No. 585 Session of 1985



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1225, No.316), entitled
     2     "An act concerning game and other wild birds and wild
     3     animals; and amending, revising, consolidating, and changing
     4     the law relating thereto," providing lifetime resident
     5     hunting licenses to certain qualified residents.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Section 302 of the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1225,
     9  No.316), known as The Game Law, amended July 20, 1983 (P.L.55,
    10  No.28), is amended to read:
    11     Section 302.  Resident License Fees.--(a)  Each such resident
    12  as defined in sections 101 and 301, upon application made, in
    13  writing, to an agent authorized to issue such licenses within
    14  the Commonwealth, and upon presentation of proof by the
    15  applicant that he or she is a resident of this Commonwealth as
    16  previously defined in this act by producing a current
    17  Pennsylvania motor vehicle registration card, or tax receipts
    18  evidencing payment of State income tax, earned income tax or
    19  other local taxes pursuant to the act of December 31, 1965

     1  (P.L.1257, No.511), known as "The Local Tax Enabling Act," or
     2  some other positive means of verifying residency, and the
     3  establishment of his or her identity to the satisfaction of the
     4  authority issuing the license, unless any such person has been
     5  disqualified for a license in the manner hereinafter specified,
     6  and the payment to said agent or the commission of eight dollars
     7  and fifty cents ($8.50) except as [hereinafter] provided in
     8  subsections (b) and (c) for certain minors and older persons,
     9  shall be entitled to a resident hunter's license and a tag with
    10  the number of the license thereon, which shall entitle the
    11  holder to hunt or trap for all wild birds and wild animals which
    12  may legally be hunted or trapped in this Commonwealth.
    13     (b)  Residents with the [above] qualifications set forth in
    14  subsection (a), who are between the ages of twelve and sixteen
    15  inclusive [or who are sixty-five years of age or more] at the
    16  time of application, shall be entitled to a resident hunter's
    17  license and tag upon payment to said agent or the commission
    18  of[, in the case of persons sixty-five years of age or more,]
    19  five dollars and fifty cents ($5.50) [and, in the case of
    20  persons between the ages of twelve and sixteen, five dollars and
    21  fifty cents ($5.50)]. The application for the issuance of a
    22  license in such cases shall, in addition to the other
    23  information required, give the date of birth of the applicant.
    24     (c) (1)  Residents with the qualifications set forth in
    25  subsection (a) who are sixty-five years of age or more at the
    26  time of application shall be entitled to, at the option of the
    27  applicant, either (i) an annual resident hunter's license and
    28  tag upon payment to said agent or the commission of five dollars
    29  and fifty cents ($5.50) or (ii) a lifetime resident hunter's
    30  license and appropriate tags upon the payment to said agent or
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     1  the commission of thirty-five dollars and fifty cents ($35.50).
     2  The application for the issuance of either license shall, in
     3  addition to the other information required, give the date of
     4  birth of the applicant.
     5     (2)  The commission shall develop, implement and administer a
     6  program to provide tags, report cards and applications to those
     7  residents who hold a lifetime license issued pursuant to
     8  (1)(ii).
     9     (d)  Any resident disabled veteran of any war whose
    10  disability consists of the loss of one or more limbs or the loss
    11  of the use of one or more limbs, or who presents a physician's
    12  certificate of total or one hundred per cent disability, and who
    13  meets the above qualifications shall be issued such license upon
    14  application to any county treasurer without the payment of the
    15  above license fee provided for the use of the Commonwealth. The
    16  application for the issuance of a license in such case shall in
    17  addition to the other information required, contain a statement
    18  that the applicant is a war veteran and that his disability was
    19  service incurred. The county treasurer may likewise require of
    20  such applicant the production of such applicant's discharge
    21  papers.
    22     (e)  It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or attempt
    23  to sell any resident hunting license for a monetary fee in
    24  excess of the fees fixed pursuant to the provisions of this
    25  section. The sale or attempted sale of each license shall
    26  constitute a separate offense.
    27     Section 2.  This act shall apply to the license year
    28  beginning September 1, 1985, and each year thereafter.
    29     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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