No. 2943 Session of 1992

           SEPTEMBER 22, 1992


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 19, 1990 (P.L.1372, No.212),
     2     entitled "An act providing for early intervention services
     3     for infants, toddlers and preschool children who qualify;
     4     establishing the Interagency Coordinating Council and
     5     providing for its powers and duties; and conferring powers
     6     and duties upon the Department of Education and the State
     7     Board of Education, the Department of Health and the
     8     Department of Public Welfare," further providing for
     9     intervention services for infants, toddlers and eligible
    10     young children with disabilities; expanding the membership of
    11     the Interagency Coordinating Council; further providing for
    12     the expenditure of certain appropriations; and making
    13     editorial changes.

    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16     Section 1.  Sections 102, 103, 104 and 106 of the act of
    17  December 19, 1990 (P.L.1372, No.212), known as the Early
    18  Intervention Services System Act, are amended to read:
    19  Section 102.  Legislative findings for early intervention.
    20     (a)  Needs.--The General Assembly finds that there is a need
    21  to:
    22         (1)  Increase the opportunity for the development of

     1     infants, toddlers and eligible young children [who are
     2     handicapped] with disabilities in order to minimize their
     3     potential for developmental delay.
     4         (2)  Minimize the need for special education services as
     5     these infants, toddlers and eligible young children [who are
     6     handicapped] with disabilities attain the age of beginners.
     7         (3)  Reduce the number of [handicapped] individuals with
     8     disabilities being placed in institutions and enhance their
     9     potential for independent living in society.
    10         (4)  Assist the families of [handicapped] infants and
    11     toddlers with disabilities to meet their children's special
    12     needs.
    13         (5)  Implement the provisions of Parts B and H in order
    14     to be eligible to receive Federal funding to help establish
    15     and maintain programs and services to assist [handicapped]
    16     infants[,] and toddlers with disabilities and their families
    17     and eligible young children.
    18     (b)  Remedy.--The General Assembly further finds that early
    19  intervention services for [handicapped] infants[,] and toddlers
    20  with disabilities and their families and eligible young children
    21  are cost effective and effectively serve the developmental needs
    22  of [children who are handicapped] these children.
    23  Section 103.  Definitions.
    24     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    25  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    26  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    27     "Age of beginners."  The minimum age established by the
    28  school district board of directors for admission to the
    29  district's first grade under 22 Pa. Code § 11.15 (relating to
    30  admission of beginners).
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     1     "Council."  The Interagency Coordinating Council established
     2  in section 106.
     3     "Early intervention services."  Developmental services which
     4  meet all of the following:
     5         (1)  Are provided under public supervision.
     6         (2)  Are designed to meet the developmental needs of [a
     7     handicapped infant, toddler] an infant or toddler with
     8     disabilities or eligible young child in any of the following
     9     areas:
    10             (i)  Physical development.
    11             (ii)  Cognitive development.
    12             (iii)  Sensory development.
    13             (iv)  [Language and speech] Communication development
    14         or alternative communication development.
    15             (v)  [Psycho-social] Social-emotional development.
    16             [(vi)  Self-help skills.]
    17             (vi)  Adaptive development.
    18         (3)  Are developed to meet the requirements of this act,
    19     including, but not limited to, the following:
    20             (i)  Family training.
    21             (ii)  Social work services, including counseling and
    22         home visits.
    23             (iii)  Special instruction.
    24             (iv)  Speech pathology and audiology.
    25             (v)  Occupational therapy.
    26             (vi)  Physical therapy.
    27             (vii)  Psychological services.
    28             (viii)  Medical services only for diagnostic or
    29         evaluation purposes.
    30             (ix)  Early identification, screening and assessment
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     1         services.
     2             (x)  Health services necessary to enable the infant
     3         or toddler to benefit from the other early intervention
     4         services.
     5             (xi)  Assistive technology devices and services.
     6             [(xii)  For handicapped infants and toddlers, other
     7         services required by Part H.]
     8             (xii)  For infants and toddlers with disabilities,
     9         other services required by Part H, such as nutrition,
    10         service coordination services and transportation and
    11         related costs that are necessary to enable an infant or
    12         toddler and the infant's or toddler's family to receive
    13         early intervention services.
    14             (xiii)  Vision services.
    15         (4)  Are provided by qualified personnel, including, but
    16     not limited to, special educators, speech and language
    17     pathologists and audiologists, occupational therapists,
    18     physical therapists, psychologists, social workers, nurses
    19     [and nutritionists.], nutritionists, family therapists,
    20     orientation and mobility specialists, pediatricians and other
    21     physicians.
    22         (5)  Are provided in conformity with an individualized
    23     family service plan for eligible infants, toddlers and their
    24     families.
    25         (6)  Are provided to eligible young children in
    26     compliance with the provisions of this act and Part B.
    27     Compliance includes procedural safeguards and free
    28     appropriate public education, including related services and
    29     individualized education programs.
    30         [(7)  Are provided in the least restrictive environment
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     1     appropriate to the child's needs. Infants, toddlers and
     2     eligible young children who will be served in a non-home-
     3     based setting must, to the maximum extent consistent with the
     4     child's abilities, receive early intervention services in a
     5     setting with nonhandicapped children. Each infant's or
     6     toddler's IFSP and each eligible young child's IEP must
     7     contain the recommended service option placement and the
     8     rationale for why it represents the least restrictive
     9     environment.]
    10         (7)  To the maximum extent appropriate, are provided in
    11     natural environments, including the home and community
    12     settings in which children without disabilities participate.
    13     ["Education of the Handicapped Act."  The Education of the
    14  Handicapped Act (Public Law 91-230, 20 U.S.C. § 1401 et seq.).]
    15     "Eligible young child."  A child who is younger than the age
    16  of beginners and at least three years of age and who meets any
    17  of the following criteria:
    18         (1)  The child has any of the following physical or
    19     mental disabilities: autism/pervasive developmental disorder,
    20     serious emotional disturbance, neurological impairment,
    21     deafness/hearing impairment, specific learning disability,
    22     mental retardation, multihandicap, other health impairment,
    23     physical disability, speech impairment or blindness/visual
    24     impairment.
    25         (2)  The child is considered to have a developmental
    26     delay, as defined by regulations of the State Board of
    27     Education and the standards of the Department of Education.
    28     ["Handicapped infants and toddlers."] "Infants and toddlers
    29  with disabilities."  Individuals ranging in age from birth to
    30  two years of age, inclusive, who need early intervention
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     1  services for any of the following reasons:
     2         (1)  They are experiencing developmental delays, as
     3     defined by regulations of the Department of Public Welfare
     4     and as measured by appropriate diagnostic instruments and
     5     procedures in any of the following areas: cognitive
     6     development, sensory development, physical development,
     7     [language and speech development, psycho-social development
     8     or self-help skills] communication development, social-
     9     emotional development or adaptive development and are based
    10     on informed clinical opinion and procedures.
    11         (2)  They have a diagnosed physical or mental condition
    12     which has a high probability of resulting in developmental
    13     delay under paragraph (1). This paragraph applies to
    14     conditions with known etiologies and developmental
    15     consequences. Examples of these conditions include Down
    16     syndrome; other chromosomal abnormalities; sensory
    17     impairments, including vision and hearing; inborn errors of
    18     metabolism; microcephaly; severe attachment disorders,
    19     including failure to thrive; seizure disorders; and fetal
    20     alcohol syndrome.
    21     "Individuals with Disabilities Education Act."  The
    22  Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Public Law 91-230,
    23  20 U.S.C. § 1401 et seq.).
    24     "IEP."  Individualized Education Program.
    25     "IFSP."  Individualized Family Service Plan.
    26     "Informed clinical opinion."  Documentation by a number of
    27  qualified personnel, as contained in the definition of "early
    28  intervention services," and is based on direct observation as
    29  well as other knowledge of the child when there are no
    30  standardized measures or the procedures are not appropriate for
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     1  the child's level of functioning or manifestation of the
     2  disability or development areas. The multidisciplinary team will
     3  then determine, through its informed clinical opinion, that a
     4  child is eligible for early intervention services.
     5     "Lead agency."  For early intervention services to eligible
     6  children from birth to two years of age, inclusive, the
     7  Department of Public Welfare; for early intervention services to
     8  eligible young children, the Department of Education.
     9     "Local interagency agreement."  An agreement entered into by
    10  local agencies receiving early intervention funds directly from
    11  the Commonwealth and made under the State interagency agreement
    12  providing for the delivery of early intervention services within
    13  a specified geographic area.
    14     "Mutually agreed-upon written arrangements."  An agreement
    15  between the Department of Education and intermediate units,
    16  school districts or other public or private agencies that comply
    17  with the early intervention regulations of the State Board of
    18  Education and early intervention standards of the Department of
    19  Education. These agreements may include memoranda of
    20  understanding pursuant to approved plans submitted to the
    21  Department of Education by intermediate units and school
    22  districts.
    23     "Part B."  Part B of the [Education for the Handicapped]
    24  Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. § 1411 et
    25  seq.), as it applies to preschool children.
    26     "Part H."  Part H of the [Education for the Handicapped]
    27  Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. § 1471 et
    28  seq.).
    29     "State interagency agreement."  An agreement entered into by
    30  the Department of Education, the Department of Health, the
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     1  Department of Public Welfare and any other Commonwealth agency
     2  for the purposes of this act and of Part B and Part H.
     3  Section 104.  State interagency agreement.
     4     (a)  Interagency agreement.--The Department of Education, the
     5  Department of Health and the Department of Public Welfare shall
     6  enter into and maintain a State interagency agreement to enable
     7  the State and local agencies serving infants, toddlers and
     8  eligible young children who are handicapped to establish working
     9  relationships that will increase the efficiency and
    10  effectiveness of their early intervention services. The
    11  agreement shall outline the responsibilities of those State and
    12  local agencies and shall implement a coordinated service
    13  delivery system through local interagency agreements.
    14     (b)  Components.--The State interagency agreement shall
    15  address, at a minimum, the following issues:
    16         (1)  Responsibilities of State and local agencies.
    17         (2)  Eligibility determination and referrals.
    18         (3)  Establishment of local agreements.
    19         (4)  Fiscal responsibilities of the agencies.
    20         (5)  Dispute resolution between agencies.
    21         (6)  Payor of last resort.
    22         (7)  Maintenance of effort.
    23         (8)  Administrative management structure.
    24         (9)  Establishment and maintenance of local interagency
    25     coordinating councils, which shall include, but not be
    26     limited to, parents and private providers and which shall be
    27     authorized to advise and comment on the development of local
    28     interagency agreements for their specified geographic area
    29     and to communicate directly with the Department of Education,
    30     the Department of Health, the Department of Public Welfare
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     1     and the council regarding the local interagency agreement and
     2     any other matters pertaining to this act. The local
     3     interagency coordinating councils are the duly recognized
     4     local body for the purposes of this act.
     5         (10)  Plans by the Department of Health, the Department
     6     of Public Welfare and the Department of Education to work
     7     together to develop a coordinated system of [case management]
     8     service coordination.
     9     (c)  Goal.--Issues under subsection (b) shall be addressed to
    10  meet the requirements of this act and the provisions of Part B
    11  and Part H.
    12  Section 106.  Council.
    13     (a)  Establishment.--The Interagency Coordinating Council is
    14  established as the duly recognized council for the purposes of
    15  this act. The council shall consist of [15] a minimum of 25
    16  voting members but shall not exceed 30 voting members appointed
    17  by the Governor. The council shall serve as the council required
    18  by the [Education of the Handicapped Act Amendments of 1986
    19  (Public Law 99-457, 100 Stat. 1145)] Individuals with
    20  Disabilities Education Act. The term of office of the voting
    21  members shall be three years, except for the cabinet officers or
    22  their designees who shall serve as long as they are in office.
    23     (b)  Membership.--The membership of the council shall consist
    24  of the following:
    25         (1)  [Three] Six parents of [handicapped] infants,
    26     toddlers or eligible young children with disabilities,
    27     including minority parents, with knowledge of or experience
    28     with programs for infants, toddlers or eligible young
    29     children with disabilities.
    30         (2)  One [provider of a child development program, such
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     1     as] Head Start provider.
     2         (3)  One parent of a child with a disability who has
     3     received early intervention services and is now beyond six
     4     years of age.
     5         [(4)  Three providers of early intervention services,
     6     including one school district provider, one intermediate unit
     7     provider and one private provider.]
     8         (4)  Two public education providers of programs for
     9     eligible young children with disabilities.
    10         [(5)  One member from the General Assembly.]
    11         (5)  Two members of the General Assembly, one from the
    12     Senate and one from the House of Representatives.
    13         (6)  One representative of the American Academy of
    14     Pediatrics.
    15         (7)  [One] Two county mental health/mental retardation
    16     [administrator or designee] administrators.
    17         (8)  One individual who is directly involved in personnel
    18     preparation.
    19         (9)  The Secretary of Education or a designee.
    20         (10)  The Secretary of Public Welfare or a designee.
    21         (11)  The Secretary of Health or a designee.
    22         [(12)  As ex officio members, who shall not have voting
    23     privileges: a representative of the Developmental
    24     Disabilities Planning Council and members appointed by the
    25     chair of the council.]
    26         (12)  The Insurance Commissioner or a designee.
    27         (13)  Two private providers of programs for infants and
    28     toddlers with disabilities.
    29         (14)  One public or private provider of child care
    30     services.
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     1         (15)  Members at large, not to exceed seven, chosen to
     2     represent diverse interests who have knowledge of or
     3     experience with programs for infants, toddlers and eligible
     4     young children with disabilities.
     5     (c)  Designees.--The designees of the cabinet officers under
     6  subsection (b) must be deputy secretaries, commissioners or
     7  bureau directors.
     8     (d)  Officers.--The chair of the council shall be appointed
     9  by the Governor and must be selected from those members who are
    10  neither employees of the Commonwealth nor elected officials.
    11     (e)  Committees.--The chair of the council may appoint
    12  special committees, which may include nonmembers of the council,
    13  to make recommendations to the council concerning key issues
    14  related to this act.
    15     (f)  Powers and duties.--The council has the following powers
    16  and duties:
    17         (1)  To review and comment to the Department of Health,
    18     the Department of Public Welfare, the Department of Education
    19     and the State Board of Education on draft regulations and
    20     standards for the implementation and maintenance of a
    21     Statewide system of early intervention services which are in
    22     accordance with the provisions of this act and Parts B and H.
    23     The council may advise and assist the lead agency for Part H
    24     and the Department of Education regarding the development of
    25     and implementation of appropriate services for children ages
    26     birth to age of beginners.
    27         (2)  To review and comment to the appropriate legislative
    28     committees and the Independent Regulatory Review Commission
    29     on regulations and standards proposed under this act.
    30         (3)  To assist and advise Commonwealth agencies in their
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     1     effort to carry out the provisions of this act. This
     2     paragraph includes, but is not limited to:
     3             (i)  recommendations for the implementation and
     4         maintenance of a Statewide comprehensive, coordinated,
     5         multidisciplinary, interagency program, as described in
     6         Chapter 3;
     7             (ii)  suggestions regarding sources of fiscal and
     8         other support from Federal, State, local and private
     9         sources, including insurance coverage; and
    10             (iii)  recommendations regarding in-service training
    11         and personnel competencies.
    12         (4)  To prepare and submit, with the cooperation of the
    13     Secretary of Education, the Secretary of Health and the
    14     Secretary of Public Welfare, an annual report during the
    15     month of September to the Governor and the Majority and
    16     Minority Chairmen of the Education Committee of the Senate
    17     and the Education Committee of the House of Representatives.
    18     This report shall include the number of programs being
    19     provided by intermediate units, school districts and public
    20     and private providers, including Head Start; the number of
    21     children being served; the status of compliance with State
    22     regulations and standards; descriptive information on the
    23     programs; information on personnel needs; any suggested
    24     changes in State statutes and regulations governing these
    25     programs; any information the United States Secretary of
    26     Education may require; and any other information the council
    27     deems appropriate.
    28         (5)  To meet at least six times a year.
    29         (6)  To perform other functions required of a state's
    30     interagency coordinating council under Part H.
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     1     (g)  Compensation of members.--The members shall serve
     2  without compensation but shall be reimbursed for reasonable
     3  costs incurred, including costs related to child care[.], except
     4  that compensation shall be provided to a member of the council
     5  if such member is not employed or must forfeit wages from other
     6  employment when performing official council business. Employees
     7  of the Commonwealth or any of its political subdivisions are
     8  prohibited to receive compensation except for reasonable costs
     9  incurred.
    10     (h)  Staff.--Staff services for the council shall be provided
    11  by the Department of Health, the Department of Public Welfare
    12  and the Department of Education and shall include the
    13  preparation and distribution of the annual report required under
    14  subsection (f)(4).
    15     Section 2.  Sections 301, 303 and 304 of the act are amended
    16  to read:
    17  Section 301.  Requirements.
    18     A Statewide system of coordinated, comprehensive,
    19  multidisciplinary, interagency programs shall be established and
    20  maintained by the Department of Health, the Department of Public
    21  Welfare and the Department of Education to provide appropriate
    22  early intervention services to all [handicapped] infants[,] and
    23  toddlers with disabilities and their families and to eligible
    24  young children. The system shall include the following minimum
    25  components:
    26         (1)  Compatible definitions of the term "developmental
    27     delay" shall be promulgated and adopted by the Department of
    28     Public Welfare, the Department of Health and the Department
    29     of Education, with review and comment of the council under
    30     section 106(f)(1). The definition shall provide for the
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     1     continuity of program services and shall be used in
     2     implementing programs under this act.
     3         (2)  An assurance that appropriate early intervention
     4     services are available to all eligible [handicapped]
     5     infants[,] and toddlers with disabilities and their families
     6     by September 1, 1991, and to all eligible young children by
     7     July 1, 1991.
     8         [(3)  A timely, comprehensive, multidisciplinary
     9     evaluation of the functioning of each handicapped infant,
    10     toddler and eligible young child and the needs of the
    11     families to assist appropriately in the development of the
    12     handicapped infant, toddler and eligible young child.]
    13         (3)  A timely, comprehensive, multidisciplinary
    14     evaulation of the strengths and needs of each infant and
    15     toddler and eligible young child and the resources and
    16     priorities to assist appropriately in the development of the
    17     infant, toddler and eligible young child with a disability.
    18         (4)  For all [handicapped] infants[,] and toddlers with
    19     disabilities and their families, an IFSP in accordance with
    20     Part H, including [case management] service coordination
    21     services in accordance with the service plan.
    22         (5)  For each eligible young child, an IEP in accordance
    23     with Part B.
    24         (6)  A comprehensive child-find system, including a
    25     system for making referrals to service providers that
    26     includes timelines and provides for the participation by
    27     primary referral sources.
    28         (7)  A public awareness program focusing on early
    29     identification of [handicapped] infants[,] and toddlers with
    30     disabilities and eligible young children.
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     1         (8)  A central directory, which includes early
     2     intervention services, resources and experts available in
     3     this Commonwealth and research and demonstration projects
     4     being conducted in this Commonwealth.
     5         (9)  A comprehensive system of personnel development and
     6     policies and procedures relating to the establishment and
     7     maintenance of standards to ensure that personnel necessary
     8     to carry out this act are appropriately and adequately
     9     prepared and trained.
    10         (10)  A procedure for securing timely reimbursement of
    11     funds.
    12         (11)  Procedural safeguards with respect to programs
    13     under this act.
    14         (12)  A system for compiling data on the numbers of
    15     [handicapped] infants[,] and toddlers with disabilities and
    16     their families and eligible young children in need of
    17     appropriate early intervention services; the number of
    18     infants, toddlers and their families and eligible young
    19     children served; and the types of services provided.
    20         (13)  A system of program standards evaluation and
    21     compliance.
    22         (14)  An exit criteria, which provides procedures for a
    23     child to exit from early intervention services. This exit
    24     plan must address both the needs of the child who has
    25     attained age of beginners as well as the child who, at any
    26     age between birth and age of beginners, no longer meets the
    27     eligibility criteria. If a child has been successful in
    28     obtaining age-appropriate behavior and abilities, the fact
    29     that the child participated in early intervention services
    30     may not be communicated to the school district unless the
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     1     parent so chooses, nor may it be considered as a rationale
     2     for placement in public school age special education classes.
     3     If the child does not meet exit criteria and the child's IEP
     4     or IFSP demonstrates that the child will benefit from
     5     services which can be provided only through special
     6     education, nothing in this act shall prevent that placement.
     7     In either case, transition services shall be provided to the
     8     child and the child's parents.
     9         (14.1)  Policies and practices are adopted to ensure
    10     meaningful involvement of traditionally underserved groups,
    11     including minority, low-income and rural families, in the
    12     planning and implementation of all the requirements of this
    13     act and to ensure that such families have access to services
    14     within their local areas.
    15         (15)  A system for the provision of services to children
    16     from birth to age two, inclusive, which are in compliance
    17     with Part H.
    18         (16)  A system for the provision of services to children
    19     three years of age to age of beginners which is in compliance
    20     with Part B, this act and regulations and standards.
    21  Section 303.  Administration by Department of Public Welfare.
    22     (a)  Assistance to counties.--From the sum appropriated to
    23  the Department of Public Welfare for the purposes of this act,
    24  the department shall distribute funds to the county mental
    25  health and mental retardation offices, under section 509 of the
    26  act of October 20, 1966 (3rd Sp.Sess., P.L.96, No.6), known as
    27  the Mental Health and Mental Retardation Act of 1966, for the
    28  provision of early intervention services to children from birth
    29  to age two, inclusive. The county offices may meet their
    30  obligation to assure appropriate early intervention services to
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     1  all eligible children through contracts with public or private
     2  agencies that meet the requirements of the regulations and
     3  program standards developed under this act. The county offices
     4  shall assure annually that the service providers receiving funds
     5  are in compliance with the Commonwealth's regulations and
     6  standards.
     7     (b)  Federal benefits.--Nothing in this act shall preclude
     8  medical or other assistance available under Title V or XIX of
     9  the Social Security Act (Public Law 74-271, 42 U.S.C. § 701 et
    10  seq. or § 1396 et seq.) or any other benefits available under
    11  Federal law.
    12     (c)  Education.--In order to facilitate the transfer of
    13  responsibility for eligible children from the Department of
    14  Public Welfare to the Department of Education at one time each
    15  year, consistent with the beginning of the school year, the
    16  Secretary of Public Welfare may delegate responsibility for
    17  serving certain children under three years of age to the
    18  Department of Education and may accept a delegation of
    19  responsibility from the Secretary of Education under section
    20  304(c) to serve certain children over the age of three.
    21     (d)  Use of funds.--From the sum of State funds appropriated
    22  by the General Assembly to the Department of Public Welfare for
    23  this act, the department shall use [2% to 4%] 3% to 5% of the
    24  appropriation for personnel training and program technical
    25  assistance.
    26  Section 304.  Administration by Department of Education.
    27     (a)  Overall responsibility.--
    28         (1)  Subject to the provisions of this subsection, the
    29     Department of Education shall be responsible for the delivery
    30     of early intervention services for all eligible young
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     1     children between three years of age and the age of beginners.
     2         (2)  Eligible young children who receive early
     3     intervention services and who have attained the minimum age
     4     of admission to the school district kindergarten program
     5     under section 503 of the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30,
     6     No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, shall be
     7     included in the school district's membership and entitled to
     8     the same subsidies and funding requirements under Article XXV
     9     of the Public School Code of 1949 as any kindergarten pupils.
    10     School districts and intermediate units that provide
    11     transportation for any eligible young child to any early
    12     intervention program shall be eligible for the purpose of
    13     reimbursement of transportation costs under sections 2509.1
    14     and 2541 of the Public School Code of 1949.
    15         (3)  From the funds appropriated to the Department of
    16     Education for the purposes of this act, the department shall
    17     provide for the delivery of early intervention services for
    18     all eligible young children not receiving services provided
    19     in school district kindergarten programs. The department may
    20     provide for the delivery of some or all of such services
    21     through mutually agreed-upon written arrangements. An
    22     intermediate unit or school district may provide for some or
    23     all of such services through subcontracts with other public
    24     or private agencies which comply with the regulations and
    25     standards developed under this act. An intermediate unit or
    26     school district shall be responsible for the delivery of
    27     early intervention services only to the extent to which the
    28     intermediate unit or school district agrees to provide the
    29     services through mutually agreed-upon written arrangements
    30     with the department. Mutually agreed-upon written
    19920H2943B4010                 - 18 -

     1     arrangements for services for eligible young children in
     2     approved district kindergarten programs shall pay for all
     3     early intervention services not subsidized under paragraph
     4     (2). Each intermediate unit, school district or other public
     5     or private provider which enters into such written
     6     arrangements with the department shall assure the department
     7     annually that the service provider is in compliance with the
     8     Commonwealth's regulations and standards.
     9         (4)  The department shall provide for the programs of
    10     eligible young children who are not eligible for services
    11     provided in school district kindergarten programs and who are
    12     placed in approved private schools or chartered schools
    13     pursuant to the provisions of section 1376 or 1376.1 of the
    14     Public School Code of 1949 from the State funds appropriated
    15     to the department for special education in approved private
    16     schools. The department shall provide only for the excess
    17     costs for eligible young children who are eligible for
    18     services provided in school district kindergarten programs
    19     and who are placed in approved private schools or chartered
    20     schools pursuant to the provisions of section 1376 or 1376.1
    21     of the Public School Code of 1949 from the State funds
    22     appropriated to the department for special education in
    23     approved private schools.
    24     (b)  Federal benefits.--Nothing in this act shall preclude
    25  medical or other assistance available under Title V or XIX of
    26  the Social Security Act (Public Law 74-271, 42 U.S.C. § 701 et
    27  seq. or § 1396 et seq.) or any other benefits available under
    28  Federal law.
    29     (c)  Public welfare.--The Secretary of Education shall
    30  provide for the transition of eligible children, including
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     1  [handicapped] infants and toddlers with disabilities, who, prior
     2  to their third birthday, received services under Part H. The
     3  Secretary of Education is authorized to accept responsibility
     4  pursuant to delegation from the Secretary of Public Welfare
     5  under section 303(c) for providing early intervention services
     6  to children less than three years of age. The Secretary of
     7  Education is authorized to delegate responsibility to the
     8  Secretary of Public Welfare for providing services for certain
     9  children over the age of three.
    10     (d)  Use of funds.--From the sum of State funds appropriated
    11  to the Department of Education for this act, the department
    12  shall use [2% to 4%] 3% to 5% of the appropriation for personnel
    13  training and program technical assistance.
    14     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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