No. 2752 Session of 1978



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 21, 1943 (P.L.571, No.254), entitled, as
     2     amended, "An act relating to assessment for taxation in
     3     counties of the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth
     4     classes; designating the subjects, property and persons
     5     subject to and exempt from taxation for county, borough,
     6     town, township, school, except in cities and county
     7     institution district purposes; and providing for and
     8     regulating the assessment and valuation thereof for such
     9     purposes; creating in each such county a board for the
    10     assessment and revision of taxes; defining the powers and
    11     duties of such boards; providing for the acceptance of this
    12     act by cities; regulating the office of ward, borough, town
    13     and township assessors; abolishing the office of assistant
    14     triennial assessor in townships of the first class; providing
    15     for the appointment of a chief assessor, assistant assessors
    16     and other employes; providing for their compensation payable
    17     by such counties; prescribing certain duties of and certain
    18     fees to be collected by the recorder of deeds and municipal
    19     officers who issue building permits; imposing duties on
    20     taxables making improvements on land and grantees of land;
    21     prescribing penalties; and eliminating the triennial
    22     assessment," requiring the reduction of taxes after a county-
    23     wide reassessment so that the amount collected the first year
    24     after the reassessment will not be greater than the previous
    25     year.

    26     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    27  hereby enacts as follows:
    28     Section 1.  Subsection (b) of section 602, act of May 21,
    29  1943 (P.L.571, No.254), known as "The Fourth to Eighth Class
    30  County Assessment Law," amended June 24, 1976 (P.L.432, No.104),

     1  is amended to read:
     2     Section 602.  Valuation of Persons and Property.--* * *
     3     (b)  After any county has established and completed, for the
     4  entire county, the permanent system of records consisting of tax
     5  maps, property record cards and property owner's index as
     6  required by section 306 of this act, and has made its first
     7  county assessment of real property or subsequently makes a
     8  county-wide revision of assessment of real property under that
     9  system and at values based upon an established predetermined
    10  ratio as required by this section, each political subdivision,
    11  which hereafter for the first time levies its real estate taxes
    12  on that first or revised assessment or valuation, shall, for
    13  that first year, reduce its tax rate, if necessary, for the
    14  purpose of having the total amount of taxes levied for that year
    15  against the real properties contained in the duplicate for the
    16  preceding year, equal, [in the case of a school district, not
    17  more than one hundred and ten per centum, and] in the case of
    18  any [other] taxing district, [not more than one hundred and five
    19  per centum of] the total amount it levied on such properties the
    20  preceding year, notwithstanding the increased valuations of such
    21  properties under the new assessment system. For the purpose of
    22  determining the total amount of taxes to be levied for said
    23  first year, the amount to be levied on newly constructed
    24  buildings or structures or on increased valuations based on new
    25  improvements made to existing houses need not be considered. The
    26  tax rate shall be fixed for that year at a figure which will
    27  accomplish this purpose. With the approval of the court of
    28  common pleas, upon good cause shown, any such political
    29  subdivision may increase the tax rate herein prescribed,
    30  notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection. No political
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     1  subdivision shall levy real estate taxes on a county-wide
     2  revised assessment until it has been completed for the entire
     3  county.
     4     * * *
     5     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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