PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 2789, 2922, 3261         PRINTER'S NO. 3394



No. 2056 Session of 1984

                     Report of the Committee of Conference

        To the Members of the House of Representatives and Senate:

           We, the undersigned, Committee of Conference on the part of
        the House of Representatives and Senate for the purpose of
        considering House Bill No. 2056, entitled:
        "An act making appropriations to the Trustees of the University
        of Pennsylvania,"

        respectfully submit the following bill as our report:

                                           MAX PIEVSKY

                                           JAMES J. MANDERINO

                                           RICHARD A. McCLATCHY, JR.

                (Committee on the part of the House of Representatives.)

                                           RICHARD A. TILGHMAN

                                           JOHN STAUFFER

                                           ROBERT J. MELLOW

                                  (Committee on the part of the Senate.)

                                     AN ACT

     1  Making appropriations to the Trustees of the University of
     2     Pennsylvania.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5     Section 1.  The following sums, or as much thereof as may be
     6  necessary, are hereby appropriated to the Trustees of the
     7  University of Pennsylvania for the fiscal year July 1, 1984 to
     8  June 30, 1985, for the purposes and in the amounts as shown:
     9     (1)  For instruction excluding Veterinary
    10  Medicine programs and Doctor of Medicine but
    11  including participation by a representative of the
    12  institution, appointed by the Chief Executive
    13  Officer thereof, as a member of the Pennsylvania
    14  Academic Commission on Technological Development,
    15  a commission for inter-institutional communication
    16  regarding technological innovation and development
    17  and for dissemination of information on such
    18  matters to the Pennsylvania business community and
    19  others who may use such information for new
    20  business and job development in Pennsylvania, such
    21  commission to be composed of representatives of
    22  every State-owned or State-related educational or
    23  scientific institution receiving General Fund
    24  assistance from the Commonwealth..................   $12,549,000
    25     (2)  For dental clinics........................       805,000
    26     (3)  For instruction in the Doctor of Medicine
    27  program...........................................     3,467,000
    28     (4)  For instruction in Veterinary Medicine
    29  programs only.....................................     6,039,000

     1     (5)  For the New Bolton Animal Center..........     2,059,000
     2     (6)  For food and animal clinics and services..     1,436,000
     3     Section 2.  Payments to the University of Pennsylvania on
     4  account of the appropriations for the items provided in section
     5  1 shall be made quarterly by the Secretary of Education on the
     6  basis of costs during the fiscal year.
     7     Section 3.  The University of Pennsylvania shall provide such
     8  information and in such form and manner as the Department of
     9  Education may prescribe.
    10     Section 4.  The University of Pennsylvania shall report its
    11  revenues and expenditures and present its financial statements
    12  in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and
    13  procedures for educational institutions as set forth in the
    14  "Higher Education Finance Manual of 1975," without exception.
    15     Section 5.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1984 or, if
    16  enacted subsequent to that date, then immediately.

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