claim filed against the delinquent owner in like
    28  manner as municipal claims are now collected. When an owner has
    29  two or more lots against which there is an assessment for the
    30  same improvements, all such lots shall be embraced in one claim.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 251 -

     1     Section 1138.  Owner Defined.--The term "owner," as used in
     2  subdivision (h) of this act, means all individuals,
     3  corporations, public or private, copartnerships, and
     4  associations, having title in the property assessed. If the
     5  owner to whom notice is required to be given is a non-resident
     6  of the township, and his, her, or their place of residence is
     7  unknown, or if the ownership of the property cannot be
     8  ascertained, the notice shall be posted on the premises and a
     9  copy left with the occupant, if there be one.]
    10     Section 2314.  Petition of Property Owners for
    11  Improvements.--(a)  Any township may improve any public street
    12  in the township upon the petition of property owners
    13  representing a majority in number of feet front of the
    14  properties abutting on the street proposed to be improved at the
    15  expense of the property owners.
    16     (b)  The cost of the improvement may be collected from the
    17  owners of the real estate abutting on the street or highway, or
    18  part thereof, by an equal assessment on the foot-front basis.
    19     (c)  The assessments for improvement shall be filed with the
    20  township treasurer under section 3302(a).
    21     (d)  The term "owner," as used in this section, means all
    22  individuals and public or private corporations, copartnerships
    23  and associations having title in the assessed property. If the
    24  owner is a nonresident of the township and the place of
    25  residence is unknown or if the ownership of the property cannot
    26  be ascertained, the notice shall be posted on the premises and a
    27  copy shall be left with the occupant, if any.
    28     Section 2315.  Improvements Without Petition.--(a)  The board
    29  of supervisors may, by ordinance, provide for the construction,
    30  reconstruction, repair or other improvements to any public
    19950H0702B2681                 - 252 -

     1  street in the township.
     2     (b)  The cost of improvements may be collected from the
     3  owners of the real estate abutting on the street or highway, or
     4  part thereof, by an equal assessment on the foot-front basis;
     5  but in no instance shall any abutting property owner be liable
     6  for the cost of improvements in an amount greater than fifteen
     7  percent of the assessed valuation of the abutting property:
     8  Provided, further, with respect to any property used exclusively
     9  for forestry purposes, for agricultural purposes, or for both as
    10  of the time of the assessment, That the assessment shall be
    11  based upon the actual foot frontage of such property or one
    12  hundred and fifty feet, whichever is less. Any expense above the
    13  maximum liability of abutting property owners shall be paid by
    14  the township.
    15     (c)  All assessments for improvements shall be filed with the
    16  township treasurer under section 3302(a).
    17     (d)  If abutting property owners fail to pay the expenses of
    18  the improvements for which they are liable, the board of
    19  supervisors may recover the amount by action of assumpsit or may
    20  file municipal liens therefor against the abutting properties
    21  under law for the filing and collection of municipal liens.
    22      [(i)  Deeds of Dedication; Dedicated Roads, Streets and
    23                        Drainage Facilities
    24     Section 1140.  Acceptance of Land Dedicated by Deed for Road
    25  Purposes.--The supervisors of any township may accept by
    26  resolution in the name of the township, any land dedicated by
    27  deed to the township to be used as a road, street or alley. A
    28  copy of such resolution, together with a draft or survey of the
    29  road, street or alley, showing location and width thereof, shall
    30  be filed in the office with the clerk of quarter sessions
    19950H0702B2681                 - 253 -

     1  court.]
     2     Section 2316.  Acceptance of Land for Road Purposes.--(a)
     3  The board of supervisors may, by resolution, accept any land
     4  dedicated by deed to the township to be used as a road, street
     5  or alley. A copy of the resolution, together with a draft or
     6  survey of the road, street or alley, showing location and width
     7  thereof, shall be filed with the clerk of the court of common
     8  pleas.
     9     (b)  When plans of dedicated roads, streets or alleys located
    10  in townships have been approved and recorded under this article,
    11  the board of supervisors may, by resolution, accept any roads,
    12  streets or alleys as public roads if shown in the plans as
    13  dedicated to that use and if the roads or streets are not less
    14  than thirty-three feet in width and the alleys are not less than
    15  fifteen feet in width.
    16     (c)  Upon the filing with the clerk of court of common pleas
    17  of the county a certified and attested copy of the resolution,
    18  the roads, streets or alleys become a part of the public road
    19  system of the township and shall be so recorded in the court.
    20     [Section 1140.1.  Plans of Dedicated Roads and Streets.--No
    21  person shall construct, open, or dedicate any road, or any
    22  drainage facilities in connection therewith, for public use or
    23  travel in any township, without first submitting plans thereof
    24  to the township supervisors for their approval. Such plans shall
    25  be prepared in duplicate in accordance with such rules and
    26  regulations as may be prescribed by the supervisors, and shall
    27  show the profiles of such roads, the course, structure, and
    28  capacity of any drainage facilities, and the method of drainage
    29  of the adjacent or contiguous territory, and also any other
    30  further details that may be required under the rules or
    19950H0702B2681                 - 254 -

     1  regulations adopted by the township supervisors. Before acting
     2  upon any such plans, the supervisors may, in their discretion,
     3  arrange for a public hearing, after giving such notice as they
     4  may deem desirable in each case. The township supervisors are
     5  authorized to alter such plans, and to specify any changes or
     6  modifications of any kind, which they, in their discretion, may
     7  deem necessary with respect thereto, and may make their approval
     8  of such plans subject to any such alterations, changes or
     9  modifications. Any plans when so approved shall be signed in
    10  duplicate on behalf of the township by the supervisors and an
    11  approved duplicate copy shall be filed with the secretary of the
    12  township, who shall make the same available to public
    13  inspection. No road or drainage facilities in connection
    14  therewith, shall be opened, constructed, or dedicated for public
    15  use or travel, except in strict accordance with plans so
    16  approved by the supervisors, or with further plans subsequently
    17  approved by them in the same manner, and until such plan and the
    18  approval thereof has been recorded as hereinafter provided.
    19     Section 1141.  Appeals Where Supervisors Refuse Approval;
    20  Recording of Approval and Plans.--(a)  In any case where the
    21  township supervisors shall refuse to approve any plans submitted
    22  to them in accordance with this subdivision, any person
    23  aggrieved by the action of the supervisors may, within thirty
    24  days after such action, appeal therefrom by petition to the
    25  court of quarter sessions of the county, which court shall hear
    26  the matter de novo, and, after hearing, may enter a decree
    27  affirming, reversing, or modifying the action of the supervisors
    28  as may appear just in the premises. The court shall designate
    29  the manner in which notices of the hearing of any such appeal
    30  shall be given to all parties interested. The decision of the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 255 -

     1  court shall be final.
     2     (b)  The action of the township supervisors, or of the court
     3  on appeal, in approving any such plans, and an approved
     4  duplicate copy of such plans, shall be recorded by the person
     5  applying for such approval in the office of the recorder of
     6  deeds of the county.
     7     It shall be unlawful for any person to present to the
     8  recorder of deeds, or any employe thereof, any such plan which
     9  has not been approved by the township supervisors. Such approval
    10  shall be so indicated on the plan presented for recording. No
    11  recorder of deeds, or any employe thereof, shall record any such
    12  plan unless it has been so approved.
    13     Section 1142.  No Responsibility on Township Where Plans Not
    14  Approved.--If any road or any drainage facilities in connection
    15  therewith, shall be opened, constructed, or dedicated for public
    16  use or travel, except in strict accordance with plans approved
    17  and recorded as herein provided, neither the township
    18  supervisors nor any public authorities shall place, construct,
    19  or operate any sewer, drain, water pipe or other facilities, or
    20  do any work of any kind, in or upon such road; and neither the
    21  township supervisors nor any other public authorities, shall
    22  have any responsibility of any kind with respect to any such
    23  road or drainage facilities, notwithstanding any use of the same
    24  by the public: Provided, however, That nothing herein contained
    25  shall prevent the laying of trunk sewers, drains, water or gas
    26  mains, if required by engineering necessity for the
    27  accommodation of other territory.
    28     Section 1143.  Entry on Lands by Supervisors.--The township
    29  supervisors and their representatives and workmen may enter upon
    30  any land and property, and maintain marks and monuments, so far
    19950H0702B2681                 - 256 -

     1  as the supervisors deem necessary in carrying out their powers
     2  and duties under this subdivision.
     3     Section 1144.  Penalty.--Any person, copartnership or
     4  corporation who or which shall construct, open or dedicate any
     5  road or any drainage facilities in connection therewith, for
     6  public use or travel in any township, without having first
     7  complied with the provisions of section 1140 of this act, and of
     8  any resolutions of the township authorities adopted pursuant
     9  hereto, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction
    10  thereof, such person or the members of such copartnership or the
    11  officers of such corporation, responsible for such violation,
    12  shall be sentenced to suffer imprisonment not exceeding two
    13  years, or pay a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or
    14  both, in the discretion of the court.
    15     Section 1145.  Effect of Approval of Plans.--No approval of
    16  plans by a township shall obligate or require any such township
    17  to construct, reconstruct, maintain, repair, or grade such
    18  roads, until and unless authorized and ordered so to do by the
    19  proper court pursuant to the provisions of this subdivision.]
    20     Section 2317.  Approval of Plans.--(a)  No person shall
    21  construct, open or dedicate any road or any drainage facilities
    22  for public use or travel without first submitting plans thereof
    23  to the board of supervisors for its approval. The plans shall be
    24  prepared under rules and regulations adopted by the board of
    25  supervisors and shall show the profiles of the roads, the
    26  course, structure and capacity of any drainage facilities, the
    27  method of drainage of the adjacent or contiguous territory and
    28  any other details that may be required under the rules or
    29  regulations adopted by the board of supervisors. The board of
    30  supervisors may alter the plans and specify any changes or
    19950H0702B2681                 - 257 -

     1  modifications of any kind and may make its approval of the plans
     2  subject to those alterations, changes or modifications. The
     3  plans when so approved shall be signed by the board of
     4  supervisors and a copy shall be filed with the secretary of the
     5  township. No road or drainage facilities shall be opened,
     6  constructed or dedicated for public use or travel except in
     7  compliance with plans approved by the board of supervisors and
     8  until the approved plan is recorded as required in this section.
     9     (b)  If the board of supervisors refuses to approve any plans
    10  submitted to it under this section, any person aggrieved by the
    11  action of the board of supervisors may, within thirty days,
    12  appeal to the court of common pleas. The court shall hear the
    13  matter de novo and, after hearing, may enter a decree affirming,
    14  reversing or modifying the action of the board of supervisors.
    15     (c)  The action of the board of supervisors, or of the court
    16  on appeal, in approving any plans shall be recorded by the
    17  person applying for the approval in the office of the recorder
    18  of deeds of the county.
    19     (d)  No person shall present to the recorder of deeds any
    20  plan which has not been approved by the board of supervisors.
    21  Approval shall be so indicated on the plan presented for
    22  recording.
    23     (e)  If any road or any drainage facilities are opened,
    24  constructed or dedicated for public use or travel, except in
    25  compliance with plans approved and recorded, neither the board
    26  of supervisors nor any public authorities shall be required to
    27  place, construct or operate any sewer, drain, water pipe or
    28  other facilities, or do any work of any kind, in or upon that
    29  road; and neither the board of supervisors nor any other public
    30  authorities have any responsibility of any kind with respect to
    19950H0702B2681                 - 258 -

     1  the road or drainage facilities even if they are in use by the
     2  public. Nothing in this act shall prevent the laying of trunk
     3  sewers, drains or water or gas mains if required by engineering
     4  necessity for the accommodation of other territory.
     5     (f)  Any person who constructs, opens or dedicates any road
     6  or any drainage facilities in connection therewith for public
     7  use or travel in any township without having first complied with
     8  this section and any resolutions of the board of supervisors
     9  commits a misdemeanor of the third degree and is subject to a
    10  suit for all costs and damages incurred by the township or
    11  property owners in the course of correcting all substantive
    12  violations of State or municipal law or regulations resulting
    13  from or arising out of the unlawfully recorded plan. All fines
    14  and moneys so recovered shall be paid to the township treasurer.
    15     (g)  No approval of plans by the board of supervisors shall
    16  obligate or require the township to construct, reconstruct,
    17  maintain, repair or grade the roads.
    18     Section 2318.  Markers and Monuments.--The board of
    19  supervisors and its agents may enter any land and property and
    20  maintain marks and monuments in carrying out its powers and
    21  duties under this article.
    22     [Section 1146.  Powers of State and Counties Preserved.--
    23  Nothing contained in this subdivision shall be held to restrict
    24  or limit the State Department of Highways, or any county, in the
    25  exercise of any of its duties, powers and functions under the
    26  provisions of any act of Assembly now in force or hereafter to
    27  be enacted.]
    28     Section 2319.  Powers of State and Counties Preserved.--
    29  Nothing contained in this article shall be held to restrict or
    30  limit the Department of Transportation or any county in the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 259 -

     1  exercise of any of its duties, powers and functions under any
     2  State law.
     3     [Section 1147.  Taking Over of Roads, Streets, and Alleys
     4  Heretofore Dedicated as Public Roads.--Whenever plans of
     5  dedicated roads, streets, or alleys located in second class
     6  townships have been approved, and recorded, as provided in
     7  section 1140.1 and 1411 the board of supervisors of any such
     8  township may accept by resolution any roads, streets, or alleys,
     9  as public roads, if shown in said plans as dedicated to such
    10  use; and provided the roads or streets shall be not less than
    11  thirty-three feet in width, and the alleys not less than fifteen
    12  feet in width, said acceptance to be evidenced by a resolution
    13  of the said board of supervisors, properly describing said
    14  roads, streets, or alleys and adopted by a majority thereof by a
    15  vote duly recorded and entered upon the minutes of said board.
    16  Upon the filing with the clerk of courts of quarter sessions of
    17  the county, in which said township shall be situate, a certified
    18  and attested copy of said resolution, such roads, streets, or
    19  alleys shall be and become a part of the public road system of
    20  said township, and shall be so recorded in said court of quarter
    21  sessions.
    22     Section 1148.  Scope of Subdivision (i).--The provisions of
    23  this subdivision (i) of Article XI shall be applicable only in
    24  cases where a township shall fail to adopt and enforce land
    25  subdivision regulations as provided in Article XII-A of this
    26  act, and to situations not covered by such regulations.
    27       (j)  Entry on Private Property to Secure Road Material
    28                   and to Open Ditches and Drains
    29     Section 1150.  Power to Enter on Lands.--When road material
    30  cannot be conveniently obtained by contract at reasonable
    19950H0702B2681                 - 260 -

     1  prices, the supervisors of a township may enter upon any land or
     2  enclosure within their township lying near the road, and dig,
     3  gather, and carry upon the road any stones, sand, gravel or
     4  other road material which they think necessary to make,
     5  maintain, or repair the road. In exercising such right, they
     6  shall do no unnecessary damage to the land, and shall repair any
     7  breaches of fences which they make.
     8     Section 1151.  Viewers to Fix Damages.--Whenever the
     9  supervisors and the owners of the land cannot agree upon the
    10  damages, the same shall be assessed by viewers to be appointed
    11  and to make report as provided in this act in the case of
    12  eminent domain proceedings.
    13     Section 1152.  Power to Open Drains and Ditches.--The
    14  township supervisors may enter upon any lands or enclosures, and
    15  cut, open, maintain, and repair such drains or ditches through
    16  the same as, in their judgment, are necessary to carry the water
    17  from the roads.
    18     Any person who shall stop, fill up, or injure any such drain
    19  or ditch, or shall divert or change the course thereof, without
    20  the authority of the supervisors, shall, upon conviction thereof
    21  in a summary proceeding, pay a fine of not more than twenty-five
    22  dollars for each such offense, together with the cost of
    23  restoring such drain or ditch, and, in default of the payment of
    24  such fine and costs, shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not
    25  more than ten days. All fines and moneys so recovered shall be
    26  paid to the township treasurer.]
    27     Section 2320.  Power to Open Drains and Ditches.--(a)  The
    28  board of supervisors or its agents may enter any lands or
    29  enclosures and cut, open, maintain and repair drains or ditches
    30  through the property when necessary to carry the water from the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 261 -

     1  roads.
     2     (b)  Any person who damages or diverts any drain or ditch
     3  without the authority of the board of supervisors commits a
     4  summary offense and is liable for the cost of restoring the
     5  drain or ditch. All fines and moneys so recovered shall be paid
     6  to the township treasurer.
     7       [(k)  Roads Crossing Railroads; Special Uses of Roads
     8     Section 1155.  Railroad Crossings.--Every township
     9  constructing a road across a railroad shall construct the same
    10  above or below the grade thereof, unless permitted by the Public
    11  Utility Commission to construct the same at grade.
    12     Any such crossing of a railroad by a road, or any vacation of
    13  any road crossing a railroad, shall be constructed only in the
    14  manner prescribed by and under the jurisdiction of the Public
    15  Utility Commission. In such cases compensation for damages to
    16  the owners of adjacent property taken, injured or destroyed,
    17  shall be ascertained, fixed and paid in the manner prescribed in
    18  the Public Utility Law.]
    19     Section 2321.  Railroad Crossings.--(a)  Every township
    20  constructing a road across a railroad shall construct the road
    21  above or below the grade thereof unless permitted by the
    22  Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission to construct the road at
    23  grade.
    24     (b)  Any crossing of a railroad by a road or any vacation of
    25  any road crossing a railroad shall be made only under the
    26  jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.
    27  Compensation for damages to the owners of adjacent property
    28  taken, injured or destroyed shall be determined under 66 Pa.C.S.
    29  (relating to public utilities).
    30     [Section 1156.  Permits.--No railroad or street railway shall
    19950H0702B2681                 - 262 -

     1  hereafter be constructed upon any township road, nor shall any
     2  railroad or street railway crossings, nor any gas pipe, water
     3  pipe, electric conduits, or other piping, be laid upon or in,
     4  nor shall any telephone, telegraph, or electric light or power
     5  poles, or any coal tipples or any other obstructions be erected
     6  upon or in, any portion of a township road except under such
     7  conditions, restrictions and regulations relating to the
     8  installation and maintenance thereof, as may be prescribed in
     9  permits granted by the township for such purpose. Each
    10  application shall be submitted to the township, in duplicate, or
    11  such larger number as the township may require. The township
    12  shall prescribe a fee as determined by the Department of
    13  Transportation payable to the township not exceeding the
    14  approximate reasonable cost of processing the application, and
    15  another fee payable to the township not exceeding the
    16  approximate reasonable cost of making the first inspection
    17  hereafter described. Each application shall be accompanied by
    18  both fees. When the township shall grant the permit applied for,
    19  the township supervisors shall inspect the work authorized by
    20  the permit upon the completion thereof, and when necessary,
    21  enforce compliance with the conditions, restrictions and
    22  regulations prescribed by the township. In addition to such
    23  inspection, the township supervisors may reinspect the work not
    24  more than two years after its completion, and if any settlement
    25  of the road surface or other defect shall appear in the work
    26  contrary to the conditions, restrictions and regulations of the
    27  township, it may enforce compliance therewith. If the applicant
    28  shall fail to rectify any such settlement or other defect,
    29  within sixty days after written notice from the township
    30  supervisors to do so, the township supervisors may do the work
    19950H0702B2681                 - 263 -

     1  and impose upon the applicant the cost thereof, together with an
     2  additional twenty percentum (20%) of such cost, which may be
     3  recovered by an action in assumpsit in the court of common pleas
     4  of the county. All fees received by the township shall be paid
     5  into the township treasury. Nothing in this section shall be
     6  construed to require a permit in advance for emergency repairs
     7  necessary for the safety of the public or the restoration or
     8  continuance of public utility or other public service, but
     9  application for such permit and the fees shall be submitted as
    10  herein prescribed within five days after completion of the work,
    11  and thereafter the remaining provisions of this section shall
    12  apply. Further, nothing in this section shall be construed to
    13  authorize or empower a township to regulate or control the
    14  operations of any permittee, except as provided for in this
    15  section.]
    16     Section 2322.  Permits.--No railroad or street railway shall
    17  be constructed upon any township road, nor shall any railroad or
    18  street railway crossings, driveway connections, gas pipe, water
    19  pipe, electric conduits or other piping be laid upon or in, nor
    20  shall any telephone, telegraph or electric light or power poles
    21  or any coal tipples or any other obstructions be erected upon or
    22  in, any portion of a township road except under conditions,
    23  restrictions and regulations specified in permits granted by the
    24  township for that purpose. Each application shall be submitted
    25  to the township in duplicate. The township shall collect a fee
    26  as determined by the Department of Transportation for processing
    27  the application and another fee for making the inspection. Each
    28  application shall be accompanied by both fees. When the township
    29  grants the permit, the board of supervisors or its agents shall
    30  inspect the work authorized by the permit upon the completion
    19950H0702B2681                 - 264 -

     1  thereof and, when necessary, enforce compliance with the
     2  conditions, restrictions and regulations specified by the
     3  township. In addition to that inspection, the board of
     4  supervisors or its agents may reinspect the work not more than
     5  two years after its completion, and if any settlement of the
     6  road surface or other defect appears in the work contrary to the
     7  conditions, restrictions and regulations of the township, it may
     8  enforce compliance therewith. If the applicant fails to rectify
    11  within sixty days after written notice from the board of
    12  supervisors to do so, the board of supervisors or its agents may
    13  do the work and impose upon the applicant the cost thereof,
    14  together with an additional twenty percent of the cost, which
    15  may be recovered by an action in assumpsit in the court of
    16  common pleas of the county. All fees received by the township
    17  shall be paid into the township treasury. Nothing in this
    18  section shall be construed to require a permit in advance for
    19  emergency repairs necessary for the safety of the public or the
    20  restoration or continuance of public utility service or other
    21  public service, but application for the permit and the fees
    22  shall be submitted within five days after completion of the
    23  work, after which time the remaining provisions of this section
    24  apply. Nothing in this section authorizes a township to regulate
    25  or control the operations of any permittee except under this
    26  section.
    27                 [(l)  Guideposts and Index Boards
    28     Section 1160.  Duty of Supervisors to Erect.--The supervisors
    29  of the township shall erect posts at the intersection of all
    30  public roads and at one of the angles where any public road
    19950H0702B2681                 - 265 -

     1  crosses another public road, and shall firmly fix thereon boards
     2  or metal signs, with index hands pointing to the direction of
     3  such roads, but if a building, tree, trolley pole, telephone
     4  pole, or telegraph pole is so erected that it can be used in
     5  place of a post, and permission has been secured from the owner
     6  thereof, such building, tree or pole may be used in place of a
     7  post. On such boards and signs shall be inscribed, in large and
     8  legible characters, the name of the town, village, or place to
     9  which such roads lead, and the distance thereto computed in
    10  miles. Where any such public road intersects or crosses a State
    11  highway, application for a permit shall be made by the
    12  supervisors to the Department of Highways for the erecting of
    13  such signs.
    14     Section 1161.  Penalty for Destroying, Et Cetera.--It shall
    15  be unlawful for any person to wilfully destroy, remove, injure,
    16  or deface any guidepost or sign or index board legally erected
    17  upon or near any public street, road, or bridge by the
    18  supervisors, or by any club, association, or other organized
    19  body for the direction, guidance, or safety of travelers. It
    20  shall also be unlawful for any person to wilfully destroy,
    21  remove, injure or deface any temporary traffic-control device
    22  legally erected for the purpose of enhancing traffic or worker
    23  safety in a construction or maintenance work zone, including,
    24  but not limited to, cones, batons, barrels, barricades, signs,
    25  sign trucks, arrow boards or other devices specified in a
    26  traffic safety plan approved by the township or the Department
    27  of Transportation. Any person violating this section shall, upon
    28  conviction in a summary proceeding, be sentenced to pay a fine
    29  of not less than two hundred dollars nor more than five hundred
    30  dollars for the first offense, and a mandatory fine of five
    19950H0702B2681                 - 266 -

     1  hundred dollars for the second or any subsequent offense, with
     2  costs of prosecution, together with the value of such sign so
     3  destroyed, removed or defaced, and in default of such payment,
     4  shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than ten days.
     5  All fines and moneys so imposed and collected shall be paid to
     6  the township treasurer.]
     7     Section 2323.  Penalty for Destroying Signs.--A person shall
     8  not destroy, remove, injure or deface any sign or index board     <--
     9  legally erected upon or near any public street, road or bridge
    10  by the board of supervisors, or by any club, association or
    11  other organized body, for the direction, guidance or safety of
    12  travelers. A person shall not destroy, remove, injure or deface
    13  any temporary traffic-control device legally erected to enhance
    14  traffic or worker safety in a construction or maintenance work
    15  zone, including, but not limited to, cones, batons, barrels,
    16  barricades, signs, sign trucks, arrow boards or other devices
    17  specified in a traffic safety plan approved by the township or
    18  the Department of Transportation. Any person who violates this
    19  section commits a summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be
    20  sentenced to pay a fine of not less than two hundred dollars
    21  ($200) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500) for the first
    22  offense and a mandatory fine of five hundred dollars ($500) for
    23  the second or any subsequent offense, with costs of prosecution,
    24  together with the value of the destroyed, removed or defaced
    25  sign. All fines and moneys imposed and collected shall be paid
    26  to the township treasurer.
    27             [(m)  Protection of Roads from Snowdrifts
    28     Section 1165.  Protection of Highways from Snowdrifts.--Any
    29  township which is responsible for the maintenance of any public
    30  road shall have authority to enter upon private property
    19950H0702B2681                 - 267 -

     1  adjacent to such public road or highway and place thereon a snow
     2  fence, at any point which may be deemed necessary, to within a
     3  limit of one hundred feet from the right-of-way line of such
     4  public road, in order to eliminate snow drifting on the traveled
     5  portion of the public road.
     6     No such snow fence shall be placed prior to November first,
     7  nor shall the same remain in place after April first of the
     8  succeeding year, unless the written consent of the owner is
     9  obtained, agreeing to an extension of time for the removal of
    10  said snow fence.
    11     If the supervisors shall not be able to enter into an
    12  agreement with the owner of adjacent property occupied by such
    13  snow fence as to the amount of damages sustained as a result of
    14  said fence being placed and removed, the owner may petition the
    15  court of common pleas of the county for the appointment of
    16  viewers to ascertain the amount of damage incurred in such case
    17  in the manner provided in this act for eminent domain
    18  proceedings. Such damages, if any, when ascertained, shall be
    19  paid by the township from the general township fund.
    20     Whenever any roads in townships are so located as to render
    21  them liable, on account of high wind during the winter season,
    22  to be so filled with snow as to make them impassable, and, in
    23  the judgment of the supervisors, such drifts of snow can be
    24  avoided by the removal of any fence erected along either side of
    25  such road and replacing the same by a fence constructed of
    26  posts, wire, and boards or rail combined, the supervisors may
    27  agree with the owners of such fences upon a plan for the
    28  erection of such a fence. The township may pay the owners of
    29  such fences a sum not to exceed the first cost of the wire used
    30  in the construction of such fences. The wire used in the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 268 -

     1  construction of such fences shall be without barbs. This section
     2  shall not apply to any stone wall, hedge, or ornamental fence.]
     3     Section 2324.  Protection of Highways from Snowdrifts.--(a)
     4  The board of supervisors may enter private property adjacent to
     5  any public road or highway and place thereon a snow fence, to
     6  within a limit of one hundred feet from the right-of-way line of
     7  the public road, in order to eliminate snow drifting on the
     8  traveled portion of the public road.
     9     (b)  A snow fence may not be placed before the first day of
    10  November, or remain in place after the first day of April of the
    11  succeeding year, unless the written consent of the owner is
    12  obtained, agreeing to an extension of time for the removal of
    13  the snow fence.
    14     (c)  If the board of supervisors and the owner of the
    15  property upon which a snow fence is placed and removed under
    16  this section cannot agree to the amount of compensation, if any,
    17  to be paid to the owner for placing the fence, including the
    18  amount of damages, if any, to be paid for injury to the property
    19  resulting from placing and removing the fence, the owner may
    20  petition the court of common pleas of the county for the
    21  appointment of viewers to ascertain the amount of damage
    22  incurred in the manner provided in this act for eminent domain
    23  proceedings. Damages, if any, when ascertained, shall be paid by
    24  the township from the general township fund.
    25                      [(n)  Grades of Highways
    26     Section 1170.  Grades of Highways.--In the construction or
    27  repair of any highway in any township, it shall be unlawful to
    28  raise such highway above the ordinary grade thereof when a drain
    29  or culvert shall be constructed under such highway, or when such
    30  highway shall be constructed or repaired over such drain or
    19950H0702B2681                 - 269 -

     1  culvert. This section shall not be construed in any manner to
     2  interfere with the work of the State Department of Highways, in
     3  the reconstruction or improvement of any State highway or State-
     4  aid highway, or when a township improves a township road, under
     5  the direction, plans, and specifications of the State Department
     6  of Highways.
     7           (o)  Trees and Shrubbery within Limits of Road
     8     Section 1175.  Saving Trees and Shrubbery.--Where any road of
     9  any township passes through or along forested lands, wild lands,
    10  or uncultivated lands, no trees growing within the limits of
    11  such road at a distance beyond fifteen feet on either side of
    12  the center line thereof, and which measure four inches or over
    13  in diameter at a point two feet from the surface of the ground,
    14  shall be cut down or destroyed by the supervisors or roadmasters
    15  employed by them, or any other person, without first obtaining
    16  the consent of the abutting owners.
    17     Whenever any road running through improved or cultivated
    18  lands has been opened, and there are growing, along the
    19  roadsides and within the road limits, shrubs or trees not in the
    20  opinion of the supervisors interfering with public travel, no
    21  supervisors or roadmasters, or other persons in their employ,
    22  shall remove, cut, injure, or destroy, or in any other manner
    23  interfere with such shrubs or trees. If such removal or cutting
    24  is deemed necessary for the purpose of maintaining the road, the
    25  supervisors or roadmasters, or other persons in their employ,
    26  may cut or remove such shrubs or trees, after notifying the
    27  abutting property owners of the contemplated removal, cutting of
    28  said shrubs or trees.
    29     Section 1177.  Logs and Cordwood Property of Owner.--All
    30  logs, cordwood, branch wood, or other forms of wood, which shall
    19950H0702B2681                 - 270 -

     1  be derived from the destruction or removal of any trees growing
     2  along the highways, shall be surrendered to and remain the
     3  property of the abutting owners.
     4     Section 1178.  Brush and Refuse.--The supervisors may clear
     5  out brush and other refuse from along the sides of the road to
     6  the legal width thereof. All such clearing and removal of brush
     7  and refuse shall be confined to growth that is within the limits
     8  hereinabove described, and to the removal of branches that in
     9  any way interfere with public travel. No other injury, by fire,
    10  cutting, abrasion, or otherwise, shall be done to the standing
    11  timber.
    12     Section 1179.  Penalty.--Any supervisors, roadmaster, or
    13  person in their employ, or any other person, who shall cut down,
    14  kill, or injure any living tree, growing at a distance beyond
    15  fifteen feet on either side of the center line thereof, and of a
    16  size four inches in diameter or greater at a point two feet from
    17  the surface of the ground, except as provided in this
    18  subdivision, or who shall violate any other provision of this
    19  subdivision, shall, upon conviction thereof in a summary
    20  proceeding, be sentenced to pay a fine, of not more than five
    21  dollars for every tree so cut, injured or destroyed, with costs
    22  of suit, and in default of the payment of such fine and costs
    23  shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than ten days.
    24  Such fines shall be paid into the General Township Fund.
    25     Section 1180.  Removal of Obstruction.--Nothing in this
    26  subdivision shall be so construed as to prevent the supervisors
    27  or roadmasters, or other persons in their employ, from removing
    28  such roadside trees which may be thrown down by wind or lodged
    29  in such position as to be a menace to public travel, or which,
    30  by reason of any other cause, may become a source of danger to
    19950H0702B2681                 - 271 -

     1  the public. Every such act of removal shall be made with due
     2  regard to the circumstances of the case, so as to preserve the
     3  true intent and purpose of this subdivision.]
     4     Section 2325.  Saving Trees and Shrubbery.--(a)  The board of
     5  supervisors or its agents shall not remove any shrub or tree
     6  growing within the right-of-way of any township road or street
     7  except those shrubs and trees the board of supervisors finds to
     8  constitute a hazardous or dangerous condition to the use of the
     9  highway or those which impair the use or maintenance of the
    10  public road or street. No tree having a trunk diameter in excess
    11  of six inches shall be removed without notice of the proposed
    12  removal having first been given to the abutting property owner.
    13  The township supervisors shall determine, by resolution, the
    14  form of notice to property owners.
    15     (b)  All logs, cordwood, branch wood or other forms of wood
    16  derived from the destruction or removal of any trees growing
    17  along the highways shall be surrendered to, and remain the
    18  property of, the abutting owners.
    19     (c)  The board of supervisors may clear out brush and other
    20  refuse along the sides of the road to the legal width thereof.
    21  All clearing and removal of brush and refuse shall be confined
    22  to growth that is within the right-of-way and to the removal of
    23  branches that in any way interfere with public travel. No other
    24  injury, by fire, cutting, abrasion or otherwise, shall be done
    25  to the standing timber.
    26     (d)  Any person who violates the provisions of this section
    27  commits a summary offense. All fines shall be paid into the
    28  general township fund.
    29     (e)  Nothing in this section prevents the board of
    30  supervisors or roadmasters, or other persons in their employ,
    19950H0702B2681                 - 272 -

     1  from removing roadside trees which may be thrown down by wind or
     2  lodged in a position as to be a menace to public travel or
     3  which, by reason of any other cause, may become a source of
     4  danger to the public.
     5                  [(p)  Obstructions and Nuisances
     6     Section 1185.  Obstructions and Nuisances.--Any person who
     7  shall stop or obstruct any public road in any township, or
     8  commit any nuisance thereon by felling trees, making fences,
     9  turning the road, or in any other way, and who shall not, on
    10  notice given by the township supervisors, forthwith remove the
    11  obstruction or nuisance and repair the damages done to such
    12  road, upon conviction in a summary proceeding, shall, for every
    13  such offense, pay a penalty of not more than twenty-five
    14  dollars, and in default of the payment of such fine and costs,
    15  shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than ten days.
    16  Nothing in this section shall debar an indictment for any such
    17  nuisance as in case of misdemeanor at common law.]
    18     Section 2326.  Obstructions and Nuisances.--Any person who
    19  obstructs any public road or commits any nuisance thereon by
    20  felling trees, making fences, turning the road, diverting water
    21  onto or in any other way and who does not, on notice given by
    22  the board of supervisors, immediately remove the obstruction or
    23  nuisance and repair the damages done to the road commits a
    24  summary offense. Nothing in this section shall debar a
    25  prosecution for any nuisance as in case of misdemeanor at common
    26  law.
    27     Section 2327.  Traffic Lights and Signals.--The board of
    28  supervisors may provide for the erection, maintenance and
    29  operation of traffic lights and traffic signals under IN          <--
    30  ACCORDANCE WITH 75 Pa.C.S. (relating to vehicles) whenever        <--
    19950H0702B2681                 - 273 -

     1  deemed necessary for the protection of the traveling public.
     2     Section 2328.  Regulation of Parking.--(a)  The board of
     3  supervisors may, by ordinance, regulate parking, provide parking
     4  accommodations to promote the convenience and protection of the
     5  public, post signs regulating parking in areas established or
     6  designated for handicapped OR SEVERELY DISABLED VETERAN parking   <--
     7  and impose penalties for the violation of those regulations.
     8     (b)  The board of supervisors may provide for the erection,
     9  maintenance and regulation of parking meters, and it may, by
    10  ordinance, establish parking meter charges and impose penalties
    11  for the violation of those regulations.
    12     Section 2329.  Naming of Streets.--The board of supervisors
    13  may provide for and regulate the naming of streets, roads and
    17     Section 2330.  Bike Paths.--The board of supervisors may
    18  provide for the construction and maintenance of bike paths for
    19  the protection or convenience of the traveling public.
    20     Section 2331.  County Bridges.--When the cost of construction
    21  or maintenance of a bridge located within the township is paid
    22  in whole or in part by the county, the board of supervisors may
    23  make agreements for the maintenance and repair of the bridge.
    24                            [ARTICLE XII
    25                           BOUNDARY ROADS
    26          (a)  Opening, Repairing, and Improving Roads on
    27                     Division Line of Townships
    28     Section 1201.  Roads Between Townships of the First Class and
    29  Townships of the Second Class.--Roads laid out on a line which
    30  divides a township of the first class from a township of the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 274 -

     1  second class shall be opened, made, kept clear and in repair, at
     2  the joint and equal charge of such townships. Any township
     3  necessarily incurring more than its due proportion of such
     4  charge may recover the excess so incurred from the other
     5  township.
     6     Whenever any public road is laid out on the line of two
     7  townships, if the commissioners or supervisors of an adjoining
     8  township neglect or refuse to join with the supervisors of the
     9  township in opening or repairing such road, the supervisors of
    10  the township shall open, and repair the road, and are authorized
    11  to collect a just proportion of the cost of the opening and
    12  repairing of such road from the township so neglecting or
    13  refusing to join in such opening, or repairing. The
    14  commissioners or supervisors so neglecting or refusing shall be
    15  liable to a penalty of not exceeding fifty dollars, to be
    16  recovered in a summary proceeding. All such penalties when
    17  recovered shall be paid into the township road fund.
    18     Section 1202.  Roads Between Two Townships of the Second
    19  Class.--Whenever any road is on the boundary line between two
    20  townships of the second class, such road shall be constructed,
    21  improved, repaired and maintained jointly by said townships. For
    22  the purpose of constructing, improving, repairing or maintaining
    23  any such road, the supervisors of such townships are hereby
    24  directed to enter into an agreement providing the manner in
    25  which the same shall be constructed, improved, repaired or
    26  maintained, and providing for the division of the cost of
    27  maintenance between said townships. Such agreement shall be
    28  filed with the clerk or clerks of the court or courts of quarter
    29  sessions of the county or counties in which such townships are
    30  located. If any such township shall fail or refuse to enter into
    19950H0702B2681                 - 275 -

     1  any such agreement, or if the townships cannot agree, any
     2  taxpayer or the supervisors of either township may present a
     3  petition to the court of quarter sessions of the county, or if
     4  said townships are in different counties to the court of quarter
     5  sessions of either county, setting forth the facts, and the
     6  court, after hearing of which such notice shall be given to all
     7  parties interested as the court may direct, shall make an order
     8  directing the manner of such construction, improvement, repair
     9  or maintenance and the division of the cost thereof between such
    10  townships. The action of the court shall be final.
    11          (b)  Maintenance of Roads Between Townships and
    12                         Cities or Boroughs
    13     Section 1205.  Roads Between Townships and Cities and
    14  Boroughs.--Whenever any road or street is on the boundary line
    15  between any township and a city or borough, such road or street
    16  shall be maintained jointly by the township and the city or
    17  borough. For the purpose of maintaining any such road or street,
    18  the authorities of any such township are hereby directed to
    19  enter into agreements with such city or borough providing the
    20  manner in which the same shall be maintained, and providing for
    21  the division of the cost of maintenance between the city or
    22  borough and township. If any such city or borough and township
    23  shall fail or refuse to enter into any such contract, or if the
    24  city or borough and township cannot agree, any taxpayer or the
    25  corporate authorities of the township may present a petition to
    26  the court of quarter sessions of the county, setting forth the
    27  facts, and the court, after hearing, of which such notice shall
    28  be given to all parties interested as the court may direct,
    29  shall make an order directing the manner of such maintenance and
    30  the division of the cost of maintenance between the city or
    19950H0702B2681                 - 276 -

     1  borough and the township. The action of the court shall be
     2  final.
     3  (c)  Road, the Centre Line of Which is the Dividing Line Between
     4        Townships and Boroughs or Cities in the Same County
     5     Section 1210.  Roads Between Townships and Municipalities in
     6  the Same County.--Whenever the centre line of any road or street
     7  constitutes the dividing line between a township and any city or
     8  borough located in the same county, the supervisors of the
     9  township may, jointly with the county, enter into a contract
    10  with the city or borough providing for the grading, curbing, and
    11  macadamizing or paving of such road.
    12     Such alteration or improvement shall be constructed, and
    13  subsequent repairs shall be made, under the supervision of the
    14  proper authorities of the city or borough, in compliance with
    15  the laws governing the construction of such alterations or
    16  improvements in such city or borough and with plans and
    17  specifications to be agreed upon in writing between the
    18  supervisors of the township and the city or borough and the
    19  commissioners of the county.
    20     The cost of any alteration or improvement shall be borne one-
    21  half by the city or borough and one-half by the county and
    22  township in equal portions.
    23     The cost of repairs shall be borne one-half by the city or
    24  borough and one-half by the township, or by the county and
    25  township in equal portions, or such other portions as are agreed
    26  upon in the joint contract of the township with the county.
    27  (d)  Road, the Centre Line of Which Is the Dividing Line Between
    28             Townships and Cities in Adjacent Counties
    29     Section 1215.  Roads Between Townships and Cities in Adjacent
    30  Counties.--Whenever the centre line of any road constitutes a
    19950H0702B2681                 - 277 -

     1  dividing line between a township and a city located in an
     2  adjacent county, it shall be lawful for the township supervisors
     3  to enter into a contract with the county in which it is located
     4  and the city providing for the grading, curbing, macadamizing or
     5  paving of the roadway of said road, the cost thereof to be borne
     6  one-half by the city and one-half by the township and the county
     7  in which such township shall be situated in equal portions.
     8     The said alteration or improvement shall be constructed, and
     9  subsequent repair shall be made, under the supervision of the
    10  proper authorities of the said city, in compliance with existing
    11  laws governing such construction or improvement in such city,
    12  and in further compliance with plans and specifications to be
    13  agreed upon in writing between such city and the commissioners
    14  of the county and the township supervisors of the said township.
    15  The cost of repairs shall be borne one-half by the city and one-
    16  half by the township or by the county and township in equal
    17  portions, or such other proportions as may be agreed upon by the
    18  county and township.
    19     In all cases in which it shall be found impossible to enter
    20  into such contract or agreement as is provided for in this
    21  section, or where either the city or the township or the county
    22  in which such township is situated shall refuse to enter into
    23  such contract or agreement, it shall be lawful for the township
    24  to present its petition to the court of common pleas of either
    25  county, setting forth the facts and circumstances, including the
    26  condition of the road from which the necessity or desirability
    27  for the grading, curbing, macadamizing or paving of the roadway
    28  appears, and the estimated cost thereof, and that the terms of
    29  the said contract as provided for in this section cannot be
    30  agreed upon by the said city and the county or township, or
    19950H0702B2681                 - 278 -

     1  either or any of them, or that either such city or the county or
     2  township, or any or either of them, refuses to enter into such
     3  contract. Such petition may pray that such court may, after
     4  hearing all the parties concerned, make its order or decree,
     5  defining the nature and character of the improvement reasonably
     6  necessary or desirable to be made to the roadway, and requiring
     7  the parties hereinabove specified to enter into a contract or
     8  contracts for the making and constructing of the same as herein
     9  provided for. A copy of the said petition, duly certified, shall
    10  be served upon the city or the county and township concerned,
    11  other than the petitioner, with notice of such day as may be
    12  fixed by the court for a hearing. Thereupon either or both of
    13  the parties served with such notice shall be entitled, on or
    14  before such date, to file in the said court its answer to the
    15  said petition, setting forth its version of the facts or such
    16  other matters in relation thereto as may be deemed necessary or
    17  proper by it. The said court upon the date so fixed, or at such
    18  other times as it may appoint, shall hear the evidence of the
    19  parties, or it may refer the matter to a master, who shall hear
    20  the testimony of the parties and report his findings, in the
    21  same manner and under the same procedure as provided by the
    22  rules in equity in similar cases, to the said court, which may
    23  reject, confirm, or modify the same, and may make its decree or
    24  order directing the making of such alterations or improvements
    25  to the roadway as may be deemed reasonably necessary or
    26  desirable and providing for the sharing of the cost of such
    27  improvements, one-half by the city and one-half by the county
    28  and township in equal portions. The said order or decree may
    29  further provide that the repairs to such alterations and
    30  improvements subsequently required shall be borne one-half by
    19950H0702B2681                 - 279 -

     1  the city and one-half by the county or township in equal
     2  portions, or such other proportions as between the county and
     3  the township as such court may find to be legal and proper; and
     4  thereupon the said grading, curbing, macadamizing or paving of
     5  the roadway of such road shall proceed in accordance with the
     6  decree or order of the said court in the same manner as if the
     7  contract or agreement in this section had been entered into and
     8  duly executed.
     9  (e)  Improvement of Roads or Streets Where More Than One-half of
    10    Width Is in Township; Assessment of Property Outside Limits
    11     Section 1220.  Roads More Than One-half in Townships.--
    12  Whenever any road or street, more than one-half of the width of
    13  which is within the limits of any township shall divide the said
    14  township from any other municipality or township located within
    15  the same county, such road or street, may be improved by the
    16  township within which the greater width is located in the same
    17  manner as if the said road or street were entirely located
    18  within the limits of said township.
    19     The property abutting on the side of said road or street,
    20  which is located outside the limits of the township making such
    21  improvements shall, for a depth of one hundred and fifty feet
    22  plus one-half the width of said road or street, from its center
    23  line, be assessed for any and all municipal improvements to or
    24  on the said road or street, in the same manner as such property
    25  would be assessed under the laws of the Commonwealth if it were
    26  entirely located within the limits of such city, borough, or
    27  township.
    28       (f)  Assessment of Property Outside Limits for Street
    29         Improvement Where Street Entirely Within Township
    30     Section 1225.  Roads Within Township along Division Line.--
    19950H0702B2681                 - 280 -

     1  Whenever any road or street entirely within the limits of any
     2  township, shall divide such township from any other municipality
     3  or township located in the same county, the property on the side
     4  of the road or street, opposite the line of such township,
     5  shall, for a depth of one hundred and fifty feet, be assessed
     6  for municipal improvements on such road or street on which
     7  property shall abut. Such assessment shall be made in the same
     8  manner and in the same proceeding as is used for the assessment
     9  of property within such township for such improvement.
    10       (g)  Agreements for Improving Roads or Streets Forming
    11             Boundaries Between Townships and Boroughs
    12     Section 1230.  Agreement for Improving Roads or Streets
    13  Forming Boundaries Between Townships and Boroughs.--Townships
    14  may enter into agreements with adjoining boroughs for the
    15  grading, paving and curbing or macadamizing of roads or streets
    16  which may be boundaries between such townships and boroughs, and
    17  may provide in such contract that the damages, costs and
    18  expenses of such improvement shall be divided between such
    19  townships and boroughs in proportions agreed upon. Such
    20  agreements shall be filed with the clerk or clerks of the court
    21  or courts of quarter sessions in the county or counties in which
    22  such townships and boroughs are located.
    23     In grading, paving and curbing or macadamizing any such roads
    24  or streets, townships shall exercise such power, only upon
    25  petition of a majority of the property owners in interest and
    26  number, abutting the line of the proposed improvement within the
    27  township limits, to be verified by the affidavit of one of the
    28  petitions, a majority in interest of owners of undivided
    29  interest in any piece of property to be treated as one person,
    30  asking that such improvement be made.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 281 -

     1     The portion of the damages, costs and expenses agreed to be
     2  paid by any township shall be ascertained, and the benefits
     3  incident thereto, shall be assessed and collected in the manner
     4  provided in this act for the assessment of damages and benefits
     5  by viewers.]
     6     Section 2332.  Boundary Roads and Bridges.--(a)  When any
     7  road or bridge, other than a State or county road or bridge, is
     8  created or located along, on or over boundaries between
     9  townships and any other municipal corporation, the creation,
    10  location, construction, maintenance and repair of the road or
    11  bridge shall be the joint responsibility of the township and the
    12  municipal corporation with which the common boundary is shared.
    13     (b)  The board of supervisors may make agreements with any
    14  adjacent municipal corporation to provide for the apportionment
    15  of the cost of construction, repair and maintenance of boundary
    16  roads or bridges.
    17     (c)  If an amicable agreement on the proportionate share of
    18  costs of construction, repair and maintenance of boundary roads
    19  or bridges cannot be executed, the board of supervisors or the
    20  governing body of the other municipal corporation involved may
    21  petition the court of common pleas of the county or counties for
    22  a determination of the rights and responsibilities of the
    23  respective municipal corporations involved.
    24                           [ARTICLE XIII
    25                              BRIDGES
    26          (a)  Over Streams, Gullies, Canals and Railroads
    27     Section 1301.  Power to Make and Maintain Bridges.--The
    28  supervisors of townships, in making and repairing the roads,
    29  shall make and maintain within their township sufficient bridges
    30  over all streams, gullies, canals, and railroads, where such
    19950H0702B2681                 - 282 -

     1  bridges are necessary for the ease and safety of travelers. Such
     2  bridges shall be deemed to be a part of the road.
     3     Section 1302.  Damages.--All damages in the construction and
     4  maintenance of such bridges shall be awarded and benefits
     5  assessed as part of the proceeding to lay out, open, make, or
     6  repair the road of which the bridge is a part.
     7     Section 1303.  Where Bridge Is Over Railroad or Canal.--If a
     8  bridge is built over a railroad or canal, such bridge shall not
     9  obstruct the same. Nothing in this article shall release any
    10  railroad or other companies from the requirements of existing
    11  law.
    12              (b)  Over Streams, Railroads and Canals
    13                       on Township Boundaries
    14     Section 1305.  Bridges on Division Line of Townships.--Where
    15  a stream, a gully, a railroad or a canal, over which a bridge is
    16  necessary, is on the boundary line of two townships, or of a
    17  township and a municipality, the bridge shall be built and
    18  maintained in the manner directed by this act in the case of
    19  public roads which are on the division line between townships,
    20  or townships and municipalities.
    21        (c)  Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Bridges
    22                          Built by County
    23     Section 1310.  County Bridges.--Whenever a bridge or part
    24  thereof has been built by the county, or the whole or part of
    25  the money necessary to build it has been furnished by the
    26  county, and the bridge has not been entered on record as a
    27  county bridge, such bridge shall be maintained, kept in repair,
    28  and rebuilt, when necessary, by the township or townships in
    29  which, or on the boundary line of which, it is located, without
    30  rendering the county liable for the same.]
    19950H0702B2681                 - 283 -

     1                         ARTICLE [XIV] XXIV
     2                SIDEWALKS [AND], FOOTPATHS AND CURBS
     3     [Section 1401.  Power of Supervisors to Establish Width and
     4  Location of Sidewalks; Consents in Certain Cases.--The
     5  supervisors of any township, upon the request of any landowner
     6  whose land fronts upon a public road or highway within such
     7  township, may establish the width, grade and location for a
     8  sidewalk along one or both sides of said road or highway along
     9  the lands of such owner. When said sidewalks are so established,
    10  such landowner shall pay for and keep the same in repair.
    11     In case the highway is a State or county highway, the written
    12  consent of the Department of Highways or the county
    13  commissioners, as the case may be, shall first be obtained.
    14     Section 1402.  Construction of Sidewalks or Sidewalks and
    15  Curbs Upon Petition of Property Owners or Pursuant to
    16  Ordinance.--(a)  The township supervisors may construct
    17  sidewalks or curbs, or sidewalks and curbs, of suitable
    18  material, along the roads or highways, in such townships, upon
    19  the petition of owners of property representing a majority in
    20  number of feet front of the properties abutting on the roads or
    21  highways where such sidewalks or sidewalks and curbs are to be
    22  constructed. Whenever any such petition is filed with the
    23  supervisors, the owner of the property shall be given notice by
    24  the supervisors to construct such sidewalk or sidewalk and curb;
    25  and in case of the failure of the owner to complete such
    26  sidewalk or sidewalk and curb within a period of sixty days
    27  after the receipt of such notice, the supervisors may construct
    28  such sidewalk or sidewalk and curb as herein provided. Whenever
    29  any sidewalks or sidewalks and curbs are constructed by the
    30  supervisors, the expense of the construction of such sidewalk or
    19950H0702B2681                 - 284 -

     1  sidewalk and curb shall be paid by the abutting property owners
     2  in proportion to their frontage. If such owners fail to so pay
     3  the expenses of the construction of such sidewalk or sidewalk
     4  and curb, the township supervisors may recover the amount by
     5  action of assumpsit, or may file municipal liens therefor
     6  against the abutting properties, in the manner provided by law
     7  for the filing and collection of municipal liens.
     8     (b)  The township supervisors may also construct sidewalks
     9  and curbs of suitable material along the roads or highways in
    10  such townships pursuant to an ordinance authorizing such
    11  construction. All reconstruction, repaving and recurbing may be
    12  provided for in the ordinance providing for the original
    13  construction, paving and curbing, without the necessity for
    14  adopting a new ordinance for such reconstruction, repaving and
    15  recurbing. Whenever any sidewalks or curbs are constructed by
    16  the supervisors pursuant to such ordinance, the expense of the
    17  construction of such sidewalks or curbs shall be paid by the
    18  abutting property owners in proportion to their frontage, but in
    19  no such instance shall any abutting property owner be liable for
    20  the construction of such sidewalk in an amount greater than ten
    21  percent, nor for the construction of such curb in an amount
    22  greater than ten percent, of the assessed valuation of the
    23  abutting property owned by him. Any expense above such maximum
    24  liability of abutting property owners shall be paid by the
    25  townships. If abutting property owners fail to so pay the
    26  expenses of the construction of such sidewalks or curbs for
    27  which they are liable, the township supervisors may recover the
    28  amount by action of assumpsit or may file municipal liens
    29  therefor against the abutting properties in the manner provided
    30  by law for the filing and collection of municipal liens.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 285 -

     1     Section 1403.  Power to Establish Lines, Grades and Width of
     2  Curbs, Sidewalks or Footpaths.--Supervisors of townships may
     3  regulate by ordinance, the line, grade and width of curbs,
     4  sidewalks or footpaths constructed along the roads or highways
     5  in such townships, and shall have general supervision over the
     6  same and may establish a grade or grades for curbs, sidewalks or
     7  footpaths, which grade or grades may be separate and apart from
     8  the grade or grades established for the cartway or roadway. In
     9  case the highway is a State or county highway, the written
    10  consent of the Department of Highways or the county
    11  commissioners, as the case may be, shall first be obtained.
    12     Section 1404.  Sidewalks or Footpaths by Township.--Whenever
    13  it shall appear to the supervisors that any part or portion of
    14  any road or highway is dangerous to the traveling public and
    15  such danger could be materially reduced or lessened by the
    16  construction of a sidewalk or footpath, the supervisors shall
    17  have the right to lay out and construct a sidewalk or footpath
    18  along such dangerous portion of said road or highway of such
    19  materials as they shall deem advisable, and to expend moneys
    20  from the general fund of the township therefor. In case the
    21  highway is a State or county highway, the written consent of the
    22  Department of Highways or the county commissioners, as the case
    23  may be, shall first be obtained.]
    24     Section 2401.  Location, Lines, Grades and Width of Curbs,
    25  Sidewalks or Footpaths; Costs.--(a)  The board of supervisors
    26  may, by ordinance, regulate the line, grade and width of curbs,
    27  sidewalks or footpaths constructed along the roads or highways
    28  in the township, shall have general supervision over them and
    29  may establish a grade or grades for curbs, sidewalks or
    30  footpaths, which grade or grades may be separate and apart from
    19950H0702B2681                 - 286 -

     1  the grade or grades established for the cartway or roadway.
     2     (b)  If the highway is a State or county highway, the written
     3  consent of the Department of Transportation or the county
     4  commissioners shall first be obtained.
     5     (c)  The costs of construction of sidewalks, footpaths or
     6  curbs may be paid by one of the following methods:
     7     (1)  The board of supervisors, upon the request of any
     8  landowner whose land fronts upon a public road or highway within
     9  the township, may establish a sidewalk or curbs along one or
    10  both sides of the road or highway along the lands of the owner.
    11  When the sidewalks or curbs are established, the landowner shall
    12  pay for the construction of the sidewalks or curbs and keep them
    13  in repair.
    14     (2)  The board of supervisors may construct sidewalks or
    15  curbs along the roads or highways, upon the petition of property
    16  owners representing a majority in number of feet front of the
    17  properties abutting on the roads or highways where the sidewalks
    18  or curbs are to be constructed. When a petition is filed with
    19  the board of supervisors, the property owner shall be given
    20  notice by the board of supervisors to construct the sidewalk or
    21  curb. If the owner fails to complete the sidewalk or curb within
    22  a period of sixty days after the receipt of the notice, the
    23  board of supervisors may construct the sidewalk or curb. When
    24  any sidewalk or curb is constructed by the board of supervisors,
    25  the expense of the construction of the sidewalk or curb shall be
    26  paid by the abutting property owners in proportion to their
    27  frontage. If the owners fail to pay the expenses of the
    28  construction of the sidewalk or curb, the board of supervisors
    29  may recover the amount by action of assumpsit or may file
    30  municipal liens therefor against the abutting properties under
    19950H0702B2681                 - 287 -

     1  law for the filing and collection of municipal liens.
     2     (3)  The board of supervisors may, by ordinance, in absence
     3  of a petition, provide for the construction, reconstruction and
     4  repair of sidewalks and curbs within the township. When any
     5  sidewalks or curbs are constructed, reconstructed or repaired by
     6  the board of supervisors under the ordinance, the expense of the
     7  construction of the sidewalks or curbs shall be paid by the
     8  abutting property owners in proportion to their frontage, but no
     9  owner shall be liable for the cost of construction of the
    10  sidewalk or curb in an amount greater than fifteen percent of
    11  the assessed valuation of the abutting property. Any expense
    12  above the maximum liability of abutting property owners shall be
    13  paid by the township. If abutting property owners fail to pay
    14  the expenses of the construction of the sidewalks or curbs for
    15  which they are liable, the board of supervisors may recover the
    16  amount by action of assumpsit or may file municipal liens
    17  therefor against the abutting properties under law for the
    18  filing and collection of municipal liens.
    19     (4)  When the board of supervisors establishes that any part
    20  of any road or highway is dangerous to the traveling public and
    21  the danger could be materially reduced or lessened by the
    22  construction of a sidewalk, curb or footpath, the board of
    23  supervisors may lay out and construct a sidewalk, curb or
    24  footpath along the dangerous portion of the road or highway at
    25  township expense.
    26     (d)  All assessments for costs levied under this article
    27  shall be filed with the township treasurer and collected under
    28  section 3302(a).
    29                          ARTICLE [XV] XXV
    30                    SANITARY SEWERS [AND DRAINS
    19950H0702B2681                 - 288 -

     1   (a)  Establishing and Constructing Sewer and Drainage Systems;
     2         Sewer Connections and Charges; Disposal of Sewage;
     3                 Assessment of Cost of Construction
     4     Section 1501.  Power to Establish and Construct Sewers and
     5  Drains.--(a)  Townships may establish and construct a system of
     6  sewers and drainage, locating the same as far as practicable
     7  along and within the lines of the public roads of the townships
     8  as seems advisable to the board of supervisors. The supervisors
     9  may permit and, where necessary for the public health, require
    10  adjoining and adjacent property owners to connect with and use
    11  the same. In case any owner of property adjoining or adjacent to
    12  such sewer shall neglect or refuse to connect with and use said
    13  sewer for a period of sixty days after notice to do so has been
    14  served upon him by the supervisors, either by personal service
    15  or by registered mail, said supervisors or their agents, may
    16  enter upon such property and construct such connection. In such
    17  case the supervisors shall forthwith, upon completion of the
    18  work, send an itemized bill of the cost of construction of such
    19  connection to the owner of the property to which connection has
    20  been so made, which bill shall be payable forthwith. In case of
    21  neglect or refusal by the owner of such property to pay said
    22  bill, it shall be the duty of the township supervisors to file
    23  municipal liens for said construction within six months of the
    24  date of completion of the construction of said connection, the
    25  same to be subject in all respects to the general law providing
    26  for the filing and recovery of municipal liens.
    27     (b)  Whenever an existing sewer system owned by or leased to
    28  a township of the second class is extended or altered at the
    29  expense of a developer or other private person or corporation
    30  under the supervision of such township or a municipal authority
    19950H0702B2681                 - 289 -

     1  of such township, the township supervisors may, by ordinance or
     2  resolution, take over said extension or alteration and compel
     3  all owners of property which is not already connected to an
     4  existing public sewer system and which is accessible to and
     5  whose principal building is within one hundred fifty feet from
     6  such sewer extension to pay a tapping fee and make connection
     7  therewith and use such sewer system in such manner as they may
     8  order.
     9     (c)  The supervisors may refund all or part of said tapping
    10  fee or fees to the developer or other private person or
    11  corporation who or which paid for said construction. Said
    12  tapping fees may be based upon front foot construction costs,
    13  however, the total of said refunds shall never exceed the cost
    14  of said extension or alterations. Once said extension or
    15  alteration is taken over it shall become part of the existing
    16  sewer system.
    17     (d)  Notwithstanding the powers granted pursuant to
    18  subsection (a), (b) or (c), no township shall have the power to
    19  require any commercial or industrial business to connect to the
    20  township sewer system when such commercial or industrial
    21  business is operating a sewer treatment plant under mandate of
    22  any agency of the Federal or State Government. This exemption
    23  shall last as long as such sewer treatment plant continues to
    24  meet the specifications and standards mandated by such Federal
    25  or State agency and for forty-five days thereafter. If, during
    26  the days immediately subsequent to the day a business' sewer
    27  treatment plant is determined to be below Federal or State
    28  mandates, repairs cannot be made to bring the system back up to
    29  satisfactory condition, the township may require such business
    30  to connect to its sewage treatment system. In such case, the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 290 -

     1  full costs of connection to, and any necessary refurbishing of,
     2  the township sewer system shall be borne by such business.
     3     (e)  The exemption provided for in subsection (d) shall not
     4  be available in any situation where the business seeking to use
     5  it had notice, either actual or constructive, prior to
     6  construction of its sewer treatment plant, of the township's
     7  intention to construct a sewage treatment plant and to require
     8  that business to connect with its system.
     9     (f)  The Department of Environmental Resources shall not,
    10  subsequent to the effective date of this amendatory act, issue
    11  any permit to allow a commercial or industrial business to
    12  construct its own permanent sewer treatment plant without the
    13  written consent of the township supervisors of the township
    14  wherein such treatment plant is proposed to be located.]
    15     Section 2501.  Sanitary Sewers.--The board of supervisors may
    16  establish and construct sanitary sewer systems which shall, if
    17  possible, be constructed along and within the lines of the
    18  rights-of-way of public roads. If the board of supervisors
    19  determines that the systems shall be located on or through
    20  private property, the board of supervisors may acquire the land
    21  by gift, purchase or eminent domain.
    22     Section 2502.  Sanitary Sewer Connections.--(a)  The board of
    23  supervisors may, by ordinance, require adjoining and adjacent
    24  property owners to connect with and use the sanitary sewer
    25  system, whether constructed by the township or a municipality
    26  authority or a joint sanitary sewer board. In the case of a
    27  sanitary sewer system constructed by the township pursuant to
    28  either section 2501 or 2516, the board of supervisors may impose
    29  and charge to property owners who desire to or are required to
    30  connect to the township's sewer system a connection fee, a
    19950H0702B2681                 - 291 -

     1  customer facilities fee, a tapping fee and other similar fees,
     2  as enumerated and defined by clause (t) of subsection B of
     3  section 4 of the act of May 2, 1945 (P.L.382, No.164), known as
     4  the "Municipality Authorities Act of 1945," as a condition of
     5  connection to a township-owned sewer collection, treatment or
     6  disposal facility. If any owner of property adjoining or
     7  adjacent to or whose principal building is within one hundred
     8  and fifty feet from the sanitary sewer fails to connect with and
     9  use the sanitary sewer for a period of sixty days after notice
    10  to do so has been served by the board of supervisors, either by
    11  personal service or by registered mail, the board of supervisors
    12  or their agents may enter the property and construct the
    13  connection. The board of supervisors shall send an itemized bill
    14  of the cost of construction to the owner of the property to
    15  which connection has been made, which bill is payable
    16  immediately. If the owner fails to pay the bill, the board of
    17  supervisors shall file a municipal lien for the cost of the
    18  construction within six months of the date of completion of the
    19  connection.
    20     (b)  When an existing sanitary sewer system owned by or
    21  leased to a township is extended or altered at the expense of a
    22  developer or other private person or corporation under the
    23  supervision of the township or a municipality authority of the
    24  township, the board of supervisors may, by ordinance or
    25  resolution, take over the extension or alteration and compel all
    26  owners of property which is not already connected to an existing
    27  public sanitary sewer system and which is accessible to and
    28  whose principal building is within one hundred and fifty feet
    29  from the sanitary sewer extension to make connection therewith
    30  and use the sanitary sewer system as the board of supervisors
    19950H0702B2681                 - 292 -

     1  may order.
     2     (c)  Whenever a sewer system or any part or extension thereof
     3  owned by a township has been constructed by the township at the
     4  expense of a private person or corporation or has been
     5  constructed by a private person or corporation under the
     6  supervision of the township at the expense of the private person
     7  or corporation, the board of supervisors shall have the right to
     8  charge a tapping fee, including a reimbursement component, and
     9  refund said reimbursement component to the person or corporation
    10  who has paid for the construction of said sewer system or any
    11  part or extension thereof.
    12     (d)  The board of supervisors shall not require any
    13  commercial or industrial business to connect to the township
    14  sanitary sewer system when the commercial or industrial business
    15  is operating a private sanitary sewage treatment plant under
    16  mandate of any agency of the Federal or State Government. This
    17  exemption shall last as long as the private sanitary sewage
    18  treatment plant continues to meet the specifications and
    19  standards mandated by the Federal or State agency and for forty-
    20  five days after that. If, during the days immediately after the
    21  day a business' private sanitary sewage treatment plant is
    22  determined to be below Federal or State mandates, repairs cannot
    23  be made to bring the private sewage treatment system back up to
    24  satisfactory condition, the board of supervisors may require the
    25  business to connect to the township sanitary sewer system. The
    26  full costs of connection to, and any necessary refurbishing of,
    27  the township sanitary sewer system shall be paid by the
    28  business.
    29     (e)  The exemption in subsection (d) is not available in any
    30  situation where the business seeking to use it had notice,
    19950H0702B2681                 - 293 -

     1  either actual or constructive, before construction of its sewage
     2  treatment plant, of the township's intention to construct a
     3  sanitary sewer system and to require that business to connect
     4  with its system.
     5     (f)  The Department of Environmental Resources PROTECTION      <--
     6  shall not issue any permit to allow a commercial or industrial
     7  business to construct its own private sewage treatment plant
     8  without the written consent of the board of supervisors of the
     9  township in which the private sewage treatment plant is proposed
    10  to be located.
    11     [Section 1501.1.  Sewer System Established or Constructed by
    12  Municipality Authorities; Connection and Use by Owners;
    13  Enforcement.--Whenever a sewer system is or shall have been
    14  established or constructed by a municipality authority within a
    15  township of the second class, the township supervisors shall be
    16  empowered, by ordinance, to compel all owners of property
    17  accessible to and whose principal building is within one hundred
    18  fifty feet from such sewer system to make connection therewith
    19  and use such sewer system in such manner as they may order. The
    20  township supervisors may, by ordinance, impose penalties to
    21  enforce any regulation or order they may ordain with reference
    22  to any sewer connections. In case any owner of property
    23  accessible to and whose principal building is within one hundred
    24  fifty feet from a sewer system established or constructed by a
    25  municipality authority shall neglect or refuse to connect with
    26  said sewer system for a period of sixty days after notice to do
    27  so has been served upon him by the township supervisors, either
    28  by personal service or by registered mail, the township
    29  supervisors or their agents may enter upon such property and
    30  construct such connection. In such case, the township
    19950H0702B2681                 - 294 -

     1  supervisors shall forthwith, upon completion of the work, send
     2  an itemized bill of the cost of the construction of such
     3  connection to the owner of the property to which connection has
     4  been so made, which bill shall be payable forthwith. In case of
     5  neglect or refusal by the owner of such property to pay said
     6  bill, it shall be the duty of the township supervisors to file
     7  municipal liens for said construction within six months of the
     8  date of the completion of the construction of said connection,
     9  the same to be subject in all respects to the general law
    10  provided for the filing and recovery of municipal liens.
    11     Section 1502.  Notice of Contemplated Construction; Protests
    12  by Property Owners.--No sewer, drain or system thereof shall be
    13  constructed under the provisions of this article unless a
    14  resolution or ordinance of the board of supervisors authorizing
    15  the same shall be published in a newspaper of general
    16  circulation published in the county in which the township is
    17  situated, once a week for three successive weeks. If, before the
    18  expiration of twenty days after the last publication, sixty per
    19  centum of the total property owners of the township or the
    20  affected sewer district, if such district has been constituted,
    21  as the case may be, shall sign and file, in the office of the
    22  prothonotary of the court of common pleas of the county in which
    23  the township is located, a written protest against the
    24  construction of such sewer, drain or system thereof, then the
    25  construction authorized by such resolution or ordinance shall
    26  not be undertaken or proceeded with.]
    27     Section 2503.  Notice of Contemplated Construction.--No
    28  sanitary sewer system shall be constructed under this article
    29  unless a resolution of the board of supervisors authorizing the
    30  construction is published in a newspaper of general circulation
    19950H0702B2681                 - 295 -

     1  in the township once a week for three successive weeks.
     2     [Section 1503.  Location of Sewers on Private Property.--
     3  Where it is reasonably impracticable in the judgment of the
     4  supervisors in any part of such system to carry such sewers or
     5  drains along the lines of public roads, they may locate and
     6  construct so much of the same as is necessary through private
     7  lands and acquire the necessary land or right of way for such
     8  purpose, by gift or by the exercise of the right of eminent
     9  domain.
    10     Section 1504.  Treatment Works and Facilities Therefor;
    11  Eminent Domain.--The supervisors shall make the necessary
    12  provision for the disposition of the sewage and drainage within,
    13  or for carrying the same beyond, the limits of the township,
    14  and, to this end, they are hereby authorized to enter into
    15  contracts with other municipalities and other corporations or
    16  persons to purchase, acquire, enter upon, take, appropriate,
    17  occupy and use such lands, rights, and interests therein within
    18  the corporate limits of other townships or boroughs as shall be
    19  necessary for the proper location, construction, maintenance,
    20  use, and operation of sewer mains, drains, or treatment works,
    21  including such lands, rights, and interests therein as shall be
    22  necessary for future additions to and enlargements of such
    23  sewerage or drainage facilities, and as may be necessary to
    24  carry out the plans and specifications upon which a permit has
    25  been issued by the Secretary of Health in accordance with law.
    26     Section 1505.  Entry on Lands to Mark Sewer Routes;
    27  Damages.--In the event of inability to agree with the owners,
    28  either for the land necessary for so much of the line of sewers
    29  and drains as are not located upon public roads, or for so much
    30  land as is required for the disposition of the sewage, the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 296 -

     1  supervisors may enter upon said land and mark thereon the route
     2  and width necessary for the construction of the line of sewers
     3  or drains or the boundaries of so much land as is necessary for
     4  disposition of such sewage, and occupy the said land for such
     5  purposes. For all damage done or suffered or which accrues to
     6  the owner or owners of such land by reason of the taking of the
     7  same, the general fund of the township shall be pledged and
     8  deemed as security. Such damages shall be determined by viewers
     9  in the manner provided in this act for eminent domain
    10  proceedings.]
    11     Section 2504.  Entering Lands to Mark Sanitary Sewer Routes;
    12  Damages.--In the absence of an agreement with the owners of land
    13  required for sanitary sewer systems or for the marking of the
    14  route of the systems, the board of supervisors or its agents
    15  have the right to enter the lands for that purpose. For all
    16  damage done by entering the land under this section, the general
    17  fund of the township shall be pledged as security. Damages shall
    18  be determined by viewers under this act for eminent domain
    19  proceedings.
    20     Section 2505.  Sanitary Sewer Systems; Acquisition of Land
    21  and Facilities; Damages.--The board of supervisors may acquire
    22  by eminent domain or make contracts with other municipal
    23  corporations, corporations or persons for the acquisition of
    24  lands or facilities for the location, construction, maintenance,
    25  reconstruction and enlargement of sanitary sewer systems and
    26  treatment facilities. Acquisitions may be made for the purpose
    27  of future construction or additions to existing systems. The
    28  acquired land may be located either inside or outside the
    29  boundaries of the township. For all damage done to owners of
    30  land by reason of the taking of the land, the general fund of
    19950H0702B2681                 - 297 -

     1  the township shall be pledged as security. Damages shall be
     2  determined by viewers under this act for eminent domain
     3  proceedings.
     4     [Section 1507.  Cost of Construction; How Paid.--All or any
     5  portion of the cost of construction of any such system of sewers
     6  or drains, constructed by the authority of this subdivision, may
     7  be charged upon the properties accommodated or benefited thereby
     8  in the manner hereinafter provided.
     9     The township supervisors may finance the cost of construction
    10  of any such system of sewers or drains, by the incurring of debt
    11  by the township, within the limitations and pursuant to the
    12  provisions of the act of July 12, 1972 (P.L.781, No.185), known
    13  as the "Local Government Unit Debt Act." Where debt is so
    14  incurred, the supervisors at their sole discretion may assess
    15  all or any portion of the cost of the construction of such
    16  sewers or drains, as permitted by law, against the properties
    17  accommodated or benefited by such improvements as hereinafter
    18  provided, and to deposit the net proceeds of such assessments in
    19  a sinking or analogous fund established in connection with the
    20  incurring of such debt.
    21     Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the
    22  financing of the cost of such construction under the provisions
    23  of the "Municipality Authorities Act of 1945," and any
    24  amendments thereto.]
    25     Section 2506.  Cost of Construction; How Paid.--All or part
    26  of the cost of construction of a sanitary sewer system
    27  constructed under this article may be charged upon the
    28  properties accommodated or benefited by the construction.
    29     [Section 1508.  Sewer Districts; Township to Pay Non-
    30  Assessable Portion of Cost.--Whenever a sewer or drainage system
    19950H0702B2681                 - 298 -

     1  is constructed by a township for the accommodation of a certain
     2  portion of the township, the supervisors of such township may,
     3  at any time before or after said construction, constitute the
     4  territory accommodated into a sewer district or divide it into
     5  several sewer districts. In every such case of division into
     6  several districts, the supervisors shall make an estimate of the
     7  proportion of the cost of the sewer system which should
     8  equitably be charged on each of said districts, and declare and
     9  establish such apportionment by resolution.
    10     In all cases where a sewer or drainage system is constructed
    11  by a township for the benefit of a certain portion only of the
    12  township, and the cost of main sewers, pumping stations,
    13  pressure lines, et cetera, is charged against the sewer district
    14  or sewer districts, as herein provided, the total amount charged
    15  to each district may be assessed to the district by an
    16  assessment upon each lot or piece of land in said district, in
    17  proportion to its frontage abutting on the sewer, or by an
    18  assessment upon the several properties abutting on the sewer, in
    19  proportion to benefits, or upon the properties connected with
    20  and using said sewers, as sewer rentals, in the manner provided
    21  by law for the assessment of sewer rentals, or each lot or piece
    22  of ground abutting upon said sewer may be assessed, in
    23  proportion to its frontage or according to benefits, the cost of
    24  a local sewer, and the balance of the amount charged against the
    25  district may be assessed upon the properties connected with and
    26  using said sewer, as sewer rentals in the manner provided by law
    27  for assessment of sewer rentals. No district shall be charged
    28  with more than its due proportion of the cost of the main
    29  sewers, pumping stations, et cetera, used jointly by more than
    30  one district. Where the whole of the township is accommodated by
    19950H0702B2681                 - 299 -

     1  the system it may also be treated as a single district, or
     2  divided into districts and be subject to the foregoing
     3  provisions.]
     4     Section 2507.  Sanitary Sewer Districts.--(a)  When a
     5  sanitary sewer system is constructed by a township for the
     6  accommodation of a certain portion of the township, the board of
     7  supervisors may, before or after the construction, designate the
     8  territory accommodated as one sanitary sewer district or divide
     9  it into several sanitary sewer districts. The board of
    10  supervisors shall estimate the proportion of the cost of the
    11  sanitary sewer system to be charged on each of the districts and
    12  declare and establish the apportionment by resolution.
    13     (b)  When a sanitary sewer system is constructed by a
    14  township for the benefit only of a certain portion of the
    15  township and the cost of main sanitary sewers, pumping stations,
    16  pressure lines, et cetera, is charged against the sanitary sewer
    17  district or sanitary sewer districts, all or part of the amount
    18  charged to each district may be assessed to the district by an
    19  assessment upon each lot or piece of land in the district, in
    20  proportion to its frontage abutting on the sanitary sewer, or by
    21  an assessment upon the several properties abutting on the
    22  sanitary sewer, in proportion to benefits, or upon the
    23  properties connected with and using the sanitary sewers as
    24  rental fees, or each lot or piece of ground abutting upon the
    25  sanitary sewer may be assessed, in proportion to its frontage or
    26  according to benefits, the cost of a local sanitary sewer, and
    27  the balance of the amount charged against the district may be
    28  assessed upon the properties connected with and using the
    29  sanitary sewer, as rental fees. No district shall be charged
    30  with more than its due proportion of the cost of the main
    19950H0702B2681                 - 300 -

     1  sanitary sewers, pumping stations, et cetera, used jointly by
     2  more than one district. If the whole of the township is
     3  accommodated by the sanitary sewer system, it may be treated as
     4  a single district.
     5     [Section 1509.  Manner of Assessment.--The charge for any
     6  such sewer or drain construction in any township shall be
     7  assessed upon the properties accommodated or benefited, in
     8  either of the following methods:
     9     (a)  By an assessment, pursuant to a resolution or ordinance
    10  of the board of supervisors, of each lot or piece of land in
    11  proportion to its frontage abutting on the sewer or drain,
    12  allowing such equitable reduction in the case of corner
    13  properties and unusually shaped properties or those properties
    14  abutting on more than one sewer or drain as the resolution or
    15  ordinance may specify, however, when the lot or piece of land is
    16  on a corner it shall be assessed for its entire frontage
    17  abutting on any sewer or drain except when such property is a
    18  vacant lot or contains only a single family dwelling in which
    19  case it shall be assessed along the shorter frontage and
    20  assessed along the longer frontage abutting on a sewer or drain,
    21  commencing at a point no closer to the corner than one hundred
    22  twenty-five feet. No assessment by frontage shall be made on
    23  properties of such a character as not to be lawfully subject to
    24  such manner of assessment, and each abutting property shall be
    25  assessed with not less than the whole amount of the benefit
    26  accruing to it and legally assessable; or
    27     (b)  By an assessment upon the several properties abutting on
    28  the sewer or drain in proportion to benefits. The amount of the
    29  charge on each property shall be ascertained as hereinafter
    30  provided.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 301 -

     1     When a township is divided into sewer districts, the
     2  assessment in each district may be by different methods.]
     3     Section 2508.  Manner of Assessment.--When a township is
     4  divided into sanitary sewer districts, the assessment in each
     5  district may be by different methods. The assessment, if any,
     6  for sanitary sewer system construction shall be charged upon the
     7  properties accommodated or benefited by one of the following
     8  methods:
     9     (1)  By an assessment, under a resolution or ordinance of the
    10  board of supervisors, of each lot or piece of land in proportion
    11  to its frontage abutting on the sanitary sewer system, allowing
    12  an equitable reduction in the case of corner properties and
    13  unusually shaped properties or those properties abutting on more
    14  than one collector line of the sanitary sewer as the resolution
    15  or ordinance may specify. When the lot or piece of land is on a
    16  corner, it shall be assessed for its entire frontage abutting on
    17  any sanitary sewer system.
    18     (2)  By an equal assessment on all properties abutting on the
    19  sanitary sewer system in proportion to the total cost of
    20  construction of the sanitary sewer system. The amount of the
    21  charge on each property shall be determined by the board of
    22  supervisors.
    23     [Section 1510.  Procedure for Assessment of Benefits.--In all
    24  cases where the board of supervisors shall select the method
    25  provided by subdivision (b) of the foregoing section, they shall
    26  petition the court of common pleas for appointment of viewers to
    27  assess benefits. In all cases where they shall neglect, for a
    28  period of three months after the completion of the sewer or
    29  drainage system, to either make assessments by frontage or
    30  present petition for appointment of viewers, taxpayers of the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 302 -

     1  township whose property valuation as assessed for taxable
     2  purposes within the township shall amount to fifty per centum of
     3  the total property valuation so assessed may present a petition
     4  to the court of common pleas of the county for the appointment
     5  of viewers to assess benefits; and in all cases where such
     6  taxpayer shall, within three months of the adoption of a
     7  resolution or ordinance levying an assessment under the method
     8  provided by subsection (a) of said foregoing section, by
     9  petition, state to said court that such assessment
    10  insufficiently represents the benefits accruing to abutting
    11  properties, they may include in such petition a prayer for the
    12  appointment of viewers to assess benefits. In either case the
    13  court shall thereupon appoint three disinterested persons from
    14  the board of county viewers, none of whom shall be a resident of
    15  that portion of the township which is accommodated by the sewer
    16  or drainage system in question, and the viewers so appointed
    17  shall proceed as provided in this act for proceedings for the
    18  assessment of damages and benefits by viewers. The aggregate of
    19  the assessments in any sewer district shall not exceed the
    20  amount charged to such district for its share of the cost of the
    21  sewer or drain construction unless the same shall, by petition
    22  of taxpayers, whose property valuation as aforesaid shall amount
    23  to fifty per centum of the total property valuation as assessed
    24  for taxable purposes within the township, presented within three
    25  months after the adoption of a resolution or ordinance providing
    26  for an assessment by frontage, be stated to insufficiently
    27  represent the amount of benefits to such properties, in which
    28  case the proceedings by taxpayers authorized above shall be
    29  applicable. Upon the filing of such a petition by taxpayers as
    30  aforesaid for appointment of viewers, any assessment made by the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 303 -

     1  supervisors and any proceedings thereunder shall be stayed
     2  pending the disposition of the petition by the court.]
     3     Section 2509.  Procedure for Assessments.--If any taxpayer
     4  states, by petition, within three months of the adoption of a
     5  resolution or ordinance levying an assessment under section 2508
     6  to the court of common pleas that the assessment insufficiently
     7  represents the benefits accruing to abutting properties, they
     8  may include in the petition a request for the appointment of
     9  viewers to assess benefits. The court shall appoint three
    10  viewers, none of whom shall be a resident of that portion of the
    11  township which is accommodated by the sanitary sewer system in
    12  question, and the viewers shall proceed under this act for the
    13  assessment of damages and benefits. Upon the filing of a
    14  petition by taxpayers for appointment of viewers, any assessment
    15  made by the board of supervisors and any proceedings shall be
    16  stayed pending the disposition of the petition by the court.
    17     [Section 1511.  Liens for Assessments; Costs of
    18  Proceedings.--After the amount of the assessment charged upon
    19  the several properties has been established, either by
    20  resolution or ordinance making assessments according to
    21  frontage, or by confirmation of any report of viewers, in whole
    22  or in part, the amounts of all assessments shall be payable to
    23  the township treasurer for the use of the sewer district or
    24  districts or the township, as the case may be, in which they are
    25  assessed. The supervisors shall make out bills for the amounts
    26  charged against each property, which shall be forthwith sent to
    27  all property owners residing in the township, and mailed to all
    28  such owners residing elsewhere whose address is known. If any
    29  such assessment is not paid within sixty days after the mailing
    30  of a bill therefor, the supervisors shall cause it to be
    19950H0702B2681                 - 304 -

     1  collected by action of assumpsit, or such assessment shall be
     2  collected in the manner provided for the filing and recovery of
     3  municipal claims.
     4     The costs of publication of notices in proceedings before
     5  viewers shall be paid by the township upon presentation of bills
     6  approved by the court.]
     7     Section 2510.  Liens for Assessments; Costs of Proceedings.--
     8  After the amount of the assessment charged upon the several
     9  properties has been established by resolution making assessments
    10  according to frontage or by confirmation of any report of
    11  viewers, in whole or in part, the amounts of all assessments are
    12  payable to the township treasurer for the use of the sanitary
    13  sewer district or districts or the township in which they are
    14  assessed. The board of supervisors shall make out bills for the
    15  amounts charged against each property, which shall be sent to
    16  all property owners whose property will be served by the
    17  sanitary sewer system. If the assessment is not paid within
    18  sixty days after the mailing of a bill therefor, the board of
    19  supervisors shall collect it by action of assumpsit or under law
    20  for the filing and recovery of municipal claims.
    21     [Section 1512.  Sewer Rentals.--All persons whose property
    22  connects with a system of sewers or drains shall pay to the
    23  township treasurer, in addition to the cost of making such
    24  connection, a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual charge
    25  prescribed by a resolution of the board of supervisors. Such
    26  monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual charge or charges
    27  shall constitute a lien until paid against the property so
    28  connecting with such system, and the amount thereof may be
    29  recovered by due process of law. All water utilities supplying
    30  water to users within the boundaries of any township shall, at
    19950H0702B2681                 - 305 -

     1  the request of the board of supervisors, furnish to the
     2  township, on or before the fifteenth day of the month following
     3  the month during which bills are issued, a list of all water
     4  meter readings and flat-rate water bills and the basis for each
     5  flat-rate water charge, so that the data may be used in
     6  calculating such charges. The township is authorized and
     7  empowered to pay to such utilities reasonable amounts for
     8  necessary clerical and other expenses incurred in the
     9  preparation of such lists.
    10     Nothing in this section shall be construed to repeal or
    11  modify any of the provisions of the Public Utility Law.]
    12     Section 2511.  Rental Fees.--(a)  All persons whose property
    13  is connected to a sanitary sewer system shall pay to the
    14  township treasurer, in addition to the cost of making the
    15  connection, a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual charge
    16  adopted by a resolution of the board of supervisors. The charges
    17  constitute a lien until paid against the property connected to
    18  the sanitary sewer system, and the amount thereof may be
    19  recovered by due process of law. All water utilities supplying
    20  water to users within the boundaries of any township shall, at
    21  the request of the board of supervisors, furnish to the
    22  township, on or before the fifteenth day of the month following
    23  the month during which bills are issued, a list of all water
    24  meter readings and flat-rate water bills and the basis for each
    25  flat-rate water charge so that the data may be used in
    26  calculating rental fees. The township may pay to the utilities
    27  clerical and other expenses incurred in the preparation of the
    28  lists.
    29     (b)  Nothing in this section shall be construed to repeal or
    30  modify any of the provisions of 66 Pa.C.S. (relating to public
    19950H0702B2681                 - 306 -

     1  utilities).
     2     (c)  All sewer rentals received shall be deposited in a
     3  special fund to be used only for the payment of the cost of
     4  construction, reconstruction, repair, operation and maintenance
     5  of the sanitary sewer system.
     6            [(b)  Sewers Under State and County Highways
     7     Section 1525.  Consents Necessary.--Townships may construct
     8  sewers and drains in or under any county or State highway within
     9  the township boundaries. In case of the construction of sewers
    10  or drains in or under county highways, the consent of the county
    11  commissioners of the county shall first be obtained, and in case
    12  of the construction of sewers or drains in or under any State
    13  highway, the consent of the Secretary of Highways shall first be
    14  obtained.]
    15     Section 2512.  State and County Highways; Consents
    16  Necessary.--Sanitary sewers may be constructed in or under any
    17  State or county highway. If the construction of sanitary sewers
    18  is in or under county highways, the consent of the county
    19  commissioners of the county shall first be obtained and, if the
    20  construction of sanitary sewers is in or under any State
    21  highway, the consent of the Department of Transportation shall
    22  first be obtained.
    23     [Section 1526.  Assessment of Cost.--Whenever sewers or
    24  drains have been or shall be laid or constructed by any township
    25  in or under State or county highways, the township, unless the
    26  same can be agreed upon, may ascertain, levy, and collect the
    27  costs and expenses of the construction thereof from the abutting
    28  property holders by viewers in accordance with the provisions of
    29  this act relating to the assessment of damages and benefits by
    30  viewers.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 307 -

     1        (c)  Connecting with Sewer of Adjoining Municipality
     2     Section 1530.  Agreements for Connections; Appointment of
     3  Viewers.--Any township may, by agreement, connect with an
     4  existing sewer owned by any adjacent municipality, for sewage
     5  purposes.
     6     Whenever any township desires to connect with the existing
     7  sewer of any adjacent municipality and no agreement has been
     8  reached between such township and the adjacent municipality, a
     9  petition shall be presented by the board of supervisors to the
    10  court of quarter sessions setting forth the facts. The court
    11  shall fix a day for hearing upon such petition and shall direct
    12  such public notice to all parties interested therein as to it
    13  shall seem desirable. If, after hearing, the court shall be of
    14  the opinion that such connection can be made without impairing
    15  the usefulness of the existing sewer, it shall appoint three
    16  viewers who shall view the premises, and investigate the facts
    17  of the case and shall assess the necessary costs and expenses of
    18  making the connection, and the proportionate part of the expense
    19  of building the original sewer upon such township, and shall fix
    20  the proportion of the expense for repairs which the municipality
    21  and the township shall thereafter bear, and determine all other
    22  questions liable to arise in connection therewith.]
    23     Section 2513.  Municipal Corporation; Municipality Authority;
    24  Agreements for Connections; Appointment of Viewers.--(a)  Any
    25  township may, by agreement, connect with an existing sanitary
    26  sewer owned by any municipal corporation or municipality
    27  authority for either sewage collection or treatment purposes.
    28     (b)  When any township desires to connect with the existing
    29  sewer of any municipal corporation or municipality authority, a
    30  petition shall be presented by the board of supervisors to the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 308 -

     1  court of common pleas setting forth the facts. The court shall
     2  fix a day for hearing upon the petition and direct public notice
     3  be given to all interested parties. If the court is of the
     4  opinion that the connection can be made without impairing the
     5  usefulness of the existing sanitary sewer system, it shall
     6  appoint three viewers to view the premises, investigate the
     7  facts of the case, assess the necessary costs and expenses of
     8  making the connection and the proportionate part of the expense
     9  of building the original sanitary sewer system upon the
    10  township, determine the proportion of the expense for repairs
    11  which the municipal corporation or municipality authority and
    12  the township shall bear and determine all other questions liable
    13  to arise in connection therewith.
    14     [Section 1531.  Report of Viewers.--The viewers shall report
    15  to the court the result of their investigation, which report
    16  shall be confirmed within thirty days unless exceptions thereto
    17  are filed, the disposal of which exceptions, any party
    18  interested may appeal.]
    19     Section 2514.  Report of Viewers.--The viewers shall report
    20  the results of their investigation to the court, and the court
    21  shall confirm the report within thirty days of its submission
    22  unless exceptions are filed. Any interested party may appeal the
    23  disposition of filed exceptions.
    24                 [(d)  Acquisition of Sewer Systems
    25     Section 1535.  Acquisition.--(a)  Any township, in which any
    26  person is maintaining sewers and culverts with the necessary
    27  inlet and appliances for surface and under-surface and sewage
    28  drainage, or in which any person or persons are maintaining a
    29  community sewage collection or disposal system as herein
    30  defined, may become the owner of such sewers, culverts, inlet
    19950H0702B2681                 - 309 -

     1  and appliances, or the owner of such community sewage collection
     2  or disposal system, by paying therefor not more than the actual
     3  value of the same at the time of the taking by the township, or
     4  by gift from the owner or owners thereof.
     5     (b)  In case the supervisors of the township cannot agree
     6  with the owners of such sewers or sewage collection or disposal
     7  system as to the price to be paid therefor, the supervisors may
     8  enter upon and take possession of such sewers, culverts, inlets
     9  and appliances or of such sewage collection or disposal system.
    10  For all damage done or suffered or which accrues to the owner of
    11  the sewer or collection or disposal system by reason of the
    12  taking of the same, the general fund of the township shall be
    13  pledged and deemed as security; such damages to be determined by
    14  viewers in the manner provided by this act for eminent domain
    15  proceedings. If any sewer, sewer system of sewage collection or
    16  disposal system is acquired by purchase under the provisions of
    17  this section, the cost of such acquisition may be distributed or
    18  assessed in the same manner as provided by this act in cases
    19  where a sewer or drainage system is constructed by the township.
    20     (c)  For the purpose of this section, a community sewage
    21  collection or disposal system is all or part of a device or
    22  devices, installed on any privately or publicly owned parcel of
    23  land, intended to treat or dispose of the sewage or equivalent
    24  volume of domestic sewage from two or more residences, buildings
    25  or occupied parcels of land, or any system of piping used in
    26  collection and conveyance of sewage on private or public
    27  property.
    28     (d)  After a community sewage collection or disposal system
    29  has been acquired under the provisions of this section by the
    30  township, the supervisors shall have the power to enlarge such
    19950H0702B2681                 - 310 -

     1  system if they deem it advisable. In such cases, the cost and
     2  expenses of such enlargement may be distributed or assessed in
     3  the same manner as if the enlargement was a regular sewer
     4  constructed by the township under other provisions of this act.
     5     (e)  Whenever a community sewage collection or disposal
     6  system is or shall have been established or constructed within a
     7  township by a private owner or owners, and the township
     8  supervisors are thereafter empowered by ordinance to acquire the
     9  ownership of the sewage disposal system so established, or when
    10  any such system has been enlarged by the township, such
    11  acquisition and ownership shall be subject to the following
    12  provisions of this subsection:
    13     (1)  When the person or persons having established or
    14  constructed a community sewage collection or disposal system, or
    15  when more than one-half the number of the owners of properties
    16  which are connected with, have a right to use and are using a
    17  community collection or disposal system, enter into an agreement
    18  with the township for the acquisition of the system by the
    19  township, such agreement shall be considered a valid agreement
    20  by the owners of the sewage collection or disposal system and a
    21  transfer of ownership to the township.
    22     (2)  The township shall operate and maintain any sewage
    23  collection or disposal system acquired, and any enlargement or
    24  addition thereto, for the use of persons having acquired from
    25  the township or from the former owner or owners the right to use
    26  the system and for the use of other owners of property
    27  accessible thereto up to the capacity of the sewage collection
    28  or disposal system.
    29     (3)  All persons whose property connects with the sewage
    30  collection or disposal system, acquired or constructed by the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 311 -

     1  township, shall pay to the township treasurer a monthly,
     2  quarterly, semi-annual or annual charge prescribed by a
     3  resolution of the supervisors. The amount of the charges shall
     4  not be in excess of the estimated amount necessary to maintain
     5  and operate the system and to establish a reserve fund
     6  sufficient for its future replacement.
     7     (4)  All sewer rentals or charges imposed by the supervisors
     8  against properties connected with a community sewage collection
     9  or disposal system under the provisions of this section shall
    10  constitute liens against the properties and may be collected in
    11  the same manner as other sewer charges.
    12     (5)  All moneys received from the sewer charges shall be
    13  deposited as a special reserve fund and shall be used only for
    14  the payment of the cost of operating and maintaining the sewage
    15  collection or disposal system, and the replacement thereof if
    16  necessary and economically desirable. If, at any time after the
    17  acquisition or enlargement of the sewage system, a regular sewer
    18  system is made available by the township for connection with the
    19  properties using the community sewage collection or disposal
    20  system, the owners of such properties shall be subject to the
    21  other provisions of this act relating to sewers, and all money,
    22  at that time in the reserve fund, which was received from
    23  charges for the use of that particular sewage collection or
    24  disposal system and which is over and above the amount expended
    25  for the operation and maintenance of that particular sewage
    26  collection or disposal system, shall be used towards the payment
    27  of any sewer assessments charged against such properties under
    28  other sections of this act.]
    29     Section 2515.  Acquisition of Existing Sanitary Sewer
    30  Systems.--(a)  The board of supervisors of the township in which
    19950H0702B2681                 - 312 -

     1  the facilities are located may acquire all or part of an
     2  existing sanitary sewer system or community subsurface sewage
     3  collection and treatment system.
     4     (b)  Acquisition may be by either purchase, when the board of
     5  supervisors and the owner can agree on a price not exceeding the
     6  actual value of the sanitary sewer system or part thereof to be
     7  transferred, or by deed of dedication to the township by the
     8  owners of the sanitary sewer system or part thereof or by the
     9  exercise of eminent domain.
    10     (c)  If any sanitary sewer system or community subsurface
    11  disposal collection and treatment system is acquired by purchase
    12  or taking under this section, the cost of acquisition may be
    13  distributed or assessed under this act as when a sanitary sewer
    14  system is constructed by the township.
    15     (d)  The rights, powers and duties of the board of
    16  supervisors with respect to acquired systems are the same as
    17  exist with respect to sanitary sewer systems constructed by the
    18  township.
    19                   [(e)  Joint Sewers and Drains
    20     Section 1540.  Joint Sewers.--(a)  Townships may jointly with
    21  cities, boroughs or other townships build and construct sewers,
    22  including trunk-line sewers or drains and sewage treatment
    23  works, and may connect into such system existing sewers, and may
    24  assess their respective portions of the cost thereof, or so much
    25  thereof as may be legally assessable, upon property benefited by
    26  the improvement as is provided in the case of townships by
    27  sections one thousand five hundred and nine, one thousand five
    28  hundred and ten, and one thousand five hundred and eleven of
    29  this act. Any portion of the cost of such an improvement not
    30  assessed or not assessable shall be paid by the respective
    19950H0702B2681                 - 313 -

     1  townships, cities, and boroughs joining as may be agreed upon.
     2     (b)  The townships, cities, and boroughs joining or
     3  contemplating joining in any such improvement, in order to
     4  facilitate the building of the same and in securing preliminary
     5  surveys and estimates, may by ordinance provide for the
     6  appointment of a joint sewer board composed of one
     7  representative from each of the townships, cities, and boroughs
     8  joining which shall act generally as the advisory and
     9  administrative agency in the construction of such improvement,
    10  and its subsequent operation and maintenance. The members of
    11  such board shall serve for terms of six years each from the
    12  dates of their respective appointments, and until their
    13  successors are appointed. The board shall organize by the
    14  election of a chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, and treasurer.
    15  The several townships, cities, and boroughs may, in the
    16  ordinances creating the board, authorize it to appoint an
    17  engineer, a solicitor, and such other assistants as are deemed
    18  necessary; and agree to the share of the compensation of such
    19  persons each township, city, and borough is to pay. The members
    20  of the board shall receive such compensation for attending its
    21  meetings as shall be fixed in the budget, prepared by the board
    22  and submitted to, and adopted by, the several townships, cities,
    23  and boroughs as hereinafter provided. The budget item providing
    24  for the compensation to members for attending meetings shall not
    25  exceed a total of two hundred and fifty dollars per year, but
    26  the members in addition thereto, shall be entitled to actual
    27  expenses to be paid by the respective townships, cities, and
    28  boroughs which such members represent. The fee for each
    29  attendance at meetings shall be stipulated and no member shall
    30  be paid such fee for any meeting which he does not attend.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 314 -

     1     (c)  The joint sewer board shall have power to adopt rules
     2  and regulations to govern its proceedings, and shall prepare and
     3  suggest any practical measures and plans by means of which the
     4  joint improvement may be carried to successful completion; and
     5  the future development of the system, so as to conform to a
     6  general plan, assured and safeguarded. It shall have power to
     7  prepare a joint agreement or agreements for submission to and
     8  adoption by the several townships, cities and boroughs defining
     9  the advisory and administrative powers of the board; setting
    10  forth the consents of the several townships, cities, and
    11  boroughs to the proposed improvement; the manner, which shall
    12  not be inconsistent with the provisions of this act, in which
    13  preliminary and final plans, specifications, and estimates for
    14  the proposed improvement shall be prepared and adopted; and in
    15  which proposals for bids shall be advertised, and contracts let;
    16  the manner in which the costs of the improvement and other
    17  incidental and preliminary expenses in connection therewith, and
    18  the future cost of operation and maintenance shall be equitably
    19  shared, apportioned, and paid; and all such other matters,
    20  including the preparation and submission of annual and other
    21  budgets, as may be deemed necessary or required by law to carry
    22  the proposed improvement to completion and to assure future
    23  maintenance and operation thereof. But nothing herein contained
    24  shall authorize the board to make any improvement or expend any
    25  public moneys which has not first been authorized by all of the
    26  townships, cities, and boroughs proceeding with the improvement.
    27     (d)  In any case where it shall be necessary to acquire,
    28  appropriate, damage, or destroy private property to build any
    29  such joint sewer improvement, and the same cannot be acquired by
    30  purchase or gift, the right of eminent domain shall vest in the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 315 -

     1  township, city, or borough where such property is located. In
     2  any such case where it shall be necessary to acquire, damage, or
     3  destroy property in any territory not within the limits of any
     4  of the townships, cities, or boroughs joining in the
     5  improvement; then the right of eminent domain shall be vested in
     6  any township, city, or borough adjacent to such territory where
     7  such property is located. Damages for any property taken,
     8  damaged, or destroyed shall be assessed as provided by the
     9  general laws relating to the townships, cities, and boroughs
    10  exercising the right of eminent domain; and shall be paid by the
    11  several townships, cities, and boroughs joining in the same
    12  proportion as other costs of the improvements.]
    13     Section 2516.  Joint Sanitary Sewer Systems.--(a)  Townships
    14  may contract with other municipal corporations AND MUNICIPAL      <--
    15  AUTHORITIES providing for the joint construction or maintenance
    16  of sanitary sewer systems and for the connection onto existing
    17  sanitary sewer systems. The agreements shall provide for the
    18  apportionment of costs among the municipal corporations. The
    19  board of supervisors may assess the township's respective
    20  portions of the costs, as may be legally assessable, upon
    21  property benefited by the facilities. Any portion of the cost
    22  not assessed or assessable shall be paid by the respective
    23  municipal corporations under the agreement.
    24     (b)  The municipal corporations joining or contemplating
    25  joining in the project in order to facilitate the building of
    26  the sanitary sewer system and in securing preliminary surveys
    27  and estimates may, by ordinance, provide for the appointment of
    28  a joint sanitary sewer board composed of one representative from
    29  each of the municipal corporations joining which shall act
    30  generally as the advisory and administrative agency in the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 316 -

     1  construction of the improvement and its subsequent operation and
     2  maintenance. Members of the joint sanitary sewer board shall
     3  serve for terms of six years each from the dates of their
     4  respective appointments and until their successors are
     5  appointed. The joint sanitary sewer board shall organize by the
     6  election of a chairman, vice-chairman, secretary and treasurer.
     7  The municipal corporations may, in the ordinances creating the
     8  joint sanitary sewer board, authorize it to appoint an engineer,
     9  a solicitor and other necessary assistants and agree to the
    10  share of the compensation of those persons each municipal
    11  corporation is to pay. The members of the joint sanitary sewer
    12  board shall receive compensation for attending board meetings as
    13  established in the budget that is prepared by the joint sanitary
    14  sewer board and submitted to and adopted by the municipal
    15  corporations. The budget item providing for the compensation to
    16  members for attending meetings shall not exceed a total of two
    17  hundred and fifty dollars ($250) for each member in each year,
    18  but the members shall be entitled to actual expenses to be paid
    19  by the respective municipal corporations the members represent.
    20     (c)  The joint sanitary sewer board may adopt rules and
    21  regulations to govern its proceedings and prepare and suggest
    22  measures and plans under which the joint improvement may be
    23  completed and for the future development of the system. It may
    24  prepare a joint agreement or agreements for submission to and
    25  adoption by the municipal corporations defining the advisory and
    26  administrative powers of the joint sanitary sewer board and
    27  setting forth: the consents of the municipal corporations to the
    28  proposed improvement; the manner in which preliminary and final
    29  plans, specifications and estimates for the proposed improvement
    30  shall be prepared and adopted and in which proposals for bids
    19950H0702B2681                 - 317 -

     1  shall be advertised and contracts let; the manner in which the
     2  costs of the improvement and other incidental and preliminary
     3  expenses in connection therewith, and the future cost of
     4  operation and maintenance, shall be equitably shared,
     5  apportioned and paid; and all other matters, including the
     6  preparation and submission of annual and other budgets, that are
     7  necessary or required by law to complete the proposed
     8  improvement and to assure future maintenance and operation
     9  thereof. The board may not make any improvement or spend any
    10  public moneys which have not first been authorized by all of the
    11  municipal corporations proceeding with the improvement.
    12     (d)  When it is necessary to acquire, appropriate, damage or
    13  destroy private property to build any joint sanitary sewer
    14  system or improvement and the property cannot be acquired by
    15  purchase or gift, the right of eminent domain shall vest in the
    16  municipal corporation where the property is located. When it is
    17  necessary to acquire, damage or destroy property in any
    18  territory not within the limits of any of the municipal
    19  corporations joining in the improvement, the right of eminent
    20  domain shall be vested in the municipal corporation adjacent to
    21  the territory where the property is located. Damages for any
    22  property that is taken, damaged or destroyed shall be assessed
    23  under laws relating to the municipal corporations exercising the
    24  right of eminent domain and shall be paid by the municipal
    25  corporations joining in the same proportion as other costs of
    26  the improvements.
    27     [Section 1541.  State Permit.--No such sewer or plant shall
    28  be constructed until plans and specifications have been
    29  submitted to the State Department of Health and approved, in
    30  accordance with law.]
    19950H0702B2681                 - 318 -

     1     Section 2517.  State Permit.--No sanitary sewer or plant may
     2  be constructed until plans and specifications are submitted to
     3  the Department of Environmental Resources PROTECTION and          <--
     4  approved.
     5                 [(f)  Non-debt Revenue Sewer Bonds
     6                            ARTICLE XV-A
     9     Section 1501-A.  Authority for Installment Payments.--
    10  Whenever any township shall authorize the construction or
    11  acquisition of any sanitary sewer or system of sanitary sewers,
    12  or the improvement of any street or portion thereof, or the
    13  installation of curbing or sidewalks, and the entire cost, or
    14  any part thereof, shall be assessed against the properties
    15  benefited, improved or accommodated by such sewer or system of
    16  sewers, or curbing or sidewalks, or abutting, upon such street
    17  or portion thereof, the township supervisors may authorize the
    18  payment of such assessment in equal annual, or more frequent
    19  installments. Every such ordinance shall specify the length of
    20  time over which such installments may be extended and whether
    21  payments are to be made by annual or more frequent installments.
    22  All such installments shall bear interest, as provided in the
    23  applicable ordinance, at a rate not to exceed six per cent,
    24  commencing at such time as may be fixed or regulated by
    25  ordinance: Provided, That where bonds shall have been issued and
    26  sold in the manner provided by law, to provide for the payment
    27  of any street improvement, such assessments in equal
    28  installments shall not be payable beyond the term for which such
    29  bonds are issued, and the expenditures for such improvements,
    30  and interest thereon to the first day when interest is payable
    19950H0702B2681                 - 319 -

     1  on such bonds, shall be taken as the cost of such improvement to
     2  be assessed on the property benefited.
     3     Section 1502-A.  Entry of Liens.--Claims to secure the
     4  assessments shall be entered in the prothonotary's office of the
     5  county at the same time and in the same form and shall be
     6  collected in the same manner as municipal claims are filed and
     7  collected, notwithstanding the provisions of this article on
     8  installment payments.
     9     Section 1503-A.  Assessments; Where Payable.--Such
    10  assessments shall be payable at the office of the township
    11  treasurer, or such other place as the ordinance shall provide,
    12  in semi-annual or annual installments, with interest at the rate
    13  provided from the date from which interest is computed on the
    14  amount of the assessments.
    15     Section 1504-A.  Default in Payment of Installment.--In case
    16  of default in the payment of any installment and interest for a
    17  period of sixty days after the same shall become due, the entire
    18  assessment and accrued interest shall become due; and the
    19  township solicitor shall proceed to collect the same under the
    20  general laws relating to the collection of municipal claims.
    21     Section 1505-A.  Payments in Full.--Any owner of property,
    22  against whom any such assessment shall have been made, may pay
    23  the same in full, at any time, with interest and costs thereon
    24  to the due date of the next installment, and such payment shall
    25  discharge the lien.]
    26                         ARTICLE [XVI] XXVI
    27                    WATER SUPPLY [AND WATERWORKS
    28     Section 1601.  Contracts With Water Companies and
    29  Municipalities and Acquisition of Waterworks Systems.--(a)  The
    30  supervisors of any township may, by contract with any private
    19950H0702B2681                 - 320 -

     1  corporation or any adjacent municipality owning a waterworks
     2  system, provide for a supply of water for public and private
     3  uses, to be delivered through lines owned by such company or
     4  municipality within such township, or any part thereof. The
     5  contract shall provide how and in what manner the cost of such
     6  water service shall be paid by the consumers thereof.
     7     (b)  In addition to the provisions of subsection (a), the
     8  supervisors of any township may purchase or acquire a privately
     9  owned waterworks system to provide for a supply of water for
    10  public and private uses. If a privately owned water company
    11  fails to render service as required by the Pennsylvania Public
    12  Utility Commission, the supervisors of the township in which
    13  such water company is located may, with the approval of the
    14  Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, exercise the right of
    15  eminent domain to acquire the waterworks system of such water
    16  company so as to provide a supply of water for public and
    17  private uses.]
    18     Section 2601.  Contracts With Water Companies and Municipal
    19  Corporations and Acquisition of Water Systems.--(a)  The board
    20  of supervisors may, by contract with any private corporation or
    21  any adjacent municipal corporation owning a waterworks system,
    22  provide water for public and private uses, to be delivered
    23  through lines owned by that company or municipal corporation
    24  within the township. The contract shall provide the manner by
    25  which the cost of the water service shall be paid by the
    26  consumers.
    27     (b)  The board of supervisors may purchase or acquire a
    28  privately owned water system to provide water for public and
    29  private uses. If a privately owned water company fails to render
    30  service as required by the Pennsylvania Public Utility
    19950H0702B2681                 - 321 -

     1  Commission, the board of supervisors may, with the approval of
     2  the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, exercise the right
     3  of eminent domain to acquire the water system of the water
     4  company to provide water for public and private uses.
     5     (c)  Any township may, by agreement, connect with an existing
     6  water system owned by any adjacent municipal corporation. When
     7  any township desires to connect with the existing water system
     8  of any adjacent municipal corporation and no agreement has been
     9  reached between the township and the adjacent municipal
    10  corporation, a petition seeking approval of the connection shall
    11  be presented by the board of supervisors to the court of common
    12  pleas. The court shall set a day for hearing upon the petition
    13  and shall direct public notice be given to all interested
    14  parties. If the court is of the opinion that the connection can
    15  be made without impairing the usefulness of the existing water
    16  system, it shall appoint three viewers to view the premises,
    17  investigate the facts of the case, assess the necessary costs
    18  and expenses of making the connection and the proportionate part
    19  of the expense of building the original water system upon the
    20  township, determine the proportion of the expense for repairs
    21  which the municipal corporation and the township shall bear and
    22  determine all other questions likely to arise in connection
    23  therewith.
    24     [Section 1602.  Water Lines and Connections.--Township
    25  supervisors shall have full power to contract with any private
    26  corporation, or any adjacent municipality owning a waterworks
    27  system, to provide for a supply of water for public and private
    28  uses to be delivered into the lines of the township at or near
    29  the boundary thereof. In such case the supervisors shall have
    30  the power, by contract, to lay water lines, and to provide for
    19950H0702B2681                 - 322 -

     1  extensions thereof, and to regulate the making of connections
     2  therewith.]
     3     Section 2602.  Water Lines and Connections.--The board of
     4  supervisors may contract with any private corporation or any
     5  adjacent municipal corporation owning a water system to provide
     6  water for public and private uses to be delivered into the lines
     7  of the township at or near the boundary thereof. The board of
     8  supervisors may, by contract, lay water lines and extensions and
     9  regulate the making of connections therewith.
    10     [Section 1602.1.  Connection to Water Supply System.--The
    11  supervisors may require that abutting property owners of a water
    12  supply system connect with and use the same except those
    13  industries and farms who have their own supply of water for uses
    14  other than human consumption. In case any owner of property
    15  except those previously excepted abutting such water system
    16  shall neglect or refuse to connect with and use said system for
    17  a period of ninety days after notice to do so has been served
    18  upon him by the supervisors, either by personal service or
    19  registered mail, said supervisors or their agents, may enter
    20  upon such property and construct such connection. In such case
    21  the supervisors shall forthwith, upon completion of the work,
    22  send an itemized bill of the cost of construction of such
    23  connection to the owner of the property to which connection has
    24  been made, which bill shall be payable forthwith, or the
    25  supervisors may authorize the payment of the cost of
    26  construction of connections in equal monthly installments, said
    27  installments shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed seven
    28  per centum per annum.]
    29     Section 2603.  Connection to Water System.--The board of
    30  supervisors may, by ordinance, require that abutting property
    19950H0702B2681                 - 323 -

     1  owners of a water system provided by the township or a
     2  municipality authority or a joint water board connect with and
     3  use the system. Those industries and farms which have their own
     4  supply of water for uses other than human consumption may
     5  continue to use their own water for that purpose but are
     6  required to use the township water system to provide water for
     7  human consumption. In the case of a water system provided by the
     8  township or a joint water board, the board of supervisors may
     9  impose and charge to property owners who desire to or are
    10  required to connect to the water system a connection fee, a
    11  customer facilities fee, a tapping fee, and other similar fees
    12  as enumerated and defined by clause (t) of subsection B of
    13  section 4 of the act of May 2, 1945 (P.L.382, No.164), known as
    14  the "Municipality Authorities Act of 1945." Whenever a water
    15  system or any part or extension thereof owned by a township has
    16  been constructed by the township at the expense of a private
    17  person or corporation or has been constructed by a private
    18  person or corporation under the supervision of the township at
    19  the expense of the private person or corporation, the board of
    20  supervisors shall have the right to charge a tapping fee,
    21  including a reimbursement component, and refund said
    22  reimbursement component to the person or corporation who has
    23  paid for the construction of said water system or any part or
    24  extension thereof. If any owner of property abutting the water
    25  system fails to connect with and use the system within ninety
    26  days after notice to do so has been served by the board of
    27  supervisors, the board of supervisors or their agents may enter
    28  the property and construct the connection. The board of
    29  supervisors shall send an itemized bill of the cost of
    30  construction of connection to the owner of the property to which
    19950H0702B2681                 - 324 -

     1  connection has been made, which bill is payable immediately, or
     2  the board of supervisors may authorize the payment of the cost
     3  of construction of connections in equal installments under
     4  Article XXXIII.
     5     [Section 1602.2.  Connection to Water Supply System of
     6  Municipality Authorities.--Whenever a water supply system is or
     7  shall have been established or constructed by a municipality
     8  authority within a township of the second class, the township
     9  supervisors shall be empowered by ordinance, to compel all
    10  owners of property abutting thereto to make connection
    11  therewith. The supervisors may, by ordinance, impose penalties
    12  to enforce any regulation or order they may ordain with
    13  reference to any water connections. In case any owner of
    14  property other than those excepted in section 1602.1 of this
    15  act, shall neglect or refuse to connect with said water system
    16  for a period of ninety days after notice to do so has been
    17  served upon him by the supervisors, either by personal service
    18  or by registered mail, the supervisors or their agents may enter
    19  upon such property and construct such connection. In such case,
    20  the supervisors shall forthwith, upon completion of the work,
    21  send an itemized bill of the cost of the construction of such
    22  connection to the owner of the property to which connection has
    23  been made, which bill shall be payable forthwith or the
    24  supervisors may authorize the payment of the cost of
    25  construction of connections in equal monthly installments, to
    26  bear interest at a rate not exceeding seven per centum per
    27  annum.
    28     Section 1602.3.  Cost of Connections; Where Payable.--Such
    29  cost of construction of connections shall be payable at the
    30  office designated by the township supervisors, in monthly
    19950H0702B2681                 - 325 -

     1  installments, with interest from the date of completion of
     2  construction of the connection.
     3     Section 1602.4.  Default in Payment of Installment.--In case
     4  of default in the payment of any installment and interest for a
     5  period of sixty days after the same shall become due, the entire
     6  cost of construction of connection and accrued interest shall
     7  become due; and, the township solicitor shall proceed to collect
     8  the same under the general laws relating to the collection of
     9  municipal claims.
    10     Section 1602.5.  Entry of Liens.--In case of neglect or
    11  refusal by the owner of such property to pay said bill or in
    12  case of installment payment, it shall be the duty of the
    13  township supervisors to file municipal liens for said
    14  construction within six months of the date of completion of the
    15  construction of such connection, the same to be subject in all
    16  respects to the general law providing for the filing and
    17  recovery of municipal liens.
    18     Section 1603.  Water Rents.--The township supervisors are
    19  authorized to provide for the collection of water rents from
    20  users of water, supplied by the township.]
    21     Section 2604.  Water Rents.--The board of supervisors may
    22  provide for the collection of water rents from users of water
    23  supplied by the township.
    24     [Section 1604.  Distribution System; State Permit.--The
    25  supervisors of any township may, by ordinance provide, acquire,
    26  establish, regulate, and protect any system of distribution of
    27  water for private and public use after a certified copy of the
    28  plans and surveys for such system, with a description of the
    29  sources from which it is proposed to derive the supply, are
    30  filed with the Department of Health, and a written permit for
    19950H0702B2681                 - 326 -

     1  the construction of such system obtained from the Secretary of
     2  Health, in accordance with law.]
     3     Section 2605.  Distribution System; State Permit.--The board
     4  of supervisors may, by ordinance, provide, acquire, establish,
     5  regulate and protect any system of distribution of water for
     6  private and public use after a certified copy of the plans and
     7  surveys for the system, with a description of the sources from
     8  which it is proposed to derive the supply, are filed with the
     9  Department of Environmental Resources PROTECTION and a written    <--
    10  permit for the construction of the system is obtained from the
    11  Department of Environmental Resources PROTECTION.                 <--
    12     [Section 1605.  Occupation of Highways.--In providing for
    13  regulating, protecting, and extending its system of distribution
    14  of water, the township may occupy public highways, but no
    15  highway under the jurisdiction of the Department of Highways
    16  shall be occupied until a permit therefor has been obtained from
    17  such department nor any highway under the jurisdiction of the
    18  county until a permit therefor has been obtained from the county
    19  commissioners.]
    20     Section 2606.  Occupation of Highways.--In regulating,
    21  protecting and extending its system of distribution of water,
    22  the township may occupy public highways, but no highway under
    23  the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation shall be
    24  occupied until a permit therefor has been obtained from the
    25  department nor any highway under the jurisdiction of the county
    26  until a permit therefor has been obtained from the county
    27  commissioners.
    28     [Section 1606.  Joint Construction, Acquisition or
    29  Maintenance of Works.--Any township may join with a city,
    30  borough or another township of either the first or second class
    19950H0702B2681                 - 327 -

     1  in the construction or acquisition and maintenance of works for
     2  the supply of water. The construction of such waterworks shall
     3  be commenced only after plans for such waterworks have been
     4  filed with the Department of Health, and the Water and Power
     5  Resources Board, and permits issued in accordance with law.]
     6     Section 2607.  Joint Construction, Acquisition or Maintenance
     7  of Water Systems.--Any township may join with any other
     8  municipal corporation in the construction or acquisition and
     9  maintenance of water systems. The construction of water systems
    10  shall be commenced only after plans for the systems have been
    11  filed with the Department of Environmental Resources PROTECTION   <--
    12  and permits have been issued.
    13     [Section 1607.  Commission of Waterworks.--The townships,
    14  cities and boroughs joining in any such improvement, in order to
    15  facilitate the building of the same and in securing preliminary
    16  surveys and estimates, may, by ordinance, provide for the
    17  appointment of a joint commission of waterworks composed of one
    18  representative from each of the townships, cities and boroughs
    19  joining which shall act generally as the advisory and
    20  administrative agency in the construction of such improvement
    21  and its subsequent operation and maintenance. The members of
    22  such board shall serve for terms of six years each, from the
    23  dates of their respective appointments and until their
    24  successors are appointed. The commission shall organize by the
    25  election of a chairman, a vice chairman, secretary and
    26  treasurer. The several townships, cities and boroughs may, in
    27  the ordinances creating the commission, authorize it to appoint
    28  an engineer, a solicitor and such other assistants as are deemed
    29  necessary, and agree to the share of the compensation of such
    30  persons each township, city and borough is to pay. The members
    19950H0702B2681                 - 328 -

     1  of the commission shall receive such compensation for attending
     2  its meetings as shall be fixed in the budget prepared by the
     3  commission and submitted to and adopted by the several
     4  townships, cities and boroughs, as hereinafter provided. The
     5  budget item providing for the compensation to members for
     6  attending meetings shall not exceed two hundred and fifty
     7  dollars per year, but members in addition thereto shall be
     8  entitled to actual expenses to be paid by the respective
     9  townships, cities and boroughs which such members represent. The
    10  fee for each attendance at meetings shall be stipulated and no
    11  member shall be paid such fee for any meeting which he does not
    12  attend.]
    13     Section 2608.  Joint Water Board.--The municipal corporations
    14  joining in the improvement, in order to facilitate the building
    15  of the water system and in securing preliminary surveys and
    16  estimates, may, by ordinance, provide for the appointment of a
    17  joint water board composed of one representative from each of
    18  the municipal corporations joining to act generally as the
    19  advisory and administrative agency in the construction of the
    20  improvement and its subsequent operation and maintenance.
    21  Members of the joint water board shall serve for terms of six
    22  years each from the dates of their respective appointments and
    23  until their successors are appointed. The joint water board
    24  shall organize by the election of a chairman, vice-chairman,
    25  secretary and treasurer. The municipal corporations may, in the
    26  ordinances creating the joint water board, authorize it to
    27  appoint an engineer, a solicitor and other necessary assistants
    28  and agree to the share of the compensation of those persons each
    29  municipal corporation is to pay. The members of the joint water
    30  board shall receive compensation for attending board meetings as
    19950H0702B2681                 - 329 -

     1  established in the budget that is prepared by the joint water
     2  board and submitted to and adopted by the municipal
     3  corporations. The compensation to members for attending meetings
     4  shall not exceed a total of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250)
     5  for each member in each year, but the members shall be entitled
     6  to actual expenses to be paid by the respective municipal
     7  corporations the members represent.
     8     [Section 1608.  Public Utility Law Saved.--Nothing contained
     9  in this article shall be construed to repeal or to supersede any
    10  of the provisions of the Public Utility Law.]
    11     Section 2609.  Public Utility Law Saved.--Nothing contained
    12  in this article shall be construed to repeal or to supersede any
    13  of the provisions of 66 Pa.C.S. (relating to public utilities).
    14     Section 2610.  Cost of Construction; How Paid.--All or part
    15  of the cost of construction of any water system constructed by
    16  the authority of this article may be charged upon the properties
    17  accommodated or benefited thereby.
    18     [Section 1609.  Water Districts; Application of Taxpayers.--
    19  Whenever the taxpayers of any section of a township whose
    20  property valuation, as assessed for taxable purposes within such
    21  section, shall amount to fifty per centum of the total property
    22  valuation, as assessed for taxable purposes within such section,
    23  shall, by petition, so request, the supervisors of such township
    24  shall constitute such section into a water district or divide it
    25  into several water districts. In every such case of division
    26  into several districts, the supervisors shall determine the
    27  proportion of the cost of the water system which should
    28  equitably be charged on each of said districts and declare and
    29  establish such apportionment by resolution. No district shall be
    30  charged with more than its due proportion of the cost of the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 330 -

     1  main pipe lines, pumping stations, et cetera, used jointly by
     2  more than one district.]
     3     Section 2611.  Water Districts.--The board of supervisors may
     4  designate, define and create one or more water districts within
     5  the township, and the board of supervisors shall determine the
     6  proportion of the cost of the water system which shall be
     7  equitably charged on each district and declare and establish the
     8  apportionment by resolution. No district shall be charged with
     9  more than its due proportion of the cost of the main pipe lines,
    10  pumping stations, et cetera, used jointly by more than one
    11  district.
    12     [Section 1610.  Assessment.--In lieu of issuing and selling
    13  non-debt revenue bonds, as provided in section one thousand six
    14  hundred nine point one of the act, the township supervisors may
    15  provide for the payment of the cost of water lines or water
    16  system in the township or in districts thereof by an assessment
    17  upon the properties accommodated or benefited in either of the
    18  following methods:
    19     (a)  By an assessment, pursuant to a resolution or ordinance
    20  of the board of supervisors, of each lot or piece of land in
    21  proportion to its frontage abutting on the mains, allowing such
    22  reduction in the case of properties abutting on more than one
    23  main as the resolution or ordinance may specify. No assessment
    24  by frontage shall be made on properties of such a character as
    25  not to be lawfully subject to such manner of assessment, and
    26  each abutting property shall be assessed with not less than the
    27  whole amount of the benefit accruing to it and legally
    28  assessable; or
    29     (b)  By an assessment upon the several properties abutting on
    30  the mains in proportion to benefits. The amount of the charge on
    19950H0702B2681                 - 331 -

     1  each property shall be ascertained as hereinafter provided.
     2     When there is more than one district, the assessment in each
     3  district may be by different methods.]
     4     Section 2612.  Assessment.--The board of supervisors may
     5  provide for the payment of the cost of water lines or water
     6  systems in the township or in districts thereof by an assessment
     7  upon the properties accommodated or benefited by one of the
     8  following methods:
     9     (1)  By an assessment, under a resolution or ordinance of the
    10  board of supervisors, of each lot or piece of land in proportion
    11  to its frontage abutting on the water mains, allowing an
    12  equitable reduction in the case of corner properties and
    13  unusually shaped properties or in the case of properties
    14  abutting on more than one main as the resolution or ordinance
    15  may specify.
    16     (2)  By an equal assessment on all properties abutting on the
    17  mains in proportion to the total cost of construction. The
    18  amount of the charge on each property shall be determined by the
    19  board of supervisors.
    20     [Section 1611.  Procedure for Assessment of Benefits.--In all
    21  cases where the board of supervisors shall select the method
    22  provided in subsection (b) of the foregoing section, they shall
    23  petition the court of common pleas for appointment of viewers to
    24  assess benefits. In all cases where they shall neglect for a
    25  period of three months after the completion of the water system
    26  to either ordain assessments by frontage or present petition for
    27  appointment of viewers, taxpayers of the district or districts
    28  affected whose property valuation, as assessed for taxable
    29  purposes within the district, shall amount to fifty per centum
    30  of the total property valuation, so assessed may present a
    19950H0702B2681                 - 332 -

     1  petition to the court of common pleas of the proper county for
     2  the appointment of viewers to assess benefits; and, in all
     3  cases, where such taxpayers shall, within three months of the
     4  adoption of a resolution levying an assessment under the method
     5  provided by subsection (a) of said foregoing section, by
     6  petition, state to said court that such assessment
     7  insufficiently represents the benefits accruing to abutting
     8  properties, they may include in such petition a prayer for the
     9  appointment of viewers to assess benefits. In either case, the
    10  court shall thereupon appoint three disinterested persons from
    11  the board of county viewers, none of whom shall be a resident of
    12  that portion of the township which is accommodated by the water
    13  system in question, and the viewers so appointed shall proceed
    14  as provided in this act for proceedings for the assessment of
    15  damages and benefits by viewers. The aggregate of the
    16  assessments in any water district shall not exceed the amount
    17  charged to such district for its share of the cost of the water
    18  system construction unless the same shall, by petition of
    19  taxpayers whose property valuation as aforesaid shall amount to
    20  fifty per centum of the total property valuation, as assessed
    21  for taxable purposes within the districts affected, presented
    22  within three months after the adoption of a resolution or
    23  ordinance providing for an assessment by frontage, be stated to
    24  insufficiently represent the amount of benefits to such
    25  properties, in which case the proceedings by taxpayers
    26  authorized above shall be applicable. Upon the filing of such a
    27  petition by taxpayers, as aforesaid, for appointment of viewers,
    28  any assessment made by the supervisors and any proceedings
    29  thereunder shall be stayed pending the disposition of the
    30  petition by the court.]
    19950H0702B2681                 - 333 -

     1     Section 2613.  Procedure for Assessment.--If any taxpayer or
     2  taxpayers, by petition, within three months of the adoption of a
     3  resolution or ordinance levying an assessment under section
     4  2612, state to the court of common pleas that the assessment
     5  insufficiently represents the benefits accruing to abutting
     6  properties, they may include in the petition a request for the
     7  appointment of viewers to assess benefits. The court shall
     8  appoint three disinterested persons from the board of county
     9  viewers, none of whom shall be a resident of that portion of the
    10  township which is accommodated by the water system in question,
    11  and the viewers shall proceed under this act for the assessment
    12  of damages and benefits by viewers. Upon the filing of the
    13  petition by taxpayers, any assessment made by the board of
    14  supervisors and any proceedings shall be stayed pending the
    15  disposition of the petition by the court.
    16     [Section 1612.  Liens for Assessments; Costs of
    17  Proceedings.--After the amount of the assessment charged upon
    18  the several properties has been established, either by
    19  resolution or ordinance making assessments according to
    20  frontage, or by confirmation of any report of viewers in whole
    21  or in part, it shall be the duty of the township supervisors to
    22  file municipal liens for the assessments covered by such
    23  resolution, ordinance or confirmation within the time and in the
    24  manner provided by law, the same to be subject in all respects
    25  to the general law providing for the filing and recovery of
    26  municipal liens. The amounts of all assessments shall be payable
    27  to the township treasurer for the use of the township. The
    28  supervisors shall also make out bills for the amount charged
    29  against each property, which shall be forthwith sent to all
    30  property owners affected residing in the township, and mailed to
    19950H0702B2681                 - 334 -

     1  all such owners residing elsewhere whose address is known.
     2     The costs of publication of notices in proceedings before
     3  viewers shall be paid by the township upon presentation of bills
     4  approved by the court.]
     5     Section 2614.  Liens for Assessments; Costs of Proceedings.--
     6  After the amount of the assessment charged upon the several
     7  properties has been established by resolution making assessments
     8  according to frontage or by confirmation of any report of
     9  viewers, in whole or in part, the board of supervisors shall
    10  file municipal liens for the assessments covered by the
    11  resolution or confirmation. The amounts of all assessments are
    12  payable to the township treasurer. The board of supervisors
    13  shall also make out bills for the amount charged against each
    14  property, which shall be sent to all property owners.
    15                           ARTICLE XXVII
    17     Section 2701.  Storm Water Management Systems Authorized.--
    18  The board of supervisors may plan, design, construct, assemble,
    19  install and alter facilities, including, but not limited to,
    20  inlets, outlets, systems of piping, diversion terraces, grass
    21  waterways, energy dissipaters, storm water retention devices and
    22  natural or artificial infiltration areas, to manage surface
    23  water runoff.
    24     Section 2702.  Construction of Storm Water Management
    25  Facilities.--(a)  The board of supervisors may acquire, by
    26  purchase, deed of dedication or eminent domain proceedings, all
    27  or part of any existing system or facility for the management of
    28  surface water runoff which may have been established or
    29  constructed by any property owner in the township or establish,
    30  construct and maintain systems or facilities in the best
    19950H0702B2681                 - 335 -

     1  interest of the township.
     2     (b)  If the board of supervisors and the owners of systems
     3  can agree upon a price to be paid by the township, the purchase
     4  may be consummated if the amount to be paid does not exceed the
     5  actual value of the facilities to be transferred.
     6     (c)  If the board of supervisors acquires the system by the
     7  exercise of eminent domain, the damages shall be determined by
     8  viewers under this act for eminent domain proceedings.
     9     Section 2703.  System Management.--(a)  When exercising the
    10  powers under this article, the board of supervisors shall manage
    11  storm water originating in or passing through the township in a
    12  manner which is consistent with the requirements of the act of
    13  October 4, 1978 (P.L.864, No.167), known as the "Storm Water
    14  Management Act," and the storm water management guidelines and
    15  any regulations which may be adopted by the Department of
    16  Environmental Resources PROTECTION.                               <--
    17     (b)  All storm water management activities undertaken must be
    18  consistent with any watershed storm water management plan when
    19  the plan has been approved by the Department of Environmental
    20  Resources PROTECTION.                                             <--
    21     (c)  When storm water management activities are undertaken in
    22  watersheds for which there is no approved storm water management
    23  plan, all drawings, documents, profiles and designs and
    24  descriptions of the proposed activities to be undertaken by the
    25  township shall be submitted to the county conservation district
    26  for review and comment before the initiation of earthmoving
    27  activities. The conservation district shall have thirty days to
    28  review and respond with comments to the board of supervisors.
    29  Failure to respond within that time constitutes favorable
    30  comment by the conservation district.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 336 -

     1     Section 2704.  Ordinances.--The board of supervisors may
     2  enact storm water management ordinances and require persons
     3  conducting earthmoving activities to obtain approval from the
     4  board of supervisors for those activities. Ordinances must be
     5  consistent with watershed storm water management plans where
     6  they exist and in all cases must be consistent with the act of
     7  October 4, 1978 (P.L.864, No.167), known as the "Storm Water
     8  Management Act."
     9                       ARTICLE [XVI-A] XXVIII
    11     [Section 1601-A.  Manufacture and Sale of Electricity.--Any
    12  township may manufacture electricity by means of a hydroelectric
    13  generating facility owned or operated by the township for the
    14  use of the inhabitants of such township. Any township owning or
    15  operating a hydroelectric generating facility may make contracts
    16  for the sale of electricity to persons engaged in the business
    17  of the manufacture or sale of electricity.]
    18     Section 2801.  Manufacture and Sale of Electricity.--Any
    19  township may manufacture electricity by means of a hydroelectric
    20  generating facility owned or operated by the township for the
    21  use of the inhabitants of the township. Any township owning or
    22  operating a hydroelectric generating facility may make contracts
    23  for the sale of electricity to persons engaged in the business
    24  of the manufacture or sale of electricity.
    25     [Section 1602-A.  May Regulate Use and Prices.--Any township
    26  furnishing electricity pursuant to this article may regulate the
    27  use of said electricity in dwellings, business places, and other
    28  places in such township, and the rate to be charged for the
    29  same.]
    30     Section 2802.  Regulation of Use and Prices.--Any township
    19950H0702B2681                 - 337 -

     1  furnishing electricity under this article may regulate the use
     2  of electricity in dwellings, business places and other places in
     3  the township and the rate to be charged for the electricity.
     4     [Section 1603-A.  Sale of Hydroelectric Generating
     5  Facilities.--By ordinance, a township may sell all or part of
     6  its hydroelectric generating facilities to a purchaser for such
     7  sale price as the parties may agree upon, and thereafter for all
     8  purposes that price shall be deemed to be the purchaser's
     9  original cost less accrued depreciation of the plant at the date
    10  of purchase.]
    11     Section 2803.  Sale of Hydroelectric Generating Facilities.--
    12  A township may, by ordinance, sell all or part of its
    13  hydroelectric generating facilities to a purchaser for that sale
    14  price as the parties may agree upon.
    15     [Section 1604-A.  Construction or Purchase of Hydroelectric
    16  Generating Facilities.--Any township may construct or purchase
    17  facilities for the purpose of manufacturing electricity by
    18  hydroelectric generation. Any township may purchase a
    19  hydroelectric generating facility at such price as may be agreed
    20  upon by the township and the person, copartnership or a majority
    21  of the stockholders of a corporation that owns such facilities.]
    22     Section 2804.  Construction or Purchase of Hydroelectric
    23  Generating Facilities.--Any township may construct or purchase
    24  facilities to manufacture electricity by hydroelectric
    25  generation. Any township may purchase a hydroelectric generating
    26  facility at that price as may be agreed upon by the township and
    27  the person, partnership or a majority of the stockholders of a
    28  corporation that owns the facilities.
    29     [Section 1605-A.  Submission to Electors.--Before any
    30  township shall construct or purchase a hydroelectric generating
    19950H0702B2681                 - 338 -

     1  facility, the question of the increase of the debt of the
     2  township shall first be submitted to the qualified voters of the
     3  township in the manner provided by law for the increase of
     4  indebtedness of municipal corporations.]
     5     Section 2805.  Submission to Electors.--Before any township
     6  constructs or purchases a hydroelectric generating facility, the
     7  question of the increase of the debt of the township shall first
     8  be submitted to the qualified voters of the township in the
     9  manner provided by law for the increase in indebtedness of
    10  municipal corporations.
    11     [Section 1606-A.  Limitation on Indebtedness.--No township
    12  which constructs or purchases a hydroelectric generating
    13  facility shall incur any indebtedness for the construction or
    14  enlargement of a new or existing dam or impoundment structure
    15  but may incur indebtedness for repairs or reconstructions of an
    16  existing dam or impoundment in connection with the hydroelectric
    17  project.]
    18     Section 2806.  Limitation on Indebtedness.--No township which
    19  constructs or purchases a hydroelectric generating facility
    20  shall incur any indebtedness for the construction or enlargement
    21  of a new or existing dam or impoundment structure but may incur
    22  indebtedness for repairs or reconstruction of an existing dam or
    23  impoundment in connection with the hydroelectric project.
    24                           [ARTICLE XVII
    25                          PUBLIC BUILDINGS
    26     Section 1702.  Town Hall.--The supervisors of townships may
    27  procure a suitable lot of ground, and erect or use a suitable
    28  building thereon for a town hall for township purposes. For the
    29  purpose of procuring a lot of ground and erecting a town hall,
    30  the supervisors may borrow money at a rate of interest not
    19950H0702B2681                 - 339 -

     1  exceeding six per centum and issue bonds therefor.
     2     Section 1703.  Unloaders and Warehouses.--Townships may
     3  purchase or lease land within or without the limits of such
     4  townships, and erect thereon suitable unloaders, warehouses, or
     5  other buildings as may be necessary for unloading, handling, and
     6  storing road materials and supplies.
     7     Section 1704.  Appropriation of Property.--Townships may
     8  enter upon and appropriate private property for the erection
     9  thereon of a town hall, and such other public buildings as are
    10  necessary for public purposes. No land or property used for any
    11  cemetery, burying ground, public or parochial school,
    12  educational or charitable institution, seminary, or place of
    13  public worship shall be taken or appropriated by virtue of any
    14  power contained in this section.
    15     Section 1705.  Resolution of Supervisors.--Whenever the
    16  supervisors desire to acquire, enter upon, take, use, and
    17  appropriate private property or lands for public buildings, they
    18  shall declare such intention by an ordinance.
    19     Section 1706.  How Damages Are Assessed.--The compensation
    20  and damages arising from such taking, using, and appropriating
    21  of private property for such purposes shall be ascertained,
    22  determined, awarded, and paid in the manner provided in this act
    23  for eminent domain proceedings.
    24     Section 1707.  Use of Public Land Acquired for Other
    25  Purposes.--Whenever the supervisors desire to take any lands
    26  heretofore granted or dedicated to a use or purpose for which
    27  they are no longer used, they shall pass an ordinance declaring
    28  such intention and shall thereupon petition the court of common
    29  pleas for leave to file the bond of the township for the purpose
    30  of securing any person or persons who may be entitled to
    19950H0702B2681                 - 340 -

     1  compensation for such taking. The court shall thereupon direct
     2  notice to be given by publication in at least two newspapers
     3  circulating generally in the county. The court may increase the
     4  amount of the bond, and shall hear all exceptions that are filed
     5  against the petition and the sufficiency of the bond, and may
     6  grant or deny the prayer of the petition. Upon the granting of
     7  the petition and the approval of the bond, the supervisors may
     8  enter upon and take such lands for the purposes of erecting
     9  public buildings. The bond, which shall be in the name of the
    10  Commonwealth, for the use of any person or persons who are
    11  entitled to damage by reason of the taking of the lands, shall
    12  remain on file for their use and benefit.
    13     In case the compensation for damages, accruing from any such
    14  appropriations, has not been agreed upon by the parties in
    15  interest, the same may be assessed by viewers in accordance with
    16  the provisions of this act for the assessment of damages in
    17  eminent domain proceedings.
    18                           ARTICLE XVIII
    19                     LICENSES AND LICENSE FEES
    20                  (a)  Transient Retail Merchants
    21     Section 1801.  Transient Retail Merchants to Be Licensed.--
    22  Every person, whether principal or agent, entering into,
    23  beginning, or desiring to begin, a transient retail business in
    24  any township for the sale of any goods, wares, or merchandise
    25  whatsoever, and who hires, leases, occupies, or uses any room,
    26  apartment, store, shop, building, railway car, or other place or
    27  structure for the exhibition and sale of such goods, wares, or
    28  merchandise, shall, when ordained by the board of supervisors,
    29  take out a license for the same from the supervisors of the said
    30  township: Provided, however, That nothing herein contained shall
    19950H0702B2681                 - 341 -

     1  apply to farmers selling their own produce, or to any sale of
     2  goods, wares, or merchandise, donated by the owners thereof, the
     3  proceeds whereof are to be applied to any charitable or
     4  philanthropic purpose.
     5     Section 1802.  Amount and Payment of License Fee; Penalty.--
     6  The amount of such license in any township shall, when ordained
     7  by the board of supervisors, be the sum of twenty-five dollars
     8  per month, or fractional part thereof, to be paid to the
     9  township treasurer. Said license shall be renewed monthly during
    10  the continuance of said sale, and upon failure of any person so
    11  to secure such license, he shall, upon conviction in a summary
    12  proceeding, be fined not more than two hundred dollars, and, in
    13  default of payment of said fines, shall be imprisoned in the
    14  jail of the county for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days.
    15                         (b)  Restrictions
    16     Section 1811.  Agents for Licensed Dealers Not to Be
    17  Licensed.--It shall be unlawful for any township to levy any
    18  license fee or mercantile tax upon any persons taking orders for
    19  merchandise, by sample, from dealers or merchants. Nothing in
    20  this section shall authorize any person to sell by retail to
    21  others than dealers or merchants.
    22     Section 1812.  Insurance Agents and Brokers Not to Be
    23  Licensed.--It shall be unlawful for any township to impose or
    24  collect any license fee upon insurance companies, or their
    25  agents, or insurance brokers, authorized to transact business
    26  under the Insurance Laws of the Commonwealth.
    27     Section 1813.  License Fees on Residents Not to Exceed Those
    28  on Nonresidents.--It shall be unlawful for any township to
    29  impose, exact or collect, any license tax or fee upon or from
    30  any manufacturer, or the agent, representative, or employe or
    19950H0702B2681                 - 342 -

     1  any manufacturer, who is a resident of the Commonwealth, for
     2  soliciting orders for or for selling any goods, merchandise, or
     3  wares manufactured within this Commonwealth that is not or
     4  cannot legally be imposed upon or exacted or collected from any
     5  manufacturer or dealer, or the agent, representative, or employe
     6  of any manufacturer, who is a nonresident of the Commonwealth,
     7  for soliciting orders for or for selling any goods, merchandise,
     8  or wares manufactured without the Commonwealth.
     9                            ARTICLE XIX
    12                        CENTERS AND FORESTS
    13     Section 1901.  Acquisition of Lands and Buildings.--The
    14  supervisors of any township may by ordinance separately or
    15  jointly designate and set apart for use as parks, playgrounds,
    16  playfields, gymnasiums, public baths, swimming pools, or indoor
    17  recreation centers, hereinafter called public parks, recreation
    18  areas and facilities, any lands or buildings, owned by such
    19  township, and not dedicated or devoted to other public use. Such
    20  township may acquire lands or buildings for such purposes by
    21  gift, devise or purchase or by the exercise of the right of
    22  eminent domain, or may lease lands or buildings in such township
    23  for temporary use for such purposes. Whenever the supervisors
    24  designate or acquire any lands, with or without buildings, under
    25  the provisions of this section, except when the acquisition is
    26  under a lease for temporary use, they may construct buildings
    27  and facilities thereon for the purposes herein indicated.
    28     Section 1902.  Creation of Park and Recreation Boards.--The
    29  authority to equip, supervise and maintain parks, recreation
    30  areas and facilities and to conduct recreation programs may be
    19950H0702B2681                 - 343 -

     1  vested in any existing body or board or in a park board or
     2  recreation board as the township supervisors may determine. The
     3  supervisors may equip, operate, and maintain such parks,
     4  recreation areas and facilities as authorized by this article.
     5  Such supervisors may, for the purpose of carrying out the
     6  provisions of this article, employ play leaders, recreation
     7  directors, supervisors, superintendents, or any other officers
     8  or employes as they deem proper. If the supervisors shall
     9  determine that the power to equip, operate and maintain parks,
    10  recreation areas and facilities shall be placed in a recreation
    11  board, such board shall possess all the powers and be subject to
    12  all the responsibilities of the board of supervisors under this
    13  article. In such case the recreation board shall exercise its
    14  powers and duties in establishing standards, qualifications and
    15  salary schedules, to be approved by the supervisors, for all
    16  classifications of recreation employes. Whenever boroughs,
    17  cities, counties, townships, school districts, or any of them,
    18  develop a cooperative plan of recreation service with a
    19  township, the township recreation board shall have the power to
    20  adjust its established personnel standards, qualifications and
    21  salary schedules, to be approved by the supervisors, to meet the
    22  terms of a joint operation agreed upon.
    23     Section 1903.  Composition of Park or Recreation Boards.--
    24  Park or recreation boards, when established, shall consist of
    25  five or seven persons, and when established in a township having
    26  a school board, two of the members shall be members or
    27  appointees of the school board. The other members of such boards
    28  shall be appointed by the supervisors, and shall serve for terms
    29  of five years or until their successors are appointed, except
    30  that the members of such board first appointed shall be
    19950H0702B2681                 - 344 -

     1  appointed for such terms that the term of not more than two
     2  members shall expire annually thereafter. Members of such board
     3  shall serve without pay. All persons appointed shall serve their
     4  full terms unless voluntarily resigned or removed by the
     5  supervisors for dereliction or neglect of duty. Vacancies in
     6  such board occurring otherwise than by expiration of term shall
     7  be for the unexpired term, and shall be filled in the same
     8  manner as original appointments.
     9     Section 1904.  Organization of Park or Recreation Board;
    10  Powers and Duties Delegated to the Board by the Supervisors.--
    11  The members of a park board or recreation board, established
    12  pursuant to this article, shall elect their own chairman and
    13  secretary and select all other necessary officers, to serve for
    14  a period of one year. Such boards shall have power to adopt
    15  rules and regulations for the conduct of all business within
    16  their jurisdiction. Their jurisdiction shall include the right
    17  to select, employ and discharge all recreation personnel used to
    18  carry out the provisions of this article. It shall be the duty
    19  of the recreation board and its executive to submit an annual
    20  report to the township supervisors, including an analysis of the
    21  community recreation areas, facilities and leadership, with
    22  particular reference to the extent and adequacy of the program
    23  and its effectiveness in view of the public expenditure involved
    24  and the public needs to be met.
    25     Section 1905.  Joint Ownership and Maintenance.--Any township
    26  may, jointly with anyone or more townships, boroughs and cities,
    27  acquire property for and operate and maintain any parks and
    28  public recreation areas and facilities. Any school district may
    29  join with the township in equipping, operating and maintaining
    30  parks, public recreation areas and facilities, and may
    19950H0702B2681                 - 345 -

     1  appropriate money therefor.
     2     Section 1906.  Bond Issues.--The township supervisors may
     3  issue bonds for the purpose of acquiring lands or buildings for
     4  parks, public recreation areas and facilities and for the
     5  equipment thereof.
     6     Section 1907.  Maintenance and Tax Levy.--All expenses
     7  incurred in the operation of such parks, recreation areas and
     8  facilities, established as herein provided, shall be payable
     9  from the general township fund or from the treasury of such
    10  township, borough, city, county or school district, as may be
    11  provided for by the agreement of the corporate authorities. The
    12  supervisors may annually appropriate an amount necessary for
    13  carrying out the provisions of this act, and may cause to be
    14  raised by special taxation such tax, for the purpose of
    15  maintaining, equipping and operating the parks, recreation areas
    16  and facilities and the programs thereon.
    17     Section 1908.  Right of Acquisition of Forest Lands.--
    18  Townships may acquire, by purchase, gift or lease, and hold
    19  tracts of land covered with forest or tree growth, or suitable
    20  for the growth of trees, and administer the same under the
    21  direction of the Department of Forests and Waters, in accordance
    22  with the practices and principles of scientific forestry, for
    23  the benefit of the township. Such tracts may be of any size
    24  suitable for the purpose, and may be located within or without
    25  the township limits.
    26     Section 1909.  Approval of Secretary of Forests and Waters.--
    27  Before the passage of any ordinance for the acquisition of land
    28  to be used as township forests, the township supervisors shall
    29  submit to the Department of Forests and Waters and secure its
    30  approval of the area and location of such land.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 346 -

     1     Section 1910.  Resolution and Notice.--Whenever the township
     2  supervisors deem it expedient to acquire any lands for forests,
     3  they shall so declare by an ordinance, wherein shall be set
     4  forth all facts and conditions relating to the proposed action.
     5     Section 1911.  Appropriation for Acquisition.--All money
     6  necessary for the purchase of such tracts shall be appropriated
     7  in the same manner as appropriations for township purposes, and
     8  such funds may be provided from the current revenue or by the
     9  proceeds of a sale of general obligation bonds in accordance
    10  with existing law.
    11     Section 1912.  Control of Forests by Secretary of Forests and
    12  Waters.--Upon the acquisition of any forests or lands suitable
    13  for forests, the township supervisors shall notify the
    14  Department of Forests and Waters, which shall make such rules
    15  for the government and proper administration of the same as may
    16  be deemed necessary; and the department shall publish such
    17  rules, declare the uses of the forest in accordance with the
    18  intent of this article, and make such provision for its
    19  administration, maintenance, protection, and development as
    20  shall be deemed necessary or expedient. The rules governing the
    21  administration of such forests shall have for their main purpose
    22  the producing of a continuing township revenue by the sale of
    23  forest products.
    24     Section 1913.  Appropriation for Maintenance.--All moneys
    25  necessary to be expended for the administration, maintenance,
    26  protection, and development of such forests shall be
    27  appropriated and applied as is now done for township purposes.
    28  All revenue and emoluments arising from such forests shall be
    29  paid into the general township fund.
    30     Section 1914.  Use of Township Forests as Outing Grounds.--
    19950H0702B2681                 - 347 -

     1  Township forests may be used by the public as general outing or
     2  recreation grounds, subject to the rules of the Department of
     3  Forests and Waters governing their administration, and rules
     4  adopted by the supervisors, not inconsistent with law and the
     5  rules of the department.
     6     Section 1915.  Disposition of Township Forests; Procedure;
     7  Ordinance; Submission of Question.--Whenever the township
     8  supervisors deem it expedient to sell or lease any forest, or
     9  part thereof, or products therefrom, they shall so declare by an
    10  ordinance, wherein shall be set forth all the facts and
    11  conditions relating to the proposed action. No ordinance shall
    12  be effective in legalizing such alienation until it has been
    13  approved by a majority vote of the people at the next ensuing
    14  election.
    15     Section 1916.  Appropriation of Moneys to Forestry
    16  Organizations.--The supervisors of any township may appropriate
    17  moneys from the General Township Fund to any forest protection
    18  association cooperating in forest work with the Department of
    19  Forests and Waters, or to be expended in direct cooperation with
    20  such department in forest work.
    21     Section 1917.  Approval of Electors for Acquisition of
    22  Land.--The township supervisors hereby are authorized, on behalf
    23  of the township, to accept the title to lands which may be
    24  donated to the township for any of the purposes mentioned in
    25  this article, but none of the other powers conferred upon them
    26  by sections one thousand nine hundred and eight to one thousand
    27  nine hundred and sixteen inclusive of this article shall be
    28  exercised by them except after the approval thereof by the
    29  electors of said township at an election for the purpose held on
    30  a regular municipal election day, of which election notice shall
    19950H0702B2681                 - 348 -

     1  be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in
     2  the county in which the township is located, said publication to
     3  be at least ten days before the day of the election.
     4                           ARTICLE XIX-A
     5                           SANITARY BOARD
     6     Section 1901-A.1.  Establishment of Board of Health.--The
     7  board of supervisors may appoint a township board of health and
     8  township health officer for the purpose of administration and
     9  enforcement of the health and sanitation laws of the township.
    10  Where a board of health is appointed, such board may appoint a
    11  health officer or inspector whose duties shall be to implement
    12  and enforce the health and sanitation laws of the township and
    13  actions of the board of health. Such health officer or
    14  inspector, whether appointed by the board of supervisors or by
    15  the board of health, shall not enter upon the performance of the
    16  duties of office until certified as a qualified health officer
    17  or inspector by the Department of Environmental Resources and
    18  the Department of Health.
    19     Section 1902-A.  Members of Board of Health.--A board of
    20  health appointed under the provisions of this article shall be
    21  composed of five members at least one of whom shall be a
    22  licensed physician of not less than two years experience in the
    23  practice of his profession. The members of the board of health
    24  shall be appointed by the board of supervisors. Upon the
    25  creation of a board of health one member shall be appointed to
    26  serve for one year, one for two years, one for three years, one
    27  for four years, and one for five years, and thereafter one
    28  member shall in like manner be appointed each year to serve for
    29  five years. Upon the creation of a board of health in a township
    30  which has an existing sanitary board, the township supervisors
    19950H0702B2681                 - 349 -

     1  may continue the incumbent members of the sanitary board as
     2  members of the board of health. The members of the board of
     3  health shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed
     4  for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of
     5  their duties. The secretary of the board of health shall be
     6  entitled to receive a salary fixed by the board of supervisors
     7  for that office.
     8     Section 1903-A.  Oaths of Members, Secretary and Health
     9  Officer and Inspectors.--The members of the board of health
    10  shall, severally, take and subscribe to the oath prescribed by
    11  section five hundred one of this act, and shall, annually,
    12  organize by electing a chairman from among the members of the
    13  board, a secretary who may or may not be a member of the board,
    14  and a health officer and inspectors who shall not be members of
    15  the board. The secretary and the health officer and inspectors
    16  shall receive such salary as may be fixed by the board of
    17  supervisors, and shall serve for a period of one year or until
    18  such time thereafter as their successors may be appointed and
    19  qualified.
    20     Section 1904-A.  Duties of Secretary.--The secretary of the
    21  board of health shall keep the minutes of the proceedings of the
    22  board of health, shall keep accurate accounts of the
    23  expenditures of the board of health, shall draw all requisitions
    24  for the payment of moneys on account of the board of health from
    25  appropriations made by the board of supervisors to the board of
    26  health and shall present them to the chairman of the board of
    27  health for his approval, shall render statements of the
    28  expenditures to the board of health at each stated meeting or as
    29  frequently as the board of health may require, shall prepare
    30  under the directions of the board of health the annual report to
    19950H0702B2681                 - 350 -

     1  the board of supervisors together with the estimate of
     2  appropriation needed for the ensuing year, and shall make such
     3  other reports and perform such other duties as the board of
     4  health may require.
     5     Section 1905-A.  Powers and Duties of Health Officers and
     6  Inspectors.--It shall be the duty of the health officer and
     7  inspectors to attend all stated and special meetings of the
     8  board of health and at all times be ready and available for the
     9  prompt performance of their official duties. They shall make
    10  inspections, and shall execute the orders of the board of
    11  health.
    12     Section 1906-A.  Powers of Board of Health.--The board of
    13  health shall enforce the health and sanitation laws of the
    14  Commonwealth and any regulations promulgated thereunder and the
    15  health and sanitation laws and regulations of the township. Such
    16  regulations, when authorized by ordinance of the township and
    17  when advertised in accordance with appropriate law, shall have
    18  the force of ordinances of the township. All penalties
    19  prescribed for the violation thereof as well as the expenses
    20  actually and necessarily incurred in carrying such ordinances
    21  and regulations into effect shall be recoverable in enforcement
    22  proceedings and paid into the general township fund. Townships
    23  may establish and revise as necessary, such fees as are deemed
    24  appropriate for licenses or permits issued by the township.
    25     Section 1907-A.  Entry Upon Premises.--The board of health,
    26  health officer or inspectors, may enter upon any premises within
    27  the township where there is reasonably suspected to exist any
    28  health hazard or violation of health or sanitation laws or
    29  regulations, or which are of a type that may give rise to a
    30  health hazard. Such entry may be made with or without prior
    19950H0702B2681                 - 351 -

     1  notice to the owner or occupant.
     2     Section 1908-A.1.  Written Order for Violation.--Where the
     3  board of health or health officer or inspectors determine that a
     4  health or sanitation hazard or violation exists, a written order
     5  shall be directed to the owner or occupant of the premises
     6  involved, ordering an abatement of the hazard or violation and
     7  the taking of such corrective action as the board of health or
     8  health officer or inspectors may deem necessary under the
     9  circumstances. Such order shall set forth a specific time in
    10  which the abatement and corrective action shall be accomplished.
    11  In the event the order is not complied with within the time
    12  provided, the board of health or health officer or inspectors
    13  may enter upon the premises and issue orders for the immediate
    14  termination of activities creating the violation, the potential
    15  violation and all acts of commerce conducted in, on or at the
    16  premises in question. In addition, the board of health, health
    17  officer or inspectors may proceed to enforce the law or
    18  regulation being violated in the same manner as ordinances of
    19  the township.
    20     Section 1909-A.1.  Appropriations and Annual Report.--The
    21  board of supervisors shall make an annual appropriation to the
    22  board of health or health officer in such amounts as the board
    23  of supervisors shall deem appropriate. The board of health or
    24  health officer shall, before the preparation of the annual
    25  budget of the township, submit to the board of supervisors the
    26  estimated expenses of the board of health or health officer for
    27  the ensuing year. The board of health or health officer shall by
    28  the first day of February of each year prepare and submit to the
    29  board of supervisors and the regional office of the Department
    30  of Environmental Resources and the Department of Health an
    19950H0702B2681                 - 352 -

     1  annual report, in writing, setting forth the activities and
     2  expenditures of the board of health or health officer during the
     3  prior calendar year.
     4     Section 1910-A.  Cooperation With Other Governmental
     5  Agencies.--(a)  Any township may cooperate and enter into
     6  agreements with any other governmental agency in the
     7  administration and enforcement of health and sanitation laws.
     8     (b)  If the board of supervisors abolishes the board of
     9  health or positions of health officer or inspectors and
    10  discontinues services under this article, the Department of
    11  Environmental Resources and the Department of Health shall be
    12  notified. An official copy of such action of the board of
    13  supervisors shall be transmitted to the regional office of the
    14  Department of Environmental Resources and the regional office of
    15  the Department of Health.
    16     (c)  The township may request assistance from the Department
    17  of Environmental Resources or the Department of Health where the
    18  township feels such assistance is necessary for the health and
    19  safety of its citizens.]
    20                        ARTICLE [XIX-B] XXIX
    21                       SHADE TREE COMMISSION
    22     [Section 1901-B.  Right of Establishment.--Townships may, by
    23  ordinance, establish a commission to be known as the Shade Tree
    24  Commission, but in townships where the township supervisors
    25  shall not elect to create by ordinance a Shade Tree Commission,
    26  the township supervisors may exercise all the rights and perform
    27  the duties and obligations imposed by this article upon the
    28  Shade Tree Commission.]
    29     Section 2901.  Right of Establishment.--The board of
    30  supervisors may regulate the planting, maintenance and removal
    19950H0702B2681                 - 353 -

     1  of shade trees in the township or it may appoint a shade tree
     2  commission to administer regulations for shade trees.
     3     [Section 1902-B.  Personnel of Commission Appointment; Terms;
     4  Vacancies.--The commission shall be composed of residents of the
     5  township, who shall be appointed by the township supervisors,
     6  and shall serve without compensation.
     7     Whenever a Shade Tree Commission is established by any
     8  township, the township supervisors shall appoint one member for
     9  a term of three years, one for a term of four years and one for
    10  a term of five years.
    11     On the expiration of the term of any shade tree commissioner,
    12  a successor shall be appointed by the township supervisors to
    13  serve for a term of five years.
    14     Vacancies in the office of shade tree commissioner shall be
    15  filled by the township supervisors for the unexpired term.]
    16     Section 2902.  Commission Members; Appointment; Terms;
    17  Vacancies.--A shade tree commission shall be composed of three
    18  members who shall be residents of the township. The initial
    19  terms of members shall be for periods of three years, four years
    20  and five years respectively. All subsequent terms shall be for a
    21  period of five years. Members of the commission shall serve
    22  without compensation but shall be reimbursed for actual and
    23  necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
    24  Vacancies in the office of shade tree commissioner shall be
    25  filled by the board of supervisors for the unexpired term.
    26     [Section 1903-B.  Powers May be Vested in Park Board.--
    27  Whenever in any township there exists a board for the care of
    28  public parks, the township supervisors may, by ordinance, confer
    29  on the park board all the powers and all the duties prescribed
    30  by this article for the Shade Tree Commission.]
    19950H0702B2681                 - 354 -

     1     Section 2903.  Powers May be Vested in Recreation Board.--
     2  When there exists a board for the care of public parks, the
     3  board of supervisors may, by ordinance, confer on the recreation
     4  board all the powers and duties under this article for a shade
     5  tree commission.
     6     [Section 1904-B.  General Powers of Commission.--The
     7  commission shall have exclusive custody and control of the shade
     8  trees in the township and is authorized to plant, remove,
     9  maintain and protect shade trees on the public streets and
    10  highways in the township.]
    11     Section 2904.  General Powers of Commission.--The shade tree
    12  commission has exclusive control of the shade trees in the
    13  township and is authorized to plant, remove, maintain and
    14  protect shade trees on the public streets and highways in the
    15  township, including EXCLUDING State highways.                     <--
    16     [Section 1905-B.  Hiring of Employes; Legislative Power of
    17  Commission.--The commission may, with the approval of the
    18  township supervisors, employ and pay such superintendents,
    19  engineers, foresters, tree wardens or other assistants as the
    20  proper performance of the duties devolving upon it shall
    21  require, and may make, publish and enforce regulations for the
    22  care and protection of the shade trees of the township. No such
    23  regulation shall be in force until it has been approved by the
    24  township supervisors and until it has been published at least
    25  twice in not more than two newspapers of general circulation in
    26  the township, and, if no newspapers are published in the
    27  township, then in such newspapers circulating in the township.]
    28     Section 2905.  Hiring of Employes.--The shade tree commission
    29  may, with the approval of the board of supervisors, employ
    30  persons to perform the duties and directions of the commission
    19950H0702B2681                 - 355 -

     1  and make, publish and enforce regulations for the care and
     2  protection of the shade trees of the township. No regulations
     3  shall be in force until approved by the board of supervisors and
     4  until published at least once in a newspaper of general
     5  circulation in the township.
     6     [Section 1906-B.  Report of Commission.--The Shade Tree
     7  Commission shall, annually, report in full to the township
     8  supervisors its transactions and expenses for the last fiscal
     9  year of the township. The park board may incorporate such
    10  transactions and expenses in its regular report to the township
    11  supervisors.]
    12     Section 2906.  Report of Commission.--The shade tree
    13  commission shall annually report to the board of supervisors its
    14  transactions and expenses for the preceding fiscal year of the
    15  township.
    16     [Section 1907-B.  Removal of Diseased Trees.--The commission
    17  may, upon such notice as may be provided by ordinance, require
    18  owners of property to cut and remove trees afflicted with the
    19  Dutch elm or other disease which threatens to injure or destroy
    20  shade trees in the township, under regulations prescribed by
    21  ordinance. Upon failure of any such owner to comply with such
    22  notice, the township may cause the work to be done by the
    23  township, and levy and collect the costs thereof from the owner
    24  of the property. The cost of such work shall be a lien upon the
    25  premises from the time of the commencement of the work, which
    26  date shall be fixed by the township engineer and shall be filed
    27  with the township secretary. Any such lien may be collected by
    28  action in assumpsit, or by lien filed in the manner provided by
    29  law for the filing and collection of municipal claims.]
    30     Section 2907.  Removal of Diseased or Dangerous Trees.--(a)
    19950H0702B2681                 - 356 -

     1  The shade tree commission or, if no commission exists, the board
     2  of supervisors may, by ordinance, require owners of property to
     3  cut and remove trees located on the property if the condition of
     4  the trees, through disease or otherwise, unreasonably affects or
     5  interferes with the health, safety or welfare of the public or
     6  the right of the public to the unobstructed use of public roads
     7  or property.
     8     (b)  If, within thirty days after the date of notice by
     9  certified mail, return receipt requested, to remove the trees,
    10  the property owner has not complied with that order, the
    11  commission or the board of supervisors may enter the premises
    12  and remove the trees.
    13     (c)  The cost of cutting and removal of trees by the township
    14  shall be charged to the property owner. The charge shall be a
    15  lien against the real estate of the property owner and shall be
    16  collected in the same manner as other municipal liens.
    17     [Section 1908-B.  Assessments; Liens.--Upon the filing of the
    18  certificate with the township supervisors, the township
    19  secretary shall cause thirty days' written notice to be given to
    20  the persons against whose property an assessment has been made.
    21  The notice shall state the amount of the assessment and the time
    22  and place of payment and shall be accompanied by a copy of the
    23  certificate.
    24     The amount assessed against the real estate shall be a lien
    25  from the time of the filing of the certificate with the township
    26  supervisors, and if not paid within the time designated in the
    27  notice, a claim may be filed and collected by the township in
    28  the same manner as municipal claims are filed and collected.
    29     Section 1909-B.  Maintenance by Township Funds.--For the cost
    30  and expenses of caring for such trees after having been planted
    19950H0702B2681                 - 357 -

     1  and the expense of publishing the notice hereinbefore provided
     2  shall be paid by the township.
     3     The needed amount shall each year be certified by the shade
     4  tree commissioners to the township supervisors, and shall be
     5  drawn against, as required by the commission, in the same manner
     6  as money appropriated for township purposes.
     7     The township supervisors, instead of levying the tax
     8  authorized under the general tax levying powers of this act, may
     9  provide, for the expense of caring for trees already planted and
    10  of publishing the notice, by appropriations equal to the amount
    11  certified to be required by the Shade Tree Commission.]
    12     Section 2908.  Maintenance by Township Funds.--The shade tree
    13  commission shall annually certify the costs incurred under this
    14  article to the board of supervisors. The costs shall be paid
    15  from the general township fund.
    16     [Section 1910-B.  Penalties.--The commission to the extent as
    17  may be provided by ordinance of the township may assess
    18  penalties for the violation of its regulations and of this
    19  article so far as it relates to shade trees. Any penalty so
    20  assessed shall be a lien upon the real estate of the offender
    21  and may be collected as municipal claims are collected.]
    22     Section 2909.  Penalties.--The shade tree commission, to the
    23  extent provided by ordinance of the township, may assess
    24  penalties for the violation of its regulations and of this
    25  article as far as it relates to shade trees. Any penalty so
    26  assessed shall be a lien upon the real estate of the offender
    27  and may be collected as municipal claims are collected.
    28     [Section 1911-B.  Disposition of Penalties.--All penalties or
    29  assessments imposed under this article shall be paid to the
    30  township treasurer to be placed to the credit of the Shade Tree
    19950H0702B2681                 - 358 -

     1  Commission subject to be drawn upon by the commission for the
     2  purposes of the preceding sections.]
     3     Section 2910.  Disposition of Penalties.--All penalties or
     4  assessments imposed under this article shall be paid to the
     5  township.
     6                            ARTICLE XXX
     7                          BOARD OF HEALTH
     8     Section 3001.  Establishment of Board of Health.--The board
     9  of supervisors may appoint a township board of health and
    10  township health officer to administer and enforce the health and
    11  sanitation laws of the township. If a board of health is
    12  appointed, the board of health may appoint a health officer or
    13  inspector whose duties shall be to implement and enforce the
    14  health and sanitation laws of the township and actions of the
    15  board of health. The health officer or inspector, whether
    16  appointed by the board of supervisors or by the board of health,
    17  shall not assume the performance of the duties of office until
    18  certified as a qualified health officer or inspector by the
    19  Department of Environmental Resources PROTECTION, THE DEPARTMENT  <--
    20  OF AGRICULTURE and the Department of Health.
    21     Section 3002.  Members of Board of Health.--A board of health
    22  appointed under this article shall be composed of five members,
    23  at least one of whom shall be a licensed physician with not less
    24  than two years' experience in the practice of his profession.
    25  The members of the board of health shall be appointed by the
    26  board of supervisors. Upon the creation of a board of health,
    27  one member shall be appointed to serve for one year, one for two
    28  years, one for three years, one for four years and one for five
    29  years, and after that one member shall be appointed each year to
    30  serve for five years. Upon the creation of a board of health in
    19950H0702B2681                 - 359 -

     1  a township which has an existing sanitary board, the board of
     2  supervisors may continue the incumbent members of the sanitary
     3  board as members of the board of health. The members of the
     4  board of health shall serve without compensation but shall be
     5  reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the
     6  performance of their duties.
     7     Section 3003.  Organization, Secretary, Health Officer and
     8  Inspectors.--The members of the board of health shall annually
     9  organize by electing a chairman from among the members of the
    10  board of health, a secretary who may be a member of the board of
    11  health and a health officer and inspectors who shall not be
    12  members of the board of health. The secretary, health officer
    13  and inspectors shall each receive a salary as determined by the
    14  board of supervisors and shall serve for a period of one year or
    15  until their successors may be appointed and qualified.
    16     Section 3004.  Duties of Secretary.--The secretary of the
    17  board of health shall keep the minutes of the proceedings of the
    18  board of health, keep accurate accounts of the expenses of the
    19  board of health, draw all requisitions for the payment of moneys
    20  on account of the board of health from appropriations made by
    21  the board of supervisors to the board of health and present them
    22  to the board of health for approval, render statements of the
    23  expenses to the board of health at each stated meeting or as
    24  frequently as the board of health may require, prepare under the
    25  direction of the board of health the annual report to the board
    26  of supervisors, together with the estimate of appropriation
    27  needed for the ensuing year, and make other reports and perform
    28  other duties as the board of health may require.
    29     Section 3005.  Powers and Duties of Health Officer and
    30  Inspectors.--The health officer and inspectors shall attend all
    19950H0702B2681                 - 360 -

     1  stated and special meetings of the board of health and at all
     2  times be ready and available for the prompt performance of their
     3  official duties. They shall make inspections and execute the
     4  orders of the board of health.
     5     Section 3006.  Powers of Board of Health.--(a)  The board of
     6  health shall enforce the health and sanitation laws of this
     7  Commonwealth and any regulations adopted under those laws and
     8  the health and sanitation laws and regulations of the township.
     9     (b)  Regulations, when authorized by ordinance of the
    10  township, shall have the force of ordinances of the township.
    11  All penalties prescribed for violation of the regulations, as
    12  well as the expenses actually and necessarily incurred in
    13  enforcing ordinances and regulations, are recoverable in
    14  enforcement proceedings and shall be paid into the general
    15  township fund. Townships may establish and revise fees for
    16  licenses or permits issued by the township as necessary.
    17     Section 3007.  Entering Premises.--The board of health,
    18  health officer or inspectors may enter at any time any premises
    19  within the township where there is reasonably suspected to exist
    20  any health hazard or violation of health or sanitation laws or
    21  regulations or which are of a type that may give rise to a
    22  health hazard.
    23     Section 3008.  Written Order for Violation.--When the board
    24  of health, health officer or inspectors determine that a health
    25  or sanitation hazard or violation exists, a written order shall
    26  be directed to the owner or occupant of the premises involved,
    27  ordering an abatement of the hazard or violation and the taking
    28  of corrective action as the board of health, health officer or
    29  inspectors may deem necessary under the circumstances. The order
    30  shall set forth a specific time in which the abatement and
    19950H0702B2681                 - 361 -

     1  corrective action shall be accomplished. If the order is not
     2  complied with within the time provided, the board of health,
     3  health officer or inspectors may enter the premises and issue
     4  orders for the immediate termination of activities creating the
     5  violation, the potential violation and all acts of commerce
     6  conducted in, on or at the premises in question. In addition,
     7  the board of health, health officer or inspectors may proceed to
     8  enforce the law or regulation being violated the same as
     9  ordinances of the township.
    10     Section 3009.  Appropriations and Annual Report.--The board
    11  of supervisors shall make an annual appropriation to the board
    12  of health as the board of supervisors determines. The board of
    13  health or health officer shall, before the preparation of the
    14  annual budget of the township, submit to the board of
    15  supervisors the estimated expenses of the board of health or
    16  health officer for the ensuing year. The board of health or
    17  health officer shall, by the first day of February of each year,
    18  prepare and submit to the board of supervisors and the regional
    19  office of the Department of Environmental Resources PROTECTION,   <--
    20  THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE and the Department of Health an
    21  annual report in writing, setting forth the activities and
    22  expenditures of the board of health or health officer during the
    23  prior calendar year.
    24     Section 3010.  Cooperation With Other Municipal
    25  Corporations.--(a)  Any township may cooperate and contract with
    26  any other municipal corporation in the administration and
    27  enforcement of health and sanitation laws.
    28     (b)  If the board of supervisors abolishes the board of
    29  health or positions of health officers or inspectors and
    30  discontinues services under this article, the Department of
    19950H0702B2681                 - 362 -

     1  Environmental Resources PROTECTION, THE DEPARTMENT OF             <--
     2  AGRICULTURE and the Department of Health shall be notified. An
     3  official copy of the action of the board of supervisors shall be
     4  transmitted to the regional office of the Department of
     5  Environmental Resources PROTECTION, THE DEPARTMENT OF             <--
     6  AGRICULTURE and the regional office of the Department of Health.
     7     (c)  The board of supervisors, the board of health or the
     8  health officer may request assistance from the Department of
     9  Environmental Resources PROTECTION, THE DEPARTMENT OF             <--
    10  AGRICULTURE or the Department of Health if the assistance is
    11  deemed necessary for the health and safety of township citizens.
    12                            ARTICLE XXXI
    13                             CONTRACTS
    14     Section 3101.  Power to Make Contracts.--The board of
    15  supervisors may make contracts for purchases under this act and
    16  the laws of this Commonwealth.
    17     Section 3102.  Letting Contracts.--(a)  All contracts or
    18  purchases in excess of the required advertising amount of ten
    19  thousand dollars ($10,000), except those specifically excluded,
    20  shall not be made except with and from the lowest responsible
    21  bidder after due notice in one newspaper of general circulation
    22  in the township. The notice for bids shall be published at least
    23  two times at intervals of not less than three days in daily
    24  newspapers or once a week for two successive weeks in weekly
    25  newspapers. The first advertisement shall be published not more
    26  than forty-five days, and the second advertisement not less than
    27  ten days, before the date set for the opening of bids. Notice of
    28  proposed contracts or purchases shall also be posted where the
    29  board of supervisors normally meets or in a conspicuous place
    30  within the township. Any published notice for bids shall contain
    19950H0702B2681                 - 363 -

     1  full plans and specifications, or refer to the places where
     2  copies thereof can be obtained, and give the date, time and
     3  place of a meeting at which an individual or committee appointed
     4  by the board of supervisors or the board of supervisors will
     5  open and read the bids.
     6     (b)  Written or telephonic price quotations from at least
     7  three qualified and responsible contractors shall be requested
     8  for all contracts that exceed four thousand dollars ($4,000) but
     9  are less than the amount requiring advertisement and competitive
    10  bidding or, in lieu of price quotations, a memorandum shall be
    11  kept on file showing that fewer than three qualified contractors
    12  exist in the market area within which it is practicable to
    13  obtain quotations. A written record of telephonic price
    14  quotations shall be made and shall contain at least the date of
    15  the quotation, the name of the contractor and the contractor's
    16  representative, the construction, reconstruction, repair,
    17  maintenance or work which was the subject of the quotation and
    18  the price. Written price quotations, written records of
    19  telephonic price quotations and memoranda shall be retained for
    20  a period of three years.
    21     (c)  The board of supervisors may purchase or make contracts
    22  under the act of October 27, 1979 (P.L.241, No.78), entitled "An
    23  act authorizing political subdivisions, municipality authorities
    24  and transportation authorities to enter into contracts for the
    25  purchase of goods where no bids are received," if no bids are
    26  received on an item after proper notices.
    27     (d)  The amount of the contract, whether of straight sale
    28  price, conditional sale, lease, lease purchase or otherwise, is
    29  the entire amount the township pays to the successful bidder in
    30  order to obtain the services or property, or both, and does not
    19950H0702B2681                 - 364 -

     1  mean only the amount which is paid to acquire title or to
     2  receive any other particular benefit or benefits.
     3     (e)  The award of bids CONTRACTS shall only be made by public  <--
     4  announcement at the meeting at which bids are opened by the
     5  board of supervisors, or received from the individual or
     6  committee appointed by the board of supervisors to open and read
     7  bids, or at a subsequent meeting of the board of supervisors,
     8  the time and place of which shall be publicly announced when
     9  bids are received. If for any reason one or both of the meetings
    10  are not held, the same business may be transacted at a
    11  subsequent meeting if at least five days' notice of the meeting
    12  is published in the same newspaper as the notice of bids.
    13  Bidders shall be notified and other interested parties, upon
    14  request, shall be notified of the date, time and location of the
    15  opening of bids, and may be present when the bids are opened.
    16     (f)  The board of supervisors may reject all bids received if
    17  it is believed to be in the best interest of the township, and
    18  at a public meeting the reasons for the rejection of all bids
    19  shall be announced and be noted in the minutes.
    20     (g)  Unless covered under the bonding requirements of the act
    21  of December 20, 1967 (P.L.869, No.385), known as the "Public
    22  Works Contractors' Bond Law of 1967," the successful bidder
    23  shall furnish a bond guaranteeing performance of the contract,
    24  in the amount of fifty percent of the amount of the contract,
    25  within twenty days after the contract is awarded. If the bidder
    26  fails to furnish the bond within twenty days, unless delivery is
    27  made or the entire contract is fulfilled during that time, the
    28  contract is void. Delivery, accomplishment and guarantees may be
    29  required in all cases, including the exceptions contained in
    30  this section.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 365 -

     1     (h)  The contracts or purchases made by the board of
     2  supervisors involving payments in excess of the required
     3  advertising amount, which do not require advertising, bidding or
     4  price quotations are as follows:
     5     (1)  Those made for emergency repairs or replacements for
     6  water, electric light and other public works of the township if
     7  they do not constitute new additions, extensions or enlargements
     8  of existing facilities and equipment.
     9     (2)  Those made for improvements, repairs or maintenance of
    10  any kind made or provided by any township through its own
    11  employes. All contracts or purchases of materials used for
    12  improvement, maintenance or construction in excess of four
    13  thousand dollars ($4,000) but less than the required advertising
    14  amount are subject to the provisions contained in subsection
    15  (b), and those contracts or purchases in excess of the required
    16  advertising amount are subject to the advertising requirements
    17  contained in subsection (a).
    18     (3)  Those involving any policies of insurance or surety
    19  company bonds, those made for public utility service and those
    20  made with another municipal corporation, county, school district
    21  or municipality authority or Federal or State Government,
    22  including the sale, leasing or loan of any supplies or materials
    23  by the Federal or State Government or their agencies.
    24     (4)  Those involving personal or professional services.
    25     (5)  Those made for materials and supplies or equipment
    26  rental under emergency conditions under 35 Pa.C.S. Pt. V
    27  (relating to emergency management services).
    28     (6)  Those contracts involving equipment rental with
    29  operators if more than fifty percent of the total labor
    30  personnel hours required for the completion of the contract is
    19950H0702B2681                 - 366 -

     1  supplied by the township through its own employes.
     2     (7)  Those contracts for the purchase of repair parts or
     3  materials for use in existing township equipment or facilities
     4  if the item or material to be purchased is the sole item of its
     5  kind on the market or is manufactured as a replacement for the
     6  original item or equipment being repaired.
     7     (8)  Those for used equipment, articles, apparatus,
     8  appliances, vehicles or parts thereof being purchased from a
     9  public utility.
    10     (i)  No township official, either elected or appointed, or
    11  township employe who knows, or who by the exercise of reasonable
    12  diligence could know, shall be interested to any appreciable
    13  degree, either directly or indirectly, in any contract for the
    14  sale or furnishing of any supplies or materials for the use of
    15  the township or for any work to be done for the township
    16  involving the payment by the township of more than five hundred
    17  dollars ($500) in any year unless the contract is awarded
    18  through the public bid process. This limitation does not apply
    19  if the officer or appointee of the township is an employe of the
    20  person, firm or corporation to which the money is to be paid in
    21  a capacity with no possible influence on the transaction and the
    22  officer cannot possibly be benefited thereby, either financially
    23  or otherwise. If a supervisor is within this exception, the
    24  supervisor shall so inform the board of supervisors and refrain
    25  from voting on the payments and shall in no manner participate
    26  in the contract. Any official or appointee who knowingly
    27  violates this provision is subject to surcharge to the extent of
    28  the damage shown to be sustained by the township, is ousted from
    29  office or employment and commits a misdemeanor of the third
    30  degree.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 367 -

     1     (j)  Contracts for the purchase of materials or rental of
     2  equipment for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance and
     3  improvement of roads and bridges shall be in writing and let
     4  only on standard specifications of the Department of
     5  Transportation.
     6     (k)  Contracts for the purchase of materials or supplies may
     7  be bid on a per-unit basis.
     8     (l)  Every contract for the construction, reconstruction,
     9  alteration, repair, improvement or maintenance of public works
    10  shall comply with the act of March 3, 1978 (P.L.6, No.3), known
    11  as the "Steel Products Procurement Act."
    12     (m)  No person, consultant, firm or corporation contracting
    13  with a township for purposes of rendering personal or
    14  professional services to the township shall share with any
    15  township officer or employe, and no township officer or employe
    16  shall accept, any portion of the compensation or fees paid by
    17  the township for the contracted services provided to the
    18  township except under the following terms or conditions:
    19     (1)  Full disclosure of all relevant information regarding
    20  the sharing of the compensation or fees shall be made to the
    21  board of supervisors.
    22     (2)  The board of supervisors must approve the sharing of any
    23  fee or compensation for personal or professional services before
    24  the performance of the services.
    25     (3)  No fee or compensation for personal or professional
    26  services may be shared except for work actually performed.
    27     (4)  No shared fee or compensation for personal or
    28  professional services may be paid at a rate in excess of the
    29  commensurate for similar personal or professional services.
    30     Section 3103.  Road Contracts.--The board of supervisors may
    19950H0702B2681                 - 368 -

     1  make a contract for the improvement and keeping in repair of
     2  township roads. No contract shall extend over a period of more
     3  than four years. Every contractor for road work shall give bond
     4  for the amount of the contract and sign specifications furnished
     5  by the board of supervisors for the building and care of the
     6  contract roads.
     7     Section 3104.  Evasion of Advertising Requirements.--(a)  No
     8  supervisor shall evade the provisions of section 3101 as to
     9  advertising for bids by purchasing or contracting for services
    10  and personal properties piecemeal to obtain prices under the
    11  required advertising price. This provision is intended to make
    12  unlawful the evading of advertising requirements by making a
    13  series of purchases or contracts each for less than the
    14  advertising requirement price, or by making several simultaneous
    15  purchases or contracts each below the required advertising
    16  price, when the transactions involved should have been made as
    17  one transaction for one price. Any supervisors who vote in
    18  violation of this provision and who know that the transaction
    19  upon which they vote is or ought to be part of a larger
    20  transaction and that it is being divided in order to evade the
    21  requirements as to advertising for bids are jointly and
    22  severally subject to surcharge for ten percent of the full
    23  amount of the contract or purchase.
    24     (b)  Any supervisor who votes to unlawfully evade the
    25  provisions of this article and who knows that the transaction
    26  upon which he so votes is or ought to be a part of a larger
    27  transaction and that it is being divided in order to evade the
    28  requirements as to advertising for bids commits a misdemeanor of
    29  the third degree for each contract entered into as a direct
    30  result of that vote. This penalty shall be in addition to any
    19950H0702B2681                 - 369 -

     1  surcharge which may be assessed pursuant to subsection (a).
     2     Section 3105.  Bonds for Protection of Labor and Material
     3  Suppliers.--Before any contract exceeding five thousand dollars
     4  ($5,000) is awarded to any prime contractor or construction
     5  manager for the construction, reconstruction, alteration or
     6  repair of any building or other public work or public
     7  improvement of the township, the contractor shall furnish to the
     8  township a payment bond for the protection of claimants
     9  supplying labor or materials to the prime contractor to whom the
    10  contract is awarded, at one hundred percent of the contract
    11  amount, conditioned for the prompt payment of all materials
    12  furnished or labor supplied or performed in the prosecution of
    13  the contract under the act of December 20, 1967 (P.L.869,
    14  No.385), known as the "Public Works Contractors' Bond Law of
    15  1967."
    16     Section 3106.  Purchase Contracts for Supplies and Equipment;
    17  Fire Company, Et Cetera; Participation.--The board of
    18  supervisors may permit any paid or volunteer fire company, paid
    19  or volunteer rescue company and paid or volunteer ambulance
    20  company in the township to participate in purchase contracts for
    21  supplies and equipment of the township and agreeing that it will
    22  be bound by any terms and conditions the township prescribes.
    23     Section 3107.  Separate Specifications for Branches of
    24  Work.--In the preparation of specifications for the erection or
    25  alteration of any public building, when the entire cost of the
    26  work exceeds the advertising requirement price, the architect,
    27  engineer or person preparing the specifications shall prepare
    28  separate specifications for the plumbing, heating, ventilating
    29  and electrical work, and the township shall receive separate
    30  bids upon each of those branches of work and award the contract
    19950H0702B2681                 - 370 -

     1  to the lowest bidder.
     2     Section 3108.  Workers' Compensation Insurance.--(a)  All
     3  contracts executed by any township which involve the
     4  construction or performance of any work involving the employment
     5  of labor shall contain a provision that the contractor shall
     6  accept, and file with the township proof of compliance with or
     7  exemption from, insofar as the work covered by the contract is
     8  concerned, the act of June 2, 1915 (P.L.736, No.338), known as
     9  the "Workers' Compensation Act."
    10     (b)  Any contract executed in violation of this section is
    11  void.
    12     Section 3109.  Engineers and Architects Not to be Interested
    13  in Contracts.--(a)  No architect or engineer in the employ of a
    14  township and engaged in the preparation of plans, specifications
    15  or estimates may bid on any public work at any letting of the
    16  work in the township.
    17     (b)  An officer of a township who is charged with letting any
    18  public work may not award a contract to any architect or
    19  engineer in the employ of the township.
    20     (c)  An architect or engineer in the employ of a township may
    21  not be interested in any contract for public work in the
    22  township or receive any remuneration or gratuity from any person
    23  interested in any contract except under section 3102(l).
    24     (d)  Any person who violates this section commits a
    25  misdemeanor of the third degree.
    26                           ARTICLE XXXII
    27                        TAXATION AND FINANCE
    28     Section 3201.  Fiscal Year.--The fiscal year in townships
    29  commences on the first day of January in each year. All
    30  receipts, disbursements, contracts and purchases shall be
    19950H0702B2681                 - 371 -

     1  entered as of record in the fiscal year in which made.
     2     Section 3202.  Annual Budget.--(a)  The board of supervisors
     3  shall annually prepare a proposed budget for all funds for the
     4  ensuing fiscal year. The proposed budget shall reflect as nearly
     5  as possible the estimated revenues and expenses of the township
     6  for the year for which the budget is prepared. A township shall
     7  not prepare and advertise notice of a proposed budget when it is
     8  knowingly inaccurate. Upon any revision of the proposed budget,
     9  if the estimated revenues or expenses in the final budget are
    10  increased more than ten percent in the aggregate or more than
    11  twenty-five percent in any major category over the proposed
    12  budget, it may not be legally adopted with those increases
    13  unless it is again advertised once, the same as the original
    14  proposed budget, and an opportunity given to taxpayers to
    15  examine the amended proposed budget. A major category is a group
    16  of related revenue or expense items, the combined total of which
    17  is listed as a line item on the annual budget forms furnished by
    18  the Department of Community Affairs under section 3203. The
    19  budget shall be prepared on a uniform form prepared and
    20  furnished under section 3203. The estimates in the budget shall
    21  specify the amount of money necessary for each governmental
    22  activity of the township for which a special tax levy may or may
    23  not be authorized and the amount of money necessary for the
    24  payment of debts and other miscellaneous purposes.
    25     (b)  Upon the preparation of the proposed budget, the board
    26  of supervisors shall give public notice by advertisement once in
    27  one newspaper of general circulation in the township that the
    28  proposed budget is available for public inspection at a
    29  designated place in the township. After the proposed budget has
    30  been available for public inspection for twenty days, the board
    19950H0702B2681                 - 372 -

     1  of supervisors shall, after making revisions as are appropriate,
     2  adopt the final budget not later then the thirty-first day of
     3  December and the necessary appropriation measures required to
     4  put it into effect.
     5     (c)  The total appropriation shall not exceed the revenues
     6  estimated as available for the fiscal year. The board of
     7  supervisors shall, within fifteen days after the adoption of the
     8  budget, file a copy of the budget with the Department of
     9  Community Affairs.
    10     (d)  During the month of January next following any municipal
    11  election, the board of supervisors may amend the budget and the
    12  levy and tax rate to conform with its amended budget. A period
    13  of ten days' public inspection at the office of the township
    14  secretary of the proposed amended budget, after notice by the
    15  township secretary to that effect is published once in a
    16  newspaper of general circulation in the township, shall
    17  intervene between the adoption of the proposed amended budget
    18  and the final adoption of the amended budget. Any amended budget
    19  must be adopted by the board of supervisors on or before the
    20  fifteenth day of February. No proposed amended budget shall,
    21  before final adoption, be revised upward in excess of ten
    22  percent in the aggregate or in excess of twenty-five percent of
    23  the amount of any major category in the proposed amended budget.
    24  A major category is a group of related revenue or expense items,
    25  the combined total of which is listed as a line item on the
    26  annual budget forms furnished by the Department of Community
    27  Affairs under section 3203. Within fifteen days after the
    28  adoption of an amended budget, the township secretary shall file
    29  a copy of it with the Department of Community Affairs.
    30     (e)  The board of supervisors may, by resolution, make
    19950H0702B2681                 - 373 -

     1  supplemental appropriations for any purpose from any funds on
     2  hand or estimated to be received within the fiscal year and not
     3  otherwise appropriated, including the proceeds of any borrowing
     4  authorized by law. Supplemental appropriations may be made
     5  whether or not an appropriation for that purpose was included in
     6  the original budget as adopted.
     7     (f)  The board of supervisors may, by resolution, transfer
     8  unencumbered moneys from one township account to another, but no
     9  moneys may be transferred from the fund allocated for the
    10  payment of debts or from any fund raised by a special tax levy
    11  or assessment for a particular purpose. Transfers shall not be
    12  made during the first three months of the fiscal year. No moneys
    13  shall be paid out of the township treasury except upon
    14  appropriation made according to law.
    15     Section 3203.  Uniform Report Forms.--(a)  The uniform forms
    16  for the annual budget and the annual financial statement
    17  required to be made by the auditors shall be prepared by a
    18  committee consisting of four representatives of the State
    19  Association of Township Supervisors and one representative each
    20  from the Department of Transportation and the Department of
    21  Community Affairs.
    22     (b)  Representatives of the State Association of Township
    23  Supervisors shall be appointed by the president of that
    24  organization. The representatives may be township supervisors,
    25  auditors or secretaries and should represent townships in the
    26  various population groups. The president of the State
    27  Association of Township Supervisors shall supply to the
    28  Department of Community Affairs the names and addresses of the
    29  representatives immediately upon their appointment.
    30     (c)  Representatives of the townships shall serve without
    19950H0702B2681                 - 374 -

     1  compensation but shall be reimbursed by the Commonwealth for all
     2  necessary expenses incurred in attending meetings of the
     3  committee from appropriations made to the Department of
     4  Community Affairs. The committee shall meet at the call of the
     5  Secretary of Community Affairs, or an agent of the secretary,
     6  who shall chair the committee.
     7     (d)  In preparing the uniform forms, the committee shall give
     8  careful consideration to the fiscal needs and procedures of
     9  townships of the various population groups, producing separate
    10  forms, if necessary, to meet the needs of townships of varying
    11  sizes. The form for annual reports shall contain the information
    12  required to be furnished under this act and any other
    13  information the committee believes proper and shall be arranged
    14  to correlate with the forms for the budget, respecting order of
    15  items and division of revenues by major classifications and
    16  disbursements by major functions. The committee shall also
    17  prescribe the form of the statement summarizing the annual
    18  report which is required to be published under this act.
    19     (e)  The Department of Community Affairs shall prepare and
    20  furnish the forms required by this act in cooperation with the
    21  committee. If the committee fails to cooperate, the Department
    22  of Community Affairs shall issue the forms and distribute them
    23  annually, as needed, to the proper township officers.
    24     Section 3204.  Investment of Township Funds.--(a)  The board
    25  of supervisors may:
    26     (1)  Make investment of township sinking funds as authorized
    27  by the act of July 12, 1972 (P.L.781, No.185), known as the
    28  "Local Government Unit Debt Act."
    29     (2)  Make investment of moneys in the general fund and in
    30  special funds of the township.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 375 -

     1     (3)  Liquidate any investment, in whole or in part, by
     2  disposing of securities or withdrawing funds on deposit. Any
     3  action taken to make or to liquidate any investment shall be
     4  made by the officers designated by action of the board of
     5  supervisors.
     6     (b)  The board of supervisors shall invest township funds
     7  consistent with sound business practice.
     8     (c)  The board of supervisors shall provide for an investment
     9  program subject to restrictions contained in this act and in any
    10  other applicable statute and any rules and regulations adopted
    11  by the board of supervisors.
    12     (d)  Authorized types of investments of township funds are:
    13     (1)  United States Treasury bills.
    14     (2)  Short-term obligations of the Federal Government or its
    15  agencies or instrumentalities.
    16     (3)  Deposits in savings accounts or time deposits, other
    17  than certificates of deposit, or share accounts of institutions
    18  insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the
    19  National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund, the Pennsylvania
    20  Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Pennsylvania Savings
    21  Association Insurance Corporation, or their successor agencies,
    22  to the extent that the accounts are so insured and, for any
    23  amounts above the insured maximum, if approved collateral
    24  therefor is pledged by the depository.
    25     (4)  Obligations of the United States of America or any of
    26  its agencies or instrumentalities backed by the full faith and
    27  credit of the United States of America, of the Commonwealth of
    28  Pennsylvania or any of its agencies or instrumentalities backed
    29  by the full faith and credit of the Commonwealth or of any
    30  political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or any
    19950H0702B2681                 - 376 -

     1  of its agencies or instrumentalities backed by the full faith
     2  and credit of the political subdivision.
     3     (5)  Shares of an investment company registered under the
     4  Investment Company Act of 1940 (54 Stat. 789, 15 U.S.C. § 80a-1
     5  et seq.), whose shares are registered under the Securities Act
     6  of 1933 (48 Stat. 74, 15 U.S.C. § 77a et seq.), if the only
     7  investments of that company are in the authorized investments
     8  for township funds listed in paragraphs (1) through (4).
     9     (6)  Certificates of deposit purchased from institutions
    10  insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the
    11  National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund, the Pennsylvania
    12  Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Pennsylvania Savings
    13  Association Insurance Corporation, or their successor agencies,
    14  to the extent that the accounts are so insured. However, for any
    15  amounts above the insured maximum, the certificates of deposit
    16  shall be secured by a pledge or assignment of assets of the
    17  institution, and the collateral may include loans, including
    18  interest in pools of loans, secured by first mortgage liens on
    19  real property. Certificates of deposit purchased from commercial
    20  banks shall be limited to an amount equal to twenty percent of a
    21  bank's total capital and surplus. Certificates of deposit
    22  purchased from savings and loan associations or savings banks
    23  shall be limited to an amount equal to twenty percent of an
    24  institution's assets minus liabilities.
    25     (7)  Any investment authorized by 20 Pa.C.S. Ch. 73 (relating
    26  to fiduciaries investments). This paragraph is limited to
    27  investments for any pension or retirement fund.
    28     (e)  In making investments of township funds, the board of
    29  supervisors may:
    30     (1)  Permit assets pledged as collateral under subsection
    19950H0702B2681                 - 377 -

     1  (d)(3) to be pooled under the act of August 6, 1971 (P.L.281,
     2  No.72), entitled "An act standardizing the procedures for
     3  pledges of assets to secure deposits of public funds with
     4  banking institutions pursuant to other laws; establishing a
     5  standard rule for the types, amounts and valuations of assets
     6  eligible to be used as collateral for deposits of public funds;
     7  permitting assets to be pledged against deposits on a pooled
     8  basis; and authorizing the appointment of custodians to act as
     9  pledgees of assets."
    10     (2)  Combine moneys from more than one fund under township
    11  control for the purchase of a single investment if each of the
    12  funds combined for the purpose is accounted for separately in
    13  all respects and the earnings from the investment are separately
    14  and individually computed and recorded and credited to the
    15  accounts from which the investment was purchased.
    16     (3)  Join with one or more other municipal corporations,
    17  municipality authorities or school districts under the act of
    18  July 12, 1972 (P.L.762, No.180), referred to as the
    19  Intergovernmental Cooperation Law, in the purchase of a single
    20  investment if the requirements of paragraph (2) on separate
    21  accounting of individual funds and separate computation,
    22  recording and crediting of the earnings therefrom are adhered
    23  to.
    24     Section 3205.  Township and Special Tax Levies.--(a)  The
    25  board of supervisors may, by resolution, levy taxes upon all
    26  real property within the township made taxable for township
    27  purposes, as ascertained by the last adjusted valuation for
    28  county purposes, for the purposes and at the rates specified in
    29  this section. All taxes shall be collected in cash.
    30     (1)  An annual tax, not exceeding fourteen mills, for general
    19950H0702B2681                 - 378 -

     1  township purposes. If the board of supervisors petitions the
     2  court of common pleas for the right to levy additional millage,
     3  the court may order a greater rate than fourteen mills, but not
     4  exceeding five additional mills, to be levied.
     5     (2)  An annual tax, not exceeding five mills, to light the
     6  highways, roads and other public places in the township.
     7     (3)  An annual tax, not exceeding fifty percent of the rate
     8  of assessment for the general township tax, to procure land and
     9  erect public buildings thereon and for the payment of
    10  indebtedness incurred in connection therewith.
    11     (4)  An annual tax, not exceeding three mills, to purchase
    12  and maintain fire apparatus and a suitable place to house fire
    13  apparatus; to make appropriations to fire companies located
    14  inside and outside the township; and to contract with adjacent
    15  municipal corporations or volunteer fire companies therein for
    16  fire protection. If an annual tax is proposed to be set at a
    17  level higher than three mills, the question shall be submitted
    18  to the voters of the township.
    19     (5)  A tax, not exceeding two mills, to establish and
    20  maintain fire hydrants and fire hydrant water service.
    21     (6)  A tax to acquire, maintain and operate parks,
    22  playgrounds, playfields, gymnasiums, swimming pools and
    23  recreation centers.
    24     (7)  An annual tax sufficient to pay interest and principal
    25  on any indebtedness incurred under the act of July 12, 1972
    26  (P.L.781, No.185), known as the "Local Government Unit Debt
    27  Act."
    28     (8)  An annual tax, not exceeding one-half mill, to support
    29  ambulance and rescue squads serving the township. If an annual
    30  tax is proposed to be set higher than one-half mill, the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 379 -

     1  question shall be submitted to the voters of the township.
     2     (9)  An annual tax, not exceeding five mills, to create and
     3  maintain a revolving fund to be used in making permanent street,
     4  sidewalk, water supply or sewer improvements before the
     5  collection of all or part of the cost from the property owners.
     6  A revolving fund may also be used for the deposit of funds
     7  raised through the issuance of general obligation bonds of the
     8  township for the making of permanent street, sidewalk, water
     9  supply or sewer improvements. When all or part of the cost of
    10  the construction of any permanent street, sidewalk, water supply
    11  or sewer improvement is paid from the revolving fund and is
    12  later assessed and collected from the owners of the property
    13  adjoining or abutting upon the improvement, the collections
    14  shall be applied to the credit of the revolving fund to the
    15  extent of the withdrawal therefrom for that purpose.
    16     (10)  An annual special tax, not exceeding two mills, to
    17  create and accumulate moneys in a road equipment fund to be used
    18  exclusively for purchasing road equipment.
    19     (b)  When it is shown to the court that the debts due by any
    20  township exceed the amount which the board of supervisors may
    21  collect in any year by taxation, the court, after ascertaining
    22  the amount of indebtedness of the township, may, in an action of
    23  mandamus, direct the board of supervisors, by special taxation,
    24  to collect an amount sufficient to pay the debts. If the amount
    25  of indebtedness is so large as to render it inadvisable to
    26  collect the entire amount in any one year, the court may direct
    27  the special taxes to be levied and collected during successive
    28  years as may be required for payment of the debt.
    29     Section 3206.  Procedure for Referendum on Tax Questions.--
    30  When the assent of the electors is required under this article
    19950H0702B2681                 - 380 -

     1  for special tax levies, the county board of elections shall
     2  frame the question under the election laws of this Commonwealth
     3  for submission to the voters of the township at the first
     4  municipal or general election occurring not less than sixty days
     5  after submission of the question.
     6     Section 3207.  Taxes for Special Districts.--This article
     7  does not include the levy of any taxes upon particular districts
     8  or parts of any township for particular purposes.
     9     Section 3208.  Tax Rate to be Expressed in Dollars and
    10  Cents.--When the board of supervisors, by resolution,
    11  establishes the rate of taxation for any year at a mill rate,
    12  the resolution shall also include a statement expressing the
    13  rate of taxation in dollars and cents on each one hundred
    14  dollars ($100) of assessed valuation of taxable property.
    15     Section 3209.  Tax Duplicates.--The board of supervisors
    16  shall require a duplicate to be made designating the amount of
    17  township tax levied against each taxpayer of the township, and
    18  also duplicates for all other taxes levied and assessed under
    19  this act, and deliver the duplicate within thirty days after the
    20  adoption of the budget or within thirty days after receipt of
    21  the assessment roll from the county, whichever is later, to the
    22  township tax collector.
    23     Section 3210.  Additions and Revisions to Duplicates.--(a)
    24  When there is any construction of a building or buildings not
    25  otherwise exempt as a dwelling after the first day of January of
    26  any year and the building is not included in the tax duplicate
    27  of the township, the authority responsible for assessments in
    28  the township shall, upon the request of the board of
    29  supervisors, direct the assessor in the township to inspect and
    30  reassess, subject to the right of appeal and adjustment by the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 381 -

     1  State law under which assessments are made, all taxable property
     2  in the township to which major improvements have been made after
     3  the first day of January of any year and to give notice of the
     4  reassessments within ten days to the authority responsible for
     5  assessments, the township and the property owner. The property
     6  shall be added to the duplicate and is taxable for township
     7  purposes at the reassessed valuation for that proportionate part
     8  of the fiscal year of the township remaining after the property
     9  was improved. Any improvement made during the month shall be
    10  computed as having been made on the first day of the month. A
    11  certified copy of the additions or revisions to the duplicate
    12  shall be furnished by the board of supervisors to the township
    13  tax collector, together with its warrant for collection of the
    14  taxes, and within ten days the township tax collector shall
    15  notify the owner of the property of the taxes due in the
    16  township.
    17     (b)  When an assessment is made for a portion of a year, the
    18  assessment shall be added to the duplicate of the following or
    19  succeeding year unless the value of the improvements has already
    20  been included in that duplicate.
    21                           ARTICLE XXXIII
    22                     COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS
    23     Section 3301.  Assessments Collected by Tax Collector.--(a)
    24  When any assessment for street lights, fire hydrant service,
    25  police protection or other service is implemented by the board
    26  of supervisors and charged to the tax collector for collection,
    27  assessments for the service shall be filed with the township tax
    28  collector. The tax collector shall give thirty days' notice that
    29  the assessments are due and payable. The notice shall state the
    30  due date to each party assessed and be served by mailing notice
    19950H0702B2681                 - 382 -

     1  to the owner of the property. The tax collector is entitled to
     2  the same commission for the collection of these assessments as
     3  for the collection of the general township tax. If any
     4  assessment remains unpaid ninety days after the due date, it
     5  shall be turned over to the township solicitor for collection by
     6  means of an action in assumpsit for recovery or a municipal lien
     7  filed against the property of the delinquent owner for the
     8  amount of the unpaid assessment, plus interest established by
     9  the board of supervisors from the date the assessment was due.
    10  If an owner has two or more lots against which there is an
    11  assessment for the same year, the lots shall be embraced in one
    12  claim. Assessments, when collected, shall be paid over to the
    13  township treasurer, who shall deposit and keep them in a
    14  separate account, to be paid out only for expenses incurred in
    15  providing the service. Each special assessment account shall be
    16  audited by the board of auditors of the township.
    17     (b)  When any assessment for refuse collection in special
    18  districts or other service is charged against the owners,
    19  occupants or tenants of property within the township, the
    20  collection of which is charged to the tax collector, the
    21  assessments for the service shall be filed with the tax
    22  collector. The tax collector shall give thirty days' notice that
    23  the assessments are due and payable. The notice shall state the
    24  due date to each party assessed and be served by mailing to the
    25  owner, occupant or tenant of the property. The tax collector is
    26  entitled to the same commission for the collection of these
    27  assessments as for the collection of the general township tax.
    28  If any assessment remains unpaid ninety days after the due date,
    29  it shall be turned over to the township solicitor for collection
    30  by action in assumpsit for the amount of the unpaid assessment,
    19950H0702B2681                 - 383 -

     1  plus interest established by the board of supervisors from the
     2  date the assessment was due and all costs incurred in the
     3  collection of the assessment. Assessments, when collected, shall
     4  be paid over to the township treasurer, who shall deposit and
     5  keep them in a separate account, to be paid out only for
     6  expenses incurred in providing the service. Each special
     7  assessment account shall be audited by the board of auditors of
     8  the township.
     9     Section 3302.  Assessments Collected by Township Treasurer.--
    10  (a)  When any assessment for construction, maintenance and
    11  repair of street, sewer, water, sidewalks, curbs or other
    12  service is implemented by the board of supervisors, the
    13  collection of which is not charged to the tax collector, the
    14  assessments for the service shall be filed with the township
    15  treasurer. The township treasurer shall give thirty days' notice
    16  that the assessments are due and payable. The notice shall state
    17  the due date to each party assessed and shall be served by
    18  mailing it to the owner of the property. If any assessment
    19  remains unpaid ninety days after the due date, it shall be
    20  turned over to the township solicitor for collection by means of
    21  an action in assumpsit for recovery or a municipal lien filed
    22  against the property of the delinquent owner for the amount of
    23  the unpaid assessment, plus interest established by the board of
    24  supervisors from the date the assessment was due. If an owner
    25  has two or more lots against which there is an assessment for
    26  the same year, the lots shall be embraced in one claim. Upon
    27  receipt of payment of assessments, the township treasurer shall
    28  deposit the assessments in a separate account, to be paid out
    29  only for expenses incurred in providing the service. Each
    30  special assessment account shall be audited by the board of
    19950H0702B2681                 - 384 -

     1  auditors of the township.
     2     (b)  When any assessment for refuse collection or other
     3  service is charged against the owners, occupants or tenants of
     4  property within the township, the collection of which is not
     5  charged to the tax collector, the assessments shall be filed
     6  with the township treasurer. The township treasurer shall give
     7  thirty days' notice that the assessments are due and payable.
     8  The notice shall state the due date to each party assessed and
     9  be served by mailing it to the owner, occupant or tenant of the
    10  property. If any assessment remains unpaid ninety days after the
    11  due date, it shall be turned over to the township solicitor for
    12  collection by action in assumpsit for the amount of the unpaid
    13  assessment, plus interest established by the board of
    14  supervisors from the date the assessment was due and all costs
    15  incurred in the collection of the assessment. Upon receipt of
    16  the assessments, the township treasurer shall deposit and keep
    17  them in a separate account, to be paid out only for expenses
    18  incurred in providing the service. Each special assessment
    19  account shall be audited by the board of auditors of the
    20  township.
    21     Section 3303.  Installment Payments.--(a)  When any township
    22  authorizes the construction or acquisition of any sanitary sewer
    23  or system of sanitary sewers, or the improvement of any street
    24  or portion thereof, or the installation of curbing or sidewalks,
    25  or a water supply or water systems, and all or part of the cost
    26  is assessed against the properties benefited, improved or
    27  accommodated by the sewer or system of sewers, or curbing or
    28  sidewalks, or water supply, or abutting upon the street or
    29  portion thereof, the board of supervisors may authorize the
    30  payment of the assessment in equal annual or more frequent
    19950H0702B2681                 - 385 -

     1  installments. The ordinance shall specify the length of time
     2  over which the installments may be extended and whether payments
     3  are to be made by annual or more frequent installments.
     4  Installments shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed six
     5  percent or a higher amount equal to the amount of interest on
     6  the indebtedness, if any, commencing at the time established by
     7  ordinance. If bonds have been issued and sold to provide for the
     8  payment of any street improvement, the assessments shall not be
     9  payable beyond the term for which the bonds are issued, and the
    10  expenses for the improvements, and interest thereon to the first
    11  day when interest is payable on the bonds, shall be taken as the
    12  cost of the improvement to be assessed on the property
    13  benefited.
    14     (b)  Claims to secure the assessments shall be entered in the
    15  prothonotary's office of the county at the same time and in the
    16  same form and shall be collected in the same manner as municipal
    17  claims are filed and collected.
    18     (c)  Assessments are payable to the township treasurer in
    19  quarterly, semi-annual or annual installments, with interest
    20  from the date from which interest is computed on the amount of
    21  the assessments.
    22     (d)  If there is a default in the payment of any installment
    23  and interest for a period of sixty days after it becomes due,
    24  the entire assessment and accrued interest shall become due, and
    25  the township solicitor shall proceed to collect the assessment
    26  under the general laws relating to the collection of municipal
    27  claims.
    28     (e)  Any owner of property against whom any assessment is
    29  made may pay the assessment in full, at any time, with interest
    30  and costs thereon to the due date of the next installment, and
    19950H0702B2681                 - 386 -

     1  that payment shall discharge the lien.
     2                           ARTICLE XXXIV
     3                   EMINENT DOMAIN; ASSESSMENT OF
     4                        DAMAGES AND BENEFITS
     5     Section 3401.  Scope of Article.--When the right of eminent
     6  domain or the ascertainment and assessment of damages and
     7  benefits in viewer proceedings is exercised by a township, the
     8  proceeding shall be as set forth in this article. In addition to
     9  any of the provisions of this act, all eminent domain
    10  proceedings shall conform to the act of June 22, 1964 (Sp.Sess.,
    11  P.L.84, No.6), known as the "Eminent Domain Code."
    12     Section 3402.  Restrictions as to Certain Property.--(A)  In   <--
    13  addition to the restrictions made by other provisions of this
    14  act in particular cases, no township shall, EXCEPT AS PROVIDED    <--
    15  IN SUBSECTION (B), exercise the right of eminent domain against
    16  land now occupied by any building which was used during the
    17  Colonial or Revolutionary period as a place of Assembly by the
    18  Council of the Colony of Pennsylvania, the Supreme Executive
    19  Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the Congress of
    20  the United States; or against the land occupied by any fort,
    21  redoubt or blockhouse erected during the Colonial or
    22  Revolutionary period or any building used as headquarters by the
    23  Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army; or against the site
    24  of any building, fort, redoubt, blockhouse or headquarters,
    25  which are preserved for their historic associations and not for
    26  private profit. The Colonial and Revolutionary period is taken
    27  as ended on September 3, 1783.
    29  (A) SHALL NOT APPLY:
    19950H0702B2681                 - 387 -

     7  AND
    12     Section 3403.  Value of Land or Property Not to be Assessed
    13  as Benefits.--In the appropriation of land or property for
    14  public use, other than for roads, it is not lawful to assess any
    15  portion of the damage done to or value of the land or property
    16  so appropriated against the other property adjoining or in the
    17  vicinity of the land or property so appropriated.
    18     Section 3404.  Title Acquired.--When land or property is
    19  taken under eminent domain proceedings, other than for road
    20  purposes, or is acquired by gift, purchase or otherwise, the
    21  title obtained by the township is in fee simple. In particular
    22  instances, a different title may, by agreement, be acquired.
    23     Section 3405.  Assessment of Damages and Benefits.--The
    24  damages may be paid in whole or in part by the township or may
    25  be assessed in whole or in part upon the property benefited. In
    26  the latter case, the viewers, having first determined the
    27  damages apart from the benefits, shall assess the total cost of
    28  the improvement, or so much thereof as may be just and
    29  reasonable, upon the properties peculiarly benefited, including
    30  in the assessment all parties for which damages have been
    19950H0702B2681                 - 388 -

     1  allowed, and shall report the findings to the court. The total
     2  assessment for benefits shall not exceed the total damages
     3  awarded or agreed upon.
     4     Section 3406.  Assessment Awards.--In proceedings to assess
     5  damages and benefits, if the land or property is both benefited
     6  and damaged by the improvements, the excess of damages over
     7  benefits, or the excess of benefits over damages, or nothing if
     8  the benefits and damages are equal, shall be awarded to or
     9  assessed against the owner of land or property affected thereby.
    10     Section 3407.  Assessments to Bear Interest.--All assessments
    11  for benefits and costs shall bear interest at six percent
    12  annually from the expiration of thirty days after they have been
    13  finally ascertained and shall be payable to the township
    14  treasurer.
    15                            ARTICLE XXXV
    16                     VIOLATION OF ACT GENERALLY
    17     Section 3501.  Violation of Act Generally; Penalty.--Any
    18  township supervisor, elected or appointed township official or
    19  employe, roadmaster or contractor or any other person, including
    20  any corporation officer or employe, who violates any of the
    21  provisions of this act, other than those for which specific
    22  penalties are provided, or who fails to carry out the provisions
    23  of this act commits a summary offense. All fines collected for
    24  violation of this act shall be paid to the township treasurer
    25  and credited to the general township fund.
    26                        ARTICLE [XXI] XXXVI
    27                 ACTIONS BY [AND AGAINST] TOWNSHIPS
    28     [Section 2106.  Recovery of Municipal Claims.--In addition to
    29  the remedies provided by law for the filing of liens for the
    30  collection of municipal claims, a township may proceed for the
    19950H0702B2681                 - 389 -

     1  recovery and collection of any municipal claim by action of
     2  assumpsit against the person who was the owner of the property
     3  at the time of the completion of the improvement,
     4  notwithstanding the fact that there was a failure on the part of
     5  any such township, or its agents, to enter such municipal claim
     6  as a lien against the property assessed for the improvement, and
     7  for the recovery of which the action of assumpsit was brought.
     8     Any such action in assumpsit shall be commenced within three
     9  years after the completion of the improvement from which said
    10  claim arises.]
    11     Section 3601.  Recovery of Municipal Claims.--(a)  In
    12  addition to the remedies under law for the filing of liens for
    13  the collection of municipal claims, a township may proceed for
    14  the recovery and collection of any municipal claim by action of
    15  assumpsit against the person who was the owner of the property
    16  when the improvement was completed, even if there was a failure
    17  on the part of the township or its agents to enter the municipal
    18  claim as a lien against the property assessed for the
    19  improvement, and for the recovery of which the action of
    20  assumpsit was brought.
    21     (b)  Any action in assumpsit shall be commenced within three
    22  years after the completion of the improvement from which the
    23  claim arises.
    24                       ARTICLE [XXII] XXXVII
    25                              REPEALS
    26     [Section 2201.  Nothing contained in this act shall be
    27  construed to revive any act, or part of any act, repealed by the
    28  act reenacted, amended or revised by this act.
    29     The following additional acts or parts of acts are hereby
    30  repealed as respectively indicated.
    19950H0702B2681                 - 390 -

     1     The act, approved the first day of May, one thousand nine
     2  hundred and thirteen (Pamphlet Laws 155, Number 104), entitled
     3  "An act regulating the letting of certain contracts for the
     4  erection, construction, and alteration of public buildings," so
     5  far as it relates to townships of the second class.
     6     The act, approved the tenth day of May, one thousand nine
     7  hundred and twenty-three (Pamphlet Laws 198), entitled "An act
     8  authorizing courts of quarter sessions to commit the care of
     9  certain burial grounds to the councils of boroughs, township
    10  commissioners and township supervisors of townships; and
    11  requiring boroughs and townships to pay the expenses in
    12  connection therewith," so far as it relates to townships of the
    13  second class.
    14     The act, approved the twenty-second day of June, one thousand
    15  nine hundred and thirty-one (Pamphlet Laws 844), entitled "An
    16  act authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or any
    17  department or division thereof, and counties, cities, boroughs,
    18  incorporated towns, townships, school districts and poor
    19  districts to make contracts of life, health, and accident
    20  policies for the benefit of employes thereof, and contracts for
    21  pensions for such employes; and providing for the payment of the
    22  cost thereof," so far as it relates to townships of the second
    23  class.
    24     The act, approved the twenty-second day of June, one thousand
    25  nine hundred and thirty-one (Pamphlet Laws 845), entitled "An
    26  act authorizing the publication of advertisements for bids for
    27  public works, supplies or equipment in certain publications and
    28  journals devoted to information about construction work," so far
    29  as it relates to townships of the second class.
    30     The act, approved the first day of May, one thousand nine
    19950H0702B2681                 - 391 -

     1  hundred and thirty-five (Pamphlet Laws 124, Number 47), entitled
     2  "An act authorizing the insurance of deposits of funds, of this
     3  Commonwealth and of the political subdivisions thereof, with the
     4  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or other similar agency;
     5  and prohibiting requiring further security for amounts so
     6  insured," so far as it relates to townships of the second class.
     7     The act, approved the eighteenth day of July, one thousand
     8  nine hundred and thirty-five (Pamphlet Laws 1173), entitled "An
     9  act to prohibit discrimination on account of race, creed or
    10  color in employment under contracts for public buildings or
    11  public works," so far as it relates to townships of the second
    12  class.
    13     The act, approved the sixteenth day of March, one thousand
    14  nine hundred and thirty-seven (Pamphlet Laws 98), entitled "An
    15  act authorizing political subdivisions to stipulate in
    16  specifications, upon which contracts for the construction,
    17  alteration or repairs of any public work or improvement are
    18  entered into, the minimum wages to be paid to laborers and
    19  mechanics, and providing for the stipulation of penalties in
    20  such contracts where such minimum wage stipulations are
    21  violated, and for the recovery of such penalties, and their
    22  return in certain cases," so far as it relates to townships of
    23  the second class.
    24     The act, approved the first day of July, one thousand nine
    25  hundred and thirty-seven (Pamphlet Laws 2624), entitled "An act
    26  authorizing townships of the second class to adopt and enforce
    27  zoning ordinances regulating the location, construction, and use
    28  of buildings, the size of courts and open spaces, the density of
    29  population, and the use of land," absolutely.
    30     The act, approved the fifteenth day of May, one thousand nine
    19950H0702B2681                 - 392 -

     1  hundred and forty-five (Pamphlet Laws 538, Number 210), entitled
     2  "An act relating to the liabilities of elected and appointed
     3  officers of the various political subdivisions and limiting
     4  surcharges to the actual financial loss sustained," so far as it
     5  relates to townships of the second class.
     6     It is the intention that this act shall furnish a complete
     7  and exclusive system for the government and regulation of
     8  townships except as to the several matters enumerated in section
     9  one hundred and three of article one of this act.
    10     All other acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act
    11  are repealed. This act shall not repeal or modify any of the
    12  provisions of the Public Utility Law; nor any local or special
    13  law; nor any law relating to the Board of Commissioners of
    14  Navigation for the River Delaware, and its navigable
    15  tributaries; nor the provisions of any law the enforcement of
    16  which is vested in the Department of Health, the Sanitary Water
    17  Board, the Department of Forests and Waters or the Water and
    18  Power Resources Board; nor shall this act repeal or modify any
    19  of the provisions of any act of Assembly amendatory of law in
    20  force at the time of the passage of this act, or otherwise
    21  adopted at the session of the General Assembly of one thousand
    22  nine hundred and forty-seven, whether such acts were adopted
    23  prior to the passage of this act, or shall be adopted subsequent
    24  to the passage of this act; nor shall this act repeal any such
    25  act, or part thereof, in force at the time of the passage of
    26  this act which is amended by any act of Assembly adopted at the
    27  session of the General Assembly of one thousand nine hundred and
    28  forty-seven.]
    29     Section 3701.  Repeals.--(a)  Nothing contained in this act
    30  revives any act, or part of any act, repealed by the act
    19950H0702B2681                 - 393 -

     1  reenacted, amended or revised by this act.
     2     (b)  The following additional acts or parts of acts are
     3  hereby repealed as respectively indicated:
     4     Act of May 1, 1913 (P.L.155, No.104), entitled "An act
     5  regulating the letting of certain contracts for the erection,
     6  construction, and alteration of public buildings," insofar as it
     7  relates to townships of the second class.
     8     Act of May 10, 1923 (P.L.198, No.144), entitled "An act
     9  authorizing courts of quarter sessions to commit the care of
    10  certain burial grounds to the councils of boroughs, township
    11  commissioners and township supervisors of townships; and
    12  requiring boroughs and townships to pay the expenses in
    13  connection therewith," insofar as it relates to townships of the
    14  second class.
    15     Act of June 22, 1931 (P.L.844, No.274), entitled, as amended,
    16  "An act authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or any
    17  department or division thereof, and counties, cities, boroughs,
    18  incorporated towns, townships, school districts, vocational
    19  school districts, and institution districts to make contracts of
    20  life, health, hospitalization, medical services, and accident
    21  policies for the benefit of employes thereof, and contracts for
    22  pensions for such employes; and providing for the payment of the
    23  cost thereof," insofar as it relates to townships of the second
    24  class.
    25     Act of May 1, 1935 (P.L.124, No.47), entitled "An act
    26  authorizing the insurance of deposits of funds, of this
    27  Commonwealth and of the political subdivisions thereof, with the
    28  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or other similar agency;
    29  and prohibiting requiring further security for amounts so
    30  insured," insofar as it relates to townships of the second
    19950H0702B2681                 - 394 -

     1  class.
     2     Act of July 18, 1935 (P.L.1173, No.382), entitled "An act to
     3  prohibit discrimination on account of race, creed or color in
     4  employment under contracts for public buildings or public
     5  works," insofar as it relates to townships of the second class.
     6     Act of March 16, 1937 (P.L.98, No.26), entitled "An act
     7  authorizing political subdivisions to stipulate in
     8  specifications, upon which contracts for the construction,
     9  alteration or repairs of any public work or improvement are
    10  entered into, the minimum wages to be paid to laborers and
    11  mechanics, and providing for the stipulation of penalties in
    12  such contracts where such minimum wage stipulations are
    13  violated, and for the recovery of such penalties, and their
    14  return in certain cases," insofar as it relates to townships of
    15  the second class.
    16     (c)  All other acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this
    17  act are repealed.
    18     (d)  This act does not repeal or modify any of the provisions
    19  of 66 Pa.C.S. (relating to public utilities); nor any local or
    20  special law; nor any law relating to the Board of Commissioners
    21  of Navigation for the River Delaware and its navigable
    22  tributaries; nor the provisions of any law the enforcement of
    23  which is vested in the Department of Health or the Department of
    24  Environmental Resources; nor does this act repeal or modify any
    25  of the provisions of any statute amendatory of law in force at
    26  the time of the passage of this act or otherwise enacted at the
    27  session of the General Assembly of 1995, whether the acts were
    28  adopted before the passage of this act or after the passage of
    29  this act; nor does this act repeal any act, or part thereof, in
    30  force at the time of the passage of this act which is amended by
    19950H0702B2681                 - 395 -

     1  any statute enacted at the session of the General Assembly of
     2  1995.
     3     SECTION 2.  THE ADDITION OF SECTIONS 1701(B) AND 3402 OF THE   <--
     5     Section 2 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1995, or      <--
     6  immediately, whichever is later. AS FOLLOWS:                      <--
     7         (1)  THE ADDITION OF SECTION 606 SECTIONS 606, 1701 AND    <--
     9         (2)  SECTIONS 2 AND 3 OF THIS ACT SHALL TAKE EFFECT        <--
    10     IMMEDIATELY.
    11         (2) (3)  THE REMAINDER OF THIS ACT SHALL TAKE EFFECT IN    <--
    12     180 DAYS.

    19950H0702B2681                 - 396 -

     2                          DERIVATION TABLE
     3              Prepared by Local Government Commission
     4                 Current through Printer's No. 1899

     5  YEAR S ACT  P.L.             NEW CODE SEC.     OLD CODE SEC.
     6  ----------------             -------------     -------------
     7  1933-0-0103-0069               101             101
     8  1933-0-0103-0069               102             102
     9  1933-0-0103-0069               103             103
    10  1933-0-0103-0069               104             104
    11  1933-0-0103-0069               105             105
    12  1933-0-0103-0069               106             106
    13  1933-0-0103-0069               107             107
    14  1933-0-0103-0069               108             108
    15  1933-0-0103-0069               109             110
    16  1933-0-0103-0069               201             201
    17  1933-0-0103-0069               202             226
    18  1933-0-0103-0069               203             230
    19  1933-0-0103-0069               204             213
    20  1933-0-0103-0069               205             235
    21  1933-0-0103-0069               206             240
    22  1933-0-0103-0069               207(a)          201A
    23  1933-0-0103-0069               207(b)          202A
    24  1933-0-0103-0069               207(c)          203A
    25  1933-0-0103-0069               301             301
    26  1933-0-0103-0069               302             302
    27  1933-0-0103-0069               303             303
    28  1933-0-0103-0069               304             304
    29  1933-0-0103-0069               305             306
    30  1933-0-0103-0069               306             307
    31  1933-0-0103-0069               307             308
    32  1933-0-0103-0069               401             401
    33  1933-0-0103-0069               402(a)-(c)      402
    34  1933-0-0103-0069               402(d)-(e)      new
    35  1933-0-0103-0069               403             410
    36  1933-0-0103-0069               404(a)-(b)      411
    37  1933-0-0103-0069               404(c)          new
    38  1933-0-0103-0069               405(a)          412
    39  1933-0-0103-0069               405(b)          413
    40  1933-0-0103-0069               406             414
    41  1933-0-0103-0069               407             420
    42  1933-0-0103-0069               501             501
    43  1933-0-0103-0069               502             502
    44  1933-0-0103-0069               503             503
    45  1933-0-0103-0069               601             510
    46  1933-0-0103-0069               602             511                <--
    47  1933-0-0103-0069               602(A)          511                <--
    48  1933-0-0103-0069               602(B)          511
    49  1933-0-0103-0069               602(C)          NEW
    50  1933-0-0103-0069               603             512
    51  1933-0-0103-0069               604             new
    52  1933-0-0103-0069               605(a)          513
    53  1933-0-0103-0069               605(b)          513.1
    54  1933-0-0103-0069               605(c)          new
    55  1933-0-0103-0069               606             515
    56  1933-0-0103-0069               607(1)-(4)      516(a)-(h)
    57  1933-0-0103-0069               607(5)          518
    58  1933-0-0103-0069               607(6)          new
    59  1933-0-0103-0069               607(7)          516(i)

    19950H0702B2681                 - 397 -

     1  1933-0-0103-0069               701             new
     2  1933-0-0103-0069               702             530
     3  1933-0-0103-0069               703             531
     4  1933-0-0103-0069               704             532
     5  1933-0-0103-0069               705             new
     6  1933-0-0103-0069               706             533
     7  1933-0-0103-0069               707             534
     8  1933-0-0103-0069               708             535
     9  1933-0-0103-0069               801             new
    10  1933-0-0103-0069               802             540
    11  1933-0-0103-0069               803             540
    12  1933-0-0103-0069               804             543
    13  1933-0-0103-0069               901             545
    14  1933-0-0103-0069               902(a)          545
    15  1933-0-0103-0069               902(b)-(c)      new
    16  1933-0-0103-0069               903             546
    17  1933-0-0103-0069               904             547
    18  1933-0-0103-0069               905             549
    19  1933-0-0103-0069               906             550
    20  1933-0-0103-0069               907             551
    21  1933-0-0103-0069               908             552
    22  1933-0-0103-0069               909             553
    23  1933-0-0103-0069               910             554
    24  1933-0-0103-0069               911             556
    25  1933-0-0103-0069               912             559
    26  1933-0-0103-0069               913             560
    27  1933-0-0103-0069               914             561
    28  1933-0-0103-0069               915             563
    29  1933-0-0103-0069               916             564
    30  1933-0-0103-0069               917(a)          702 XLV
    31  1933-0-0103-0069               917(b)          new
    32  1933-0-0103-0069               917(c)          702 XLV
    33  1933-0-0103-0069               917(d)          702 XLV.1
    34  1933-0-0103-0069              1001             570
    35  1933-0-0103-0069              1002             575
    36  1933-0-0103-0069              1101             580
    37  1933-0-0103-0069              1102             581
    38  1933-0-0103-0069              1103             582
    39  1933-0-0103-0069              1201             585
    40  1933-0-0103-0069              1202             586
    41  1933-0-0103-0069              1203             587
    42  1933-0-0103-0069              1301             599.1
    43  1933-0-0103-0069              1401(a)          601
    44  1933-0-0103-0069              1401(b)-(c)      602
    45  1933-0-0103-0069              1401(d)          603
    46  1933-0-0103-0069              1401(e)          604
    47  1933-0-0103-0069              1401(f)          611(a)
    48  1933-0-0103-0069              1402(a)-(c)      610
    49  1933-0-0103-0069              1402(d)          611(b)
    50  1933-0-0103-0069              1402(e)-(f)      611(c)
    51  1933-0-0103-0069              1402(g)          612
    52  1933-0-0103-0069              1402(h)-(i)      610
    53  1933-0-0103-0069              1501             701 I
    54  1933-0-0103-0069              1502             701 II
    55  1933-0-0103-0069              1503(a)-(b)      701 II
    56  1933-0-0103-0069              1503(c)-(e)      new
    57  1933-0-0103-0069              1503(f)          701 III
    58  1933-0-0103-0069              1504             701 II
    59  1933-0-0103-0069              1505             702 intro. par.

    19950H0702B2681                 - 398 -

     1  1933-0-0103-0069              1506             702 LXII
     2  1933-0-0103-0069              1507             702 XL
     3  1933-0-0103-0069              1508             702 LV
     4  1933-0-0103-0069              1508.1(a)-(c)    new                <--
     5  1933-0-0103-0069              1508.1           NEW                <--
     6  1933-0-0103-0069              1509             702 LXIII
     7  1933-0-0103-0069              1510             702 XVIII
     8  1933-0-0103-0069              1511             702 LIV
     9  1933-0-0103-0069              1512             702 XIII
    10  1933-0-0103-0069              1513             702 XLIV
    11  1933-0-0103-0069              1514             702 XLII
    12  1933-0-0103-0069              1515             702 LXIV
    13  1933-0-0103-0069              1516             702 XXV
    14  1933-0-0103-0069              1517             702 LI
    15  1933-0-0103-0069              1518             702 LII
    16  1933-0-0103-0069              1519             702 LIII
    17  1933-0-0103-0069              1520             702 XXXVII
    18  1933-0-0103-0069              1521             702 LXI
    19  1933-0-0103-0069              1522             702 XXVII
    20  1933-0-0103-0069              1523             702 LIX
    21  1933-0-0103-0069              1524             702 LVII
    22  1933-0-0103-0069              1525             702 LXV
    23  1933-0-0103-0069              1526             702 LXIX
    24  1933-0-0103-0069              1527             702 XLVII
    25  1933-0-0103-0069              1528             702 XLVI
    26  1933-0-0103-0069              1529             702 XII
    27  1933-0-0103-0069              1530             702 XXXV
    28  1933-0-0103-0069              1531             new
    29  1933-0-0103-0069              1532(a)(1)       702 XXXIX
    30  1933-0-0103-0069              1532(a)(1)      1801
    31  1933-0-0103-0069              1532(a)(1)      1811
    32  1933-0-0103-0069              1532(a)(1)      1812
    33  1933-0-0103-0069              1532(a)(2)-(3)   new
    34  1933-0-0103-0069              1532(a)(4)       702 LVIII
    35  1933-0-0103-0069              1532(b)         1802
    36  1933-0-0103-0069              1533             702 XII
    37  1933-0-0103-0069              1534             702 XX
    38  1933-0-0103-0069              1535             new
    39  1933-0-0103-0069              1536             702 XXVIII
    40  1933-0-0103-0069              1537             702 XVII
    41  1933-0-0103-0069              1538             702 XIX
    42  1933-0-0103-0069              1539             702 LXVII
    43  1933-0-0103-0069              1540             702 LXVIII
    44  1933-0-0103-0069              1541             702 LX
    45  1933-0-0103-0069              1542             702 LXVI
    46  1933-0-0103-0069              1543             702 LVI
    47  1933-0-0103-0069              1544             702 LXX
    48  1933-0-0103-0069              1545             702 LXXIII
    49  1933-0-0103-0069              1546             702 LXXV
    50  1933-0-0103-0069              1547             new
    51  1933-0-0103-0069              1548             new
    52  1933-0-0103-0069              1549             703
    53  1933-0-0103-0069              1601(a)-(c)      702 XLI
    54  1933-0-0103-0069              1601(d)          702 XLI.1
    55  1933-0-0103-0069              1601(e)          702 XLI.2
    56  1933-0-0103-0069              1601(f)          702 XLI
    57  1933-0-0103-0069              1701            1702
    58  1933-0-0103-0069              1701            1704
    59  1933-0-0103-0069              1702            1707

    19950H0702B2681                 - 399 -

     1  1933-0-0103-0069              1703            1706
     2  1933-0-0103-0069              1704            1703
     3  1933-0-0103-0069              1801             new
     4  1933-0-0103-0069              1802             702 III
     5  1933-0-0103-0069              1803             702 IV
     6  1933-0-0103-0069              1804             702 IV.1
     7  1933-0-0103-0069              1805             702 XXXII
     8  1933-0-0103-0069              1806             new
     9  1933-0-0103-0069              1901             590 A
    10  1933-0-0103-0069              1902             590 B
    11  1933-0-0103-0069              1903             590 C
    12  1933-0-0103-0069              1904             new
    13  1933-0-0103-0069              1905             591
    14  1933-0-0103-0069              1906             592
    15  1933-0-0103-0069              1907             593
    16  1933-0-0103-0069              1908             702 XXXVI
    17  1933-0-0103-0069              1909             594
    18  1933-0-0103-0069              1910(a)-(b)      595
    19  1933-0-0103-0069              1910(c)-(d)      596
    20  1933-0-0103-0069              1910(e)          597
    21  1933-0-0103-0069              1910(f)          598
    22  1933-0-0103-0069              1910(g)          599
    23  1933-0-0103-0069              1910(h)          new
    24  1933-0-0103-0069              1911             702 XLIII
    25  1933-0-0103-0069              1912             new
    26  1933-0-0103-0069              1913             new
    27  1933-0-0103-0069              1914             new
    28  1933-0-0103-0069              1915(a)          599-A
    29  1933-0-0103-0069              1915(b)          new
    30  1933-0-0103-0069              2001             702 I
    31  1933-0-0103-0069              2002             702 II.1
    32  1933-0-0103-0069              2003             702 II.1
    33  1933-0-0103-0069              2101             702 VIII
    34  1933-0-0103-0069              2102             702 VIII
    35  1933-0-0103-0069              2103             new
    36  1933-0-0103-0069              2104             702 VIII
    37  1933-0-0103-0069              2105             702 VIII
    38  1933-0-0103-0069              2106             702 VIII
    39  1933-0-0103-0069              2107             702 VIII
    40  1933-0-0103-0069              2108             new
    41  1933-0-0103-0069              2201            1901
    42  1933-0-0103-0069              2202             new
    43  1933-0-0103-0069              2203(a)-(b)      702 XXIII
    44  1933-0-0103-0069              2203(c)          702 XXXIII
    45  1933-0-0103-0069              2203(d)          702 LXXIV
    46  1933-0-0103-0069              2204(a)         1902
    47  1933-0-0103-0069              2204(b)         1903
    48  1933-0-0103-0069              2204(c)         1904
    49  1933-0-0103-0069              2205            1905
    50  1933-0-0103-0069              2206            1907
    51  1933-0-0103-0069              2207(a)         1908
    52  1933-0-0103-0069              2207(b)         1910
    53  1933-0-0103-0069              2207(c)         1912
    54  1933-0-0103-0069              2207(d)         1913
    55  1933-0-0103-0069              2207(e)         1914
    56  1933-0-0103-0069              2207(f)         1915
    57  1933-0-0103-0069              2207(g)         1917
    58  1933-0-0103-0069              2301(a)         1301
    59  1933-0-0103-0069              2301(a)-(c)      702 X

    19950H0702B2681                 - 400 -

     1  1933-0-0103-0069              2301(d)          new
     2  1933-0-0103-0069              2301(e)          514
     3  1933-0-0103-0069              2302             516(j)-(m)
     4  1933-0-0103-0069              2303             504
     5  1933-0-0103-0069              2304            1101
     6  1933-0-0103-0069              2305            1102
     7  1933-0-0103-0069              2306            1103
     8  1933-0-0103-0069              2307            1105
     9  1933-0-0103-0069              2308            1110
    10  1933-0-0103-0069              2309            1111
    11  1933-0-0103-0069              2310            1112
    12  1933-0-0103-0069              2311            1115
    13  1933-0-0103-0069              2312            1120
    14  1933-0-0103-0069              2312            1125
    15  1933-0-0103-0069              2313(a)         1130
    16  1933-0-0103-0069              2313(b)         1131
    17  1933-0-0103-0069              2313(c)         1133
    18  1933-0-0103-0069              2314(a)         1135
    19  1933-0-0103-0069              2314(b)         1136
    20  1933-0-0103-0069              2314(c)         1137
    21  1933-0-0103-0069              2314(d)         1138
    22  1933-0-0103-0069              2315             new
    23  1933-0-0103-0069              2316(a)         1140
    24  1933-0-0103-0069              2316(b)-(c)     1147
    25  1933-0-0103-0069              2317(a)         1140.1
    26  1933-0-0103-0069              2317(b)-(d)     1141
    27  1933-0-0103-0069              2317(e)         1142
    28  1933-0-0103-0069              2317(f)         1144
    29  1933-0-0103-0069              2317(g)         1145
    30  1933-0-0103-0069              2318            1143
    31  1933-0-0103-0069              2319            1146
    32  1933-0-0103-0069              2320            1152
    33  1933-0-0103-0069              2321            1155
    34  1933-0-0103-0069              2322            1156
    35  1933-0-0103-0069              2323            1161
    36  1933-0-0103-0069              2324            1165
    37  1933-0-0103-0069              2325(a)         1175
    38  1933-0-0103-0069              2325(b)         1177
    39  1933-0-0103-0069              2325(c)         1178
    40  1933-0-0103-0069              2325(d)         1179
    41  1933-0-0103-0069              2325(e)         1180
    42  1933-0-0103-0069              2326            1185
    43  1933-0-0103-0069              2327             702 IX
    44  1933-0-0103-0069              2328             702 XXIV
    45  1933-0-0103-0069              2329             702 XXXVII
    46  1933-0-0103-0069              2330             702 XXXVIII
    47  1933-0-0103-0069              2331            1310
    48  1933-0-0103-0069              2332            1201
    49  1933-0-0103-0069              2332            1202
    50  1933-0-0103-0069              2332            1205
    51  1933-0-0103-0069              2332            1210
    52  1933-0-0103-0069              2332            1215
    53  1933-0-0103-0069              2332            1220
    54  1933-0-0103-0069              2332            1225
    55  1933-0-0103-0069              2332            1230
    56  1933-0-0103-0069              2401(a)-(b)     1403
    57  1933-0-0103-0069              2401(c)(1)      1401
    58  1933-0-0103-0069              2401(c)(2)-(3)  1402
    59  1933-0-0103-0069              2401(c)(4)      1404

    19950H0702B2681                 - 401 -

     1  1933-0-0103-0069              2401(d)          new
     2  1933-0-0103-0069              2501            1501
     3  1933-0-0103-0069              2502            1501                <--
     4  1933-0-0103-0069              2502            1501.1
     5  1933-0-0103-0069              2502(a)         1501(a)
     6  1933-0-0103-0069              2502(a)         1501.1
     7  1933-0-0103-0069              2502(b)         1501(b)
     8  1933-0-0103-0069              2502(c)         new
     9  1933-0-0103-0069              2502(d)         1502(d)
    10  1933-0-0103-0069              2502(e)         1502(e)
    11  1933-0-0103-0069              2502(f)         1502(f)
    12  1933-0-0103-0069              2503            1502
    13  1933-0-0103-0069              2504            1505
    14  1933-0-0103-0069              2505            1504
    15  1933-0-0103-0069              2506            1507
    16  1933-0-0103-0069              2507            1508
    17  1933-0-0103-0069              2508            1509
    18  1933-0-0103-0069              2509            1510
    19  1933-0-0103-0069              2510            1511
    20  1933-0-0103-0069              2511            1512
    21  1933-0-0103-0069              2512            1525
    22  1933-0-0103-0069              2513            1530
    23  1933-0-0103-0069              2514            1531
    24  1933-0-0103-0069              2515            1535
    25  1933-0-0103-0069              2516            1540
    26  1933-0-0103-0069              2517            1541
    27  1933-0-0103-0069              2601            1601
    28  1933-0-0103-0069              2602            1602
    29  1933-0-0103-0069              2603            1602.1              <--
    30  1933-0-0103-0069              2603            1602.2              <--
    31  1933-0-0103-0069              2604            1603
    32  1933-0-0103-0069              2605            1604
    33  1933-0-0103-0069              2606            1605
    34  1933-0-0103-0069              2607            1606
    35  1933-0-0103-0069              2608            1607
    36  1933-0-0103-0069              2609            1608
    37  1933-0-0103-0069              2610             new
    38  1933-0-0103-0069              2611            1609
    39  1933-0-0103-0069              2612            1610
    40  1933-0-0103-0069              2613            1611
    41  1933-0-0103-0069              2614            1612
    42  1933-0-0103-0069              2701             new
    43  1933-0-0103-0069              2702             new
    44  1933-0-0103-0069              2703             new
    45  1933-0-0103-0069              2704             new
    46  1933-0-0103-0069              2801            1601-A
    47  1933-0-0103-0069              2802            1602-A
    48  1933-0-0103-0069              2803            1603-A
    49  1933-0-0103-0069              2804            1604-A
    50  1933-0-0103-0069              2805            1605-A
    51  1933-0-0103-0069              2806            1606-A
    52  1933-0-0103-0069              2901            1901-B
    53  1933-0-0103-0069              2902            1902-B
    54  1933-0-0103-0069              2903            1903-B
    55  1933-0-0103-0069              2904            1904-B
    56  1933-0-0103-0069              2905            1905-B
    57  1933-0-0103-0069              2906            1906-B
    58  1933-0-0103-0069              2907            1907-B
    59  1933-0-0103-0069              2908            1909-B

    19950H0702B2681                 - 402 -

     1  1933-0-0103-0069              2909            1910-B
     2  1933-0-0103-0069              2910            1911-B
     3  1933-0-0103-0069              3001            1901-A.1
     4  1933-0-0103-0069              3002            1902-A
     5  1933-0-0103-0069              3003            1903-A
     6  1933-0-0103-0069              3004            1904-A
     7  1933-0-0103-0069              3005            1905-A
     8  1933-0-0103-0069              3006            1906-A
     9  1933-0-0103-0069              3007            1907-A
    10  1933-0-0103-0069              3008            1908-A.1
    11  1933-0-0103-0069              3009            1909-A.1
    12  1933-0-0103-0069              3010            1910-A
    13  1933-0-0103-0069              3101             801
    14  1933-0-0103-0069              3102(a)          802(a)
    15  1933-0-0103-0069              3102(b)          802(a.1)
    16  1933-0-0103-0069              3102(c)          new
    17  1933-0-0103-0069              3102(d)          802(b)
    18  1933-0-0103-0069              3102(e)          802(c)
    19  1933-0-0103-0069              3102(f)          new
    20  1933-0-0103-0069              3102(g)          802(d)
    21  1933-0-0103-0069              3102(h)(1)       802(e)(1)
    22  1933-0-0103-0069              3102(h)(2)       802(e)(2)
    23  1933-0-0103-0069              3102(h)(3)       802(e)(4)
    24  1933-0-0103-0069              3102(h)(4)       802(e)(5)
    25  1933-0-0103-0069              3102(h)(5)       new
    26  1933-0-0103-0069              3102(h)(6)       new
    27  1933-0-0103-0069              3102(h)(7)       802(e)(3)
    28  1933-0-0103-0069              3102(h)(8)       new
    29  1933-0-0103-0069              3102(i)-(j)      802(f)
    30  1933-0-0103-0069              3102(k)          new
    31  1933-0-0103-0069              3102(l)          802(g)
    32  1933-0-0103-0069              3102(m)          802(h)
    33  1933-0-0103-0069              3102(i)          520
    34  1933-0-0103-0069              3103             517
    35  1933-0-0103-0069              3104             802.1
    36  1933-0-0103-0069              3105             803
    37  1933-0-0103-0069              3106             803.1
    38  1933-0-0103-0069              3107             804
    39  1933-0-0103-0069              3108             805
    40  1933-0-0103-0069              3109             806
    41  1933-0-0103-0069              3201             901
    42  1933-0-0103-0069              3202(a)-(c)      902 A
    43  1933-0-0103-0069              3202(d)          902.2
    44  1933-0-0103-0069              3202(e)-(f)      902 A
    45  1933-0-0103-0069              3203             902 B
    46  1933-0-0103-0069              3204             902.1
    47  1933-0-0103-0069              3205(a)(1)-(8)   905 A
    48  1933-0-0103-0069              3205(a)(9)       910
    49  1933-0-0103-0069              3205(a)(9)       911
    50  1933-0-0103-0069              3205(a)(10)      912
    51  1933-0-0103-0069              3205(b)          907
    52  1933-0-0103-0069              3206             905 B
    53  1933-0-0103-0069              3207             905 C
    54  1933-0-0103-0069              3208             906
    55  1933-0-0103-0069              3209             909
    56  1933-0-0103-0069              3210             905.1
    57  1933-0-0103-0069              3301             new
    58  1933-0-0103-0069              3302             new
    59  1933-0-0103-0069              3303(a)         1501-A

    19950H0702B2681                 - 403 -

     1  1933-0-0103-0069              3303(b)         1502-A
     2  1933-0-0103-0069              3303(c)         1503-A
     3  1933-0-0103-0069              3303(d)         1504-A
     4  1933-0-0103-0069              3303(e)         1505-A
     5  1933-0-0103-0069              3401            1001
     6  1933-0-0103-0069              3402            1002
     7  1933-0-0103-0069              3403            1006
     8  1933-0-0103-0069              3404            1016
     9  1933-0-0103-0069              3405            1024
    10  1933-0-0103-0069              3406            1025
    11  1933-0-0103-0069              3407            1052
    12  1933-0-0103-0069              3501             521
    13  1933-0-0103-0069              3601            2106
    14  1933-0-0103-0069              3701            2201

    19950H0702B2681                 - 404 -

     1                         DISPOSITION TABLE

     2  YEAR S ACT  P.L.             OLD CODE SEC.     NEW CODE SEC.
     3  ----------------             -------------     -------------
     4  1933-0-0103-0069              101               101
     5  1933-0-0103-0069              102               102
     6  1933-0-0103-0069              103               103
     7  1933-0-0103-0069              104               104
     8  1933-0-0103-0069              105               105
     9  1933-0-0103-0069              106               106
    10  1933-0-0103-0069              107               107
    11  1933-0-0103-0069              108               108
    12  1933-0-0103-0069              109              Repealed
    13  1933-0-0103-0069              110               109
    14  1933-0-0103-0069              201               201
    15  1933-0-0103-0069              225              Repealed
    16  1933-0-0103-0069              226               202
    17  1933-0-0103-0069              230               203
    18  1933-0-0103-0069              235               205
    19  1933-0-0103-0069              240               206
    20  1933-0-0103-0069              201A              207(a)
    21  1933-0-0103-0069              202A              207(b)
    22  1933-0-0103-0069              203A              207(c)
    23  1933-0-0103-0069              301               301
    24  1933-0-0103-0069              302               302
    25  1933-0-0103-0069              303               303
    26  1933-0-0103-0069              304               304
    27  1933-0-0103-0069              305              Repealed
    28  1933-0-0103-0069              306               305
    29  1933-0-0103-0069              307               306
    30  1933-0-0103-0069              308               307
    31  1933-0-0103-0069              401               401
    32  1933-0-0103-0069              402               402(a)-(c)
    33  1933-0-0103-0069              410               403
    34  1933-0-0103-0069              411               404(a)-(b)
    35  1933-0-0103-0069              412               405(a)
    36  1933-0-0103-0069              413               405(b)
    37  1933-0-0103-0069              414               406
    38  1933-0-0103-0069              420               407
    39  1933-0-0103-0069              501               501
    40  1933-0-0103-0069              502               502
    41  1933-0-0103-0069              503               503
    42  1933-0-0103-0069              504              2303
    43  1933-0-0103-0069              510               601
    44  1933-0-0103-0069              511               602
    45  1933-0-0103-0069              512               603
    46  1933-0-0103-0069              513               605(a)
    47  1933-0-0103-0069              513.1             605(b)
    48  1933-0-0103-0069              514              2301(e)
    49  1933-0-0103-0069              515               606
    50  1933-0-0103-0069              516(a)-(h)        607(1)-(4)
    51  1933-0-0103-0069              516(i)            607(7)
    52  1933-0-0103-0069              516(j)-(m)       2302
    53  1933-0-0103-0069              517              3103
    54  1933-0-0103-0069              518               607(5)
    55  1933-0-0103-0069              519              Repealed
    56  1933-0-0103-0069              520              3102(i)
    57  1933-0-0103-0069              521              3501
    58  1933-0-0103-0069              530               702

    19950H0702B2681                 - 405 -

     1  1933-0-0103-0069              531               703
     2  1933-0-0103-0069              532               704
     3  1933-0-0103-0069              533               706
     4  1933-0-0103-0069              534               707
     5  1933-0-0103-0069              535               708
     6  1933-0-0103-0069              540               802
     7  1933-0-0103-0069              540               803
     8  1933-0-0103-0069              543               804
     9  1933-0-0103-0069              545               901
    10  1933-0-0103-0069              545               902(a)
    11  1933-0-0103-0069              546               903
    12  1933-0-0103-0069              547               904
    13  1933-0-0103-0069              548              Repealed
    14  1933-0-0103-0069              549               905
    15  1933-0-0103-0069              550               906
    16  1933-0-0103-0069              551               907
    17  1933-0-0103-0069              552               908
    18  1933-0-0103-0069              553               909
    19  1933-0-0103-0069              554               910
    20  1933-0-0103-0069              556               911
    21  1933-0-0103-0069              557              Repealed
    22  1933-0-0103-0069              558              Repealed
    23  1933-0-0103-0069              559               912
    24  1933-0-0103-0069              560               913
    25  1933-0-0103-0069              561               914
    26  1933-0-0103-0069              562              Repealed
    27  1933-0-0103-0069              563               915
    28  1933-0-0103-0069              564               916
    29  1933-0-0103-0069              570              1001
    30  1933-0-0103-0069              575              1002
    31  1933-0-0103-0069              580              1101
    32  1933-0-0103-0069              581              1102
    33  1933-0-0103-0069              582              1103
    34  1933-0-0103-0069              585              1201
    35  1933-0-0103-0069              586              1202
    36  1933-0-0103-0069              587              1203
    37  1933-0-0103-0069              590 A            1901
    38  1933-0-0103-0069              590 B            1902
    39  1933-0-0103-0069              590 C            1903
    40  1933-0-0103-0069              591              1905
    41  1933-0-0103-0069              592              1906
    42  1933-0-0103-0069              593              1907
    43  1933-0-0103-0069              594              1909
    44  1933-0-0103-0069              595              1910(a)-(b)
    45  1933-0-0103-0069              596              1910(c)-(d)
    46  1933-0-0103-0069              597              1910(e)
    47  1933-0-0103-0069              598              1910(f)
    48  1933-0-0103-0069              599              1910(g)
    49  1933-0-0103-0069              599-A            1915(a)
    50  1933-0-0103-0069              599.1            1301
    51  1933-0-0103-0069              601              1401(a)
    52  1933-0-0103-0069              602              1401(b)-(c)
    53  1933-0-0103-0069              603              1401(d)
    54  1933-0-0103-0069              604              1401(e)
    55  1933-0-0103-0069              610              1402(a)-(c)
    56  1933-0-0103-0069              610              1402(h)-(i)
    57  1933-0-0103-0069              611(a)           1401(f)
    58  1933-0-0103-0069              611(b)           1402(d)
    59  1933-0-0103-0069              611(c)           1402(e)-(f)

    19950H0702B2681                 - 406 -

     1  1933-0-0103-0069              612              1402(g)
     2  1933-0-0103-0069              701 I            1501
     3  1933-0-0103-0069              701 II           1502
     4  1933-0-0103-0069              701 II           1503(a)-(b)
     5  1933-0-0103-0069              701 II           1504
     6  1933-0-0103-0069              701 III          1503(f)
     7  1933-0-0103-0069              702 intro. par.  1505
     8  1933-0-0103-0069              702 I            2001
     9  1933-0-0103-0069              702 II.1         2002
    10  1933-0-0103-0069              702 II.1         2003
    11  1933-0-0103-0069              702 III          1802
    12  1933-0-0103-0069              702 IV           1803
    13  1933-0-0103-0069              702 IV.1         1804
    14  1933-0-0103-0069              702 V            Repealed
    15  1933-0-0103-0069              702 VI           Repealed
    16  1933-0-0103-0069              702 VII          Repealed
    17  1933-0-0103-0069              702 VIII         2101
    18  1933-0-0103-0069              702 VIII         2102
    19  1933-0-0103-0069              702 VIII         2104
    20  1933-0-0103-0069              702 VIII         2105
    21  1933-0-0103-0069              702 VIII         2106
    22  1933-0-0103-0069              702 VIII         2107
    23  1933-0-0103-0069              702 IX           2327
    24  1933-0-0103-0069              702 X            2301(a)-(c)
    25  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XI           Repealed
    26  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XII          1529
    27  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XII          1533
    28  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XIII         1512
    29  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XIV          Repealed
    30  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XV           Repealed
    31  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XVI          Repealed
    32  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XVII         1537
    33  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XVIII        1510
    34  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XIX          1538
    35  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XX           1534
    36  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XXI          Repealed
    37  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XXII         Repealed
    38  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XXIII        2203(a)-(b)
    39  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XXIV         2328
    40  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XXV          1516
    41  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XXVI         Repealed
    42  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XXVII        1522
    43  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XXVIII       1536
    44  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XXIX         Repealed
    45  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XXX          Repealed
    46  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XXXI         Repealed
    47  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XXXII        1805
    48  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XXXIII       2203(c)
    49  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XXXIV        Repealed
    50  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XXXV         1530
    51  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XXXVI        1908
    52  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XXXVII       1520
    53  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XXXVII       2329
    54  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XXXVIII      2330
    55  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XXXIX        1532(a)(1)
    56  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XL           1507
    57  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XLI          1601(a)-(c)
    58  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XLI          1601(f)
    59  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XLI.1        1601(d)

    19950H0702B2681                 - 407 -

     1  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XLI.2        1601(e)
     2  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XLII         1514
     3  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XLIII        1911
     4  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XLIV         1513
     5  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XLV           917(a)
     6  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XLV           917(c)
     7  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XLV.1         917(d)
     8  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XLVI         1528
     9  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XLVII        1527
    10  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XLVIII       Repealed
    11  1933-0-0103-0069              702 XLIX         Repealed
    12  1933-0-0103-0069              702 L            Repealed
    13  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LI           1517
    14  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LII          1518
    15  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LIII         1519
    16  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LIV          1511
    17  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LV           1508
    18  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LVI          1543
    19  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LVII         1524
    20  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LVIII        1532(a)(4)
    21  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LIX          1523
    22  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LX           1541
    23  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LXI          1521
    24  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LXII         1506
    25  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LXIII        1509
    26  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LXIV         1515
    27  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LXV          1525
    28  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LXVI         1542
    29  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LXVII        1539
    30  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LXVIII       1540
    31  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LXIX         1526
    32  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LXX          1544
    33  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LXXI         Repealed
    34  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LXXII        Repealed
    35  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LXXIII       1545
    36  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LXXIV        2203(d)
    37  1933-0-0103-0069              702 LXXV         1546
    38  1933-0-0103-0069              703              1549
    39  1933-0-0103-0069              801              3101
    40  1933-0-0103-0069              802(a)           3102(a)
    41  1933-0-0103-0069              802(a.1)         3102(b)
    42  1933-0-0103-0069              802(b)           3102(d)
    43  1933-0-0103-0069              802(c)           3102(e)
    44  1933-0-0103-0069              802(d)           3102(g)
    45  1933-0-0103-0069              802(e)(1)        3102(h)(1)
    46  1933-0-0103-0069              802(e)(2)        3102(h)(2)
    47  1933-0-0103-0069              802(e)(3)        3102(h)(7)
    48  1933-0-0103-0069              802(e)(4)        3102(h)(3)
    49  1933-0-0103-0069              802(e)(5)        3102(h)(4)
    50  1933-0-0103-0069              802(f)           3102(i)-(j)
    51  1933-0-0103-0069              802(g)           3102(l)
    52  1933-0-0103-0069              802(h)           3102(m)
    53  1933-0-0103-0069              802.1            3104
    54  1933-0-0103-0069              803              3105
    55  1933-0-0103-0069              803.1            3106
    56  1933-0-0103-0069              804              3107
    57  1933-0-0103-0069              805              3108
    58  1933-0-0103-0069              806              3109
    59  1933-0-0103-0069              807              Repealed

    19950H0702B2681                 - 408 -

     1  1933-0-0103-0069              808              Repealed
     2  1933-0-0103-0069              901              3201
     3  1933-0-0103-0069              902 A            3202(a)-(c)
     4  1933-0-0103-0069              902 A            3202(e)-(f)
     5  1933-0-0103-0069              902 B            3203
     6  1933-0-0103-0069              902.1            3204
     7  1933-0-0103-0069              902.2            3202(d)
     8  1933-0-0103-0069              903              Repealed
     9  1933-0-0103-0069              904              Repealed
    10  1933-0-0103-0069              905 A            3205(a)(1)-(8)
    11  1933-0-0103-0069              905 B            3206
    12  1933-0-0103-0069              905 C            3207
    13  1933-0-0103-0069              905 D            Repealed
    14  1933-0-0103-0069              905.1            3210
    15  1933-0-0103-0069              906              3208
    16  1933-0-0103-0069              907              3205(b)
    17  1933-0-0103-0069              908              Repealed
    18  1933-0-0103-0069              909              3209
    19  1933-0-0103-0069              910              3205(a)(9)
    20  1933-0-0103-0069              911              3205(a)(9)
    21  1933-0-0103-0069              912              3205(a)(10)
    22  1933-0-0103-0069             1001              3401
    23  1933-0-0103-0069             1002              3402
    24  1933-0-0103-0069             1006              3403
    25  1933-0-0103-0069             1016              3404
    26  1933-0-0103-0069             1024              3405
    27  1933-0-0103-0069             1025              3406
    28  1933-0-0103-0069             1052              3407
    29  1933-0-0103-0069             1101              2304
    30  1933-0-0103-0069             1102              2305
    31  1933-0-0103-0069             1103              2306
    32  1933-0-0103-0069             1104              Repealed
    33  1933-0-0103-0069             1105              2307
    34  1933-0-0103-0069             1110              2308
    35  1933-0-0103-0069             1111              2309
    36  1933-0-0103-0069             1112              2310
    37  1933-0-0103-0069             1115              2311
    38  1933-0-0103-0069             1120              2312
    39  1933-0-0103-0069             1125              2312
    40  1933-0-0103-0069             1130              2313(a)
    41  1933-0-0103-0069             1131              2313(b)
    42  1933-0-0103-0069             1132              Repealed
    43  1933-0-0103-0069             1133              2313(c)
    44  1933-0-0103-0069             1135              2314(a)
    45  1933-0-0103-0069             1136              2314(b)
    46  1933-0-0103-0069             1137              2314(c)
    47  1933-0-0103-0069             1138              2314(d)
    48  1933-0-0103-0069             1140              2316(a)
    49  1933-0-0103-0069             1140.1            2317(a)
    50  1933-0-0103-0069             1141              2317(b)-(d)
    51  1933-0-0103-0069             1142              2317(e)
    52  1933-0-0103-0069             1143              2318
    53  1933-0-0103-0069             1144              2317(f)
    54  1933-0-0103-0069             1145              2317(g)
    55  1933-0-0103-0069             1146              2319
    56  1933-0-0103-0069             1147              2316(b)-(c)
    57  1933-0-0103-0069             1148              Repealed
    58  1933-0-0103-0069             1150              Repealed
    59  1933-0-0103-0069             1151              Repealed

    19950H0702B2681                 - 409 -

     1  1933-0-0103-0069             1152              2320
     2  1933-0-0103-0069             1155              2321
     3  1933-0-0103-0069             1156              2322
     4  1933-0-0103-0069             1160              Repealed
     5  1933-0-0103-0069             1161              2323
     6  1933-0-0103-0069             1165              2324
     7  1933-0-0103-0069             1170              Repealed
     8  1933-0-0103-0069             1175              2325(a)
     9  1933-0-0103-0069             1177              2325(b)
    10  1933-0-0103-0069             1178              2325(c)
    11  1933-0-0103-0069             1179              2325(d)
    12  1933-0-0103-0069             1180              2325(e)
    13  1933-0-0103-0069             1185              2326
    14  1933-0-0103-0069             1201              2332
    15  1933-0-0103-0069             1202              2332
    16  1933-0-0103-0069             1205              2332
    17  1933-0-0103-0069             1210              2332
    18  1933-0-0103-0069             1215              2332
    19  1933-0-0103-0069             1220              2332
    20  1933-0-0103-0069             1225              2332
    21  1933-0-0103-0069             1230              2332
    22  1933-0-0103-0069             1301              2301(a)
    23  1933-0-0103-0069             1302              Repealed
    24  1933-0-0103-0069             1303              Repealed
    25  1933-0-0103-0069             1305              Repealed
    26  1933-0-0103-0069             1310              2331
    27  1933-0-0103-0069             1401              2401(c)(1)
    28  1933-0-0103-0069             1402              2401(c)(2)-(3)
    29  1933-0-0103-0069             1403              2401(a)-(b)
    30  1933-0-0103-0069             1404              2401(c)(4)
    31  1933-0-0103-0069             1501              2501               <--
    32  1933-0-0103-0069             1501              2502
    33  1933-0-0103-0069             1501.1            2502
    34  1933-0-0103-0069             1501(A)           2502(A)            <--
    35  1933-0-0103-0069             1501(B)           2502(B)
    36  1933-0-0103-0069             1501(C)           REPEALED
    37  1933-0-0103-0069             1501(D)           2502(D)
    38  1933-0-0103-0069             1501(E)           2502(E)
    39  1933-0-0103-0069             1501(F)           2502(F)
    40  1933-0-0103-0069             1501.1            2502(A)
    41  1933-0-0103-0069             1502              2503
    42  1933-0-0103-0069             1503              Repealed
    43  1933-0-0103-0069             1504              2505
    44  1933-0-0103-0069             1505              2504
    45  1933-0-0103-0069             1507              2506
    46  1933-0-0103-0069             1508              2507
    47  1933-0-0103-0069             1509              2508
    48  1933-0-0103-0069             1510              2509
    49  1933-0-0103-0069             1511              2510
    50  1933-0-0103-0069             1512              2511
    51  1933-0-0103-0069             1525              2512
    52  1933-0-0103-0069             1526              Repealed
    53  1933-0-0103-0069             1530              2513
    54  1933-0-0103-0069             1531              2514
    55  1933-0-0103-0069             1535              2515
    56  1933-0-0103-0069             1540              2516
    57  1933-0-0103-0069             1541              2517
    58  1933-0-0103-0069             1501-A            3303(a)
    59  1933-0-0103-0069             1502-A            3303(b)

    19950H0702B2681                 - 410 -

     1  1933-0-0103-0069             1503-A            3303(c)
     2  1933-0-0103-0069             1504-A            3303(d)
     3  1933-0-0103-0069             1505-A            3303(e)
     4  1933-0-0103-0069             1601              2601
     5  1933-0-0103-0069             1602              2602
     6  1933-0-0103-0069             1602.1            2603
     7  1933-0-0103-0069             1602.2            Repealed           <--
     8  1933-0-0103-0069             1602.2            2603
     9  1933-0-0103-0069             1602.3            Repealed
    10  1933-0-0103-0069             1602.4            Repealed
    11  1933-0-0103-0069             1602.5            Repealed
    12  1933-0-0103-0069             1603              2604
    13  1933-0-0103-0069             1604              2605
    14  1933-0-0103-0069             1605              2606
    15  1933-0-0103-0069             1606              2607
    16  1933-0-0103-0069             1607              2608
    17  1933-0-0103-0069            1608              2609
    18  1933-0-0103-0069             1609              2611
    19  1933-0-0103-0069             1610              2612
    20  1933-0-0103-0069             1611              2613
    21  1933-0-0103-0069             1612              2614
    22  1933-0-0103-0069             1601-A            2801
    23  1933-0-0103-0069             1602-A            2802
    24  1933-0-0103-0069             1603-A            2803
    25  1933-0-0103-0069             1604-A            2804
    26  1933-0-0103-0069             1605-A            2805
    27  1933-0-0103-0069             1606-A            2806
    28  1933-0-0103-0069             1702              1701
    29  1933-0-0103-0069             1703              1704
    30  1933-0-0103-0069             1704              1701
    31  1933-0-0103-0069             1705              Repealed
    32  1933-0-0103-0069             1706              1703
    33  1933-0-0103-0069             1707              1702
    34  1933-0-0103-0069             1801              1532(a)(1)
    35  1933-0-0103-0069             1802              1532(b)
    36  1933-0-0103-0069             1811              1532(a)(1)
    37  1933-0-0103-0069             1812              1532(a)(1)
    38  1933-0-0103-0069             1813              Repealed
    39  1933-0-0103-0069             1901              2201
    40  1933-0-0103-0069             1902              2204(a)
    41  1933-0-0103-0069             1903              2204(b)
    42  1933-0-0103-0069             1904              2204(c)
    43  1933-0-0103-0069             1905              2205
    44  1933-0-0103-0069             1906              Repealed
    45  1933-0-0103-0069             1907              2206
    46  1933-0-0103-0069             1908              2207(a)
    47  1933-0-0103-0069             1909              Repealed
    48  1933-0-0103-0069             1910              2207(b)
    49  1933-0-0103-0069             1911              Repealed
    50  1933-0-0103-0069             1912              2207(c)
    51  1933-0-0103-0069             1913              2207(d)
    52  1933-0-0103-0069             1914              2207(e)
    53  1933-0-0103-0069             1915              2207(f)
    54  1933-0-0103-0069             1916              Repealed
    55  1933-0-0103-0069             1917              2207(g)
    56  1933-0-0103-0069             1901-A.1          3001
    57  1933-0-0103-0069             1902-A            3002
    58  1933-0-0103-0069             1903-A            3003
    59  1933-0-0103-0069             1904-A            3004

    19950H0702B2681                 - 411 -

     1  1933-0-0103-0069             1905-A            3005
     2  1933-0-0103-0069             1906-A            3006
     3  1933-0-0103-0069             1907-A            3007
     4  1933-0-0103-0069             1908-A.1          3008
     5  1933-0-0103-0069             1909-A.1          3009
     6  1933-0-0103-0069             1910-A            3010
     7  1933-0-0103-0069             1901-B            2901
     8  1933-0-0103-0069             1902-B            2902
     9  1933-0-0103-0069             1903-B            2903
    10  1933-0-0103-0069             1904-B            2904
    11  1933-0-0103-0069             1905-B            2905
    12  1933-0-0103-0069             1906-B            2906
    13  1933-0-0103-0069             1907-B            2907
    14  1933-0-0103-0069             1908-B            Repealed
    15  1933-0-0103-0069             1909-B            2908
    16  1933-0-0103-0069             1910-B            2909
    17  1933-0-0103-0069             1911-B            2910
    18  1933-0-0103-0069             2106              3601
    19  1933-0-0103-0069             2201              3701

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