No. 81 Session of 1987



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of November 22, 1978 (P.L.1166, No.274),
     2     entitled "An act establishing the Pennsylvania Commission on
     3     Crime and Delinquency, providing for its powers and duties
     4     establishing several advisory committees within the
     5     commission and providing for their powers and duties,"
     6     authorizing a crime prevention program; providing for
     7     technical and financial assistance to law enforcement
     8     agencies; and making an appropriation.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  The preamble of the act of November 22, 1978
    12  (P.L.1166, No.274), referred to as the Pennsylvania Commission
    13  on Crime and Delinquency Law, is amended to read:
    14     The General Assembly finds and declares that:
    15     (a)  crime and delinquency are essentially State and local
    16  problems;
    17     (b)  crime and delinquency are complex social phenomena

     1  requiring the attention and efforts of the criminal justice
     2  system, State and local governments, and private citizens alike;
     3     (c)  the establishment of appropriate goals, objectives and
     4  standards for the reduction of crime and delinquency and for the
     5  administration of justice must be a priority concern;
     6     (d)  the functions of the criminal justice system must be
     7  coordinated more efficiently and effectively;
     8     (e)  the full and effective use of resources affecting State
     9  and local criminal justice systems requires the complete
    10  cooperation of State and local government agencies; [and]
    11     (f)  training, research, evaluation, technical assistance and
    12  public education activities must be encouraged and focused on
    13  the improvement of the criminal justice system and the
    14  generation of new methods for the prevention and reduction of
    15  crime and delinquency[.];
    16     (g)  the efforts of police to combat the incidence of crime
    17  are enhanced substantially when communities take steps to reduce
    18  the opportunity for crime through effective police leadership in
    19  crime prevention planning, public education and the responsible
    20  organization of community resources; and
    21     (h)  it is in the public interest for the Commonwealth to
    22  establish a central crime prevention program to provide
    23  leadership and technical and financial assistance to police
    24  agencies to develop and maintain community crime prevention
    25  initiatives.
    26     Section 2.  Section 1 of the act, amended April 30, 1986
    27  (P.L.125, No.38), is amended to read:
    28  Section 1.  Definitions.
    29     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    30  have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
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     1  meanings given to them in this section:
     2     "Commission."  The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and
     3  Delinquency.
     4     "Crime prevention."  The elimination or reduction of the
     5  opportunity for criminal activity through the initiatives of
     6  agencies of local and State government undertaken in cooperation
     7  with members of the public.
     8     "Governing body."  The council in cities, boroughs and
     9  incorporated towns, the board of commissioners in townships of
    10  the first class, the board of supervisors in townships of the
    11  second class, the legislative policymaking body in counties and
    12  home rule municipalities or other general purpose units of
    13  government which may be created by the General Assembly,
    14  including councils of government organized pursuant to the act
    15  of July 12, 1972 (P.L.762, No.180), referred to as the
    16  Intergovernmental Cooperation Law.
    17     "Local law enforcement agency."  A police department created
    18  by a municipality pursuant to statute.
    19     "Municipality."  Every city, borough, county, incorporated
    20  town, township and home rule municipality or other general
    21  purpose unit of government which may be created by the General
    22  Assembly, including councils of government organized pursuant to
    23  the act of July 12, 1972 (P.L.762, No.180), referred to as the
    24  Intergovernmental Cooperation Law.
    25     "Private citizen."  An individual who is not an elected or
    26  appointed official in a branch of government of the United
    27  States, the Commonwealth or a political subdivision.
    28     "State law enforcement agency."  The Pennsylvania State
    29  Police.
    30     Section 3.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
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     1  Section 3.1.  Duties of the commission relative to crime
     2                 prevention.
     3     The commission shall have the power and its duty shall be:
     4         (1)  To develop Statewide strategies to implement crime
     5     prevention programs at the State and local level.
     6         (2)  To review State agency plans to ensure the
     7     coordination of the delivery of crime prevention services.
     8         (3)  To develop, coordinate and administer basic and
     9     specialized crime prevention-related training programs for
    10     State and local law enforcement agency personnel on current
    11     issues and techniques in the field of crime prevention.
    12         (4)  To provide leadership and on-site technical
    13     assistance services to State agencies and local law
    14     enforcement agencies in developing and implementing crime
    15     prevention programs.
    16         (5)  To design, develop and make available to State
    17     agencies and local law enforcement agencies the current
    18     literature, publications and basic tools appropriate for the
    19     effective implementation of crime prevention programs.
    20         (6)  To promote the involvement of community
    21     organizations in the development and implementation of crime
    22     prevention programs.
    23         (7)  To submit, on a biennial basis, a report to the
    24     Governor and the General Assembly concerning the status of
    25     crime prevention programs throughout the State.
    26  Section 3.2.  Crime prevention financial assistance.
    27     (a)  Applications.--The commission shall solicit and receive
    28  applications from local law enforcement agencies for financial
    29  assistance to implement crime prevention programs and allocate
    30  State funds to such applicants in accordance with the provisions
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     1  of applicable statutes and regulations.
     2     (b)  State Police applications.--The Pennsylvania State
     3  Police may apply for and receive financial assistance under the
     4  provisions of this section for the implementation of crime
     5  prevention programs in:
     6         (1)  an area of the Commonwealth for which the State
     7     Police serves as the principal law enforcement agency; or
     8         (2)  a municipality for which the chief of the local law
     9     enforcement agency has made a written request to the State
    10     Police to provide the principal coverage for crime prevention
    11     services.
    12     (c)  Assurances and plan.--An application for financial
    13  assistance under the provisions of this section shall contain
    14  assurances that the applicant will submit semiannual reports on
    15  the progress of its crime prevention activities and will comply
    16  with such other requirements that the commission may reasonably
    17  adopt. The application shall also include a crime prevention
    18  services plan containing, as a minimum, all of the following
    19  elements:
    20         (1)  A description of the types of crime prevention
    21     activities proposed to be conducted by the applicant and a
    22     specification of the nature and extent of the direct
    23     participation of community organizations in the proposed
    24     activities.
    25         (2)  A description of the nature and extent of
    26     participation by persons representing the business community
    27     in the proposed activities and a specification of those
    28     proposed activities which are intended to have an impact upon
    29     those crimes affecting the local business community.
    30         (3)  A specific identification of the nature and types of
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     1     crimes upon which the proposed activities are intended to
     2     impact and the level of impact the activities are projected
     3     to achieve.
     4         (4)  A description of the geographic area within which
     5     the proposed activities will be primarily conducted.
     6     (d)  Approval of application.--The commission may not approve
     7  an application for financial assistance under this section
     8  unless:
     9         (1)  the application has been duly authorized and
    10     approved in writing by the governing body of the municipality
    11     served by a local law enforcement agency applicant or by the
    12     Commissioner of the State Police in the case of a State law
    13     enforcement agency application; and
    14         (2)  the application has been reviewed and commented upon
    15     by an advisory committee composed of not less than ten
    16     residents of the municipality to be served under the
    17     application. The advisory committee referred to in this
    18     paragraph shall be appointed by the governing body of the
    19     municipality served by a local law enforcement agency
    20     applicant or by the Commanding Officer of the State Police
    21     installation for the jurisdiction to be served in the case of
    22     a State law enforcement agency application and shall be
    23     fairly representative of the interests of residents and
    24     business in the municipality.
    25     (e)  Allocation of funds.--The commission shall make
    26  available not less than 80% of the State funds appropriated
    27  annually for the administration of this section for financial
    28  assistance to State and local law enforcement agencies for the
    29  payment of up to 50% of the salaries of employees of such
    30  agencies, but not fringe benefits, overtime compensation or
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     1  bonuses, for a period not to exceed two years, provided such
     2  employees:
     3         (1)  are assigned responsibility on a full-time basis for
     4     developing and implementing crime prevention programs as
     5     defined in this section in cooperation with community
     6     residents and businessmen; and
     7         (2)  have satisfactorily completed courses of instruction
     8     required by the commission and have been certified by the
     9     commission as crime prevention program specialists.
    10     (f)  Commission use of funds.--The commission may retain the
    11  balance of the State funds appropriated annually for the
    12  administration of this section for the following purposes:
    13         (1)  To pay the costs of the commission's crime
    14     prevention training programs.
    15         (2)  To underwrite the commission's procurement and
    16     distribution of crime prevention-related training materials
    17     and technical equipment to State and local law enforcement
    18     agencies, but the commission may require each such agency to
    19     pay up to 50% of the cost of materials and equipment
    20     furnished to it at its request.
    21     (g)  Grant administration.--Grants of financial assistance
    22  made under this section shall be subject to the provisions of
    23  section 3(4) and (5).
    24     Section 4.  The sum of $600,000, or as much thereof as may be
    25  necessary, is hereby specifically appropriated to the
    26  Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency for the fiscal
    27  year July 1, 1987, to June 30, 1988, to carry out the provisions
    28  of this act.
    29     Section 5.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1987.

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