No. 305 Session of 1977



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing local taxing authorities to provide for tax
     2     exemption for certain deteriorated industrial, commercial and
     3     other business property; providing for an exemption schedule
     4     and establishing standards and qualifications.

     5                         TABLE OF CONTENTS

     6     Section 1.  Short title
     7     Section 2.  Construction
     8     Section 3.  Definitions
     9     Section 4.  Deteriorated areas
    10     Section 5.  Exemption schedule
    11     Section 6.  Procedure for obtaining exemption
    12     Section 7.  Severability
    13     Section 8.  Effective date
    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16  Section 1.  Short title.
    17     This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Local
    18  Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance Act."
    19  Section 2.  Construction.

     1     This act shall be construed to authorize local taxing
     2  authorities to exempt improvements to certain deteriorated
     3  industrial, commercial and other business property thereby
     4  implementing Article VIII, section 2(b)(iii) of the Constitution
     5  of Pennsylvania.
     6  Section 3.  Definitions.
     7     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     8  have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
     9  meanings given to them in this section:
    10     "Deteriorated property." Any industrial, commercial or other
    11  business property owned by an individual, association or
    12  corporation, and located in a deteriorating area, as hereinafter
    13  provided, or any such property which has been the subject of an
    14  order by a government agency requiring the unit to be vacated,
    15  condemned or demolished by reason of noncompliance with laws,
    16  ordinance or regulations.
    17     "Improvement."  Repair, construction or reconstruction,
    18  including alterations and additions, having the effect of
    19  rehabilitating a deteriorated property so that it becomes
    20  habitable or attains higher standards of safety, health,
    21  economic use or amenity, or is brought into compliance with
    22  laws, ordinances or regulations governing such standards.
    23  Ordinary upkeep and maintenance shall not be deemed an
    24  improvement.
    25     "Local taxing authority." A county, city, borough,
    26  incorporated town, township, institution district or school
    27  district having authority to levy real property taxes.
    28     "Municipal governing body." A city, borough, incorporated
    29  town or township.
    30  Section 4.  Deteriorated areas.
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     1     (a)  Each local taxing authority may by ordinance or
     2  resolution exempt from real property taxation the assessed
     3  valuation of improvements to deteriorated properties in the
     4  amounts and in accordance with the provisions and limitations
     5  hereinafter set forth. Prior to the adoption of the ordinance or
     6  resolution authorizing the granting of tax exemptions, the
     7  municipal governing body shall affix the boundaries of a
     8  deteriorated area or areas, wholly or partially located within
     9  its jurisdiction, if any. At least one public hearing shall be
    10  held by the municipal governing body for the purpose of
    11  determining said boundaries. At the public hearing the local
    12  taxing authorities, planning commission or redevelopment
    13  authority and other public and private agencies and individuals,
    14  knowledgeable and interested in the improvement of deteriorated
    15  areas, shall present their recommendations concerning the
    16  location of boundaries of a deteriorated area or areas for the
    17  guidance of the municipal governing bodies, such recommendations
    18  taking into account the criteria set forth in the act of May 24,
    19  1945 (P.L.991, No.385), known as the "Urban Redevelopment Law,"
    20  for the determination of "blighted areas," and the criteria set
    21  forth in the act of November 29, 1967 (P.L.636, No.292), known
    22  as the "Neighborhood Assistance Act," for the determination of
    23  "impoverished areas," and the following criteria: unsafe,
    24  unsanitary and overcrowded buildings; vacant, overgrown and
    25  unsightly lots of ground; a disproportionate number of tax
    26  delinquent properties, excessive land coverage, defective design
    27  or arrangement of buildings, street or lot layouts; economically
    28  and socially undesirable land uses. The ordinance or resolution
    29  shall specify a description of each such area as determined by
    30  the municipal governing body, as well as the cost of
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     1  improvements per unit to be exempted, and the schedule of taxes
     2  exempted as hereinafter provided.
     3     (b)  Two or more municipal governing bodies may join together
     4  for the purpose of determining the boundaries of a deteriorated
     5  area and to establish the uniform maximum cost per unit, and
     6  such municipal governing bodies shall cooperate fully with each
     7  other for the purposes of implementing this act. The local
     8  taxing authorities may by implementing ordinance or resolution
     9  agree to adopt tax exemptions contingent upon the similar
    10  adoption by an adjacent local taxing authority or by a local
    11  taxing authority with mutual jurisdiction, within the
    12  limitations provided herein.
    13  Section 5.  Exemption schedule.
    14     (a)  A local taxing authority granting a tax exemption
    15  pursuant to the provisions of this act may provide for tax
    16  exemption on the assessment attributable to the actual cost of
    17  improvements or up to any maximum cost uniformly established by
    18  the municipal governing body. Such maximum cost shall uniformly
    19  apply to all eligible deteriorated property within the local
    20  taxing authority jurisdiction.
    21     (b)  Whether or not the assessment eligible for exemption is
    22  based upon actual cost or a maximum cost, the actual amount of
    23  taxes exempted shall be in accordance with the schedule of taxes
    24  exempted established by a local taxing authority subject to the
    25  following limitations:
    26         (1)  The length of the schedule of taxes exempted shall
    27     not exceed ten years.
    28         (2)  The schedule of taxes exempted shall stipulate the
    29     portion of improvements to be exempted each year.
    30         (3)  The exemption from taxes shall be limited to the
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     1     additional assessment valuation attributable to the actual
     2     costs of improvements to deteriorated property or not in
     3     excess of the maximum cost per unit established by a
     4     municipal governing body.
     5     (c)  The exemption from taxes authorized by this act shall be
     6  upon the property exempted and shall not terminate upon the sale
     7  or exchange of the property.
     8  Section 6.  Procedure for obtaining exemption.
     9     (a)  Any person desiring tax exemption pursuant to ordinances
    10  or resolutions adopted pursuant to this act, shall notify each
    11  local taxing authority granting such exemption in writing on a
    12  form provided by it submitted at the time he secures the
    13  building permit, or if no building permit or other notification
    14  of improvement is required, at the time he commences
    15  construction. A copy of the exemption request shall be forwarded
    16  to the board of assessment and revision of taxes or other
    17  appropriate assessment agency. The assessment agency shall,
    18  after completion of the improvement, assess separately the
    19  improvement and calculate the amounts of the assessment eligible
    20  for tax exemption in accordance with the limits established by
    21  the local taxing authorities and notify the taxpayer and the
    22  local taxing authorities of the reassessment and amounts of the
    23  assessment eligible for exemption. Appeals from the reassessment
    24  and the amounts eligible for the exemption may be taken by the
    25  taxpayer or the local taxing authorities as provided by law.
    26     (b)  The cost of improvements to be exempted and the schedule
    27  of taxes exempted existing at the time of the initial request
    28  for tax exemption shall be applicable to that exemption request,
    29  and subsequent amendment to the ordinance, if any, shall not
    30  apply to requests initiated prior to their adoption.
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     1  Section 7.  Severability.
     2     The provisions of this act shall be severable and, if any of
     3  the provisions hereof shall be held unconstitutional, such
     4  decision shall not affect the validity of any of the remaining
     5  provisions.
     6  Section 8.  Effective date.
     7     This act shall take effect immediately.

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