No. 2145 Session of 1978

           MADIGAN, MARCH 15, 1978

           MARCH 15, 1978

                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing the creation of agricultural districts.

     2                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     3     Section  1.  Short title.
     4     Section  2.  Statement of legislative findings.
     5     Section  3.  Definitions.
     6     Section  4.  Agricultural district advisory committee.
     7     Section  5.  Agricultural districts.
     8     Section  6.  Public hearings.
     9     Section  7.  Evaluation criteria.
    10     Section  8.  Decision on proposed district.
    11     Section  9.  Review of district.
    12     Section 10.  Appeals.
    13     Section 11.  Limitation on local regulations.
    14     Section 12.  Policy of Commonwealth agencies.
    15     Section 13.  Limitation on exercise of eminent domain.
    16     Section 14.  Effective date.

     1     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     2  hereby enacts as follows:
     3  Section 1.  Short title.
     4     This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Agricultural
     5  District Law."
     6  Section 2.  Statement of legislative findings.
     7     It is the declared policy of the Commonwealth to conserve and
     8  protect and to encourage the development and improvement of its
     9  agricultural lands for the production of food and other
    10  agricultural products. It is also the declared policy of the
    11  Commonwealth to conserve and protect agricultural lands as
    12  valued natural and ecological resources which provide needed
    13  open spaces for clean air sheds, as well as for aesthetic
    14  purposes. Article VIII, section 2 of the Constitution of
    15  Pennsylvania provides that the General Assembly may, by law,
    16  establish standards and qualifications for agricultural
    17  reserves. Agriculture in many parts of the Commonwealth is under
    18  urban pressure from expanding metropolitan areas. This urban
    19  pressure takes the form of scattered development in wide belts
    20  around urban areas, and brings conflicting land uses into
    21  juxtaposition, creates high costs for public services, and
    22  stimulates land speculation. When this scattered development
    23  extends into good farm areas, ordinances inhibiting farming tend
    24  to follow, farm taxes rise, and hopes for speculative gains
    25  discourage investments in farm improvements. Many of the
    26  agricultural lands in the Commonwealth are in jeopardy of being
    27  lost for any agricultural purposes. Certain of these lands
    28  constitute unique and irreplaceable land resources of Statewide
    29  importance. It is the purpose of this act to provide a means by
    30  which agricultural land may be protected and enhanced as a
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     1  viable segment of the Commonwealth's economy and as an economic
     2  and environmental resource of major importance.
     3  Section 3.  Definitions.
     4     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     5  have the meanings given to them in this section, unless the
     6  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     7     "Agricultural production."  The production for commercial
     8  purposes of crops, livestock and livestock products, but not
     9  land or portions thereof used for processing or retail
    10  merchandising of such crops, livestock or livestock products.
    11     "Advisory committee."  An agricultural district advisory
    12  committee.
    13     "County commissioners."  Includes the city council of a city
    14  of the first class.
    15     "Crops, livestock and livestock products."  Include but are
    16  not limited to:
    17         (1)  Field crops, including corn, wheat, oats, rye,
    18     barley, hay, potatoes, dry beans.
    19         (2)  Fruits, including apples, peaches, grapes, cherries,
    20     berries.
    21         (3)  Vegetables, including tomatoes, snap beans, cabbage,
    22     carrots, beets, onions and mushrooms.
    23         (4)  Horticultural specialties, including nursery stock
    24     ornamental shrubs, ornamental trees and flowers.
    25         (5)  Livestock and livestock products, including cattle,
    26     sheep, hogs, goats, horses, poultry, furbearing animals,
    27     milk, eggs and furs.
    28     "Planning commission."  A county planning commission.
    29     "Viable agricultural land."  Land suitable for agricultural
    30  production and which will continue to be economically feasible
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     1  for such use if real estate taxes, farm use restrictions, and
     2  speculative activities are limited to levels approximating those
     3  in commercial agricultural areas not influenced by the proximity
     4  of urban and related nonagricultural development.
     5  Section 4.  Agricultural district advisory committee.
     6     The county commissioners of any county may establish an
     7  agricultural district advisory committee which shall consist of
     8  four active farmers and four agribusinessmen residing within the
     9  county and one county commissioner, who shall serve as the
    10  chairman of the committee. Such a committee shall be established
    11  when a petition is received by the county commissioners for the
    12  creation of an agricultural district. Pursuant to this act the
    13  members of such committee shall be appointed by and shall serve
    14  at the pleasure of the chairman of the county commissioners. The
    15  members shall serve without salary, but the county commissioners
    16  may entitle each such member to reimbursement for his actual and
    17  necessary expenses incurred in the performance of his official
    18  duties. Such committee shall advise the county commissioners and
    19  work with the planning commission in relation to the proposed
    20  establishment, modification, and termination of agricultural
    21  districts. In particular, the committee shall render expert
    22  advice relating to the desirability of such action, including
    23  advice as to the nature of farming and farm resources within the
    24  proposed area and the relation of farming in such area to the
    25  county as a whole.
    26  Section 5.  Agricultural districts.
    27     (a)  Proposals for creation.--Any owner or owners of land may
    28  submit a proposal to the county commissioners for the creation
    29  of an agricultural district within such county, provided that
    30  such owner or owners own at least 500 acres or at least 10% of
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     1  the land proposed to be included in the district, whichever is
     2  greater. The proposed district may also consist of two or more
     3  noncontiguous parcels or areas. Such proposal shall be submitted
     4  in such manner and form as may be prescribed by the county
     5  commissioners of the county wherein the proposed district is
     6  situated and shall include a description of the proposed
     7  district, including the boundaries thereof. If the proposed
     8  district is situated in more than one county, the proposal shall
     9  be submitted to the commissioners of all counties affected.
    10     (b)  Notice.--Upon the receipt of such a proposal, the county
    11  commissioners shall thereupon provide notice of such proposal by
    12  publishing a notice in a newspaper having general circulation
    13  within the proposed district and by posting such notice in five
    14  conspicuous places within, adjacent or near to the proposed
    15  district. The notice shall contain the following information:
    16         (1)  A statement that a proposal for an agricultural
    17     district has been filed with the county commissioners
    18     pursuant to this act.
    19         (2)  A statement that the proposal will be on file open
    20     to public inspection in the recorder of deeds office.
    21         (3)  A statement that any municipality whose territory
    22     encompasses the proposed district, or any landowner who owns
    23     at least 10% of the land proposed to be included within the
    24     proposed district, or any landowner with lands adjacent or
    25     near to the proposed district who wishes such lands to be
    26     included therein, may propose modifications of the proposed
    27     district in such form and manner as may be prescribed by the
    28     county commissioners.
    29         (4)  A statement that any proposed modification must be
    30     filed with the recorder of deeds, the planning commission and
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     1     the clerk of the county commissioners within 30 days after
     2     the publication of such notice.
     3         (5)  A statement that at the termination of the 30-day
     4     period, the proposal and proposed modifications will be
     5     submitted to the planning commission and the advisory
     6     committee, and that thereafter a public hearing will be held
     7     on the proposal, proposed modifications and recommendations
     8     of the planning commission and advisory committee.
     9     (c)  Modification proposals.--The county commissioners shall
    10  receive any proposals for modifications of such proposal which
    11  may be submitted by such landowners or municipalities within 30
    12  days after the publication of such notice.
    13     (d)  Report by planning commission.--The county commissioners
    14  shall, upon the termination of such 30-day period, refer such
    15  proposal and proposed modifications to the planning commission,
    16  which shall, within 45 days, report to the county commissioners
    17  the potential effect of such proposal and proposed modifications
    18  upon the county's planning policies and objectives.
    19     (e)  Referral to advisory committee.--The county
    20  commissioners shall also, upon the termination of such 30-day
    21  period, refer such proposal and proposed modifications to the
    22  agricultural district advisory committee, which shall, within 45
    23  days report to the county commissioners its recommendations
    24  concerning the proposal and proposed modifications.
    25  Section 6.  Public hearings.
    26     (a)  Hearings.--The county commissioners, shall upon receipt
    27  of the reports from the advisory committee and the planning
    28  commission, hold a public hearing relative to the proposed
    29  agricultural district.
    30     (b)  Place of hearing.--The hearing shall be held at a place
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     1  within the proposed district or otherwise readily accessible to
     2  the proposed district.
     3     (c)  Notice of hearing.--A hearing notice shall be published
     4  in a newspaper having a general circulation within the proposed
     5  district and shall be given in writing to those municipalities
     6  whose territory encompasses the proposed district and any
     7  proposed modifications, and by posting such notice in five
     8  conspicuous places within, adjacent or near to the proposed
     9  district. Such notice shall contain the following information:
    10         (1)  A statement of the time, date and place of the
    11     public hearing.
    12         (2)  A description of the proposed district, any proposed
    13     additions or deletions and any recommendations of the
    14     planning commission or advisory committee.
    15         (3)  A statement that the public hearing will be held
    16     concerning:
    17             (i)  The original proposal.
    18             (ii)  Any written amendments proposed during the 30-
    19         day review period.
    20             (iii)  Any recommendations proposed by the
    21         agricultural districting advisory committee and the
    22         planning commission.
    23  Section 7.  Evaluation criteria.
    24     (a)  Factors to be considered.--The following factors shall
    25  be considered by the planning commission, advisory committee,
    26  and at any public hearing:
    27         (1)  The viability of active farming within the proposed
    28     district and in areas near or adjacent thereto.
    29         (2)  The presence of any viable farm lands within the
    30     proposed district and adjacent thereto that are not now in
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     1     active farming.
     2         (3)  The nature and extent of land uses other than active
     3     farming within the proposed district and near or adjacent
     4     thereto.
     5         (4)  County developmental patterns and needs.
     6         (5)  Any other matter which may be relevant.
     7     (b)  Other factors.--In judging viability the following
     8  factors shall be considered:
     9         (1)  Soil.
    10         (2)  Climate.
    11         (3)  Topography.
    12         (4)  Markets for farm products.
    13         (5)  The extent and nature of farm improvements.
    14         (6)  The present status of farming.
    15         (7)  Anticipated trends in agricultural economic
    16     conditions and technology.
    17         (8)  Any other natural or economic factors as may be
    18     relevant.
    19     (c)  Resource materials.--In considering the viability
    20  factors as set forth in this section, various resource materials
    21  shall be used, including, but not limited to, the following:
    22         (1)  Soil surveys of the Pennsylvania State University.
    23         (2)  Soil surveys and other information provided by the
    24     National Cooperative Soil Survey.
    25         (3)  Soil survey maps prepared by the United States Soil
    26     Conservation Service.
    27         (4)  The United States census of agricultural categories
    28     of land use classes.
    29         (5)  Agricultural viability maps prepared by the
    30     Department of Agriculture.
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     1         (6)  Any other relevant published data, maps, charts, or
     2     results of soil or land use surveys made by any State or
     3     Federal agency.
     4  Section 8.  Decision on proposed district.
     5     (a)  Action by county commissioners.--The county
     6  commissioners, after receiving the reports of the planning
     7  commission and the advisory committee, and after such public
     8  hearing, may adopt as a plan the proposal or any modification of
     9  the proposal they deem appropriate, including the inclusion, to
    10  the extent feasible, of adjacent viable farm lands, and, the
    11  exclusion, to the extent feasible, of nonviable farm land and
    12  nonfarm land. The county commissioners shall act to adopt or
    13  reject the proposal, or any modification of it, no later than
    14  180 days from the date the proposal was originally submitted.
    15     (b)  Effective date of creation of district.--The proposed
    16  district, shall become effective upon the adoption of same by
    17  the county commissioners.
    18     (c)  Filing of district description.--Upon the creation of an
    19  agricultural district, a description thereof shall be filed by
    20  the county commissioners with the recorder of deeds and with the
    21  planning commission.
    22  Section 9.  Review of district.
    23     The county commissioners shall review any district created
    24  under this section eight years after the date of its creation
    25  and every eight years thereafter. In conducting such review, the
    26  county commissioners shall ask for the recommendations of the
    27  planning commission and the advisory committee, and shall, at
    28  least 120 days prior to the end of the eighth year and not more
    29  than 180 days prior to such date, hold a public hearing at a
    30  place within the district or otherwise readily accessible to the
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     1  district upon notice in a newspaper having a general circulation
     2  within the district by posting in five conspicuous places
     3  within, adjacent or near the district and by individual notice,
     4  in writing, to those municipalities whose territories encompass
     5  the district and the person owning land within the district. The
     6  county commissioners after receiving the reports of the planning
     7  commission and the advisory committee and after the public
     8  hearing, may terminate the district at the end of such eight-
     9  year period by filing a notice of termination with the recorder
    10  of deeds and with the planning commission or may modify the
    11  district in the same manner as is provided in this act for the
    12  creation of districts. If the county commissioners do not act,
    13  or if a modification of a district is rejected, the district
    14  shall continue as originally constituted.
    15  Section 10.  Appeals.
    16     Any party in interest aggrieved by a decision or action of
    17  the county commissioners relating to the creation, composition,
    18  modification, rejection or termination of an agricultural
    19  district may take an appeal to the court of common pleas, in the
    20  manner provided by law within 30 days after such decision or
    21  action.
    22  Section 11.  Limitation on local regulations.
    23     No municipality or political subdivision shall exercise any
    24  of its powers to enact local laws or ordinances within an
    25  agricultural district in a manner which would unreasonably
    26  restrict or regulate farm structures or farming practices in
    27  contravention of the purposes of the act unless such
    28  restrictions or regulations bear a direct relationship to the
    29  public health or safety.
    30  Section 12.  Policy of Commonwealth agencies.
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     1     It shall be the policy of all Commonwealth agencies to
     2  encourage the maintenance of viable farming in agricultural
     3  districts and their administrative regulations and procedures
     4  shall be modified to this end insofar as is consistent with the
     5  promotion of public health and safety, with the provisions of
     6  any Federal statutes, standards, criteria, rules, regulations,
     7  or policies, and any other requirements of Federal agencies,
     8  including provisions applicable only to obtaining Federal
     9  grants, loans, or other funding.
    10  Section 13.  Limitation on exercise of eminent domain.
    11     (a)  Approval required for condemnation.--No agency of the
    12  Commonwealth, political subdivision, authority, public utility
    13  or other body having or exercising powers of eminent domain
    14  shall condemn any land within any agricultural district for any
    15  purpose unless prior approval has been obtained from each of the
    16  following bodies: the governing bodies of the municipalities
    17  encompassing the agricultural district, the county commissioners
    18  and a committee made up of six members, consisting of the
    19  Director of the Office of State Planning and Development, or his
    20  designee, the Secretary of Agriculture, or his designee, the
    21  Secretary of Environmental Resources, or his designee,  the
    22  Secretary of Transportation, or his designee, and two active
    23  farmers appointed by the Governor, with the advise and consent
    24  of a majority of the Senate, for a term of four years.
    25     (b)  Notice.--Any condemnor wishing to condemn property the
    26  approval for which is required under this section shall at least
    27  30 days prior to taking such action notify each of the foregoing
    28  bodies that such action is contemplated, and no such
    29  condemnation shall be effective until 90 days following the
    30  receipt of such notice.
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     1     (c)  Review by committee.--Upon receipt of such notice the
     2  committee provided for in this section shall review the proposed
     3  condemnation to determine its effect upon the preservation and
     4  enhancement of agriculture and agricultural resources within the
     5  district and upon Commonwealth, county and municipal
     6  environmental and comprehensive plans, policies and objectives.
     7     (d)  Public hearings.--Within such 90-day period the
     8  committee shall hold a public hearing concerning the proposed
     9  condemnation at a place within or otherwise readily accessible
    10  to the district. Timely notice of such hearing shall be placed
    11  in a newspaper having a general circulation within the district
    12  and a written notice shall be posted at five conspicuous places
    13  within or adjacent to the district. Individual written notice
    14  shall also be given to the county and all municipalities
    15  encompassing all or part of the district and to the proposed
    16  condemnor.
    17     (e)  Findings and decisions of the committee.--The committee
    18  shall render its findings and decisions on or before the
    19  expiration such 90-day period and likewise within such period
    20  shall report the same to the proposed condemnor, the counties
    21  and municipalities affected and any party who shall file an
    22  appearance at such hearing. If the committee finds that such
    23  proposed condemnation might have an unreasonably adverse effect
    24  upon the preservation and enhancement of agriculture or
    25  municipal resources within the district or upon the
    26  environmental and comprehensive plans of the county,
    27  municipality and the Commonwealth or upon the goals, resources
    28  plans, policies or objectives thereof, or that in any event
    29  there is a reasonable or prudent alternative to such
    30  condemnation, the committee shall refuse approval for such
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     1  condemnation.
     2     (f)  Injunctions.--The committee may request the Attorney
     3  General to bring an action to enjoin any such condemnor from
     4  violating any of the provisions of this section.
     5     (g)  Emergencies excepted.--This section shall not apply to
     6  any emergency project which is immediately necessary for the
     7  protection of life or property.
     8  Section 14.  Effective date.
     9     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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