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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 4183



No. 2947 Session of 1990



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of November 4, 1983 (P.L.217, No.63), entitled
     2     "An act establishing a program of limited pharmaceutical
     3     assistance for the elderly; granting powers to and imposing
     4     duties on the Department of Aging; establishing a payment
     5     system; making provisions for funding; providing for reports;
     6     and fixing penalties for violations of the pharmaceutical
     7     assistance program," providing for a fixed copayment for a
     8     prescription filled with a generic drug.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Section 4(e) of the act of November 4, 1983
    12  (P.L.217, No.63), known as the Pharmaceutical Assistance
    13  Contract for the Elderly Act, amended June 30, 1987 (P.L.169,
    14  No.17), is amended to read:
    15  Section 4.  Responsibilities of Department of Aging.
    16     * * *
    17     (e)  Program criteria.--The program shall include the
    18  following criteria:
    19         (1)  Participating pharmacies are to be paid within 21

     1     days of the contracting firm receiving the appropriate
     2     substantiation of the transaction. Pharmacies shall be
     3     entitled to interest for payment not made within the 21-day
     4     period at a rate approved by the Pharmaceutical Assistance
     5     Review Board.
     6         (2)  Collection of the copayment by pharmacies shall be
     7     mandatory.
     8         (3)  Senior citizens participating in the program are not
     9     required to maintain records of each transaction.
    10         (4)  A system of rebates or reimbursements to eligible
    11     claimants for pharmaceutical expenses shall be prohibited.
    12         (5)  The system established shall include a participant
    13     copayment schedule of $4 for each prescription for the first
    14     year of the contract. The copayment shall increase or
    15     decrease on the annual basis by the average percent change of
    16     ingredient costs for all prescription drugs plus a
    17     differential to raise the copayment to the next highest 25¢
    18     increment. In addition, the department may approve a request
    19     for increase or decrease in the level of copayment based upon
    20     the financial experience and projections of the program and
    21     after consultation with the Pharmaceutical Assistance Review
    22     Board. The department is prohibited from approving
    23     adjustments to the copayment on more than a semiannual basis.
    24         (5.1)  Notwithstanding paragraph (5) the copayment for a
    25     prescription filled with a generically equivalent drug shall
    26     be $2. This amount shall not be subject to the adjustment
    27     procedures of this act.
    28         (6)  The program shall consist of payments to pharmacies
    29     on behalf of eligible claimants for the average wholesale
    30     cost of drugs, insulin, insulin syringes and insulin needles
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     1     which exceed the copayment plus a dispensing fee of at least
     2     $2.50 or the dispensing fee required by the Department of
     3     Welfare under its Medical Assistance Program under the act of
     4     June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Public Welfare
     5     Code, whichever is greater.
     6         (6.1)  The average wholesale cost shall be based on a
     7     list of package sizes to be established by the department.
     8     The list shall reflect the average wholesale cost of drugs
     9     based on the package size listed in the February 1984 "Yellow
    10     Book" distributed by the Health Care Financing Administration
    11     for the drugs contained on that list. The Department of Aging
    12     shall have the authority to change the package size of drugs
    13     on that list and to add drugs and package sizes to that list,
    14     with the review and approval of the Pharmaceutical Assistance
    15     Review Board. Changes to the list shall take effect upon
    16     publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. The department
    17     shall have the authority to reimburse based upon the package
    18     sizes established in this paragraph.
    19         (6.2)  In no case shall the Commonwealth be charged more
    20     than the price of the drug at the particular pharmacy on the
    21     date of the sale.
    22         (6.3)  For purposes of this act, the eligible claimant
    23     shall be liable to pay a fixed differential whenever a more
    24     expensive brand name drug is requested by the claimant when
    25     the physician permitted substitution of a less expensive
    26     generically equivalent drug approved under the provisions of
    27     the act of November 24, 1976 (P.L.1163, No.259), referred to
    28     as the Generic Equivalent Drug Law.
    29         (6.4)  The differential will be charged regardless of the
    30     availability of a less expensive generic equivalent in the
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     1     providing pharmacy. In no case will the claimant bear the
     2     cost of the differential when the generic equivalent is not
     3     available.
     4         (6.5)  The department shall establish a pharmacist
     5     consultation reimbursement program for a period of not less
     6     than six months, following which the department may continue
     7     or discontinue the program. This program shall provide an
     8     additional $1 supplemental dispensing fee whenever a
     9     pharmacy's documented intervention resulted in a physician
    10     changing a prescription for a more expensive brand name
    11     product to a prescription allowing substitution of a less
    12     expensive generically equivalent drug. This supplemental
    13     dispensing fee shall provide the only exception to paragraph
    14     (6.3).
    15         (7)  Prescription benefits for any single prescription
    16     shall be limited to a 30-day supply of the prescription drug
    17     or 100 units, whichever is less, except that, in the case of
    18     diagnosis for acute conditions, the limitation shall be a 15-
    19     day supply.
    20         (8)  The department may establish a restricted formulary
    21     of the drugs which will not be reimbursed by the program.
    22     This formulary shall include only experimental drugs and
    23     drugs on Drug Efficacy Study Implementation List prepared by
    24     the Health Care Finance Administration. A medical exception
    25     may be permitted by the department for reimbursement of a
    26     drug on the Drug Efficacy Study Implementation List upon
    27     declaration of its necessity on the prescription by the
    28     treating physician; except that, for DESI drugs for which the
    29     FDA has issued a Notice for Opportunity Hearing (NOOH) for
    30     the purpose of withdrawing the New Drug Application approved
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     1     for that drug, reimbursement coverage shall be discontinued
     2     under the provisions of this act.
     3         (9)  The department may not enter into a contract with a
     4     private contractor for an exclusive mail order system for the
     5     delivery of prescription drugs under this program. Only mail
     6     order pharmacy services provided by pharmacies which are
     7     licensed by the Commonwealth and which have their principal
     8     place of business within this Commonwealth may participate as
     9     providers under the program. Within a period of six months
    10     following the effective date of this amendatory act, the
    11     department shall develop and promulgate specific regulations
    12     governing the practice of mail order pharmacy and other
    13     enrolled providers to include the following minimum standards
    14     of practice to ensure the health, safety and welfare of
    15     program participants:
    16             (i)  The appropriate method or methods by which such
    17         pharmacies shall verify the identity of the program
    18         recipient and the authenticity of prescriptions received.
    19             (ii)  The appropriate method or methods by which such
    20         pharmacies shall mail or deliver prescription drugs to
    21         program recipients ensuring, to the maximum extent
    22         possible, that the intended program recipient is the
    23         actual ultimate recipient of any prescription dispensed
    24         by such pharmacies.
    25             (iii)  The appropriate method or methods by which
    26         such pharmacies shall communicate with program
    27         participants in emergency situations.
    28         (10)  The program must be in place and operational within
    29     90 days of the effective date of the contract.
    30         (11)  For-profit third party insurers and not-for-profit
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     1     prescription plans shall reimburse the department for any
     2     payments made to a providing pharmacy on behalf of a claimant
     3     covered by such a third party.
     4         (12)  Any health care professional rendering service as a
     5     member of a utilization review committee for this program
     6     shall not be liable for any civil damages as a result of any
     7     acts or omissions in rendering the service as a member of any
     8     such committee except any acts or omissions intentionally
     9     designed to harm or any grossly negligent acts or omissions
    10     which result in harm to the person receiving such service.
    11     * * *
    12     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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