No. 1236 Session of 1983



                                     AN ACT

     1  Regulating toxic and hazardous substances; requiring the posting
     2     of the identity of these substances by employers and the
     3     labeling of toxic and hazardous substances; requiring
     4     material safety data on every toxic or hazardous substance to
     5     be given to the Department of Health and to employees;
     6     requiring employers to operate educational programs relating
     7     to toxic substances; providing for further duties of the
     8     Department of Health, for complaint procedures, for
     9     investigations, for compliance orders and the enforcement
    10     thereof; and providing penalties.

    11     It is hereby declared that there exists within the
    12  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania a potential danger to employees,
    13  their families and the general public because of exposure to
    14  hazardous and toxic substances encountered because of the
    15  introduction of these hazardous and toxic substances into the
    16  workplace and into the general environment. Employees may
    17  encounter exposure to these hazardous and toxic substances
    18  during the course and scope of their employment and the general
    19  public may encounter exposure to these hazardous and toxic
    20  substances due to their transportation, use and subsequent

     1  disposal within the community. Serious health problems may be
     2  caused to individuals because of this exposure to such hazardous
     3  and toxic substances and because of the nature of these
     4  substances, these serious health problems may not become evident
     5  for many years after initial exposure.
     6     It is therefore declared to be the policy of the Commonwealth
     7  that any employer within the Commonwealth whose business
     8  requires the buying, selling, transportation, use or disposal of
     9  hazardous and toxic substances as defined herein, has a duty to
    10  inform his employees and the general public about the nature of
    11  the hazardous and toxic substances bought, sold, transported,
    12  used or disposed of during the course of his business and to
    13  give notice as to the known or suspected health hazards posed by
    14  the use of or exposure to these substances. Employees, their
    15  families and the general public have a right to know the type of
    16  hazardous and toxic substances they may be exposed to, the
    17  potential health hazards that exist because of exposure and the
    18  symptoms of toxicity experienced because of exposure.
    19     It is further declared that the employees themselves are
    20  frequently in the best position to be aware of the symptoms of
    21  toxicity, provided that the employees are aware of the nature of
    22  the substances they are working with and that employees have an
    23  inherent right to know about the known and suspected health
    24  hazards which may result from working with hazardous and toxic
    25  substances, so that they may make knowledgeable and reasoned
    26  decisions with respect to the continued personal costs of their
    27  employment and need for corrective action.
    28     It is further declared that, because of close or continuing
    29  contact with hazardous and toxic substances, the workplace often
    30  provides an early warning mechanism for the rest of the
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     1  environment and the general public. It is therefore the intent
     2  of this legislation to ensure that employees, their families and
     3  the general public be given current information concerning the
     4  nature of the hazardous and toxic substances with which they may
     5  come in contact and full information concerning the known and
     6  suspected health hazards of said hazardous and toxic substances.
     7                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     8  Section  1.  Short title.
     9  Section  2.  Definitions.
    10  Section  3.  Notice.
    11  Section  4.  Materials.
    12  Section  5.  Material safety data.
    13  Section  6.  Labeling.
    14  Section  7.  Change in nature of substance.
    15  Section  8.  Subsequent information.
    16  Section  9.  Construction of act.
    17  Section 10.  Duplicate requests.
    18  Section 11.  Labeling by supplier.
    19  Section 12.  Protection of employees.
    20  Section 13.  Employer educational program.
    21  Section 14.  Powers and duties on the department.
    22  Section 15.  Health and exposure records.
    23  Section 16.  Outreach programs.
    24  Section 17.  Trade secrets.
    25  Section 18.  Risk to public health.
    26  Section 19.  List of substances within county.
    27  Section 20.  Complaints and investigations.
    28  Section 21.  Compliance order and penalties.
    29  Section 22.  Severability.
    30  Section 23.  Effective date.
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     1     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania  hereby
     2  enacts as follows:
     3  Section 1.  Short title.
     4     This act may be known and may be cited as the Hazardous and
     5  Toxic Substance Disclosure Act.
     6  Section 2.  Definitions.
     7     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     8  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     9  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    10     "Chemical."  Any element, chemical compound or mixture of
    11  elements or compounds, or both, except those chemicals which are
    12  goods, drugs, cosmetics or tobacco products intended for
    13  personal use or consumption.
    14     "Chemical name."  The scientific designation of a chemical in
    15  accordance with the nomenclature system developed by the
    16  International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry or the
    17  Chemical Abstracts Service rules of nomenclature.
    18     "Common name."  Any designation or identification such as a
    19  code name or number or trade or brand name, used by the employer
    20  to identify a substance other than by its chemical name.
    21     "Container."  A receptacle used to hold a liquid, solid or
    22  gaseous substance including, but not limited to, bottles,
    23  pipelines, bags, barrels, boxes, cans, cylinders, drums,
    24  cartons, vessels, vats and stationary or mobile storage tanks.
    25  The term does not include process containers.
    26     "Department."  The Department of Health and any county health
    27  department designated by the secretary as having powers and
    28  duties under this act.
    29     "Employee."  Any person currently or formerly employed except
    30  domestic workers or casual laborers employed at the employer's
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     1  place of residence.
     2     "Employee representative."  An individual or organization to
     3  whom an employee gives written authorization to exercise his or
     4  her rights to request information under this act. A recognized
     5  or certified collective bargaining agent shall be considered to
     6  be an employee representative without regard to written employee
     7  authorization.
     8     "Employer."  Any individual, partnership, corporation or
     9  association engaged in a business that has employees, including
    10  the State and its political subdivisions. The term shall not
    11  include a person who employees domestic workers or casual
    12  laborers at his residence.
    13     "Hazardous substance."  Any substance designated by the
    14  Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pursuant to
    15  sections 307 and 311 of the Federal Clean Water Act of 1977 (33
    16  U.S.C. § 1251 et seq.) or as a hazardous air pollutant pursuant
    17  to section 112 of the Federal Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. § 7412
    18  which has known adverse human risks or listed as a human or
    19  animal carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on
    20  Cancer (IARC).
    21     "Material safety data sheet."  A form supplied by the
    22  department to each employer that buys, sells, transports, uses
    23  or disposes of hazardous or toxic substances in the course of
    24  his business, to be filled in by the employer.
    25     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Health.
    26     "Toxic substance."  Any substance which is listed in the
    27  latest printed edition of the National Institute for
    28  Occupational Safety and Health Registry of Toxic Effects of
    29  Chemical Substances, including any amendments or supplements
    30  thereto, or has yielded positive evidence of acute or chronic
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     1  health hazards in human, animal or other biological testing
     2  including, but not limited to, any nuclear or radioactive
     3  substance.
     4     "Workplace."  Any location away from home, permanent or
     5  temporary, where any employee performs any work related duty in
     6  the course of his employment.
     7  Section 3.  Notice.
     8     (a)  Posting requirement.--Every employer shall post in every
     9  workplace in a location or locations where notice to employees
    10  are normally posted:
    11         (1)  A list of all hazardous or toxic substances found in
    12     the workplace.
    13         (2)  Notification to every employee or employee
    14     representative of their rights under this act, which includes
    15     the right to receive a copy of the material safety data
    16     sheet, as required in this act.
    17     (b)  Lists of substances.--Upon offering employment to a
    18  prospective employee and on January 1 of each year, each
    19  employer shall furnish to each of his employees a list of all
    20  hazardous or toxic substances which he uses or produces in the
    21  manufacture of any item, product or material or which are used
    22  or produced for purposes of research, experimentation or
    23  treatment, and the dangers inherent in exposure to these
    24  substances.
    25  Section 4.  Materials.
    26     All materials required to be furnished to an employee or
    27  employee representative shall be furnished at no cost to the
    28  employee or employee representative.
    29  Section 5.  Material safety data.
    30     (a)  Completion of form.--Every employer shall, upon a form
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     1  supplied by the department, fill out a material safety data
     2  sheet for each chemical, hazardous or toxic substance found in
     3  the workplace.
     4     (b)  Contents of form.--The form shall include, but not be
     5  limited to:
     6         (1)  The trade name of the hazardous or toxic substance
     7     or mixture and its common name.
     8         (2)  The chemical name of the hazardous or toxic
     9     substance and any commonly used synonyms for the substance
    10     and for a mixture, the chemical name of the major components
    11     of the mixture and any commonly used synonyms for the
    12     components.
    13         (3)  A description of the use of the chemical, hazardous
    14     or toxic substance at the facility.
    15         (4)  The quantity of the chemical, hazardous or toxic
    16     substance produced at the facility.
    17         (5)  The quantity of the chemical, hazardous or toxic
    18     substance brought into the facility.
    19         (6)  The quantity of the chemical, hazardous or toxic
    20     substance consumed at the facility.
    21         (7)  The quantity of the chemical, hazardous or toxic
    22     substance shipped out of the facility as or in products.
    23         (8)  The maximum inventory of the chemical, hazardous or
    24     toxic substance stored at the facility, the method of
    25     storage, and the frequency and methods of transfer.
    26         (9)  The total stack or point-source emissions of the
    27     chemical, hazardous or toxic substance.
    28         (10)  The total estimated fugitive or non point-source
    29     emissions of the chemical, hazardous or toxic substance.
    30         (11)  The total discharge of the chemical, hazardous or
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     1     toxic substance into the surface or groundwater, the
     2     treatment methods, and the raw wastewater volume and
     3     loadings.
     4         (12)  The total discharge of the chemical, hazardous or
     5     toxic substance into publicly-owned treatment works.
     6         (13)  The quantity, and methods of disposal, of any
     7     wastes containing a chemical, hazardous or toxic substance,
     8     the method of on-site storage of these wastes, the location
     9     or locations of the final disposal site for these wastes and
    10     the identity of the hauler of the wastes.
    11         (14)  The hazardous or toxic properties of the chemical,
    12     hazardous or toxic substance or mixture and the hazards
    13     associated with the use of or exposure to the chemical,
    14     hazardous or toxic substance.
    15         (15)  The boiling point, vapor pressure, vapor density,
    16     solubility in water, specific gravity, melting point,
    17     physical state, color and odorous properties of the chemical,
    18     hazardous or toxic substance.
    19         (16)  The flash point, auto ignition temperature,
    20     percentage by volume of flammable limits, the recommended
    21     fire extinguishing media, any special firefighting procedure
    22     and any other unusual fire or explosion hazards of the
    23     chemical, hazardous or toxic substance.
    24         (17)  The permissible exposure level, threshold limit
    25     value or other established limit value of the chemical,
    26     hazardous or toxic substance, the consequences of
    27     overexposure and emergency first aid procedures, including a
    28     telephone number to be called in an emergency.
    29         (18)  The stability of the chemical, hazardous or toxic
    30     substance and the conditions and materials which are
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     1     incompatible with the substance and with which contact must
     2     be avoided.
     3         (19)  Measures to be taken in the event of a release of a
     4     hazardous or toxic substance into the workplace or into the
     5     general environment.
     6         (20)  Recommended waste disposal method for the chemical,
     7     hazardous or toxic substance.
     8         (21)  Personal protective equipment to be worn or used
     9     when handling or otherwise coming in contact with the
    10     chemical, hazardous or toxic substance and any special
    11     precautions to be taken in the handling of the chemical,
    12     hazardous or toxic substance.
    13     (c)  Submission to department.--Every employer shall submit
    14  to the department the material safety data sheet for each
    15  chemical, hazardous or toxic substance found in the workplace
    16  and shall keep one copy of the material safety data sheet on
    17  file at his principal place of business.
    18     (d)  Information.--It shall be the responsibility of the
    19  employer to obtain information relating to hazardous or toxic
    20  substances from the manufacturer, the Department of Health, the
    21  Department of Environmental Resources, the Federal Environmental
    22  Protection Agency's Chemical Substances Information Network and
    23  the Health Hazard Evaluation Program of the National Institute
    24  of Occupational Safety and Health.
    25     (e)  Copy of data available to employees.--Upon the written
    26  request of an employee or employee representative, the employer
    27  shall furnish a copy of the material safety data sheet to said
    28  employee or employee representative, along with any other
    29  information gathered pursuant to subsection (d), within five
    30  working days of receipt of written request. If the information
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     1  is not provided, the employee shall not be required to work with
     2  the toxic substance until the information is made available.
     3  Section 6.  Labeling.
     4     (a)  Labeling of container, etc.--The employer shall label
     5  with the chemical name each container of a toxic substance used
     6  in the workplace. The employer is not required to label
     7  containers of one gallon or less into which toxic substances are
     8  transferred by the employee from labeled containers and which
     9  are intended only for the immediate use by the employee who
    10  performs the transfer. Prior to the container being sold,
    11  distributed or otherwise leaving the employer's workplace, the
    12  employer shall label each container of a toxic substance with
    13  the chemical name.
    14     (b)  Piping.--The toxic substance content of a piping system
    15  shall be identified by labels applied on the pipe body at all
    16  valves.
    17     (c)  Display of label.--The employer shall ensure that each
    18  label required by this section is prominently affixed to the
    19  container or the piping system and displayed in such a manner
    20  that employees can easily identify the substances that are
    21  present.
    22  Section 7.  Change in nature of substance.
    23     If a substance was not within the definition of a toxic
    24  substance at the time it was present in a workplace, but
    25  subsequently is within the definition, an employer shall provide
    26  the information required in this act upon request.
    27  Section 8.  Subsequent information.
    28     (a)  Material on data sheets.--If an employer receives new
    29  information concerning those subjects listed in the material
    30  safety data sheet, from a manufacturer, importer, producer,
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     1  formulator or a State or Federal agency, the employer shall make
     2  the new information available to employees and if requested,
     3  their representatives, upon receipt of the information.
     4     (b)  Toxic and hazardous substances generally.--Whenever an
     5  employer receives new information regarding toxic and hazardous
     6  substances, the employer shall make such information available
     7  to employees and, if so requested their representatives upon
     8  receipt of same.
     9  Section 9.  Construction of act.
    10     The provision of information to an employee shall not in any
    11  way affect the liability of an employer with regard to the
    12  health and safety of an employee or other persons exposed to
    13  toxic substances, nor shall it affect the employer's
    14  responsibility to take any action to prevent the occurrence of
    15  occupational disease as required under any other provision of
    16  law. The provision of information to an employee shall not
    17  affect any other duty or responsibility of a manufacturer,
    18  producer or formulator to warn ultimate users of a toxic
    19  substance under any other provisions of law.
    20  Section 10.  Duplicate requests.
    21     An employer is not required to provide information regarding
    22  a toxic substance if the employee or employee representative
    23  making the request has requested and received the same
    24  information about the toxic substance within the preceding 12
    25  months, unless the employee's job assignment has changed or
    26  there is new information available concerning any of the
    27  subjects about which information is required to be provided.
    28  Section 11.  Labeling by supplier.
    29     Any person who supplies chemical, hazardous or toxic
    30  substances to an employer shall label all such substances by the
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     1  generic or basic chemical name only and shall provide safe
     2  handling procedures and all information required by the employer
     3  to fulfill the employers reporting requirements regarding the
     4  material safety data sheet for all such substances supplied.
     5  Section 12.  Protection of employees.
     6     (a)  General rule.--No employer shall discharge, or cause to
     7  be discharged, or otherwise discipline or in any manner
     8  discriminate against an employee because the employee has filed
     9  a complaint, assisted an inspector of the department, who may
    10  make or is making an inspection under section 20, or has
    11  instituted or caused to be instituted any proceeding under or
    12  related to this act or has testified or is about to testify in
    13  any such proceeding or because of the exercise of any right
    14  afforded pursuant to the provisions of this act on behalf of the
    15  employer or on behalf of others, nor shall pay, position or
    16  seniority or other benefits be lost for exercise of any right
    17  provided by this act.
    18     (b)  Complaint procedure.--Any employee who believes that he
    19  has been discharged, disciplined or otherwise discriminated
    20  against by any person in violation of this section may, within
    21  30 days after such violation occurs or 30 days after the
    22  employee first obtains knowledge that a violation did occur,
    23  file a complaint with the department alleging the violation.
    24  Within 30 days of receipt of the complaint, the department shall
    25  cause such investigation to be made as appropriate. If the
    26  department or the employee introduces evidence that prior to the
    27  alleged violation the employee exercised any right provided in
    28  this act, the employer shall have the burden to show just cause
    29  for his action by clear and convincing evidence. If, upon such
    30  investigation, the department determines that provisions of this
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     1  section have been violated, he shall request the Attorney
     2  General to bring an action in the local court of common pleas
     3  against the employer alleged to have violated this section. If
     4  the department or the employee introduces evidence that prior to
     5  the alleged violation the employee exercised any right provided
     6  in this act, the employer shall have the burden to show just
     7  cause for his action by clear and convincing evidence. In any
     8  such action, the court shall have jurisdiction to restrain
     9  violations of this section and to order appropriate relief
    10  including, but not limited to, civil penalties as set forth in
    11  section 21, the hiring, rehiring or reinstatement of the
    12  employee together with the payment of any compensation otherwise
    13  lost as a result of such violations. Within 90 days of the
    14  receipt of a complaint under this section, the department shall
    15  notify the complainant and his representative by registered mail
    16  of its determination.
    17     (c)  Waivers invalid.--
    18         (1)  Any waiver by an employee or applicant for
    19     employment and the benefits or requirements of this act shall
    20     be against public policy and be null and void.
    21         (2)  Any employer's request or requirement that an
    22     employee waive any rights under this act as a condition of
    23     employment, shall constitute a violation.
    24  Section 13.  Employer educational program.
    25     (a)  Requirement.--Every employer shall institute an annual
    26  education and training program for employees routinely exposed
    27  to hazardous or toxic substance. Additional instruction shall be
    28  provided whenever the potential for exposure to toxic or
    29  hazardous substance is altered or whenever new information is
    30  received by the employer.
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     1     (b)  Content of program.--The education and training program
     2  shall include, but may not be limited to, the following:
     3         (1)  the location of toxic or hazardous substances to
     4     which the employee may be exposed;
     5         (2)  the properties of toxic or hazardous substances to
     6     which employees may be exposed;
     7         (3)  the name or names of the toxic or hazardous
     8     substance, including the generic or chemical name;
     9         (4)  the trade name of the chemical and any other
    10     commonly used name;
    11         (5)  the acute and chronic effects of exposure at
    12     hazardous levels;
    13         (6)  the symptoms of effects of exposure at hazardous
    14     levels;
    15         (7)  the potential for flammability, explosion and
    16     reactivity of such substance;
    17         (8)  appropriate emergency treatment;
    18         (9)  proper conditions for safe use and exposure to such
    19     toxic substance; and
    20         (10)  procedures for cleanup of leaks and spills of such
    21     toxic substance.
    22  Section 14.  Powers and duties of the department.
    23     (a)  Inspections.--The department shall have the right of
    24  entry at reasonable hours into any workplace if it has reason to
    25  believe that the reporting requirements of this act are being
    26  met and to conduct such other investigations as are deemed
    27  appropriate to insure compliance with this act. The department
    28  shall make available to appropriate authorities the results of
    29  any investigation in which hazardous levels of toxic substances
    30  are found.
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     1     (b)  Public information.--The department may make public
     2  information containing descriptions of the toxic effects and the
     3  circumstances under which these effects are produced for toxic
     4  substances found in the course and scope of employment. The
     5  department shall prepare this information in a clear and
     6  coherent manner using words with common and everyday meanings.
     7  The information provided may be based on the Threshold Limit
     8  Values For Chemical Substances And Physical Agents In The
     9  Workroom Environment With Intended Changes For 1979 and the
    10  current Registry Of Toxic Effects Of Chemical Substances Of The
    11  National Institute Of Occupational Safety And Health.
    12     (c)  Rules and regulations.--The department shall, in the
    13  manner provided by law, promulgate the rules, regulations and
    14  forms reasonably necessary to carry out this act.
    15  Section 15.  Health and exposure records.
    16     (a)  General rule.--Upon request by the department, employers
    17  shall provide copies of employee health and exposure records
    18  maintained and supplied to the Federal Government by employers
    19  as mandated under the following Federal statutes and regulations
    20  (except as access by third parties is limited by the statutes
    21  and regulations):
    22         (1)  The Toxic Substances Control Act.
    23         (2)  The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.
    24         (3)  The Environmental Pesticide Control Act.
    25         (4)  The regulations found at 10 CFR 20.102 through
    26     20.409.
    27     (b)  Employee information.--Upon request by the department,
    28  employers shall provide the names and addressed of present and
    29  former employees whenever the department determines that there
    30  is a health risk or disease relating to the exposure of
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     1  employees to a toxic substance or toxic substances.
     2     (c)  Certain information confidential.--The department shall
     3  not release any information that identifies individuals. The
     4  department may, however, publish analyses of reports and
     5  information for scientific and public health purposes if the
     6  identities of the individuals concerned cannot be ascertained
     7  and if information protected by applicable trade secret law is
     8  not divulged.
     9     (d)  Records retention requirement.--The department may
    10  require an employer to keep records of his employees' use of
    11  specific toxic substances if there is scientific evidence to
    12  question the efficacy of the current threshold limit values for
    13  those substances. Such records shall be held solely for the
    14  purpose of conducting epidemiologic research on occupational
    15  health.
    16  Section 16.  Outreach programs.
    17     (a)  Right to information.--The department may develop and
    18  implement outreach programs to inform employees of their right
    19  to information regarding the toxic effects and circumstances
    20  under which these effects are produced by toxic substances found
    21  in the course of employment.
    22     (b)  Contracts with other agencies to develop program.--The
    23  department may contract with public and private organizations to
    24  develop and implement such an outreach program.
    25     (c)  Public relations, etc.--As part of the outreach program,
    26  the division may develop and maintain a supply of informational
    27  leaflets in public buildings, including employment services
    28  offices of the employment security division, institutions and
    29  facilities under the supervision or control of the department,
    30  hospitals, union halls, community centers, schools and local
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     1  agencies providing services to employers and employees to help
     2  insure that these persons are informed of the toxic substance
     3  information program. The department may mail these leaflets to
     4  employers. The division shall periodically distribute to
     5  newspapers, television and radio stations throughout the State
     6  public service announcements describing the toxic substance
     7  information outreach program.
     8  Section 17.  Trade secrets.
     9     (a)  Trade secret claim.--If an employer believes that
    10  disclosing information required by this act will reveal a trade
    11  secret, he may file with the appropriate department a trade
    12  secret claim as herein provided.
    13     (b)  Content and time of filing.--If an employer claims that
    14  disclosing information on either the workplace survey or the
    15  environmental survey would reveal a trade secret, he shall file
    16  with the department a trade secret claim within 90 days of
    17  receipt of the survey. An employer making a trade secret claim
    18  shall submit two copies of the survey to the department, one
    19  with the information for which a trade secret claim is being
    20  made concealed, and one in an envelope marked "Confidential"
    21  containing the information for which a trade secret claim is
    22  being made, which the department, during the pendency of the
    23  trade secret claim, shall keep in a locked file or room. On the
    24  copies of the survey sent to the county health department, local
    25  fire department, and local police department, and retained on
    26  file at the facility, the employer shall conceal the information
    27  for which he is making a trade secret claim.
    28     (c)  Registry number.--If an employer claims that labeling a
    29  container pursuant to this act would reveal a trade secret, he
    30  shall file a trade secret claim with the department. Upon
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     1  receipt of the trade secret claim, the department shall assign a
     2  trade secret registry number to the claim, and transmit the
     3  trade secret registry number to the employer. Upon receipt of
     4  the trade secret registry number, the employer shall affix the
     5  trade secret registry number to each container containing a
     6  substance for which the trade secret claim was made.
     7     (d)  Determinations and hearings.--The department shall make
     8  a determination of the validity of a trade secret claim when a
     9  request is made pursuant to those provisions of this act
    10  relating to the disclosure of the information for which the
    11  trade secret claim was made, or at any time that the department
    12  deems appropriate. Upon making a determination on the validity
    13  of a trade secret claim, the department shall inform the
    14  employer of the determination by certified mail. If the
    15  department determines that the employer's trade secret claim is
    16  not valid, the employer shall have 45 days from the receipt of
    17  the department's determination to file with the department a
    18  written request for an administrative hearing on the
    19  determination. If the employer does not file such a request
    20  within 45 days, the department shall take action to provide that
    21  the information for which the trade secret claim was made be
    22  disclosed. At the hearing the employer shall have the burden to
    23  show that the trade secret claim is valid. Within 45 days of
    24  receipt of the hearing officer's recommendation, the department
    25  shall affirm, reject, or modify the recommendation. The
    26  department shall inform the employer of its decision by
    27  certified mail. All hearings held under this section and appeals
    28  from decisions of the department shall be as provided in 2
    29  Pa.C.S. (relating to administrative law and procedure).
    30     (e)  Providing of information to physicians.--The department
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     1  shall provide any information for which a trade secret claim is
     2  pending or has been approved pursuant to this section to a
     3  physician when such information is needed for medical diagnosis
     4  or treatment. The department shall require the physician to sign
     5  an agreement protecting the confidentiality of information
     6  disclosed pursuant to this subsection.
     7     (f)  Surveys available to public.--Any workplace survey or
     8  environmental survey containing information for which a trade
     9  secret claim is pending or has been approved shall be made
    10  available to the public with that information concealed.
    11     (g)  Confidentiality of information.--The subject of any
    12  trade secret claim pending or approved shall be treated as
    13  confidential information. Except as provided in subsection (e),
    14  the department shall not disclose any confidential information
    15  to any person except an officer or employee of the Commonwealth
    16  in connection with his official duties under any law for the
    17  protection of public health, or to the contractors of the
    18  Commonwealth and their employees if in the opinion of the
    19  department the disclosure is necessary for the completion of any
    20  work contracted for in connection with the implementation of
    21  this act.
    22     (h)  Penalty.--Any officer or employee of the Commonwealth,
    23  contractor to the Commonwealth, physician, or employee of a
    24  county health department, local fire department or local police
    25  department who has access to any confidential information, and
    26  who willingly and knowingly discloses the confidential
    27  information to any person not authorized to receive it shall,
    28  upon conviction thereof, be guilty of a misdemeanor of the third
    29  degree.
    30     (i)  Application of section.--The provisions of this section
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     1  shall not apply to the disclosure of information concerning
     2  emissions and shall not apply to the disclosure of any
     3  information required pursuant to any other act.
     4  Section 18.  Risk to public health.
     5     If the department determines that chemicals, hazardous or
     6  toxic materials pose a potential health risk to the general
     7  public in the area of the workplace because of their inherent
     8  nature or because of possible accident, it shall inform the
     9  nearest public health agency, hospital and fire company, and
    10  shall submit to them a list of the potentially dangerous
    11  chemical, hazardous or toxic substance and copies of each
    12  material safety data sheet.
    13  Section 19.  List of substances within county.
    14     Any member of the general public may request, in writing from
    15  the department, a list of the chemical, hazardous or toxic
    16  substance being bought, sold, transported, used or disposed of
    17  by a specific employer or employee within the county in which he
    18  resides and the department shall supply this list for each
    19  employer, along with a copy of the material safety data sheet
    20  for all chemical, hazardous or toxic substances on the list,
    21  within 30 working days of the written request.
    22  Section 20.  Complaints and investigations.
    23     (a)  Procedure.--Any employee or representative of employees
    24  who believes that there is a violation by his employer of this
    25  act may request an inspection by filing a complaint of the
    26  violation with the department. The complaint shall be in
    27  writing, signed and shall set forth, with reasonable
    28  particularity, the grounds for the complaint. Within a
    29  reasonable period of time after receipt of the complaint, the
    30  department shall so notify the employer in writing and permit
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     1  the employer to demonstrate compliance with this act. If such
     2  compliance has not been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the
     3  department within 14 days of the mailing of the notification, an
     4  employee of the department shall inspect, at reasonable times,
     5  the employer's workplace and all conditions pertinent to the
     6  grounds of the complaint and shall, in a reasonable manner, make
     7  any additional investigation deemed necessary for the full and
     8  effective determination of the employer's compliance with this
     9  act. Whenever the representative of the department, proceeding
    10  under this section is denied admission to any place of
    11  employment, he may obtain a warrant to make an inspection or
    12  investigation of the place of employment from any issuing
    13  authority upon a showing of both of the following:
    14         (1)  That the individual seeking the warrant is a duly
    15     authorized agent of the department.
    16         (2)  That such individual has established under oath or
    17     affirmation that the place of employment to be investigated
    18     in accordance with this section is to be inspected to
    19     determine compliance or noncompliance with the requirements
    20     of this act.
    21     (b)  Refusal of entry.--Any employer or individual who
    22  refuses entry to any authorized representative of the
    23  department, while such representative is attempting to conduct
    24  an investigation or inspection pursuant to this act, or in any
    25  way wilfully obstructs him from carrying out his investigation
    26  or inspection, shall be assessed a civil penalty of not more
    27  than $1,000.
    28     (c)  Discretion of department.--The department shall have
    29  authority to assess all civil penalties provided in this
    30  section, giving due consideration to the appropriateness of the
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     1  penalty with respect to the size of the business of the employer
     2  or owner being charged, the gravity of the violation, the good
     3  faith of the employer or owner and the history of previous
     4  violations.
     5     (d)  Disposition of penalties.--Civil penalties owned under
     6  this section shall be paid to the department for deposit into
     7  the State Treasury and may be recovered in a civil action
     8  brought in the court of common pleas for the judicial district
     9  where the violation is alleged to have occurred or where the
    10  employer has his principal office. The penalties collected shall
    11  be used to defray the costs of enforcement of this section.
    12     (e)  Action by employee.--If an employer has not made timely
    13  correction of the violation stated in an order to comply issued
    14  under this section, an employee of that employer may bring a
    15  civil action for judicial enforcement of the requirements of
    16  this section in the court of common pleas for the judicial
    17  district where the violation is alleged to have occurred or
    18  where the employer has his principal office.
    19  Section 21.  Compliance order and penalties.
    20     (a)  Issuance and content of order.--If, upon inspection or
    21  investigation of a complaint, the department finds that an
    22  employer has violated any requirements of this act, it shall
    23  with reasonable promptness issue to the employer an order to
    24  comply. This order shall be in writing and shall specifically
    25  describe the nature of the violation and shall state a
    26  reasonable time period within which the violation must be
    27  corrected by the employer.
    28     (b)  Civil penalty.--If the violation has not been corrected
    29  within the time period, the department may levy a civil penalty
    30  of not more than $1,000 per day for each violation.
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     1     (c)  Hearing.--The employer may request the commissioner to
     2  provide a hearing concerning any orders to comply, or penalties
     3  levied upon the employer under this section, and the hearing
     4  shall then be afforded in accordance with Title 2 of the
     5  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (relating to administrative
     6  law and procedure). The employer may appeal the final decision
     7  of the department in accordance with Title 2 of the Pennsylvania
     8  Consolidated Statutes.
     9     (d)  Advance notice of inspection.--Any person who gives
    10  advance notice of any inspection to be conducted under this act,
    11  without authority from the department, shall be assessed a civil
    12  penalty of not more than $1,000.
    13     (e)  False statement.--Any person who knowingly makes any
    14  false statement, representation or certification in any list,
    15  record or other document required to be maintained pursuant to
    16  this act shall be assessed a civil penalty of not more than
    17  $10,000.
    18  Section 22.  Severability.
    19     If any provision of this act or the application thereof to
    20  any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity
    21  shall not affect other provisions or applications of the act
    22  which can be given effect without the invalid provision or
    23  application, and to this end the provisions of this act are
    24  declared to be severable.
    25  Section 23.  Effective date.
    26     This act shall take effect in six months.

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