No. 41 Session of 1993

           JANUARY 27, 1993


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 2, 1984 (P.L.561, No.112), entitled "An
     2     act establishing the Pennsylvania Conservation Corps; and
     3     making an appropriation," further providing for definitions,
     4     for duties of the Secretary of Labor and Industry, for
     5     projects, for eligibility for program, for compensation, for
     6     supervisors, for appropriations and for expiration of the
     7     Pennsylvania Conservation Corps and the act; making a repeal;
     8     and making editorial changes.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Section 2 of the act of July 2, 1984 (P.L.561,
    12  No.112), known as the Pennsylvania Conservation Corps Act,
    13  amended July 1, 1989 (P.L.119, No.25), is amended to read:
    14  Section 2.  Definitions.
    15     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    16  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    17  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    18     "Community-based agency."  A private, nonprofit organization
    19  that is representative of a community or a significant segment

     1  of a community that is engaged in meeting human, educational or
     2  environmental community needs.
     3     "Corps."  The Pennsylvania Conservation Corps.
     4     "Corpsmember."  A participant in the corps pursuant to
     5  criteria set forth in section 6.
     6     "Crewleader."  A participant in the corps who is employed to
     7  supervise corpsmembers pursuant to criteria set forth in section
     8  8(c).
     9     "Department."  The Department of [Environmental Resources.]
    10  Labor and Industry.
    11     "Human service projects."  Projects which involve
    12  conservation work and the direct delivery of services which
    13  promote the well-being of children, the elderly, persons with
    14  physical and developmental disabilities, or persons with low
    15  incomes.
    16     "Local agency."  Any [municipality] political subdivision
    17  located within this Commonwealth.
    18     "Secretary."  The Secretary of [the Department of
    19  Environmental Resources.] Labor and Industry.
    20     "Signature projects."  Special-event, large-scale, short-
    21  term, highly visible projects which combine the efforts of more
    22  than one crew and promote the public good in ways consistent
    23  with this act.
    24     "State agencies."  The Fish Commission, Game Commission,
    25  Historical and Museum Commission, Department of Environmental
    26  Resources [and, in the case of job search skills, job
    27  application skills and ability assessments, the], Department of
    28  Public Welfare, Department of Corrections, Department of
    29  Education, Department of Aging, Department of Military Affairs,
    30  Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, Department of
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     1  Community Affairs and Department of Labor and Industry.
     2     Section 2.  Section 3 of the act is amended to read:
     3  Section 3.  Pennsylvania Conservation Corps created.
     4     There is hereby created within the Department of
     5  [Environmental Resources] Labor and Industry the Pennsylvania
     6  Conservation Corps.
     7     Section 3.  Sections 4 and 5 of the act, amended July 1, 1989
     8  (P.L.119, No.25), are amended to read:
     9  Section 4.  Duties of the secretary.
    10     The secretary shall:
    11         (1)  [Employ] Enroll eligible participants pursuant to
    12     section 6 [in work experience projects].
    13         (2)  Employ crewleaders pursuant to section 8.
    14         (3)  Appoint a director who shall act as the
    15     administrative officer of the corps. The director shall
    16     employ staff necessary to implement the provisions of this
    17     act.
    18         (4)  Develop or review proposed [work experience]
    19     projects submitted to the department by State and local
    20     agencies and approve projects that meet the requirements of
    21     this act. State agencies eligible to submit [work experience]
    22     projects shall be limited to the Fish Commission, Game
    23     Commission, Historical and Museum Commission [and],
    24     Department of Environmental Resources[.], Department of Labor
    25     and Industry, Department of Public Welfare, Department of
    26     Corrections, Department of Military Affairs, Department of
    27     Aging, Department of Education, Department of Community
    28     Affairs and Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency. The
    29     secretary shall insure that [work experience] projects
    30     involve labor intensive improvement activities on public
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     1     lands or facilities that will result in a future public value
     2     [and] or have a potential for future revenue yield.
     3         (5)  Authorize utilization of the corps for approved
     4     [work experience] projects in urban, suburban and rural areas
     5     as necessary to carry out the provisions of this act.
     6         (6)  Execute [employment] contracts with State and local
     7     agencies containing any terms and conditions deemed necessary
     8     and desirable for the [employment] enrollment of corpsmembers
     9     in approved [work experience] projects; and in the case of
    10     job search skills, job application skills and ability
    11     assessments, execute contracts or cooperative agreements with
    12     Federal, State or local agencies, persons, firms,
    13     partnerships, associations or corporations for the provisions
    14     of these services.
    15         (7)  Authorize utilization of the corps for emergency
    16     projects within or outside this Commonwealth which shall
    17     include, but not be limited to, natural disasters, fire
    18     prevention and suppression and rescue of lost or injured
    19     persons. Corpsmember participation in emergency projects
    20     shall be voluntary. Corpsmembers shall receive adequate
    21     training prior to participating in an emergency project.
    22         (8)  Apply for and accept grants or contributions of
    23     funds from any public or private source, including the
    24     acceptance of Federal funds appropriated by the General
    25     Assembly. Such funds shall include Federal funds which may be
    26     provided under the National and Community Service Act of 1990
    27     (Public Law 101-610, 104 Stat. 3127).
    28         (9)  Purchase, rent or otherwise acquire or obtain
    29     personal property, supplies, instruments, tools, equipment or
    30     conveniences necessary to complete [work experience] projects
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     1     or provide corpsmember training.
     2         (10)  Develop program guidelines or regulations as it
     3     deems necessary to fairly and effectively administer this
     4     act.
     5         (11)  Authorize the exchange of corpsmembers and
     6     crewleaders with other established conservation corps/service
     7     programs in order to foster a spirit of understanding and to
     8     advance the goals of volunteerism and service. Participation
     9     in exchange projects shall be voluntary.
    10         (12)  Execute contracts for [employment] enrollment of
    11     corpsmembers in cities of the first class for projects
    12     designed to repel or remove graffiti or other institutional
    13     vandalism. The secretary may contract directly with not-for-
    14     profit agencies and organizations which shall be eligible for
    15     funding provided pursuant to section 12.1.
    16  Section 5.  [Work experience projects.] Projects.
    17     (a)  Purpose.--
    18         (1)  The secretary shall ensure that each [work
    19     experience] project established pursuant to the authority
    20     granted in section 4 shall provide corpsmembers with
    21     educational opportunities and job training skills, which may
    22     include general educational development, literacy training,
    23     adult basic education, job search skills and job application
    24     skills, and with work experience related to the conservation,
    25     improvement or development of natural resources or the
    26     enhancement, preservation and maintenance of public lands,
    27     water or facilities.
    28         (2)  Projects developed may include fee-for-service
    29     projects with other State and local agencies and community-
    30     based nonprofit agencies. Fees for service will be retained
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     1     by the department for use in the corps program. Fee-for-
     2     service projects may not be entered into with for-profit
     3     agencies, nor may any fee-for-service project displace any
     4     other workers.
     5         (3)  The secretary may also develop State and local human
     6     service projects which combine both conservation work and
     7     human services, especially those projects and activities
     8     which promote the social well-being or economic self-
     9     sufficiency of the elderly, persons with physical or
    10     developmental disabilities, children or other persons with
    11     low incomes. The secretary shall give preference to those
    12     human service projects that involve intergenerational
    13     activities between corpsmembers and older persons in projects
    14     that are in other ways consistent with this act.
    15         (4)  The secretary is also authorized to develop and
    16     carry out signature projects involving more than one crew and
    17     designed to have a high impact. These projects shall be
    18     short-term and may involve working with community-based,
    19     nonprofit organizations.
    20         (5)  Job training may be provided directly by the agency
    21     administering the [work experience] project or by other
    22     agencies as provided in subsection (d).
    23     (b)  Project criteria.--[Work experience projects] Projects
    24  shall be undertaken in urban, suburban and rural areas and shall
    25  be selected on the basis of the environmental and natural
    26  resource benefits each offers, the opportunities for public use
    27  each offers, the educational opportunities and the on-the-job
    28  training value of each, the future public value of the completed
    29  project [and], the estimated additional revenue to be generated
    30  for the Commonwealth or its subdivisions from the completion of
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     1  each project[.] and the savings in other public expenditures
     2  that are provided by virtue of the project.
     3     (c)  Use of lands; exceptions.--All [work experience]
     4  projects developed or approved and funded by the department
     5  shall be limited to public lands and facilities except where a
     6  property involving other lands will provide documented public
     7  value or benefit. Reimbursement must be provided to the
     8  department for that portion of the total costs which does not
     9  provide a public benefit. The reimbursement will be retained by
    10  the department for use in the corps program. In the case of
    11  emergencies and natural disasters, projects may take place on
    12  land or at facilities not owned by the department, other State
    13  agencies or local agencies without regard to public benefit and
    14  private reimbursement.
    15     (d)  Coordinated services.--Whenever available and
    16  appropriate, adult education, job training and placement
    17  services provided through other Federal, State and local funded
    18  programs such as the Job Training Partnership Act Program, the
    19  Community Services Block Grant and the [Office of Employment
    20  Security] Job Centers shall be coordinated with projects
    21  developed under this act to assist eligible participants.
    22  Coordinated services may include, but are not limited to, job
    23  placement assistance, adult literacy training, job search
    24  skills, job application skills and ability assessments. Whenever
    25  possible, eligible participants without a high school diploma
    26  shall receive coordinated services that provide an opportunity
    27  to obtain an equivalent high school diploma. [Within two weeks
    28  of enrollment in the corps, each corpsmember shall be referred
    29  to the Office of Employment Security for ability assessments,
    30  the results of which shall be provided to the department.]
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     1     (e)  Standards.--Work sites of [work experience] projects
     2  shall conform to appropriate health and safety standards.
     3     (f)  Projects not permitted.--Work [experience] shall not
     4  include [work on any project for] the removal or cleaning up of
     5  any toxic waste or other hazardous substance.
     6     Section  4.  Section 6 of the act, amended July 2, 1986
     7  (P.L.341, No.78) and July 1, 1989 (P.L.119, No.25), is amended
     8  to read:
     9  Section 6.  Eligibility for program.
    10     (a)  Criteria.--Persons participating in the corps program
    11  shall be young men and women who are:
    12         (1)  Between the ages of [18] 16 and 25.
    13         (2)  Domiciled in the Commonwealth for at least six
    14     months prior to participating in the program.
    15         (3)  Registered with the [Office of Employment Security]
    16     local Job Center for employment.
    17         (4)  Physically and mentally capable of performing labor
    18     intensive work.
    19         (5)  [Not attending high school or postsecondary
    20     institution full time and who] Able to provide assurance that
    21     they did not leave school for the purpose of participating in
    22     the program. [Full-time high school and postsecondary
    23     students may participate in this program during authorized
    24     school vacations.]
    25     (b)   Referrals.--Eligibility for corpsmembers shall be
    26  determined by the [Office of Employment Security] Job Centers
    27  which shall refer eligible participants to the department. For
    28  referral purposes, the [Office of Employment Security] Job
    29  Centers shall develop standards for classifying applicants into
    30  various levels of eligibility, based on the degree to which an
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     1  applicant is economically disadvantaged, in accordance with
     2  applicant local labor supply. Job Centers shall seek referrals
     3  from schools, local agencies, community-based agencies, and
     4  other youth and human service organizations for purposes of
     5  enrolling applicants in corps programs. The [Office of
     6  Employment Security] Job Centers shall refer applicants by order
     7  of classification, giving first priority to applicants between
     8  the ages of [18] 16 and 21 whose eligibility is based on
     9  financial status as required by joint or separate employment
    10  programs of the Federal and State governments. If the number of
    11  corps jobs is insufficient to employ all eligible individuals
    12  who apply for participation in the program, the [Office of
    13  Employment Security] Job Centers may provide the names of these
    14  eligible individuals to private sector employers or to job
    15  training programs requesting referrals, so long as the
    16  individuals referred agree to the referral being provided.
    17     (c)  Preference.--Preference in hiring shall be given to [the
    18  economically disadvantaged.] economically disadvantaged young
    19  people, especially those eligible applicants who receive general
    20  assistance, aid to families with dependent children (AFDC) or
    21  other public assistance benefits.
    22     (d)  Minors.--Persons 16 and 17 years of age must present an
    23  employment certificate issued under section 1391 of the act of
    24  March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code
    25  of 1949, on the same basis as would be required if they were
    26  employed by a firm, association or corporation.
    27     Section 5.  Section 7 of the act, amended July 1, 1989
    28  (P.L.119, No.25), is amended to read:
    29  Section 7.  Compensation.
    30     (a)  Term of [employment] enrollment.--Corpsmembers shall be
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     1  [employed] enrolled for a period of six months. At the option of
     2  the department, corpsmembers who have successfully completed
     3  their six-month [enrollment] term may be [employed] enrolled for
     4  a second six-month term. The department shall refer the names of
     5  corpsmembers who successfully complete their [employment]
     6  service in the corps to the [Office of Employment Security] Job
     7  Centers for assistance in securing private sector employment or
     8  for enrollment in additional job training programs. The
     9  department may also provide the names of participants who
    10  successfully complete their [employment] service in the corps to
    11  private sector employers requesting referrals, with the approval
    12  of the participant.
    13     (b)  Minimum wage.--Corpsmembers shall receive an hourly wage
    14  no less than the State minimum wage as provided for by the act
    15  of January 17, 1968 (P.L.11, No.5), known as The Minimum Wage
    16  Act of 1968. [Corpsmen] Corpsmembers serving a second six-month
    17  term shall receive additional hourly compensation of at least
    18  [5%] 10%.
    19     (c)  Benefits.--Corpsmembers shall not be entitled to any
    20  employee benefits provided to existing employees of the
    21  department or other agencies except for paid Commonwealth
    22  holidays and workmen's compensation coverage which shall be
    23  provided through the funds appropriated to carry out this act,
    24  nor shall service as a corpsmember qualify an individual for
    25  benefits under the act of December 5, 1936 (2nd Sp.Sess., 1937
    26  P.L.2897, No.1), known as the Unemployment Compensation Law.
    27  Corpsmembers who complete six months in the corps will be
    28  entitled to a $500 bonus. Corpsmembers who complete 12 months in
    29  the program will be entitled to an additional $500 bonus at the
    30  end of their second six months in the program.
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     1     (d)  Work hours.--Corpsmembers shall be scheduled to work the
     2  standard work hours of the department or of the State or local
     3  agency sponsoring the [work experience] project. In no instance
     4  shall corpsmembers be scheduled to work more than 40 hours per
     5  week. [Corpsmembers may request and shall be excused as
     6  necessary for a maximum of 260 hours per six-month term of
     7  enrollment from scheduled work hours to participate in adult
     8  education, job training and placement services which the
     9  department determines to be appropriate and are in accordance
    10  with the provisions of this act.] Corpsmembers shall be excused
    11  as necessary as determined by the department from scheduled work
    12  hours to participate in adult education, job training,
    13  corpsmember development and placement services which the
    14  department determines to be appropriate and in accordance with
    15  the provisions of this act. Corpsmembers shall be compensated as
    16  set forth in subsection (b) for participating in job training
    17  and placement services which the department determines are in
    18  accordance with the provisions of this act.
    19     Section 6.  Section 8 of the act, amended July 2, 1986
    20  (P.L.341, No.78) and July 1, 1989 (P.L.119, No.25), is amended
    21  to read:
    22  Section 8.  Supervisors.
    23     [(a)  Personnel.--Whenever possible, the department and other
    24  State and local agencies shall use existing employees to
    25  supervise the participants working on projects. No funds
    26  available for this program shall be expended for the salaries,
    27  wages or benefits paid to these existing employees.
    28     (b)  Funding.--If it is determined by the secretary that
    29  supervision of corpsmembers is necessary to carry out corps
    30  projects in the department or other State or local agencies,
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     1  funds] (a)  Funding.--Funds available for this program may be
     2  expended to pay the wages of crewleaders who shall supervise
     3  corpsmembers as prescribed by the department.
     4     [(c)] (b)  Crewleader criteria.--Persons eligible to be hired
     5  as crewleaders by the department shall be men and women who are:
     6         (1)  Domiciled in the Commonwealth for at least six
     7     months prior to employment in the programs.
     8         (2)  Registered with the [Office of Employment Security]
     9     local Job Center for employment.
    10         (3)  Physically and mentally capable of performing labor
    11     intensive work and supervisory duties.
    12         (4)  Not attending a postsecondary institution full time
    13     and who provide assurance that they did not leave school for
    14     the purpose of employment as a supervisor in the program.
    15     [(d)] (c)  Six-month term.--Crewleaders may be employed by
    16  the department for a period that may exceed the six-month limit
    17  established for corpsmembers.
    18     [(e)] (d)  Hourly wage.--Crewleaders shall receive an hourly
    19  wage that exceeds the hourly wage of corpsmembers by a minimum
    20  of [$2.00] $5.00.
    21     [(f)] (e)  Benefits.--Crewleaders shall not be entitled to
    22  any employee benefits provided to existing employees of the
    23  department or of other State or local agencies except for paid
    24  Commonwealth holidays and workmen's compensation coverage which
    25  shall be provided through the funds appropriated to carry out
    26  this act.
    27     [(g)] (f)  Veterans' preference.--In the hiring of
    28  crewleaders, preference shall be given to honorably discharged
    29  veterans of the armed forces of the United States.
    30     Section 7.  Section 10 of the act, amended July 1, 1989
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     1  (P.L.119, No.25), is amended to read:
     2  Section 10.  Annual report.
     3     On October 1, 1990, and each year thereafter during the
     4  program's existence, the secretary shall report to the Chief
     5  Clerk of the House of Representatives and the Secretary of the
     6  Senate on the preceding fiscal year's impact of the program. All
     7  recipients of funds for approved projects shall provide the
     8  information requested by the department for the purposes of this
     9  report. The report shall include, but not be limited to:
    10         (1)  Productivity measures by the type of project funded.
    11         (2)  The number of corpsmembers [employed] enrolled.
    12         (3)  The average length of [employment] enrollment.
    13         (4)  The extent of job training provided to participants.
    14         (5)  The number of participants who find employment after
    15     completion of the project.
    16         (6)  Estimated total dollar value of completed work
    17     projects by type of project.
    18         (7)  Estimated potential revenue from projects completed
    19     by corpsmembers.
    20         (8)  Estimated amount of dollar benefits in excess of
    21     dollar costs resulting from the program.
    22         (9)  The amount of appropriated funds expended on program
    23     administration.
    24     Section 8.  Section 12 of the act, amended July 2, 1986
    25  (P.L.341, No.78), is amended to read:
    26  Section 12.  Appropriation.
    27     (a)  Appropriation.--[The sum of $20,720,000 is hereby
    28  appropriated to the Department of Environmental Resources from
    29  the Pennsylvania Economic Revitalization Fund for the fiscal
    30  period July 1, 1986, to June 30, 1988. All funds from this
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     1  appropriation shall be expended by the Department of
     2  Environmental Resources by June 30, 1988.] No more than [25%]
     3  50% of [the] any funds available annually for this program may
     4  be expended on [work experience] projects which are submitted by
     5  local agencies and approved by the secretary. No more than 3% of
     6  the funds available for this program may be expended on program
     7  administration.
     8     (b)  Accounting procedures.--All funds expended or encumbered
     9  under the appropriation in section 202 of the act of July 1,
    10  1985 (P.L.722, No.10A), known as the Pennsylvania Economic
    11  Revitalization Fund Appropriation Act of 1985, shall be credited
    12  against the appropriation made herein.
    13     Section 9.  Section 12.1 of the act, added July 1, 1989
    14  (P.L.119, No.25), is amended to read:
    15  Section 12.1.  Funding.
    16     For the 1989-1990 fiscal year and thereafter, funds provided
    17  for this program may be used for the following:
    18         (1)  Corpsmember and crewleader wages and authorized
    19     benefits.
    20         (2)  Site development and materials.
    21         (3)  Funds available to local agencies shall be used to
    22     pay no more than 75% of the cost of site development and
    23     materials and up to 100% of the cost for corpsmember and
    24     crewleader wages for projects which meet the requirements of
    25     this act.
    26         (4)  Program administration.
    27         (5)  Corpsmember development and training activities and
    28     supplies.
    29     Section 10.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    30  Section 13.1.  Expiration.
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     1     This act and the Pennsylvania Conservation Corps shall expire
     2  June 30, 1997.
     3     Section 11.  Section 2216 of the act of April 9, 1929
     4  (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, is
     5  repealed.
     6     Section 12.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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