No. 217 Session of 1993



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing and directing the transfer of land and buildings at
     2     the Philadelphia State Hospital grounds to the Department of
     3     Environmental Resources; and authorizing and directing the
     4     Department of Environmental Resources to lease as much land
     5     as may be required by the Veterans for a Delaware Valley
     6     Nursing Home, Inc., and the Northeast Philadelphia Cultural
     7     Council to fulfill the purposes of their charters.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  The Department of General Services, and such
    11  other departments as may be necessary, are authorized and
    12  directed to transfer to the Department of Environmental
    13  Resources any and all land and buildings at the Philadelphia
    14  State Hospital grounds not transferred or conveyed by the act of
    15  December 22, 1975 (P.L.606, No.175), entitled "An act
    16  authorizing and directing the Department of General Services, or
    17  such department and The General State Authority, to convey to
    18  Philadelphia or transfer jurisdiction within the State
    19  government of certain tracts of Commonwealth real property
    20  acquired under the act of September 29, 1938 (Sp. Sess., P.L.53,

     1  No.21), entitled, as amended, 'An act relating to institutions
     2  of counties, cities, wards, boroughs, townships, institution
     3  districts and other political subdivisions, for the care,
     4  maintenance, and treatment of mental patients; providing for the
     5  transfer to the Commonwealth for the care, maintenance and
     6  treatment of mental patients of such institutions, and all
     7  grounds, lands, buildings and personal property of such
     8  political subdivisions used for the care and maintenance of
     9  indigent persons connected with such mental institutions;
    10  providing for the management and operation or closing and
    11  abandonment thereof; and the maintenance of mental patients
    12  therein; including the collection of maintenance in certain
    13  cases; providing for the retransfer of certain property to
    14  counties, cities, wards, boroughs, townships, institution
    15  districts and other political subdivisions under certain
    16  circumstances; conferring and imposing upon the Governor, the
    17  Department of Welfare, the courts of common pleas and counties,
    18  cities, wards, boroughs, townships, institution districts and
    19  other political subdivisions certain powers and duties;
    20  prohibiting cities, counties, wards, boroughs, townships,
    21  institution districts and other political subdivisions from
    22  maintaining and operating institutions, in whole or in part, for
    23  the care and treatment of mental patients; and repealing
    24  inconsistent laws,' imposing powers and duties on the Department
    25  of Environmental Resources in connection with one such tract,
    26  and providing for use of land conveyed to the City of
    27  Philadelphia."
    28     Section 2.  (a)  The Department of Environmental Resources is
    29  authorized and directed to lease to the Veterans for a Delaware
    30  Valley Nursing Home, Inc., and the Northeast Philadelphia
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     1  Cultural Council as much of its land and buildings at the
     2  Philadelphia State Hospital grounds as they require to fulfill
     3  the purposes of their charters as not-for-profit organizations.
     4     (b)  The remaining land transferred pursuant to section 1
     5  shall be used by the Department of Environmental Resources,
     6  Bureau of State Parks for Benjamin Rush State Park.
     7     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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