PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 1661                      PRINTER'S NO. 2409



No. 1395 Session of 1977

           AND ENGLEHART, JUNE 23, 1977


                               A JOINT RESOLUTION

     1  Proposing an emergency amendment to the Constitution of the       <--
     2     Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by providing for additional
     3     judges for the Superior Court, changing certain provisions
     4     relating to confirmation and initial terms, and further
     5     providing for the president judge of the Superior Court.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby resolves as follows:
     8     Section 1.  The 1975 Report of the Administrative Office of    <--
     9  Pennsylvania Courts states that for the calendar year 1975 there
    10  were filed in the Superior Court of Pennsylvania, which is
    11  presently fixed at a constitutional complement of seven judges,
    12  2996 appeals and 5448 other miscellaneous petitions and other
    13  matters. The report reveals that the filings for such year
    14  represent a continuation of a trend of increasing judicial
    15  business in that court. The constant increase in the judicial
    16  business of the Superior Court has imposed unmanageable burdens
    17  upon its judges. The failure to act decisively by permitting an
    18  increase in the number of Superior Court judges threatens to
    19  result directly in a breakdown of the administration of civil

     1  and criminal appellate justice in this Commonwealth. The General
     2  Assembly finds and determines that there presently exists a
     3  critical need to provide for an increase in the number of
     4  Superior Court judges, that existing conditions meet the
     5  requirements of Article XI, section 1(a) of the Constitution of
     6  Pennsylvania, and that the safety and welfare of the
     7  Commonwealth require prompt amendment of the Constitution of
     8  Pennsylvania in the manner herein provided.
     9     Section 2.  The following amendments to the Constitution of
    10  the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are proposed in accordance with
    11  the provisions of Article XI, section 1(a) thereof:               <--
    12     That section 3 and subsection (b) of section 13 of Article V
    13  and section 11 of the Schedule to Article V be amended to read:
    14                             ARTICLE V
    15                           THE JUDICIARY
    16  § 3.  Superior Court.
    17     The Superior Court shall be a statewide court, and shall
    18  consist of the number of judges, which shall be not less than
    19  seven judges, [one of whom shall be the president judge,] and
    20  [its] have such jurisdiction as shall be [as] provided by [law]
    21  this Constitution or by the General Assembly. One of its judges
    22  shall be the president judge.
    23  § 13.  Election of justices, judges and justices of the peace;
    24         vacancies.
    25     * * *
    26     (b)  A vacancy in the office of justice, judge or justice of
    27  the peace shall be filled by appointment by the Governor. The
    28  appointment shall be with the advice and consent of two-thirds
    29  of the members elected to the Senate, except in the case of
    30  justices of the peace which shall be by a majority. The person
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     1  so appointed shall serve for an initial term ending on the first
     2  Monday of January following the next municipal election more
     3  than ten months after the vacancy occurs, except in the case of
     4  persons selected as additional judges to the Superior Court,
     5  where the General Assembly may stagger and fix the length of the
     6  initial terms of such additional judges by reference to any of
     7  the first, second and third municipal elections more than ten
     8  months after the additional judges are selected. The manner by
     9  which any additional judges are selected shall be provided by
    10  the General Assembly.
    11     * * *
    12                   SCHEDULE TO JUDICIARY ARTICLE
    13  § 11.  Selection of president judges.
    14     (a)  Except in the City of Philadelphia, section 10(d) of the
    15  article shall become effective upon the expiration of the term
    16  of the present president judge, or upon earlier vacancy.
    17     (b)  Notwithstanding section 10(d) of the article the
    18  president judge of the Superior Court shall be the judge longest
    19  in continuous service on such court if such judge was a member
    20  of such court on the first Monday of January 1977. If no such
    21  judge exists or is willing to serve as president judge the
    22  president judge shall be selected as provided by this article.
    23     Section 3.  The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall advertise  <--
    24  this proposed amendment and schedule as required by Article XI,
    25  section 1(a) of the Constitution of Pennsylvania and shall
    26  submit it to the qualified electors of the State, at the first
    27  primary election or election next held at least one month after
    28  this proposal has been agreed to by at least two-thirds of the
    29  members elected to each House of the General Assembly.

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