No. 625 Session of 1983

           D. R. WRIGHT, BELFANTI AND DeLUCA, MARCH 23, 1983


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 66 (Public Utilities) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, regulating construction costs and
     3     limiting rate increases.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Title 66 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     7  Statutes is amended by adding a section to read:
     8  § 514.  Construction cost of electric generating units.
     9     (a)  Submission of estimate.--No later than 30 days after
    10  construction of an electric generating unit is begun, either in
    11  this Commonwealth or in some other state, any public utility
    12  operating in this Commonwealth and owning any share in that unit
    13  shall submit to the commission an estimate of the cost of
    14  constructing that unit. If the public utility acquires ownership
    15  of any share in an electric generating unit which is under
    16  construction on the date of acquisition, the public utility
    17  shall, within 30 days of the date of acquisition, submit the
    18  latest estimate of the cost of constructing that unit which was

     1  formulated no later than 30 days from the beginning of
     2  construction.
     3     (b)  Alternative submission.--Subsection (a) shall not apply
     4  whenever a public utility is required under another provision of
     5  this part to submit an estimate of the cost of constructing an
     6  electric generating unit on a date prior to 30 days after the
     7  beginning of construction. For the purposes of section 1308
     8  (relating to voluntary changes in rates), the latest estimate
     9  submitted pursuant to a provision of this part other than
    10  subsection (a) on a date prior to 30 days after the beginning of
    11  construction shall be deemed to have been filed pursuant to
    12  subsection (a).
    13     (c)  Construction audit.--From and after the beginning of
    14  construction of an electric generating unit, the commission, or
    15  its designee, and the Consumer Advocate, or his designee, shall
    16  have reasonable access to the construction site and to any oral
    17  or documentary evidence relevant to determining the necessity
    18  and propriety of any construction cost. If a public utility
    19  objects to any request by the commission or the Consumer
    20  Advocate, or persons designated by the commission or the
    21  Consumer Advocate, for access to the construction site or to any
    22  oral or documentary evidence, the objection shall be decided in
    23  the same manner as an on-the-record proceeding pursuant to
    24  Chapter 3 (relating to public utility commission). The affected
    25  public utility shall have the burden of proof in sustaining any
    26  such objection.
    27     (d)  Definition.--As used in this section the term
    28  "construction" includes any work performed on an electric
    29  generating unit which requires the affected public utility to
    30  incur an aggregate of at least $1,000,000 of expenses which, in
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     1  accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, are
     2  capital expenses and not operating or maintenance expenses.
     3     Section 2.  Section 1308 of Title 66 is amended by adding a
     4  subsection to read:
     5  § 1308.  Voluntary changes in rates.
     6     * * *
     7     (f)  Limitation on rate increases by certain public
     8  utilities.--Whenever there is filed with the commission any
     9  tariff stating a new rate based in whole or in part on the cost
    10  of constructing an electric generating unit, the commission
    11  shall compare the estimated construction cost filed in
    12  accordance with section 514(a) (relating to construction cost of
    13  electric generating units) with the actual construction cost
    14  submitted by the utility in support of that tariff. If the
    15  actual construction cost exceeds the estimated construction
    16  cost, the rate determined by the commission under this section
    17  shall not be based on any part of that excess unless the public
    18  utility proves that part of the excess to have been necessary
    19  and proper. In making its determination under this subsection,
    20  the commission shall consider all relevant and material
    21  evidence, including evidence obtained pursuant to section
    22  514(c). For purposes of this subsection "construction" includes
    23  any work performed on an electric generating unit which requires
    24  the affected public utility to incur an aggregate of at least
    25  $1,000,000 of expenses which, in accordance with generally
    26  accepted accounting principles, are capital expenses and not
    27  operating or maintenance expenses.
    28     Section 3.  This act shall apply to construction begun on or
    29  after the effective date of this act, except that 66 Pa.C.S. §
    30  514(c) and (d) (relating to construction cost of electric
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     1  generating units) shall be applicable to construction begun and
     2  completed prior to the effective date and to construction begun
     3  but not completed prior to the effective date as well as to
     4  construction begun on or after the effective date.
     5     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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