No. 2761 Session of 1978

           SEPTEMBER 13, 1978


                                     AN ACT

     1  Relating to the issuance of search warrants, imposing
     2     limitations on the issuance of search warrants in certain
     3     cases, establishing procedures for the issuance of and
     4     challenge to an investigative subpoena duces tecum, and
     5     providing for the promulgation of rules.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Short title.
     9     This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Third Party
    10  Search Protection Act."
    11  Section 2.  Definitions.
    12     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    13  have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
    14  meanings given to them in this section:
    15     "Court."  A judge of the court of common pleas of the
    16  judicial district of the prosecuting attorney.
    17     "Investigative subpoena duces tecum."  A subpoena issued
    18  under this act, for the production of papers, documents, records

     1  or other physical evidence.
     2     "Prosecuting attorney."  The Attorney General, a deputy
     3  attorney general, a district attorney or an assistant district
     4  attorney, conducting an investigation of suspected criminal
     5  activity, within his jurisdiction.
     6  Section 3.  Issuance of search warrant; limitation in
     7              certain cases.
     8     (a)  General rule.--A search warrant may issue upon probable
     9  cause, to search for and seize only the following:
    10         (1)  contraband, the fruits of a crime, or things
    11     otherwise criminally possessed;
    12         (2)  property which is or has been used as the means of
    13     committing a criminal offense; or
    14         (3)  property which constitutes evidence of the
    15     commission of a criminal offense, where such property is in
    16     the possession or control of:
    17             (i)  a person who has committed or is committing the
    18         offense; or
    19             (ii)  a person who is likely to destroy, conceal or
    20         remove the property from the jurisdiction, or otherwise
    21         fail to comply with an investigative subpoena duces
    22         tecum.
    23     (b)  Limitation.--In no case may a search warrant issue to
    24  search for or seize property in the possession or control of a
    25  person engaged on, connected with or employed by any newspaper
    26  of general circulation as defined by the laws of this
    27  Commonwealth, or any press association, or any radio or
    28  television station, or any magazine of general circulation, for
    29  the purpose of gathering, procuring, compiling, editing or
    30  publishing news unless upon probable cause to believe such
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     1  property is:
     2         (1)  contraband, the fruits of a crime, or things
     3     otherwise criminally possessed; or
     4         (2)  property which is or has been used as the means of
     5     committing a criminal offense.
     6  Section 4.  Application for investigative subpoena duces tecum;
     7              contents.
     8     (a)  Application.--Any prosecuting attorney may apply ex
     9  parte to the court for the issuance of an investigative subpoena
    10  duces tecum.
    11     (b)  Contents.--The application shall be in writing and shall
    12  contain the following:
    13         (1)  a request for the production of specific physical
    14     evidence by a particular person, and at a particular time and
    15     place; and
    16         (2)  an affidavit by the prosecuting attorney that he is
    17     conducting a bona fide investigation of suspected criminal
    18     activity within his jurisdiction and that the physical
    19     evidence requested under paragraph (1) is relevant to that
    20     investigation.
    21  Section 5.  Issuance of investigative subpoena duces tecum;
    22              directions to produce and reimbursement.
    23     (a)  Issuance.--The court may issue an investigative subpoena
    24  duces tecum if it finds, on the basis of an application under
    25  section 4, that the production of physical evidence specified in
    26  the application is necessary to investigate suspected criminal
    27  activity.
    28     (b)  Directions and reimbursement.--Subpoenas issued under
    29  this section shall:
    30         (1)  direct that a particular person produce specific
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     1     physical evidence at a designated time and place, and in such
     2     a manner as to permit the prosecuting attorney or his agents
     3     to inspect, copy or perform tests upon it; and
     4         (2)  provide for reimbursement of any expenses reasonably
     5     incurred by the person directed to produce such evidence.
     6  Section 6.  Challenge to investigative subpoena duces tecum.
     7     Upon motion of any person ordered to produce physical
     8  evidence under this act, or any person having a legally
     9  protected interest in such evidence, the court may issue a
    10  protective order or an order quashing or limiting the scope of
    11  the subpoena, as is appropriate, if it finds any one or more of
    12  the following circumstances to exist:
    13         (1)  The movant has not been given an adequate
    14     opportunity to consult with counsel.
    15         (2)  The movant lacks possession and authority to obtain
    16     possession of the evidence in question.
    17         (3)  The production of the evidence violates a legal
    18     privilege that is properly raised by the movant.
    19         (4)  The evidence in question is protected by the
    20     provisions of 42 P.C.S § 5942 (relating to confidential
    21     communications to news reporters).
    22         (5)  Production of the evidence imposes an unreasonable
    23     burden or expense upon the movant.
    24         (6)  The evidence in question is not relevant to the
    25     subject of investigation.
    26         (7)  Issuance of the subpoena is violative of law.
    27         (8)  Issuance of the subpoena is not in the interest of
    28     justice.
    29  Section 7.  Contempt.
    30     Failure to comply with a valid investigative subpoena duces
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     1  tecum issued pursuant to this act is civil contempt.
     2  Section 8.  Hearing.
     3     No person challenging a subpoena issued under this act, or
     4  otherwise, may be held in contempt for noncompliance with the
     5  subpoena unless he has first been afforded an opportunity for a
     6  hearing on the merits of his challenge.
     7  Section 9.  Promulgation of rules.
     8     The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania shall promulgate procedural
     9  rules, which may be necessary to implement the provisions of
    10  this act, including rules relating to the design of forms.
    11  Section 10.  Effective date.
    12     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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