No. 450 Session of 1995

           JANUARY 31, 1995

           JANUARY 31, 1995

                                     AN ACT

     1  Regulating the repair of motor vehicles; establishing and
     2     conferring powers and duties on the Motor Vehicle Repair
     3     Industry Board; providing for and establishing fees for the
     4     registration of motor vehicle repair dealers and mechanics;
     5     providing for enforcement; and establishing penalties for
     6     violations.

     7                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     8  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
     9  Section 101.  Short title.
    10  Section 102.  Definitions.
    11  Section 103.  Applicability.
    12  Chapter 3.  Motor Vehicle Repair Industry Board
    13  Section 301.  Motor Vehicle Repair Industry Board.
    14  Section 302.  Powers and duties of board.
    15  Section 303.  Executive secretary; other personnel.
    16  Section 304.  Collection of evidence; complaints; spot checks.
    17  Chapter 5.  Licensure
    18  Section 501.  Registration required.
    19  Section 502.  Powers to classify and limit registration.

     1  Section 503.  Fees; biennial renewals.
     2  Section 504.  Certified repair dealer.
     3  Section 505.  Certification program.
     4  Chapter 7.  General Regulation
     5  Section 701.  Invoices; supplying used parts; customer's copy.
     6  Section 702.  Return of replaced parts; exceptions.
     7  Section 703.  Estimate for labor and parts.
     8  Section 704.  Records required; inspection.
     9  Section 705.  Sign required concerning board; notice to
    10                 customer.
    11  Section 706.  Procedures for accepting complaint.
    12  Section 707.  Jurisdiction of court; procedure.
    13  Section 708.  Registration condition precedent to lien.
    14  Section 709.  Prohibited practices.
    15  Section 710.  Penalties; enforcement.
    16  Section 711.  Civil action.
    17  Section 712.  Failure to comply with chapter; misdemeanor.
    18  Section 713.  Effective date.
    19     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    20  hereby enacts as follows:
    21                             CHAPTER 1
    22                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    23  Section 101.  Short title.
    24     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Motor Vehicle
    25  Repair Act.
    26  Section 102.  Definitions.
    27     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    28  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    29  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    30     "Board."  The Motor Vehicle Repair Industry Board.
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     1     "Motor vehicle mechanic."  Any person, whether self-employed
     2  or employed by another, who, for compensation, engages in the
     3  diagnosis or repair of malfunctions of motor vehicles and may be
     4  classified as "intermediate" or "journeyman" as the terms are
     5  commonly used in the motor vehicle repair industry.
     6     "Motor vehicle mechanic apprentice."  Any person who, for
     7  compensation, engages in the diagnosis or repair of malfunctions
     8  of motor vehicles under the supervision of a motor vehicle
     9  mechanic.
    10     "Motor vehicle mechanic helper."  Any person who, for
    11  compensation, engages in the diagnosis or repair of malfunctions
    12  of motor vehicles under the supervision of a registered motor
    13  vehicle mechanic.
    14     "Motor vehicle repair dealer."  Any person who is, or has in
    15  his employ, a motor vehicle mechanic registered under this
    16  chapter and who, for compensation, engages in the business of
    17  diagnosing or repairing malfunctions of motor vehicles.
    18     "Registered mechanic."  A motor vehicle mechanic who has
    19  registered in accordance with this act.
    20     "Registered-certified mechanic."  A motor vehicle mechanic
    21  who has been registered and certified in accordance with this
    22  act.
    23     "Repair of motor vehicles."  All maintenance of and repairs
    24  to motor vehicles, except changing and repairing tires;
    25  lubricating vehicles; installing light bulbs, batteries,
    26  windshield wiper blades, and other minor accessories; cleaning,
    27  adjusting and replacing spark plugs; replacing fan belts, oil
    28  and air filters; and other minor services which the board by
    29  regulation determines may be performed by persons without the
    30  skills and knowledge required of motor vehicle mechanics and
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     1  apprentices. No service shall be designated as minor, for
     2  purposes of this act, if the board finds that performance of the
     3  service requires mechanical expertise or has given rise to a
     4  high incidence of fraud or deceptive practices.
     5  Section 103.  Applicability.
     6     This act does not apply to:
     7         (1)  Employees of the Federal, State or county
     8     governments.
     9         (2)  Employees of a commercial or business enterprise who
    10     engage in the repair of motor vehicles which are owned,
    11     maintained and operated exclusively by such commercial or
    12     business enterprise and which are not leased or rented to
    13     others, provided that such employees may voluntarily register
    14     pursuant to the provisions of this act.
    15                             CHAPTER 3
    17  Section 301.  Motor Vehicle Repair Industry Board.
    18     There is hereby established within the Office of Attorney
    19  General the Motor Vehicle Repair Industry Board.
    20         (1)  The board shall consist of seven members as follows:
    21             (i)  Three members connected with the motor vehicle
    22         repair industry, at least two of whom shall be
    23         registered-certified motor vehicle mechanics, except that
    24         the initial appointees need not be registered, but shall
    25         be persons who would qualify for registration.
    26             (ii)  Four members not connected with the motor
    27         vehicle repair industry.
    28         (2)  All members shall be appointed by the Governor with
    29     the advice and consent of a majority of the members elected
    30     to the Senate.
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     1         (3)  The board shall annually elect one of its members
     2     chairman.
     3         (4)  Members of the board shall not receive compensation
     4     for their services but shall be reimbursed for necessary
     5     expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
     6  Section 302.  Powers and duties of board.
     7     In addition to other powers and duties established by this
     8  act, the board shall:
     9         (1)  Establish such qualifications for the registration
    10     of motor vehicle repair dealers and motor vehicle mechanics
    11     as may be necessary for the welfare of the public and the
    12     motor vehicle repair industry, provided that no person shall
    13     be registered as a motor vehicle mechanic without first
    14     receiving certification as provided by this act.
    15         (2)  Inquire into the practices and policies of the motor
    16     vehicle repair industry and make such regulations with
    17     respect to such practices and policies as may be deemed
    18     important and necessary by the board for the welfare of the
    19     public and the motor vehicle repair industry.
    20         (3)  Contract and cooperate with the Department of
    21     Education in developing and administering the certification
    22     program provided for in this act.
    23         (4)  Make, amend and repeal such regulations, not
    24     inconsistent with this act, as the board deems appropriate
    25     for effectuating the purpose of this act and for insuring the
    26     welfare of the public.
    27         (5)  Enforce this act and regulations adopted pursuant to
    28     this act.
    29  Section 303.  Executive secretary; other personnel.
    30     The Attorney General may employ and remove such
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     1  administrative, clerical, investigative and auditing personnel
     2  as the board may require and as may be necessary to carry out
     3  this act. The Attorney General may prescribe the powers and
     4  duties of such personnel.
     5         (1)  The Attorney General shall employ an executive
     6     secretary of the board, who shall be employed with due regard
     7     to his fitness, thorough administrative ability and knowledge
     8     of and experience in the repair of motor vehicles.
     9         (2)  The executive secretary shall, under the supervision
    10     of the board:
    11             (i)  Administer this act and the regulations and
    12         orders established pursuant to this act and perform such
    13         other duties as the board or this act may require.
    14             (ii)  Attend but not vote at all meetings of the
    15         board.
    16             (iii)  Be in charge of the offices of the board and
    17         be responsible to the board for the preparation of
    18         reports and the collection and dissemination of data and
    19         other public information relating to the motor vehicle
    20         repair industry.
    21         (3)  The board may, by written order filed in its office,
    22     delegate to the executive secretary any of its powers or
    23     duties as it deems reasonable and proper for the effective
    24     administration of this act, except the power to make
    25     regulations. The delegated powers and duties shall be
    26     exercised by the executive secretary in the name of the
    27     board.
    28  Section 304.  Collection of evidence; complaints; spot checks.
    29     The board shall, on its own initiative or in response to
    30  complaints, investigate on a continuous basis and gather
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     1  evidence of violations of this act, and of any rule or
     2  regulation adopted pursuant to this act, by any motor vehicle
     3  repair dealer, mechanic or apprentice, whether registered or
     4  not.
     5                             CHAPTER 5
     6                             LICENSURE
     7  Section 501.  Registration required.
     8     Beginning two years after the effective date of this act, it
     9  shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the repair of
    10  motor vehicles for compensation without registering as a motor
    11  vehicle repair dealer or motor vehicle mechanic in accordance
    12  with this chapter.
    13  Section 502.  Powers to classify and limit registration.
    14     (a)  General rule.--The board shall adopt regulations
    15  necessary to effect the classification of motor vehicle
    16  mechanics in a manner consistent with the certification program
    17  established by this act and shall limit the motor vehicle repair
    18  activities of a registrant to those areas for which the
    19  registrant is certified or registered.
    20     (b)  Multiple classifications.--An applicant may make
    21  application for registration in more than one classification if
    22  he is certified for each classification and otherwise meets the
    23  qualification for registration as prescribed by the board. If
    24  the applicant is registered for more than one classification, he
    25  shall pay the registration fee but shall not be required to pay
    26  any additional registration fee.
    27  Section 503.  Fees; biennial renewals.
    28     (a)  Amount.--The fees for each original biennial
    29  registration and renewal thereof shall be as follows:
    30         (1)  Motor vehicle repair dealer, $50.
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     1         (2)  Motor vehicle mechanic, $20.
     2     (b)  Operation.--
     3         (1)  Any motor vehicle repair dealer maintaining more
     4     than one motor vehicle repair facility shall separately
     5     register each repair facility and pay a fee for each
     6     facility.
     7         (2)  The renewal fee shall be paid to the board on or
     8     before June 30 of each even-numbered year. Failure, neglect
     9     or refusal of any registrant to pay the biennial renewal fee
    10     before such date shall constitute a forfeiture of the
    11     registration. A forfeited registration may be restored upon
    12     written application within one year and payment of the
    13     required fee plus a penalty of 50% of the fee.
    14  Section 504.  Certified repair dealer.
    15     A dealer qualifies as a registered and certified motor
    16  vehicle repair dealer if not less than 50% of the mechanics
    17  employed by him on a full-time basis are registered-certified
    18  mechanics.
    19  Section 505.  Certification program.
    20     The board shall develop and administer a certification
    21  program for motor vehicle mechanics. Every mechanic applying for
    22  registration shall have passed the appropriate certification
    23  test provided for in this section.
    24         (1)  The certification program shall provide for issuing
    25     a certificate to mechanics generally skilled in the repair of
    26     motor vehicles and to mechanics who specialize in certain
    27     areas of motor vehicle repair.
    28             (i)  A person may be certified as being generally
    29         skilled in the repair of motor vehicles, specially
    30         skilled in one or more areas of motor vehicle repair, or
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     1         both generally and specially skilled. Each area shall be
     2         separately tested and certified.
     3             (ii)  The program shall provide for apprenticeship
     4         leading to certification as a mechanic.
     5             (iii)  Nothing in this act shall prevent a student in
     6         a course leading to certification from repairing motor
     7         vehicles under the supervision of a registered-certified
     8         mechanic.
     9         (2)  The certification test shall include both a written
    10     test and a performance test.
    11             (i)  The written test shall be given orally upon the
    12         request of the person being tested.
    13             (ii)  Each application for certification shall be
    14         accompanied by a nonrefundable testing fee of $10.
    15         (3)  The certification program shall be implemented
    16     within one year of the effective date of this act. There
    17     shall be no limit on the number of times a person may apply
    18     for certification, provided that any person failing the
    19     examination must wait 30 days before retaking the test.
    20         (4)  All persons who take and pass the certification test
    21     shall be awarded a certificate, which shall be posted in a
    22     prominent place at their places of business or employment,
    23     and a patch which may be worn on clothing or apparel.
    24                             CHAPTER 7
    25                         GENERAL REGULATION
    26  Section 701.  Invoices; supplying used parts; customer's copy.
    27     All work done by a motor vehicle repair dealer, mechanic or
    28  apprentice, including all warranty work, shall be recorded on an
    29  invoice and shall describe all service work done and parts
    30  supplied. Service work and parts shall be listed separately on
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     1  the invoice, which shall also state separately the subtotal
     2  prices for service work and for parts, and shall state
     3  separately the tax, if any, applicable to parts and service
     4  work.
     5         (1)  If any used, rebuilt or reconditioned parts are
     6     supplied, the invoice shall clearly state that fact.
     7         (2)  If a part of a component system is composed of new
     8     and used, rebuilt or reconditioned parts, the invoice shall
     9     clearly state that fact.
    10         (3)  One copy of the invoice shall be given to the
    11     customer and one copy shall be retained by the motor vehicle
    12     repair dealer.
    13  Section 702.  Return of replaced parts; exceptions.
    14     Upon request of the customer at the time the work order is
    15  taken, the motor vehicle repair dealer, mechanic or apprentice
    16  shall return replaced parts to the customer at the time of the
    17  completion of the work, excepting such parts as may be exempt
    18  from this requirement by rule of the board because of size,
    19  weight, or other similar factors, and excepting parts that the
    20  motor vehicle repair dealer, mechanic or apprentice is required
    21  to return to the manufacturer or distributor under a warranty
    22  arrangement. If parts must be returned to the manufacturer or
    23  distributor, the dealer, mechanic or apprentice at the time the
    24  work order is taken shall offer to show and, upon acceptance of
    25  the offer, shall show the parts to the customer upon completion
    26  of the work, except that the dealer shall not be required to
    27  show a replaced part when no charge is being made for the
    28  replacement part.
    29  Section 703.  Estimate for labor and parts.
    30     The motor vehicle repair dealer, mechanic or apprentice shall
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     1  give the customer a written estimated price for labor and parts
     2  necessary for a specific job prior to commencement of the job,
     3  except that a written estimated price need not be given if
     4  waived in writing by the customer. No charge in excess of 15% of
     5  the estimated price, if the estimated price is less than $100,
     6  or 10% of the estimated price, if the estimated price is in
     7  excess of $100, shall be charged for parts and labor supplied in
     8  excess of the estimated price, without the prior written or oral
     9  consent of the customer. Such consent shall be obtained after it
    10  is determined that the estimated price is insufficient and
    11  before the labor not estimated is performed or the parts not
    12  estimated are supplied. This provision may be waived in writing
    13  by the customer, provided that the waiver by its terms is
    14  effective only after the dealer or mechanic has made reasonable
    15  efforts to contact the customer. The form and content of any
    16  waiver shall be as prescribed by rule of the board. Nothing in
    17  this section shall be construed as requiring a motor vehicle
    18  repair dealer, mechanic or apprentice to give a written
    19  estimated price if the dealer, mechanic or apprentice does not
    20  agree to perform the requested service. A reasonable fee may be
    21  charged for making the estimate.
    22  Section 704.  Records required; inspection.
    23     Each motor vehicle repair dealer shall maintain any records
    24  as are required by regulations adopted by the board. The records
    25  shall be open for reasonable inspection by the board or other
    26  law enforcement officials. These records shall be maintained for
    27  at least two years.
    28  Section 705.  Sign required concerning board; notice to
    29                 customer.
    30     The board shall design and approve a sign which shall be
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     1  placed in all motor vehicle repair dealer locations in a place
     2  and manner conspicuous to the public to give notice that
     3  inquiries concerning service may be made to the board. The sign
     4  shall contain the telephone number of the board and shall give
     5  notice that the customer is entitled to a return of replaced
     6  parts upon his request at the time the work order is taken.
     7  Section 706.  Procedures for accepting complaint.
     8     The board shall establish procedures for accepting complaints
     9  from the public against any registrant.
    10  Section 707.  Jurisdiction of court; procedure.
    11     The court of common pleas of the county in which any person
    12  carries on, or attempts to carry on, business as a motor vehicle
    13  repair dealer or act or holds himself out as a motor vehicle
    14  mechanic or motor vehicle mechanic apprentice in violation of
    15  this chapter, or any regulation made pursuant to this chapter,
    16  shall, on application of the board, issue an injunction or other
    17  appropriate order restraining this conduct. The board shall not
    18  be required to allege facts necessary to show or tending to show
    19  lack of an adequate remedy at law or irreparable injury.
    20  Section 708.  Registration condition precedent to lien.
    21     No person required to register pursuant to this chapter shall
    22  have the benefit of any lien for labor or materials or the right
    23  to sue on a contract for motor vehicle repairs done by him
    24  unless he was registered at the time he performed the contract.
    25  Section 709.  Prohibited practices.
    26     The following acts or omissions related to the repair of
    27  motor vehicles shall be grounds for invoking the enforcement
    28  procedures of this chapter:
    29         (1)  Making or authorizing in any manner or by any means
    30     whatever any statement, written or oral, which is untrue or
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     1     misleading and which is known, or which by the exercise of
     2     reasonable care should be known, to be untrue or misleading.
     3         (2)  Causing or allowing a customer to sign any work
     4     order which does not state the repairs requested by the
     5     customer and does not state the automobile's odometer reading
     6     at the time of repair.
     7         (3)  Failing or refusing to give to a customer a copy of
     8     any document requiring his signature, as soon as the customer
     9     signs the document.
    10         (4)  Any other conduct which constitutes fraud.
    11         (5)  Conduct constituting gross negligence.
    12         (6)  Failing to comply with this chapter or regulations
    13     adopted pursuant thereto.
    14         (7)  Any willful departure from or disregard of accepted
    15     practices or workmanship.
    16         (8)  Making false promises of a character likely to
    17     influence, persuade or induce a customer to authorize the
    18     repair, service or maintenance of a motor vehicle.
    19         (9)  Having repair work subcontracted without the
    20     knowledge or consent of the customer unless the motor vehicle
    21     repair dealer, mechanic or apprentice demonstrates that the
    22     customer could not reasonably have been notified.
    23         (10)  Conducting the business of motor vehicle repair in
    24     a place other than stated on the registration, except that
    25     mobile repair facilities may be permitted if the registration
    26     so indicates.
    27  Section 710.  Penalties; enforcement.
    28     (a)  General rule.--The board may levy a civil penalty or
    29  suspend, revoke or refuse to renew the registration of a motor
    30  vehicle repair dealer or mechanic for any violation of this
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     1  chapter or regulations adopted pursuant thereto. The board may
     2  also order restitution as provided in subsection (c).
     3     (b)  Civil penalties.--Civil penalties shall be levied as
     4  follows:
     5         (1)  For a first offense, $75.
     6         (2)  For a second offense, $150.
     7         (3)  For subsequent offenses, $300 to $1,000.
     8     (c)  Restitution.--In lieu of or in addition to the fine
     9  imposed pursuant to this section, the board may order the motor
    10  vehicle repair dealer or mechanic to make restitution to the
    11  customer. Restitution may be imposed in lieu of a fine even
    12  though the amount may exceed the fine schedule set forth in
    13  subsection (b).
    14     (d)  Multiple facilities.--If a motor vehicle repair dealer
    15  operates more than one motor vehicle repair facility in this
    16  Commonwealth, the board, pursuant to subsection (a), may revoke,
    17  suspend or refuse to renew the registration of only the specific
    18  motor vehicle repair facility which has violated this chapter.
    19  The violation, or action by the board, shall not affect in any
    20  manner the right of the motor vehicle repair dealer to operate
    21  his other motor vehicle repair facilities; but, the board may
    22  suspend, revoke or refuse to renew the registration for all
    23  motor vehicle repair facilities operated in this Commonwealth by
    24  a motor vehicle repair dealer upon a finding that the motor
    25  vehicle repair dealer has, or is, engaged in a course of
    26  repeated and willful violations of this chapter, or regulations
    27  adopted pursuant thereto.
    28     (e)  Expiration of registration.--The expiration of a valid
    29  registration shall not deprive the board of jurisdiction to
    30  proceed with any investigation or disciplinary proceeding
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     1  against a motor vehicle repair dealer or mechanic or to render a
     2  decision suspending, revoking, or refusing to renew a
     3  registration.
     4  Section 711.  Civil action.
     5     Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit the bringing of a
     6  civil action against a motor vehicle repair dealer, mechanic or
     7  apprentice by an individual or by the Bureau of Consumer
     8  Protection.
     9  Section 712.  Failure to comply with chapter; misdemeanor.
    10     Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of this
    11  chapter commits a misdemeanor of the third degree.
    12  Section 713.  Effective date.
    13     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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