PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 11, 1059, 1076,          PRINTER'S NO. 2406
        1351, 1457, 2391



No. 11 Session of 1983

                     Report of the Committee of Conference

        To the Members of the Senate and House of Representatives:

           We, the undersigned, Committee of Conference on the part of
        the Senate and House of Representatives for the purpose of
        considering Senate Bill No. 11, entitled:
        "An act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania
        Consolidated Statutes, requiring school buses to stop at all
        and permitting local authorities to designate and use roads for
        nonvehicular purposes; AND FURTHER PROVIDING FOR LIMITED

        respectfully submit the following bill as our report:

                                           ROY W. WILT

                                           DAVID J. BRIGHTBILL

                                           EDWARD P. ZEMPRELLI

                                  (Committee on the part of the Senate.)

                                           WILLIAM WACHOB

                                           FRED TAYLOR

                (Committee on the part of the House of Representatives.)

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the retail sale of gasoline; regulating certain
     2     relationships between retail gasoline dealers and
     3     manufacturers, refiners, suppliers and distributors; and
     4     providing for the recovery of damages in certain cases.

     5     The General Assembly finds and declares that the distribution
     6  and sales of gasoline and petroleum products in this
     7  Commonwealth, including the rights and obligations of suppliers
     8  and dealers, vitally affects its general economy. In order to
     9  promote the public interest and public welfare of this
    10  Commonwealth; to avoid undue control of the dealer by suppliers;
    11  to foster and keep alive vigorous and healthy competition for
    12  the benefit of the public by prohibiting practices through which
    13  fair and honest competition is destroyed or prevented; to
    14  promote the public safety; to prevent deterioration of
    15  facilities for servicing motor vehicles on the highways of this
    16  Commonwealth; and to prevent dealers from unnecessarily going
    17  out of business, thereby resulting in unemployment with loss of
    18  tax revenue to the Commonwealth and its inevitable train of
    19  undesirable consequences, it is necessary to legislate standards
    20  pursuant to the exercise of the police power of this
    21  Commonwealth governing the relationship between suppliers and
    22  distributors of gasoline and petroleum products and the dealers
    23  who sell the products to the public.
    24     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    25  hereby enacts as follows:
    26  Section 1.  Short title.
    27     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Petroleum
    28  Practices Regulation Act.
    29  Section 2.  Definitions.
    30     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall

     1  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     2  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     3     "Agreement."  A contract or lease, or combination of both, or
     4  any other terminology used to describe the contractual
     5  relationship between the lessor, supplier and the lessee dealer.
     6     "Controlled outlet."  An outlet which is operated by a
     7  manufacturer or refiner or by partners or employees of a
     8  manufacturer, refiner or subsidiary thereof or commissioned
     9  agent of a manufacturer, refiner or subsidiary thereof or by any
    10  person manufacturer, refiner or subsidiary thereof.
    11     "Gasoline."  Gasoline, benzol, benzine, naptha and any other
    12  liquid prepared, advertised, offered for sale, sold for use as
    13  or used for the generation of power for the propulsion of motor
    14  vehicles, including any product obtained by blending together
    15  any one or more products of petroleum with or without other
    16  products, if the resultant product is capable of the same use.
    17     "Imputed gasoline costs."  The net wholesale price per gallon
    18  charged by the manufacturer, refiner or subsidiary thereof to
    19  the complaining retail service station dealer for each grade of
    20  branded gasoline during the period of an alleged violation of
    21  section 3.
    22     "Imputed real estate costs."  The fair market value of the
    23  controlled outlet multiplied by a percentage equal to the rate
    24  of return realized by the manufacturer, refiner or subsidiary
    25  thereof from the leasing of its retail service station to the
    26  complaining retail service station dealer. This rate of return
    27  is determined by dividing the retail service station dealer's
    28  rental by the fair market value of the property and expressing
    29  the quotient as a percentage.
    30     "Manufacturer" or "refiner."  A person, partnership, firm or
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     1  corporation engaged in producing, blending or compounding motor
     2  fuels.
     3     "Person."  An individual, corporation, business trust,
     4  estate, trust, partnership, association, two or more persons
     5  having a joint or common interest or any other legal or
     6  commercial entity.
     7     "Relevant market area."  An area in which a controlled outlet
     8  and a retail service station dealer are in direct, actual and
     9  substantial competition, and, absent other evidence, it is
    10  presumed to be for cities of the first, second, and their
    11  contiguous municipalities, and third class, an area consisting
    12  of one mile in all directions by the most direct surface route
    13  from a retail service station dealer. For all other areas of
    14  this Commonwealth, it shall be an area of three miles in all
    15  directions by the most direct surface route from a retail
    16  service station dealer.
    17     "Retail sale."  The sale of gasoline at retail.
    18     "Retail service station dealer."  A person, firm or
    19  corporation maintaining a place of business, other than a
    20  controlled outlet or jobber, where gasoline is sold at retail
    21  and delivered into the tanks of motor vehicles.
    22     "Subsidiary."  A company in which a manufacturer or refiner
    23  has more than a 50% beneficial or legal interest.
    24  Section 3.  Discrimination.
    25     (a)  General rule.--It shall be a violation of this act for
    26  manufacturers, refiners or subsidiaries thereof to discriminate
    27  against their own retail service station dealers in this
    28  Commonwealth. Discrimination shall be established whenever a
    29  manufacturer, refiner or subsidiary thereof either:
    30         (1)  Offers to sell or sells a grade of branded gasoline
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     1     at retail at a controlled outlet at a price per gallon which
     2     is less than the wholesale price which the manufacturer,
     3     refiner or subsidiary thereof charges its own retail service
     4     station dealer within a relevant market area for the same
     5     grade and brand of gasoline where the effect is to
     6     substantially lessen competition or tends to create a
     7     monopoly.
     8         (2)  Determines the rent charged to its own retail
     9     service station dealer upon a basis which does not include an
    10     objectively reasonable and economically realistic criteria or
    11     applies the rent to its own retail service station dealers in
    12     a nonuniform manner across the State.
    13         (3)  Fails to recover costs at a controlled outlet which
    14     is within a relevant market area of its own retail service
    15     station dealer. The failure shall exist whenever the
    16     controlled outlet's total actual proceeds do not exceed the
    17     imputed costs of that controlled outlet. Imputed costs shall
    18     be determined by examining all of the actual costs of
    19     operating the controlled outlet. However, its own retail
    20     service station dealer's imputed real estate costs and
    21     imputed gasoline costs shall be substituted for those same
    22     costs at the controlled outlet.
    23     (b)  Confidential information.--Any information concerning
    24  proceeds and costs obtained pursuant to an actual or alleged
    25  violation of subsection (c) shall be proprietary information for
    26  the litigants and shall not be subject to public inspection.
    27     (c)  Construction of section.--Nothing in this section shall
    28  be construed as limiting, restricting or waiving those rights
    29  and protections afforded under the Petroleum Marketing Practices
    30  Act (15 U.S.C. § 2801 et seq.).
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     1  Section 4.  Application to prior agreements.
     2     This act shall not apply to any rental agreement entered into
     3  prior to the effective date of this act, except that renewal of
     4  an agreement shall not be excluded.
     5  Section 5.  Damages due to discrimination.
     6     (a)  Notice of complaint.--Upon any alleged or actual
     7  violation of section 3, a retail service station dealer shall
     8  first notify his manufacturer, refiner or subsidiary thereof, by
     9  certified mail, of his specific complaint, in writing to the
    10  manufacturer, refiner or subsidiary thereof or an agent thereof
    11  as designated in the lease or the invoice. The manufacturer,
    12  refiner or subsidiary thereof shall have ten business days in
    13  which to respond to its own retail service station dealer and
    14  shall, if possible, adequately resolve any dispute within a
    15  reasonable time. If the resolution of any dispute by the
    16  manufacturer, refiner or subsidiary thereof does not conform to
    17  the time requirements of this section or is not satisfactory to
    18  the retail service station dealer, the dealer may file a suit
    19  within the court of common pleas where the violation occurred or
    20  where the affected retail service station is situated. The court
    21  of common pleas may issue an injunction if appropriate.
    22  Otherwise, the court shall convene an initial hearing within 30
    23  days.
    24     (b)  Measure of damages.--If the retail service station
    25  dealer prevails in any action under section 3, the dealer shall
    26  be entitled to the following:
    27         (1)  Actual damages.
    28         (2)  In the case of any action which is based upon
    29     conduct of the manufacturer, refiner or subsidiary thereof
    30     and which was in willful disregard of section 3 or the rights
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     1     of the retail service station dealer thereunder, exemplary
     2     damages, where appropriate, to be determined by the court of
     3     common pleas and not by a jury.
     4         (3)  Reasonable attorney and expert witness fees to be
     5     paid by the manufacturer, refiner or subsidiary thereof,
     6     unless the court determines that only nominal damages are to
     7     be awarded to the retail service station dealer, in which
     8     case the court, in its discretion, need not direct that the
     9     fees be paid by the manufacturer, refiner or subsidiary
    10     thereof.
    11  Section 6.  Damages for a manufacturer, refiner or subsidiary.
    12     If the manufacturer, refiner or subsidiary thereof prevails
    13  in any action brought under section 3, the manufacturer, refiner
    14  or subsidiary thereof may be awarded, in the court's discretion,
    15  reasonable attorney and expert witness fees to be paid by the
    16  retail service station dealer if the court of common pleas finds
    17  that the action is frivolous.
    18  Section 7.  Study and report.
    19     The Governor's Energy Council shall commence a study one year
    20  from the effective date of this act to determine the effects of
    21  this act upon petroleum marketing within the Commonwealth. The
    22  council shall make a report of its findings and recommendations
    23  to the President pro tempore of the Senate and to the Speaker of
    24  the House, within 180 days of the completion of the study.
    25  Section 8.  School bus drivers to stop at railroad crossings.
    26     Notwithstanding 75 Pa.C.S. § 3342(b)(2) (3) and (4) (relating
    27  to vehicles required to stop at railroad crossings), a driver of
    28  a school bus, as defined in 75 Pa.C.S. § 102 (relating to
    29  definitions), shall stop before crossing any railroad grade
    30  crossing or the tracks of any railroad.
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     1  Section 9.  Effective date.
     2     This act shall take effect immediately.

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