No. 87 Session of 1977

           RICHARDSON, FEBRUARY 7, 1977


                                     AN ACT

     1  Creating a Joint Legislative Committee for Internships and
     2     Fellowships for the purpose of establishing a program of
     3     internships and fellowships in the General Assembly; placing
     4     certain limitations upon such programs; creating an Advisory
     5     Board and making an appropriation.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Young people, especially students in our colleges
     9  and universities, need to acquire a better understanding of the
    10  responsibilities and operations of the General Assembly of
    11  Pennsylvania. At the same time, the General Assembly stands to
    12  benefit from the infusion of enthusiasm and new ideas which
    13  would result from the employment of such persons by the General
    14  Assembly. It is with the purpose of combining these two
    15  advantages that the General Assembly enacts the following
    16  legislation.
    17     Section 2.  There is hereby created a Joint Legislative
    18  Committee for Internships and Fellowships consisting of the
    19  Majority Leader and Minority Leader of the House of

     1  Representatives and the Majority Leader and Minority Leader of
     2  the Senate, hereinafter called the committee.
     3     Section 3.  The committee is authorized to create a program
     4  of internships, not to exceed ten for any fiscal year, in which
     5  undergraduate students or law students are employed by the
     6  committee subject to the following conditions:
     7         (1)  Internships may be full-time or part-time, but in no
     8     event shall the duration of an internship be for a period
     9     exceeding 12 months.
    10         (2)  The committee may pay all or part of the stipend of
    11     an intern, but in no case shall the total amount paid to any
    12     single intern by the committee exceed $1,200.
    13     Section 4.  The committee is hereby authorized to create a
    14  program of fellowships, not to exceed six for any fiscal year,
    15  in which graduate students, including law students, are employed
    16  by the committee subject to the following conditions:
    17         (1)  Fellowships may be full-time or part-time, but in no
    18     event shall the duration of a fellowship be for a period
    19     exceeding 12 months.
    20         (2)  The committee may pay all or part of the stipend of
    21     a fellow, but in no case shall the total amount paid to any
    22     single fellow by the committee exceed $5,000.
    23     Section 5.  Interns and fellows shall be appointed by the
    24  committee upon recommendation of the Advisory Board and shall be
    25  assigned by the committee to a member of the Senate or House of
    26  Representatives, or to any agency of the General Assembly:
    27  Provided, That in no event shall the intern or fellow be
    28  employed by such member or agency otherwise than upon public
    29  business: And, provided further, That not more than one-half of
    30  the total number of interns and fellows appointed for any single
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     1  fiscal year shall be assigned to members of any one political
     2  party.
     3     Section 6.  An Advisory Board is hereby created with the
     4  authority to recommend to the committee each year the number of
     5  interns and fellows authorized by the committee. Each of the
     6  following persons shall appoint one member of the Advisory
     7  Board: the President of Temple University, the President of
     8  Pennsylvania State University, the Chancellor of the University
     9  of Pittsburgh, the President of Lincoln University, the Chairman
    10  of the Board of State College Presidents and the Chairman of the
    11  Commission of Independent Colleges and Universities of the
    12  Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Universities. In
    13  addition, the Advisory Board shall consult with and advise the
    14  committee when requested to do so by the committee.
    15     Section 7.  The committee is hereby authorized to employ a
    16  part-time executive director at a salary not to exceed $5,000
    17  per annum who shall supervise the work of the several interns
    18  and fellows with a view to maximizing the educational value of
    19  their experience and their usefulness to the General Assembly.
    20  The executive director shall be responsible to the committee and
    21  may be dismissed at any time. The executive director is hereby
    22  authorized to receive and disburse funds appropriated to carry
    23  out the provisions of this act, subject to rules and regulations
    24  of the committee.
    25     Section 8.  The committee is hereby authorized to make such
    26  rules and regulations, and to incur additional expenses as may
    27  be necessary to carry out the purposes of this act.
    28     Section 9.  The sum of $150,000 is hereby appropriated to the
    29  committee for the fiscal year July 1, 1977 to June 30, 1978 for
    30  the purposes of this act.
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     1     Section 10.  The committee is authorized to cooperate with
     2  and accept grants and assistance from any agency of the Federal
     3  Government, any foundation, or from any other source whatsoever.
     4  All moneys received from such sources are hereby appropriated to
     5  the committee and the committee is authorized to expend such
     6  moneys for the purposes of this act.
     7     Section 11.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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