PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 3107                      PRINTER'S NO. 3139



No. 2370 Session of 1982



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 21, 1981 (P.L.776, No.56A),
     2     entitled "An act providing additional and supplemental
     3     appropriations from the Federal augmentation funds and the
     4     Federal Revenue Sharing Trust Fund, and changing certain
     5     State appropriations to the various departments of the
     6     Commonwealth for the fiscal period July 1, 1981 to June 30,
     7     1982," adding and changing certain Federal augmentation
     8     appropriations.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Section 2, act of December 21, 1981 (P.L.776,
    12  No.56A), known as the "Supplemental Federal Augmentation
    13  Appropriation Act of 1981," insofar as it relates to the various
    14  Federal augmentation appropriations to the Governor, the
    15  Department of Community Affairs, Education, Environmental
    16  Resources and Health, the Office of the Attorney General and the
    17  Department of Public Welfare, is amended and Federal
    18  augmentation appropriations are added in the Department of
    19  Aging, Education, Environmental Resources, Health, Public
    20  Welfare and Transportation to read:

     1     Section 2.  The following sums, or as much thereof as may be
     2  necessary, are hereby specifically appropriated from the Federal
     3  augmentation funds to the several hereinafter named agencies of
     4  the Executive Department of the Commonwealth for the payment of
     5  the expenses of implementation and carrying out the programs
     6  stated herein for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1981 and for
     7  the payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close
     8  of the fiscal period ending June 30, 1981.
     9                          To the Governor
    10             (a)  For the Office of Policy and Planning
    11     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    12  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    13  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    14  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
    15  administration:
    16     * * *
    17     (3)  "HUD - Annual Program Grant" - For
    18  activities related to comprehensive planning by
    19  the Office of Policy and Planning (including a
    20  carryover of approximately $30,000)..............       [40,000]
    21                                                           42,000
    22     (4)  "EDA - Planning Assistance" - To under-
    23  take State economic development planning activities
    24  (including a carryover of approximately $4,000)..       [89,000]
    25                                                          158,000
    26     * * *
    27               (d)  For the Governor's Energy Council
    28     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    29  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    30  specifically appropriated to supplement the sums
    19820H2370B3139                  - 2 -

     1  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
     2  administration:
     3     * * *
     4     (4)  "Institutional Building Grant Program" -
     5  To provide financial assistance for schools,
     6  hospitals, buildings owned by units of local
     7  government and public care institutions for the
     8  purpose of reducing the consumption and associ-
     9  ated costs of energy resources...................      [610,000]
    10                                                        1,010,000
    11     * * *
    12                     To the Department of Aging
    13     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    14  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    15  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    16  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
    17  services for the aging:
    18     * * *
    19     (3)  "Programs for the Aging - Nutrition" - To
    20  provide eligible older citizens with low cost
    21  nutritious meals with appropriate supportive
    22  services.........................................     4,200,000
    23                  To the Department of Agriculture
    24     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    25  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    26  specifically appropriated to supplement the sums
    27  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
    28  general government operations:
    29     * * *
    30     (4)  "Pennsylvania Plant Pest Detection
    19820H2370B3139                  - 3 -

     1  System" - To provide timely plant pest
     2  occurrence information to growers and protect
     3  the consumer from plant losses...................        20,000
     4     * * *
     5               To the Department of Community Affairs
     6     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     7  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     8  specifically appropriated to supplement the sums
     9  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
    10  general government operations:
    11     (1)  "Community Development Technical Assist-
    12  ance" - To plan, organize and develop internal
    13  and external training capacities in order to
    14  provide comprehensive technical assistance to
    15  local governments for the purpose of improving
    16  their community development processes............     [$260,000]
    17                                                         $323,000
    18     * * *
    19     (3)  "COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM                          <--
    24  IN COASTAL ZONES.................................       762,000
    25     * * *
    26                   To the Department of Education
    27     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    28  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    29  specifically appropriated to supplement the sums
    30  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
    19820H2370B3139                  - 4 -

     1  general government operations:
     2     * * *
     3     (6)  "Food and Nutrition Service" - To admin-
     4  ister all food and nutrition programs, provide
     5  nutrition education and to assess the need for
     6  nutrition services (including a carryover of
     7  approximately [$703,000] $667,000)................   [1,953,000]
     8                                                        2,092,000
     9     * * *
    10     (15)  "Teacher Centers Program" - To admin-
    11  ister a program which will establish teacher cen-
    12  ters for in-service training (including a carry-
    13  over of approximately $15,000)...................        45,000
    14     * * *
    15     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    16  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    17  specifically appropriated to supplement the sums
    18  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for the
    19  State Colleges and State-owned University:
    20     (1)  "Upward Bound Program" - To provide re-
    21  medial and developmental academic training for
    22  disadvantaged students with the ability to ad-
    23  vance to postsecondary education:
    24     * * *
    25     (v)  Clarion State College....................       203,000
    26     * * *
    27            To the Department of Environmental Resources
    28     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    29  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    30  specifically appropriated to supplement the sums
    19820H2370B3139                  - 5 -

     1  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for the
     2  Office of Resources Management:
     3     * * *
     4     (5)  "Dam Safety Program" - To expand the dam
     5  safety program to mitigate potential flooding by
     6  regulating the construction, operation and main-
     7  tenance of these hydraulic structures............      [140,000]
     8                                                          142,000
     9     * * *
    10     (9)  "Topographic and Geologic Survey
    11  Grants" - For projects associated with the
    12  Topographic and Geologic Survey Program..........       140,000
    13     (10)  "Gamma Ray Anomalies - Reading Prong" -
    14  To investigate gamma-ray anomalies discovered in
    15  a recent aerial reconnaissance by the U.S. Geo-
    16  logical Survey. Objectives are to map and sample
    17  the ground sources of the anomalies and prepare
    18  a report of the location, mineralogy and geology
    19  of each anomaly..................................         2,000
    20     * * *
    21     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    22  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    23  specifically appropriated to supplement the sums
    24  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for the
    25  Office of Protection:
    26     * * *
    27     (7)  "Uranium Mill Tailings Project" - For
    28  a program of assessment and remedial action for
    29  inactive uranium mill tailings...................     2,000,000
    30     (8)  "Flue Gas Desulfurization Project" - To
    19820H2370B3139                  - 6 -

     1  aid the department in demonstrating the effects
     2  of deep mine stabilization and abatement of acid
     3  mine draining using flue gas desulfurization
     4  sludges and fly ash..............................        19,000
     5     (9)  "Radon in Drinking Water" - For reimburse-
     6  ment for collection of water samples for a Radon
     7  in drinking water survey.........................         3,000
     8     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     9  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    10  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    11  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
    12  State parks:
    13     (1)  "Pine Grove Furnace" - To provide for
    14  historic preservation work at a historic site
    15  in Pine Grove Furnace State Park.................       $15,000
    16                    To the Department of Health
    17     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    18  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    19  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    20  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
    21  general government operations:
    22     * * *
    23     (5)  "Survey and Follow Up - Venereal Disease" -
    24  For the carrying out of case-finding surveys and
    25  serologic follow-up services (including a carryover
    26  of approximately $32,000)........................      [450,000]
    27                                                          525,000
    28     * * *
    29     (11)  "Indochinese Refugee Program" - To serve
    30  the unmet public health needs associated with,
    19820H2370B3139                  - 7 -

     1  and the general health needs of, the refugees
     2  (including a carryover of approximately $65,000).      [149,000]
     3                                                          169,000
     4     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     5  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     6  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     7  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
     8  maternal and child health:
     9     * * *
    10     (3)  "Crippled Children's Services" - To pro-
    11  vide medical, surgical and corrective care and
    12  services; facilities for diagnosis, hospitaliza-
    13  tion; and post-hospital care for children who are
    14  crippled or suffering from conditions which lead
    15  to crippling (including a carryover of approxi-
    16  mately $107,000).................................      [855,000]
    17                                                          955,000
    18     * * *
    19     (6)  "Maternal and Child Health - Improved
    20  Pregnancy Outcome" - To improve pregnancy outcome
    21  measures and assure parental care (including a
    22  carryover of approximately $13,000)..............      [530,000]
    23                                                          580,000
    24     (7)  "Crippled Children's Services - Projects" -
    25  To provide diagnostic, rehabilitative and follow-
    26  up treatment to children and their families (in-
    27  cluding a carryover of approximately $54,000)....      [526,000]
    28                                                          641,000
    29     * * *
    30     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    19820H2370B3139                  - 8 -

     1  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     2  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     3  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for
     4  Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse:
     5     (1)  "NIDA - State Prevention Coordinator
     6  Program Grant"...................................     [$288,000]
     7                                                         $309,000
     8     * * *
     9     (4)  "NIAAA - State Training Systems Pro-
    10  ject" - To develop a comprehensive Statewide
    11  training system for professionals serving drug
    12  and abuse clients................................        42,000
    13     * * *
    14               To the Office of the Attorney General
    15     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    16  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    17  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    18  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for gen-
    19  eral government operation:
    20     (1)  "Antitrust Enforcement Plan" - For a pro-
    21  gram of antitrust enforcement...................      [$255,000]
    22                                                         $269,000
    23     * * *
    24     (3)  "Study of Odometer Tampering" - To study
    25  odometer rollbacks occurring between the time a
    26  vehicle is initially sold at one Pennsylvania auto
    27  [action] auction and subsequently resold at another
    28  Pennsylvania auto auction........................       [65,000]
    29                                                           66,000
    30     * * *
    19820H2370B3139                  - 9 -

     1                To the Department of Public Welfare
     2     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     3  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     4  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     5  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for gen-
     6  eral government operations:
     7     * * *
     8     (5)  "Maintenance Assistance Administration" -
     9  For administrative expenses incurred for general
    10  government operations in support of the provision
    11  of supplemental security income and cash and em-
    12  ergency assistance to eligible persons...........    [6,500,000]
    13                                                        6,000,000
    14     (6)  "Food Stamp Program - Administration" -
    15  For administrative expenses incurred for general
    16  government operations in relation to the Food
    17  Stamp Program....................................    [1,100,000]
    18                                                        1,600,000
    19     * * *
    20     (15)  "Administration for Public Services -
    21  1115 Demonstration Grant" - To simplify trans-
    22  portation service billing and accounting require-
    23  ments............................................        33,000
    24     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    25  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    26  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    27  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for the
    28  Office of Information Systems:
    29     (1)  "Maintenance Assistance" - For administra-
    30  tive expenses incurred by the Office of Informa-
    19820H2370B3139                 - 10 -

     1  tion Systems in providing cash and emergency
     2  assistance to eligible families..................   [$4,431,000]
     3                                                       $2,800,000
     4     (2)  "Medical Assistance Information Systems"
     5  - For administrative expenses incurred by the
     6  Office of Information Systems in providing for
     7  medical assistance on behalf of eligible persons.    [4,293,000]
     8                                                        5,924,000
     9     * * *
    10     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    11  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    12  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    13  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for State
    14  General Hospitals:
    15     * * *
    16     (2)  "Medical Assistance" - For the provision
    17  of medical assistance services to eligible per-
    18  sons at State General Hospitals..................    [8,898,000]
    19                                                        9,648,000
    20     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    21  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    22  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    23  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for State
    24  Mental Hospitals:
    25     (1)  "Medical Assistance - State Mental
    26  Hospitals" - For the provision of medical assist-
    27  ance services to eligible persons at State Mental
    28  Hospitals........................................  [$84,194,000]
    29                                                      $84,894,000
    30     * * *
    19820H2370B3139                 - 11 -

     1     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
     2  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby specifi-
     3  cally appropriated to supplement the sum appro-
     4  priated from Commonwealth revenues for State
     5  centers for the mentally retarded:
     6     (1)  "Medical Assistance - State Centers" -
     7  For the provision of medical assistance services
     8  to eligible persons in State centers for the
     9  mentally retarded................................ [$141,146,000]
    10                                                     $145,346,000
    11     * * *
    12     (4)  "Library Services - Title I - State
    13  Centers" - To assist in establishing and expand-
    14  ing State institutional library services and
    15  library services to the physically handicapped...        [6,000]
    16                                                            7,000
    17     * * *
    18     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    19  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    20  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    21  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for pay-
    22  ments to counties for child welfare programs:
    23     * * *
    24     (3)  "Refugees and Persons Seeking Asylum
    25  Program" - For provision of child welfare services
    26  to refugees and persons seeking asylum...........      [700,000]
    27                                                        1,700,000
    28     * * *
    29                To the Department of Transportation
    30     The following Federal augmentation amounts, or
    19820H2370B3139                 - 12 -

     1  as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     2  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
     3  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for mass
     4  transit operations:
     5     * * *
     6     (2)  "Urban Mass Transportation Capital
     7  Grants" - For reimbursement of administrative
     8  costs incurred in relationship to the State
     9  Bus Pool Purchase................................        35,000
    10     * * *
    11     Section 2.  Section 6 of the act, insofar as it relates to
    12  the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency and the
    13  Office of the Attorney General as amended and headings are added
    14  to the Federal augmentation appropriations for the Office of the
    15  General Counsel and the Judicial Department to read:
    16     Section 6.  The following sums, or as much thereof as may be
    17  necessary, are hereby specifically appropriated from the Federal
    18  Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Funds to the several
    19  hereinafter named agencies of the Executive Department of the
    20  Commonwealth for the payment of the expenses of implementing and
    21  carrying out the programs stated herein for the fiscal year
    22  beginning July 1, 1981 and for the payment of bills incurred and
    23  remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal period ending June
    24  30, 1981.
    25                      I.  Executive Department
    26       Pennsylvania Commission [of] on Crime and Delinquency
    27     The following Federal LEAA augmentation
    28  amounts, or as much thereof as may be necessary,
    29  are hereby specifically appropriated to supple-
    30  ment the sum appropriated from Commonwealth reve-
    19820H2370B3139                 - 13 -

     1  nues for the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and
     2  Delinquency:
     3     (1)  "LEAA - State Planning Agency" - To be
     4  used exclusively to administer the Pennsylvania
     5  Commission on Crime and Delinquency as the State
     6  Planning Agency required to distribute LEAA
     7  grants to political subdivisions..................  [$1,104,000]
     8                                                       $1,162,000
     9     * * *
    10               To the Office of the Attorney General
    11     The following Federal LEAA augmentation
    12  amounts, or as much thereof as may be necessary,
    13  are hereby specifically appropriated to supple-
    14  ment the sum appropriated from Commonwealth reve-
    15  nues for general government operations:
    16     * * *
    17     (3)  "LEAA - Advocate Unit - Youth Project" -
    18  For enforcement of the Pennsylvania Juvenile Act
    19  through negotiation, agency coordination, and
    20  litigation to eliminate the incarceration of
    21  youth in adult correctional facilities and to
    22  deinstitutionalize juvenile offenders............      [104,000]
    23                                                          111,000
    24                To the Office of the General Counsel
    25     * * *
    26     The following Federal LEAA augmentation amounts,
    27  or as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    28  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum appro-
    29  priated from Commonwealth revenues for State Correc-
    30  tional Institutions:
    19820H2370B3139                 - 14 -

     1     (1)  "LEAA - Mental Health Services" - To hire
     2  six mental health coordinators in five institu-
     3  tions to service inmates who are in need of out-
     4  patient mental health care.......................       $92,000
     5     (2)  "LEAA - Cuban/Haitian Security and Safety
     6  Grants Program" - To provide reimbursement for
     7  maintenance of Cuban offenders...................         6,000
     8                      II.  Judicial Department
     9                     To the Court Administrator
    10     The following Federal LEAA augmentation amounts,
    11  or as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    12  specifically appropriated to supplement the sum
    13  appropriated from Commonwealth revenues for the
    14  Office of the Court Administrator:
    15     (1)  "LEAA - Judicial Education Training Pro-
    16  gram" - To provide common pleas judges and admin-
    17  istrators with an education program to enhance
    18  their skills and improve their knowledge of new
    19  developments in the law..........................      $153,000
    20     * * *
    21     Section 3.  Section 7 of the act, insofar as it relates to
    22  the Law Income Emergency Energy Assistance Block Grant is
    23  amended to read:
    24     Section 7.  The following block grant amounts, or as much
    25  thereof as may be necessary, are hereby specifically
    26  appropriated to the various hereinafter named departments of the
    27  Executive Department of the Commonwealth for the purposes, and
    28  under such restrictions, for which such block grants are
    29  provided for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1981.
    30     * * *
    19820H2370B3139                 - 15 -

     1      VII.  Low Income Emergency Energy Assistance Block Grant
     2     To help lessen the impact of the high cost of
     3  energy on low income families and individuals.
     4     (1)  To the Department of Public Welfare to
     5  help lessen the impact of the high cost of energy
     6  on low income families and individuals........... [$119,000,000]
     7                                                     $127,780,000
     8     Section 4.  It is the intent of the General Assembly that any
     9  appropriation under the provisions of section 1 of this act
    10  which is the same or similar to an appropriation under the act
    11  of July 1, 1981 (P.L.628, No.5A), entitled "An act to provide
    12  for the expenses of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial
    13  Departments of the Commonwealth, the public debt and for the
    14  public schools for the fiscal period July 1, 1981 to June 30,
    15  1982, and for the payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid
    16  at the close of the fiscal period ending June 30, 1981;
    17  itemizing appropriations of the Federal Augmentation to the
    18  Executive and Judicial Departments of the Commonwealth,
    19  establishing restricted receipts accounts for the fiscal period
    20  July 1, 1981 to June 30, 1982 and for the payment of bills
    21  incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal period
    22  ending June 30, 1981 and to provide additional supplemental
    23  appropriations for the General Fund and the Motor License Fund
    24  to the various departments of the Commonwealth for the fiscal
    25  period July 1, 1980 to June 30, 1981," shall replace such
    26  appropriations.
    27     Section 5.  The act of July 1, 1981 (P.L.628, No.5A),
    28  entitled "An act to provide for the expenses of the Executive,
    29  Legislative and Judicial Departments of the Commonwealth, the
    30  public debt and for the public schools for the fiscal period
    19820H2370B3139                 - 16 -

     1  July 1, 1981 to June 30, 1982, and for the payment of bills
     2  incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal period
     3  ending June 30, 1981; itemizing appropriations of the Federal
     4  Augmentation to the Executive and Judicial Departments of the
     5  Commonwealth, establishing restricted receipts accounts for the
     6  fiscal period July 1, 1981 to June 30, 1982 and for the payment
     7  of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the
     8  fiscal period ending June 30, 1981 and to provide additional and
     9  supplemental appropriations from the General Fund and the Motor
    10  License Fund to the various departments of the Commonwealth for
    11  the fiscal period July 1, 1980 to June 30, 1981," is repealed
    12  insofar as inconsistent with this act.
    13     Section 6.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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