No. 153 Session of 1979


           FEBRUARY 7, 1979

                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing the Pennsylvania Savings Association Insurance
     2     Corporation and providing for its powers and duties.

     3                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     4     Section  1.  Definitions.
     5     Section  2.  Pennsylvania Savings Association Insurance
     6                  Corporation.
     7     Section  3.  Purposes and powers.
     8     Section  4.  Board of directors.
     9     Section  5.  Qualifications for membership in corporation.
    10     Section  6.  Exchange of information.
    11     Section  7.  Faith or credit of Commonwealth not pledged.
    12     Section  8.  Bylaws, rules and regulations.
    13     Section  9.  Corporation or member associations not subject
    14                  to insurance laws.
    15     Section 10.  Liability of officer or director upon contracts.
    16     Section 11.  Perpetual life of corporation.
    17     Section 12.  Exemption from taxation.

     1     Section 13.  Application for membership.
     2     Section 14.  Functions of Secretary of Banking.
     3     Section 15.  Filing certificate of commencement of business.
     4     Section 16.  Termination of existence of corporation.
     5     Section 17.  Effective date.
     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Definitions.
     9     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    10  have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
    11  meanings given to them in this section:
    12     "Association."  Any building, savings or savings and loan
    13  association organized under the laws of this Commonwealth and
    14  any Federal savings and loan association incorporated pursuant
    15  to the Federal act of June 13, 1933, (48 Stat.128), known as the
    16  "Home Owners' Loan Act of 1933," which has its principal office
    17  in this Commonwealth and 75% of its total assets invested in
    18  this Commonwealth.
    19     "Corporation."  The Pennsylvania Savings Association
    20  Insurance Corporation.
    21     "Directors" or "board of directors."  The Board of Directors
    22  of the Pennsylvania Savings Association Insurance Corporation.
    23     "Savings account."  Any sum of money deposited with an
    24  association in exchange for a promise to pay interest or
    25  earnings to or for the account of the depositors.
    26  Section 2.  Pennsylvania Savings Association Insurance
    27              Corporation.
    28     A nonstock, nonprofit corporation is hereby created, which
    29  shall be known as the Pennsylvania Savings Association Insurance
    30  Corporation and the members of which shall be certain eligible
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     1  associations of this Commonwealth as defined in section 1.
     2  Except as otherwise provided in this act, the corporation
     3  possesses all the powers, privileges and immunities which now
     4  are or hereafter may be conferred on corporations by the General
     5  Corporation Law applicable to corporations organized thereunder.
     6  Section 3.  Purposes and powers.
     7     (a)  Purposes.--The purposes of the corporation are to
     8  promote the elasticity and flexibility of the resources of
     9  member associations, to provide for the liquidity of such
    10  associations through a central reserve fund and to insure the
    11  savings accounts in such associations.
    12     (b)  Powers.--In furtherance of these purposes the
    13  corporation has the following powers:
    14         (1)  To provide for the liquidity of member associations
    15     through the creation of a central reserve fund for the
    16     purpose of making loans to member associations. The central
    17     reserve fund shall not be subject to payment of insurance
    18     claims against the corporation by member associations or
    19     their account holders or otherwise.
    20         (2)  To insure the savings accounts in member
    21     associations through the creation of a central insurance
    22     fund, which fund shall consist of capital contributions by
    23     each member in an amount equal to not less than 2% of the
    24     total savings on deposit with each member.
    25         (3)  To borrow money and otherwise incur indebtedness for
    26     any of its purposes; to issue its bond, debentures, notes or
    27     other evidences of indebtedness, whether secured or
    28     unsecured, therefor; and to secure the same by mortgage,
    29     pledge, deed of trust or other lien on its property, rights
    30     and privileges of every kind and nature or any part thereof.
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     1         (4)  To lend money to, and to guarantee, endorse or act
     2     as surety on the bonds, notes, contracts or other obligations
     3     of or otherwise assist financially, any member association;
     4     and to establish and regulate the terms and conditions with
     5     respect to any such loans or financial assistance and the
     6     charges for interest and service connected therewith.
     7         (5)  To purchase, receive, hold, lease or otherwise
     8     acquire and to sell, convey, mortgage, lease, pledge or
     9     otherwise dispose of, upon such terms and conditions as its
    10     board of directors may deem advisable, real and personal
    11     property, together with such rights and privileges as may be
    12     incidental and appurtenant thereto and the use thereof,
    13     including, but not restricted to, any real or personal
    14     property acquired by the corporation from time to time in the
    15     satisfaction of debts or enforcement of obligations.
    16         (6)  To invest any of its funds, upon proper
    17     authorization thereof by the board of directors, in any of
    18     the following:
    19             (i)  Cash or deposits in checking or savings
    20         accounts, or under certificates of deposit in National or
    21         State banking institutions, to the extent that such
    22         accounts are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance
    23         Corporation. This condition regarding Federal insurance
    24         shall not apply to investments in certificates of deposit
    25         when such condition would result in a lower interest rate
    26         than would otherwise be available.
    27             (ii)  Savings accounts in associations to the extent
    28         that such accounts are insured by the Federal Savings and
    29         Loan Insurance Corporation.
    30             (iii)  Interest bearing bonds, notes, certificates of
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     1         indebtedness, bills or other obligations of the United
     2         States, any state or the District of Columbia, or of any
     3         commission, instrumentality, agency, authority or
     4         political subdivision of the United States, any state or
     5         the District of Columbia, having legal authority to issue
     6         the same.
     7             (iv)  Interest bearing bonds, notes or other interest
     8         bearing obligations of any corporation created or
     9         existing under the laws of the United States, any state
    10         or the District of Columbia.
    11             (v)  Dividend paying stocks or shares having readily
    12         marketable values of any corporation created or existing
    13         under the laws of the United States or of any state. The
    14         board of directors may not invest more than 10% of its
    15         total assets in such stocks, nor more than 3% of its
    16         total assets in the stock of any one corporation.
    17             (vi)  Loans secured by first mortgages or deeds of
    18         trust on otherwise unencumbered fee simple real estate or
    19         improved leasehold property in this Commonwealth.
    20             (vii)  Ground rents in this Commonwealth.
    21             (viii)  Collateral loans secured by pledge of any
    22         security hereinabove named.
    23             (ix)  Direct loans to member associations under the
    24         terms and conditions established therefor by the board of
    25         directors.
    26         (7)  To exercise all other corporate powers granted by
    27     general law to corporations in this Commonwealth which are
    28     not inconsistent herewith and which are necessary or
    29     appropriate to the purposes hereof.
    30     (c)  Accumulated earnings.--The earnings shall be accumulated
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     1  by the corporation and no part thereof shall be returned to
     2  member associations. The provisions of this subsection shall not
     3  prohibit the payment of interest by the corporation to member
     4  associations which have made deposits, loans or advances to the
     5  central reserve fund.
     6  Section 4.  Board of directors.
     7     (a)  Directors elected by member associations.--All of the
     8  corporate powers of the corporation shall be exercised by a
     9  board of directors, composed of 11 members who initially shall
    10  be appointed by the Governor within 60 days of the effective
    11  date of this act with the advice of the Secretary of Banking,
    12  and who shall serve until the first annual meeting. After a
    13  minimum of 25 associations have become members of the
    14  corporation, the first annual meeting of the corporation shall
    15  be held, and the member associations of the corporation shall
    16  elect eight directors, each of whom shall be a registered voter
    17  of and shall reside in this Commonwealth. Of the directors
    18  elected at the first annual meeting, three shall be elected for
    19  terms of two years each, three shall be elected for terms of
    20  three years each and two shall be elected for terms of four
    21  years each, and thereafter all terms shall be for four years
    22  each.
    23     (b)  Directors appointed by Governor.--In addition to the
    24  eight directors elected by the member associations as provided
    25  in subsection (a), the Governor shall, with the advice of the
    26  Secretary of Banking, appoint three directors of the
    27  corporation, one for a term of two years, one for a term of
    28  three years and one for a term of four years. The terms shall
    29  commence on the date of the first annual meeting of the
    30  corporation, and thereafter all terms shall be for four years.
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     1  Any director so appointed shall be a registered voter of and
     2  shall reside in this Commonwealth.
     3     (c)  Vacancies.--If any vacancy occurs in the membership of
     4  any director elected by the members of the corporation, through
     5  death, resignation or otherwise, the remaining directors shall
     6  within 60 days elect a person to fill the vacancy of the
     7  unexpired term. Any vacancy occurring in the term of director
     8  appointed by the Governor shall be filled by the Governor within
     9  60 days, with the advice of the Secretary of Banking, for the
    10  unexpired term. Upon the expiration of the term of any director,
    11  he shall continue as such until his successor has been elected
    12  or appointed and has qualified.
    13     (d)  Quorum.--Six members of the board of directors are a
    14  quorum at any meeting thereof.
    15     (e)  Voting.--In the election of directors and in voting on
    16  any other matter legally to come before a meeting of the
    17  corporation, each member association of the corporation has one
    18  vote, to be cast by a delegate authorized to act by that
    19  association. A delegate may not vote on behalf of more than one
    20  member association. A majority of the votes so cast shall elect
    21  directors or determine any question put to a vote.
    22     (f)  Compensation.--The directors of the corporation may
    23  receive such reasonable compensation as may be determined by the
    24  board of directors.
    25     (g)  Surety bonds of officers and employees.--The directors
    26  of the corporation shall fix the amount of the surety bonds of
    27  the officers and employees of the corporation conditioned upon
    28  the faithful performance of their duties, as provided in the
    29  bylaws of the corporation.
    30  Section 5.  Qualifications for membership in corporation.
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     1     (a)  General rule.--
     2         (1)  The membership of the corporation consists of those
     3     associations:
     4             (i)  the quality and soundness of whose financial
     5         affairs, solvency, management and directorship have been
     6         certified to the corporation in an expeditious manner, as
     7         approved for insurance of savings accounts, by the
     8         Secretary of Banking; and
     9             (ii)  which have thereupon filed a formal application
    10         for membership accepted by the board of directors, which
    11         acceptance shall not be denied except for good cause
    12         shown regarding the quality and soundness of their
    13         financial affairs, solvency, management or directorship.
    14         (2)  The corporation may accept an applicant for
    15     membership subject to the imposition of certain conditions
    16     concerning the quality and soundness of the applicant's
    17     financial affairs, solvency, management and directorship.
    18         (3)  Subject to the conditions set forth in paragraphs
    19     (1) and (2), every association of this Commonwealth may
    20     become a member of the corporation and may invest in and pay
    21     such assessments, premiums and other charges as may be
    22     required for participation in the corporation. Membership in
    23     the corporation is for the life of the corporation, subject
    24     to the bylaws, rules and regulations of the corporation.
    25     (b)  Withdrawal.--Any member may withdraw from the
    26  corporation upon written notice given one year in advance of the
    27  intended date of withdrawal and upon complying with the bylaws,
    28  rules and regulations of the corporation.
    29  Section 6.  Exchange of information.
    30     The laws of this Commonwealth, including but not limited to
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     1  the act of May 15, 1933 (P.L.565, No.111), known as the
     2  "Department of Banking Code," shall be construed and applied so
     3  as not to prevent an exchange of information relating to
     4  associations and their business, between the Secretary of
     5  Banking and representatives of the corporation. Any document or
     6  information supplied to the corporation by the Secretary of
     7  Banking shall be kept confidential unless the Secretary of
     8  Banking specifically specifies otherwise, and violation of such
     9  confidentiality shall subject the personnel of the corporation
    10  to the same sanctions to which the Secretary of Banking would be
    11  subject under the "Department of Banking Code."
    12  Section 7.  Faith or credit of Commonwealth not pledged.
    13     Under no circumstances is the faith or credit of the
    14  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania pledged herein.
    15  Section 8.  Bylaws, rules and regulations.
    16     (a)  General rules and regulations.--Within 60 days of its
    17  appointment and before the acceptance of the membership of any
    18  associations, the board of directors shall promulgate, subject
    19  to the approval of the Secretary of Banking such bylaws, rules
    20  and regulations as may be necessary and proper to carry out the
    21  provisions of this act and as are not inconsistent with this
    22  act. Thereafter, the bylaws, rules and regulations so adopted
    23  may be amended or revoked by the board of directors and will,
    24  upon approval of the Secretary of Banking become effective upon
    25  their adoption. The rules and regulations shall establish a
    26  limit on the amount of insurance which may be provided for each
    27  separate savings account of an association; and this limit shall
    28  be the amount of prevailing insurance available from the Federal
    29  Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation or its successor
    30  instrumentality from time to time.
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     1     (b)  Internal rules and regulations.--The board of directors
     2  shall have the power to adopt such bylaws, rules and regulations
     3  which may be necessary for the internal operations of the
     4  corporation.
     5  Section 9.  Corporation or member associations not subject to
     6              insurance laws.
     7     Neither the corporation, the member associations, nor those
     8  persons owning savings accounts therein are subject to the
     9  provisions of any laws of this Commonwealth concerning insurance
    10  by reason of participation herein.
    11  Section 10.  Liability of officer or director upon contracts.
    12     No officer or director of the corporation, whether appointed
    13  or elected, is personally liable upon any of its contracts
    14  legally entered into on behalf of the corporation unless the
    15  same by its terms shall expressly obligate him or them.
    16  Section 11.  Perpetual life of corporation.
    17     The life of the corporation is perpetual.
    18  Section 12.  Exemption from taxation.
    19     The corporation is exempt from all special and ordinary taxes
    20  and from documentary stamp and transfer taxes imposed by this
    21  Commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof.
    22  Section 13.  Application for membership.
    23     (a)  Applications before organization of board.--All
    24  applications from associations for membership received by the
    25  corporation prior to appointment and organization of the board
    26  of directors shall be referred to the Secretary of Banking. The
    27  Secretary of Banking shall examine the affairs of all such
    28  applicants and as a result thereof if he finds the applicants to
    29  meet the qualifications for membership in the corporation set
    30  forth herein under section 5, he shall so certify them. The
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     1  corporation shall not extend the benefits to be accorded to
     2  member associations to any applicant until:
     3         (1)  it has received the report and recommendation as
     4     provided herein from the Secretary of Banking as to such
     5     applications so filed prior to appointment and organization
     6     of the board of directors and has acted thereon in accordance
     7     with section 5; and
     8         (2)  it has accepted for membership a minimum of 25
     9     associations having savings accounts in the aggregate total
    10     of at least $25,000,000.
    11     (b)  Applications after organization of board.--All
    12  applications from associations for membership received by the
    13  corporation subsequent to appointment and organization of the
    14  board of directors shall be made to the corporation. The
    15  corporation shall then refer this preliminary application to the
    16  Secretary of Banking within 30 days of receipt thereof for
    17  action in accordance with the requirements set forth herein
    18  under section 5.
    19  Section 14.  Functions of Secretary of Banking.
    20     (a)  Requiring corporation to discharge its obligation.--In
    21  the event of the refusal of the corporation to commit its funds
    22  or otherwise to act for the protection of depositors of any
    23  member association of the corporation, the Secretary of Banking
    24  may apply to the Commonwealth Court for an order requiring the
    25  corporation to discharge its obligation under this act and for
    26  such other relief as the court may deem appropriate to carry out
    27  the purposes of this act.
    28     (b)  Examinations and inspections; reports.--The Secretary of
    29  Banking may make such examinations and inspections of
    30  corporation and require corporation to furnish him with such
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     1  reports and records or copies thereof as the Secretary of
     2  Banking may consider necessary or appropriate in the public
     3  interest or to effectuate the purposes of this act. As soon as
     4  practicable after the close of each fiscal year, the corporation
     5  shall submit to the Secretary of Banking a written report
     6  relative to the conduct of its business and the exercise of the
     7  other rights and powers granted by this act, during such fiscal
     8  year. Such report shall include financial statements setting
     9  forth the financial position of the corporation at the end of
    10  such fiscal year and the results of its operations, including
    11  the source and application of its funds, for such fiscal year.
    12  The financial statements so included shall be examined by an
    13  independent public accountant, or firm of independent public
    14  accountants, selected by the corporation and satisfactory to the
    15  Secretary of Banking, and shall be accompanied by the report
    16  thereon of such accountant or firm.
    17  Section 15.  Filing certificate of commencement of business.
    18     After the first meeting of the board of directors, a
    19  certificate shall be filed by the board of directors with the
    20  Department of State certifying that the corporation has
    21  commenced business as provided in this act. Such certificate
    22  shall be conclusive evidence that business was begun.
    23  Section 16.  Termination of existence of corporation.
    24     If the corporation fails to insure savings accounts by
    25  January 1, 1981, its existence terminates at that time without
    26  further action by the General Assembly and the Governor, the
    27  provisions of this act then are null and void and shall expire
    28  on January 1, 1981.
    29  Section 17.  Effective date.
    30     This act shall take effect in 60 days.
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