No. 59 Session of 1983



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing and directing the Department of General Services and
     2     the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture with the approval
     3     of the Governor, to convey to Penn Township, 9.331 acres of
     4     land, more or less, situate in Penn Township, Snyder County,
     5     Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  The Department of General Services and the
     9  Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, with the approval of the
    10  Governor, is hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the
    11  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to grant and convey for a
    12  consideration of one-half of fair market value to Penn Township,
    13  described in accordance with a plan prepared for Penn Township,
    14  dated January 10, 1982, as prepared by Survey Services, Inc.,
    15  Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania and the following tract of land
    16  situate in Penn Township, Snyder County, and the Commonwealth of
    17  Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows:
    18     Beginning at a point on the southeasterly corner of the
    19  herein described tract, said point being the southwest corner of

     1  the land of Luke E., Jr. and Alice C. Bogar, the northwest
     2  corner of the land of Alfred J. Shultz and the northeast corner
     3  of the land of Ezra T. and Leah Y. Hostetler and running; thence
     4  south 84 degrees 44 minutes 11 seconds west 900.00 feet along
     5  land of Ezra T. and Leah Y. Hostetler and land of Jacob E.
     6  Hostetler to a set iron pin; thence north 05 degrees 15 minutes
     7  49 seconds west 337.17 feet along land of the Commonwealth of
     8  Pennsylvania to a set iron pin; thence north 38 degrees 51
     9  minutes 52 seconds east 495.64 feet along land of the
    10  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to a set iron pin; thence south 51
    11  degrees 08 minutes 08 seconds east 434.50 feet along the
    12  southerly right-of-way line of Legislative Route 54076 to a
    13  point; thence in a southeasterly direction on a curve to the
    14  right an arc distance of 305.53 feet having a radius of 1278.50
    15  feet along the southerly right-of-way line of said Legislative
    16  Route 54076 to a point; thence south 37 degrees 26 minutes 35
    17  seconds east 95.07 feet along the southerly right-of-way line of
    18  said Legislative Route 54076 to a point; thence south 05 degrees
    19  37 minutes 52 seconds east 73.15 feet along the land of said
    20  Luke E., Jr. and Alice C. Bogar to the point of beginning.
    21     Being a tract of land containing 9.331 acres more or less.
    22     The conveyance shall be made under and subject to all
    23  easements, servitudes and rights of others, including but not
    24  confined to streets, roadways and rights of any telephone,
    25  telegraph, water, electric, sewer, gas or pipeline companies, as
    26  well as under and subject to any interest, estates or tenancies
    27  vested in third persons, whether or not appearing of record, for
    28  any portion of the land or improvements erected thereon.
    29     Section 2.  The purchase price of one-half of fair market
    30  value shall be paid to the Commonwealth over a five-year period
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     1  in equal annual installments commencing on January 15 of the
     2  year following the effective date of this act and each year
     3  thereafter.
     4     Section 3.  The deed of conveyance shall contain a clause
     5  that the lands conveyed shall be used for recreational purposes
     6  by Penn Township and if at any time the said Penn Township or
     7  its successor in function conveys said property or permits said
     8  property to be used for any purpose other than those
     9  aforementioned, the title thereto shall immediately revert to
    10  and revest in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    11     Section 4.  The deed of conveyance shall be approved as
    12  provided by law and shall be executed by the Secretary of
    13  General Services in the name of the Commonwealth of
    14  Pennsylvania.
    15     Section 5.  Costs and fees incidental to this conveyance
    16  shall be borne by the grantee.
    17     Section 6.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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