No. 2 Session of 1985



                                     AN ACT

     1  To provide for the establishment of a Commonwealth Commission on
     2     the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution; and
     3     making an appropriation.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Findings.
     7     The General Assembly finds that:
     8         (1)  The Bicentennial of the Constitutional Convention's
     9     adoption of the Constitution at the Pennsylvania State House,
    10     Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, occurs on September 17, 1987; the
    11     Bicentennial of the Pennsylvania ratification of the
    12     Constitution occurs on December 12, 1987; and the
    13     Bicentennial of the national adoption of the Constitution, by
    14     ratification of states, occurs on June 21, 1988.
    15         (2)  The anniversary dates of the national ratification
    16     of the United States Constitution's Thirteenth, Fourteenth,
    17     Fifteenth and Nineteenth Amendments abolishing slavery,
    18     preventing abridgment of citizenship rights, guaranteeing

     1     equal rights for all, regardless of race, color or previous
     2     condition of servitude, and the granting of suffrage to women
     3     should be appropriately observed during the Bicentennial of
     4     the United States Constitution.
     5         (3)  The Constitution enunciates the limitations on
     6     government, the inalienable citizen rights and the timeless
     7     principles of individual liberty and responsibility and
     8     equality before law, for the people of the United States of
     9     America.
    10         (4)  This document has set an enduring example of
    11     representative democracy for the world.
    12         (5)  The maintenance of the common principles that
    13     animate and govern our Republic depend upon a knowledge and
    14     understanding of their roots and origins.
    15         (6)  The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, since its birth,
    16     attended by William Penn's prayer that it would become the
    17     "seed of a Nation," earned, through peace and war, the role
    18     of gracious and learned host for the Constitutional
    19     Convention of 1787.
    20         (7)  Pennsylvania's people, communities and Commonwealth
    21     government provided America with debate, study,
    22     experimentation, leadership and strength indispensable to the
    23     formation of the Republic in the process of the convention
    24     adoption of the Constitution on September 17, 1787, the
    25     issuance of a State House call for a convention to consider
    26     ratification and the Commonwealth ratification of the United
    27     States Constitution on December 12, 1787; and
    28         (8)  It is the privilege and duty of every Pennsylvanian
    29     to join in a Commonwealth and national observance of the
    30     Bicentennial of the United States Constitution with pride,
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     1     dedication and love of heritage.
     2  Section 2.  Commission; membership.
     3     (a)  Establishment of commission.--There is hereby
     4  established the Commonwealth Commission on the Bicentennial of
     5  the United States Constitution, hereinafter referred to as the
     6  commission, to promote and coordinate activities to commemorate
     7  the Bicentennial of the Constitution.
     8     (b)  Composition.--The commission shall be composed of 30
     9  members as follows:
    10         (1)  Twenty members appointed by the Governor; four of
    11     whom shall be appointed from among the recommendations made
    12     by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in
    13     consultation with the Majority and Minority Leaders of the
    14     House of Representatives; four of whom shall be appointed
    15     from among the recommendations made by the President pro
    16     tempore of the Senate, in consultation with the Majority
    17     Leader and Minority Leader of the Senate; and four of whom
    18     shall be appointed from recommendations by the Chief Justice
    19     of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in consultation with
    20     the President Judges of the Commonwealth and Superior Courts.
    21         (2)  The Governor and Lieutenant Governor of the
    22     Commonwealth, or their designees.
    23         (3)  The President pro tempore of the Senate, or his
    24     designee.
    25         (4)  The Speaker of the House of Representatives, or his
    26     designee.
    27         (5)  The Secretary of the Department of Education, or his
    28     designee.
    29         (6)  The Chairman of the Pennsylvania Historical and
    30     Museum Commission, or his designee.
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     1         (7)  The chairmen of the majority and minority
     2     Pennsylvania delegations in the United States House of
     3     Representatives, or their designees.
     4         (8)  The United States Senators of the Commonwealth of
     5     Pennsylvania, or their designees.
     6     (c)  Honorary members.--The President of the United States,
     7  the Vice President of the United States, the Speaker of the
     8  United States House of Representatives, the President pro
     9  tempore of the United States Senate and the Chief Justice of the
    10  United States Supreme Court shall be invited to serve as
    11  distinguished honorary members of the commission.
    12     (d)  Membership to be balanced.--Each of the individuals
    13  making recommendations to the Governor regarding appointments
    14  shall seek to achieve a balanced membership representing, to the
    15  maximum extent practicable, the Commonwealth as a whole. The
    16  commission members shall be chosen from among individuals who
    17  have demonstrated allegiance to civic duty, strong sense of
    18  public service, expertise in the learned professions and
    19  abilities likely to contribute to the fulfillment of the duties
    20  of the commission.
    21     (e)  Term of members.--Members of the commission shall be
    22  appointed for the life of the commission.
    23     (f)  Chairman.--One of the members shall be appointed as
    24  chairman, subject to approval of the majority of the commission,
    25  by the Governor.
    26     (g)  Quorum.--Sixteen members of the commission shall
    27  constitute a quorum. Membership attendance shall be made a part
    28  of the record of the commission.
    29     (h)  Vacancies.--A vacancy in the commission resulting from
    30  the death or resignation of a member shall not affect its powers
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     1  and shall be filled in the same manner in which the original
     2  appointment was made.
     3     (i)  Members not to be compensated.--Members of the
     4  commission shall receive no compensation for their services, but
     5  shall be reimbursed for travel and other reasonable expenses
     6  incurred by them in the performance of their duties.
     7  Section 3.  Administrative provisions and powers.
     8     (a)  Assistance from Department of Education.--The Department
     9  of Education shall provide such secretarial and other staff
    10  assistance as may be necessary to the proper functioning of the
    11  commission, consistent with the laws of the Commonwealth.
    12     (b)  Commission to coordinate activities.--The commission
    13  shall coordinate, generally, activities throughout all of the
    14  Commonwealth and serve as a clearinghouse for the collection and
    15  dissemination of information about bicentennial events and
    16  plans.
    17     (c)  Planning and implementation of activities.--In planning
    18  and implementing appropriate activities to commemorate the
    19  bicentennial, the commission shall give due consideration to:
    20         (1)  The historical Pennsylvania State House setting in
    21     which the Constitution was developed and ratified and the
    22     ratification debates in the Pennsylvania State House of
    23     Representatives and the State Convention of Ratification.
    24         (2)  The contribution of diverse ethnic, religious and
    25     racial groups.
    26         (3)  The relationship and historical development of the
    27     three branches of the government.
    28         (4)  The unique achievements and contributions of the
    29     Pennsylvania participants in the Constitutional Convention of
    30     1787.
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     1         (5)  The diverse legal and philosophical views regarding
     2     the Constitution.
     3         (6)  The need for reflection upon both academic and
     4     scholarly views of the Constitution and the principle that
     5     the document must be understood by the general public.
     6         (7)  The substantive provisions of the Constitution
     7     itself.
     8         (8)  The impact of the Constitution on American life and
     9     government.
    10         (9)  The need to encourage appropriate educational
    11     curriculums designed to educate students at all levels of
    12     learning on the drafting, ratification and history of the
    13     Constitution and the specific provisions of that document.
    14         (10)  The significance of the principles and institutions
    15     of the Constitution to other nations and their citizens.
    16     (d)  Commission to seek cooperation.--The commission shall
    17  seek the cooperation, advice and assistance of both private and
    18  governmental agencies, organizations and institutions.
    19  Section 4.  Powers and duties of commission.
    20     The commission shall have the power and its duty shall be:
    21         (1)  To plan and develop activities appropriate to
    22     commemorate the Bicentennial of the Constitution, including a
    23     limited number of projects to be undertaken by the
    24     Commonwealth seeking to harmonize and balance the important
    25     goals of ceremony and celebration with the equally important
    26     goals of scholarship and education.
    27         (2)  To encourage private organizations, county and
    28     municipal governments and educational systems to organize and
    29     participate in bicentennial activities commemorating or
    30     examining the drafting, ratification and history of the
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     1     Constitution and the specific features of the document.
     2         (3)  To extend cooperation to all bicentennial agencies
     3     or commissions established by the United States Congress and
     4     the legislatures of all states. In doing so, it shall be the
     5     policy of the commission to provide equal treatment to all
     6     states, regardless of their date of establishment, in
     7     recognition of the historic role of Pennsylvania as a source
     8     of pioneers, culture, philosophy and system of self-
     9     government.
    10         (4)  To enter into contracts and to execute all
    11     instruments necessary or convenient for carrying on its
    12     operations.
    13         (5)  To accept, on behalf of the Commonwealth, gifts,
    14     donations, legacies and usages of money from individuals,
    15     organizations, public or private corporations and other
    16     similar entities.
    17         (6)  To solicit and raise moneys from public and private
    18     sources through the sale of commemorative medals and other
    19     items of a similar nature which promote the Bicentennial of
    20     the Constitution.
    21  Section 5.  Report.
    22     On February 1, 1986, the commission shall submit, to the
    23  Governor and each house of the General Assembly, a comprehensive
    24  report incorporating specific recommendations of the commission
    25  for commemoration and coordination of the bicentennial and
    26  related activities. This report shall be accompanied by a
    27  summarization of all bicentennial projects proposed by persons,
    28  organizations and institutions of the private sector which
    29  contemplate no Federal or State financial subsidization, and
    30  which are filed with the commission by the close of business on
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     1  December 31, 1985.
     2  Section 6.  Termination.
     3     The commission shall terminate on December 31, 1988.
     4  Section 7.  Appropriation.
     5     There is hereby appropriated to the Department of Education,
     6  to assist in the work of the commission, the sum of $50,000, or
     7  as much thereof as may be necessary, to carry out the provisions
     8  of this act. In addition, all moneys received from any other
     9  sources as contributions to this program shall be paid into the
    10  General Fund and credited to this appropriation. Funds
    11  unencumbered and unexpended as of June 30, 1989, shall lapse
    12  into the General Fund.
    13  Section 8.  Effective date.
    14     This act shall take effect immediately.

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