No. 632 Session of 1983
1 Amending the act of August 31, 1955 (P.L.531, No.131), entitled
2 "An act permitting and regulating wrestling and boxing
3 contests and exhibitions; requiring licenses and permits;
4 conferring powers and imposing duties upon the State Athletic
5 Commission; providing for the granting, suspension, and
6 revocation of licenses and permits issued by the Commission;
7 preserving the rights of existing licensees and permittees;
8 prescribing penalties, fines, forfeitures and misdemeanors;
9 requiring bonds and insurance; creating a Medical Advisory
10 Board; providing for rules and regulations; and making
11 appropriations," regulating kick boxing; further regulating
12 amateur boxing; establishing a State boxing register;
13 providing for medical training seminars; requiring certain
14 emergency medical equipment to be at situs of certain events;
15 further providing for suspension; and further defining <--
16 referee's role in boxing contest; PROHIBITING TOUGH GUY <--
19 The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
20 hereby enacts as follows:
21 Section 1. Section 202 of the act of August 31, 1955
22 (P.L.531, No.131), known as the Pennsylvania Athletic Code,
23 amended June 18, 1976 (P.L.393, No.85), is amended to read:
24 Section 202. Boxing and Wrestling Regulated.--Amateur or
25 professional boxing or wrestling contests or exhibitions
1 including kick boxing shall be held within the Commonwealth of 2 Pennsylvania only in accordance with the provisions of this act 3 and the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder. Such 4 contests or exhibitions may be held on Sundays. 5 Section 2. Section 204 of the act, amended May 24, 1956 6 (1955 P.L.1693, No.574), is amended to read: 7 Section 204. Physician to be in Attendance.--A physician 8 shall be assigned to every boxing or wrestling contest or 9 exhibition by the Commission. He shall observe and continue to 10 observe the physical condition of the participants and [advise 11 the member of the Commission or deputy in charge and the referee 12 in regard thereto.] be authorized to stop any contest or 13 exhibition at any time to examine a contestant and to terminate 14 a bout when in his judgment severe injury could result to a 15 contestant if the contest or exhibition were to continue. The 16 Commission shall establish by rule or regulation a schedule of 17 fees to be paid such physicians for their services. The 18 physician's fee shall be paid by the promoter of the contest or 19 exhibition attended by the physician. 20 Section 3. The act is amended by adding sections to read: 21 Section 204.1. Medical Training Seminars.--The Commission 22 shall conduct frequent mandatory medical training seminars, at 23 least three (3) per year for all ring personnel, Commission 24 personnel and for other persons employed by the Commission and 25 designated to attend. 26 Section 204.2. Register.--The Commission shall establish and 27 maintain a register for all professional boxers licensed in 28 Pennsylvania. The register shall include a photograph of the 29 boxer. In the register, the Commission shall record the results 30 of each boxing contest or exhibition the boxer is involved in, 19830S0632B0879 - 2 -
1 including technical knockouts, knockouts and other boxing 2 related injuries, as well as the dates of each contest or 3 exhibition and the record of wins and losses. 4 Section 204.3. Medical Equipment.--No professional or 5 amateur boxing event shall be started unless there is on the 6 premises: 7 (1) an ambulance, together with emergency equipment; and 8 (2) a portable resuscitator with oxygen and appropriate 9 endotracheal tubes, and a qualified operator. 10 Section 204.4. Suspension.--For sound medical reasons and to 11 protect the individual boxers, the Commission shall establish 12 mandatory license suspensions of those persons who sustain 13 certain injuries. The Commission may suspend a boxer's license 14 for up to sixty (60) days for a laceration of the face, up to 15 thirty (30) days for a technical knockout with minor injuries 16 and up to forty-five (45) days for head injuries. Boxers 17 receiving a knockout may receive up to a ninety (90) day 18 suspension and shall receive an EEG within twenty-four (24) 19 hours of the knockout. 20 Section 4. Sections 208 AND 210 and 250 of the act, amended <-- 21 or added May 24, 1956 (1955 P.L.1693, No.574) are amended to <-- 22 read: 23 Section 208. Gloves.--When the boxers are lightweights, as 24 defined in the regulations, or in a lighter class, they shall 25 wear boxing gloves weighing not less than five (5) ounces each. 26 When the boxers are [in a heavier class than lightweights,] over 27 one hundred sixty-five (165) pounds, they shall wear boxing 28 gloves weighing not less than [six (6)] ten (10) ounces each. 29 Section 210. Attendance of Referee and Judges; Scoring.--At 30 each professional boxing contest or exhibition, except an 19830S0632B0879 - 3 -
1 exhibition held solely for training purposes, there shall be in 2 attendance, at the expense of the promoter, a duly licensed 3 referee designated by the Commission who shall direct and 4 control the contest or exhibition. 5 There shall also be in attendance at every boxing contest, at 6 the expense of the promoter, [two (2)] three (3) licensed 7 judges, each of whom shall[, together with the referee,] render 8 his individual decision, in writing, on a scorecard supplied by 9 the Commission at the end of every boxing contest which 10 continues for the scheduled number of rounds. Each judge [and 11 the referee] shall have one (1) vote and a majority of the votes 12 cast shall determine the winner. 13 The Commission shall by rule or regulation prescribe the 14 methods of scoring. 15 SECTION 5. THE ACT IS AMENDED BY ADDING A SECTION TO READ: <-- 16 SECTION 223. PROHIBITED COMPETITION.--(A) A PERSON COMMITS 17 A MISDEMEANOR OF THE FIRST DEGREE IF HE PROMOTES, SPONSORS OR 18 PARTICIPATES IN ANY MANNER IN THE STAGING OF, OR THE CONDUCT OF, 19 ANY TOUGH GUY CONTEST OR BATTLE OF THE BRAWLERS OR IN ANY 20 SIMILAR COMPETITION. 21 (B) THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION SHALL NOT APPLY TO THE 22 NEWS MEDIA, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO TELEVISION, RADIO, 23 NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS, FOR THEIR REPORTING OR ADVERTISING 24 ACTIVITIES RELATING TO TOUGH GUY CONTESTS OR BATTLE OF THE 25 BRAWLERS. 26 (C) AS USED IN THIS SECTION THE PHRASE "TOUGH GUY CONTEST" 27 OR "BATTLE OF THE BRAWLERS" MEANS ANY COMPETITION WHICH INVOLVES 28 ANY PHYSICAL CONTACT BOUT BETWEEN TWO OR MORE INDIVIDUALS, WHO 29 ATTEMPT TO KNOCK OUT THEIR OPPONENT BY EMPLOYING BOXING, 30 WRESTLING, MARTIAL ARTS TACTICS OR ANY COMBINATION THEREOF AND 19830S0632B0879 - 4 -
1 BY USING TECHNIQUES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PUNCHES, 2 KICKS AND CHOKING. THESE PHRASES SHALL NOT APPLY TO AMATEUR OR 3 PROFESSIONAL CONTESTS SANCTIONED BY THE PENNSYLVANIA ATHLETIC 4 COMMISSION NOR TO CONTESTS STAGED IN CONNECTION WITH ATHLETIC 5 TRAINING PROGRAMS NOR TO AMATEUR OR PROFESSIONAL CONTESTS OF THE 6 MARTIAL ARTS NOR TO ANY COLLEGIATE OR SCHOLASTIC BOXING, 7 WRESTLING OR MARTIAL ARTS CONTESTS. 8 SECTION 6. SECTION 250 OF THE ACT, ADDED MAY 24, 1956 (1955 9 P.L.1693, NO.574), IS AMENDED TO READ: 10 Section 250. Mandatory Eight Count.--Whenever a boxer is 11 knocked down, he shall be required to take a count of eight, 12 even if he has regained his feet prior thereto, and the referee 13 shall not permit the contest or exhibition to be resumed until 14 the count of eight has actually been reached, except in 15 professional championship boxing contests and exhibitions. A 16 referee may give a standing eight count in those instances where 17 he deems necessary. 18 Section 5 7. This act shall take effect in 60 days. <-- C18L4JLW/19830S0632B0879 - 5 -