PRINTER'S NO. 1348



No. 1184 Session of 1991



                               A JOINT RESOLUTION

     1  Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth
     2     of Pennsylvania, authorizing initiative and referendum.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby resolves as follows:
     5     Section 1.  The following amendment to the Constitution of
     6  Pennsylvania is proposed in accordance with Article XI:
     7     That Article III be amended by adding a subdivision to read:
     8                            ARTICLE III
     9                            LEGISLATION
    10                               * * *
    11                   F.  INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM
    12  § 33.  Initiative.
    13     (a)  The legislative power of this Commonwealth shall be
    14  vested in the Senate and House of Representatives, but the
    15  people reserve to themselves the power to propose laws and
    16  amendments to the Constitution, and to adopt or reject the same
    17  at the polls, independent of the General Assembly, and also

     1  reserve the power, at their own option, to so adopt or reject
     2  any act, or section or part of any act, passed by the General
     3  Assembly.
     4     (b)  The initiative is the power of the electors to propose
     5  statutes and amendments to the Constitution and to adopt or
     6  reject them.
     7     (c)  An initiative measure may be proposed by presenting to
     8  the Secretary of the Commonwealth a petition that sets forth the
     9  text of the proposed statute or amendment to the Constitution
    10  and is certified to have been signed by electors equal in number
    11  to 7% in the case of a statute and 10% in the case of an
    12  amendment to the Constitution of the votes for all candidates
    13  for Governor at the last gubernatorial election.
    14     (d)  The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall submit the
    15  measure at the next general election held at least 131 days
    16  after it qualifies or at any special statewide election held
    17  prior to that general election. The Governor may call a special
    18  statewide election for the measure.
    19     (e)  An initiative measure embracing more than one subject
    20  may not be submitted to the electors or have any effect.
    21  § 34.  Referendum.
    22     (a)  A referendum is the power of the electors to approve or
    23  reject statutes or parts of statutes, except emergency statutes,
    24  statutes calling elections and statutes providing for tax levies
    25  or appropriations for usual current expenses of the
    26  Commonwealth.
    27     (b)  A referendum measure may be proposed by presenting to
    28  the Secretary of the Commonwealth, within 60 days after
    29  adjournment of the regular session at which the statute was
    30  passed or within 90 days after adjournment of the special
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     1  session at which the statute was passed, a petition certified to
     2  have been signed by electors equal in number to 7% of the votes
     3  for all candidates for Governor at the last gubernatorial
     4  election, asking that the statute or part of it be submitted to
     5  the electors.
     6     (c)  The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall then submit the
     7  measure at the next general election held at least 31 days after
     8  it qualifies or at a special statewide election held prior to
     9  that general election. The Governor may call a special statewide
    10  election for the measure.
    11  § 35.  Initiative and referendum.
    12     (a)  An initiative statute or referendum approved by a
    13  majority of votes thereon takes effect five days after the date
    14  of the official certification of the vote by the Secretary of
    15  the Commonwealth unless the measure provides otherwise. If a
    16  referendum petition is filed against a part of a statute, the
    17  remainder of the statute shall not be delayed from going into
    18  effect.
    19     (b)  If provisions of two or more measures approved at the
    20  same election conflict, those of the measure receiving the
    21  highest affirmative vote shall prevail.
    22     (c)  Except as provided in this section, the General Assembly
    23  may amend or repeal referendum statutes. It may amend or repeal
    24  an initiative statute by another statute that becomes effective
    25  only when approved by the electors unless the initiative statute
    26  permits amendment or repeal without their approval. An
    27  initiative statute or referendum shall not be amended or
    28  repealed when it was adopted by a vote of a number of electors
    29  equal to a majority of the electors registered to vote at the
    30  preceding gubernatorial election nor shall any other initiative
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     1  statute or referendum be amended or repealed within two years of
     2  its approval except upon the approval of two-thirds of the
     3  members elected to the Senate and the House of Representatives.
     4     (d)  The veto power of the Governor shall not extend to an
     5  initiative or referendum statute approved by the electors.
     6     (e)  Prior to the circulation of an initiative or referendum
     7  petition for signatures, a copy shall be submitted to the
     8  Attorney General who shall prepare a title and summary of the
     9  measure.
    10     (f)  The General Assembly shall provide the manner in which
    11  petitions shall be circulated, presented and certified, and
    12  measures shall be submitted to the electors.
    13  § 36.  Local initiative and referendum.
    14     Initiative and referendum powers may be exercised by the
    15  electors of each municipality under procedures that the General
    16  Assembly shall provide.
    17  § 37.  Prohibition against naming private corporation or
    18         individual to office.
    19     No amendment to the Constitution, and no statute proposed to
    20  the electors by the General Assembly or by initiative, that
    21  names an individual to hold an office, or names or identifies a
    22  private corporation to perform a function or to have a power or
    23  duty, may be submitted to the electors or have any effect.

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