No. 682 Session of 1981



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, providing for the giving of certain drivers'
     3     examinations by certified driver learning instructors.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Section 1508 and subsection (b) of section 1514
     7  of Title 75, act of November 25, 1970 (P.L.707, No.230), known
     8  as the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, are amended to read:
     9  § 1508.  Examination of applicant for driver's license.
    10     (a)  General rule.--Every applicant for a driver's license
    11  shall be examined for the type or class of vehicles that the
    12  applicant desires to drive. The examination shall include a
    13  physical examination, a screening test of the applicant's
    14  eyesight and a test of the applicant's ability to read and
    15  understand official traffic-control devices, knowledge of safe
    16  driving practices and the traffic laws of this Commonwealth, and
    17  shall include an actual demonstration of ability to exercise
    18  ordinary and reasonable control in the operation of a motor

     1  vehicle of the type or class of vehicles for which the applicant
     2  desires a license to drive. Except for the physical examination
     3  and the screening test of the applicant's eyesight, required by
     4  the department, the remaining three segments of the driving
     5  examination process shall be given by a driver training
     6  instructor either certified or licensed by the Department of
     7  Education. The examination given by the certified or licensed
     8  driver training instructor shall be given at a location selected
     9  by him and approved by the department. A fee equal to the actual
    10  cost of the examination as determined by the department shall be
    11  imposed upon the applicant and reimbursed by the department to
    12  the instructor.
    13     (b)  Additional examinations.--If the department finds it
    14  necessary to further determine an applicant's fitness to operate
    15  a motor vehicle safely upon the highways the department may
    16  require one or more of the following types of examinations:
    17         (1)  A vision examination by an optometrist or
    18     ophthalmologist.
    19         (2)  A physical examination.
    20         (3)  A mental examination.
    21     [(b)] (c)  Issuance of license to licensed nonresident.--A
    22  driver's license may be issued to a person who has not had a
    23  learner's permit but who at the time of application is of
    24  sufficient age and has a valid driver's license issued by
    25  another state under a law requiring the examination and
    26  licensing of drivers, providing that the applicant demonstrates
    27  knowledge and understanding of rules of the road and official
    28  traffic-control devices and is visually, physically and mentally
    29  fit. Also, the department must be satisfied that the applicant's
    30  experience in driving vehicles which may be driven by holders of
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     1  the classes of licenses sought by the applicant is sufficient to
     2  justify the issuance of the license without further behind-the-
     3  wheel training.
     4  § 1514.  Expiration and renewal of drivers' licenses.
     5     * * *
     6     (b)  Examination of applicants for renewal.--The department
     7  may require persons applying for renewal of a driver's license
     8  to take and successfully pass a physical examination or a vision
     9  examination by an optometrist or ophthalmologist, or both
    10  examinations, if the department has reason to believe, either
    11  based on knowledge of the person or on statistical inference,
    12  that the person may be a traffic safety hazard. The department
    13  may require the applicant to take and successfully pass such
    14  additional tests as the department may find reasonably necessary
    15  to determine the applicant's qualification according to the type
    16  or general class of license applied for and such examination may
    17  include any or all of the other tests required or authorized
    18  upon original application by section 1508 (relating to
    19  examination of applicant for driver's license). Upon refusal or
    20  neglect of the person to submit to the examination, the driver's
    21  license shall not be renewed until such time as the examination
    22  is successfully completed. Examinations under this subsection
    23  shall be conducted in the same manner as those under section
    24  1508.
    25     * * *
    26     Section 2.  This act shall take effect January 1, 1982.

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