No. 2634 Session of 1992

           AND ANDERSON, MAY 4, 1992


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of August 6, 1941 (P.L.861, No.323), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act to create a uniform and exclusive system
     3     for the administration of parole in this Commonwealth;
     4     providing state probation services; establishing the
     5     'Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole'; conferring and
     6     defining its jurisdiction, duties, powers and functions;
     7     including the supervision of persons placed upon probation
     8     and parole in certain designated cases; providing for the
     9     method of appointment of its members; regulating the
    10     appointment, removal and discharge of its officers, clerks
    11     and employes; dividing the Commonwealth into administrative
    12     districts for purposes of probation and parole; fixing the
    13     salaries of members of the board and of certain other
    14     officers and employes thereof; making violations of certain
    15     provisions of this act misdemeanors; providing penalties
    16     therefor; and for other cognate purposes, and making an
    17     appropriation," providing for a literacy requirement as a
    18     condition of eligibility for parole; making an editorial
    19     change; and making an appropriation.

    20     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    21  hereby enacts as follows:
    22     Section 1.  Section 21 of the act of August 6, 1941 (P.L.861,
    23  No.323), referred to as the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and
    24  Parole Law, amended July 11, 1990 (P.L.476, No.114), is amended

     1  to read:
     2     Section 21.  (a)  The board is hereby authorized to release
     3  on parole any convict confined in any penal institution of this
     4  Commonwealth as to whom power to parole is herein granted to
     5  said board, except convicts condemned to death or serving life
     6  imprisonment and except convicts who do not, as determined by
     7  the Division of Correction Education of the Department of
     8  Education, the Department of Corrections and the board, acquire
     9  basic skills, whenever in [its] the board's opinion the best
    10  interests of the convict justify or require his being paroled
    11  and it does not appear that the interests of the Commonwealth
    12  will be injured thereby. The acquisition-of-basic-skills
    13  exception shall apply to those incarcerated under a sentence of
    14  five years or less who do not demonstrate one and one-half
    15  years' progress in the acquisition of basic skills in each year
    16  of confinement. The acquisition-of-basic-skills exception shall
    17  not apply to individuals who are in the custody of the
    18  Department of Corrections for less than one year, to individuals
    19  whose minimum sentence expires within one year of the effective
    20  date of this amendatory act, to individuals who can demonstrate
    21  the basic skills, or to individuals who have been determined by
    22  the Division of Correction Education to be so educationally or
    23  mentally retarded as to be unable to learn the basic skills at
    24  the required levels. The power to parole herein granted to the
    25  [Board of Parole] board may not be exercised in the board's
    26  discretion at any time before, but only after, the expiration of
    27  the minimum term of imprisonment fixed by the court in its
    28  sentence or by the [Pardon] Board of Pardons in a sentence which
    29  has been reduced by commutation: Provided, however, That if the
    30  [Board of Parole] board refuse to parole the prisoner at the
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     1  expiration of any minimum term fixed by the [Pardon] Board of
     2  Pardons, it shall, within ten days after the date when the
     3  minimum term expired, transmit to the [Pardon] Board of Pardons
     4  a written statement of the reasons for refusal to parole the
     5  prisoner at the expiration of the minimum term fixed by the
     6  [Pardon] Board of Pardons. Thereafter, the [Pardon] Board of
     7  Pardons may either accept the action of the [Board of Parole]
     8  board, or order the immediate release of the prisoner on parole,
     9  under the supervision of the [Board of Parole] board. The board
    10  may not release a person on parole unless the person achieves a
    11  negative result within one week prior to the date of release in
    12  a screening test approved by the Department of Health for the
    13  detection of the presence of controlled substances or designer
    14  drugs under the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as
    15  "The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act." The
    16  cost of these pre-parole drug screening tests for inmates
    17  subject to the parole release jurisdiction of the board, whether
    18  confined in a State or local correctional facility, shall be
    19  paid by the board. The board shall establish rules and
    20  regulations for the payment of these costs and may limit the
    21  types and cost of these screening tests that would be subject to
    22  payment by the board. The board shall establish, as a condition
    23  of continued parole for a parolee who, as an inmate, tested
    24  positive for the presence of a controlled substance or a
    25  designer drug or who was paroled from a sentence arising from a
    26  conviction under "The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and
    27  Cosmetic Act," or from a drug-related crime, the parolee's
    28  achievement of negative results in such screening tests randomly
    29  applied. The random screening tests shall be performed at the
    30  discretion of the board, and the parolee undergoing the tests
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     1  shall be responsible for the costs of the tests. The funds
     2  collected for the tests shall be applied against the contract
     3  for such testing between the board and a testing laboratory
     4  approved by the Department of Health. Said board shall have the
     5  power during the period for which a person shall have been
     6  sentenced to recommit one paroled for violation of the terms and
     7  conditions of his parole and from time to time to reparole and
     8  recommit in the same manner and with the same procedure as in
     9  the case of an original parole or recommitment, if, in the
    10  judgment of the said board, there is a reasonable probability
    11  that the convict will be benefited by again according him
    12  liberty and it does not appear that the interests of the
    13  Commonwealth will be injured thereby.
    14     (b)  As used in this section the following words and phrases
    15  shall have the meanings given to them in this subsection:
    16     "Adult functional literacy proficiency."  The ability to
    17  apply basic skills to adult tasks of daily living.
    18     "Basic skills."  The ability to demonstrate marginal literacy
    19  on a test of adult functional literacy proficiency or to
    20  demonstrate significant progress, consonant with the term of
    21  confinement, in the attainment of marginal literacy.
    22     Section 2.  The General Assembly finds and declares as
    23  follows:
    24         (1)  There are basic skills essential for adults to
    25     acquire in order to cope with the demands of daily living and
    26     to participate as productive members of society.
    27         (2)  Incarcerated individuals may be lacking in the basic
    28     skills described in paragraph (1).
    29         (3)  It is in the best interest of society that parolees
    30     acquire the basic skills described in paragraph (1) to insure
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     1     their coping with the demands of daily living and their
     2     participation as productive members of society and to reduce
     3     the risk of return to criminal activity.
     4         (4)  It is the long-term goal of the General Assembly
     5     that, in the best interests of the Commonwealth, incarcerated
     6     individuals who are eligible for release or parole attain an
     7     eighth-grade level of reading.
     8     Section 3.  The Division of Correction Education in the
     9  Department of Education, the Department of Corrections and the
    10  Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole shall jointly
    11  formulate and promulgate regulations to administer the basic
    12  skills provisions of section 1 (section 21) of this act.
    13     Section 4.  The sum of $1,000,000, or as much thereof as may
    14  be necessary, is hereby appropriated to the Division of
    15  Correction Education in the Department of Education, for the
    16  fiscal year July 1, 1992, to June 30, 1993, to ensure the
    17  attainment of marginal literacy by prospective parolees.
    18     Section 5.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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