No. 1433 Session of 1984



                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing a business infrastructure development program for
     2     making grants and loans for infrastructure necessary to
     3     complement industrial or commercial investment by private
     4     companies; prescribing requirements of and conditions for
     5     grants and loans; and making an appropriation.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Short title.
     9     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Business
    10  Infrastructure Development Act.
    11  Section 2.  Definitions.
    12     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    13  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    14  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    15     "Department."  The Department of Commerce.
    16     "Infrastructure improvements."  The construction,
    17  rehabilitation or repair of drainage systems; energy facilities

     1  (power generation and distribution); fire safety facilities
     2  (excluding vehicles); sewer systems (pipe, treatment);
     3  transportation directly affecting the site of the proposed
     4  private investment, including roads, sidewalks, bridges, rail,
     5  port, river, airport or pipeline (excluding vehicles); waste
     6  disposal; and water supply (storage, treatment and
     7  distribution).
     8     "Local sponsor."  Any municipality, any industrial and
     9  commercial authority organized pursuant to, or industrial
    10  development company as certified by the department pursuant to
    11  the act of August 23, 1967 (P.L.251, No.102), known as the
    12  Industrial and Commercial Development Authority Law; any council
    13  of government organization or any multimunicipal agency
    14  organization created pursuant to the act of July 12, 1972
    15  (P.L.762, No.180), referred to as the Intergovernmental
    16  Cooperation Law; any municipal authority organization pursuant
    17  to the act of May 2, 1945 (P.L.382, No.164), known as the
    18  Municipality Authorities Act of 1945; any redevelopment
    19  authority organized pursuant to the act of May 24, 1945
    20  (P.L.991, No.385), known as the Urban Redevelopment Law; and any
    21  local development district of the Appalachian Regional
    22  Commission.
    23     "Municipality."  Any county, city, borough, incorporated
    24  town, township or home rule municipality.
    25     "Private company."  Any agricultural, industrial,
    26  manufacturing or research and development enterprise or
    27  enterprises, as defined in section 3 of the act of May 17, 1956
    28  (1955 P.L.1609, No.537), known as the Pennsylvania Industrial
    29  Development Authority Act.
    30     "Private match."  Any new investment by the private company
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     1  in land, buildings and depreciable fixed assets and
     2  infrastructure improvements at the project site of the
     3  infrastructure improvements funded under this act.
     4     "Publicly owned property."  Property which is accessible to
     5  the general public and is not under the control of a private
     6  firm.
     7     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Commerce.
     8     "Small community."  A municipality eligible to participate in
     9  the Small Communities Block Grant Program.
    10  Section 3.  Establishment of program.
    11     There is hereby established, under the direction of the
    12  department, a program to be known as the Business Infrastructure
    13  Development Program for the purpose of making grants or loans to
    14  local sponsors in order to install specific infrastructure
    15  improvements necessary to complement industrial investment by
    16  private companies which increase Pennsylvania's share of
    17  domestic and international commerce create net new jobs.
    18  Section 4.  Grant and loan procedure.
    19     (a)  Private company commitments.--An application for a grant
    20  or loan shall be initiated by a private company which shall
    21  submit a letter of intent or signed contractual agreement to
    22  locate, expand or build a facility to a local sponsor whose
    23  jurisdiction includes, at least in part, the site of the
    24  facility. The letter of intent shall include:
    25         (1)  A commitment that the proposed facility will create
    26     a minimum of ten net new full-time equivalent jobs, will
    27     create at least a 4% increase in full-time equivalent jobs in
    28     the case of expansion of an enterprise already located at the
    29     site, or at least a 10% increase in full-time equivalent jobs
    30     pursuant to section 7(h) and will create at least one net new
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     1     full-time equivalent job for every $15,000 either loaned or
     2     granted for the project.
     3         (2)  A statement of intention to operate the facility for
     4     a minimum of five years.
     5         (3)  A statement that the specific infrastructure
     6     improvements are necessary for the efficient and cost-
     7     effective operation of the proposed business or industry,
     8     together with supporting financial and engineering
     9     documentation.
    10         (4)  A notarized statement of willingness to grant the
    11     local sponsor a lien on the facility for which the
    12     infrastructure is being provided, up to the amount of the
    13     cost of the loan, including principal and interest, required
    14     to provide the infrastructure, which lien may be foreclosed
    15     in the event that the private company fails to operate in the
    16     facility for at least five years.
    17     (b)  Application to the department.--Upon receipt of the
    18  request for assistance from a private company, the local sponsor
    19  may apply to the department for a loan or grant. The application
    20  from the local sponsor shall include, but not be limited to:
    21         (1)  A statement of the purpose of the proposed loan or
    22     grant, including a list of eligible items and the cost of
    23     each.
    24         (2)  A statement showing the sources of funding for the
    25     entire project, including the private company's investment in
    26     the project and any public and other private sources of
    27     funding.
    28         (3)  A contractual agreement or signed letter of intent
    29     from a private firm, as specified in this section.
    30         (4)  Evidence that there will be a private match in the
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     1     following amounts:
     2             (i)  At least $2 for every $1 of State assistance, if
     3         the assistance requested is $500,000 or less.
     4             (ii)  At least $3 for every $1 of State assistance,
     5         if the assistance requested is greater than $500,000 but
     6         not greater than $1,000,000.
     7             (iii)  At least $4 for every $1 of State assistance
     8         if the assistance requested is greater than $1,000,000
     9         but not greater than $1,500,000.
    10         (5)  Demonstration that the private firm is financially
    11     sound and is likely to fulfill the commitments made in its
    12     letter of intent.
    13         (6)  A proposed timetable for the provision of the
    14     infrastracture improvements.
    15         (7)  Evidence that the project will be expeditiously
    16     carried out and completed as planned.
    17         (8)  A demonstration that insufficient local capital
    18     improvement funds at reasonable rates and terms are available
    19     within the necessary time to provide the needed
    20     infrastructure improvement on public property. This includes
    21     local funds available through issuance of bonds or other
    22     means, State funds available through existing programs and
    23     available Federal program funds such as community development
    24     block grant funds, urban development action grant funds and
    25     economic development administration funds.
    26         (9)  A demonstration that insufficient private funds are
    27     available at reasonable rates and terms within the necessary
    28     time to fund infrastructure improvements on property owned by
    29     the private company.
    30         (10)  Evidence of consistency with local and areawide
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     1     economic development plans where such exist.
     2     (c)  Grant and loan evaluation.--The department shall
     3  consider grant and loan applications based on the following
     4  criteria:
     5         (1)  The number of net new full-time equivalent jobs that
     6     will be provided and the amount of additional State and local
     7     tax revenue that will be directly generated by the private
     8     company's new or expanded industrial or commercial
     9     investment.
    10         (2)  The degree of economic distress in the jurisdiction
    11     of the local sponsor and, when appropriate, the surrounding
    12     area, as measured by rates of unemployment, income levels and
    13     other criteria as the department shall establish by rules or
    14     guidelines.
    15         (3)  The ability to repay the interest and principal, in
    16     the case of a loan.
    17         (4)  The increase in the manufacturing base of the
    18     Commonwealth.
    19  Section 5.  Loan repayment.
    20     The department shall establish such guidelines, rules and
    21  regulations for the repayment of funds loaned pursuant to this
    22  act as may be necessary. These provisions shall include, but not
    23  be limited to, the following:
    24         (1)  Funds may be lent for a maximum of ten years or the
    25     estimated useful life of the property, as established by the
    26     United States Department of Treasury, whichever is greater.
    27         (2)  The rate of interest charged by the department for
    28     infrastructure not on publicly owned property shall be no
    29     less than the average interest rate on the bonds sold
    30     pursuant to the act of February 24, 1984 (P.L.99, No.19)
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     1     entitled "An act authorizing the indebtedness, with the
     2     approval of the electors, of $190,000,000 to promote economic
     3     redevelopment throughout Pennsylvania through job producing
     4     programs; grants and loans for industrial and small business
     5     development; acquisition of equipment for vocational programs
     6     in secondary schools, community colleges and engineering
     7     degree-granting schools; agricultural development; and the
     8     acquisition, rehabilitation or development of facilities for
     9     community services and public recreation purposes," and
    10     approved by referendum on April 10, 1984.
    11         (3)  For all infrastructure improvements funded through
    12     this act which occur on publicly owned property, repayment of
    13     funds loaned will involve only the principal amount loaned
    14     and no interest will be charged against the funds made
    15     available.
    16  Section 6.  Grants.
    17     Grants for infrastructure on publicly owned property
    18  necessary to complete eligible projects, consistent with the
    19  criteria set forth in this act, shall be permitted only in
    20  enterprise development areas designated as such by the Secretary
    21  of the Department of Community Affairs, or in those
    22  municipalities which are experiencing three or more of the
    23  following problems:
    24         (1)  Twenty percent or more of the population with
    25     incomes below the poverty level as reported in the latest
    26     decennial census.
    27         (2)  Fifteen percent or more of the labor force is
    28     unemployed as reported in the census of 1980 or as reported
    29     in a survey done by the municipality.
    30         (3)  Five percent or more loss of population between 1970
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     1     and 1980 as reported by the Census Bureau.
     2         (4)  Significant business vacancy rate within the area,
     3     either in gross footage or acreage or in the number of
     4     business or industrial buildings.
     5         (5)  Significant reduction in employment since 1977.
     6  Section 7.  Special provisions.
     7     (a)  Limit on grants and loans to particular
     8  municipalities.--No more than 10% of funds appropriated pursuant
     9  to this act shall be loaned or granted to local sponsors in a
    10  particular municipality.
    11     (b)  Limit on grants for infrastructure on publicly owned
    12  property.--In no case shall more than 10% of the funds
    13  appropriated in any State fiscal year pursuant to this act be
    14  utilized as specified in section 6, nor shall any municipality
    15  receive more than one grant in any single fiscal year.
    16     (c)  Minimum allocation to small communities.--A minimum of
    17  25% of the grants and loans issued pursuant to this act shall be
    18  allocated to small communities.
    19     (d)  Evidence of matching funds.--No loan or grant shall be
    20  made without substantiation of the provisions of section 5.
    21     (e)  Liens.--Funds loaned will be secured by lien positions
    22  on collateral at the highest level of priority the department
    23  determines feasible to accommodate the project, consistent with
    24  section 4(a)(4).
    25     (f)  Penalty.--Private companies which fail to create the
    26  number of jobs specified in an approved application shall be
    27  liable for a penalty equal to an increase in the interest
    28  charged to 2% greater than the current prime interest rate for
    29  the remainder of the loan, unless the penalty is waived by the
    30  secretary because the failure is due to circumstances outside
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     1  the control of the private company. The penalty shall be payable
     2  in installments which the secretary deems appropriate. Immediate
     3  notice of penalties and waivers of penalties, including the
     4  penalties in section 4(a)(4), with the reasons thereof, shall be
     5  submitted by the secretary to the Chief Clerk of the House of
     6  Representatives and to the Secretary of the Senate, along with
     7  the secretary's decision on the imposition of penalties and the
     8  reasons for this decision.
     9     (g)  Withholding of liquid fuel tax allocation.--
    10  Municipalities receiving interest free loans which fail to meet
    11  their repayment obligations shall have all or part of their
    12  liquid fuel tax allocation withheld or other penalties, as the
    13  department may prescribe. The secretary shall immediately give
    14  the name of the municipality and the reasons for, and amount of,
    15  the penalty to both the Chief Clerk of the House of
    16  Representatives and the Secretary of the Senate.
    17     (h)  Relocation; job increase.--This act is expressly not
    18  intended to encourage the relocation of a company from one
    19  jurisdiction within the Commonwealth to another. Any request by
    20  a local sponsor for assistance to be provided a firm which
    21  currently operates a similar business in the Commonwealth must
    22  be accompanied by a demonstration that the total net increase in
    23  full-time equivalent jobs, using the current number of jobs in
    24  all similar businesses operated by the private company in the
    25  Commonwealth as a base, shall be at least 10%. This requirement
    26  shall not apply to private companies relocating from small
    27  business incubators.
    28  Section 8.  Additional powers and duties of the department.
    29     (a)  Rules and forms.--The department may prescribe such
    30  application forms and promulgate such guidelines, rules and
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     1  regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of
     2  this act with respect to loan and grant conditions and criteria
     3  for evaluation of the economic benefit of proposed loans and
     4  grants and for determining and evaluating compliance with all
     5  the criteria established in this act. Guidelines and changes to
     6  guidelines shall be provided to the Chief Clerk of the House of
     7  Representatives and the Secretary of the Senate when they become
     8  effective.
     9     (b)  Reporting.--On or before the March 1 following the
    10  adoption of this act and in each succeeding year in which loans
    11  are outstanding, the department shall provide a report to the
    12  Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives and the Secretary of
    13  the Senate for the preceding calendar year. The report shall
    14  contain, at a minimum, the following information:
    15         (1)  A list of the approved projects including local
    16     sponsor, name of private company, cost of project, amount of
    17     private investment, projected number of new jobs, location of
    18     project, date of submission of the application by the local
    19     sponsor, type of project and estimated completion date of
    20     project.
    21         (2)  A list of applications not approved.
    22         (3)  A list of pending applications.
    23         (4)  A list of projects where job projections are not
    24     being met or the project is not being completed and the
    25     penalty being applied or the reason a penalty is not being
    26     applied.
    27         (5)  Estimates of State and local tax revenue increases
    28     caused directly by project.
    29         (6)  A list of projects approved or completed in years
    30     prior to the preceding year.
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     1         (7)  In addition to the data reporting required above,
     2     the department shall accumulate from the sponsors of approved
     3     projects the following data on an annual and cumulative
     4     basis:
     5             (i)  The number of jobs actually created by these
     6         projects.
     7             (ii)  Estimated increased tax revenue caused by the
     8         projects.
     9         (8)  Guidelines issued for this program.
    10         (9)  An overall statement of the progress of the program
    11     during the preceding year, along with recommendations for
    12     improvements.
    13  Section 9.  Appropriation.
    14     The sum of $16,000,000, or as much thereof as may be
    15  necessary, is hereby appropriated from the Pennsylvania Economic
    16  Revitalization Fund to the department for the fiscal year July
    17  1, 1984 to June 30, 1985, for grants and loans as specified in
    18  this act.
    19  Section 10.  Termination.
    20     No funds may be expended pursuant to this act after June 30,
    21  1987.
    22  Section 11.  Effective date.
    23     This act shall take effect immediately.

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